Open Thread Monday

Another week….sunshine and endless BBC bias to uncover…what more could you want?

…Just heard on radio  young people getting involved in Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ by volunteering…stick in the BBC’s throat?…it was always the ‘Big Joke’.

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220 Responses to Open Thread Monday

  1. AsISeeIt says:

    Never let it be said the BBC News Channel are critical of EVERY British Government policy.

    Last evening presenter Clive Myrie chats Beeb-on-Beeb to one after another BBC flavoured reporter/correspondent – that’s the way the BBC do their news.

    First up at the top of the hour is Syria. The tone is : something must be done. Seems besides arming the rebels the French may be edging us toward striking at poison gas facilities. And our Clive simply nods and forgets thousands of hours of BBC anti-Iraq War commentary.

    Next item is the Nationalisation of Pantomime Bill. [Oh no it isn’t! He’s behind you!]

    Sorry, I mean the Same Sex Marriage Bill now passing through the Lords.

    The Tory banck benchers may ask ‘What about the Same Sex Marriage Bill?’ But the reply from the BBC is a resounding ‘Pay it!’

    BBC commentators hear ‘supporters of the bill cheering’. Pretty obvious where Clive and his work chums stand on this one. Frankly we never expected the BBC reporter to be standing anywhere near opponents of the Bill to hear them ‘groan’ at it’s passage.

    Now, do we make it three BBC nods of approval for Government policy?

    You have to be joking! Next item : NHS Tory Cutz!


  2. noggin says:

    putting the boot in LARGE on 5live this morning …
    nikki campo pulls, “ejector seat” bosum buddy moh shafiq,
    in, to go all po-faced, about the soldiers getting the court martial, one assused of “waycism”
    just where would he be without him, mo answar, that bungalawa, “honest” ibe mogra, abdul bari and all the rest of them eh!.


  3. Anonymous says:

    I was at a BBC meeting last week where it was said that it was important for the BBC to show what is happening in Syria so that the British population put pressure on the UK Government to intervene. Lots of nodding heads. I looked round the room and thought ‘Shall I say substitute ‘Iraq’ for ‘Syria’ and see if you still agree?’ I’m afraid I bottled it as I wanted to get out of the meeting alive.


    • johnnythefish says:

      ‘I was at a BBC meeting last week where it was said that it was important for the BBC to show what is happening in Syria so that the British population put pressure on the UK Government to intervene.’

      Not like the BBC to have its own agenda.


    • Dave s says:

      Not convincing. If you were there then you are complicit in the alleged attempte to change public opinion.


      • Stewart says:

        What should he/she have done.
        Nominated themselves for the sack as some vain gesture of principle
        Hopefully there are more people with common sense working their way through the buggins turn labyrinth off the BBC towards positions of influence


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Not falling for it, Anonymous. Nice try, though.


    • Andrew says:

      This looks very like Anon’s post of 9:27 pm on June 5th (“I attended a BBC meeting a couple of weeks back. To much nodding of heads …”).


  4. Lynette says:

    Ipm radio “later we’ll discuss why the profumo affair is remembered while others are forgotton ”

    The answer is obvious You the BBC keep bringing up the subject whenever they can !!!


  5. AsISeeIt says:

    BBC welcomes another make work scheme for lawyers.

    ‘The victims’ right to review covers any decision by the Crown Prosecution Service not to pursue a case.’

    Presumably this jolly will be on Legal Aid ?

    Who cares? Not the BBC. Money is no object where ‘victims’ might be involved.

    The lawyers will be laughing all the way to the bank.


  6. Louis Robinson says:

    The BBC reports that Susan Rice, the US permanent representative to the UN, is to become President Barack Obama’s national security adviser.

    We learn many things about Ms Rice from the article;e. For example, she was born in Ireland. (Who knew?) and wrote a Pulitzer-Prize winning book (wow!) The BBC is more coy about her role in the Benghazi YOUTUBE saga. Carefully the BBC does not explain how she appeared on TV with the cover story about a crazed anti-Muslim video by a nutter in the US etc etc. Rather – and I love this careful wording – the reporter says she claimed “the armed assault on the US compound in the city of Benghazi, Libya in September 2012 sprang from a spontaneous anti-American protest. That account was later proven to be incorrect.”

    “That account was later proven to be incorrect” – isn’t that just great?

    However one important fact about Ms Rice is omitted from the BBC report. Rice is married to Canadian journalist Ian Cameron, executive producer of ABC’s “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos. So the executive producer of a top Sunday political show is married to a top Obama official? Shouldn’t this be disclosed by the BBC? Nothing to see here. Move along please.


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Later proven incorrect? It was proven incorrect while she was still pushing the lie. And we know that the White House knew it wasn’t true while she was doing it, so it’s dishonest of the BBC to portray it as something discovered only after the fact.

      The disgusting BBC also disingenuously explains that Rice was taken out of the running for Sec. of State because Republicans criticized her remarks about Benghazi. Lie upon deceit upon lie. Your license fee hard at work.


    • DB says:

      Seen Katty Kay’s Twitter feed today? The Rice appointment “makes sense”. “WH had these national security moves very neatly organised. Text book roll out”. “GOP is a big part” why Washington is ungovernable. It’s almost as if Katty is trying to give a helpful boost to the beleaguered White House Press Secretary (whose wife she co-wrote a book with).


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        Most. Hyper-partisan. Beeboid. Ever.

        She’s the anchor of BBC World News America, and regular talking head on MSNBC and elsewhere – in her capacity as BBC Washington correspondent – the face of the BBC in the US.

        This advocacy will go unremarked by defenders of the indefensible.


    • John Anderson says:

      I love the “later proved to be incorrect”. It was KNOWN beforehand that it was incorrect, the CIA had said it was a terrorist attack the Libya President said it was a terrorist attack.. It was obvious from the very start that it was a deliberate pre-planned and organised terrosit attack with heavy weapons.


  7. John Wood says:

    Listened to a half-hour documentary on ‘tradeplaters’ on Radio 4. (people who deliver cars on ‘motor trade plates’.

    “I was following a car on the motorway that still had its left indicator flashing and this started me philosophising – when travelling along the smooth straight road – turn left”


    • Stewart says:

      It used to be said that the first ‘rule of the road’ in the highway code was ‘keep left’
      It could be said that that principle has been adopted (with a vengeance) by the BBC


  8. George R says:

    Alleged arson at Muswell Hill building used as mosque.

    Or in BBC-NUJ headline:-

    “Al-Rahma Islamic Centre destroyed in ‘racist attack'”

    Did BBC-NUJ describe the horrific murder of British white soldier by black Muslims as a ‘racist attack’?

    Will BBC-NUJ give time of day to understanding the motivation and biographical background of the alleged perpetrators of alleged arson attack? Will ‘Newsnight’ interview the friends of such people?


    • Joshaw says:

      I’m quite concerned about a Muslim backlash against the local community.


      • noggin says:

        Did BBC-NUJ describe the horrific murder of British white soldier by black Muslims as a ‘racist attack’? – give time of day to understanding the motivation and biographical background of the alleged perpetrators of alleged arson attack? Will ‘Newsnight’ interview the friends of such people?

        George that will be
        NO, – NO, and 😀 errr … NO in that order.

        tsk tsk! …
        BBC doesn t know what “Race?” Islam is again.
        “racially motivated?” … hello!? …
        are they going to dig up their old fave “Racialist”? next,
        looks like arson of some description?, insurance job? … who knows? … i suppose there maybe an EDL connection, but in probability maybe not.
        suspicious .. well definitely


        • David Lamb says:

          A racist gas leak perhaps? Now which culture – or race??? – has the record for bombing and setting fire to mosques? According to the BBC, the local MP and no doubt the Quislings sitting on the Government’s Task Force the scrawling of the letters EDL will provide overwhelming evidence of racist guilt.


    • JayBee says:

      It’s those control words again.

      Do that and you are a “racist”.

      I didn’t know that islam was a race.

      If an English convert to islam was murdered, would that be a racist attack?

      Funny how muslims are shocked when a building is burned down but not when a soldier, protecting the nation they live in, is butchered in broad daylight and in the same city in which they live.

      No doubt they will be on the streets demonstrating the loss of their building but are nowhere to be seen when a demonstration against radical islam might help their situation.

      I’d really like to know what Tarquin the Liberal at Big Brother Corporation has against me.


      • Roland Deschain says:

        You’re missing the point. You should know the rules by now. Racism is anything perceived by the alleged victim to be racist. It’s a self-defining crime.

        Unless the victim is white.


  9. George R says:

    Has BBC-NUJ published this photo?:-

    “Prince Harry murder plot: Ashraf Islam pictured with women in stockings and burkas.”

    “The Muslim convert, formerly Mark Townley, is behind bars after confessing he wanted to kill the third in line to the throne.”


    • David Lamb says:

      If I wanted to write a book about life as a muslim in one of our jails, I would arrange to be arrested, and later released. I could guarantee an early release if I made it clear that my book would contain a very sympathetic account of the sufferings imposed on Islamic freedom fighters in our prisons. This man will publish a best seller, based on direct experience.


    • johnnythefish says:

      Well, looking at the photo, you can understand his keenness to convert.


  10. ember2013 says:

    Talk about quick to jump to conclusions: the BBC reports:
    An Islamic centre in north London has been destroyed by a fire in an apparent racially motivated attack.

    What happened to gathering the evidence first before attributing blame?


    • noggin says:

      goodness ….
      they REALLY are starting to load up on this “fire story”
      Radio 4/Radio 5live – bbc news no doubt
      Peter Allen on 5live is positively “on fire” himself
      going into his second segment already …..
      lots of soundbites hate – edl – racially motivated –

      ooooh brother!


      • David Lamb says:

        Have they interviewed the expert on communities who passed judgement on the Woolwich murder? She predicted that it would bring the community closer together.


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      I blame Islamic foreign policy. We must understand the grievances of the attackers because….oh, hang on….


  11. ember2013 says:

    Obama August 2012:

    “We have been very clear to the (Bashar Assad) regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.”

    I wonder what he’ll do? Add a “zero” on both sides of the equation?


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Any time He says something like “Let me be clear” (or the variant in this case), the statement will have an expiration date.


  12. JimS says:

    Listening to the Radio 4 news just now there was a mention of the “far right EDL”.

    Using the BBC News web site search facility and restricting the search period to this year only produces three news stories with “far left” (and one of those was about the possibility of the Labour party moving ‘too far’ left, i.e. not necessarily ‘far left’) and fifteen explicitly about “far right” groups.

    Is the BBC News biased against the ‘far left’ in that it doesn’t report its actions or is there no political position that can be ‘left’ enough to satisfy the apparatchiks? I realise that a sample of 18 stories is quite small but I think it does show the trend.


    • johnnythefish says:

      I tried googling ‘UAF’, ‘BBC’ and ‘far left’ and got zilch.

      Strange, eh?


  13. George R says:

    INBBC self censors on Obama’s censoring of criticism of Islam.

    INBBC avoids this:-

    “Nearly 2,000 at AFDI rally for freedom of speech in Tennessee”


    • johnnythefish says:

      ‘….a seminar led by an Obama-appointed U.S. Attorney on how civil rights laws could and should be used to shut down speech deemed “inflammatory” against Muslims (a label that has been used before to shut down truthful speech about jihad and Islamic supremacism).’

      In the UK it’s called the Leveson recommendations.


  14. Pounce says:

    Anybody else bothered by this bBC headline:
    Al-Rahma Islamic Centre destroyed in ‘racist attack’
    An Islamic centre in north London has been destroyed by a fire in an apparent racially motivated attack. The Met Police said the fire, which happened at the Al-Rahma Islamic Centre in Muswell Hill in the early hours, is being treated as suspicious. A spokesman said the letters EDL (English Defence League) were sprayed on to the building, used by the Somali Bravanese Welfare Association.

    So with no proof whatsoever the bBC deem this racist. You know like they did when that Schoolboy was attacked with a hammer in Swindon by a bunch of Asians, like it did with the reporting of the murder of Kris Donald, Lee Rigby and Ross Parker. Like it did when that Vicar was attacked in East London by Asians. Like it did when Asian gangs targeted and raped White girls. Like it did..well you know what I mean
    In each one of the above the bBC refused to draw conclusions and in fact in only one (Kriss Donald) did it refer to as a racial (Not racist) incident, but then only after the court case had transpired.

    Yet a building burns down in London and instantly it is deemed a racist attack. Meanwhile elsewhere in London
    Vandals hit RAF Bomber Command Memorial again
    A war monument in central London was vandalised last night for the second time in ten days, police have said.
    “Police were called at 4.43am this morning,” a Metropolitan Police spokesman said. “Officers came across graffiti on the RAF Bomber Command Memorial in Green Park. The incident is now being investigated by detectives from Westminster CID and Royal Parks officers” The word “Islam” was found scrawled on the monument last Monday, and was quickly covered up.

    Gee I wonder if the bBC is going to bother reporting this story , never mind report it as a racist crime? I mean they actually have film clips of the person who carried out the first attack

    The bBC, the traitors within our midst.


    • Joshaw says:

      “A spokesman said the letters EDL (English Defence League) were sprayed on to the building”

      That proves they did it, obviously. What’s all this fuss about bias?


    • noggin says:

      “The word “Islam” was found scrawled on the monument last Monday, and was very quickly covered up”
      the letters “EDL” were found scrawled on the buildings wall, and were very quickly, covered up …
      oops i mean
      used for a constant barrage of propaganda and innuendo, by an agended national broadcaster.


    • Pounce says:

      Taken from the bBC article:
      “Abu Bakar Ali, from the centre, said: “The Somali community is in fear.”


      “”We are appalled and deeply saddened by the horrific and foolish act against a peaceful community.”

      Somali community: Living in fear and peaceful bBC?


  15. George R says:


    BBC-NUJ’s Mr Reynolds, in this cryptic video clip political propaganda plug for Erdogan, reports from the Asian side of Istanbul, where Erdogan is supporting the building of a mosque, and of a metro station:

    “Turkey protests: Pro-government view from Asian Istanbul”

    What Mr Reynolds doesn’t mention is that most of Turkey (97%) is located in the continent of Asia, but on its news website, BBC-NUJ puts Turkey in Europe; no doubt this politically suits Erdogan’s bid for entry of 80 million Turks into E.U (which West’s political class, inc BBC-NUJ supports).

    BBC-NUJ hasn’t reported this yet:-

    “Turkey imported 628 tons of teargas and pepper spray in 12 years.”

    “One would almost get the impression that Erdogan’s Islamic supremacist government was expecting the day when Turkish secularists would rise up.”


  16. DB says:

    More and more people are seeing though celebrity-craving BBC go-to media Muslim Mo Ansar. We’ve been on that case for a while here at Biased BBC.

    Spare a thought for Nicky Campbell – one of the first to climb on board and toot the horn for the Mo train and as a consequence unable to admit he bought the wrong ticket.


  17. AAB says:

    Here’s a an article that you might find interesting on the ‘Nannying’ element of the UK media:
    Nanny State TV


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Reminds me of the opening moments of Jacobson’s “The Finkler Question” where the main character complains about how the BBC infantilizes the public.


  18. noggin says:

    meanwhile ….
    woolwich machete jihad murderer, whom the bbc
    appear to love giving an extended platform to.
    Again ranting, again interrupting, so his microphone was cut in court, these are the necessary facts.
    erm bbc?


    • noggin says:

      why list his complaints,
      about belmarsh,
      about the officers,
      the way he was treated,
      that he was searched,
      he hadn t received medical reports?
      that he said – the barrister said -the judge said –
      he replied ya da ya da ya …
      and on, and on it goes.

      again ranting, again interrupting, his aim disruption
      so his microphone was cut … thats it
      does this cretin deserve any more?
      the bbc are playing voyeurism/sensationalism
      and it is neither warranted or necessary


  19. David Preiser (USA) says:

    The BBC actually is capable of publishing a story which makes Michelle Obama look bad. They don’t quite frame it that way, but the story on its own merits certainly does her no favors.

    The First Lady was giving some speech at a fundraiser when a protester started shouting about getting the President to sign an executive order barring government contractors from firing people for being homosexual. The President has declined to do so, which the BBC admits.

    Mrs. Obama threatened to walk out if the protester didn’t shut up, so the audience begged her to stay and the protester was hustled out of the room. The fundraiser, by the way, was held at the home of a homosexual female couple who were money bundlers for the President’s campaign.

    An amusing game of Identity Trumps played out here.


  20. David Preiser (USA) says:

    The President’s deputy campaign manager attended a bunch of meetings about the looming implementation of ObamaCare between the former IRS commissioner, Douglas Shulman, and various people at the White House.

    These were supposedly non-political, purely logistical meetings. Yet a key political campaign apparatchik was present numerous times.

    BBC: It’s a non-story. Nothing for you to worry your little heads about when St. Bradley is on trial, the US soldier who murdered a bunch of Afghans is confessing to his sins, and Michael Jackson’s daughter tried to kill herself. Those stories are infinitely more important than the corruption of the IRS and ties to the President.


    • DB says:

      Meanwhile, Katty Kay continues to spend the day on Twitter as a de-facto White House spin doctor:

      Check out the rest of her tweets today. Is she after a job with the Obama admin?


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        And her colleague, Mardell, is acting as BBC court reporter, tweeting updates about the opening statements from St. Bradley’s trial. It’s not even in the top five most important stories in the US right now, but it’s apparently vitally important to him.

        Every tweet about the prosecution’s statement feature attributive quotation marks, and he even makes analytical remarks himself about them. Yet the statements from the defense are blithely summarized in his own language, no critical eye cast. Only one side deserving of scrutiny, apparently.


      • John Anderson says:

        Susan Rice knowingly lied to the American people on 5 different TV shows the Sunday after Benghazi. Isn;t that worth a smidgeon of criticism ? {;us Rice had an awful record in the Clinton days – for instance stopping any intervention in the Ruanda massacres.

        And Steph Power is a real loose cannon – she had to be sacked from Obama’s 2008 campaign for calling Hillary Clinton a monster. She was behind the Libya “strategy” – ie go to war without Congress approval. end up running guns to jihadis. Previously she argued for massive US intervention in ie against Israel, and has long been known as anti-Israel. Not worth a little criticism ?

        Not at the BBC I suppose, they lap up ideas like these.

        Katty Kay is a real liberal harpie, Mardell is just a limp liberal rag by comparison.


        • David Preiser (USA) says:

          But the BBC doesn’t believe that she lied. The article states that her words were disproven only after the fact. So either they simply don’t believe the evidence, don’t want to know, or are simply lying about it because admitting it would be too depressing to them.


  21. Anon says:

    I attended a BBC meeting a couple of weeks back. To much nodding of heads those attending wanted the BBC to highlight what was happening in Syria so that the British public would put pressure on the UK government to get involved. I felt like saying would those attending have agreed with that policy in regards to Iraq a few years back but looking round the room I lost the courage to do so.


  22. Pounce says:

    I see the bBC is reporting the fire at an Islamic centre as a Hate crime now. But hang on have the bBC ever reported an Islamic based atatck (on anything) as a HAte crime never mind as..Racist?.


    • George R says:

      The ‘Daily Mail,’ which is generally politically hostile to English Defence League, has this headline:

      “Is this revenge for Lee Rigby’s murder? Right-wing ‘EDL’ graffiti is found on London Islamic community centre which was torched in arson attack”

      ‘Daily Mail’ reports contains two elements which BBC-NUJ’s doesn’t:

      1.) the following from Tommy Robinson of EDL:-

      “English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson this afternoon said he was ‘sceptical’ about whether the EDL were involved – but he has not yet condemned the attack.

      “Appearing to suggest that Muslims may have torched the community centre, he wrote: ‘There were 26 fire bombings in Luton with graffiti saying EDL? Guess who was arrested for it? Muslims! Sorry if I’m sceptical’. ”

      2.) at end of ‘Daily Mail’ report:-

      “A war memorial that was attacked by vandals in central London last week has been targeted for a second time.

      “The RAF Bomber Command War Memorial in Green Park has ‘once again been subjected to vandalism’, the RAF Benevolent Fund said.”


      • Derek says:

        A few odd things in that Daily Mail report, that so far I haven’t heard about on the BBC, and being fair not thoroughly covered by the Daily Mail either..

        1 – Quoted from the article (my emphasis):
        “Another volunteer claimed more graffiti was spotted inside the building, a former Scout hall, before it collapsed.”.

        2 – There was a burglar alarm on the front of that building. It can be seem in two of the photos:
        2a – Top left, under the already dilapidated sign ‘Bravanese Centre’, of the photo of the building before the fire.
        2b – From a different angle, the photo with three firemen on the right and some sort of wide wheelie bin on the left.

        3 – Photos covering the inside of the burned building show a pretty even spread of fire damage, so if an accelerant was used, as seems likely, it seems to have been spread fairly widely, i.e. spread by someone inside taking their time.

        So possibly there really was some graffiti inside (taking even more time inside the building).

        On the face of it, that at least displays confidence in not being disturbed.


        • Derek says:

          Actually the alarm can be seen in quite a few of the photos once you know to look for it.


  23. Pounce says:

    The bBC reports:
    The government is expected to apologise to those tortured during the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya, the BBC understands.

    Compensation for the victims is also expected to be announced.

    UK-based law firm Leigh Day is representing more than 5,000 Kenyan men and women who say they were tortured or otherwise mistreated by the British administration in Kenya in the 1950s.

    Hurray for leigh Day and his quest to milk the British for every penny they have. I wonder what challenge this human rights lawyer will take up next?


    • Pounce says:

      You know what I am fing sick of this government it cares more for terrorists than it does British people. I am now going to vote ukip


  24. Dave666 says:

    So I was listening to Radio Free Syria this afternoon. No that’s not right turns out it was Radio 4. Is it just me or did the previous revelation that the “rebels” also allegedly used chemical weapons? Seems to me that piece of news is being erased from history…or is that just me.
    Still on the bright side no sign of the licence investigation team


    • George R says:

      It seems BBC-NUJ has taken the grim Sunni side of the Syrian Islamic jihad war, and expects British government to do same.

      “Looking for a Few Good Men in Syria”
      By Daniel Greenfield.

      [Concluding excerpt]:-

      “There is as little sense in choosing Sunni Islamists over Shiite Islamists as the other way around. The only reason we have taken the Sunni side is because so many of our allies are Sunni. And yet the term ‘ally’ is a misnomer.

      “Are the Saudis really our allies? Can the Islamist governments in Turkey or Egypt be trusted despite their ideological hostility to the United States?

      “The problem with arming the Sunni militias goes beyond putting weapons into the hands of Jihadists; who are already heavily armed. American weapons would largely be symbolic. They would indicate the final endorsement of a Syrian Islamic state. Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt made the political takeover of countries by Islamists into American policy. Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria would make the violent Islamist overthrow of countries into American policy.

      “And that would mean that in a decade, we have gone from declaring war on Islamic terrorism to arming Islamic terrorists.”


  25. thoughtful says:

    Now here’s an odd story, presented by the bBC as a doctor opposed to alcohol consumption. Nowhere in the article does it mention his religion, and it got me thinking because Arif Rajpura could have easily been a Hindu name, but no, Arif is a Muslim name.

    Now I’m not suggesting that his religion is driving his opinion, but it could certainly colour it when the subject is alcohol, and it’s only fair to give the viewer all of the information instead of trying to hide it.


  26. Pounce says:

    If you have the time have a butchers at the bBC news awebsite, once there go the African section and see how they headline the fire at an Islamic centre in London. according to the bBC a Somali mosque was burnt down in a racist attack.
    1) it is not a mosque
    2) nobody knows if it was racist yet.