“The citadel of profligacy… or how the BBC flushed another £200m of YOUR money down the drain.
“New Broadcasting House in London was opened by the Queen yesterday.
“It was finished four years behind schedule and £55million over budget.
“Overspend is just one of many made by the Corporation in recent years. ”
Apologies but I can’t seem to find the episode of BBC North West on the iPlayer for 5/6/13 which I thought had some of the worst Islamic censorship/groveling I’ve ever seen. Does the BBC delete regional reports? I thought they might have stored them.
Anyway, on the aforementioned date I sat and watched the BBC Six News, followed by the highly suspect North West. I would say that including the Six O’Clock Syria report and the news of the Somali Islamic Centre attack, and then the regional Blackpool grooming and smoking house news, the overall BBC airtime given to Muslims amounted to around 76% by my calculations; quite a weighty percentage considering we are not an Islamic country (yet!). Maybe it was me, but I got the impression that the BBC was more upset over the Somali Muslim Centre attack than the murder of Lee Rigby. And the camera man, during the report of the this attack just had to get a shot of the ‘proud to be multicultural’ poster in the report alongside the sympathy-vote interviews with Somali Muslims.
Pure bias in my opinion!
Indeed, only Muslims are interested in these stories. Gay marriage reports are only for gays, and reports about the NHS are only for people in hospital.
As I’ve said BBc north west is the pits. I’ve made several complaints about their reports surrounding muslim grooming gangs of course I’m always wrong. The entertainment is when certain reporters disappear when certain stories break (in my perception of course). When the Indian student was murdered in Manchester it ran virtually every night for a fortnight. Whilst that was a tragic event certain other stories disappear without trace almost immediately. :Look up my complaints north west tonight you know it’s true even if you won’t admit it.
And as I understand it, the British Army is trying to recruit more muslims. I fully expect to read about one of them killing his non-muslim comrades; so not only will your lads have to watch their backs while in Afghastlyland, they won’t be able to relax back in ‘friendly’ territory either. And of course, in the spirit of their love of all things obama, the bbc will characterise such atrocities as ‘workplace violence’, a la major nidal hasan and his Fort Hood murders in the name of allah.
INBBC seems to have omitted this Islamic threat from Erdogan’s words:-
‘Jihad Watch’-
“Erdogan invokes Allah, demands that protests end immediately”.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Strongly suggesting that if the secular protesters don’t stop agitating against his increasingly Islamic supremacist regime, Allah will be very, very angry with them. ‘Turkey’s prime minister invokes Allah, demands protests end immediately'”
I notice the addendum at the bottom of report
“Are you in Turkey? Have you been protesting? Please get in touch using the form below.”
Is this news gathering or consensus fabrication?
And the BBC seems happy for information on the protester to go to any security agency.
Rory Cellan-Jones – BBC technology journalist: “I’m of the view that life is too short to worry about whether the FBI is reading my emails, or scanning my Facebook updates, or China’s Red Army is listening to my phone calls.”
I cannot see why anyone would now feel safe emailing the bbc from a troublespot , warzone or place of civil unrest when they are so relaxed about hacking by Obama and other repressive regimes.
These people deserve better than to have the cause dearest to their hearts trivialised in the way it was on BBC Any Questions.
Taking the train to Machynlleth on Friday I looked out of the window slack-jawed at the magnificence of mid-Wales’s The-Shire-like hill country which has been rendered more lushly green than perhaps at any time in recent history thanks to the atmospheric abundance of glorious CO2.
He really loves to troll the greenies, doesn’t he! 🙂
There did seem to be a lot of emotionally violent headbangers in the audience, even Dumbledore was put out by the shouting. Is that a reflection of the average Welshman in mid-Wales, or did the BBC pay for the train fair for lefties to come on the train from Birmingham and Wolverhampton?
I listened on BBC i-player not long ago. Yes, it was all rather alarming, with the thugs trying to howl down those they don’t agree with over several seconds. I don’t mind the odd, short, witty piece of heckling but this was more sinister. Credit to Jonathan Dimbleby, who did well in trying to keep order; but one does wonder about the makeup of the audience.
I can’t say he was very impressive. He lost his way in eulogising over the beauty the Welsh countryside. I agree with what he writes, but I think he’ll be very disappointed with his performance.
Owen Patterson did a much better job of summing up the whole climate change and AGW debate.
“Step one: arrange to record your panel show in ground zero of green lunacy.
Step two: invite one of Britain’s most infamous climate sceptics and one of Britain’s most outspokenly anti-wind-farm, pro-fracking MPs (Owen Paterson – who was partly responsible for effecting the government’s recent policy shift making it easier for groups to oppose wind farms).
Step three: light touch-paper and run.”
In fairness, that’s not really conspiracy. I think that’s called “production”
Compare and contrast Delingpole’s socking it to the fascists in the audience, with sub-human perma-tanned oil-slick Peter Hain and his ‘what can I say about energy to get me the biggest cheers from the audience’.
I said ‘compare and contrast’, of course I just meant to say ‘contrast’.
Ah Dellers, real journalism with bite, not limp-wristed but Labour says scribblers who see the next government being Labour as further advancing their careers.
Nick Cohen has some trouble with the BBC, it has emerged…
There’s some good points here, but also some that I think are misguided. He claims that right wingers are blinded by their prejudice of the BBC, and fail to realise “how much of British life would pass unnoticed if the BBC did not exist” , but this is only the case because of the BBC’s monopoly status and its enormous guaranteed funding, drowning out any possible competition.
He also claims that Newsnight’s current malaise is partly due to reduced funding (Toricutz), but this is entirely down to BBC priorities, not a lack of money. There always seems to be plenty to splash around on cheap vulgarities on superfluous channels like BBC3.
His final appeal that “All it needs is for its conservative critics to get off its back” is rather quaint, considering the impervious culture of contempt and disregard within the BBC for anyone of the political right, let alone those who dare to criticise.
Still there are some good points about the BBC’s apparent lack of ability to ‘break’ important news stories despite its massive staff and resources – a rather expensive news aggregator!
‘the BBC’s apparent lack of ability to ‘break’ important news stories despite its massive staff and resources – a rather expensive news aggregator’.
Quite. It’s a public sector thing. Once you realise your job’s always going to be there irrespective of how crap and how lazy you are, well…
“It must be boring for you too, returning to the same complaint, over and over again. Report on the BBC’s 10 O’Clock News about the trouble in Turkey. Not a single mention, in the three minutes, of the words Islam, or Muslim, or Islamification. You had to infer everything. Without prior knowledge of what was going on, you would have been utterly mystified as to why people were unhappy. You noted that all of the protestors were young, middle class, educated and the women fashionably unveiled; well spoken, good English and so on. And you would have wondered then who the alleged ‘50 per cent’ who support the Prime Minister might be; what are they dressed like? Is this an argument about poverty, or what? Not a mention of the causes. And this way of reporting the news is how half-wits like Professor Plum (see comments below) are able to form their half-baked views: the protests were about a park plus also probably something to do with Israel. Succour for imbeciles.
If this had been the other way about, the reporting would have been very different.”
– Rod Liddle, former editor of R4 “Today” http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/rod-liddle/2013/06/turkey-redux/
Weird how none of our defenders of the indefensible are over at the Spectator castigating Liddle over this, seeing as how it’s the same view expressed by people here. Very curious, makes one wonder about their actual motives.
Very true, David. It is *exactly* the view so often expressed by posters here. Who can honestly (or even dishonestly) dispute that the scales fell from Liddle’s eyes a long time ago and in essence he seems to agree with a lot of the views posted here. This is most definitely not the first time by a long way he has castigated the BBC on this subject.
Would any of the *many* aliases attempting to denigrate this site care to say a word about Rod Liddle, a man who is now outside the tent peeing in?
(Apart from the usual, “Why didn’t he say that when he ran ‘Today’,” as a lot of comments here and elsewhere said about Peter Sissons when he blew the gaff on his old employer.
Even I had the sense to realise that only pain to my family, myself and other employees would come of any comments I made about my old employer before my retirement. And we weren’t in the “news” business either!)
You might care to take a look at the comments under Liddle’s previous article (June 3rd). The delightful “ProffessorPlum” seems somewhat familiar for starters.
Go take a squint at Liddle’s replies, especially those that begin, “and here’s another: […]
Every one of them bats you out of the park with one swipe. (Even that “green” park the ignorant BBC reporters calim is at the bottom of it all.
Whooooops! Forget to mention, re the “*Rod’s” thingy –
why, he almost feels and sounds like a friend of mine. I, for one, will forgice Mr. Rod his past on R4 “Toady”. All is forgiven. (Almost!)
ProffesorPlum appears on quite a few articles over there and is known for one thing: being almost always completely wrong (almost but sometimes he’s just wrong)
Not a very funny joke is it BBC?
And also ‘the magistrates accepted she had not known it was a soldier who had been killed when she sent it.’
So it’s OK to tweet that someone deserves to be beheaded (incitement to terrorism?) but so long as they’re not a soldier. Glad we cleared that one up.
Words cause much deeper wounds, more prolonged suffering.
Causing offence makes you an offender of the worst kind. Easy work for the police ̶f̶o̶r̶c̶e̶ service, too, who’ve embraced this new concept with considerable vigour.
So a drunken white woman who rants on a train (as far as I remember didn’t suggest that anyone deserved to be murdered) got a month or so inside, this person who suggested that a beheading victim should have been beheaded gets a community sentence. Are we living in a world created by Lewis Carroll?
this morning
BBC Main News Page – Nelson Mandela
. Nelson ‘serious’ in hospital
. Former President Nelson Mandela is in a “serious but stable condition” in hospital with a lung infection.
. South African authorities say. ‘Doctors making him comfortable’
. Watch Mandela’s life and times
. The battle for Nelson Mandela’s legacy Slideshow:
. Nelson Mandela The long walk to freedom
oh, the poor old DofE … on that main news page …. not there.
on to this afternoon
BBC Main News Page – Nelson Mandela
. Nelson Mandela ‘serious’ in hospital
. Former President Nelson Mandela is in a “serious but stable condition” in hospital with a lung infection, but breathing on his own, a spokesman says.
. Spokesman: ‘He’s a fighter’
. Watch Mandela’s life and times
. South Africans ‘concerned for Mandela’
. ‘Hold hands and pray for Mandela’
. Nelson Mandela’s legacy
poor old DofE … still … on that main news page ….
not there
Why do you think the BBC is still meant to reflect British interests first? When it comes to the website, they’re a global news organization first and foremost, and the main page is for the rest of the world first. What does that have to do with their remit and ultimate responsibility to the license fee payer? Don’t ask me.
Of course the BBC reflects British values, David. (That might be one reason you have such a problem with it) The DoE’s health has been the lead story for several days. Other news has now begun to push its way up the news agenda. Because it’s newer *whispers* that’s how news works.
No, that’s how the BBC chooses to implement their news editorial policy.
What a lot of people are finding difficult to understand is why they are having to pay a legally enforceable tax in order to provide news to the world. The majority of this news is not presented from a British perspective.
You’re right, Mr. Journalist. I do have a problem with the BBC exporting their perspective to the US, in the form of BBC World News America, Mark Mardell, Franz Strasser, Katty Kay’s appearances on MSNBC and NPR, to name just a few issues. I admit also to having a problem with the British value that the BBC’s job is to remind everyone of the US President’s accomplishments lest they get obscured by the current media frenzy over “scandals”?
comments underneath are laughable, go to highest rated, here’s one:
“75. Yankee_Poodle
31ST MAY 2013 – 3:18
At last, President Obama’s receiving some credit. He has been a safe pair of hands in a difficult time. Well done, Sir, I’m glad you stepped up. Perhaps somone at the Beeb could inform Mark Mardell of Obama’s achievements?”
Safe pair of hands for His political cronies, perhaps. Not so safe for the rest of the country, or the world. Nor for Glenn Greenwald and the Guardian now, I suspect:
Whatever has happened to that, old delapidated, burnt out shed, i mean prayer roomy, mosquey, islamic centery, ex scout hut, the UKs most serious BBC “hate” story? …
Just because someone suggests an alternate theory of a crime, you go off all “Thinkpol” why don’t you just accept that in life people will have differing opinions than you and enjoy life?
He cant accept any deviation from his received truth He is driven by a kind of quasi religious fervour like some 17c zealot he believes that only witches and heretics refuse to accept the word
little willy … 😀
“succeed in getting this site closed down ”
that what the council said, when they saw the state of that old garage/shed/delapidated ex scout hut in its condition BEFORE the fire? … you seen those photo s?
You really the archetype of a self righteous, sanctimonious, censorious self appointed holier-than-thou knight of the liberal inquisition
All for freedom of speech as long as we hoi-polloi say he right thing
freedom of conscience as long as we think the right thing
And freedom of franchise as long as we vote the right way
And to be judged by you of course
Ah, I take it you haven’t seen the list of the ‘businesses; that were registered at the address ?
It has been suggested that a fire would have been quite a convenient way of disposing of the records of the college student visa scam based there.
It does seem odd they have gone all quiet speculating on whop may have done it. Me I’ll wait until they have investigated before I start pointing fingers. Perhaps someone can enlighten me originally this was reported as a mosque. then variously as a cultural centre etc. etc. In my ignorance I thought these were descriptions of a de facto mosque that they hadn’t had planning permission for.
“If someone from the English Defence League did set fire to the mosque in Muswell Hill, would they be daft enough to paint ‘EDL’ on the wall? Probably.
“There doesn’t seem much doubt that it was the work of a Far Right fanatic, even if he wasn’t a card-carrying EDL member.
“I haven’t heard any far-fetched suggestion that the fire was started by an al-Muhajiroun supporter to discredit the entire ‘English community’.
“So why, when someone sprayed ‘Islam’ on the Bomber Command memorial, were some conspiracy theorists anxious to blame it on a dastardly Far Right plot to discredit all Muslims?”
English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson this afternoon said he was ‘sceptical’ about whether the EDL were involved – but he has not yet condemned the attack.
Appearing to suggest that Muslims may have torched the community centre, he wrote: ‘There were 26 fire bombings in Luton with graffiti saying EDL? Guess who was arrested for it? Muslims! Sorry if I’m skeptical’.
Why was he not invited to the BBC studios to put his point across, and this little fact that the BBC never report on, that Muslims have deliberately torched their own buildings, blamed the EDL, and claimed on the insurance?
He may not come across as the brightest tool in the box, our Tommy, but he normally gets his facts right.
The BBc standard reply to only putting one side of the story on air is that they didn’t have time to report on all aspects of a story. This is the reply I have had to several complaints I have made where the BBc in the past have aired a story showing only the side of that story that fits with their ideology. Do you think I make this stuff up? No.
“Turkey’s protesters proclaimed as true heirs of nation’s founding father.
“Ataturk, the secular reformer, has become the symbol for young Turks defying what they see as Erdogan’s reactionary reversion to the Ottoman past.”
Interesting article perhaps even encouraging -but who indeed does ‘remember the Armenians’ Not the guardian, not the protesters and certainly not the BBC
Have a read of this and watch the embedded video. These are IPCC delegates – you know, the ones masquerading as the ‘world’s top scientists’ – being asked if they knew official Met Office data shows no warming for 16 years.
Their resposes are hilarious, their ignorance mind-boggling, their fanatacism immoveable.
‘The BBC’s Newsnight Scotland programme is appealing for members of the public to join its audience for a debate on issues associated with the independence referendum.’
‘The programme makers would like to hear how women are engaging with the debate and the questions they want answered.’
The BBC want to hear from women. OK. Is this a feminism thing?
‘One issue is why women appear more reluctant to vote Yes in next year’s referendum than men and whether independence supporters can do anything to change that.’
Oh I see. Polling has found a group tending to want to vote NO and the BBC want this apparent problem to be addressed.
Yes the BBC is VERY keen on the break up of Britain, all the better to weaken us to dissolve us into the EU, and of course to hasten immigration since an independent Scotland would have totally Open Borders.
The personal is the political. Although this tearful goodbye letter doesn’t really inspire much respect for her or the BBC. Leaving friends and family behind in a war zone, where their lives could end at any time, with a BBC-assisted passport out of the country isn’t really the stuff of legend.
Not BBC-NUJ bias next here, but perhaps an interesting, if underdeveloped report (1), on a fantasy economy, which the somewhat anarchic Mr and Mrs Keiser elaborate on in their comments (2).
1.) Has David Vance tried shopping here?:-
“When is a shop not a shop?”
It does, however, fail to properly reconcile these two statements:
‘On the ground floor is the largest newsroom in Europe. Above it are floors of studios stretching up to the sky. It is a magnificent sight, and houses many fine journalists.’
“the cuts”
I would contend the ‘cuts’ as far the BBC is concerned are a complete myth. Only emphasised by the BBC in false solidarity with their comrades in the real world outside of lavishly refurbished BBC Towers and Salford Central.
The latest massacre between pro- and anti-Gaddafi militias has resulted in 25 dead on Saturday.
The INBBC’s misguided, euphoric reporting from ‘democratic’ Libya of 2011, has given way to INBBC woman, in hijab, named Shaimaa Khalil, reporting on current violence there.
And after watching both reports one still hasn’t the faintest idea who killed who and why? Miss Khalil I suspect was not present, hijab or not.
The BBC, always first with the facts.
BBC 5 Live loves to look at sport through a prism of BBC approved political correctness and lefty opinion.
So imagine a sports event planned by PM Blair and Mayor Livingstone as a Leftyfest, requiring lashings of tax payer money and steeped in PC diversity.
Or had you forgotten the genesis of our Olympic bid?
Where the rest of the world rely on generously oiling the wheels and the odd overt backhander to the IOC, our brave Team GB stood tall – ours was a clean sustainable diversity bid. Yeah, right!
Who could forget the opening parade of the teams? BBC commentary by Radio 1 DJ Trevor Nelson :
‘Cor… here comes Swaziland… love the cool outfits. Here comes Switzerland… they’re specialists at the winter Olympics. Here comes Zigzagistan… says in my BBC notes here their human rights record is a bit poor. Here comes Zimbabwe… love the cool outfits!’
[I paraphase, only slightly]
Yes, the 2012 London Olympics; only topped by Peking 2008 as a BBC employee beano. But wait for it lads – passports at the ready – here comes Rio 2016 (love the scanty but cool outfits?). Ah, wonderful Rio. The absolute quintessential pinnacle of a Beebo-Beano.
So it simply has to be a mainplank of BBC narrative that the Olympics were and still are the best thing since sliced wholemeal bread.
So this morning Garry Richardson asks a rather rhetorical question of tennis player Laura Robson:
‘How much do you look back to the Olympics and fantastic moments like that?’
A slightly bemused Laura (just crashed out of the French Open) politely agrees with our Garry. She wouldn’t want to rain on his dream holiday.
BTW: she got a singles place at London 2012 because another girl had to drop out. She won one game then lost in the second round. In doubles she was knocked out in her first game. She did find some success in mixed doubles paired with Andy Murray (wildcard entry). They lost in the final and so Laura got a silver medal (thanks Andy).
Just as the 1936 Berlin, Moscow and Peking Olympics was complete propaganda, so it was with London, a celebration / brainwashing of vibrancy and diversity. A Long March by Gramsci.
1. Industrial Revolution, tick box.
2. Trade Union movement / coal miners, tick box.
3. Suffragettes, tick box
4. Jarrow unemployment March, tick box.
5. The creation of the National Health Service, according to Danny Boyle, the apex of British civilisation.
6. SS Windrush, the start of African mass immigration, tick box.
7. Beatles, garbage music, tick box.
Ending in a celebration of multiculturalism and miscegenation to the music of a black rapper Dizzy Rascal, very high brow.
The Olympic flag was brought into the stadium carried by human rights ” lawyer ” Mrs Shami Chakrabatti and the mother of Stephen Lawrence. Hmm, making a political point, perhaps ?
Topped off by 70 year old ” Saint ” Paul McCartney croaking out the song Hey Jude.
It was a Cultural Marxist interpretation of British history directed by Irish republican, socialist Danny Boyle, he worked closely on the opening with former members of the Revolutionary Communist Party and the Socialist Workers Party, plus Catherine Ugwu, a black leftist.
J.K. Rowling is a very shy women, as she keeps telling us in the press, but doesn’t mind appearing to a world wide television audience of 4 Billion people
“our brave Team GB stood tall – ours was a clean sustainable diversity bid. Yeah, right!”
Quite. Not much clean about it at all…
At least Ken Livingstone had the decency to admit that it was all a lie. in April 2008, he cheerfully admitted that he had never given two hoots about the games. The bid, he confessed on BBC1’s Question Time, had been a ‘con-trick’ to secure billions of pounds of public money for new capital projects in his Labour-leaning East London heartlands.
One story the BBC didn’t report about the Olympics was Britain’s and the Worlds number 1 at Taekwondo, Aaron Cook was not picked for the British team, they picked instead a black man Lutalo Muhammad ranked 59 in the world. Anti white racism, perhaps ? Cook is very bitter and is now representing the Isle of Man.
“One story the BBC didn’t report about the Olympics was Britain’s and the Worlds number 1 at Taekwondo, Aaron Cook was not picked for the British team, they picked instead a black man Lutalo Muhammad ranked 59 in the world.”
That’s funny – if you google for Aaron Cook with the ‘site:bbc.co.uk’ search modifier, you can find loads of stories about his non-selection.
Either they put them up on the site afterwards and backdated them, or – and you have to admit this is the simpler, more likely, option – you’re a shamefaced liar.
Simple searching also finds contemperaneous interviews with Cook where he himself says that the only reason he considered correct at the time was that he left the UK Taekwondo training system.
But hey, if it’s a toss up between telling the truth or justifying your own prejudice…
Yeah, it was all over the BBC, all channels, 24 / 7, day and night, Nicki Campbell phone in shows, Newsnight discussions etc, etc, just like Stephen ”the Risen Christ” Lawrence !!
Like I said, you’re not adult enough to admit that you lied.
Poor little David Brims. So intent on sounding like the big man railing against the BBC, that he has to resort to dishonesty to shore up his prejudices.
Nearly makes you feel pity for the poor soul. Nearly.
Scott, in the literal sense the BBC did report it. But there’s a hell of a difference between a passing write up on a website and broadcasting the item on the main TV and radio news. It’s a bit like the Guardian printing a paragraph on page 23 about being wrong about the News of The World hacking Millie Dowler’s phone which led to the closure of that paper, when the original story was splashed all over the Guardian’s front page and took on a life of its own.
You are being deliberately pedantic in order to patronise David Brims. You know full well what David meant but your blind loyalty to your BBC idols controls your thought processes. Who the hell regularly reads items on the BBC News website anyway? I’d venture to guess a small fraction of those who get their information about world events from TV and radio.
Look out David! Scott thinks he’s caught you making a mistake in one of your posts. He’ll never let it go. He’ll be referring to this in many of his future posts. The sad little man is like a rotweiller when he thinks he’s got the drop on any of the regular posters. His triumphalism is like a brick around the back of the head. Very childish!
You’re a fine one to accuse others of patronising.
Don’t tell me “I know full well what David Brims meant”. He wrote that the BBC didnt report something. They did. More than once.
David Brims lied. And all the sad little men so desperate to avoid that fact won’t change it.
But that’s typical Biased BBC for you. Honesty is for other people – it’s far more important to knock the BBC, even if you have to be a grubby little liar to do it.
You’re spot on Andy S. Poor Scott can’t tell the difference between a broadcast watched or heard by millions and an obscure sports article read by a few hundred.
From what I remember of this at the time the sports press were incredulous that Cook had not been selected, and in this article here Cook himself, having left the official training system, had no inkling that that would be used as an excuse not to select him.
I’m sure johnnythefish will e able to highlight where David Brims qualified his “the BBC didn’t report it” in his original post in a way that makes his cod outrage valid.
Or he’ll do the usual Biased BBC thing of moving the goalposts to try and shift the blame into somebody else.
Funny isn’t it – when the BBC website could be seen as distorting the market, Biased BBC live to paint it as read by huge numbers. Yet when it’s used to demonstrate that one of their number is an out and out liar, suddenly it’s only read by hundreds.
Why, it’s almost as if the commenters on here are deluded conspiracy theorists who make up as much stuff as they need to give themselves the sense of self-worth so lacking in their real lives.
David Brims is a liar. All those trying to deflect attention from that know that he is, or they wouldn’t be trying so hard to shift attention away. Now why is that, I wonder?
Oh dear, Scottie’s projecting again. Better take your medication Scottie boy and lie down in a darkened room. You’re beginning to sound like Alex Jones on Andrew Neil’s show earlier today.
I must add my tuppence worth to this debate., The BBC did cover the Aaron Cook/Lutalo Muhammad story at some length on Radio 5Live. The coverage was generally supportive of Lutalo Muhammad and the British Taekwondo Association. Aaron Cook was given his say and the BBC did ask questions of the British Taekwondo people but BBC certainly weren’t outraged.
I’ve defended the BBC and Scott M; what a strange day!
I see that the Ministry of Truth has video of Alex Jones on the Sunday Politics today.
Jones is obvioulsy a loony with a scatter-gun approach to attacking the liberals. A few hits and many misses.
Still, the BBC love him because they can say to the public, “Look at this right-wing loon. Aren’t you glad the BBC is here to think for you?”
If you are going to debate with the liberals then a) good luck because they own the media b) stick to one subject, talk slowly and coherently and attack it rigorously. You will still be called a right-wing, racist by the BBC but maybe someone out there will think, for a split second.
Darul Uloom School fire: Pupils and staff evacuated
More than 120 pupils and staff were evacuated from the building in Chislehurst
A fire overnight at an Islamic boarding school in south east London is
…. being treated as suspicious by police.
“There is an increased police presence around potentially vulnerable locations in the borough of Bromley and across London a statement said.
Why did they mention it was an islamic school and not just a school ? when muslims rape children or commit terrorist atrocities, the BBC never mentions their religion.
Leaning over backwards and looking down my well I can dimly see reflected in the water an ‘electrician’ in a shalwar kameez installing a cable he found in the back of his van with a socket he found in a skip;
I see a multitude of adaptors plugged in to this socket. I see a washing machine, several 3 kW heaters, an immersion heater and some computers, all with 3 amp fuses in the plugs, all plugged into this socket.
I see the man in the shalwar kameez walking back to his van tucking forty quid into his wallet, I see him shouting back ‘nah, mate, it’ll last you a lifetime’.
A school which is enclosed by a high fence /gates and has security cameras (i searched through google earth) .
Whats the betting that the cameras will have been out of action at that time and no arrests will be made, along with no arrests at the other community centre(mosque).
Dear Scotty!
Syria?…Turkey?…mid-Staffs?…and yet you obsess on something as silly as this.
I`m not going to check by the way, the TaeKwonDo story was mooted last year; and the race issue cropped up at times-but so too did his being trained by non-UK facilities like the USA etc.
It really isn`t worth the bother Scott…it`s entirely plausible that race was involved and the BBC downplayed it.
But I just don`t care enough-it really is the least of your problems, surely.
Oh dear-does that make me part of the conspiracy to cover up this raging scandal in your head?
Is there a copy of “topics Biased BBC commenters will bring up as an avoidance tactic as soon as someone’s challenged on their prejudices”? Or do you just make it up anew every time?
David Brims lied. He could have just admitted it. Instead, he tried to avoid it. And just waited for the fellow commenters who, like him, don’t care that he lied.
Why should anybody care what you say about the BBC, or any other organisation, if you can’t be bothered to behave like truthful adults?
The BBC did NOT report the matter on the TV or radio. So by far the bulk of its audience did not know. I certainly didn’t – and I listen to a lot of Radio 4 – the “news” channel.
On that view – David Brims made a valid point . Never a particularly important issue anyway.
Since then you have spent a ridiculous amount of time arguing about.
Face it, Scotty, you have been nitpicking – as usual.
You are a nit-picking troll, Scottie. Deal with it.
I have never talked to Scott in my life and I have no express purpose to do so but he has the balls to show who he is .
As have I now.
I will never click report on a comment but I think it is pertinent to say that ugly horrible speech always pisses me off. Chowdrey is as welcome to piss me off as George R.
Keep on keeping on. I have a feeling DV will pull the plug, not least because it has gotten to this absurd stage.
More so, that he gets paid to be contrary by the beast that feeds him.
The racist agenda precludes a single intellectual debate.
BTW Before you ask why I come here? I think it is mental, my workmates do too. We giggle over coffee and tea (working class folk)
Not one of us work for or have ever worked for BBC
Every single one of us would comment if the nutters left.
”We giggle over coffee and tea (working class folk) ”
What an odd thing to say, do rich people not drink tea and coffee ? unless you’re a BBC middle class employee pretending to be a ‘working class’ labourer.
”Not one of us work for or have ever worked for the BBC .”
The Germans used the same line after the war. ‘I was never a party member.’
“Calling someone ‘sweetie’ is a form of affection and endearment”
It can be, but only a fool would claim that was its intention here. I don’t think it was meant to be homophobic, but it was an attempt to belittle me.
It’s really quite revealing, all these Biased BBC commenters who seem to feel threatened by somebody pointing out that one of their own is a liar, and too much of a coward to admit it.
“The racist agenda precludes a single intellectual debate.”
Why exactly?
PS off ton work now wont be much giggling in drying room over this or much else no computer terminals for us working class folks I guess
Yeah, ” I’m a working class geezer, and when I’m not doing working class manual labour, I go off to the pub with my working class chums, they’re salt of the earth, to talk about working class subjects, like the BBC Biased blog !! ”
John Anderson,
“The BBC did NOT report the matter on the TV or radio.”
Johnny, cutie pie, here’s a video of Aaron Cook being interviewed by the BBC: http://bbc.in/119H1kT
“Speaking to Victoria Derbyshire on BBC Radio 5 live, Cook added: “When I got the news, I was extremely upset. I started crying and I didn’t know what to do.”
“Also related to this story:”
*Cook makes Olympics plea to BOA*
*Cook nears Olympic Games reprieve*
*No Cook ‘witch-hunt’, say GB camp*
*GB’s Muhammad receives hate mail*
*Cook considers legal proceedings*
*World body to probe Cook omission*
*Cook camp’s comments ‘desperate’*
*Cook row behind me – Muhammad*
David Brims; “One story the BBC didn’t report about the Olympics was Britain’s and the Worlds number 1 at Taekwondo, Aaron Cook…”
You might as well pack up your bags and go home John. All David Brims is concerned about is that Aaron Cook is WHITE and Lutalo Muhammad is BLACK. Why are you wasting your time trying to defend such an obvious A-grade moron?
Funny – it’s apparently serious enough for David Brims to bring up in the first place, but trivial once it’s clear he’s lied through his teeth.
Why can’t David Brims just admit it? He lied. A silly little lie, but one that exposes just how Biased BBC doesn’t care about the truth, just its own little fantasies.
And all the pathetic little souls who try and come up with excuses for him aren’t doing him, themselves or Biased BBC any favours.
Calm down Scott! You are becoming hysterical. Not good when trying to put your point across. Your problem is that seeing everything through a left-wing prism (no pun intended) you cannot (or will not) see what David Brims meant in his post.
So anyone who says something you don’t agree with is a “liar”. I certainly hope you don’t go around your local pubs behaving like that, unless you are some sort of masochist.
“someone who makes demonstrably false statements is a liar”
You forgot the bit about knowingly asserting something you know to be untrue. It is pretty obvious (if you put aside your childish persona for a moment Scott) that David Brims thought that the BBC did not pay much attention to that story because of the claim of anti-white racism.
He may be entirely mistaken – I remember the case being reported although I was unaware that there was a claim of anti-white racism – but it is my impression that there was a good reason why it was not reported as anti-white racism, because it wasn’t, it was a personality clash, but to say that David Brims is lying (as opposed to mistaken) when he says the selection dispute (and in particular the racist aspect) was not widely reported or discussed by the BBC is, as a say, quite childish.
I agree with Dez for once that the focus on black and white in this case is (almost certainly) misguided, and if the BBC did ignore it there were good reasons for ignoring it, but to pretend the BBC is not racist is absurd. I am sure that BBC employees are fully aware that the BBC positively discriminate on racist grounds. Whether or not they generally approve of it is a different question.
Having followed this story at the time I am 99% sure it was a case of gross abuse of power by the British Federation, which was roundly condemned at all levels before competition started.The fact that Lutalo Muhammed, totally blameless as far as one can tell, was beaten early in the tournament before creditably winning a bronze medal via the repecharge supports the almost universally held view that the omission of Aaron Cook was a mistake. Whatever opinion we may have of how the BBC would have reported this issue if the race of the two fighters had been reversed is irrelevant. The fact is that the whole saga was reported in a reasonably balanced if understated fashion. Incidentally Mr Cook, now competing under the Isle of Man flag, is burning up the competition in 2013 events. If he keeps this up the Federation will be under even closer scrutiny when selecting the team for Rio 2016. Lets see how the BBC covers that eventuality.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“In the wake of the pubic beheading of a young father, Lee Rigby, is the streets outside London, the Hamas group CAIR is crossing the pond to meet with Muslim groups there. Are they meeting to discuss the violent passages in the quran that command jihad? Are they meeting with Muslims worldwide to begin the process of expunging the quran of the violent texts that inspire the brutal and bloody war?
“No. Hamas-CAIR is meeting with Muslim groups in the UK to instruct them how to pimp the Muslim victimhood myth. This is something Hamas-CAIR has perfected. Every time Muslims attack (ie Boston bombing, NY to Canada passenger train bomb plot, NY Federal reserve building plot, etc.), host countries have to suffer the second wave of the jihad attacks, the “islamophobia” media bombs. We are admonished and scolded for any response we have to monstrous inhumanity and carnage. Our Islamic supremacist betters defame and libel anyone who might question the holy motive behind these daily acts of jihad across the world.”
When will INBBC report the ending of funding to Islamic ‘Tell Mama’?
-INBBC has been quick and frequent in its uncritical expounding of that propaganda.
“Muslim group that fabricated evidence of ‘wave of attacks on Muslims’ in wake of London jihad murder loses funding.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“The concept of ‘Islamophobia’ is a tool designed to intimidate people into thinking there is something wrong with resisting jihad and Islamic supremacism. In order to deflect attention away from jihad activity and try to portray Muslims as victims, so as to shame non-Muslims into not investigating or even being suspicious of further jihad activity, Islamic supremacist groups have resorted to making it up. Hamas-linked CAIR and other Muslims have not hesitated to fabricate ‘hate crimes.’ CAIR and other groups like it want and need hate crimes against Muslims, because they can use them for political points and as weapons to intimidate people into remaining silent about the jihad threat.
“Fiyaz Mughal probably thought it was a win-win situation. He was able to further the spurious idea that Muslims are victims who warrant special privileges, and he was able to pad his report enough to keep his highly lucrative government checks coming. But now Britain has shown that there is hope for it yet.”
It feels like a little bit of common sense has prevailed – a rare event.
I don’t know whether ‘Hope not Hate’ gets government funding but I do know it can’t wait for Leveson to be implemented in full so it can start its campaign of complaints against anybody who portrays Islam in a less than favourable light.
It’s only democracy when the BBC approves of the result. 80% is controversial for the Swiss on a pet issue, yet when it comes to a different pet issue – US elections – 50.6% is a mandate, all opposition considered wrong.
The pro-EU establishment and BBC do not like democracy. Local democracy is nimbyism, National democracy is populism and Direct democracy is controversial.
Switzerland is not in the EU, that is why it is far more democratic and economically health than any EU nation.
This Swiss story is great.
The BBCs response to this whacking 80% democratic mandate to stop asylum seekers flooding the country with bogus claims?…well, “disastrous”, “no winners” and the work of a “populist” party over there.
All three comments as put out by the BBC only go to show what life outside the EU would allow us to do ourselves.
No wonder the BBC loath the result, and we`ll not be hearing too much about this one again.
Still-if it were the EU, they`d be voting again to give the BBC their required and desired outcome.
The hole in the heart of the EU is Switzerland-God Bless it!
I wonder if anyone heard this little-known amendment to the Government’s recent Energy Bill reported by the world’s greatest investigative journalists at the BBC, because the implications for the country, whether you are a businesses or a homeowner, are so devastating they need to be understood by everybody – and guess whose job it is to report and debate (hah!) issues of vital national interest.
‘Towards the end of a seven-hour debate on its virtually incomprehensible, 200-page Energy Bill, the Government slipped in a new amendment proposing something so utterly mad that, if anyone present had understood its implications, it might have made front-page news……..By 2020, it said, Britain must reduce its electricity use by “103 terawatt hours”, rising by 2030 to “154 terawatt hours”. This could have been understood only by someone aware that we currently use each year some 378 “terawatt hours”. So what was being proposed was that this must be cut down in six years by 27 per cent – more than a quarter – rising 10 years later to a cut of more than 40 per cent, or two fifths.
Yes, that’s a 27% cut in our electricity usage in the next 7 years, passed by Parliament without even a murmur, at a time when everyone not wearing the virtual reality eco-glasses can see the AGW theory lies in tatters.
Anyone else out there feel like they’re unable to wake up from a bad dream?
Full article by the excellent Christopher Booker here:
Was scarily believable…but Booker now says he got it wrong:
Correction with an apology from Christopher Booker
I must correct a rather serious error in this piece on such an important and complex subject. Although the amendment to the Government’s Energy Bill calling for a 27 percent reduction in Britain’s electricity use was bundled in with others, it was not a Government amendment, and although it was not formally withdrawn, it was not therefore part of the Bill as approved by the House. Later in the debate the minister, Greg Barker, did say that he “welcomed the principle behind the proposal’, but said that this issue should remain part of his Department’s ongoing review of how our electricity demand should be reduced. I apologise profusely to my readers for my misreading of what happened, which I will return to correct and explain in more detail in next week’s column.
Thanks for that, and good on Booker for publishing a prompt and unequivocal apology. The scenario not quite as scary, then, but still time for it to become so given the hypnotic effect ‘climate change’ seems to have on politicians of all parties.
The difference is – Booker is a good and very experienced journalist. Yes, he campaigns – he has done that from his Private Eye days in the 1960s. But in this case he made a mistake – and quickly owned up to the mistake – apologising profusely.
Compare Booker’s fulsome and IMMEDIATE apology with the sort of DELAYED half-apology that the BBC practises.
But we are divided. By the BBC’s divide and conquer tactics and their islamic interlopers who do not want to be a part of our society but just want our land.
Be explicit. Tell us that you think these attacks are the works of miscreants. Insurance has been thrown in. Muslims did it right? Not hate filled scum bags? How many have to happen before it is a problem?
Never too many right? Yes I am putting words in your mouth but counteract it and tell me that YOU DO NOT WANT THIS HATRED!
II is shocking that I have been branded anti-Semitic for asking for equality.
Kids almost died today but it is no biggie because they were at an islamic school. Tell the truth? Please.
I could not give a flying fig for the islamist c*nts the christian c*nts or the jewish c*nts.
A bad person is a bad pesron in Arabic, Latin, or Hebrew.
BBC are desperate for the fire to have been caused by the EDL. Watch it disappear from the headlines if the perpetrators are someone else.
Given the very high levels of fraud within the Asian community, especially insurance fraud, you can hardly blame people for suspecting that all might not be as it seems.
Whilst the BBC and the Met are running around like headless chickens has it occurred to these Islam-groveling Lefties that these Mosque attacks might be scams with the view of making the public think it is the EDL behind them? Just saying…
Case A: “ISLAM” scrawled on walls of war memorials.
MSM:….”EDL stiring up racial tensions”
(Like a set of passionate Englishmen would deface something THAT precious to our country to push an agendas….that, is left wing territory.)
Case B: “EDL” ALLEGEDLY written in mosque/shed, that is burn to the ground.
MSM: “EDL burn down mosque!!!”
Not, “Well, perhaps, it could have been Muslims in case A, showing utter contempt to us, straight after a brutal ISLAMIC murder of a soldier on the streets of England…a little demonstration of who, exactly is in charge.”
Or, in case B, “Maybe, it was Muslims trying to stir up racial tensions….and make a few bob on the side from the insurance….either way, a new shiny Mosque will be built for them at the taxpayers expense.”
Islam is “The religion of peace”(tm), and NEVER to blame.
In 1933 they said the communists had set fire to the Reichstag. In 2013, they said the EDL had set fire to an Islamic centre. 80 years on, the song remains the same.
Stephen Nolan to BBC favourite, House of Lords ‘cross-bencher’, Paralympic heroine and all round go-to Common Purpose good-girl Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson :
After doing a semi-Paxman on the Minister (ie asking the same agressive and ultimately impossible question 4 times) Nolan turns to Her Royal Goldenmedalness Lady Tanni and his attitude changes at once. His question is still just as loaded. M’learned Friends might well term it a ‘leading question’. But his friendly full-toss is 100% BBC since it invites condemnation of Government policy.
Gosh our Government must be bad. Apart from ‘Gay Marriage’ they just can’t seem to get anything right. Thank heavens the BBC are here to tell us where they go wrong – apart from that gay thing.
“In the world of London think tanks, the self-important, frequently wrong and always bumptious Economist magazine and the BBC, Putin is bad and Erdogan is good.”
Scott, I think you need to exercise yourself about the more serious accusations of bias that appear on here – and there are many – if you want to boost your image as defender of the BBC.
Stop deciding what role you think I want to play, and admit that David Brims is a liar. Or at least explain why neither he nor you are adult enough to admit that he lied.
Scott – Does your pathological disdain and contempt for liars include the BBC?
Specifically after the Primark Panorama? Lord McAlpine? The somewhat inconsistent testimonies of Ms Boaden and Mark Thomson apropos the pulled Newsnight on Jimmy Saville?
You made an assertion which turned out to be incorrect. It happens to everyone from time to time, but really the best thing to do is hold your hands up, admit you got it wrong and turn to something else. Embarrassing I know, but it tends to draw a line under matters.
You were shown to be correct some time back. You could have bathed in the righteousness of having caught someone out and left it at that. Instead you’ve gone on and on about it, diluting any kudos you might have gained, because it tends to suggest that you can’t find much wrong with the vast majority of things said on this site.
What I can’t understand is why the two of you feel the need to take up so much thread space arguing over something which really isn’t in doubt, when there are so many other things about the BBC which would be worth the effort.
It is a bitter life or death struggle. It is cultural, political and territorial.
I know this because I listen to news and current affairs on the BBC.
The BBC don’t declare explicitly that this is a civil war – but listen carefully as I have and you will hear about the struggle that is going on day in day out.
I’m not talking about Syria.
I’m referring to the civil war going on right here in our own islands.
On one side are the English.
The English are semi-drunken, prejudiced in their outlook, incurably racist, pessimistic, backward- and indeed inward-looking. They are uncaring, blinkered, red-faced and fat. They smoke and drive too fast. Some of them gather in gangs and perpetrate hateful acts of intolerance on our streets. The other main type are the lone misogynists shut away in basement isolation where they think thoughts which amounts to the committing of similarly unpleasant crimes. Some say they suffer form optical problems causing their eyes to swivel. The worst aspect of the English is that they have no ethnicity. Yes, that’s right, I know it is difficult to comprehend but this group possess no interesting quaint or colourfull traditions whatsoever!
Pitted against the English are the British.
The British are progressive, forward thinking, tolerant and inclusive. They care about the world. The British are generous, accommodating, optimistic and hospitable (except where the English are concerned). Fortunately the British seem to be as rich as Croesus because they are very keen to be heavily taxed so as to help anyone anywhere who thinks they may need cash.
Happily the BBC make it clear that this civil war is almost won. It seems the English are well on the way to being completely erradicated once and for all.
I’ll see your “Civil War” and raise you a “Manichean Struggle”
In the red corner there are the “progressives”, the liberal elite of which the BBC are an integral part.
In the blue corner are all those that doubt or reject the progressive orthodoxy that has been created over the last forty plus years.
The Progressives consider that all those that are not against them must be for them. And those that are against them are so wrong headed they are treated with disdain.
If those non believers continue to attack the new orthodoxy they are ridiculed. When they don’t changed their ways they are abused or better still criminalised.
People better sign up to progressive values or they will be frozen out, out of a job or in gaol.
In 45 mins this morning three different reports on a fire at an ISLAMIC school, one with a chief of police, where he stated there is no connection to the UKs most important delapidated shed fire.
Teenagers again apparently … this doesn t put off the bbc
however, who first push the islamofauxbia narrative, with no success, then push the re-Woolwich victim narrative
you have had to, up patrols around all those sensitive areas
etc, then start equating the bbcs grinding obsession
ie islam/racism.
OOPS! make that four times, as i write this … obviously this police dude didn t give it up enough, so they pull in the tory minister for wait for it …. islamofauxbia, to repeat the islam/victim incantation, same old increased police patrols, sensitive areas ya da ya da.
Talk about creating news … looks like Woolwich in the context of yet another muderous islamic attack is becoming ancient history at the bbc.
no time to mention “tell mama” though? and how islamic groups have not hesitated to fabricate ‘hate crimes … no connection? … no time? … too many letters 😀
oops! better make that five times for the islamic boarding school fire
ow queer!
When ‘reporting’ certain brutal sex gang attacks on English white girls, INBBC censors out that they are Muslim gangs; but when ‘reporting’ that there is a fire at a school, it is repeatedly emphasised that it is an Islamic school.
Loads of coverage on the arson attack on the Muslim indoctrination, oops boarding school. Four teenagers have been arrested, no ethnicity released, but there is a whole slew of interviews with Muslims and EDL is mentioned in every other sentence.
Loads of condemnation of the EDL who are being portrayed as some kind of racist terrorist group who have an agenda to destroy Muslim property.
Inevitably our useless so called ‘police’ have managed to find all the officers who are unavailable to do any real policing of crime when we need them to act as security guards for Muslim property.
Last night BBC news went through all the ‘attacks’ which had taken place, every one was condemned despite the fact that the most of them were so minor no damage could be seen.
The oppression of the White British people continues.
You wretches, detestable on land and sea ; you who seek equality with Ethnics are unworthy to live. Give this message to your colleagues. Racists you were and racists you are still: you will remain in bondage not as before but incomparably harsher. For as long as we live we will strive to suppress you , and your misery will be an example in the eyes of posterity . How ever, we will spare your lives if you remain faithful. Choose now which you want to follow .
I noticed a police car outside our local ‘community centre’ this morning and guessed immediately what the game was.
I then spent an hour getting hit over the head by the Today programme. There are 8 ‘attacks’ a day on Muslims across the capital, they say, most of which include ‘name-calling’ presumedly as reprisals against that squaddie who got hacked to pieces in the street. It’s clear who are the real victims here.
What chance the BBC pointing out that the police cannot somehow spare the resources to protect white schoolgirls from enslavement by Pakistani paedophile gangs, but when it comes to providing point defence of mosques against a mostly imaginary threat then it’s overtime-tastic?
Eight ‘attacks’, of which the majority are “name calling”. Since when has it become such a despicable crime, worthy of reporting, to call people names?
In essence, it’s quite OK for the “religion of peace” to threaten murder (and carry it out), but quite another, far more serious matter, for anyone to call members of the Islamic “faith” names.
Come on now, you shouldn’t minimize the seriousness of these hate crimes. Goodness me, some of them may constitute grounds for the victims to claim religious asylum as refugees in…. Syria? Libya? Saudi Arabia?
So, every time a Muslim calls a non muslim a Kaffir, or such, can we call someone to lodge a complaint about it, to be wheeled out every time the law investigate Mr Robinson dropping a fag end?
Tell PAPA perhaps, (People-Against-Paeodophilic-Asians)?
The BBC spent pretty much the entire morning supporting Islam and Muslims.
No mention was made of the elephant in the room when reporting on me nationwide epidemic of grooming gangs. In contrast was the reporting of a fire at the Islamic Centre, where the religion of peace was mentioned at pretty much every opportunity. The BBC also clearly know more than the Fire Brigade as they stated that it was “burnt down”, i.e. arson, whereas the authorities have only stated that the fire is suspicious. Still… the BBC likes to portray Muslims as victims, even with no evidence so accuracy can go out the window.
“Thought for the day” on “Today” on Radio 4 at around 07:45 this morning:
The Revd James Jones of Liverpool recounted a touching story about a local Muslim girl who enjoyed attending both her mosque and also Christian church services with hymns. She told him that the two religions and others all worship the same God, and she was happy and grateful.
Two questions for the BBC and the good Revd, who I am sure is a well-meaning and kind man: (i) how many Muslims in Turkey or Iran are allowed to sample Christian services? (ii) how many Muslims in the UK would regard her oecumenical approach as true to Islam?
A bit like Simon Reeves in his ‘Australia’ series – ‘These remarkable young women’ – referring to video of a few Muslim girls in religious garb pretending to want to play Australian Rules Football.
Why exactly is the BBc breakfast weather forcaster in a low allergy garden in Enfield this morning.? There is already an other reporter doing a marginally relevant story on hay fever out in the field. Does she get expenses and an overnight stay?
It will have been Robinson himself…oh, hang on, no, he had to get back to court to see those who planned to kill him sentenced.
Here’s one of their peaceful love notes to Tommy and the boys:
“O enemies of Allah! We have heard and seen you openly insulting the final Messenger of Allah … you should know that for every action there is a reaction.
“Today is a day of retaliation (especially) for your blasphemy of Allah and his Messenger Muhammad. We love death more than you love life. The penalty for blasphemy of Allah and his Messenger Muhammad is death.”
So, if they love death, and they wanna kill EDL members….erm….aren’t they sort of giving the ones they kill a prize?…coz, well…according to them, death is ace.
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“The citadel of profligacy… or how the BBC flushed another £200m of YOUR money down the drain.
“New Broadcasting House in London was opened by the Queen yesterday.
“It was finished four years behind schedule and £55million over budget.
“Overspend is just one of many made by the Corporation in recent years. ”
Apologies but I can’t seem to find the episode of BBC North West on the iPlayer for 5/6/13 which I thought had some of the worst Islamic censorship/groveling I’ve ever seen. Does the BBC delete regional reports? I thought they might have stored them.
Anyway, on the aforementioned date I sat and watched the BBC Six News, followed by the highly suspect North West. I would say that including the Six O’Clock Syria report and the news of the Somali Islamic Centre attack, and then the regional Blackpool grooming and smoking house news, the overall BBC airtime given to Muslims amounted to around 76% by my calculations; quite a weighty percentage considering we are not an Islamic country (yet!). Maybe it was me, but I got the impression that the BBC was more upset over the Somali Muslim Centre attack than the murder of Lee Rigby. And the camera man, during the report of the this attack just had to get a shot of the ‘proud to be multicultural’ poster in the report alongside the sympathy-vote interviews with Somali Muslims.
Pure bias in my opinion!
Indeed, only Muslims are interested in these stories. Gay marriage reports are only for gays, and reports about the NHS are only for people in hospital.
And your point is exactly…?
No point, just knee-jerk bourgeois liberalism
“Maybe it was me”
You what?
Oh Scott… You wag!
He’s comedy gold…
BBC should sign him up.
Have they already?
As I’ve said BBc north west is the pits. I’ve made several complaints about their reports surrounding muslim grooming gangs of course I’m always wrong. The entertainment is when certain reporters disappear when certain stories break (in my perception of course). When the Indian student was murdered in Manchester it ran virtually every night for a fortnight. Whilst that was a tragic event certain other stories disappear without trace almost immediately. :Look up my complaints north west tonight you know it’s true even if you won’t admit it.
I too have been frequently privy to these nightly Labour Party broadcasts masquerading as news.
It all started going downhill after Labour Party member and serial paedophile Stuart Hall left.
Beeboids’ political decision:-
Obamessiah is OK on surveillance, Cameron isn’t.
INBBC on ‘green-on-blue’ murders: don’t mention Islamic jihad as motivation.
“International soldiers killed in Afghan insider attacks”
‘Jihad Watch’ on ‘green-on-blue murders in Afghanistan
(some recent archive articles)-
And as I understand it, the British Army is trying to recruit more muslims. I fully expect to read about one of them killing his non-muslim comrades; so not only will your lads have to watch their backs while in Afghastlyland, they won’t be able to relax back in ‘friendly’ territory either. And of course, in the spirit of their love of all things obama, the bbc will characterise such atrocities as ‘workplace violence’, a la major nidal hasan and his Fort Hood murders in the name of allah.
INBBC seems to have omitted this Islamic threat from Erdogan’s words:-
‘Jihad Watch’-
“Erdogan invokes Allah, demands that protests end immediately”.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Strongly suggesting that if the secular protesters don’t stop agitating against his increasingly Islamic supremacist regime, Allah will be very, very angry with them. ‘Turkey’s prime minister invokes Allah, demands protests end immediately'”
I notice the addendum at the bottom of report
“Are you in Turkey? Have you been protesting? Please get in touch using the form below.”
Is this news gathering or consensus fabrication?
And the BBC seems happy for information on the protester to go to any security agency.
Rory Cellan-Jones – BBC technology journalist:
“I’m of the view that life is too short to worry about whether the FBI is reading my emails, or scanning my Facebook updates, or China’s Red Army is listening to my phone calls.”
H/T jimbob for this link
thanks Derek !
I cannot see why anyone would now feel safe emailing the bbc from a troublespot , warzone or place of civil unrest when they are so relaxed about hacking by Obama and other repressive regimes.
Allah was on the SNP campaign trail in Aberdeen today so Erdogan will have to wait a while.
Delingpole’s latest at The Telegraph…
What really happened on BBC Any Questions
These people deserve better than to have the cause dearest to their hearts trivialised in the way it was on BBC Any Questions.
Taking the train to Machynlleth on Friday I looked out of the window slack-jawed at the magnificence of mid-Wales’s The-Shire-like hill country which has been rendered more lushly green than perhaps at any time in recent history thanks to the atmospheric abundance of glorious CO2.
He really loves to troll the greenies, doesn’t he! 🙂
There did seem to be a lot of emotionally violent headbangers in the audience, even Dumbledore was put out by the shouting. Is that a reflection of the average Welshman in mid-Wales, or did the BBC pay for the train fair for lefties to come on the train from Birmingham and Wolverhampton?
I listened on BBC i-player not long ago. Yes, it was all rather alarming, with the thugs trying to howl down those they don’t agree with over several seconds. I don’t mind the odd, short, witty piece of heckling but this was more sinister. Credit to Jonathan Dimbleby, who did well in trying to keep order; but one does wonder about the makeup of the audience.
I can’t say he was very impressive. He lost his way in eulogising over the beauty the Welsh countryside. I agree with what he writes, but I think he’ll be very disappointed with his performance.
Owen Patterson did a much better job of summing up the whole climate change and AGW debate.
Quoting from Delingpole’s piece in the Telegraph:
“Step one: arrange to record your panel show in ground zero of green lunacy.
Step two: invite one of Britain’s most infamous climate sceptics and one of Britain’s most outspokenly anti-wind-farm, pro-fracking MPs (Owen Paterson – who was partly responsible for effecting the government’s recent policy shift making it easier for groups to oppose wind farms).
Step three: light touch-paper and run.”
In fairness, that’s not really conspiracy. I think that’s called “production”
Forget about islam, mass immigration or the EUSSR, it’s all about the badger cull, that’s the important thing.
…and naughty tweets – naughty tweets are the nation’s most pressing outrage.
Now, if we could only get a member of the EDL to do naughty tweets about distressed badgers…
Newsnight Special!
i’d rather they shot moonbats than cute n cudley badgers.
Compare and contrast Delingpole’s socking it to the fascists in the audience, with sub-human perma-tanned oil-slick Peter Hain and his ‘what can I say about energy to get me the biggest cheers from the audience’.
I said ‘compare and contrast’, of course I just meant to say ‘contrast’.
Ah Dellers, real journalism with bite, not limp-wristed but Labour says scribblers who see the next government being Labour as further advancing their careers.
He’s always readable, even when I don’t agree with him…which isn’t often.
Always hilarious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36Xu3SQcIE0
‘Interpreter of interpretations’
Is that an official office of the liberal inquisition?
Nick Cohen has some trouble with the BBC, it has emerged…
There’s some good points here, but also some that I think are misguided. He claims that right wingers are blinded by their prejudice of the BBC, and fail to realise “how much of British life would pass unnoticed if the BBC did not exist” , but this is only the case because of the BBC’s monopoly status and its enormous guaranteed funding, drowning out any possible competition.
He also claims that Newsnight’s current malaise is partly due to reduced funding (Toricutz), but this is entirely down to BBC priorities, not a lack of money. There always seems to be plenty to splash around on cheap vulgarities on superfluous channels like BBC3.
His final appeal that “All it needs is for its conservative critics to get off its back” is rather quaint, considering the impervious culture of contempt and disregard within the BBC for anyone of the political right, let alone those who dare to criticise.
Still there are some good points about the BBC’s apparent lack of ability to ‘break’ important news stories despite its massive staff and resources – a rather expensive news aggregator!
‘the BBC’s apparent lack of ability to ‘break’ important news stories despite its massive staff and resources – a rather expensive news aggregator’.
Quite. It’s a public sector thing. Once you realise your job’s always going to be there irrespective of how crap and how lazy you are, well…
From one who knows:
“It must be boring for you too, returning to the same complaint, over and over again. Report on the BBC’s 10 O’Clock News about the trouble in Turkey. Not a single mention, in the three minutes, of the words Islam, or Muslim, or Islamification. You had to infer everything. Without prior knowledge of what was going on, you would have been utterly mystified as to why people were unhappy. You noted that all of the protestors were young, middle class, educated and the women fashionably unveiled; well spoken, good English and so on. And you would have wondered then who the alleged ‘50 per cent’ who support the Prime Minister might be; what are they dressed like? Is this an argument about poverty, or what? Not a mention of the causes. And this way of reporting the news is how half-wits like Professor Plum (see comments below) are able to form their half-baked views: the protests were about a park plus also probably something to do with Israel. Succour for imbeciles.
If this had been the other way about, the reporting would have been very different.”
– Rod Liddle, former editor of R4 “Today”
Weird how none of our defenders of the indefensible are over at the Spectator castigating Liddle over this, seeing as how it’s the same view expressed by people here. Very curious, makes one wonder about their actual motives.
Very true, David. It is *exactly* the view so often expressed by posters here. Who can honestly (or even dishonestly) dispute that the scales fell from Liddle’s eyes a long time ago and in essence he seems to agree with a lot of the views posted here. This is most definitely not the first time by a long way he has castigated the BBC on this subject.
Would any of the *many* aliases attempting to denigrate this site care to say a word about Rod Liddle, a man who is now outside the tent peeing in?
(Apart from the usual, “Why didn’t he say that when he ran ‘Today’,” as a lot of comments here and elsewhere said about Peter Sissons when he blew the gaff on his old employer.
Even I had the sense to realise that only pain to my family, myself and other employees would come of any comments I made about my old employer before my retirement. And we weren’t in the “news” business either!)
You might care to take a look at the comments under Liddle’s previous article (June 3rd). The delightful “ProffessorPlum” seems somewhat familiar for starters.
I noticed the lunatic rambling about how Turkey supports Israel. Mavi Marvara, anyone?
“fatuous aurthoritarian half wit”
Could easily apply to some/one of todays posters
Go take a squint at Liddle’s replies, especially those that begin, “and here’s another: […]
Every one of them bats you out of the park with one swipe. (Even that “green” park the ignorant BBC reporters calim is at the bottom of it all.
I resent that. I’m not authoritarian. 🙂
Me too!
Hey Buggy! Did you read *Rod’s replies starting “and here’s another: […]”
Go back and check!
Meantime, …
… back at the ranch …
Whooooops! Forget to mention, re the “*Rod’s” thingy –
why, he almost feels and sounds like a friend of mine. I, for one, will forgice Mr. Rod his past on R4 “Toady”. All is forgiven. (Almost!)
ProffesorPlum appears on quite a few articles over there and is known for one thing: being almost always completely wrong (almost but sometimes he’s just wrong)
Maybe their bbc handler has decided to leave the speccie alone?
I know, i know, no need to tell me.
Woolwich tweeter sentenced for ‘joke’ tweet.
Not a very funny joke is it BBC?
And also ‘the magistrates accepted she had not known it was a soldier who had been killed when she sent it.’
So it’s OK to tweet that someone deserves to be beheaded (incitement to terrorism?) but so long as they’re not a soldier. Glad we cleared that one up.
“The court heard Hassan’s father works in Somalia for organisations including US Aid and Prevent which aim to combat extremism.
He is also a former “associate advisor for policing diversity” to the Metropolitan Police. “
So – anyone – help me out – is that an advisor for diversity within the poilce, or an advisor for the policing of public diversity?
These days, you simply can’t be sure.
Chronic violent offenders get off with less. Madness. Why is there no BBC investigation into this sort of thing?
Words cause much deeper wounds, more prolonged suffering.
Causing offence makes you an offender of the worst kind. Easy work for the police ̶f̶o̶r̶c̶e̶ service, too, who’ve embraced this new concept with considerable vigour.
Fantastic -‘unacceptable behaviour team’ – wouldn’t ‘thought police’ be pithier?
pc P.C. = (PC²)
So a drunken white woman who rants on a train (as far as I remember didn’t suggest that anyone deserved to be murdered) got a month or so inside, this person who suggested that a beheading victim should have been beheaded gets a community sentence. Are we living in a world created by Lewis Carroll?
Is the correct answer. (As they used to say)
“When I use a word” said Alice, “it means just what I choose it to mean”.
“Bollocks” said the thought copper. “It means you are a white scumbag”.
this morning
BBC Main News Page – Nelson Mandela
. Nelson ‘serious’ in hospital
. Former President Nelson Mandela is in a “serious but stable condition” in hospital with a lung infection.
. South African authorities say. ‘Doctors making him comfortable’
. Watch Mandela’s life and times
. The battle for Nelson Mandela’s legacy Slideshow:
. Nelson Mandela The long walk to freedom
oh, the poor old DofE … on that main news page …. not there.
on to this afternoon
BBC Main News Page – Nelson Mandela
. Nelson Mandela ‘serious’ in hospital
. Former President Nelson Mandela is in a “serious but stable condition” in hospital with a lung infection, but breathing on his own, a spokesman says.
. Spokesman: ‘He’s a fighter’
. Watch Mandela’s life and times
. South Africans ‘concerned for Mandela’
. ‘Hold hands and pray for Mandela’
. Nelson Mandela’s legacy
poor old DofE … still … on that main news page ….
not there
Why do you think the BBC is still meant to reflect British interests first? When it comes to the website, they’re a global news organization first and foremost, and the main page is for the rest of the world first. What does that have to do with their remit and ultimate responsibility to the license fee payer? Don’t ask me.
Of course the BBC reflects British values, David. (That might be one reason you have such a problem with it) The DoE’s health has been the lead story for several days. Other news has now begun to push its way up the news agenda. Because it’s newer *whispers* that’s how news works.
Oh, sure. Up and down the length of Britain, in the pubs and the cubs, the talk is of nothing but the health of Nelson Mandela.
Tell me, how are things in Salford?
No, that’s how the BBC chooses to implement their news editorial policy.
What a lot of people are finding difficult to understand is why they are having to pay a legally enforceable tax in order to provide news to the world. The majority of this news is not presented from a British perspective.
You’re right, Mr. Journalist. I do have a problem with the BBC exporting their perspective to the US, in the form of BBC World News America, Mark Mardell, Franz Strasser, Katty Kay’s appearances on MSNBC and NPR, to name just a few issues. I admit also to having a problem with the British value that the BBC’s job is to remind everyone of the US President’s accomplishments lest they get obscured by the current media frenzy over “scandals”?
comments underneath are laughable, go to highest rated, here’s one:
“75. Yankee_Poodle
31ST MAY 2013 – 3:18
At last, President Obama’s receiving some credit. He has been a safe pair of hands in a difficult time. Well done, Sir, I’m glad you stepped up. Perhaps somone at the Beeb could inform Mark Mardell of Obama’s achievements?”
Safe pair of hands for His political cronies, perhaps. Not so safe for the rest of the country, or the world. Nor for Glenn Greenwald and the Guardian now, I suspect:
Government likely to open criminal probe into NSA leaks: officials
I hope they don’t start a letter-writing campaign or something. I couldn’t take the irony.
Oh, don’t worry. According to the al-beeb those scandals never happened and if they did, it is nothing but a continuation of Bush’s policies.
Hopeandchange meets AlCapone and it’s all Chicago-flavoured. Nothing to see here so let’s move on.
Whatever has happened to that, old delapidated, burnt out shed, i mean prayer roomy, mosquey, islamic centery, ex scout hut, the UKs most serious BBC “hate” story? …
The tax payer will build a new palace for them as a replacement. INSIDE JOB.
Insurance scam, no question about it.
Hm,…might just have succeeded in getting this site closed down with that comment. Hope Vance has big pockets for libel payouts.
What you talking about Willis?
Just because someone suggests an alternate theory of a crime, you go off all “Thinkpol” why don’t you just accept that in life people will have differing opinions than you and enjoy life?
He cant accept any deviation from his received truth He is driven by a kind of quasi religious fervour like some 17c zealot he believes that only witches and heretics refuse to accept the word
little willy … 😀
“succeed in getting this site closed down ”
that what the council said, when they saw the state of that old garage/shed/delapidated ex scout hut in its condition BEFORE the fire? … you seen those photo s?
You really the archetype of a self righteous, sanctimonious, censorious self appointed holier-than-thou knight of the liberal inquisition
All for freedom of speech as long as we hoi-polloi say he right thing
freedom of conscience as long as we think the right thing
And freedom of franchise as long as we vote the right way
And to be judged by you of course
Ah, I take it you haven’t seen the list of the ‘businesses; that were registered at the address ?
It has been suggested that a fire would have been quite a convenient way of disposing of the records of the college student visa scam based there.
Hi backswoodsman do have a link for
the list of businesses’
It does seem odd they have gone all quiet speculating on whop may have done it. Me I’ll wait until they have investigated before I start pointing fingers. Perhaps someone can enlighten me originally this was reported as a mosque. then variously as a cultural centre etc. etc. In my ignorance I thought these were descriptions of a de facto mosque that they hadn’t had planning permission for.
“The writing is on the wall”
By Richard Littlejohn.
“If someone from the English Defence League did set fire to the mosque in Muswell Hill, would they be daft enough to paint ‘EDL’ on the wall? Probably.
“There doesn’t seem much doubt that it was the work of a Far Right fanatic, even if he wasn’t a card-carrying EDL member.
“I haven’t heard any far-fetched suggestion that the fire was started by an al-Muhajiroun supporter to discredit the entire ‘English community’.
“So why, when someone sprayed ‘Islam’ on the Bomber Command memorial, were some conspiracy theorists anxious to blame it on a dastardly Far Right plot to discredit all Muslims?”
English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson this afternoon said he was ‘sceptical’ about whether the EDL were involved – but he has not yet condemned the attack.
Appearing to suggest that Muslims may have torched the community centre, he wrote: ‘There were 26 fire bombings in Luton with graffiti saying EDL? Guess who was arrested for it? Muslims! Sorry if I’m skeptical’.
Why was he not invited to the BBC studios to put his point across, and this little fact that the BBC never report on, that Muslims have deliberately torched their own buildings, blamed the EDL, and claimed on the insurance?
He may not come across as the brightest tool in the box, our Tommy, but he normally gets his facts right.
Incidentally, I am yet to see this “EDL Graffitti” that all these news outlets keep on pointing to…
I sure as hell saw “ISLAM” scrawled across our war memorials though, and I also saw a rather…umm…”Dusky” looking man on CCTV doing the daubing.
“EDL member blacks up to discredit moslems.”
The BBc standard reply to only putting one side of the story on air is that they didn’t have time to report on all aspects of a story. This is the reply I have had to several complaints I have made where the BBc in the past have aired a story showing only the side of that story that fits with their ideology. Do you think I make this stuff up? No.
‘Guardian’ joining ‘Jihad Watch’?-
“Turkey’s protesters proclaimed as true heirs of nation’s founding father.
“Ataturk, the secular reformer, has become the symbol for young Turks defying what they see as Erdogan’s reactionary reversion to the Ottoman past.”
By Luke Harding, Istanbul.
Perhaps even Beeboids will get it eventually.
Interesting article perhaps even encouraging -but who indeed does ‘remember the Armenians’ Not the guardian, not the protesters and certainly not the BBC
Atatürk was no friend of the Armenians. His brand of nationalism was and is just as dangerous.
In fact there is some evidence that he was active participant in the ‘shameful act’
OK – own up – which one of you is it? 🙂
BBC stalker alert!
It’s not me ! I possess at least two sweaters (unlike our chunky oddity here).
‘Ullo ‘ullo ‘ullo, what’s this then ? “Your comment is awaiting moderation.”
Mr President, is that you ? Honest, I googled “Big jugs and hot midget action” whilst looking for something quite innocent, OK ?
When work dried up after “Colin’s sandwich”, unfortunate Mel Smith could only find television roles as an extra.
Harry Endfield doing an impression of Nelson Mandela, he’s noted our black brethren are very fond of mobile phones.
“BBC Claims ‘Antisemitism’ Too Long a Word, ‘Islamophobia’ Just Right.”
By Daniel Greenfield (who picks up on a recent piece in ‘The Commentator.’)
problematic words hmmm
even shorter
I think i ve got that “just about right”.
Have a read of this and watch the embedded video. These are IPCC delegates – you know, the ones masquerading as the ‘world’s top scientists’ – being asked if they knew official Met Office data shows no warming for 16 years.
Their resposes are hilarious, their ignorance mind-boggling, their fanatacism immoveable.
Now you know why the BBC will never debate it.
BBC Scotland is busy campaigning for a YES vote in the upcoming referendum.
‘The BBC’s Newsnight Scotland programme is appealing for members of the public to join its audience for a debate on issues associated with the independence referendum.’
‘The programme makers would like to hear how women are engaging with the debate and the questions they want answered.’
The BBC want to hear from women. OK. Is this a feminism thing?
‘One issue is why women appear more reluctant to vote Yes in next year’s referendum than men and whether independence supporters can do anything to change that.’
Oh I see. Polling has found a group tending to want to vote NO and the BBC want this apparent problem to be addressed.
Bias Bias Caledonia
Yes the BBC is VERY keen on the break up of Britain, all the better to weaken us to dissolve us into the EU, and of course to hasten immigration since an independent Scotland would have totally Open Borders.
BBC-NUJ: confusing the political and the personal?
“Lina Sinjab: Emotional farewell to Damascus”
The personal is the political. Although this tearful goodbye letter doesn’t really inspire much respect for her or the BBC. Leaving friends and family behind in a war zone, where their lives could end at any time, with a BBC-assisted passport out of the country isn’t really the stuff of legend.
Testing or have I been banned – some of my posts seem to have been lost?
Missing/stranded comments seem to be a product of moderators deleting hit-and-run trolls. (I’m assuming)
Not BBC-NUJ bias next here, but perhaps an interesting, if underdeveloped report (1), on a fantasy economy, which the somewhat anarchic Mr and Mrs Keiser elaborate on in their comments (2).
1.) Has David Vance tried shopping here?:-
“When is a shop not a shop?”
2.) First 13 minutes of ‘Keiser Report’ video takes up the idea:
“kaiser report” – oh and that “crosstalk” 😀
petar lavelle batsh-t crazy … a classic when D Murray told the host
“how CAN you keep talking and know so little”
he ll probably take over kirsty squawks job
on spewsnight
You got to watch those Ruskies, Russia Today is a just a KGB outfit .
watch those Russkies … for comedic value … theatre of the absurd
RT is islamophile through and through
which is why in made the comparison
to the bbc
” Nothing to do with islam ” he says.
Maybe he should get a job as Cameron’s speech writer.
BBC Charter…
To mis-inform, re-educate and entertain (Liberal delusions)
In spite of some idiotic bits (9th paragraph – “Right-wingers who loathe the BBC……”), this is worth a read:
The shabby deceit of BBC journalism
Some interesting points are made in that article.
It does, however, fail to properly reconcile these two statements:
‘On the ground floor is the largest newsroom in Europe. Above it are floors of studios stretching up to the sky. It is a magnificent sight, and houses many fine journalists.’
“the cuts”
I would contend the ‘cuts’ as far the BBC is concerned are a complete myth. Only emphasised by the BBC in false solidarity with their comrades in the real world outside of lavishly refurbished BBC Towers and Salford Central.
Agree. This occurred to me:
“Above it are floors of studios stretching up to the sky. It is a magnificent sight, and houses many fine journalists.”
“If prejudice did not blight their minds, they might then grasp how much of British life would pass unnoticed if the BBC did not exist.”
With resources (ie: costs) on that scale, the BBC should be doing a fine job. We should expect nothing less.
ah the BBC ‘cuts’.
Anyone noticed their licence fee being reduced nomeneither.
”If prejudice did not blight their minds, they might then grasp how much of British life would pass unnoticed if the BBC did not exist.”
Funny how Britain survived for 2000 years without it.
2000, and more! Without that bunch of treacherous scum selling our country out from under our feet.
There, rant over.
INBBC reporting the ‘new’ Islamic LIBYA.
The latest massacre between pro- and anti-Gaddafi militias has resulted in 25 dead on Saturday.
The INBBC’s misguided, euphoric reporting from ‘democratic’ Libya of 2011, has given way to INBBC woman, in hijab, named Shaimaa Khalil, reporting on current violence there.
“Libya steps up fight against militias”
“Deadly clashes after Libya protest”
And after watching both reports one still hasn’t the faintest idea who killed who and why? Miss Khalil I suspect was not present, hijab or not.
The BBC, always first with the facts.
BBC 5 Live loves to look at sport through a prism of BBC approved political correctness and lefty opinion.
So imagine a sports event planned by PM Blair and Mayor Livingstone as a Leftyfest, requiring lashings of tax payer money and steeped in PC diversity.
Or had you forgotten the genesis of our Olympic bid?
Where the rest of the world rely on generously oiling the wheels and the odd overt backhander to the IOC, our brave Team GB stood tall – ours was a clean sustainable diversity bid. Yeah, right!
Who could forget the opening parade of the teams? BBC commentary by Radio 1 DJ Trevor Nelson :
‘Cor… here comes Swaziland… love the cool outfits. Here comes Switzerland… they’re specialists at the winter Olympics. Here comes Zigzagistan… says in my BBC notes here their human rights record is a bit poor. Here comes Zimbabwe… love the cool outfits!’
[I paraphase, only slightly]
Yes, the 2012 London Olympics; only topped by Peking 2008 as a BBC employee beano. But wait for it lads – passports at the ready – here comes Rio 2016 (love the scanty but cool outfits?). Ah, wonderful Rio. The absolute quintessential pinnacle of a Beebo-Beano.
So it simply has to be a mainplank of BBC narrative that the Olympics were and still are the best thing since sliced wholemeal bread.
So this morning Garry Richardson asks a rather rhetorical question of tennis player Laura Robson:
‘How much do you look back to the Olympics and fantastic moments like that?’
A slightly bemused Laura (just crashed out of the French Open) politely agrees with our Garry. She wouldn’t want to rain on his dream holiday.
BTW: she got a singles place at London 2012 because another girl had to drop out. She won one game then lost in the second round. In doubles she was knocked out in her first game. She did find some success in mixed doubles paired with Andy Murray (wildcard entry). They lost in the final and so Laura got a silver medal (thanks Andy).
Just as the 1936 Berlin, Moscow and Peking Olympics was complete propaganda, so it was with London, a celebration / brainwashing of vibrancy and diversity. A Long March by Gramsci.
1. Industrial Revolution, tick box.
2. Trade Union movement / coal miners, tick box.
3. Suffragettes, tick box
4. Jarrow unemployment March, tick box.
5. The creation of the National Health Service, according to Danny Boyle, the apex of British civilisation.
6. SS Windrush, the start of African mass immigration, tick box.
7. Beatles, garbage music, tick box.
Ending in a celebration of multiculturalism and miscegenation to the music of a black rapper Dizzy Rascal, very high brow.
The Olympic flag was brought into the stadium carried by human rights ” lawyer ” Mrs Shami Chakrabatti and the mother of Stephen Lawrence. Hmm, making a political point, perhaps ?
Topped off by 70 year old ” Saint ” Paul McCartney croaking out the song Hey Jude.
It was a Cultural Marxist interpretation of British history directed by Irish republican, socialist Danny Boyle, he worked closely on the opening with former members of the Revolutionary Communist Party and the Socialist Workers Party, plus Catherine Ugwu, a black leftist.
We can also add the presence of Labour Party donor and Britain’s richest woman at the opening ceremony – the ghastly J.K. Rowling !
J.K. Rowling is a very shy women, as she keeps telling us in the press, but doesn’t mind appearing to a world wide television audience of 4 Billion people
A thorough break down.
“our brave Team GB stood tall – ours was a clean sustainable diversity bid. Yeah, right!”
Quite. Not much clean about it at all…
At least Ken Livingstone had the decency to admit that it was all a lie. in April 2008, he cheerfully admitted that he had never given two hoots about the games. The bid, he confessed on BBC1’s Question Time, had been a ‘con-trick’ to secure billions of pounds of public money for new capital projects in his Labour-leaning East London heartlands.
Scummy liar, and apparently proud of it.
The very sarcastic Ramzpaul on the Olympics, ” we got to have more diversity !”
what … like this
For Gawd sake, someone, give that guy a British passport so can play for us in in Rio, like that cheeky ‘Cockney’ Mo Farrar.
One story the BBC didn’t report about the Olympics was Britain’s and the Worlds number 1 at Taekwondo, Aaron Cook was not picked for the British team, they picked instead a black man Lutalo Muhammad ranked 59 in the world. Anti white racism, perhaps ? Cook is very bitter and is now representing the Isle of Man.
“One story the BBC didn’t report about the Olympics was Britain’s and the Worlds number 1 at Taekwondo, Aaron Cook was not picked for the British team, they picked instead a black man Lutalo Muhammad ranked 59 in the world.”
That’s funny – if you google for Aaron Cook with the ‘site:bbc.co.uk’ search modifier, you can find loads of stories about his non-selection.
Either they put them up on the site afterwards and backdated them, or – and you have to admit this is the simpler, more likely, option – you’re a shamefaced liar.
Simple searching also finds contemperaneous interviews with Cook where he himself says that the only reason he considered correct at the time was that he left the UK Taekwondo training system.
But hey, if it’s a toss up between telling the truth or justifying your own prejudice…
Yeah, it was all over the BBC, all channels, 24 / 7, day and night, Nicki Campbell phone in shows, Newsnight discussions etc, etc, just like Stephen ”the Risen Christ” Lawrence !!
So first you say that the BBC didn’t report it. Now you whine that they didn’t report it in a particular style.
Why are you avoiding admitting that you lied?
Incidentally, http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/olympics/2012/athletes/576c3163-fca7-43d4-8209-8f95a4f645cb has plenty of material about Cook’s exclusion from the squad. You know, that thing that David Brims lied about the BBC not reporting.
So what’s your point exactly ?
You said the BBC didn’t report it.
It did.
You lied.
What part of that point are you having difficulty comprehending?
By REPORT most licence fee payers mean broadcast on TV or radio – NOT the website.
Was it ever on the radio or TV ? I* certainly never heard it.
Hilarious that you think that’s a defence. “The BBC reported it but I didn’t see it, therefore they didn’t really report it!”
Face it. David Brims lied. He’s just not adult enough to admit it.
Yeah Scott, it’s the crime of the century !! better phone up the F.B.I.
Get a grip.
Like I said, you’re not adult enough to admit that you lied.
Poor little David Brims. So intent on sounding like the big man railing against the BBC, that he has to resort to dishonesty to shore up his prejudices.
Nearly makes you feel pity for the poor soul. Nearly.
Scott, in the literal sense the BBC did report it. But there’s a hell of a difference between a passing write up on a website and broadcasting the item on the main TV and radio news. It’s a bit like the Guardian printing a paragraph on page 23 about being wrong about the News of The World hacking Millie Dowler’s phone which led to the closure of that paper, when the original story was splashed all over the Guardian’s front page and took on a life of its own.
You are being deliberately pedantic in order to patronise David Brims. You know full well what David meant but your blind loyalty to your BBC idols controls your thought processes. Who the hell regularly reads items on the BBC News website anyway? I’d venture to guess a small fraction of those who get their information about world events from TV and radio.
Look out David! Scott thinks he’s caught you making a mistake in one of your posts. He’ll never let it go. He’ll be referring to this in many of his future posts. The sad little man is like a rotweiller when he thinks he’s got the drop on any of the regular posters. His triumphalism is like a brick around the back of the head. Very childish!
You’re a fine one to accuse others of patronising.
Don’t tell me “I know full well what David Brims meant”. He wrote that the BBC didnt report something. They did. More than once.
David Brims lied. And all the sad little men so desperate to avoid that fact won’t change it.
But that’s typical Biased BBC for you. Honesty is for other people – it’s far more important to knock the BBC, even if you have to be a grubby little liar to do it.
You’re spot on Andy S. Poor Scott can’t tell the difference between a broadcast watched or heard by millions and an obscure sports article read by a few hundred.
From what I remember of this at the time the sports press were incredulous that Cook had not been selected, and in this article here Cook himself, having left the official training system, had no inkling that that would be used as an excuse not to select him.
And anyway, the British Taekwondo Association should have disqualified him from selection at the time he did it, not nearer the event.
What I find strange, though, are the posts Scott chooses for giving his two penn ‘orth. Slim pickings on here for him, obviously.
I’m sure johnnythefish will e able to highlight where David Brims qualified his “the BBC didn’t report it” in his original post in a way that makes his cod outrage valid.
Or he’ll do the usual Biased BBC thing of moving the goalposts to try and shift the blame into somebody else.
Funny isn’t it – when the BBC website could be seen as distorting the market, Biased BBC live to paint it as read by huge numbers. Yet when it’s used to demonstrate that one of their number is an out and out liar, suddenly it’s only read by hundreds.
Why, it’s almost as if the commenters on here are deluded conspiracy theorists who make up as much stuff as they need to give themselves the sense of self-worth so lacking in their real lives.
David Brims is a liar. All those trying to deflect attention from that know that he is, or they wouldn’t be trying so hard to shift attention away. Now why is that, I wonder?
Oh dear, Scottie’s projecting again. Better take your medication Scottie boy and lie down in a darkened room. You’re beginning to sound like Alex Jones on Andrew Neil’s show earlier today.
‘when the BBC website could be seen as distorting the market, Biased BBC live to paint it as read by huge numbers. ‘
Even after all these years Scott STILL cannot get his head around the concept of individual posters.
He really has to be one of the dumbest trolls in the history of blogging.
I must add my tuppence worth to this debate., The BBC did cover the Aaron Cook/Lutalo Muhammad story at some length on Radio 5Live. The coverage was generally supportive of Lutalo Muhammad and the British Taekwondo Association. Aaron Cook was given his say and the BBC did ask questions of the British Taekwondo people but BBC certainly weren’t outraged.
I’ve defended the BBC and Scott M; what a strange day!
I see that the Ministry of Truth has video of Alex Jones on the Sunday Politics today.
Jones is obvioulsy a loony with a scatter-gun approach to attacking the liberals. A few hits and many misses.
Still, the BBC love him because they can say to the public, “Look at this right-wing loon. Aren’t you glad the BBC is here to think for you?”
If you are going to debate with the liberals then a) good luck because they own the media b) stick to one subject, talk slowly and coherently and attack it rigorously. You will still be called a right-wing, racist by the BBC but maybe someone out there will think, for a split second.
Darul Uloom School fire: Pupils and staff evacuated
More than 120 pupils and staff were evacuated from the building in Chislehurst
A fire overnight at an Islamic boarding school in south east London is
…. being treated as suspicious by police.
“There is an increased police presence around potentially vulnerable locations in the borough of Bromley and across London a statement said.
uh-oh! … here we go … no finger pointing … YET!
Why did they mention it was an islamic school and not just a school ? when muslims rape children or commit terrorist atrocities, the BBC never mentions their religion.
Over to you, Scott.
I have the power of second sight.
Leaning over backwards and looking down my well I can dimly see reflected in the water an ‘electrician’ in a shalwar kameez installing a cable he found in the back of his van with a socket he found in a skip;
I see a multitude of adaptors plugged in to this socket. I see a washing machine, several 3 kW heaters, an immersion heater and some computers, all with 3 amp fuses in the plugs, all plugged into this socket.
I see the man in the shalwar kameez walking back to his van tucking forty quid into his wallet, I see him shouting back ‘nah, mate, it’ll last you a lifetime’.
A school which is enclosed by a high fence /gates and has security cameras (i searched through google earth) .
Whats the betting that the cameras will have been out of action at that time and no arrests will be made, along with no arrests at the other community centre(mosque).
”Poor little David Brims. So intent on sounding like the big man.”
Hmm, are you, Scott, perhaps, self projecting your own personality onto me ?
I’m not the one who lied, and is now trying to wriggle out of admitting it.
Why are you so afraid of honesty, David? Why can’t you admit you lied?
heeeere comes scotty boo boo …
what is now love … wrong week?
now come come dear, don t have a thrombo
just let it go … oooohhhhhhmmmm!
think of a happy place 😀
like … erm … biased bbc
Bloody weird – of all the posts to choose for his ranting, he chooses one as innoccuous and obscure as this. Disproportionate, to say the least.
Dear Scotty!
Syria?…Turkey?…mid-Staffs?…and yet you obsess on something as silly as this.
I`m not going to check by the way, the TaeKwonDo story was mooted last year; and the race issue cropped up at times-but so too did his being trained by non-UK facilities like the USA etc.
It really isn`t worth the bother Scott…it`s entirely plausible that race was involved and the BBC downplayed it.
But I just don`t care enough-it really is the least of your problems, surely.
Oh dear-does that make me part of the conspiracy to cover up this raging scandal in your head?
my dad is bigger than your dad
Is there a copy of “topics Biased BBC commenters will bring up as an avoidance tactic as soon as someone’s challenged on their prejudices”? Or do you just make it up anew every time?
David Brims lied. He could have just admitted it. Instead, he tried to avoid it. And just waited for the fellow commenters who, like him, don’t care that he lied.
Why should anybody care what you say about the BBC, or any other organisation, if you can’t be bothered to behave like truthful adults?
Scotty, sweetie
The BBC did NOT report the matter on the TV or radio. So by far the bulk of its audience did not know. I certainly didn’t – and I listen to a lot of Radio 4 – the “news” channel.
On that view – David Brims made a valid point . Never a particularly important issue anyway.
Since then you have spent a ridiculous amount of time arguing about.
Face it, Scotty, you have been nitpicking – as usual.
You are a nit-picking troll, Scottie. Deal with it.
“Scottie, sweetie”
Who do you think you are, pal?
Not racist, not homophobic?
I have never talked to Scott in my life and I have no express purpose to do so but he has the balls to show who he is .
As have I now.
I will never click report on a comment but I think it is pertinent to say that ugly horrible speech always pisses me off. Chowdrey is as welcome to piss me off as George R.
Keep on keeping on. I have a feeling DV will pull the plug, not least because it has gotten to this absurd stage.
More so, that he gets paid to be contrary by the beast that feeds him.
The racist agenda precludes a single intellectual debate.
BTW Before you ask why I come here? I think it is mental, my workmates do too. We giggle over coffee and tea (working class folk)
Not one of us work for or have ever worked for BBC
Every single one of us would comment if the nutters left.
Since you have nothing to say you might as well save yourself the effort of typing.
Calling someone ‘sweetie’ is a form of affection and endearment and not in the slightest bit homophobic.
”We giggle over coffee and tea (working class folk) ”
What an odd thing to say, do rich people not drink tea and coffee ? unless you’re a BBC middle class employee pretending to be a ‘working class’ labourer.
”Not one of us work for or have ever worked for the BBC .”
The Germans used the same line after the war. ‘I was never a party member.’
Your whole comment is suspect.
“Calling someone ‘sweetie’ is a form of affection and endearment”
It can be, but only a fool would claim that was its intention here. I don’t think it was meant to be homophobic, but it was an attempt to belittle me.
It’s really quite revealing, all these Biased BBC commenters who seem to feel threatened by somebody pointing out that one of their own is a liar, and too much of a coward to admit it.
“The racist agenda precludes a single intellectual debate.”
Why exactly?
PS off ton work now wont be much giggling in drying room over this or much else no computer terminals for us working class folks I guess
Yeah, ” I’m a working class geezer, and when I’m not doing working class manual labour, I go off to the pub with my working class chums, they’re salt of the earth, to talk about working class subjects, like the BBC Biased blog !! ”
What in gods earth are you talking about, David & Stewart? Seriously?
John Anderson,
“The BBC did NOT report the matter on the TV or radio.”
Johnny, cutie pie, here’s a video of Aaron Cook being interviewed by the BBC:
“Speaking to Victoria Derbyshire on BBC Radio 5 live, Cook added: “When I got the news, I was extremely upset. I started crying and I didn’t know what to do.”
“Also related to this story:”
*Cook makes Olympics plea to BOA*
*Cook nears Olympic Games reprieve*
*No Cook ‘witch-hunt’, say GB camp*
*GB’s Muhammad receives hate mail*
*Cook considers legal proceedings*
*World body to probe Cook omission*
*Cook camp’s comments ‘desperate’*
*Cook row behind me – Muhammad*
David Brims; “One story the BBC didn’t report about the Olympics was Britain’s and the Worlds number 1 at Taekwondo, Aaron Cook…”
You might as well pack up your bags and go home John. All David Brims is concerned about is that Aaron Cook is WHITE and Lutalo Muhammad is BLACK. Why are you wasting your time trying to defend such an obvious A-grade moron?
You know that as soon as Dez appears, the BBC research unit is in full swing.
Pity it still can’t find that pesky Balen report.
Funny – it’s apparently serious enough for David Brims to bring up in the first place, but trivial once it’s clear he’s lied through his teeth.
Why can’t David Brims just admit it? He lied. A silly little lie, but one that exposes just how Biased BBC doesn’t care about the truth, just its own little fantasies.
And all the pathetic little souls who try and come up with excuses for him aren’t doing him, themselves or Biased BBC any favours.
Calm down Scott! You are becoming hysterical. Not good when trying to put your point across. Your problem is that seeing everything through a left-wing prism (no pun intended) you cannot (or will not) see what David Brims meant in his post.
So anyone who says something you don’t agree with is a “liar”. I certainly hope you don’t go around your local pubs behaving like that, unless you are some sort of masochist.
Scott is like a dog with a bone.
Why are you so afraid to admit you lied, David?
“So anyone who says something you don’t agree with is a “liar”.”
No, someone who makes demonstrably false statements is a liar.
David Brims said the BBC didn’t report something. It did. Multiple times.
He lied. It really can’t be any simpler.
And I’m not being hysterical – that’s just another attempt at distraction. You know that David Brims lied. You just haven’t got the balls to admit it.
“someone who makes demonstrably false statements is a liar”
You forgot the bit about knowingly asserting something you know to be untrue. It is pretty obvious (if you put aside your childish persona for a moment Scott) that David Brims thought that the BBC did not pay much attention to that story because of the claim of anti-white racism.
He may be entirely mistaken – I remember the case being reported although I was unaware that there was a claim of anti-white racism – but it is my impression that there was a good reason why it was not reported as anti-white racism, because it wasn’t, it was a personality clash, but to say that David Brims is lying (as opposed to mistaken) when he says the selection dispute (and in particular the racist aspect) was not widely reported or discussed by the BBC is, as a say, quite childish.
I agree with Dez for once that the focus on black and white in this case is (almost certainly) misguided, and if the BBC did ignore it there were good reasons for ignoring it, but to pretend the BBC is not racist is absurd. I am sure that BBC employees are fully aware that the BBC positively discriminate on racist grounds. Whether or not they generally approve of it is a different question.
Having followed this story at the time I am 99% sure it was a case of gross abuse of power by the British Federation, which was roundly condemned at all levels before competition started.The fact that Lutalo Muhammed, totally blameless as far as one can tell, was beaten early in the tournament before creditably winning a bronze medal via the repecharge supports the almost universally held view that the omission of Aaron Cook was a mistake. Whatever opinion we may have of how the BBC would have reported this issue if the race of the two fighters had been reversed is irrelevant. The fact is that the whole saga was reported in a reasonably balanced if understated fashion. Incidentally Mr Cook, now competing under the Isle of Man flag, is burning up the competition in 2013 events. If he keeps this up the Federation will be under even closer scrutiny when selecting the team for Rio 2016. Lets see how the BBC covers that eventuality.
But ‘Atlas Shrugs’ also reports:-
[Opening excerpt]:-
“In the wake of the pubic beheading of a young father, Lee Rigby, is the streets outside London, the Hamas group CAIR is crossing the pond to meet with Muslim groups there. Are they meeting to discuss the violent passages in the quran that command jihad? Are they meeting with Muslims worldwide to begin the process of expunging the quran of the violent texts that inspire the brutal and bloody war?
“No. Hamas-CAIR is meeting with Muslim groups in the UK to instruct them how to pimp the Muslim victimhood myth. This is something Hamas-CAIR has perfected. Every time Muslims attack (ie Boston bombing, NY to Canada passenger train bomb plot, NY Federal reserve building plot, etc.), host countries have to suffer the second wave of the jihad attacks, the “islamophobia” media bombs. We are admonished and scolded for any response we have to monstrous inhumanity and carnage. Our Islamic supremacist betters defame and libel anyone who might question the holy motive behind these daily acts of jihad across the world.”
When will INBBC report the ending of funding to Islamic ‘Tell Mama’?
-INBBC has been quick and frequent in its uncritical expounding of that propaganda.
‘JihadWatch’, not INBBC:-
“Muslim group that fabricated evidence of ‘wave of attacks on Muslims’ in wake of London jihad murder loses funding.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“The concept of ‘Islamophobia’ is a tool designed to intimidate people into thinking there is something wrong with resisting jihad and Islamic supremacism. In order to deflect attention away from jihad activity and try to portray Muslims as victims, so as to shame non-Muslims into not investigating or even being suspicious of further jihad activity, Islamic supremacist groups have resorted to making it up. Hamas-linked CAIR and other Muslims have not hesitated to fabricate ‘hate crimes.’ CAIR and other groups like it want and need hate crimes against Muslims, because they can use them for political points and as weapons to intimidate people into remaining silent about the jihad threat.
“Fiyaz Mughal probably thought it was a win-win situation. He was able to further the spurious idea that Muslims are victims who warrant special privileges, and he was able to pad his report enough to keep his highly lucrative government checks coming. But now Britain has shown that there is hope for it yet.”
tell mama? 😀
nuff said
Mama to lose backing !!
Expect a Scott temper tantrum.
It feels like a little bit of common sense has prevailed – a rare event.
I don’t know whether ‘Hope not Hate’ gets government funding but I do know it can’t wait for Leveson to be implemented in full so it can start its campaign of complaints against anybody who portrays Islam in a less than favourable light.
Swiss voters overwhelmingly back a “controversial” move to tighten asylum restrictions.
The BBC calls it controversial for the Swiss to change their asylum rules. In fact 80% of voters voted for the change.
That is not called controversial that is called democracy, something the BBC would like to see less of.
It’s only democracy when the BBC approves of the result. 80% is controversial for the Swiss on a pet issue, yet when it comes to a different pet issue – US elections – 50.6% is a mandate, all opposition considered wrong.
I think we had a taste of BBC democracy from the Any Questions audience on Friday.
The pro-EU establishment and BBC do not like democracy. Local democracy is nimbyism, National democracy is populism and Direct democracy is controversial.
Switzerland is not in the EU, that is why it is far more democratic and economically health than any EU nation.
This Swiss story is great.
The BBCs response to this whacking 80% democratic mandate to stop asylum seekers flooding the country with bogus claims?…well, “disastrous”, “no winners” and the work of a “populist” party over there.
All three comments as put out by the BBC only go to show what life outside the EU would allow us to do ourselves.
No wonder the BBC loath the result, and we`ll not be hearing too much about this one again.
Still-if it were the EU, they`d be voting again to give the BBC their required and desired outcome.
The hole in the heart of the EU is Switzerland-God Bless it!
“Switzerland is not in the EU, that is why it is far more democratic and economically health than any EU nation.”
Or is it that its because it’s more democratic that it’s not in the EU?
In which Andrew Neil either accidentally gives a platform to a charlatan, or this was a set-up and the BBC really is part of the conspiracy:
I wonder if anyone heard this little-known amendment to the Government’s recent Energy Bill reported by the world’s greatest investigative journalists at the BBC, because the implications for the country, whether you are a businesses or a homeowner, are so devastating they need to be understood by everybody – and guess whose job it is to report and debate (hah!) issues of vital national interest.
‘Towards the end of a seven-hour debate on its virtually incomprehensible, 200-page Energy Bill, the Government slipped in a new amendment proposing something so utterly mad that, if anyone present had understood its implications, it might have made front-page news……..By 2020, it said, Britain must reduce its electricity use by “103 terawatt hours”, rising by 2030 to “154 terawatt hours”. This could have been understood only by someone aware that we currently use each year some 378 “terawatt hours”. So what was being proposed was that this must be cut down in six years by 27 per cent – more than a quarter – rising 10 years later to a cut of more than 40 per cent, or two fifths.
Yes, that’s a 27% cut in our electricity usage in the next 7 years, passed by Parliament without even a murmur, at a time when everyone not wearing the virtual reality eco-glasses can see the AGW theory lies in tatters.
Anyone else out there feel like they’re unable to wake up from a bad dream?
Full article by the excellent Christopher Booker here:
Was scarily believable…but Booker now says he got it wrong:
Correction with an apology from Christopher Booker
I must correct a rather serious error in this piece on such an important and complex subject. Although the amendment to the Government’s Energy Bill calling for a 27 percent reduction in Britain’s electricity use was bundled in with others, it was not a Government amendment, and although it was not formally withdrawn, it was not therefore part of the Bill as approved by the House. Later in the debate the minister, Greg Barker, did say that he “welcomed the principle behind the proposal’, but said that this issue should remain part of his Department’s ongoing review of how our electricity demand should be reduced. I apologise profusely to my readers for my misreading of what happened, which I will return to correct and explain in more detail in next week’s column.
Hones man, unlike BBC, Guardian, Labour blab blah blah…
Thanks for that, and good on Booker for publishing a prompt and unequivocal apology. The scenario not quite as scary, then, but still time for it to become so given the hypnotic effect ‘climate change’ seems to have on politicians of all parties.
The difference is – Booker is a good and very experienced journalist. Yes, he campaigns – he has done that from his Private Eye days in the 1960s. But in this case he made a mistake – and quickly owned up to the mistake – apologising profusely.
Compare Booker’s fulsome and IMMEDIATE apology with the sort of DELAYED half-apology that the BBC practises.
Rigby murder ‘should not divide us’
But we are divided. By the BBC’s divide and conquer tactics and their islamic interlopers who do not want to be a part of our society but just want our land.
There is no “us”.
Wonder whether there’ll be 24 hour guarding of soldiers’ barracks?
…Or war memorials?
The small mosque near me had a police guard – 2 coppers – round the clock all the time after the Islamic murder.
It is ridiculous that the war memorial had no guard eveb after it had been vandalised.
Be explicit. Tell us that you think these attacks are the works of miscreants. Insurance has been thrown in. Muslims did it right? Not hate filled scum bags? How many have to happen before it is a problem?
Never too many right? Yes I am putting words in your mouth but counteract it and tell me that YOU DO NOT WANT THIS HATRED!
II is shocking that I have been branded anti-Semitic for asking for equality.
Kids almost died today but it is no biggie because they were at an islamic school. Tell the truth? Please.
I could not give a flying fig for the islamist c*nts the christian c*nts or the jewish c*nts.
A bad person is a bad pesron in Arabic, Latin, or Hebrew.
Wake up, guys.
And this from a guy who uses term
c#nts 3 times in one post
Wow. Great spot. You must have been off school the day they taught irony.
Disassociate yourselves from mosque burning nonsense.
Condemn it or just keep on at what you do. It is very simple.
Stick to licking windows.
BBC are desperate for the fire to have been caused by the EDL. Watch it disappear from the headlines if the perpetrators are someone else.
Given the very high levels of fraud within the Asian community, especially insurance fraud, you can hardly blame people for suspecting that all might not be as it seems.
Or EDL demos?
Whilst the BBC and the Met are running around like headless chickens has it occurred to these Islam-groveling Lefties that these Mosque attacks might be scams with the view of making the public think it is the EDL behind them? Just saying…
Nope…simple answer to that.
Everything was done by the EDL in lefty world, even drummer Rigby’s murder was, in some part, the EDL’s fault according to these treacherous scumbags.
Case A: “ISLAM” scrawled on walls of war memorials.
MSM:….”EDL stiring up racial tensions”
(Like a set of passionate Englishmen would deface something THAT precious to our country to push an agendas….that, is left wing territory.)
Case B: “EDL” ALLEGEDLY written in mosque/shed, that is burn to the ground.
MSM: “EDL burn down mosque!!!”
Not, “Well, perhaps, it could have been Muslims in case A, showing utter contempt to us, straight after a brutal ISLAMIC murder of a soldier on the streets of England…a little demonstration of who, exactly is in charge.”
Or, in case B, “Maybe, it was Muslims trying to stir up racial tensions….and make a few bob on the side from the insurance….either way, a new shiny Mosque will be built for them at the taxpayers expense.”
Islam is “The religion of peace”(tm), and NEVER to blame.
In 1933 they said the communists had set fire to the Reichstag. In 2013, they said the EDL had set fire to an Islamic centre. 80 years on, the song remains the same.
INBBC has a new page on:
“Police patrol Islamic sites ‘at risk’ after fires”
Is INBBC concerned with the following question?:-
‘Will police patrol non-Islamic sites at risk after Islamic jihad beheading’?
(Has INBBC heard about funding being stopped for Islamic ‘Tell Mama’?)
Never mind the subject – feel the bias.
Stephen Nolan to BBC favourite, House of Lords ‘cross-bencher’, Paralympic heroine and all round go-to Common Purpose good-girl Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson :
After doing a semi-Paxman on the Minister (ie asking the same agressive and ultimately impossible question 4 times) Nolan turns to Her Royal Goldenmedalness Lady Tanni and his attitude changes at once. His question is still just as loaded. M’learned Friends might well term it a ‘leading question’. But his friendly full-toss is 100% BBC since it invites condemnation of Government policy.
Gosh our Government must be bad. Apart from ‘Gay Marriage’ they just can’t seem to get anything right. Thank heavens the BBC are here to tell us where they go wrong – apart from that gay thing.
Peter Hitchens :-
“In the world of London think tanks, the self-important, frequently wrong and always bumptious Economist magazine and the BBC, Putin is bad and Erdogan is good.”
Scott has scribbled 13 babbling comments and counting, clearly bonkers.
I wouldn’t have had to if you’d just told the truth. Or admitted that you lied when you were found out.
Why are you afraid of admitting you lied?
Scott, I think you need to exercise yourself about the more serious accusations of bias that appear on here – and there are many – if you want to boost your image as defender of the BBC.
Stop deciding what role you think I want to play, and admit that David Brims is a liar. Or at least explain why neither he nor you are adult enough to admit that he lied.
Scott – Does your pathological disdain and contempt for liars include the BBC?
Specifically after the Primark Panorama? Lord McAlpine? The somewhat inconsistent testimonies of Ms Boaden and Mark Thomson apropos the pulled Newsnight on Jimmy Saville?
You made an assertion which turned out to be incorrect. It happens to everyone from time to time, but really the best thing to do is hold your hands up, admit you got it wrong and turn to something else. Embarrassing I know, but it tends to draw a line under matters.
You were shown to be correct some time back. You could have bathed in the righteousness of having caught someone out and left it at that. Instead you’ve gone on and on about it, diluting any kudos you might have gained, because it tends to suggest that you can’t find much wrong with the vast majority of things said on this site.
What I can’t understand is why the two of you feel the need to take up so much thread space arguing over something which really isn’t in doubt, when there are so many other things about the BBC which would be worth the effort.
What he said…
The BBC just still don’t (want) to get it:
Yeah, right… no link between race/religion and the victims. Rule number 1 in the Multicultural Marxist Handbook: treat the populace like infants.
Compare and contrast with Sky…
INBBC’s ‘Pakistani-heritage,’ avoids word ‘Muslim’.
“Grooming victims ‘still being failed’, say MPs”
There’s a civil war going on, you know.
It is a bitter life or death struggle. It is cultural, political and territorial.
I know this because I listen to news and current affairs on the BBC.
The BBC don’t declare explicitly that this is a civil war – but listen carefully as I have and you will hear about the struggle that is going on day in day out.
I’m not talking about Syria.
I’m referring to the civil war going on right here in our own islands.
On one side are the English.
The English are semi-drunken, prejudiced in their outlook, incurably racist, pessimistic, backward- and indeed inward-looking. They are uncaring, blinkered, red-faced and fat. They smoke and drive too fast. Some of them gather in gangs and perpetrate hateful acts of intolerance on our streets. The other main type are the lone misogynists shut away in basement isolation where they think thoughts which amounts to the committing of similarly unpleasant crimes. Some say they suffer form optical problems causing their eyes to swivel. The worst aspect of the English is that they have no ethnicity. Yes, that’s right, I know it is difficult to comprehend but this group possess no interesting quaint or colourfull traditions whatsoever!
Pitted against the English are the British.
The British are progressive, forward thinking, tolerant and inclusive. They care about the world. The British are generous, accommodating, optimistic and hospitable (except where the English are concerned). Fortunately the British seem to be as rich as Croesus because they are very keen to be heavily taxed so as to help anyone anywhere who thinks they may need cash.
Happily the BBC make it clear that this civil war is almost won. It seems the English are well on the way to being completely erradicated once and for all.
Soon all of us will be British.
I’ll see your “Civil War” and raise you a “Manichean Struggle”
In the red corner there are the “progressives”, the liberal elite of which the BBC are an integral part.
In the blue corner are all those that doubt or reject the progressive orthodoxy that has been created over the last forty plus years.
The Progressives consider that all those that are not against them must be for them. And those that are against them are so wrong headed they are treated with disdain.
If those non believers continue to attack the new orthodoxy they are ridiculed. When they don’t changed their ways they are abused or better still criminalised.
People better sign up to progressive values or they will be frozen out, out of a job or in gaol.
Have a nice day and keep smiling.
In 45 mins this morning three different reports on a fire at an ISLAMIC school, one with a chief of police, where he stated there is no connection to the UKs most important delapidated shed fire.
Teenagers again apparently … this doesn t put off the bbc
however, who first push the islamofauxbia narrative, with no success, then push the re-Woolwich victim narrative
you have had to, up patrols around all those sensitive areas
etc, then start equating the bbcs grinding obsession
ie islam/racism.
OOPS! make that four times, as i write this … obviously this police dude didn t give it up enough, so they pull in the tory minister for wait for it …. islamofauxbia, to repeat the islam/victim incantation, same old increased police patrols, sensitive areas ya da ya da.
Talk about creating news … looks like Woolwich in the context of yet another muderous islamic attack is becoming ancient history at the bbc.
no time to mention “tell mama” though? and how islamic groups have not hesitated to fabricate ‘hate crimes … no connection? … no time? … too many letters 😀
oops! better make that five times for the islamic boarding school fire
ow queer!
When ‘reporting’ certain brutal sex gang attacks on English white girls, INBBC censors out that they are Muslim gangs; but when ‘reporting’ that there is a fire at a school, it is repeatedly emphasised that it is an Islamic school.
Mehdi Hasan said the other week on Question Time ” To stop muslim terrorism. Get out of OUR Lands.”
Yes, I wish they would !!
Talking of Mehdi Hasan, he also said ” We in the West have done something wrong to muslims to cause all this terrorism.”
How then does one explain muslim attacks against Buddhists in China, Hindus in India, Coptics in Egypt, Christians in Nigeria and Jews in Israel ?
Are all those religions to blame too ?
…and not to mention 191 Roman Catholics in Madrid.
Mehdi can eff of back to ‘our lands’ the vile little creature.
Loads of coverage on the arson attack on the Muslim indoctrination, oops boarding school. Four teenagers have been arrested, no ethnicity released, but there is a whole slew of interviews with Muslims and EDL is mentioned in every other sentence.
Loads of condemnation of the EDL who are being portrayed as some kind of racist terrorist group who have an agenda to destroy Muslim property.
Inevitably our useless so called ‘police’ have managed to find all the officers who are unavailable to do any real policing of crime when we need them to act as security guards for Muslim property.
Last night BBC news went through all the ‘attacks’ which had taken place, every one was condemned despite the fact that the most of them were so minor no damage could be seen.
The oppression of the White British people continues.
You wretches, detestable on land and sea ; you who seek equality with Ethnics are unworthy to live. Give this message to your colleagues. Racists you were and racists you are still: you will remain in bondage not as before but incomparably harsher. For as long as we live we will strive to suppress you , and your misery will be an example in the eyes of posterity . How ever, we will spare your lives if you remain faithful. Choose now which you want to follow .
For Islamic ‘Tell Mama’ and INBBC:-
Spot on thoughtful.
I noticed a police car outside our local ‘community centre’ this morning and guessed immediately what the game was.
I then spent an hour getting hit over the head by the Today programme. There are 8 ‘attacks’ a day on Muslims across the capital, they say, most of which include ‘name-calling’ presumedly as reprisals against that squaddie who got hacked to pieces in the street. It’s clear who are the real victims here.
What chance the BBC pointing out that the police cannot somehow spare the resources to protect white schoolgirls from enslavement by Pakistani paedophile gangs, but when it comes to providing point defence of mosques against a mostly imaginary threat then it’s overtime-tastic?
Eight ‘attacks’, of which the majority are “name calling”. Since when has it become such a despicable crime, worthy of reporting, to call people names?
In essence, it’s quite OK for the “religion of peace” to threaten murder (and carry it out), but quite another, far more serious matter, for anyone to call members of the Islamic “faith” names.
What a country.
Come on now, you shouldn’t minimize the seriousness of these hate crimes. Goodness me, some of them may constitute grounds for the victims to claim religious asylum as refugees in…. Syria? Libya? Saudi Arabia?
So, every time a Muslim calls a non muslim a Kaffir, or such, can we call someone to lodge a complaint about it, to be wheeled out every time the law investigate Mr Robinson dropping a fag end?
Tell PAPA perhaps, (People-Against-Paeodophilic-Asians)?
Oh, right, nothing exists for us….move on then.
The BBC spent pretty much the entire morning supporting Islam and Muslims.
No mention was made of the elephant in the room when reporting on me nationwide epidemic of grooming gangs. In contrast was the reporting of a fire at the Islamic Centre, where the religion of peace was mentioned at pretty much every opportunity. The BBC also clearly know more than the Fire Brigade as they stated that it was “burnt down”, i.e. arson, whereas the authorities have only stated that the fire is suspicious. Still… the BBC likes to portray Muslims as victims, even with no evidence so accuracy can go out the window.
“Thought for the day” on “Today” on Radio 4 at around 07:45 this morning:
The Revd James Jones of Liverpool recounted a touching story about a local Muslim girl who enjoyed attending both her mosque and also Christian church services with hymns. She told him that the two religions and others all worship the same God, and she was happy and grateful.
Two questions for the BBC and the good Revd, who I am sure is a well-meaning and kind man: (i) how many Muslims in Turkey or Iran are allowed to sample Christian services? (ii) how many Muslims in the UK would regard her oecumenical approach as true to Islam?
A bit like Simon Reeves in his ‘Australia’ series – ‘These remarkable young women’ – referring to video of a few Muslim girls in religious garb pretending to want to play Australian Rules Football.
Pure propaganda. Pure bias.
Interesting how last week’s racial hate burning crime was being investigated by counter-terrorist officers.
Nothing better to do apparently.
Shame they didn’t investigate the two Nigerians who pace BBC allegedly killed Drummer Rigby
Why exactly is the BBc breakfast weather forcaster in a low allergy garden in Enfield this morning.? There is already an other reporter doing a marginally relevant story on hay fever out in the field. Does she get expenses and an overnight stay?
“More than 10 fire crews have been working overnight to put out a large blaze at the former Bridgwater Sports and Social Club in Somerset”
EDL again?
It will have been Robinson himself…oh, hang on, no, he had to get back to court to see those who planned to kill him sentenced.
Here’s one of their peaceful love notes to Tommy and the boys:
“O enemies of Allah! We have heard and seen you openly insulting the final Messenger of Allah … you should know that for every action there is a reaction.
“Today is a day of retaliation (especially) for your blasphemy of Allah and his Messenger Muhammad. We love death more than you love life. The penalty for blasphemy of Allah and his Messenger Muhammad is death.”
So, if they love death, and they wanna kill EDL members….erm….aren’t they sort of giving the ones they kill a prize?…coz, well…according to them, death is ace.
It’s peace….very peaceful. (c) Jeff Kuhner
The BBC and liberal media report on the mass shooter in California and do not mention his affinity with the religion of peace.
See below
Here is one for the BBC to cover as part of their campaign to show how muslims have condemned the killing of Drummer Lee.
The driver bares an uncanny resemble to the war memorial vandal.