Andrew Gilligan in the Telegraph takes a look at the figures that the BBC so readily gave so much airtime to from a project called ’Tell Mama’ that suggested we were looking at a ‘“a wave of attacks, harassment, and hate-filled speech against Muslims … an unprecedented number of incidents”, including “a rise in street harassment of Muslims – unprovoked, opportunistic attacks from strangers as Muslims go about their lives”.
‘The media, especially the BBC, have accepted the claims without question. A presenter on Radio 4’s influential Today programme stated that attacks on Muslims were now “on a very serious scale”.
Talk of a “massive anti-Muslim backlash” has become routine.
Yet the unending “cycle of violence” against Muslims, the unprecedented “wave of attacks” against them from strangers in the street, the “underlying Islamophobia in our society” – all turn out to be yet more things we thought we knew about Woolwich that are not really supported by the evidence.’
Gilligan goes onto look at the figures of claimed ‘Islamophobic’ attacks and concludes it is much exaggerated.
But importantly he also concludes that such exaggeration and the Media propaganda that goes with it, telling of tales of ‘waves of attacks’ against Muslims lead to what the BBC like to call the Muslim community’s ‘sense of endemic fear’…leading to alienation and isolation…and the radicalisation of some.
‘For some quarters of the Islamophobia industry, it has now become Muslims who are the main victims of the Woolwich horror.
But while some innocent Muslims have of course become victims, the main victim was Drummer Lee Rigby. And in overhyping the backlash, some in the Muslim community are playing right into the hands of his killers.’
Is the BBC also playing right into the hands of the killers and Radical Islamists by ‘overhyping the backlash’?
Having Anjem Choudray on immediately after the killing of Lee Rigby can’t have helped, nor having Abu Nusaybah on to be interviewed and accepting, and broadcasting relentlessly, his version of events just before he too was arrested on terrorism charges.
And as noted by DB in the comments:
BBC Europe producer Piers Scholfield (Green Party supporter) would have us believe that the “backlash” against Muslims in the UK is far worse than the week of rioting that occurred in Sweden:
Piers Scholfield @inglesi 25 May Violence in #Sweden nothing compared to UK – attacks on Muslims soar – …
Classic right-on spin from a BBC lefty.
what the BBC like to call the Muslim community’s ‘sense of endemic fear’…leading to alienation and isolation…and the radicalisation of some.
I would suggest that this is not correctly worded. The Muslim community’s ‘endemic sense of grievance is more realistic.
Unfortunately the British don’t keep a register of hate crimes as does the FBI. If the UK is anything like the USA Muslims would be low on the list as victims but high as perps.
My word where to start 😀 anyone, who has read
anything i have posted here about islamo- faux-bia,
and indeed outfits like “tell mama”.
Islamo-faux-bia, is a false construct, a lie intended to deceive, a non word, its only purpose to prevent justified criticism of islam, and thats it, all of the empty vessel “sabre” 😀 rattling about victimhood, the non existent backlash etc is literally hot air.
Does the bbc “play into the hands of islamists”? well no
its been proven time and again they wilfully assist them.
Example, the bbc time and again equates criticism of muslims/islam as racism, i ve called attention to it, too many times to mention.
Now we know that analogy is absurd, and incorrect … and the bbc, they know they are in error, but still continue to do so …
Worst culprits, the morning deadbeats at radio 5Live, panto, drearybyshire foglegity etc
It has even been, stated to them, on air by a black footballer, and at least twice on the phone in, but still
they continue to peddle the narrative?.
That is wilful assistance, (not a mistake), to an ideology that doesn t need any more conspiracy theories, and has made an “industry” out of grievance.
Accept the self pity, perceived grievance, the victimhood,
then you have to accept the violence that follows it,
it has been proven, the bbc are complicit, in assisting that aim.
nAn article worth reading. However, nowhere in this article is there any support for the silly title to your post.
The article also includes this:
Broader political developments suggest a country increasingly at ease with Muslims. In 2009 the main anti-Islamic party, the BNP, had 55 councillors. Now it has two. The number of Muslim MPs doubled at the last election, some elected for entirely non-Muslim seats such as Bromsgrove, Gillingham, or Stratford-upon-Avon with no backlash whatever.
The BBC and most other media outlets did fall into the trap of taking the genuine upsuge in violence and threats at face value. But this article underlines just how ineffectual and unrepresentative the EDL is along with the Jihadist halfwits. The reality is that most British moslems have no interest in the loons. Neither have most Brits in the EDL or BNP.
‘jidhadist halfwits’, now that’s an interesting description of cruelly, calculating murderers, who acted out the instructions of their religion.
Yes, it’s all driven by political presumption of ‘equivalence.’
Let’s not judge a whole community on the actions of a very small minority but accept that Muslim extremists like all extremist need to be dealt with effectively and without any ‘oh we’ll offend them’ nonsense.
So who’s going to go in and sort the mosques out, and the universities, and the prisons, and the websites? Can you see it happening? Cos I can’t. And how do you know it’s only a very small minority? Why aren’t the majority doing something to sort out their own ‘communities’?
An attack on or an insult aimed at a Muslim is not necessarily to do with their religion but gets added to the ‘attacks on Muslims’ list by lazy journalists, or those with agendas to promote. That could create an image that a problem exists when it doesn’t, fuel nascent feelings of alienation and push people towards extremists, just as the ‘foreigners get all the houses’ ones pushed some to the BNP.
I challenge use of the word ‘alienation’. So it’s now our fault that they decide to live in their own ‘communities’? I recall a programme made by Channel 4 in Leicester several years ago where the prevailing attitude of the local Muslims was summed up by one guy who said (paraphrased) ‘We’ve got everything here we need so I can live my life as a Pakistani (their own ‘communities’, mosques, cinemas, radio stations, TV stations via satellite etc etc) but with all the good bits the UK can give us’.
“‘foreigners get all the houses’ ones pushed some to the BNP.”
Which turned out, due to the points system of housing allocation, to be true.
Even the BBC, once again trailing behind C4, had to admit to it.
Perhaps the BNP are not ‘exploiting’ the fears of the alienated white working class
but representing them .
After all who else is doing it?
Not the BBC that’s for sure
And the same sort of politics goes on in U.S. which BBC-Democrat does not dissent from.
“Holder warns against anti-Muslim ‘backlash”
Where is political left’s (inc INBBC’s) concern for Muslim persecution of Christians globally?
Here’s Raymond Ibrahim (video clip 28 mins)
The laws on incitement to racial and religious hatred were presumably introduced in order to stop the incitement of racial and religious hatred…..
The BBC tells us various stories were deliberately kept off their front page over the last few years, in the interests of community cohesion. A cursory look at such stories though, tells us that truth and reality were only ever subverted by the BBC when they reflected badly upon the Muslim community.
That the BBC should now faithfully parrot the lines of a clearly impartial outfit such as Tell Mama, suggests they care little about community cohesion but a great deal about inciting anti-English/British/Christian sentiment within the Muslim mind.
As such, they are clearly engaged in the incitement of racial and religious hatred. it is high time an outfit with deep pockets funded the prosecution of the BBC in this case, which predictably and sadly the police appear to have no intention of doing.
‘The BBC tells us various stories were deliberately kept off their front page over the last few years, in the interests of community cohesion’
Such as? Can you provide an example or any evidence to support that? I’m genuinely interested to know where the BBC has stated that.
Helen Boaden stated the BBC’s decade long denial of Muslim gang-rape was done in the interests of community cohesion.
I find it both dismaying and disturbing that you even need to ask about this, given the obscene behaviour of the savages who carried out the rape and torture and the equally obscene behaviour of the BBC who were instrumental in covering it up.
I can’t find any reference to Helen Borden stating this. The only link is back to this site in 2012.
Can you provide the link?
*Baited breath*
yer, I’m with you two.
But only because I can’t imagine Boaden actually admitting it.
Still waiting for the link. How on earth a post with no clear substance can get 30 like’s is beyond me. You may want it to be true but that doesn’t mean it is!
I note Paul has set up his own political party to take on UKIP. Whilst I admire his energy, I can’t help feeing that if he is going to make statements based on innuendo he may find that being taken seriously is an issue.
But maybe the link will appear in which case I’m on the phone to the Sun!
Maybe you’ve not listened to programmes on the BBC where they have countless times played down the ‘cultural’ aspect of the grooming gangs and portrayed it as a problem ‘across all religions and communities’.
There have been countless posts on here giving examples since the Rochdale case kicked off, so perhaps looking at your name you’re new here and have missed them.
This guy specifically stated that Boaden mentioned a policy which if true would be a resignation issue.
If you can find it (and my Google skills are pretty good) then link it.
But let’s raise the debate to verifiable statements and facts. That way we win arguments.
‘But let’s raise the debate to verifiable statements and facts.’
There have been a crushing number of arguments on here over the years demonstrating BBC bias (and continuing, if you can be bothered reading the other threads – feel free to argue the BBC case, of course). Pity you’ve not been here to witness them.
And as the old saying goes ‘One swallow doth not a summer make’.
Tell Mama?…Faith Matters?(isn`t that one run by a Muslim too?)…and,of course the Cordoba Foundation, UAF etc, etc.
No shortage of people going into bat to defend the Islam wicket…indeed, the crease is pretty bloody crowded, and there`s no stump to aim for.
Well, not if you don`t want to be accused of being a racist or are “phobic” to the whines, Stanley knives and kebab skewers of the persecuted Muslims.
Only Islam can get itself worked up into calling for a need to be protected after murdering a white enemy combatant in his own country…and only the useful tools at the BBC etc swallow their self-pitying grievance farming and regurgitate it all as “researched fact”.
Time to remove those Guardian tailored pads of theirs, and make them fight fair or play nice.
As things stand, we`ll be seeing real trouble if we see no justice for these Nigerian-rooted scummers, and their pals in the Liberal establishment.
From ‘Atlas Shrugs’, not from Islamic ‘Tell Mama’.
[Opening excerpt]:
“The jihad attacks across the UK (and the world) are monstrous enough, but the victims and/or Western countries are always made to suffer these verbal post-jihad attacks on us from Islamic supremacists. They grievance-monger about “islamophobia” and blame us for jihad when we react to the horror (as if we should just go quietly), when what they should be doing is working within their communities to expunge the Islamic teachings and texts that command jihad. Muslim supremacists should stop blaming everyone else for what devout Muslims are doing in the cause of Islam.”
As with INBBC, a British taxpayer financed, Islamic victimhood outfit.
Beats working for a living.
The BBC spend tax payers money like water on any and all groups who believe themselves to be ‘victims’ of trumped up British oppression, or islamophobia, or Tory cuts, or Mrs Thatcher, or white males etc etc.
They drone on and on about stuff that normal people don’t much care about. Basically the BBC has become a propaganda outfit for anyone with an axe to grind about Britain. This view permeates everything that they do.
They just ain’t worthwhile listening to or watching.
Why, oh why, do we have to pay for these anti British nit wits who no doubt will be fiddling and playing their community cohesion mantra whilst the country burns. Of course if it does they will be telling us that it is our fault not theirs.
Good point Alan. Whenever you hear one of these Jihadis mouth off they sound like someone working for the BBC.
Free the Palestinians, it’s all America’s fault, the West is evil, Israel is evil, Christianity is evil, Capitalism is evil.
No wonder after hearing all this hate from the BBC, some Muslims might go bonkers and go off the rails. No need to go to a mosque to hear this, just switch on BBC Radio 4.
If the bBBC or Tell Mama are watching this thread they’ve probably just added another dozen ‘instances of harassment’ on Muslims, such is their trivial definition of an ‘Islamophobic attack’.
Ram Z Paul calls ‘Tell MAMA’
Very interesting. Wholly unrelated to the despicable BBC, though. You knew that though. Right?
Your post isn’t related to the BBC either.
Great isn’t it!
Now stop whinging.
I`d argue that it is.
Both Tell Mama and Faith Matters have been used by the BBC to whip up the spurious notion of Islamophobic attacks…their “research” their “facts and figures” regularly get onto the Today programme to bring on the next home grown shysters like Choudury.
I bet you that this blokes figures were added onto the hate crime stats, and they`d have no doubt rung him back to get him to tell Obamas lads and lasses of the need to tap phones, check tax submissions from Republicans, send guns to Mexico and to leave Ambassadors alone to die as in Libya…it`s what Democrats do these days apparently…
Blimey, you’ve really missed the point haven’t you, Pob?
As the BBC have been staunch champions of multiculturalism since the word was invented, they are very relevant to that guy’s speech.
islamophobia, another control word courtesy of Big Brother Corporation. Goes alongside “right of centre”, “far right”, “right wing”, “Tory”, “UKIP Loony” etc.
Anytime you unthink Lib-think out come the control words to put you in your place and live in fear a knock on the door from Corporate Security (formerly known as the police or Boys in Blue – who now wear SS Black).
I once did a term at Oxford. More than I could bear and left. Full of Lib-idiots calling everything and everyone racist to score enough points to get them into Lib-heaven.
You can’t have a meaningful conversation with an Oxford student without them pointing out everything as being racist, islamo/homo-phobic.
Self-loathing Liberal idiots. Self-proclaimed middleclass fools (who have to work like the rest of us, I believe that makes you a worker).
Of course, Big Brother Corporation does all of its recruiting at Oxford.
islamophobic – fear of islam. I don’t fear it, I despise it!
is there a non muslim version of tell mama and faith matters where non muslims can report attacks on them by muslims all over the uk,tell mama and faith matters are sectarian and biased and only record attacks and abuse on muslims and not the other way around.
MUSLIM LIES! The truth about the so-called ‘Islamophobic wave of attacks’ on Muslims after the brutal murder of a British soldier by a Muslim savage