Riots in Turkey about ‘government policy’.
What could that mean? Are they about austerity, or immigrants being discriminated against, or police brutality?
No…even the BBC has to admit:
‘Creeping Islamisation’
Correspondents say the issue has helped highlight unhappiness among young people towards the government and ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party over what they see as creeping Islamisation.
Are these protestors ‘islamophobic’? Maybe they’re ‘perverting atheism’…they’re not real secularists!
Will the BBC be issuing dramatic warnings of an anti-Muslim backlash sweeping across the Turkey?
Was there one in this country, you know that one the BBC so fervently reported when ‘Faith Matters’ quickly cobbled together a list of ‘islamophobic attacks’?
Perhaps that was all a bit of a myth, a bit of propaganda helpfully spread by the BBC:
‘When you look a little closer at the figures, it turns out that over 100 of the incidents were little more than ‘general abuse’ aimed at Muslims on the internet, and sometimes on the street. A further 47 consisted of ‘threats of violence’, although how seriously the threats were taken is unclear. And at the more concerning end, there have been 35 ‘minor’ assaults ‘including eggs being thrown’. So far, no one has actually been harmed.
On closer inspection, even the 10 ‘assaults’ on mosques look a little overblown. Seven of the ‘assaults’ consisted of no more than vandalism and a few broken windows, plus a deposit of bacon outside a mosque in Cardiff. There were three attempts at arson, but these were thwarted, and, once again, no one was hurt. Nasty incidents, no doubt, but statistically they are insignificant as indicators of some rise in anti-Muslim feeling.
The exaggeration of the reality of so-called Islamophobia should not be a surprise. Back in 2005, after the 7 July London bombings, countless reports and commentaries warned of an anti-Muslim backlash. After all, this was only to be expected given the racist proclivities of many members of the Sun/Daily Mail-reading classes. Yet when the Crown Prosecution Service published prosecution statistics for 2005-2006, a different picture emerged. There were 43 cases of religiously aggravated crime, 18 of them against Muslims (or ‘perceived’ Muslims), and this actually marked a decline from 23 anti-Muslim crimes in 2004-2005 – the year, that is, prior to the London bombings. As the then Director of Public Prosecutions said at the time: ‘The fears of a large rise in offences appear to be unfounded.’
INBBC is reluctant to criticise Erdogan and AK Party because INBBC wants 80 million Muslim Turks in E.U, and because AKP favours the Sunni Islamic jihadist side in Syria.
Cameron and BBC-NUJ on same political side re-EDL, UAF and
Islamic jihad:-
“David Cameron backed violent fascist UAF organization that featured London jihad murderer as a speaker.”
[Opening extract]:-
“It may have been the socialist demagogue Huey Long who said that when fascism comes to America, it will be in the guise of anti-fascism; whoever said it, the point holds true nowadays not only for America, but for the West in general. The ‘United Against Fascism’ group is a truly fascist gang of violent thugs who are bent on attacking and silencing those who are resisting the advance of jihad and Sharia in the West. That Mujahid Adebolajo, the jihadist who murdered British soldier Lee Rigby on a London street last week, would have spoken for them is no suprise. Note that the British police canceled a peaceful event by our sister group SIOE in order to placate these goons — and ‘anti-fascists’ have menaced our pro-freedom events all over Europe. The fact that David Cameron would have supported this gang of fascists is just the latest indication of his abject cluelessness — and that of Western leaders in general.”
Yes..astonishing…with all the resources of the intelligence services behind him…and Google.
To some extent there is a bit of cleft stick situation for Cameron here. If he says he supports the UAF then he gets, generally ignored or laughed at. If he says he doesn’t support them he gets lumped in with the BNP and EDL and everytime the BBC comes up with an anti-BNP or EDL story they can say that Cameron refused to condemn them. And like many one sided, obsessed politically driven people if you don’t agree with everything they say you are the enemy for ever more.
So, by ‘supporting’ the UAF he dodges the bullet and only gets flack from people who are never going to vote for him anyway …
But was it actually necessary for Cameron to add his name to the UAF’s list of supporters?
It was still there, last time I checked.
I expect so. There’s a saying that involves the Devil and a long spoon which comes to mind.
I just googled ‘UAF’, ‘BBC’ and ‘far left’.
Guess what – not a single link.
“Michael Adebolajo: the Cameron Connection”
And the National Union of Journalists connection: NUJ Gen Sec, Jeremy Dear, signed on to support UAF, and this political position is endorsed in BBC-NUJ’s continual propagandising against English Defence League, and for UAF.
And we know where the BBC-NUJ stands politically on this in Woolwich today:
“Unite Against Fascism and Shakeel Begg”
Just a convenient way for UAF/Hope not Hate to demonstrate their hatred of the British armed forces.
Another day and yet another post about Islam. In typical Alan style we have a link to a BBC story relating to Turkey followed by significantly more comment regarding Islam and the UK but with no direct link to the BBC.
I’m a bit surpised at Alan’s post which has nothing to do with the BBC but everything to do with his obsessive islamaphobia. I thought DV had asked these sort of posts and bigoted comments they attract by trolls like to cease.
A far more interesting post would be on the ethics of journalists setting up a sting operation on a third rate MP. Unfortunately that discussion is elsewhere and not here.
Is it time to rest Alan or least restrict him to one pub rant a week and find someone else to post?
True political colours shown in adoption of recently invented Islamic word ‘Islamophobia’.
(No use of word ‘Islamophila’ to describe INBBC default political position on Islam.)
A critique:
(whole pamphlet in pdf .)
Click to access Islamophobia.pdf
If, by the BBC/Left’s logic, Islamophobia or fear of Islam is worse than militant Islam itself, then might we not with equal justification argue that fear of “Fascism” (e.g. the UAF) is much worse than the virtually non-existent Fascist threat in the UK?
A ‘pub rant’. That describes Alan’s contribution so well.
If you read that article on the riots in Turkey, it tells you what they’re about. So is this another appreciation for the BBC Alan, simply an another anti-Muslim rant, or can you not read?
Anti-Muslim…where? Please explain.
As for ‘it tells you what they’re about’…hmmm…just more evidence you shout your mouth off without reading or understanding a post….as the BBC ‘explanation’ is in the post…is in fact the theme of the post.
If you want to criticise at least make an effort and don’t just shout ‘islamophobe’…boring and witless.
Makes a change from ‘racist’
Please do tell how one expresses concerns about the violent Islamism being preached in Mosques up and down the country, in universities and in prisons, without being labelled ‘Islamophobe’. And that’s leaving aside 7/7, Woolwich, the many terrorist plots thwarted by the security forces and the British-born Muslims fighting their jihads i.e. killing other Muslims, across the world. Pray, pray, do tell.
Still waiting……..
So, Albaman, please can you explain what it is about Islam which holds so much appeal for you, given you are always on here defending it?
Please point me in the direction of any post in which I defended any criminal act by any person of any race, nationality or religion?
I said Islam.
Now answer the question.
My dear Albaman, when we need your permission to approve the topics of posts on this blog we will ask you.
Until then ( resists strong urge to use expletives), kindly go and read stuff more to your liking?
Another day and yet another deliberately crass, misleading and thoughtless comment on the same subject by you….you seem more concerned with trying to attack this site than having anything relevant or intelligent to say about the posts.
You yourself seem to be obsessed by stories about Islam…and yet there have been few posted here.
As for no link to the BBC….well the BBC labels the EDL as Islamophobic because they protest about ‘Islamisation’…. the question is why is it OK for Turks to make the same complaints without being labelled ‘Far Right Extremists’ or ‘islamophobic’ by the BBC et al?
Wouldn’t have thought that the post was that difficult to interpret considering it was titled ‘The Turkish Teaparty or is it the Oriental EDL?’
And yet you make the empty allegation of no link to the BBC….anyone with anything about them would instantly recognise the connection…if they wanted to that is, and weren’t just here to complain as loudly and as often as possible about everything.
The next question is how can the BBC pretend that there is a wave of anti-Muslim attacks being carried out around the country when that just isn’t true?
The real facts reveal a completely different tale to that propagated by the BBC….I can only think you are happy to be being misled by the BBC.
So yes…absolutely no connection to the BBC at all….you’re very perceptive Albaman.
Islam has no political, social or cultural ramifications for this country and is so unimportant that news and opinion about it should be ignored….not just ignored but suppressed.
It seems Albaman you have your own agenda….and it bares little relation to the issues or the truth.
But then again Alex Salmond wanted to have a Muslim Brotherhood member as a Scottish MP…for the Scottish Nationalist Party…..
and we all know which party you support Albaman…any link to your quest to keep Islam out of the ‘news’?
“You yourself seem to be obsessed by stories about Islam…and yet there have been few posted here.”
Did you post that with a straight face Alan?
You didn’t answer a single point. What a poor ambassador you are for the BBC and Islam.
Have you not heard of that new dance craze, the ‘Albaman’?
Take one step forward, make a fatuous assertion, then side step left as often as necessary to avoid having to defend it.
Trust me it can go on for hours.
“Alex Salmond wanted to have a Muslim Brotherhood member as a Scottish MP…for the Scottish Nationalist Party…..”
And there was me thinking that it was the electorate who chose MP’s!!
No they might elect them (some like them so much they vote twice) but they don’t choose them the parties do that.
“Another day and yet another deliberately crass, misleading and thoughtless comment on the same subject by you….”
So ignore him. He only keeps coming back because people respond. On occasions this place looks like Albaman’s blog.
Ah, so that’s what its supposed to be about then? How are we supposed to know what’s going on in your head?
I thought it was another ‘trick’ post where you were going to explain later what you were on about.
DV wrote
This also serves as a distraction from the purpose of the blog, as critics can then cite a laundry list of personal points over and over again, instead of having to debate the issues at hand. We have many long-time readers who come here to consider discussions of biased BBC broadcasting, and get tired of having to scroll past a stream of unrelated schoolyard shouting matches.
Alan’s pointless post trying and utterly failing to find a link between the mass protest in Istanbul and the very tiny EDL protests and somehow linking it the BBC is a classic hijacking of this site.
I noted that the troll George R then yet again made his list which had even less to do with Turkey or the the BBC but everything to do with his issues. George R likes to shut up all dissent, but ignoring him is more effective.
The events in Turkey are fascinating. But there is no evidence of BBC bias. As for Alan’s continual promotion of the tiny unrepresentative group known as the EDL, one wonders why? They are ignored quite rightly by the BBC as being of no import whatsoever.
Not really being honest are we?
For instance you came on here pretending to be the BBC’s Frank Gardner at one stage:
‘How and why I got shot isn’t the issue here. I am a professional and you layabouts aren’t . I bring the news to the public, something you don’t. The BBC is the most professional news agency in the world it is respected by everybody , including the umma.
Baised BBC what a joke.’
Very strange.
Quick Alan, stick a 20 odd likes on this one. That’s how it works right? I have my suspicions.
You are a tease! But if you think I’m Frank Gardener I’ll not shatter your delusion. However I’ve clarified my name as there is another poster using Will
Of course you forgot to answer the Q. Why do you equate being concerned with the BBC with being a supporter of the EDL or BNP? These are fringe organisations of no import as proved by the pathetic turnouts yesterday. If this site expects only EDL supporters to comment then put your support in the banner. Then watch this site become a ghostblog.
There are far more interesting areas to discuss than the EDL:
1. The BBC’s role in investigative journalism. How far should they go?
2. UKIP are now targeting labour strongholds. Will the BBC tone change?
3. Should the BBC overrule Tory objections to UKIP getting equal time in a EU leaders debate? Should the BNP and Greens be there as well?
There are real issues with the BBC. I look forward to your posts on them.
No disrespect here, but I watched the BBC and Sky reporting as it happened and I have two Muslim friends who completely agrees that the BBC is very biased. The coverage on Turkey gave equal weight to the governments position (when it was indefensible) and neglected to say anything about the protestor getting killed by a tank. That I knew had long already happened via facebook posts. Essentially the BBC sanitises the situation, and in so doing makes it appear very different. Without a protester getting run over by a tank, it just looks like silly students protesting about nothing and causing trouble. No doubt the Islamism aspect, along with the far right and fascistic elements in Turkey get very little attention by the BBC. Fact.
Alan, just ban the twat !
Why, lets be honest, the BBC’s most significant bias is over multiculturalism and and reporting on views of ordinary ‘white’ (aka supposedly knuckle dragging racists) working class people, the views as held be soldiers or the elderly, and support the government heavily on issues such as which side to back in Syria. Sorry, but this bias is even noted by many Mulsims, who recognise like we do, government propaganda when they see it. Why were the Muslim Brotherhood and not veterans interviewed extensively by the BBC in the Woolwhich aftermath? You need to see the MB’s motto to realise their position regarding Jihad. They are a biased organisation at least, or more, far right than the EDL.
I got put in my place yesterday for raising the issue.
It is time for me to “Flounce”
I have now been accused on the open thread by Alan of being part of an ‘anti-semitic pro BBC tag team’. This is because I questioned the Islamo obsession of a few commenters on this site – following a policy statement by the Blog Owners in response to people calling for the burning out of sub-humans and the destruction of mosques on this site.
I am not sure how Alan concluded that I am an anti-semite. I most certainly am not, and if you look at my past comments you will see that I am not a racist or homophobe either but that I do loathe the BBC in all its incarnations. Then again I am not sure how he concludes many things.
It seems that there are many who find my intervention to be deeply offensive and presumpious so I think It is best if I stop commenting here for a few months. Please, don’t bother telling me that you are better off without me and that I can fuck off etc – if you want a site that looks and sounds like islam obsessed echo chamber, I agree in advance, I am no loss.
I’m copying this comment on the open thread. I’ll look in in a couple of months.
The “likes” might not have been agreeing that you should have been put in your place for that.
I hope you’ll reconsider IATM,
I can’t answer for anybody else but I believe you are a valuable contributor.
I agree with you Mr. Bear. Plus, it makes the site more meaningful if debates between people of differing opinions can be held without resorts to personal attacks or flounces. The site needs people like It’s All Too Much, as it also needs an Alan. Albaman and Will – hmm. not so much.
You made the mistake of expressing any opinon that wasn’t 100% in agreement with Alan & co. Cue the abuse.
If only there were more like you, amigo. Your type of person WILL be a loss. Absolutely not sarcastic.
The nature of any community should reflect the views and concerns of those on it. I doubt Jihadist sites concern them selves with too much hatred on the ‘west’. People have to get over the fact that popular opinion is largely concerned with the potential for Islamic political influence being that it tends to introduce dogmas our political systems could well do with out, and divides national loyalties, giving very great rise to anxiety about community harmony. We must recognise when multiculturalism risks becoming so extreme it caan become unsustainable. It seems ordinary people are generally much more aware of this reality than the media and government. And that’s not to say anything about the question of whether the Koran encourages Muslim ‘revenge’ killings and thereby that the ‘backlash’ is in fact prospectively a Muslim one. That will do nothing for community cohesion in the future.
Wonderful people the UAF, famous for their grace and charm.
Funny how we have heard nothing on the BBC about this organisation (UAF) and the fact that Mujahid Adebolajo spoke at one of their meetings. If an EDL member or a member of any other perceived right wing group had committed an atrocity similar the the Lee Rigby murder, the BBC would bring down the wrath of Hades on that organisation. So where is the outrage? IT absolutely sucks!
Totally agree! That is proof of the bias. UAF and the like are hate preaching extremists. And the recent attempt on bombing the EDL by Muslim extremists was cited to be a product of hate media by the Judge on the case. That is interesting because the main contact to such material would be by, and made from, groups like and including the UAF and Hate not Hope. They are MURDERERS by incitement.
Have we heard anything on the BBC about the sarin gas found with Syrian rebels in Turkey? Maybe they have covered it and I missed it; I think I heard about it via Russia Today. But in political terms it is important because we hear from the BBC about the evils of the Assad regime and if gas is used by it a ‘red line’ will have been crossed, but there seems a bias in favour of the rebels. Not just by the BBC but by government too of course. What if the rebels are turning their attention to Turkey and in support of Islamisation there. It seems to me that the Russians have got the right idea and we have got it completely wrong.
Don’t worry the BBC will hide behind the ‘Assad did it first’ defence. No condemnation will be required nor forthcoming.
Where are these evil terrorists getting their Sarin from anyway? Where did Assad get his WMDs? Is it the same place Saddam did, i.e. Russia? Or did Saddam pass his WMD off to Syria like he gave his jet planes to Iran rather than have the Yanks capture/destroy them?
All questions never asked on the BBC.
Now that’s jogged my memory – I seem to recall persistent rumours concerning convoys heading out of Iraq across the Syrian border immediately before the final invasion that led to Saddam’s fall.
Given that we know that Saddam had WMDs, because he used them in
Halabja , have those weapons finally surfaced?
Perhaps the BBC is reluctant to discuss this issue because it might mean that GWB and TB were actually right?
I recall them as well, and how the BBC dismissed them out of hand
I thought that immediately I heard that Assad was apparently using chemicals.
The chemical weapons though likely come from outside Syria, even from us. This story was eventually published by the Daily Mail, although they retracted it and paid damages, they blocked comments about this on their site. It would appear that the lawyers involved managed to force the retraction but that doesn’t mean very much – Jimmy Savilles lawyers effectively blocked media publishing for decades until his death.
With Russian escorts, I understand, if memory serves me rightly.
INBBC doesn’t like polls like this (even ‘Guardian’ ones):-
“Just a quarter of Britons back Hague arming rebels in Syria.
Military already overstretched with conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, poll suggests.”
They must be aware of the mood, seeing as how practically the entire audience of the last Question Time – except for the orthodox Jew, and he wasn’t so positive, either – was against it. Even Lord Kilwillie spoke out against it.
Just wait until some of those “rebels” turn out to be Kurds.
Turkey and the rest of EU will regret it dearly. Hope Britain will stay far out of this quagmire, as Canada does.
For UAF supporting BBC-NUJ:-
London today:-
“Police place restrictions on anti-fascist protesters because of ‘potential for serious disorder’”
Give it an hour or two, they’ll be spinning it as police over-reaction (at best).
I think I should offer a cash prize for the first person to spot a UAF claim of police brutality, but I’d lose money hand over fist…
I just sent out an ‘Amber Alert’ for Shami Chakrabati.
It’s simple: as long as it’s official groups organizing these protests (BNP, EDL, SDL, whatever), the authorities and the BBC and the press will easily demonize them before anything starts, simply because of their reputation. Debate on the issue ends before it begins. Until ordinary people, without any affiliation with any group, start massing like this, the BBC and government can easily dismiss the sentiment being expressed.
Somebody should organize another protest and openly disinvite BNP and EDL people from joining in. Make it a real grassroots thing away from long-standing groups with known policies and history which the BBC and nomenklatura can use to discredit the whole thing and stifle debate about the issue. The more people you have who can honestly be quoted as saying they’ve never done anything like this, never attended a protest, never gotten involved before, the better. The UAF won’t look so angelic spitting venom at ordinary citizens.
If there really is a majority sentiment in Britain, it will gain support.
The EDL bans members of the National Front
(Robinson was charged with assault for physically ejecting NF members from meeting -according to C4 documentary) or BNP from joining. But that hasn’t stopped BBC from labelling them as racist.
I refer m’learned friend to my previous post in ‘is BBC biased against EDL’ thread
I get that. I saw it happen with the Tea Party movement, where the BBC effectively told you for years that I was a racist, or crypto-racist, not to mention the insult on air and in print with a sexual innuendo.
It can’t be helped at the moment, and it’s not like there’s no element their for critics to seize upon. But I think that no previously existing, organized (on any level) groups should be allowed participate wearing their colors, so to speak, regardless of their mission or history. The message will inevitably be lost in the noise of guilt by association, since the media will see it as part of the job to delve into the background of those involved.
I think SIE have tried that and they are labelled ‘fascist’
Is SIE a previously existing, organized (on any level) group?
As far as I know they were not ‘born of any other group’ and originally at least, members of existing ‘far right groups’ were banned from membership.I’m sure I’ve seen Pat Condell blogging in their support ,before I knew who he was
No, I meant to imply that they’re already a named group, presumably with some sort of history and stated goals, in which case it’s not the same thing as what I’m suggesting.
Do a protest without a named group of any kind whatsoever getting involved. Individual members of any group should be welcome, but not as representatives of any group, and not displaying any colors.
But what would this unnameable group protest exactly?
The same thing, more or less, only hopefully using better grammar and diction.
Like this one?
York Mosque praised for offering EDL protesters tea:
When you look at articles like that it becomes somewhat irrelevant as to whether or not the EDL are fascist boot-boys or not.
Here we have two opposing groups getting together peacefully for their mutual benefit. And how do the BBC report it? ‘Muslims praised’. Why not ‘EDL praised’ for putting their ‘hate’ aside? After all if the EDL are the bad guys in all this it is they that deserve the praise and encouragement.
Less than half the “religiously aggravated” crimes were against Mohammedans? What about the other 60%? Anabaptists feeling the wrath of the Daily Mail crowd? Mostly a backlash against the Iona Community for too many lame and politicized Thoughts for the Day?
I don’t know how to find those statistics, or I’d be looking to see how much the percentage of Mohammedan victims versus the other types of victims matches up with their percentage of the population.
I imagine you are correct but when a Jewish cemetery is desecrated here the perps tend to daub the graves they can’t kick over with swastikas. Add in the ungrammatical and diabolically spelt slogans and it is hard to judge which group did the damage. Which is no doubt the point.
If this was meant as a reply to me, I’d say that identity of the perps is irrelevant here. It’s the identity of the victims I’m interested in, regardless of who did the crime against them. Unless you’re suggesting that some of it could be false flag ops, Jews vandalizing their own graves in search of public sympathy (yeah, like that’ll happen in a country where the BBC is the majority source of news).
If this wasn’t a reply to me, then never mind.
Not sure why these posts keep getting orphaned, but yes it was a reply to your post.
I was pointing out that many victims of ‘racial’ crimes are Jews or their property. The perps, in my limited experience were, decades ago, NF thugs and now appear to be Muslim thugs. Although until you actually catch them in the act it is difficult to say which with any certainty.
It never crossed my mind that Jews would desecrate their own cemetery. That’s pure apothecary grade bullshit.
Thanks, didn’t mean to lump you in with the troll like that. I was just thinking of alternatives. My point was that the identity of those doing the crimes is a different topic, or at least another level of this one. I was trying to focus on the nature of the victims of 60% of these crimes, and whether or not any group was over-represented. There’s always a lot of discussion about whether or not certain groups are over-represented in crime statistics or positions of power and all that, so I thought it was a fair angle to take here. Especially if it might cast the anti-Muslim backlash Narrative in a different light.
PS: I’m against the concept of hate crimes, and view it was the criminalization of thought.
So far the BBC have reported the protests as against the erosion of secularism by the Turkish government. Only very briefly did the report mention that people were out in the streets because they don’t want any further imposition of Islamic laws eg prohibiting alcohol.
If the protests continue it will interesting to see how the BBC reports on the background and core issues that are behind the protests and how this might effect the next election in Turkey. Also on what the stance is of the army, which traditionally always supported a secular Turkish state.
Will they tell us the truth, that a nation of 80 million wants to remain a secular society and has had enough of an Islamic government that tries to impose Islamic values on a traditionally secular society? Will they interview the people to find out why they are taking this stance and what are the clash points between secular and Islamic values ? All very relevant to the UK where a secular society is coming under pressure from a Islam. But what will the BBC do and what conclusion will they draw? We shall watch with interest.
We are in the first decade of a 50 year war, one can almost call it “The Last Crusade”.
There will be ups and downs, terrorist attacks by the RoP from within and without, and assassinations of our soldiers in the UK. Fort Hood is one such in the USA, several others being thwarted by the FBI.
In the meantime all we can do, as we have no real power or influence, is to bear it with patience and fortitude.
You could build a bunker, fill it with canned food and sing Kumbaya My Lord?
Can’t find BBC-NUJ ‘report’ on UAF action in London today, although there is a prominent BBC-NUJ item about an ‘anti-badger cull rally’.
‘Independent’ has:-
[Opening extract]:-
“Police arrested 58 anti-fascist demonstrators this afternoon as they clashed with BNP supporters outside the Palace of Westminster today.
“The majority of those arrested are thought to have been supporters of United Against Fascism, and the BNP group cheered as handcuffed demonstrators were led onto a red double decker bus which had ‘Special Service’ as its destination.”
As BBC-NUJ must know, among the founding supporters of the UAF, along with the National Union of Journalists, is the Metropolitan Black Police Association (MBPA).
MBPA states its aims here:
“Black” means “Asian”? Humpty Dumpty was right.
turkey with a population of 80 million wants to join the eu within the next 5 years,no thanks,i dont want that type of rioting on the streets of the uk by unhappy radical islamists in future years.
Maybe you dont want that, but dopey Dave Cameron wants it. Heaven only knows why anyone would!
‘Telegraph’ (not INBBC) on Turkey today:-
“Turkey’s protesters accuse Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Islamist agenda.
“When Recep Tayyip Erdogan swept to power in 2002, Turkey was lauded by the West as an example of a successful, Muslim-majority, secular democracy.”
By Barney Henderson.
A few mentions of the UAF, above I notice.
I noted also that the Life President of the UAF…a honorary lifetime achievement title…is one Ken Livingston.
Ah…his invitations to Al-Qaradawi whilst Mayor-his snowjobs on the opposition to Chavez-and, of course his frequent anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish tirades whilst in “newt” mode-make him JUST the kind of bloke who deserves to be the “unelected and unaccountable” Life President of a load of ex-Marxist stooges that want Israel gone…and Sharia imposed(albeit in a gradual E.U compliant manner).
The BBC won`t be telling you this…where are Scott. Dez etc to point us to all to the frequent allusions to this raging rabid “Far-Left” front for Uncle Joes unthinking, thick goons?
“Far-Left”…if that`s not tagged on to every UAF reference, then we should be getting in there to complain…”unbalanced” otherwise.
And we`d not like the BBC to be THAT now would we?
what you have to understand about the uaf is this,they call themselves anti fascist but behave like fascists as witnessed today in london where 61 of these violent far left thugs got arrested not only for cowardly mob attacks on bnp members but attacks on the police who they hate just as much,i monitor far left hate websites including the uaf and there are some worrying things i have started to hear from these barmy stalinists and communists just lately.not only do as they preach want to smash with violent tactics the bnp and edl but,there next target after that is ukip and there members,the far left in my view are more fascist than the fascists they claim to oppose,these people subvert democrasy under the false banner of anti fascism.
“in my view are more fascist than the fascists they claim to oppose”
Agree entirely – these far left groups are often hate filled and vicious.
IMO, reasonable people who feel obliged to insert a caveat into every comment such as “I don’t support the EDL, but ….” are partly to blame. They don’t seem to feel the need to do this with far left groups.
Come “The Revolution ” the firing squad is ready for the UAF , if they are socialist freedom fighters , they ciam to be !
BBC-NUJ’s deceptive ‘reporting’ on UAF continues, with the ’58 arrests ‘ hidden.
Reminder, which BBC-BUJ lobbyists ignore, in contrast:
‘Independent’ has this:-
[Opening extract]:-
“Police arrested 58 anti-fascist demonstrators this afternoon as they clashed with BNP supporters outside the Palace of Westminster today.
“The majority of those arrested are thought to have been supporters of United Against Fascism, and the BNP group cheered as handcuffed demonstrators were led onto a red double decker bus which had ‘Special Service’ as its destination.”
Note: BBC-NUJ lobbyists do not deal explicitly with the information that Adebolayo had links with UAF, but instead, continue to leave UAF uncriticised!”
I’m confused about the “demonstration” in Turkey. The BBc seem somewhat vague about what it’s about. It was initially about a planning issue is what I gleamed from the multitude of reports, but now it’s bigger. Every time I flicked over to BBc news yesterday when I did turn the TV on in a vain and ultimately failed attempt to find anything of any entertainment value what so ever (more value from our licence fee….not), I must admit I wasn’t glued to the TV yesterday however I did see a snippet on Sky about members of rent a mob / UAF being arrested but nothing on BBC.
Yes, we can all guess what it`s about-but the BBC just refer to them as “protestors”.
Must be those NHS reforms and an end to Osbornes austerity package…what else would the Turks get themselves in a lather over?
Wouldn`t be Sharia and the persecution of less pure Muslims would it?…that would be “Islamophobic”…and Ertogan would face the mighty Von Rompoy in a few years time if the Turkish Government was that, would it not?
Not on INBBC site:
“Tony Blair says murder of Lee Rigby PROVES ‘there is a problem within Islam'”
A bit late now Mr. Blair.
As INBBC appears unwilling/unable to discuss Blair on Islam, here’s Robert Spencer of ‘Jihad Watch’:-
“Tony Blair: There is a problem within Islam, but not a problem with Islam”
I (and I suspect many others) am/are quite capable of finding JihadWatch on this internet thingymajig. Thanks for your frequent un BBC related reminders though, chum. Great work. What would we ever do without you.? *rhetorical*
This falls under the BBC Censorship category. This should already be on the BBC website somewhere. Tomorrow, they should be bringing Blair on Today to discuss this, and especially on Newsnight Paxman should be drilling him about it and reminding him and everyone of this moment:
If not, why not?
Great ad hominem again, Pob.
Keeping up you BBC-NUJ lobby work, on a site where BBC is criticised.
You behave like a political lobbyist for BBC-NUJ, everytime you comment on B-BBC.
We’ve seen enough of your material to get your political number.
Bliar remains a foolish cipher, like a tanned bucket list.
Pin your wishes to the Blair tree and let him fix it for you. Who needs prayer, knowledge, discernment?…who needs Savile?
But we get the likes of Savile and Blair,and we feather their nests as they crap all over us.
Bliar used to carry a Koran around, and claims to have read it.
But Islam is “peaceful”(Sura 8 and 9 say otherwise) and true( yes, Jesus was replaced on the cross by somebody else, so he was not resurrected…and yet the Catholics let him in as a “Christian” FFS!).
Do I believe Anjem or Abadojolo?…or do I fall for the Reverend Blue Jeans take on InterFaith theology?
After Iraq, cash for honours, Eccleston and ID cards…I belive the terrorist nutjobs over this oiled fake of a cipher!
Aww…..c’mon fella, give him a break! After all he’s a pretty straight kinda guy, he told John Humphries just that when discussing the F1 fiasco. Doesn’t that seem such s long time ago now.
When he has the solutions, god help us all, we really are in deep deep trouble.