Clive Myrie talks to Sylvia Emenike
BBC News presenter, Clive Myrie, presents the second of his three interviews on immigration as seen from an immigrant’s point of view.
This week he meets Sylvia Emenike. Sylvia came to the UK from Jamaica in the 1950s.
Clive will explore with Sylvia what her experience has been of living in the UK, but also of the changes she has seen since she moved here and her feelings about the waves of immigration that she’s seen from other parts of the world
Sounds innocent enough.
But really it is a bit of a bombshell…but not in the way you might think.
No ‘white person’ could say the things she does…and get away with it.
Sylvia Emenike left her home in Birmingham for some years but when she came back to Birmingham things had changed drastically.
Sylvia: ‘Where once there had been a predominant sense of a West Indian community that had changed….now there was a predominance of Asians.
Not only that…there was a sort of aura of secrecy…when people could only talk about our problems interacting with the Asian community privately, nobody was willing to speak out, nobody was willing to talk publicly about it and there was this fear if you like, that makes me feel uncomfortable because it feels as if there’s a sort of underlying cauldron of social ills or conflicts.’
She gives an example of Asian shopkeepers deliberately short changing Black people…so often that it couldn’t be a mistake….she said the Asians assumed that the Blacks weren’t well educated or ‘together’ and were an easy target.
Clive Myrie says: ‘It doesn’t sound like you like Asians.’
Sylvia starts to deny that…‘No…’
Myrie says: ‘Some people might say you are racist.’
Sylvia replies: ‘No..well I’d actually refute that, I’ve had bad experiences from people of all cultures..and good ones too…I’ve had some very healthy experiences with Asians…but as far as I’m concerned wrong is wrong and this fear of people being accused of racism or accused of speaking out about anything in that regard that criticises another race, that unfortunately stops free thinking and the sort of sharing of information that would actually minimise this sort of thing happening.
I would say that we need to try and rise above this bitterness and despite the fact that the experiences are very negative we now need to ask how can we improve our situation…moaning and groaning about it or feeling very resentful is not going to help us in any shape or form’
Clive Myrie: ‘Do you think as we move on that the two communities can live together and work together?’
Sylvia: ‘Yes I do, there’s a lot of positive things we can share but I think particularly within the Asian community that they have some very strong cultural influences that actually prevents, limits, some of the youngsters interacting with youngsters from other communities….If those barriers were lifted or relaxed I think it would be much healthier.’
Clive Myrie: ‘How are the two communties getting on at the moment?’
Sylvia: ‘I think there is a superficial politeness, a superficial tolerance but it is not healthy as it could be.’
Fascinating stuff…Aunty Beeb must be loosening its girdles a bit and letting the truth slip out about the genuine state of race relations rather than just pushing the happy clappy ‘diversity is such fun’ line.
A couple of weeks ago they ‘allowed’ the liberal from the left leaning Demos think tank (so ‘safe’), David Goodhart, on to speak about his new book on the damage done by mass immigration policies…..deemed so ‘toxic’ that the Hay Festival refused to allow him to attend.
I wonder how many complaints the BBC received about Sylvia Emenike’s revelations.
very interesting article indeed.i wonder if the uaf finds out where she lives will they will be outside her house waving placards and shouting nazi fascist scum.any lefties who troll this blog like to reply to this article and my comment.
Everything is relative of course but well done to the BBC.
Though I agree that a similar white person would not be permitted any air time stating that, ” I think particularly within the Asian community that they have some very strong cultural influences that actually prevents, limits, some of the youngsters interacting with youngsters from other communities.”
Sylvia is quite right with those comments broadcasted. Asians are NOT tolerant of Black people and believe they are a ‘cut above’. Blacks use their £s in their shops but many believe as soon as they enter they are always there to steal. Fact is many have become very wealthy from Black people spending in their shops. Yes, Blacks could have their own businesses but there are recorded cases where Black businesses have been “targeted” with no choice but to close in some communities. I could comment more but it would be called racist, however, I applaude Sylvia for saying there is disharmony between Blacks and Asians – it’s been this way for many many years. I live in such a community, and some politician also know the true facts about the “simmering” tensions.
I knew many years ago that a well established Hindu community was being targeted by Somalis. However, since Somalis were higher on the victim totem pole, neither the BBC nor the police were interested.
Multiculturalism at work.
Arab muslims hate black people.
And here’s me thinking that this Multicultural Utopian fantasy was working.
Oh, the white folks hate the black folks,
And the black folks hate the white folks.
To hate all but the right folks
Is an old established rule.
But during National Brotherhood Week, National Brotherhood Week,
Lena Horne and Sheriff Clarke are dancing cheek to cheek.
It’s fun to eulogize
The people you despise,
As long as you don’t let ’em in your school.
Oh, the poor folks hate the rich folks,
And the rich folks hate the poor folks.
All of my folks hate all of your folks,
It’s American as apple pie.
But during National Brotherhood Week, National Brotherhood Week,
New Yorkers love the Puerto Ricans ’cause it’s very chic.
Step up and shake the hand
Of someone you can’t stand.
You can tolerate him if you try.
Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics,
And the Catholics hate the Protestants,
And the Hindus hate the Muslims,
And everybody hates the Jews.
But during National Brotherhood Week, National Brotherhood Week,
It’s National Everyone-smile-at-one-another-hood Week.
Be nice to people who
Are inferior to you.
It’s only for a week, so have no fear.
Be grateful that it doesn’t last all year!
(Tom Lehrer)
Exactly what happened in Kenya and Uganda. Now our problem. And if my mind serves we correctly they were asked to leave because they would’t relinquish their British passports and take up nationality in the respective countries where they lived. And what have we got, the winging “Ali Baba ” who fled to Britain and not some idilic muslim country and moaned and whinged at us ever since.
The Lefts worst nightmare, a black racist, but this is permitted by the Multicultural Inquisition, because her skin pigmentation is the correct colour.
Just look up Diane Abbott or Yasmin Ali Baba Brown has to say about white people, they don’t like them.
Diane Abbott on the government recruiting nurses for the NHS from Finland.
” in her newspaper column, she had written of the 30 Finnish nurses at Homerton Hospital in Hackney: `I’m sure these women are charming. But they are basically here to improve their English and are unlikely to give the British health service a lifetime’s commitment.
`I am surprised that they choose to bring in blonde, blue-eyed girls from Finland, instead of nurses from the Caribbean who know the language and understand British culture and institutions.
`And are Finnish girls, who may never have met a black person before, let alone touched one, best suited to nursing in multi-cultural Hackney?”
Pure racism from Diane Abbott: first the pseudo-concessive argument “I’m sure these women are charming” which leaves you waiting for the almighty “BUT …”; then the hypocritical and racist stereotype “blonde, blue-eyed girls” when not all Finns are like that; next the laughable invocation of “who … understand British culture and institutions”, a criterion which would exclude many Muslim immigrants if applied properly; finally, more racist drivel, as if touching a Black person would give you the plague or some such, in the eyes of these horribly White Finns.
Diane Abbott should be expelled from the Labour Party for these views, by her own standards. On the other hand, I would defend her right not to like blond people or White Europeans in general, if that is how she feels … as long as she never ever ever lectures the White British on racism again.
Sorry pressed the report button by mistake.
The irony when DA said the above, Miss Finland at the time was ….black.
”Sylvia Emenike left her home in Birmingham for some years but when she came back to Birmingham things had changed drastically.”
Bit ironic, now she knows how whitey feels.
As an ‘ex-pat’ Brummie myself (well, Yam-Yam, actually), it’s certainly how I feel whenever I go back.
John Wood
”The Melting Pot” by Blue Mink, 1970, happy clappy, one worlder, cultural marxist, BS.
Take a pinch of white man
Wrap him up in black skin
Add a touch of blue blood
And a little bitty bit of Red Indian boy
Curly Latin kinkies
Mixed with yellow Chinkees
If you lump it all together
Well, you got a recipe for a get along scene
Oh, what a beautiful dream
If it could only come true, you know, you know
What we need is a great big melting pot
Big enough to take the world and all it’s got
And keep it stirring for a hundred years or more
And turn out coffee colored people by the score
Rabbis and the Friars
Vishnus and the Gurus
You got the Beatles or the Sun God, it’s true
Well, it really doesn’t matter what religion you choose
No, no no
Making Lady Favor
Mrs. Graceful
You know that livin’ could be tasteful
We should all get together in a lovin’ machine
I better call up the Queen
It’s only fair that she knows, you know, you know
What we need is a great big melting pot
Big enough to take the world and all it’s got
And keep it stirring for a hundred years or more
And turn out coffee colored people by the score
What we need, what we need is a great big melting pot
Big enough, big enough, big enough
To take the world and all it’s got
And keep it stirring for a hundred years or more
And turn out coffee colored people by the score
What we need is a great big melting pot
Big enough, big enough, big enough
To take the world and all it’s got
And keep it stirring for a hundred years or more
And turn out coffee colored people by the score
What we need is a great big melting pot
Big enough, big enough, big enough
To take the world and all it’s got
Keep it stirring for a hundred years or more.
Seems like they’re advocating white genocide, you will note, multiculturalism is happening in the white countries and only the white countries, not in Japan. India, Egypt or Nigeria.
Tony Blair said the English people are not indigenous.
Robin Cook called the English ‘mongrels’ and the BBC pursued the Tory MP who took him to task for it until he was forced to resign.
I heard the first 10 minutes of this. Refreshing that the BBC didn’t censor her criticisms, but can’t help thinking it will backfire on them because the reaction of a lot of indigenous Brits would be to think exactly what Alan says ‘No ‘white person’ could say the things she does…and get away with it.’
Especially on the BBC.
“Black or blind may speak their mind,
White with sight must seal lips tight!”
So, for example, it’s ok for David Blunkett to speak common sense about problems of mass immigration … but much less so for Nicholas Griffin or Nigel Farage; Abp Sentamu or Trevor Phillips can say that multiculturalism has prevented integration, an obvious truth that Whites would need to be very careful about expressing.
Still, I always believe in giving the BBC credit when it is due. This broadcast and the Alp Mehmet one (in the same slot but a week ago) have at least got some of the truth out into the open.
“Nick Griffin”.
Speaking common sense about immigration with evil intent is not the same as speaking common sense about immigration. And you’re doing the work of BBC Gramsci by lumping Nigel Farage together with Nick Griffin.
BBC lefties have done huge damage to the immigration debate, but so have closet racists who seek to exploit legitimate grievances.
BBC Gramsci tries to tar anyone with the BNP brush who raises legitimate concerns about immigration, others undermine legitimate concerns over immigration by trying to legitimise the neo-Nazi BNP with them.
Opposite extremes working to a common evil.
Serious damage was being inflicted on my home town of Bradford when Nick Griffin was still at school. The NF never gained a foothold there either. However, anyone who raised concerns was tarred as a racist regardless of whether they were closet or open about it – it made no difference. I don’t see how NG could have made it worse. I’m sure they would have liked to have had someone to “exploit” their grievances, but nobody wanted to know.
I was present when my 80-odd year old grandparents and friends had “racist” screamed in their faces simply for expressing regret at the changes being imposed on the neighbourhood they had occupied through two world wars.
In a way, it was fortunate that they didn’t live long enough to see riots in the same neighbourhood (Lidget Green) in 2001.
Evil comes in many shapes and sizes; IMO Nick Griffin is neither here nor there.
I could not feel more deeply for what your grandparents – bedrock Britain – saw happen to where they were born and bred, but if we’re to honour the Britain they helped build, that great and beautiful nation we love so much, we really do have to draw a clear demarcation point with the likes of Nick Griffin. Griffin is Hitlerian evil. Nothing could bring Britain lower than he would. Not even Islamism.
The Britain I love bears arms against evil, it doesn’t acquiese with it, unless it’s a short-term tactic to ultimately defeat it.
Sorry, Hippiepooter, but I’ll have to disagree with much of what you said.
(i) It would be as easy to show “evil intent” on the part of New Labour (e.g. the Andrew Neather revelation of a deliberate plan to change the population of the UK by mass immigration) as on the part of the BNP … and remember that Labour had the motive, the means and the opportunity, whereas the BNP have only the motive (e.g. there is not even one Westminster BNP MP).
(ii) As for your “lumping … together”: if I say that A N W Benn and J Enoch Powell were both against joining the Common Market in the Referendum campaign, does that mean, by your strange logic, that Benn was a Powellite and/or that Powell was a Bennite?! This is absurd!
(iii) Your use of the expression “closet racists” is not helpful. As a White Briton, I do NOT regard a Pakistani Muslim or a Jewish British person as being of a different race from me, in the way that someone from China or Central Africa is. The trivial differences of skin and hair colour are at a level below that of race; prejudice against either of the examples I gave, is far more likely to be sectarian or xenophobic than “racial”.
(iv) “Nick” Griffin (your familiar form, not mine – check above, where I wrote “Nicholas Griffin” because I don’t know the man and so am not on first name or familiar terms with him) as Joshaw rightly points out, is of very marginal importance. The BNP bubble at the last Euro elections, when Griffin and Brons were elected, had burst by the 2010 General Election, where the party was in retreat. To liken Griffin or the BNP to “Hitlerian evil” is pointless and untrue.
(v) As for “beautiful nation” and “The Britain I love bears arms against evil”, this is yet more of what has been called “The Whig Interpretation of History” – trite, naive and simply untrue. What about our alliance with Stalin’s USSR?! Or the oil deal with Qadhafi’s Libya? Britain long ago ceased to be powerful enough to bear arms against evil, even assuming that such a policy would always be in the national interest (e.g. in Syria now). History is much more contingent than you appear to allow.
Is this a Whig view?:-
“Twice in my time as Prime Minister we have had to send our forces across the world to defend a small country against ruthless aggression: first to our own people in the Falklands and now to the borders of Kuwait. To those who have never had to take such decisions, I say that they are taken with a heavy heart and in the knowledge of the manifold dangers, but with tremendous pride in the professionalism and courage of our armed forces.
There is something else which one feels. That is a sense of this country’s destiny: the centuries of history and experience which ensure that, when principles have to be defended, when good has to be upheld and when evil has to be overcome, Britain will take up arms. It is because we on this side have never flinched from difficult decisions that this House and this country can have confidence in this Government today.”
Margarat Thatcher, House of Commons, 1990, Nov 22nd
Yes, you are quite right, this is Whig history, even if from a Tory PM. I don’t like the idea of “this country’s destiny”. My view of history is that it is usually more contingent: we do what we can, where we can, and this sometimes coincides with admirable moral principles, such as abolishing slavery and fighting piracy; but sometimes we can do nothing. What of all those “far away countries of which we know nothing”? If even the might of the USA cannot bring order to Afghanistan, what chance has Britain, with all the good intentions in the world?
I dont think we disagree too much actually, it’s just a question of definitions, and maybe degree.
The West can bring order to Afghanistan and subjugate the Jihadi threat, but it is paralysed by the propaganda power of bratocratic subversive media that acts for the enemy.
Before we bring democracy to a country we make sure our own is protected first. If that means we put our security before democratisation of the nations we invade because of the threat their regimes pose, so be it, and however many we have to kill doing it.
The bratocracy have really muddled in the public mind the difference between ‘doing good in the world’ and ‘moral masturbation’.
Personally, we could solve our security problems and financial problems at one foul swoop if in the wake of an all out Muslim attack on Israel for blitzing Iran’s nuclear weapons programme, we thrown in with Israel, flatten the anti-Semitic Muslim world and take control of their petroleum.
The moral justification and necessity for this is blindingly clear in my view, but the judeo-Christian values that made the West great and produced the likes of Churchill and Thatcher, Roosevelt, Kennedy and Reagan has been so hollowed out by the enemy within we no longer have the moral clarity to do what it takes to defeat tyranny and save civilisation.
One of your best posts for a while Hippie. Very well put.
The one thing I would disagree on is calling the BNP and the BBC as opposite extremes. I think they are very close, just differ on what group(s) of people to hate most. Basically I regard them all, along with the UAF and the Labour Party etc. as different turds in the same cess pit.
I cannot agree that it was “very well put”.
There is simply no comparison between, on the one hand, the threats of Islamism in general and the radicalisation of even a small part of the 2.5-3.0 million British Muslims in particular, and, on the other, any threat from the small and marginalised Far Right. The latter has generally done a little better electorally when Labour has been in power (e.g. the National Front in 1974-79 and the BNP in 1997-2010) only to fall away after Conservative election successes (e.g. 1970, 1979 and 2010).
To say that Griffin is “Hitlerian evil” and that “Nothing could bring Britain lower …” is just prejudice. There is nothing Hitlerian in BNP material and there has not been for many years; the party isn’t even very racist any more, although it it very nationalistic and too xenophobic. As for “evil intent”, that is again your opinion only; I see as much evil intent in one or two of the so-called mainstream parties, but of course they could just be misguided idealists.
Your complacency about the Nazi provenance of the BNP leadership is naive at best. It reminds me of when appeasement Britain was cheering Chamberlain to the rafters for deluding himself about the naked evil of Adolf Hitler.
So your logic runs like this. You think NG is a Nazi. Hitler was a Nazi. Andrew doesn’t regard NG as a threat, therefore Andrew is Neville Chamberlain.
Sorry, but your grip on reality is looking tenuous. Who is the Stalin in this analogy? Or, for that matter, the Pol Pot, Mao Tse-tung or Jean Kambanda? It doesn’t follow that the next tyrant we face will be imitating the ideology or motives of the last.
To paraphrase Stalin: “Nick Griffin? How many divisions has he got?” A shotgun in his Welsh farmhouse, perhaps.
Yes, why would people appease Griffin and the BNP when the party has a couple of Euro MPs, a few councillors and, because of our voting system, no Westminster MPs? Also, just because the BNP (before Anne Cryer, bless her) pointed out the activities of gangs of sexual predators, this does not mean it should be ignored.
Mine was actually in reply to Hippie’s first comment in this thread, not the one referring to Griffin’s Hitlerite tendencies. However, now you come to mention it, his racist views are totally unacceptable and do Nigel Farage no favours when people try to equate the obscene rantings of Griffin with his (Farage’s) perfectly acceptable and non-racist comments.
To try and make them out to be similar plays straight into the Left’s (and BBC’s) hands who want to try to shut up Farage with bogus accusations of racism. Please don’t help them.
Demon, I said no such thing! Please re-read my paragraph where I used the example of Benn and Powell – to put the two names next to each other does NOT imply any equivalence or similarity!
I don’t believe that Mr Farage is a racist; I think that Mr Griffin used to be but don’t know whether he still is. People and beliefs can change over time: look at some of those in the Labour Party and their extreme views when younger; have they changed as they gained more experience of life? Let’s hope so! The little BNP material I have seen recently has nothing in common with the laughable Nazi drivel from the era of Colin “Jackboots” Jordan and co.
Andrew, of course BNP material seems palatable. I probably agree with 80-90% of what they publicly state they believe in. But swallowing their ‘moderate’ spiel is like swallowing the spiel of ‘moderat Muslims’ who ‘condemn’ terrorism and then blame the West for it.
The more Islamists and Nazis feign moderation to gull the gullible, the taqqiyah and tackier they become.
OK. Bad joke. My fail.
I actually thought your taqqiyah/tackier pun was quite funny, so no need to apologise!
Ha! In my experience Asian shopkeepers (and there’s a lot of them round these parts of West London) short change everyone! It’s not the colour of your skin, love.