Seems to be a slightly different tone from the BBC when reporting the same story, that of the US PRISM electronic intelligence gathering revelations.
This side of the Pond the Brits get this headline:
GCHQ US spy claims ‘chilling’….allegations that Britain’s electronic listening post GCHQ has been gathering data through a secret US spy programme
and the report adopts a pretty negative attitude towards the intelligence gathering….nothing to do with who is leading the charge?…
Labour’s Keith Vaz said the claims were “chilling” and shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper demanded an inquiry.
Across the Pond its seems the BBC think Obama was taking difficult decisions, doing a difficult job, and all for the safety and security of the American People and the programme is closely monitored by good, trustworthy people:
Obama backs surveillance programmes….saying they are closely overseen by Congress and the courts.
The report spends 95% of its coverage ‘defending’ Obama’s position.
They insert this one negative comment from a Republican right at the bottom of the piece…but then counter that with a positive one from …another Republican and a Democrat:
Republican Senator Rand Paul called the programmes “an astounding assault on the Constitution”.
But his colleagues Republican Senator Lindsay Graham and Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein both defended the phone records practice on Thursday.
I imagine if this guy was still in charge the headlines might have been a tad different:
Given the behaviour of the bbc, one has to question where their loyalties lie. In a sane world, many of the top echelons of the bbc would be hanging from a rope.
The answer lies in their mis-spelt nickname ‘Auntie’.
The Anti-British Broadcasting Corporation.
Obama:- Constitution? What’s that? I say what the law does.
Cameron:- Magna Carta? What’s that? EU say what the law does.
Through the Looking-Glass**:-
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”
BBC:- Thanks Humpty, but we’re already doing that. Ask the ‘climate change deniers’, or see how we imply the EDL need to be watched by the police when Islamic violence keeps happening.
**(Through the Looking-Glass from Wikipedia)
I think you mean ‘Cameron:- Magna Carta? isn’t that an ice cream?’
The man has no clue.
i dont mind them spying on islamic extremists and traitors like phil shiner who hates and put are armed forces in danger with his treachery,by the way,now the scumbag phil shiner is has decided to pick on the raf.cop a look at what lord haw haw phil shitestir is up to now…
Not a lot to do with the BBC has it?
But Alan must be a bit worried now he realises that he is being monitored for his EDL views.
Do you think people should be monitored for ‘EDL’ views then?
And what should the punishment for EDL views be?
And who decides what are ‘EDL’ views and what are not -you?
‘Not a lot to do with the BBC has it?’
Nor has your post. The BBC must be proud to have you on here as their defender, completely devoid of argument.
bbc’s rory cellan jones ;-
“Now you may or may not be happy about that. I’m of the view that life is too short to worry about whether the FBI is reading my emails, or scanning my Facebook updates, or China’s Red Army is listening to my phone calls.”
Well at least there are no pretensions from Rory or the BBC of being a grown up journalist who would want to protect a source who might have risked his life to provide information to the bbc .
Rory does not even mind a repressive regime like China , that kills dissidents, intercepting his correspondence.
good to know !
Another notch on that Nobel Peace Prize:
Obama orders US to draw up overseas target list for cyber-attacks
Exclusive: Top-secret directive steps up offensive cyber capabilities to ‘advance US objectives around the world’
How’s that hopey-changey stuff workin’ out for ya now, BBC? Meawhile, Mark Mardell is in California watching the President’s kabuki dance with China, dreaming up more ways to support the His status as a great world statesman, building bridges and raising His people up.
@ sneaky leftie will.duncan.i hope i am monitored for my ukip views,i would be proud to stand up in open court and express them,here is the thing, there is only one person in this country that can express any views including inciting murder and terrorism and never be arrested by the police,his name is anjem choudary,as for you far haters of ukip. the uaf ,swp, are the very people alongside anjem choudary that the security services should be keeping a beady eye on,you are the very people that subvert democrasy in the uk.