Hugely disappointed…been watching the BBC’s ‘Australia With Simon Reeves’ and it had been something different from the normal offerings we get which follow the usual beaten path showing us all the same old touristy sights and sounds.
Reeves put in some effort and dug up some of the more interesting corners of Australia….but then the BBC flipped the switch and we got a BBC ‘Stepford wife’…obedient and mindless, repeating the BBC mantra, the party line….on the subjects of Race and Climate Change.
The BBC is up to its old tricks of ambushing us with its propaganda inserted into ‘normal’ programming…you wouldn’t mind half as much…but it is pure misinformation, factually wrong and highly misleading, and rather blatantly and jarringly levered into place to send us a ‘message’.
36 minutes in we came to issues of race…we were told that Australia was now probably less racist than America or Europe….not Japan, or China, or Nigeria or Pakistan or any non ‘white‘ country? No racism in any other country in the world?…just old whitey again….but despite that…’racial tensions still exist’.
Reeves heads off to Cronulla Beach where he joins up with a team of Muslim women who play Australian rules football.
He gushes along the lines of: ‘Look how fantastically willing they are to engage as Australians…to integrate into society.’
He then gets down to business…in 2005 there were riots at the beach between non-Muslims and Muslims….
Reeves doesn’t bother explaining what caused the riots we were just told that they were ‘race riots’ and the impression given was that it was Muslims who were the innocent victims.
His Muslim ‘witness’ said that the consequences of the riots were that they had reinforced the migrant theory that they didn’t belong in Australia and were not really wanted….totally ignoring all those other immigrants happily making a life for themselves in Australia…..around 6.5% of the population (of 23 million) are now Chinese and 6% are of Indian origin…with many more from the rest of Asia, Africa and the Middle East…as well as the UK of course and New Zealand.
Reeves then asked if she got much hassle for being Muslim and wearing a headscarf…she related a story of her being abused for ‘no reason at all’ at a petrol station…..but there was nothing to substantiate that claim at all.
Nor had there been any other voices to talk about ‘race’ in Australia…it was purely from one perspective…that of the Muslims.
What really happened in Cronulla? The truth puts a completely different spin on things….and it’s not hard to find…it’s all in this police report from the New South Wales Police.
The report shows that groups of ‘Middle Eastern’ men were frequently the cause of violent attacks previous to the riot….and there are plenty of other reports of Muslims assaulting and abusing residents of the area over several years…all of which built up a deep seated feeling of antipathy and resentment against them…which eventually spilled over in 2005.
Was the riot just an attack by ‘whites’ upon Muslims? These text messages intercepted by police show that both sides were looking for a fight:
The following are samples of the text messages that were being distributed:
[From the White side]
“Just a reminder that Cronulla’s 1st wog bashing day is still on this Sunday. Chinks bashing day is on the 27th and the Jews are booked in for early January”
Every fucking aussie. Go to Cronulla Beach Sunday for some Leb and wog bashing Aussie Pride ok”
[From the Muslim side]
“All lebo I wog brothers. Sunday midday. Must be at North Cronulla Park. These skippy aussies want war. Bring ur guns and knives and lets show them how we do it”
“0 fight each Aussie. Yulleh. Lets get hectic and turn gods country into wogs country. Habib will be cookin victory kebabs after. Tell all your cousins”
At the same time intelligence was being received by police from a variety of sources that Caucasian males were planning to converge on Cronulla Beach area on Sunday Ilth December. Also, intelligence was received that Middle Eastern males were going to the same area to engage in a riot.’
From the evidence it looks as if this was a case of Whites ‘defending’ themselves against the racism of ‘Muslims’….rather than the other way round… the very least it was both ‘sides’ equally to blame …it certainly wasn’t a one sided racist assault by white Australians on innocent immigrants that Reeves portrays it as.
Reeves rounds it all up with a pious bit of patronising preaching from the BBC multicultural bible:
‘Racism is an issue that Australia must deal with if the communities are going to be a harmonious society that makes the most of Australia’s position the edge of Asia….other people may see them [Muslims] as outsiders but they see themselves as Aussie to the core and my goodness what amazing young women they are!’
He then moves on to climate change and tells us that Australians are some of the most evil people on the planet…they are one of the worst offenders for polluting the atmosphere with CO2. Not China then or India?
Australia produces around 1.4% of the world’s emissions of CO2, China 23.5%, India around 6%, Iran 1.5%. Per capita Australia is worse but not by other measures…by land mass for example…Australia produces only 0.17% per Sq Km, China 2.6% per Sq Km….take your pick how you compare emissions and ‘guilt’.
Reeves tells us that Australia is a heavy user of energy, a massive user of electricity generated mostly by ‘dirty old coal’…he goes on to say they are among the worst emitters of carbon in the world, that they are among the most polluting people on the planet…charming…especially as he of course flew there, probably with a big BBC crew and is driving around in a large 4×4.
He says it is hard to know what the consequences will be…but will we heed the warnings?…he implies politicians are corrupted by the system…as democracy fails us because they only look to the short term to win votes by appealing to the ‘people’s’ baser instincts…greed and selfishness no doubt.
Reeves tells us we really need to think long term…and that of course entails putting a stop to all that CO2 ‘pollution‘…..Aunty knows best…just shut your eyes and do what you are told.
Funny the BBC’s version of ‘democracy’…it has nothing to do with what the ’people’ want…but what their ‘morally and intellectually superior’ elites, mostly those working in the Media, tell them they must have.
The BBC always sneers at ‘populism’…but isn’t that ‘democracy’?
I, too, was extremely disappointed with this Progressives Guide to Australia, but happy that I had missed the first two programmes in the series.
With all the different ethnic and religious ‘communities’ to choose from, I cannot imagine why the BBC opted to highlight the difficulties that the muslims are having integrating into Australian society. They fit in so well elsewhere in the world, after all.
I was suspicious of the women’s Australian Rules piece and felt it may have been a set-up to show how hard they were trying to be ‘Australian’. Certainly, the beach training session looked more like a group of women playing pat-ball. Perhaps it was their first attempt.
Totally agree … all you need to know bbc, pro multiculti,
pro liberal pro islam, pro “warming.change” and to watch anything you have to deliniate their bias line …
so so disconcerting
Getting to the stage where no documentary/travelogue is safe.
That stage was past some time ago
Never saw it, but I do wonder how they could get past the no-sleeves rule of Aussie Rules.
Australian Rules on Cronulla (Sydney) Beach?
OK it’s been a long time since I paid attention and the sport which has origins in the Southern states, especially Victoria has spread but how likely is it that of all the sports they chose that? Not netball the most popular woman’s participation sport. Not soccer (football for the British) with the advantage of familiarity from their country of origin, long established girls leagues and mixed (male/female) teams at least at junior level (My son’s under 12 year team had two girls in the team). Or even volley ball – so popular it even has a beach version.?
Australian (Aussie) Rules has distinct disadvantages for beach football. It requires a larger playing surface compared to other codes and using the bounce of the ball is critical in the game (players running with the ball must intermittently bounce or touch it on the ground).
It just doesn’t seem a likely choice and when played at Cronulla beach seems too much like a set-up, particularly as the majority of Syney’s Muslims live close to a mosque and there is (as far as I know) no mosque in the area. That is, the girls would have had to travel by bus or train to Cronulla in Sydney’s southern suburbs when there are plenty of more convenient places closer to home.
There was a programme presented by Dr Alice Roberts, I think she prefers ‘Professor’ now, covering woolly mammoths and other big beasts in one of the distant ice ages. How come they survived so long during the cold? The programme tootled along, not saying anything much we didn’t already and showing some clever graphics, but then the animals disappered from the face of the earth. How could this possibly happen she kept wondering? Of course ‘climate change’ then kicked into her narrative and then was repeated and repeated, apparently the warmer weather which melted the ice brought rain and the animals started to drown. But then people arrived and the very last one was killed by some horrible humans who surprisingly needed something to eat, they killed the very last one, in their ignorance they were killing the great big lone males, not the weak little ones, so the breeding stock was lost.
All these thousands of years ago, it was ‘climate change’, and people.
Now there’s a surprise.
Of course, climate change happens. But to follow her story, anyone should be able to work out that it rather shoots in the foot their theory of man-causation of climate change, as it was happening well before man could have been influencing the planet.
Do you mean Alice ‘vaaaaast’ Roberts? She needs to work on her vocab.
Dr Roberts criticized those humans for killing all the megafauna? Racist. It’s part of their culture. How dare this privileged white woman dictate to them.
“Killing the great big lone males”
Think about that idea, not having seen her evidence, to be fair, but sonething does not compute.
Would predatory behaviour in small humans, tend to go for the largest, strongest animal of the species?
Or take out the young, small or weakest? Which to you would make more sense if you had to bag a mammoth for dinner!
They may well have not had the sense to conserve the species of course, but they would have been forced to find a substitute prey long before someone bagged the very last one!
I can’t speak for ancient man but several of the existing ‘stone-age’ hunters such as the Aborigines of Australia or the Bushmen of South Africa are excellent conservationists. Hunting a large, dangerous beast is tough work and they don’t kill more than they need. The meat of one large mammoth would probably keep a tribe fed all winter so why kill more?
At least it was an admission that climate change happens without any anthropological input.
Never watched it, but dozy lefty Simon Reeve did a programme about Cuba 6 months ago, he was on Richard Bacon gushing how wondrous it was because it had a health system !!
I watched it for a few minutes. I don’t watch propaganda so switched off.
So, a bit like cricket teams in London then where the Muslims say they have to have Muslim only teams because Whitey won’t let them play. This is despite the fact that you rarely get Hindu & Muslim teams, never get white players in either and often see multi-racial ‘white’ teams.
Odd isn’t it?
I find that I can’t really watch ANYTHING on the BBC anymore without getting extremely wound up by the propaganda.
Any suggestions of a tv station that I COULD watch that’s not peddling the same brainwashing crap as the BBC?
Can’t help, I’m afraid. Most of the Discovery/Eden type channels have a high proportion of old BBC documentaries in their output.
It will be interesting to see what will happen to these programmes when the AGW scam collapses.
You could watch the History Channel or should that be the Hitler Channel, which is wall to wall Adolf Hitler 24 / 7.
Over Christmas they put on ”Auschwitz, the nazis and the final solution.” back to back programmes, real festive cheer.
It’s not any more. Now it is all to wall faux reality shows like Storage Wars, Swamp People and American Pickers. Todays schedule has no history content whatsoever.
Even the Military History channel stopped showing WW2 content and has gone over to similar crap.
Thank God I’m not house bound and reliant on the TV for entertainment …
The Vikings show was pretty good, though. (Storage Wars is A&E, same parent company, of course.)
BBC America, as it happens, started out as a joint venture between Discovery Communications and BBC Worldwide. Make of that what you will.
Cartoon Network. Much funnier, and with less twisted moral values.
Oh, I don’t know about that. Have you never watched ‘Cow & Chicken’, ‘IR Baboon’ or ‘2 Stupid Dogs’?
What’s that all about? 😉
Fair point. They did bring us Samurai Jack, though.
TBPH I never watch CN unless a grandchild is in residence and then only to make sure it is suitable viewing.
Some of their output is strange to say the least. Still, the only harm it seems to have done is the insistence of one of the sprogs that he ‘likes to shake’. But then he’s the odd one of the bunch – I have high hopes for him … 😉
The title looked interesting, I planned to watch but only caught the second half hour and was immediately aware that this was a standard BBC program genetically engineered in order to push BBC propaganda. This is why I hardly ever watch/listen to the BBC now. It beyond sickening and boring to hear the same b*ll*cks from a very short list of BBC pet subjects day in day out.
Yes the bit about “politicians only working for the short term and a longer term solution would be necessary” was a bit creepy . Why didn’t he just say “democracy isn’t working, what we need to sort out global warming is a left of centre world government.”
I just boycott any programme that has this odious, smug lefty creep involved. I had the misfortune to see his Tropic of Cancer series and was appalled and nauseated by the way he breezed into each country and in two sentences found some ‘Issue’ that he could bang on about. He reminds me of those odious ‘politicos’ who used to infest student union politics when I was at college. It is pure and unadulterated propaganda from a foolish young man who thinks he knows everything, when in fact he knows nothing.
I enjoy this type of programme normally – informative and a bit escapist, but I won’t watch any on the BBC now as the continuous lecturing and lies is putting my Pansasonic widescreen in mortal danger.
I enjoyed the programme, but the thing that struck me with the segment on female muslims in Australia was his closing comment that these were ‘such remarkable young women’ or something similar… for being muslim, female…and (wait for it) playing sports!!! OMG – how revolutionary. It’s so easy to be remarkable when cultural expectations are so low!
Pretty unremakable for most young Aussies I would imagine, male or female.
As, I think, David Preiser calls it “The soft racism of lower expectation”.
It’s from George Bush’s 2004 acceptance speech for the nomination to run for a second term as President. He actually called it “soft bigotry”.
Actually quite remarkable, if true. Women playing sports tends to be frowned on in Islamic societies.
Why are there few Muslim women participating in sports? Physical activity conducted within the framework of the Quran involves three major issues having to do with women participation in sports: sex segregation, modest uniform, and abstinence from vigorous activity during periods of religious fasting. But that does not prohibit all Muslim women from being involved in sports.
Watching Muslimah Olympic Athletes, Past and Present