They condemn Tommy Robinson for having previous, yet see nothing wrong with 58 members of the UAF being arrested for violent attacks which were captured on film.
They have nothing to say about attacks like this either.
Why did Tommy Robinson come into the limelight in the first place?
Poor dodge attempt, will.duncan. You made a comment that the courts should decide, but that was not what the post was about. The main post was about how the BBC promoted a falsehood. How does “stick to what I know” have any relevance? The post wasn’t about Zimmerman’s guilt or innocence at all.
If you’re admitting that you don’t know enough to decide whether or not the BBC pushed the deliberately doctored audio – this is a fact, not an interpretation – then we can provide the relevant information for you.
Yet you ignored the real issue and made a comment about letting the courts decide Zimmerman’s fate. Now you’re being very dishonest. Would you like to correct that or just avoid it some more?
The CIA’s deputy director plans to retire and will be replaced by White House lawyer and agency outsider Avril D. Haines, Director John O. Brennan said Wednesday.
Being an agency outsider is meaningless: this is the White House taking over the CIA from the inside. Why is this a big deal? Benghazi. Why do I say that? Because Haines is a lawyer with the State Department. Did I mention Benghazi?
The BBC hasn’t reported this yet, and probably won’t seeing as how the changing of the deputy guard, so to speak, is hardly newsworthy on its own. But if they do, you’ll know where the talking points came from.
It leads with a tear-jerker (a good sign of the BBC’s preferred take on anything). Long time employees lose jobs.
Only 9 paragraphs later do we read (if you have read that far. The leading party in the governing coalition, the conservative New Democracy (ND), insists that ERT was a rotten apple, suffering from chronic mismanagement, lack of transparency and waste.
According to government sources, among the many sins of ERT was that not a single employee had been hired transparently or on merit.
-and- Even ERT employees concur that the broadcaster had a questionable past, being used for political appointments and offering exorbitant pay to a few handpicked reporters, executives and advisers.Hmmmmm?
Even though a new ERT operating with a third of the staff and half the operating cost will be set up modeled on the BBC(?????), Italy’s RAI and the Germany’s is still the stuff of a Beeb’s nightmares.
nicky campbell and someone from the index on censorship were bemoaning the demise of ERT yesterday. According to both of them the lack of state sector broadcaster was essentially a restriction on the right to free speech and clampdown on human rights.
tell that to the people of Iran, North Korea etc
the irony of the idea that a state broadcaster automatically equals greater freedom of speech was lost on both them.
I saw a Tweeter yesterday lamenting that people complained about Chavez shutting down Venezuelan TV stations but not about the Greek govt shutting ERT. 140 characters is simply not enough to point out the difference between a bankrupt government shutting down the state broadcaster to save money and a corrupt petro-oligarchy closing down commercial viable opposition stations to close down critical voices. Or to point out what a numpty he was to make the statement in the first place.
“Greece shuts down its bloated ‘BBC’ state broadcaster, cutting off reporters mid-sentence, ‘because it had eight times too many staff and was too wasteful with money'”
Thinking about this, hasn’t Greece got a “Placement ” government?…One that was placed by the EU?
What I think is gonna happen here, is the national broadcaster, that will have become anti-EU with them running the show, austerity, riots…ect, has now been closed by the EU (placement gov), to be replaced by a pro-EU one (Pravda)
Mark my words, this is what the sneaky buggers are playing at.
The relentless political persecution there caused me to claim asylum at BBC 5 Live. Of course I am reguarded as a ‘sport migrant’.
Although I am relieved at not being regularly bludgeoned about the head with left-liberal views – I am still victimised by low level spiteful attacks.
I can’t help the fact that as an aspect of my culture I support capitalism.
So when Nicky Campbell muses : ‘Have we done RBS yet? I think we should!’ I know that my culture is in for an attack and that as a follower of Adam Smith I will have to suffer offence.
Such is the nature of the constant low-level BBC Capital-phobia.
Lately the 5 Live breakfast studio has become an annex of the National Union of Teachers. I think this may have something to do with our Nicky fancying himself as a trendy have-a-go supply teacher.
Maybe it reflects the amount of time teachers have for Twittering their moans direct to air at BBC Salford.
Or perhaps it is related to the fact that estimates place teachers at 50% of card carrying Labour Party members.
Every gripe grumble and anti-Michael Gove statement from the NUT is trumpeted like gospel from Salford Towers.
But when Ofsted brings out a report today that suggests teachers might not be pulling their weight then the 5 Live staff room are up in arms.
The bias works like this: the Ofsted spokesman comes on and Rachel Burden’s questions attack the methodology of the Ofsted report. This is not the way that rival teachers union surveys are challenged. They are greeted with sympathetic encouragement.
1. ‘Is the sample size large enough?’
2. ‘There could be a whole range of explanations!’
Good questions to put to someone wanting to base future policy on survey results. Not the usual questions put to the groups delivering a message of which the BBC approves. Bias.
“Every gripe grumble and anti-Michael Gove statement from the NUT is trumpeted like gospel from Salford Towers.”
I was watching QT online, not live, the last one that Nigel Farage was constantly talked over by hysterical Aussie Greenie woman, and Dimblebee,
Anyhows, at the end, FAT teacher boo-hooing about Gove, and her daughter being so tired after school (if the daughter is as fat as the mother, no fecking wonder she’s tired!)
She was given plenty of time to whine, as Dimble…I’m just gonna call him “Dim” from now on, gave apathetic smiles, and sympathy, as she’s “in the know, being on the front line” an all that.
It was a lovely BIG group hug.
Ok, so, lets substitute “Teacher” with…umm….”Tommy Robinson”, and “School” with “Ethnically enriched area…lets say…ohhh, i dunno…Luton”
Tommy Robinson, lives in Luton, was born and bred there, is in the know due to living in Luton and on the front line.
Have you noticed that Tim Yoe does not get a mention these days. Nothing about losing chairmanship of the environment committee nothing about being caught out by the Times journalists asking for £7000 a day for illegal help. If he had called the police Plebs while riding his bike out of No10 the BBC would run it for weeks.
Alan Johnston is a BBC man; the former involuntary overstayer in Gaza, who was ultimatley ‘rescued by Hamas’ with no deal or unwritten understanding or any quid pro quo with the BBC whatsoever.
He has since found a very congenial home in Rome as Beeb Italy correspondent.
Johnston was awarded a prize by Amnesty International for his radio reports on human rights in Gaza, praising him for his “commitment to telling ordinary peoples’ stories.”
I see he has a nice piece about ordinary people here:
‘A gay island community created by Italy’s Fascists
By Alan Johnston BBC News, Italy’
No BBC, this is not a story about ordinary people. It is a lump of political campaigning on behalf of an already noisy interest group. It is advocacy. The policies of Mussolini are hardly up to the minute news.
BBC say : Come on Italy – get into line with the gay agenda. Don’t you laugh Putin – we’re coming for you next!
‘There is still no real social stigma attached to homophobia in Italy, Scalfarotto says, and the state doesn’t extend legal rights of any kind to gay or lesbian couples.’
I read that and thought it sounds like gay heaven – being re-housed on a beautiful Mediterranean island with lots of other ‘liked-minded’ people – what’s not to like? It could almost ‘turn me’ as Bob Mills might put it (on the BBC).
Funny, no, how whenever you hear a report on the excesses and failures of the Greek Broadcasting Corporation you could insert ‘British’ in the place of ‘Greek’ and not miss a beat.
Except of course that report which said that the Greek Broadcasting Corporation made the daughter of one of its directors a presenter on a large salary. Such third world corruption would never nay could never happen in this country.
Innocent smiley face yadda yadda so sue me you f*******.
Did anyone watch ‘Free Speech’ on BBC 3 at 7 last night? What a complete shambles that show was. Just like Question time, the audience had been handpicked to manipulate the outcome of answers. Tommy Robinson wasn’t part of the panel, but an audience member that was quite frankly demonized by every person in the building. None more so than panel member Saira Khan, yes, runner-up of the BBC’s very own ‘The Apprentice’. Robinson stated what we all already know about ‘the religion of peace’ and came across quite coherent, although at times a little disgruntled with the clear lack of free time given to air his views chaired by an incompetent presenter. Once everyone had their say, the spotlight was cast on the self-indulgent Khan who after a tirade of complete drivel, predictably shouted racist at Robinson. And when i say shout racist, that is pretty much as accurate as you can get. He asked her to explain how criticizing an ideology was racist. Her response, pitiful, weak and lacking any substance like all those hand picked by the BBC, was shameful; “because you are”. A response not too dissimilar from something you’d hear from a child in a playground. Pathetic.
Ofsted reports that socialism has worked, with comprehensive schools succeeding in dragging children down to the lowest level. But the bBBC report is mostly about teachers and their unions, who can’t even see the problem.
The teaching unions are the real problem but the government is scared to take them on despite the knowledge that if they are not taken on then this country is heading to the third world in a generation. Actually that is doing a disservice to the third world which values education.
Our brightest children are our future. This is reality. Ask the Chinese, Indians, Africans etc.
. . . and again, Today brings on Prem Sikka, professor of accounting at the Essex Business School to discuss tax avoidance but fails to mention that he is a Tax “Justice” Network lobbyist and Guardian commenter on tax avoidance. Why the modesty concerning Sikka’s non-academic activities? Could it be the danger of revealing what organisations finance the TJN and/or its prime spokesmen?
FWIW, IMHO the Delingpole attitude (which Dellers has adopted vis-a-vis warmists) to this kind of thing is the correct one. Don’t bother to engage with tax “justice” loudmouths (either as members of the TJN or the Public Accounts Committee) since, no matter what evidence is brought to bear, they are not amenable to reasonable argument. Rather repeat continually the basic point here: that the rules are made by politicians. If they don’t like the rules then they have the power to change them. Further, if the PAC considers that HMRC is colluding with Big Multinational Business to break tax law then name names and insist on the prosecution of offenders.
By repeating the mantra of “immoral” (but unfortunately) legal tax “dodging” as a basis for another unenlightening discussion on Today the BBC plays its part in damning private sector businesses which have the effrontery both to make profits and obey the law.
That other useful idiot Richard Murphy is doing the rounds as well. Taken to describing himself as ‘Political Economist’ these days or anything Economisty really..
Perhaps he should get together with Paul ‘Before I Became An Economist I Was A Musicologist’ Mason and, I dunno, lecture in Economics, write a paper for publication about Economics, write a book on Economics.
meh far easier just to plume yourself as ‘an Economist’.
That other useful idiot Richard Murphy is doing the rounds as well. Taken to describing himself as ‘Political Economist’ these days.
Perhaps he should get together with Paul ‘Before I Became An Economist I Was A Musicologist’ Mason and, I dunno, lecture in Economics, write a paper for publication about Economics, write a book on Economics, or anything Economisty really.
meh far easier just to plume yourself as ‘an Economist’.
The Murphmeister (or the “Lord High Tax Denouncer”) is frequently and rightly ridiculed over at and on Christine Malry’s FCAblog. RM is actively proud of the fact that he decided at the beginning of his economics course at University that it was rubbish and stopped attending. Slightly cheeky to call himself an economist.
How the so called impartial bBC only gives you the news it wants you to hear: Sport England: Participation down by 200,000, says survey The number of people participating in sport at least once a week has fallen by 200,000, according to Sport England. Some 15.3 million people played sport between May 2012 and April 2013, down from 15.5 million in October’s figures.
So the bBC headlines reports that less people in England are playing sports than before the Olympics. Yet a look at Sort England which published the data behind this says otherwise. I quote: The figures published by Sport England today reveal that 15.3 million people are playing sport once a week, every week. That is 1.4 million more than in 2005 when London won the bid to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games and indicates that most of the increase seen following the Games in 2012 has been retained.When the figures were last published in December 2012 they showed 750,000 more people playing sport than the previous year. Six months on, despite the coldest March for 50 years, growth of 530,000 has been maintained.
This can be substantiated by this excel sheet
which shows that every demographic bar one (16-25) shows an increase , yet the bBC tell me, that in England Sport is on the down slope. (Funny enough in contradiction to the headline and the main jist of their article the bBC do report: However, there are still 1.4 million more people playing sport than when London won the Olympic bid in 2005.
So what we have is a clear attempt in which to change the news for political purpose by the bBC, just waiting to see what that purpose will be. My moneys on..The Tory cuts.
Knowing how much the BBC has the hots for judges, I’m wondering why they didn’t cover the German constitutional court’s decision on the legality of the the euro bailouts.
There’s a great piece on the greatest victims of the euro: the Germans!. It’s called: “German Coolies” at:
There was a long piece on yesterday’s PM programme regarding the lack of openly gay leaders of top FTSE companies. Naturally, this was only approached from the standpoint of this being An Undesirable State Of Affairs. No-one was brought in to say “Who cares?”.
Does anyone truly give a moment’s thought to the genital preferences of our business leaders? Are there legions of customers saying, “No, I won’t renew my Vodafone contract, their CEO is/isn’t gay.”? Yet somehow these things are constantly given high profile by the BBC.
“Does anyone truly give a moment’s thought to the genital preferences of our business leaders?”
Quite…and more to the point, perhaps there are plenty of gay people who (unlike the BBC) don’t see the world through the lense of obsessive indentity politics, and who therefore don’t make their sexuality the defining issue of their existence. I’m sure not every gay person is militantly so, but as with the BBC’s recent ‘you don’t look like a proper muslim’ episode, they probably have a check list for what constitutes an authentic example of every minority. They’re the true bigots, compounded by a total lack of self-awareness. They believe themselves to be the most open minded of people.
Have you noticed that the Beeb and their commercial Wing UKTV are obssessed with re-broadcasting repeats from 20 – 30 years ago like Only Fools and Horses? It’s a total love of all things nostalgic, like the Beeboids love of Beatles music on BBC Radio 2.
I believe it was Eurosceptic Tory MPs that Patten mentioned in his warning. In which case, he should be severely sanctioned for what is a blatantly partisan remark. As BBC chairman, he should be strictly neutral, especially in the field of policy and current affairs, and to ensure the BBC does the same. In railing against Eurosceptics, he has widely crossed the line into unacceptability. If we didn’t know before (and we did), it is clear that come the referendum, all the vast resources of the BBC will be massed on the ‘Keep In’ side – and Patten will make damn sure they are.
I’m sure that everyone will be “shocked” to read, that the BBC has decided to drop the words “Anti Semitic” from their coverage as it’s apparently “too long”.
How long must we suffer this disgraceful leftist corporation?
But anti Jewish feelings can be openly expressed in dramas on the BBC. eg “house on fire” episode 3 “Kosher”Radio 4 .Poking fun at the Jewish religion is one thing but when a joke is made of stereotypical jewish accented Rabbi performing circumcision with a rusty knife on an adult that is nasty. It is incitement of hatred against Jews which is known as anti Semitism.
In Parliament Javid told the commons that Labour overpaid for RBS by £12B. The Telegraph thought this so significant they put out a new article on the subject.
Just listened to R4 at 6.00pm. They talked about RBS, but did they mention the £12B, did they f***.
“BBC used licence fee like a never-ending cash machine, Lord Patten admits.
“BBC Trust chairman says staff used public’s money ‘as we wanted.’
“Warns trust in the Corporation depends on not wasting cash.
“Reveals there will be more revelations about big severance payouts.
“Defends moving sport and children’s TV to ‘fantastic’ Salford.
Here’s a thought perhaps Sajida and her 6 year old could follow her husband to that gulf state as a dependant. She could even take her aged mother in law (or some else’s if she hasn’t got one).I’m sure those fabulously oil rich Muslim gulf states would be happy to supply them all with free housing, schooling and health care
BBC-NUJ does seem to censor reports such as the following;
but then the National Union of Journalists does have an anti-Israel policy.
“Summer camp… Palestinian-style: Chilling images show children as young as six firing guns and staging mock kidnapping of Israeli soldier.
“Up to 10,000 boys at a time visit camp in the Gaza Strip.
“Explosions and burning tyres used to make mock warzone realistic.
“Believed purpose is to radicalise the terrorists of tomorrow.”
As an educationalist, I always like to keep an eye on the BBC’s educational websites. Seems they’ve edited the Islamic section on War and Peace on BBC Bitesize since last I posted a piece about it; and, I’m afraid, not edited for the better! Apparently, Islam is seen as not a pacifist religion because of misunderstandings over Jihad. Oh… that explains it, then.
It was once perhaps the greatest science series of all time, that consistently refused to make any concessions to the trend for dumbing down and pitching to the lowest common denominator. For me, it was one of the few ‘must see’ programmes. I grew up absolutely loving Horizon.
Tonight we have – Horizon – The Secret Life of Cats.
To see it reduced to such lightweight, ‘accessible’ nonsense is such a waste, and an insult to the legacy of a ground breaking series. Horizon started to seriously degrade in quality about 5 or 6 years ago when they began to enlist ‘celebrity’ hosts now and then (Alan Davies?!), and has been a hit and miss affair ever since, disappearing and reappearing at seemingly random intervals from the schedules.
The BBC has precious little commitment to science anymore. If it doesn’t have any perceived ‘cultural’ relevance, it’s just too damned elitist and exclusive, I suppose. There are still some great science programmes tucked away on BBC Four – their only worthwhile channel – but the debasement of Horizon is depressing.
Agree. I still have a soft spot for Horizon but am aware that this is based more on the output of 15 to 20 years ago than on what the programme is today. My feeling is that this is part of a general levelling down and Horizon is not the worst. Science in general is out of fashion, unless it is a means to an end, e.g. the agenda of supposed man-made global warming. Proper science is probably too rigorous and rational for an age of subjectivity and emotion.
I still tune in, depending on the subject matter and whether or not I’m lucky enough to stumble upon it when it suddenly pops up from nowhere for an episode or two. In its heyday quality was assured each week, as was a full uninterrupted run for a whole series.
Sadly I ended up watching this and learned several gems of wisdom. Apparently cats have territories and fight other cats if they come into their area also cats don’t go out much if it is raining ! Not at all stuff that even the dimmest cat owner knows within a week of getting their first cat 🙂
However this required two Universities , a constellation of American military positioning satellites and what appeared to be every Apple laptop sold in the UK to tell us.
I learned nothing that I didn’t know already, being owned by two cats.
Is that all these two universities have to do all day? Worry about the habits of pussycats?
And the “control Centre” – what a joke, anyone would think they were monitoring criminals or spies, heaven forbid (perhaps they were…).
How much did THAT little lot cost the television tax payer?
And all of it followed the horrible “Spring Watch” programme – their smug little faces, and their daft, patronising comments smacked of a Blue Peter programme of liberal-minded kiddywinks.
Leave the fuckin’ fauna alone – do you really need to spy on its every bleedin’ move?
It went down hill once they tagged it as ‘Pure Science, Sheer Drama’ — and forgot the first two words.
Its original mission statement (according to Wikipedia) ran as follows: “The aim of Horizon is to provide a platform from which some of the world’s greatest scientists and philosophers can communicate their curiosity, observations and reflections, and infuse into our common knowledge their changing views of the universe.”
Yeah – that’s the Horizon I remember. Demanding TV that you actually had to pay attention to, rather than let drift over you like a warm comfort blanket.
Agreed, but you have to go back to the ’80’s to see anything worth watching.
I rather enjoyed last nights offering but it didn’t tell me anything I didn’t know already.
One thing. After a week of filming they only got evidence of 30 hunting kills from 50 cats. They skated over this quickly and tried to say that there wasn’t enough evidence to prove anything. However it seems that the RSPB mantra often heard via the BBC that cats are decimating bird-folk at an alarming rate is pure bullshit. Even if they are using the correct usage of ‘decimate’ they are way off the mark. How unusual!
10 years ago we had birds and frogs in the garden. All the neighbours acquired cats. Now no frogs and few birds. Love cats but there far to many even for my dog to chase.
Bbc news at 10
Why does the bbc seek to find out ” what drove Mark .Creegan to kill”
As if it’s not his own fault? It must be someone else to blame?
Why cant they just accept some. People are scum.
Just sat through tonight’s Question Time from Edinburgh and found myself agreeing with most of what George Galloway had to say.
Should I be seeking medical advice ?
Since October 2011, mosques have been off-limits to FBI agents. No more surveillance or undercover string operations without high-level approval from a special oversight body at the Justice Department dubbed the Sensitive Operations Review Committee.
Who makes up this body, and how do they decide requests? Nobody knows; the names of the chairman, members and staff are kept secret.
We do know the panel was set up under pressure from Islamist groups who complained about FBI stings at mosques. Just months before the panel’s formation, the Council on American-Islamic Relations teamed up with the ACLU to sue the FBI for allegedly violating the civil rights of Muslims in Los Angeles by hiring an undercover agent to infiltrate and monitor mosques there.
We see BBC-NUJ use our money to excoriate, it that set-up on BBC 3, its number 1 political enemy in the world , which is not Al Qaeda, not Hamas, not Hezbollah, but is the English Defence League.
“Switch it off then. Give everyone else a bit of peace.”
As I am forced, under threat of jail, to pay for this blatant, lefty, pro-Islam crap, I don’t think you have the right to tell me what to do with MY television license, you sanctimonious pile of shit.
Why don’t you refund me?
If you do that, I’ll not have to watch the shite you lefties seem to love.
Or are you so astronomically stupid that you don’t?
And you’re a complete dick, but, hey, we all got our problems.
I am on a website that complains, and points out BBC bias, because I know it exists.
I also pay for a license to pay for a service I simply do not want, nor use, and if I do not pay it, then for some bizarre reason, I cannot, by BBC law, watch ANY other live channel, unless I want BBC stormtroopers at my door.
‘Men ‘to blame for the menopause’
By Caroline Parkinson Health editor, BBC News website’
Good. Must get my daily dose of self-loathing. How else could I aspire to be a progressive liberal?
Assuming I can absorb enough of this stuff I might one day aspire to think like a true Beeboid – or at least I could participate in leftist Twitter storms.
Note MARDELL, Obama supplicant, and his politically anti-British, anti-French throw away false line:-
“Many politicians in Britain and France still feel a heavy imperial burden to use their well-honed militaries to re-make the world. Mr Obama, I am sure, feels no such imperative but increasingly finds himself pushed towards acting.”
If UK/France were to intervene in Syria (would that they don’t), for Mardell they’re being intrinsically ‘imperialist’; for his Obamessiah to intervene, it’s not imperialist!
No Mardell mention of Islamic Imperialism, of course; a notion that has never crossed his mind, nor his understanding of history. So Mardell misses that Obama is re-shaping the world in an Islamic mould.
White Europeans feel “a heavy imperial burden” to get involved, while the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate-in-Chief is, of course, forced to do it by powers beyond His control. Mardell never gets tired of that “Trapped In A World He Never Made” Narrative, does he?
‘David Cornock Parliamentary correspondent, Wales ‘
‘Your starter for 10. What does clause 56 of Magna Carta say?’
“A dispute on this point shall be determined in the Marches by the judgement of equals. English law shall apply to holdings of land in England, Welsh law to those in Wales, and the law of the Marches to those in the Marches. The Welsh shall treat us and ours in the same way.”
Goodness me…. they will be singing in the valleys tonight. Devolution is as old as the hills.
‘Lord Elis-Thomas [former Plaid Cymru leader] was giving a lecture in Speaker’s House at Westminster on “parliamentary arrangements in Wales”‘
‘The lecture will be shown on BBC Parliament this Saturday at 9pm.’
Of course this BBC ‘devolution’ guff is complete nonsense. Wales was indeed a separate country in 1215.
There’s no end to the left wing stupidity of womans hour! The Open Mosque initiative – but how welcome will women and gay people be?
How long before the rest of the Muslim community decides that it doesn’t want this, takes action against it, and some poor whipping boy group like the EDL get the blame?
Good morning – or “Good Moaning” – as the comedy British Gendarme from Allo Allo would have put it.
Our Vicky Drearyshire is hosting the Radio Grievance Show from Salford Local Radio and it is metaphorical sweet tea and sympathy for concerned parents of teenagers who have had a bad time with their peers in cyberspace.
I wonder if I should call the BBC and start a campaign going about those marbles stolen from me by some big boys in 1970-something-or-other? Where there’s blame there’s a claim!
Victims of bullying we hear. Something must be done. 17 pages of A4 abuse printed off Facebook (oh the paperless future?) all tucked under the arm and marched round to the plod; as evidence. No wonder the public believe we need more frontline police. The result? Level 3 Cautions all round! (?)
Ah that wonderful English legal tradition. Level 3 Caution, I could weep.
We are told that these were anonymous posters who were people the teenager knew!
Now suffering post traumatic stress, no less.
BBC : Please, please stop this drivel.
Caution : The BBC may be corrosive
As ever the Daily Fail, fails to check the facts, or prints downright lies.
The caves at Stockport are so well hidden even locals didn’t know there were there, access is difficult. They were used by Drug addicts and the only one left there is a single Estonian who presumably had to be shown the caves by one of the addicts which raises the suspicion that he is also an addict himself.
There are absolutely not groups ‘of Eastern Europeans’ living there, that is an outright lie.
Makes you wonder what the thinking behind telling lies like that is doesn’t it?
Sorry George, what exactly is the point you’re trying to make?
The far left MEN were trying to blow a small issue into a huge scandal which they succeeded in doing. Education used to teach English comprehension which is a valuable life skill, it’s a shame it’s so out of fashion. Here’s the quotes which actually tell you the facts.
“The caves are currently being used by a homeless Estonian man, who arrived a few weeks ago from the West Midlands.”
i.e. a single man who only arrived a few weeks ago.
“Stockport council leader Sue Derbyshire said she had no idea people were living in caves – or even that the caves were there”
So even locals don’t know of the existence of the caves, how did an Estonian in Manchester just a few weeks find them?
“Up to four people at a time have been sleeping rough in the secret warren ”
Past tense meaning they aren’t sleeping there now!
“The M.E.N is not revealing his identity – or the exact location of the cave – in order to protect its current occupant.”
More confirmation only one person is living there.
“Jonathan points to four or five people included in a memorial display at its entrance. They have all lived in the caves at some point, he says.
“Drugs, drink, or drink and drugs,” he adds, listing what killed each of them.”
So the people using the caves were druggies or alchies or both!
So I have shown from the article that everything I said is truthful and correct, and that Richard Littlejohn is lying – to what end I do not know.
Please when you read an article try to find the facts which people allude to, before selecting a couple which you think supports your view!
I made a plea for you to understand what you were reading George, unfortunately that appears to be too difficult. Allow me to assist:
“Now we learn that a group of Eastern Europeans has moved into a network of caves in a cliff above the River Mersey outside Stockport. ”
Now I would like you to go away and find some evidence to support that statement. If you can’t then Richard Littlejohn has told a barefaced lie which is exactly what I said.
““Up to four people at a time have been sleeping rough in the secret warren” Past tense meaning they aren’t sleeping there now!”
You should be wary of lecturing others on grammar. It is the present perfect continuous tense and can be used to talk about an action that has recently stopped or an action continuing up to now.
Bet the Greek government is trembling in its pom-pombed boots, like they haven’t got any thing else to worry them other than the disapproval of bunch of shiraz swilling bourgeois trots
So drinking shiraz makes you a trot? Maybe you can enlighten us on what drink makes you gay, which one reduces your brain power so such a level you’d join the EDL and which one the Mayor of London is on so I can have it as well.
You are desperate today aren’t you Mathew ?
Keep it coming I’m loving it
Like Dez you’ll soon be reduced to putting your fingers in your ears and going ‘nah .nah ,nah’
“So drinking shiraz makes you a trot?”….hmmm – given the context, a bit of a logic bomb there, no ? (damp squib, really)
To extend the analogy, then by your logic, the phrase ‘champagne socialist’ must mean by definition that anyone who drinks champagne must be a socialist, and the phrase ‘lager lout’ must mean that, by definition, anyone caught drinking lager must be a lout.
Unless they’re really clever and amusing, such logical non-sequiturs demonstrate simply an ignorance of logical argument.
Notice that there is not a single mention on the BBC website of the 26 Billion Euro bailout for Portugal agreed today.
I wonder if that is not news, or is it the wrong kind of news?
Remember the guy who got on a plane with a bomb built into his shoe and tried to light it?
Everyone should hear what the judge had to say on his sentencing – I never saw anything on the BBC or Sky – if it was I am sorry but still worth putting on here
Ruling by Judge William Young, US District Court.
Prior to sentencing, the Judge asked the defendant if he had anything to say His response: After admitting his guilt to the court for the record, Reid also admitted his ‘allegiance to Osama bin Laden, to Islam, and to the religion of Allah,’ defiantly stating, ‘I think I will not apologize for my actions,’ and told the court ‘I am at war with your country.’
Judge Young then delivered the statement quoted below:
Judge Young: “Mr. Richard C. Reid, hearken now to the sentence the Court imposes upon you.
On counts 1, 5 and 6 the Court sentences you to life in prison in the custody of the United States Attorney General. On counts 2, 3, 4 and 7, the Court sentences you to 20 years in prison on each count, the sentence on each count to run consecutively. (That’s 80 years.)
On count 8 the Court sentences you to the mandatory 30 years, again to be served consecutively to the 80 years just imposed. The Court imposes upon you for each of the eight counts a fine of $250,000, that’s an aggregate fine of $2 million. The Court accepts the government’s recommendation with respect to restitution and orders restitution in the amount of $298.17 to Andre Bousquet and $5,784 to American Airlines.
The Court imposes upon you an $800 special assessment. The Court imposes upon you, five years supervised release simply because the law requires it. But the life sentences are real life sentences so I need go no further.
This is the sentence that is provided for by our statutes. It is a fair and just sentence. It is a righteous sentence.
Now, let me explain this to you. We are not afraid of you or any of your terrorist co-conspirators, Mr. Reid. We are Americans. We have been through the fire before. There is too much war talk here and I say that to everyone with the utmost respect. Here in this court, we deal with individuals as individuals and care for individuals as individuals. As human beings, we reach out for justice.
You are not an enemy combatant. You are a terrorist. You are not a soldier in any war. You are a terrorist. To give you that reference, to call you a soldier, gives you far too much stature. Whether the officers of government do it, or your attorney does it, or if you think you are a soldier, you are not—–, you are a terrorist. And we do not negotiate with terrorists. We do not meet with terrorists. We do not sign documents with terrorists. We hunt them down one by one and bring them to justice.
So war talk is way out of line in this court. You are a big fellow. But you are not that big. You’re no warrior. I’ve known warriors. You are a terrorist. A species of criminal that is guilty of multiple attempted murders. In a very real sense, State Trooper Santiago had it right when you first were taken off that plane and into custody and you wondered where the press and the TV crews were, and he said:
‘You’re no big deal. ‘
You are no big deal.
What your able counsel and what the equally able United States attorneys have grappled with and what I have, as honestly as I know how, tried to grapple with, is why you did something so horrific. What was it that led you here to this courtroom today?
I have listened respectfully to what you have to say. And I ask you to search your heart and ask yourself what sort of unfathomable hate led you to do what you are guilty, and admit you are guilty, of doing? And, I have an answer for you. It may not satisfy you, but as I search this entire record, it comes as close to understanding as I know.
It seems to me, you hate the one thing that to us is most precious. You hate our freedom. Our individual freedom. Our individual freedom to live as we choose, to come and go as we choose, to believe or not believe as we individually choose. Here, in this society, the very wind carries freedom. It carries it everywhere from sea to shining sea. It is because we prize individual freedom so much that you are here in this beautiful courtroom, so that everyone can see, truly see, that justice is administered fairly, individually, and discretely. It is for freedom’s sake that your lawyers are striving so vigorously on your behalf, have filed appeals, will go on in their representation of you before other judges.
We Americans are all about freedom. Because we all know that the way we treat you, Mr. Reid, is the measure of our own liberties. Make no mistake though. It is yet true that we will bear any burden; pay any price, to preserve our freedoms. Look around this courtroom. Mark it well. The world is not going to long remember what you or I say here. The day after tomorrow, it will be forgotten, but this, however, will long endure.
Here in this courtroom and courtrooms all across America , the American people will gather to see that justice, individual justice, justice, not war, individual justice, is in fact being done. The very President of the United States through his officers, will have to come into courtrooms and lay out evidence on which specific matters can be judged and juries of citizens will gather to sit and judge that evidence democratically, to mold and shape and refine our sense of justice.
See that flag, Mr. Reid? That’s the flag of the United States of America . That flag will fly there long after this is all forgotten. That flag stands for freedom. And it always will.
We have not one judge in this country that will deliver such a closing address of the quality that this American judge has. Shame on our wretched, spineless legal system, and the maggots like Cherie Blair, Helena-Kennedy and Mansfield among others like them.
And another thing, sorry, i think this closing address should be required reading and learning for every Barrister and new judge, to show them how it should be done, and to instill a sense of respect and rightful pride in our country that is sadly lacking at present. The eve of battle speech by Colonel Tim Collins hung in the Oval Office for some time, so impressed was G. Bush with it.
To quote Honest Reporting’s Simon Plosker,It’s gratifying that the BBC acknowledged its error. However, the BBC commentators must have physically been at the game in Petah Tikva’s HaMoshava Stadium knowing that they would also be visiting Jerusalem for England’s next match (which Israel won!).
So it appears that the myth of Tel Aviv as Israel’s capital has become so ingrained in the media psyche that even visiting the country is not enough to overturn this falsehood.
I think the BBC was perfectly aware of what the fall-out from the Arabs and fellow travelers would be had it described Jerusalem as Israel’s capital so made a tactical decision to take the least bad option.
No offense was intended, but they knew it would offend and didn’t care. The goal was to appease the other side. Offending Jews was incidental. Tacitly condoned, of course.
Would any lurking journalists care to explain how news works in this case?
The European Under 21s tournament has all but disappeared from the BBC website. It can’t be because England are out as the coverageof the Confederation Cup is ramping up and England aren’t in that. Maybe the BBC would like to pretend that everyone did boycott Israel.
the EDL couldnt have asked for a better recruiting tool than the terrorist supporting BBC. Keep up the good work beeboids, you will have tommy in 10 downing street in no time
A whole panel, nay audience, of handpicked empty gesture arguments.
No substance, devoid of both fact and truth … proof although none is needed – that the bbc is truly the media of the “empty vessel”.
There is an increasing proportion of the UK population who can watch that shit and see right through it to expose the loaded audience, panel, presenter. It’s not enough yet, but it is growing. The percentage of people who get their information from a combination of the Daily mirror plus the bbc only, is shrinking. The net is seeing to that.
These kinds of stunts are the beginnings of the death rattle of the bbc.
They are not yet close enough, but are approaching the point where anyone with more than one left leaning brain cell will see thro’ their bullshit.
Robinson will continue to tlk sense, and I cant wait for Paxo to give battle again.( and lose)
What a sad and pathetic spectacle that was. The usual airheads with their warped minds closing out any discussion with agonised screams of ‘waayist’ every other second. This was not a BBC ‘debate’ but reminded me of the show trials of the USSR in the 30’s. I should keep that bulletproof vest on, Mr Robinson.
I even noticed the presenter clapping his card on his hand in appreciation for the mob baying out for blood, starting with Mr Robinson.
Whatever you think of this gentleman why can’t his serious concerns be heard?
At least I have learnt one really important thing from this mess which I will now be eternally grateful for; Muslims introduced ‘coffees and lemons’!!
The blindingly obvious, it is easy for Mr Lennon, to swat away these airheads, and their emptier headed aguments … as he simply has to stick to truth and fact,
“The truth is incontrovertible.
Malice may attack it.
Ignorance may deride it.
but … in the end, there it is.”
W Churchill
i checked this out on iplayer, sheesh!
Saira Khan trying to take the Paxo award for consistent gurning, and says racism is caused by ignorance … hmmm 😀 said by someone
who cannot even distinguish between a race and an ideology?,
In fact Mr Lennon he asked this whole panel at least 50 times to do this, some alternative comedienne, some rapper fella, and Saira Khan, none of them could even put their behemoth minds together and find a single answer.
The video is essentially what is known as the illusion of democracy…The predictable ruse is to invite a public figure that they loathe onto one of their shows to seemingly discuss a pressing subject matter of the day, and then load the entire audience and panel with “Guardianistas”, “hostile Muslims” and members of militant left organisations to shout him down at every given opportunity…Add for effect the presenter himself joyously clapping the hostility directed at the one lone voice, and hey presto, the BBC have carried out their intended manipulation to a tee, toward those viewers who aren’t politically or religiously inclined….
The BBC are truly shocking in everything that they produce, and yet as everyday Brits we’re forced to pay for this sickening leftist propaganda, without any time off for remission…
It’s truly a joy to behold the long faces at the BBC over their beloved Obamessiah declaring He’s going to arm the Syrian rebels. Diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus has written a lengthy explanation of why it’s a bad idea (poorly disguised as a series of questions), while the BBC’s US President editor is one step away from rending his garments in despair.
At no time does either one of these professional, impartial journalists mention a certain Nobel Peace Prize.
It is for Mardell, anyway. One could practically swap his editorials about the President’s “caution” on Libya with his latest lamentations about Syria, just change the key names involved, and nobody would notice the difference.
The President must surely have the highest body count of any Nobel Laureate, and if He gets the US openly involved in Syria, He’ll have taken warmongering into more countries than George Bush and his Jooooo neocons could ever have imagined. All forced on Him by those cowboys in Europe, of course. “Liberal interventionist” is the new Beebspeak for it, apparently.
Egypt, Libya, Syria sheesh! … at least he s consistent
enables Islamists in takeovers
mind you … just look at scameron and vague towing the islamist line, (shakes head)
… The sooner these tory idiots are history the better
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
Lefty WrightFeb 23, 21:45 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Mark The lady is absolutely correct but her message has fallen on deaf ears in the U.K.
BRISSLESFeb 23, 21:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Good interview on GBN with Lord Toby Young ( free speech union) on this case. far left and the islamists crying like babys again.
They condemn Tommy Robinson for having previous, yet see nothing wrong with 58 members of the UAF being arrested for violent attacks which were captured on film.
They have nothing to say about attacks like this either.
Why did Tommy Robinson come into the limelight in the first place?
Good article on that attack here:
Good grief. Some of the comments there make things here on the subject of Islam look positively mild-mannered.
In spite of what some critics of BiasedBBC might claim, it’s not our manners they object to, it’s the fact that we discuss certain issues at all.
No you were right first time. It’s your manners. Or complete lack off.
Hey, will.duncan, what was it you wanted the courts to decide over on the Zimmerman thread? You still haven’t told us.
I have no interest in it. Or rugby or Malta. Stick to what I know. Good advice to you surely?
If you stick to what YOU know you have a very limited outlook. But as they say – ignorance is bliss.
This isn’t good advice, it’s patronising and condescending.
And don’t call me Shirley.
“it’s patronising and condescending”
That’s his field of expertise all right.
Poor dodge attempt, will.duncan. You made a comment that the courts should decide, but that was not what the post was about. The main post was about how the BBC promoted a falsehood. How does “stick to what I know” have any relevance? The post wasn’t about Zimmerman’s guilt or innocence at all.
If you’re admitting that you don’t know enough to decide whether or not the BBC pushed the deliberately doctored audio – this is a fact, not an interpretation – then we can provide the relevant information for you.
Yet you ignored the real issue and made a comment about letting the courts decide Zimmerman’s fate. Now you’re being very dishonest. Would you like to correct that or just avoid it some more?
Careful, if you don’t watch it he’ll call you “A bore”
Bet you’re trembling in your size 9’s at the thought of that, eh big fella?
I haven’t been able to sleep since he called me one…*sniff*
Unity Amongst Facists
Just so everyone here knows what’s really going on while the Saga of St. Edward is commanding the BBC’s attention:
CIA’s deputy director to be replaced with White House lawyer
The CIA’s deputy director plans to retire and will be replaced by White House lawyer and agency outsider Avril D. Haines, Director John O. Brennan said Wednesday.
Being an agency outsider is meaningless: this is the White House taking over the CIA from the inside. Why is this a big deal? Benghazi. Why do I say that? Because Haines is a lawyer with the State Department. Did I mention Benghazi?
The BBC hasn’t reported this yet, and probably won’t seeing as how the changing of the deputy guard, so to speak, is hardly newsworthy on its own. But if they do, you’ll know where the talking points came from.
The BBC is giving plenty of coverage of the closure Greece’s state broadcaster, ERT. ERT closure: Silencing of broadcaster shocks Greece A little too close to home, perhaps?
It leads with a tear-jerker (a good sign of the BBC’s preferred take on anything). Long time employees lose jobs.
Only 9 paragraphs later do we read (if you have read that far.
The leading party in the governing coalition, the conservative New Democracy (ND), insists that ERT was a rotten apple, suffering from chronic mismanagement, lack of transparency and waste.
According to government sources, among the many sins of ERT was that not a single employee had been hired transparently or on merit.
Even ERT employees concur that the broadcaster had a questionable past, being used for political appointments and offering exorbitant pay to a few handpicked reporters, executives and advisers.Hmmmmm?
Even though a new ERT operating with a third of the staff and half the operating cost will be set up modeled on the BBC(?????), Italy’s RAI and the Germany’s ZDF. it is still the stuff of a Beeb’s nightmares.
just replace ERT for BBC and its the beeb to a tee
nicky campbell and someone from the index on censorship were bemoaning the demise of ERT yesterday. According to both of them the lack of state sector broadcaster was essentially a restriction on the right to free speech and clampdown on human rights.
tell that to the people of Iran, North Korea etc
the irony of the idea that a state broadcaster automatically equals greater freedom of speech was lost on both them.
I saw a Tweeter yesterday lamenting that people complained about Chavez shutting down Venezuelan TV stations but not about the Greek govt shutting ERT. 140 characters is simply not enough to point out the difference between a bankrupt government shutting down the state broadcaster to save money and a corrupt petro-oligarchy closing down commercial viable opposition stations to close down critical voices. Or to point out what a numpty he was to make the statement in the first place.
Actually you did that in 140 characters – well put!
“Greece shuts down its bloated ‘BBC’ state broadcaster, cutting off reporters mid-sentence, ‘because it had eight times too many staff and was too wasteful with money'”
By Anna Edwards.
Beeboids: politically tough on GREECE’s government, but soft on TURKEY’s government.
What a lovely moment, I shall treasure it always
Thinking about this, hasn’t Greece got a “Placement ” government?…One that was placed by the EU?
What I think is gonna happen here, is the national broadcaster, that will have become anti-EU with them running the show, austerity, riots…ect, has now been closed by the EU (placement gov), to be replaced by a pro-EU one (Pravda)
Mark my words, this is what the sneaky buggers are playing at.
Having ‘checked my privilege’* and found myself sadly wanting I gave up on BBC Radio 4.
The relentless political persecution there caused me to claim asylum at BBC 5 Live. Of course I am reguarded as a ‘sport migrant’.
Although I am relieved at not being regularly bludgeoned about the head with left-liberal views – I am still victimised by low level spiteful attacks.
I can’t help the fact that as an aspect of my culture I support capitalism.
So when Nicky Campbell muses : ‘Have we done RBS yet? I think we should!’ I know that my culture is in for an attack and that as a follower of Adam Smith I will have to suffer offence.
Such is the nature of the constant low-level BBC Capital-phobia.
Lately the 5 Live breakfast studio has become an annex of the National Union of Teachers. I think this may have something to do with our Nicky fancying himself as a trendy have-a-go supply teacher.
Maybe it reflects the amount of time teachers have for Twittering their moans direct to air at BBC Salford.
Or perhaps it is related to the fact that estimates place teachers at 50% of card carrying Labour Party members.
Every gripe grumble and anti-Michael Gove statement from the NUT is trumpeted like gospel from Salford Towers.
But when Ofsted brings out a report today that suggests teachers might not be pulling their weight then the 5 Live staff room are up in arms.
The bias works like this: the Ofsted spokesman comes on and Rachel Burden’s questions attack the methodology of the Ofsted report. This is not the way that rival teachers union surveys are challenged. They are greeted with sympathetic encouragement.
1. ‘Is the sample size large enough?’
2. ‘There could be a whole range of explanations!’
Good questions to put to someone wanting to base future policy on survey results. Not the usual questions put to the groups delivering a message of which the BBC approves. Bias.
“Every gripe grumble and anti-Michael Gove statement from the NUT is trumpeted like gospel from Salford Towers.”
I was watching QT online, not live, the last one that Nigel Farage was constantly talked over by hysterical Aussie Greenie woman, and Dimblebee,
Anyhows, at the end, FAT teacher boo-hooing about Gove, and her daughter being so tired after school (if the daughter is as fat as the mother, no fecking wonder she’s tired!)
She was given plenty of time to whine, as Dimble…I’m just gonna call him “Dim” from now on, gave apathetic smiles, and sympathy, as she’s “in the know, being on the front line” an all that.
It was a lovely BIG group hug.
Ok, so, lets substitute “Teacher” with…umm….”Tommy Robinson”, and “School” with “Ethnically enriched area…lets say…ohhh, i dunno…Luton”
Tommy Robinson, lives in Luton, was born and bred there, is in the know due to living in Luton and on the front line.
So, why is that different BBC?
Will someone give Tommy a hug dammit!!!
Have you noticed that Tim Yoe does not get a mention these days. Nothing about losing chairmanship of the environment committee nothing about being caught out by the Times journalists asking for £7000 a day for illegal help. If he had called the police Plebs while riding his bike out of No10 the BBC would run it for weeks.
….”if he had been flasely accused of calling the police plebs….the BBC would run it for weeks”
Alan Johnston is a BBC man; the former involuntary overstayer in Gaza, who was ultimatley ‘rescued by Hamas’ with no deal or unwritten understanding or any quid pro quo with the BBC whatsoever.
He has since found a very congenial home in Rome as Beeb Italy correspondent.
Johnston was awarded a prize by Amnesty International for his radio reports on human rights in Gaza, praising him for his “commitment to telling ordinary peoples’ stories.”
I see he has a nice piece about ordinary people here:
‘A gay island community created by Italy’s Fascists
By Alan Johnston BBC News, Italy’
No BBC, this is not a story about ordinary people. It is a lump of political campaigning on behalf of an already noisy interest group. It is advocacy. The policies of Mussolini are hardly up to the minute news.
BBC say : Come on Italy – get into line with the gay agenda. Don’t you laugh Putin – we’re coming for you next!
‘There is still no real social stigma attached to homophobia in Italy, Scalfarotto says, and the state doesn’t extend legal rights of any kind to gay or lesbian couples.’
‘Their struggle for equality goes on. ‘
Who can forget the statement from the droids when Johnson was cordially invited to spend a few days with his Hamas chums…
‘Kidnappings of this sort do their cause no good whatsoever.’
I don’t need to bold ‘of this sort’ do I.
I read that and thought it sounds like gay heaven – being re-housed on a beautiful Mediterranean island with lots of other ‘liked-minded’ people – what’s not to like? It could almost ‘turn me’ as Bob Mills might put it (on the BBC).
Shutting down free speech by shutting the beeb?
That’s like shutting down free speech by closing Pravda?
Why should one party have a state monopoly broadcaster?
Surely to have free speech on the beeb we either need balance or each party to have its own biased channel.
Having one massive labour supporting edifice is the antithesis of free speech
Funny, no, how whenever you hear a report on the excesses and failures of the Greek Broadcasting Corporation you could insert ‘British’ in the place of ‘Greek’ and not miss a beat.
Except of course that report which said that the Greek Broadcasting Corporation made the daughter of one of its directors a presenter on a large salary. Such third world corruption would never nay could never happen in this country.
Innocent smiley face yadda yadda so sue me you f*******.
As far as we know James Purnell had no relatives working for the BBC at the time of his appointment.
Er, blood relatives that is. Political relatives numbered in the region of 20,000.
Purnell a truly disgusting hire.
Did anyone watch ‘Free Speech’ on BBC 3 at 7 last night? What a complete shambles that show was. Just like Question time, the audience had been handpicked to manipulate the outcome of answers. Tommy Robinson wasn’t part of the panel, but an audience member that was quite frankly demonized by every person in the building. None more so than panel member Saira Khan, yes, runner-up of the BBC’s very own ‘The Apprentice’. Robinson stated what we all already know about ‘the religion of peace’ and came across quite coherent, although at times a little disgruntled with the clear lack of free time given to air his views chaired by an incompetent presenter. Once everyone had their say, the spotlight was cast on the self-indulgent Khan who after a tirade of complete drivel, predictably shouted racist at Robinson. And when i say shout racist, that is pretty much as accurate as you can get. He asked her to explain how criticizing an ideology was racist. Her response, pitiful, weak and lacking any substance like all those hand picked by the BBC, was shameful; “because you are”. A response not too dissimilar from something you’d hear from a child in a playground. Pathetic.
Ofsted reports that socialism has worked, with comprehensive schools succeeding in dragging children down to the lowest level. But the bBBC report is mostly about teachers and their unions, who can’t even see the problem.
Because they are the problem.
The teaching unions are the real problem but the government is scared to take them on despite the knowledge that if they are not taken on then this country is heading to the third world in a generation. Actually that is doing a disservice to the third world which values education.
Our brightest children are our future. This is reality. Ask the Chinese, Indians, Africans etc.
Of course the teachers can’t see the problem, as they’re too busy being arrested at UAF marches…
. . . and again, Today brings on Prem Sikka, professor of accounting at the Essex Business School to discuss tax avoidance but fails to mention that he is a Tax “Justice” Network lobbyist and Guardian commenter on tax avoidance. Why the modesty concerning Sikka’s non-academic activities? Could it be the danger of revealing what organisations finance the TJN and/or its prime spokesmen?
FWIW, IMHO the Delingpole attitude (which Dellers has adopted vis-a-vis warmists) to this kind of thing is the correct one. Don’t bother to engage with tax “justice” loudmouths (either as members of the TJN or the Public Accounts Committee) since, no matter what evidence is brought to bear, they are not amenable to reasonable argument. Rather repeat continually the basic point here: that the rules are made by politicians. If they don’t like the rules then they have the power to change them. Further, if the PAC considers that HMRC is colluding with Big Multinational Business to break tax law then name names and insist on the prosecution of offenders.
By repeating the mantra of “immoral” (but unfortunately) legal tax “dodging” as a basis for another unenlightening discussion on Today the BBC plays its part in damning private sector businesses which have the effrontery both to make profits and obey the law.
That other useful idiot Richard Murphy is doing the rounds as well. Taken to describing himself as ‘Political Economist’ these days or anything Economisty really..
Perhaps he should get together with Paul ‘Before I Became An Economist I Was A Musicologist’ Mason and, I dunno, lecture in Economics, write a paper for publication about Economics, write a book on Economics.
meh far easier just to plume yourself as ‘an Economist’.
(above one went slightly wrong)
That other useful idiot Richard Murphy is doing the rounds as well. Taken to describing himself as ‘Political Economist’ these days.
Perhaps he should get together with Paul ‘Before I Became An Economist I Was A Musicologist’ Mason and, I dunno, lecture in Economics, write a paper for publication about Economics, write a book on Economics, or anything Economisty really.
meh far easier just to plume yourself as ‘an Economist’.
Would that make him an ‘economic Musicologist’
or a ‘musical economist’?
the singing Marxist perhaps
The Murphmeister (or the “Lord High Tax Denouncer”) is frequently and rightly ridiculed over at and on Christine Malry’s FCAblog. RM is actively proud of the fact that he decided at the beginning of his economics course at University that it was rubbish and stopped attending. Slightly cheeky to call himself an economist.
Rule #1 in effect as usual.
Some good news – Jon Donnison and Wyre Davies are no loonger Middle East correspondents, they have been moved to other regions.
Excellent. Although one isn’t very optimistic about improvement, seeing as how those two were scarcely better than their predecessors.
Obvious downside: I guess this makes Kevin “Teabagger” Connolly the senior Beeboid in Jerusalem. Not much call for optimism at all.
How the so called impartial bBC only gives you the news it wants you to hear:
Sport England: Participation down by 200,000, says survey
The number of people participating in sport at least once a week has fallen by 200,000, according to Sport England. Some 15.3 million people played sport between May 2012 and April 2013, down from 15.5 million in October’s figures.
So the bBC headlines reports that less people in England are playing sports than before the Olympics. Yet a look at Sort England which published the data behind this says otherwise. I quote:
The figures published by Sport England today reveal that 15.3 million people are playing sport once a week, every week. That is 1.4 million more than in 2005 when London won the bid to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games and indicates that most of the increase seen following the Games in 2012 has been retained.When the figures were last published in December 2012 they showed 750,000 more people playing sport than the previous year. Six months on, despite the coldest March for 50 years, growth of 530,000 has been maintained.
This can be substantiated by this excel sheet
which shows that every demographic bar one (16-25) shows an increase , yet the bBC tell me, that in England Sport is on the down slope. (Funny enough in contradiction to the headline and the main jist of their article the bBC do report:
However, there are still 1.4 million more people playing sport than when London won the Olympic bid in 2005.
So what we have is a clear attempt in which to change the news for political purpose by the bBC, just waiting to see what that purpose will be. My moneys on..The Tory cuts.
I’m confused.
Knowing how much the BBC has the hots for judges, I’m wondering why they didn’t cover the German constitutional court’s decision on the legality of the the euro bailouts.
There’s a great piece on the greatest victims of the euro: the Germans!. It’s called: “German Coolies” at:
There was a long piece on yesterday’s PM programme regarding the lack of openly gay leaders of top FTSE companies. Naturally, this was only approached from the standpoint of this being An Undesirable State Of Affairs. No-one was brought in to say “Who cares?”.
Does anyone truly give a moment’s thought to the genital preferences of our business leaders? Are there legions of customers saying, “No, I won’t renew my Vodafone contract, their CEO is/isn’t gay.”? Yet somehow these things are constantly given high profile by the BBC.
Beyond belief. But is does show how detached from reality the BBc is now.
cf women CEOs, women board members and mooted legislation on same. PC gone mad IMO 😉
Perhaps Jack Dromey could chair a Parliamentary Committee.
Mr Harman to busy advocating total amnesty for illegal immigrants and continuation of Labours open border policy
Was ‘Eddie’ Mair presenting the programme that day, by any chance? Whoops, ducky, am I being ‘phobic’?
“Does anyone truly give a moment’s thought to the genital preferences of our business leaders?”
Quite…and more to the point, perhaps there are plenty of gay people who (unlike the BBC) don’t see the world through the lense of obsessive indentity politics, and who therefore don’t make their sexuality the defining issue of their existence. I’m sure not every gay person is militantly so, but as with the BBC’s recent ‘you don’t look like a proper muslim’ episode, they probably have a check list for what constitutes an authentic example of every minority. They’re the true bigots, compounded by a total lack of self-awareness. They believe themselves to be the most open minded of people.
“They believe themselves to be the most open minded of people.”
Yes, like Dez, and what’s his name with the big ears.
Can anyone recall a gay, female or tranny DG?
On the subject of the Dromeys.
Could always have done that, yer know, while they were in office.
Labour the best government you never had.
Not what she had in mind, but then she was never the smartest pantsuit in the House of Commons…
Smash that monopoly, Harriet!
Fantastic perhaps we could start a campaign
for the introduction of ‘Hattie’s Law’ appropriate on so many levels
Who’s going to start the e-petition. I’ll sign. 🙂
What about James Stables he seems to be an expert on petitions ( June 12, 2013 at 1:15 pm) and is probably a labour party member to boot
“‘Shut Down The BBC, Like Greek State Broadcaster ERT To Save Money’ Daniel Hannan Says”
(But he doesn’t say: Keep Islamising Turkey out of E.U.; on the contrary.)
Have you noticed that the Beeb and their commercial Wing UKTV are obssessed with re-broadcasting repeats from 20 – 30 years ago like Only Fools and Horses? It’s a total love of all things nostalgic, like the Beeboids love of Beatles music on BBC Radio 2.
“Nostalgia TV “
National Union of Journalists (inc many BBC-NUJ branches) officially oppose Greek government.
Expect BBC-NUJ ‘reports’ on Greek government to become even more politically hostile.
“Kingston council leader quits over child porn arrest
The leader of Kingston borough council has resigned after he was arrested on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children.
Derek Osbourne, 59, was arrested on Tuesday at his home in Kingston and taken to a south London police station. He has been bailed until August.”
Not a Tory or from UKIP, apparently.
Correct – Lib Dem.
In defense of the BBC, and if we’re not honest we’re as bad as them, the linked article (updated at 16.25 on 13/6/13) clearly states Lib Dems twice.
If it has been edited and this was missing from the original report I of course withdraw my comments!
Lord Patten Warns Tory MPs To Unite Behind David Cameron Or Lose Election.
And, Lord Patten, what about stopping your Biased Broadcasting Corporation from spewing relentless anti-Conservative propaganda?
I believe it was Eurosceptic Tory MPs that Patten mentioned in his warning. In which case, he should be severely sanctioned for what is a blatantly partisan remark. As BBC chairman, he should be strictly neutral, especially in the field of policy and current affairs, and to ensure the BBC does the same. In railing against Eurosceptics, he has widely crossed the line into unacceptability. If we didn’t know before (and we did), it is clear that come the referendum, all the vast resources of the BBC will be massed on the ‘Keep In’ side – and Patten will make damn sure they are.
I’m sure that everyone will be “shocked” to read, that the BBC has decided to drop the words “Anti Semitic” from their coverage as it’s apparently “too long”.
How long must we suffer this disgraceful leftist corporation?
BBC Newspeak – doncha just luvvit.
But anti Jewish feelings can be openly expressed in dramas on the BBC. eg “house on fire” episode 3 “Kosher”Radio 4 .Poking fun at the Jewish religion is one thing but when a joke is made of stereotypical jewish accented Rabbi performing circumcision with a rusty knife on an adult that is nasty. It is incitement of hatred against Jews which is known as anti Semitism.
In Parliament Javid told the commons that Labour overpaid for RBS by £12B. The Telegraph thought this so significant they put out a new article on the subject.
Just listened to R4 at 6.00pm. They talked about RBS, but did they mention the £12B, did they f***.
“BBC used licence fee like a never-ending cash machine, Lord Patten admits.
“BBC Trust chairman says staff used public’s money ‘as we wanted.’
“Warns trust in the Corporation depends on not wasting cash.
“Reveals there will be more revelations about big severance payouts.
“Defends moving sport and children’s TV to ‘fantastic’ Salford.
British licencepayers finance BBC-NUJ ‘reports’ for its Asian audience, e.g.:-
“India’s ‘virtual widows’ suffer as husbands seek work in the Gulf”
Here’s a thought perhaps Sajida and her 6 year old could follow her husband to that gulf state as a dependant. She could even take her aged mother in law (or some else’s if she hasn’t got one).I’m sure those fabulously oil rich Muslim gulf states would be happy to supply them all with free housing, schooling and health care
BBC-NUJ: is pro-Erdogan, and pro-Islamising Turkey into E.U.-
BBC-NUJ decides to provide a propaganda article for four Erdogan supporters.
No dissenting voices allowed by BBC-NUJ:-
“Turkish voices back Erdogan against protests”
“Zeynep says protesters have picked on her because she wears a headscarf”
Those disgusting EDL types get everywhere
BBC-NUJ does seem to censor reports such as the following;
but then the National Union of Journalists does have an anti-Israel policy.
“Summer camp… Palestinian-style: Chilling images show children as young as six firing guns and staging mock kidnapping of Israeli soldier.
“Up to 10,000 boys at a time visit camp in the Gaza Strip.
“Explosions and burning tyres used to make mock warzone realistic.
“Believed purpose is to radicalise the terrorists of tomorrow.”
By EMILY DAVIES–Palestinian-style-Chilling-images-children-young-firing-guns-staging-mock-kidnapping-Israeli-soldier.html
And what I don’t understand is that Gaza has been “Jueden Frei” for years now.
As an educationalist, I always like to keep an eye on the BBC’s educational websites. Seems they’ve edited the Islamic section on War and Peace on BBC Bitesize since last I posted a piece about it; and, I’m afraid, not edited for the better! Apparently, Islam is seen as not a pacifist religion because of misunderstandings over Jihad. Oh… that explains it, then.
I tried the test: The BBC only got 3/10!
Facts that’s the problem, there a social construct, just make up your own and you would get an A star
Using the “Costanza Opposites Principle”, I managed to snag a shiny 10/10. Yo ho ho.
Now I’m off to shower in swarfega to wash off the taint. 🙁
” misunderstanding” absolute classic.
Complete shite.
Inbbc traitors.
Perhaps our pro-everything-Islam friend Dez can enlighten us?
Dez, the floor is yours……
A bit like that other misunderstanding – the big one with Mr Goebbels a few years ago?
Look – it doesn’t matter what a cult claims to be; it’s what it actually does that counts.
(Been in a bad mood all morning since watching that Tommy Robinson Show Trial on BBC3. Not that I support the fascist EDL blah blah blah …..)
It’s too bad the BBC doesn’t spend so much energy trying to convince the jihadis that it’s a misunderstanding.
It was once perhaps the greatest science series of all time, that consistently refused to make any concessions to the trend for dumbing down and pitching to the lowest common denominator. For me, it was one of the few ‘must see’ programmes. I grew up absolutely loving Horizon.
Tonight we have – Horizon – The Secret Life of Cats.
To see it reduced to such lightweight, ‘accessible’ nonsense is such a waste, and an insult to the legacy of a ground breaking series. Horizon started to seriously degrade in quality about 5 or 6 years ago when they began to enlist ‘celebrity’ hosts now and then (Alan Davies?!), and has been a hit and miss affair ever since, disappearing and reappearing at seemingly random intervals from the schedules.
The BBC has precious little commitment to science anymore. If it doesn’t have any perceived ‘cultural’ relevance, it’s just too damned elitist and exclusive, I suppose. There are still some great science programmes tucked away on BBC Four – their only worthwhile channel – but the debasement of Horizon is depressing.
Agree. I still have a soft spot for Horizon but am aware that this is based more on the output of 15 to 20 years ago than on what the programme is today. My feeling is that this is part of a general levelling down and Horizon is not the worst. Science in general is out of fashion, unless it is a means to an end, e.g. the agenda of supposed man-made global warming. Proper science is probably too rigorous and rational for an age of subjectivity and emotion.
I still tune in, depending on the subject matter and whether or not I’m lucky enough to stumble upon it when it suddenly pops up from nowhere for an episode or two. In its heyday quality was assured each week, as was a full uninterrupted run for a whole series.
‘….Horizon – The Secret Life of Cats.’
‘To see it reduced to such lightweight, ‘accessible’ nonsense is such a waste….’
I am a scientist, and I adore cats. But I couldn’t give a flying f*ck about watching this.
I’d never heard of a ‘cat scientist’ (and there were two of them) till I watched this programme.
One from the ‘University of Lincoln’, which says it all really.
Wouldn’t you just love to know what salaries these experts in the bleedin obvious are paid. But then again perhaps not – too depressing.
Sadly I ended up watching this and learned several gems of wisdom. Apparently cats have territories and fight other cats if they come into their area also cats don’t go out much if it is raining ! Not at all stuff that even the dimmest cat owner knows within a week of getting their first cat 🙂
However this required two Universities , a constellation of American military positioning satellites and what appeared to be every Apple laptop sold in the UK to tell us.
“and what appeared to be every Apple laptop sold in the UK to tell us.”
That reminds me, why is Apple the only laptop we see on the BBC? Anything we should know?
I watched this tripe, and wish I hadn’t bothered.
I learned nothing that I didn’t know already, being owned by two cats.
Is that all these two universities have to do all day? Worry about the habits of pussycats?
And the “control Centre” – what a joke, anyone would think they were monitoring criminals or spies, heaven forbid (perhaps they were…).
How much did THAT little lot cost the television tax payer?
And all of it followed the horrible “Spring Watch” programme – their smug little faces, and their daft, patronising comments smacked of a Blue Peter programme of liberal-minded kiddywinks.
Leave the fuckin’ fauna alone – do you really need to spy on its every bleedin’ move?
It went down hill once they tagged it as ‘Pure Science, Sheer Drama’ — and forgot the first two words.
Its original mission statement (according to Wikipedia) ran as follows:
“The aim of Horizon is to provide a platform from which some of the world’s greatest scientists and philosophers can communicate their curiosity, observations and reflections, and infuse into our common knowledge their changing views of the universe.”
Ah, happy days . . .
Yeah – that’s the Horizon I remember. Demanding TV that you actually had to pay attention to, rather than let drift over you like a warm comfort blanket.
Agreed, but you have to go back to the ’80’s to see anything worth watching.
I rather enjoyed last nights offering but it didn’t tell me anything I didn’t know already.
One thing. After a week of filming they only got evidence of 30 hunting kills from 50 cats. They skated over this quickly and tried to say that there wasn’t enough evidence to prove anything. However it seems that the RSPB mantra often heard via the BBC that cats are decimating bird-folk at an alarming rate is pure bullshit. Even if they are using the correct usage of ‘decimate’ they are way off the mark. How unusual!
10 years ago we had birds and frogs in the garden. All the neighbours acquired cats. Now no frogs and few birds. Love cats but there far to many even for my dog to chase.
Happy to agree with you here – too many damn cats everywhere.
Bbc news at 10
Why does the bbc seek to find out ” what drove Mark .Creegan to kill”
As if it’s not his own fault? It must be someone else to blame?
Why cant they just accept some. People are scum.
I found that odd as well. There is evil in this world and that man was evil.
The BBC must be disappointed that no EDL material was found at his house.
Following on right after Mock The Week we have Mock The Licence Payers – or Newsnight as the BBC prefer to call it.
Or The Guardian With Moving Pictures as I prefer to call it.
Why after so much failure is this show still on?
I hear Dominique Straus Kahn admitted that he attended orgies – but claimed he had no idea that the women there were prostitutes.
Self delusion on a scale to match the BBC.
Just sat through tonight’s Question Time from Edinburgh and found myself agreeing with most of what George Galloway had to say.
Should I be seeking medical advice ?
A cup of strong black coffee laced with chilli will sober you up quickly !
Obama’s Snooping Excludes Mosques, Missed Boston Bombers
Since October 2011, mosques have been off-limits to FBI agents. No more surveillance or undercover string operations without high-level approval from a special oversight body at the Justice Department dubbed the Sensitive Operations Review Committee.
Who makes up this body, and how do they decide requests? Nobody knows; the names of the chairman, members and staff are kept secret.
We do know the panel was set up under pressure from Islamist groups who complained about FBI stings at mosques. Just months before the panel’s formation, the Council on American-Islamic Relations teamed up with the ACLU to sue the FBI for allegedly violating the civil rights of Muslims in Los Angeles by hiring an undercover agent to infiltrate and monitor mosques there.
Oops! Gonna have to Tell Auntie:
(inc video clip).
We see BBC-NUJ use our money to excoriate, it that set-up on BBC 3, its number 1 political enemy in the world , which is not Al Qaeda, not Hamas, not Hezbollah, but is the English Defence League.
For BBC 3:-
“Robert Spencer and Michael Coren on Muslim mobs in Britain and more”
(9 min video clip).
So this is BBC3? Believe it or not, this is the first time I’ve watched it.
Just when I thought that the BBC couldn’t get any worse, I discover this abject dross.
The message? Tommy Robinson is racist “because he is”.
Good grief!
Had to stop watching this lynching after 6 mins, what a fucking disgrace….pardon my language, but that was revolting, outnumbered 99-1
I want out of the BBC please.
Switch it off then. Give everyone else a bit of peace.
“Switch it off then. Give everyone else a bit of peace.”
As I am forced, under threat of jail, to pay for this blatant, lefty, pro-Islam crap, I don’t think you have the right to tell me what to do with MY television license, you sanctimonious pile of shit.
Why don’t you refund me?
If you do that, I’ll not have to watch the shite you lefties seem to love.
Or are you so astronomically stupid that you don’t?
You are complete bore.
Welcome back, Jim Dandy.
And you’re a complete dick, but, hey, we all got our problems.
I am on a website that complains, and points out BBC bias, because I know it exists.
I also pay for a license to pay for a service I simply do not want, nor use, and if I do not pay it, then for some bizarre reason, I cannot, by BBC law, watch ANY other live channel, unless I want BBC stormtroopers at my door.
What are YOU doing here?
Picking a fight?
With me?
What a dick.
Oh you big beast!
But I’ll ignore you from now on as you clearly are a tedious bore.
Nearly there
Compare BBC-NUJ’s political attitude to:
‘British’ Islamic jihadists in Syria,
English Defence League.
“Dewsbury to Damascus: The danger of young British Muslims learning to wage Jihad in Syria”
“Britons fighting with Syria’s jihadi ‘band of brothers'”
Hey BBC… I’m an English middle-aged male. Is there anything else – anything at all – you can think of that might be my fault?
‘Men ‘to blame for the menopause’
By Caroline Parkinson Health editor, BBC News website’
Good. Must get my daily dose of self-loathing. How else could I aspire to be a progressive liberal?
Assuming I can absorb enough of this stuff I might one day aspire to think like a true Beeboid – or at least I could participate in leftist Twitter storms.
White British-born heterosexual taxpayer – lowest of the low
No, no, no – the menopause (and everything else) is the fault of “Global Warming” – it must be, they keep telling us that it is…
It’s those hot flushes…
“I’m an English middle-aged male” – says it all. You have no rights.
Correction needed to INBBC headline on Obama and SYRIA.
INBBC headline which reads:
“US says it will give military aid to Syria rebels”
-should read:-
“Obama uses ‘WDM’ pretext to arm Sunni Islamic jihadists in Syria.”
Note MARDELL, Obama supplicant, and his politically anti-British, anti-French throw away false line:-
“Many politicians in Britain and France still feel a heavy imperial burden to use their well-honed militaries to re-make the world. Mr Obama, I am sure, feels no such imperative but increasingly finds himself pushed towards acting.”
If UK/France were to intervene in Syria (would that they don’t), for Mardell they’re being intrinsically ‘imperialist’; for his Obamessiah to intervene, it’s not imperialist!
No Mardell mention of Islamic Imperialism, of course; a notion that has never crossed his mind, nor his understanding of history. So Mardell misses that Obama is re-shaping the world in an Islamic mould.
White Europeans feel “a heavy imperial burden” to get involved, while the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate-in-Chief is, of course, forced to do it by powers beyond His control. Mardell never gets tired of that “Trapped In A World He Never Made” Narrative, does he?
Egg-heads at the BBC have at last discovered a small clause within an ancient British legal document of which they approve.
‘David Cornock Parliamentary correspondent, Wales ‘
‘Your starter for 10. What does clause 56 of Magna Carta say?’
“A dispute on this point shall be determined in the Marches by the judgement of equals. English law shall apply to holdings of land in England, Welsh law to those in Wales, and the law of the Marches to those in the Marches. The Welsh shall treat us and ours in the same way.”
Goodness me…. they will be singing in the valleys tonight. Devolution is as old as the hills.
‘Lord Elis-Thomas [former Plaid Cymru leader] was giving a lecture in Speaker’s House at Westminster on “parliamentary arrangements in Wales”‘
‘The lecture will be shown on BBC Parliament this Saturday at 9pm.’
Of course this BBC ‘devolution’ guff is complete nonsense. Wales was indeed a separate country in 1215.
Jon Gaunt giving it to Nicky and the BBC this morning on Your Call. Brilliant, but doesn’t happen often enough.
Missed it link anyone
There’s no end to the left wing stupidity of womans hour! The Open Mosque initiative – but how welcome will women and gay people be?
How long before the rest of the Muslim community decides that it doesn’t want this, takes action against it, and some poor whipping boy group like the EDL get the blame?
“Obama monitors everything — except mosques”—-except-mosques.html
Good morning – or “Good Moaning” – as the comedy British Gendarme from Allo Allo would have put it.
Our Vicky Drearyshire is hosting the Radio Grievance Show from Salford Local Radio and it is metaphorical sweet tea and sympathy for concerned parents of teenagers who have had a bad time with their peers in cyberspace.
I wonder if I should call the BBC and start a campaign going about those marbles stolen from me by some big boys in 1970-something-or-other? Where there’s blame there’s a claim!
Victims of bullying we hear. Something must be done. 17 pages of A4 abuse printed off Facebook (oh the paperless future?) all tucked under the arm and marched round to the plod; as evidence. No wonder the public believe we need more frontline police. The result? Level 3 Cautions all round! (?)
Ah that wonderful English legal tradition. Level 3 Caution, I could weep.
We are told that these were anonymous posters who were people the teenager knew!
Now suffering post traumatic stress, no less.
BBC : Please, please stop this drivel.
Caution : The BBC may be corrosive
Mass Immigration into UK.
Will BBC-NUJ step up its pro-mass immigration propaganda, in view of this criticism of shanty towns in London and Stockport?
“If you think pictures of Eastern Europeans camped out in slums in British towns will put off future immigrants, think again”
By Richards Littlejohn.
As ever the Daily Fail, fails to check the facts, or prints downright lies.
The caves at Stockport are so well hidden even locals didn’t know there were there, access is difficult. They were used by Drug addicts and the only one left there is a single Estonian who presumably had to be shown the caves by one of the addicts which raises the suspicion that he is also an addict himself.
There are absolutely not groups ‘of Eastern Europeans’ living there, that is an outright lie.
Makes you wonder what the thinking behind telling lies like that is doesn’t it?
As ever Thoughtless fails to check the facts, or prints downright lies.
Well I managed to speak to the Journo at the Daily Mail this pm and he thinks as I do that Littlejohn is being economical with the actualite.
“Scandal of Greater Manchester’s hidden homeless forced to seek shelter in caves.”
“Parts of the area have seen a surge in people unable to put a roof over their heads, according to new government figures.”
Sorry George, what exactly is the point you’re trying to make?
The far left MEN were trying to blow a small issue into a huge scandal which they succeeded in doing. Education used to teach English comprehension which is a valuable life skill, it’s a shame it’s so out of fashion. Here’s the quotes which actually tell you the facts.
“The caves are currently being used by a homeless Estonian man, who arrived a few weeks ago from the West Midlands.”
i.e. a single man who only arrived a few weeks ago.
“Stockport council leader Sue Derbyshire said she had no idea people were living in caves – or even that the caves were there”
So even locals don’t know of the existence of the caves, how did an Estonian in Manchester just a few weeks find them?
“Up to four people at a time have been sleeping rough in the secret warren ”
Past tense meaning they aren’t sleeping there now!
“The M.E.N is not revealing his identity – or the exact location of the cave – in order to protect its current occupant.”
More confirmation only one person is living there.
“Jonathan points to four or five people included in a memorial display at its entrance. They have all lived in the caves at some point, he says.
“Drugs, drink, or drink and drugs,” he adds, listing what killed each of them.”
So the people using the caves were druggies or alchies or both!
So I have shown from the article that everything I said is truthful and correct, and that Richard Littlejohn is lying – to what end I do not know.
Please when you read an article try to find the facts which people allude to, before selecting a couple which you think supports your view!
The point which the ‘MEN’ is trying to make seems to be that there is a problem with immigration and drug addicts in its area.
Littlejohn refers to that, and to other immigration ‘shanty town’ problems in London, in the West End and in Hendon.
I made a plea for you to understand what you were reading George, unfortunately that appears to be too difficult. Allow me to assist:
“Now we learn that a group of Eastern Europeans has moved into a network of caves in a cliff above the River Mersey outside Stockport. ”
Now I would like you to go away and find some evidence to support that statement. If you can’t then Richard Littlejohn has told a barefaced lie which is exactly what I said.
No thanks for your unfriendly, pedantic attempt to teach me a lesson.
I make no ‘plea’ to you for you to provide me with your independent sources.
Your interpretation does not make you correct; it simply confirms you as anti-Littlejohn, and anti-‘Daily Mail’.
““Up to four people at a time have been sleeping rough in the secret warren” Past tense meaning they aren’t sleeping there now!”
You should be wary of lecturing others on grammar. It is the present perfect continuous tense and can be used to talk about an action that has recently stopped or an action continuing up to now.
In the context of the rest of the article however it would only make sense in the past tense!
The fact remains, the tense actually used was present perfect continuous.
Your pedantry backfired.
More on BBC-NUJ’s explicit opposition to GREECE’s government:
-from the National Union of Journalists-
“The Greeks have lost their BBC to austerity”
By Michelle Stanistreet, General Secretary, National Union of Journalists.
“We have sent a message of support from our members at the BBC saying:
‘We stand in opposition to the Greek government’s act of cultural vandalism.’ ”
Bet the Greek government is trembling in its pom-pombed boots, like they haven’t got any thing else to worry them other than the disapproval of bunch of shiraz swilling bourgeois trots
So drinking shiraz makes you a trot? Maybe you can enlighten us on what drink makes you gay, which one reduces your brain power so such a level you’d join the EDL and which one the Mayor of London is on so I can have it as well.
Whisky makes you frisky, brandy makes you randy, but I’d advise you not to touch the beer.
Trite humour, maybe, but better than the SWP crap served up by Hardy, Rosen and the other Trots in the BBC.
which one reduces your brain power so such a level you’d join the EDL
Buckfast? Tennant’s Super? Oh no, that’s the SNP! My mistake.
You are desperate today aren’t you Mathew ?
Keep it coming I’m loving it
Like Dez you’ll soon be reduced to putting your fingers in your ears and going ‘nah .nah ,nah’
“So drinking shiraz makes you a trot?”….hmmm – given the context, a bit of a logic bomb there, no ? (damp squib, really)
To extend the analogy, then by your logic, the phrase ‘champagne socialist’ must mean by definition that anyone who drinks champagne must be a socialist, and the phrase ‘lager lout’ must mean that, by definition, anyone caught drinking lager must be a lout.
Unless they’re really clever and amusing, such logical non-sequiturs demonstrate simply an ignorance of logical argument.
Notice that there is not a single mention on the BBC website of the 26 Billion Euro bailout for Portugal agreed today.
I wonder if that is not news, or is it the wrong kind of news?
No doubt BBC-NUJ hopes this will postpone privatisation of Portugal’s state broadcaster.
“Opposition to summon chair of state broadcaster”
Remember the guy who got on a plane with a bomb built into his shoe and tried to light it?
Everyone should hear what the judge had to say on his sentencing – I never saw anything on the BBC or Sky – if it was I am sorry but still worth putting on here
Ruling by Judge William Young, US District Court.
Prior to sentencing, the Judge asked the defendant if he had anything to say His response: After admitting his guilt to the court for the record, Reid also admitted his ‘allegiance to Osama bin Laden, to Islam, and to the religion of Allah,’ defiantly stating, ‘I think I will not apologize for my actions,’ and told the court ‘I am at war with your country.’
Judge Young then delivered the statement quoted below:
Judge Young: “Mr. Richard C. Reid, hearken now to the sentence the Court imposes upon you.
On counts 1, 5 and 6 the Court sentences you to life in prison in the custody of the United States Attorney General. On counts 2, 3, 4 and 7, the Court sentences you to 20 years in prison on each count, the sentence on each count to run consecutively. (That’s 80 years.)
On count 8 the Court sentences you to the mandatory 30 years, again to be served consecutively to the 80 years just imposed. The Court imposes upon you for each of the eight counts a fine of $250,000, that’s an aggregate fine of $2 million. The Court accepts the government’s recommendation with respect to restitution and orders restitution in the amount of $298.17 to Andre Bousquet and $5,784 to American Airlines.
The Court imposes upon you an $800 special assessment. The Court imposes upon you, five years supervised release simply because the law requires it. But the life sentences are real life sentences so I need go no further.
This is the sentence that is provided for by our statutes. It is a fair and just sentence. It is a righteous sentence.
Now, let me explain this to you. We are not afraid of you or any of your terrorist co-conspirators, Mr. Reid. We are Americans. We have been through the fire before. There is too much war talk here and I say that to everyone with the utmost respect. Here in this court, we deal with individuals as individuals and care for individuals as individuals. As human beings, we reach out for justice.
You are not an enemy combatant. You are a terrorist. You are not a soldier in any war. You are a terrorist. To give you that reference, to call you a soldier, gives you far too much stature. Whether the officers of government do it, or your attorney does it, or if you think you are a soldier, you are not—–, you are a terrorist. And we do not negotiate with terrorists. We do not meet with terrorists. We do not sign documents with terrorists. We hunt them down one by one and bring them to justice.
So war talk is way out of line in this court. You are a big fellow. But you are not that big. You’re no warrior. I’ve known warriors. You are a terrorist. A species of criminal that is guilty of multiple attempted murders. In a very real sense, State Trooper Santiago had it right when you first were taken off that plane and into custody and you wondered where the press and the TV crews were, and he said:
‘You’re no big deal. ‘
You are no big deal.
What your able counsel and what the equally able United States attorneys have grappled with and what I have, as honestly as I know how, tried to grapple with, is why you did something so horrific. What was it that led you here to this courtroom today?
I have listened respectfully to what you have to say. And I ask you to search your heart and ask yourself what sort of unfathomable hate led you to do what you are guilty, and admit you are guilty, of doing? And, I have an answer for you. It may not satisfy you, but as I search this entire record, it comes as close to understanding as I know.
It seems to me, you hate the one thing that to us is most precious. You hate our freedom. Our individual freedom. Our individual freedom to live as we choose, to come and go as we choose, to believe or not believe as we individually choose. Here, in this society, the very wind carries freedom. It carries it everywhere from sea to shining sea. It is because we prize individual freedom so much that you are here in this beautiful courtroom, so that everyone can see, truly see, that justice is administered fairly, individually, and discretely. It is for freedom’s sake that your lawyers are striving so vigorously on your behalf, have filed appeals, will go on in their representation of you before other judges.
We Americans are all about freedom. Because we all know that the way we treat you, Mr. Reid, is the measure of our own liberties. Make no mistake though. It is yet true that we will bear any burden; pay any price, to preserve our freedoms. Look around this courtroom. Mark it well. The world is not going to long remember what you or I say here. The day after tomorrow, it will be forgotten, but this, however, will long endure.
Here in this courtroom and courtrooms all across America , the American people will gather to see that justice, individual justice, justice, not war, individual justice, is in fact being done. The very President of the United States through his officers, will have to come into courtrooms and lay out evidence on which specific matters can be judged and juries of citizens will gather to sit and judge that evidence democratically, to mold and shape and refine our sense of justice.
See that flag, Mr. Reid? That’s the flag of the United States of America . That flag will fly there long after this is all forgotten. That flag stands for freedom. And it always will.
Mr. Custody Officer. Stand him down.”
Oh for a British judge with half that spine
Near had me in tears. 🙂
Rip that Nobel Peace Prize from Barry’s grasping fingers and give it to that judge.
We have not one judge in this country that will deliver such a closing address of the quality that this American judge has. Shame on our wretched, spineless legal system, and the maggots like Cherie Blair, Helena-Kennedy and Mansfield among others like them.
And another thing, sorry, i think this closing address should be required reading and learning for every Barrister and new judge, to show them how it should be done, and to instill a sense of respect and rightful pride in our country that is sadly lacking at present. The eve of battle speech by Colonel Tim Collins hung in the Oval Office for some time, so impressed was G. Bush with it.
BBC apologises for describing Tel Aviv as Israel’s capital
To quote Honest Reporting’s Simon Plosker, It’s gratifying that the BBC acknowledged its error. However, the BBC commentators must have physically been at the game in Petah Tikva’s HaMoshava Stadium knowing that they would also be visiting Jerusalem for England’s next match (which Israel won!).
So it appears that the myth of Tel Aviv as Israel’s capital has become so ingrained in the media psyche that even visiting the country is not enough to overturn this falsehood.
I think the BBC was perfectly aware of what the fall-out from the Arabs and fellow travelers would be had it described Jerusalem as Israel’s capital so made a tactical decision to take the least bad option.
No offense was intended, but they knew it would offend and didn’t care. The goal was to appease the other side. Offending Jews was incidental. Tacitly condoned, of course.
Would any lurking journalists care to explain how news works in this case?
The European Under 21s tournament has all but disappeared from the BBC website. It can’t be because England are out as the coverageof the Confederation Cup is ramping up and England aren’t in that. Maybe the BBC would like to pretend that everyone did boycott Israel.
I’m not so sure that no offence was intended.There are people at the BBC who quite enjoy offending Jews for complex reasons.
what have i said that is racist?
bbc mentality IN A NUTSHELL
the EDL couldnt have asked for a better recruiting tool than the terrorist supporting BBC. Keep up the good work beeboids, you will have tommy in 10 downing street in no time
A whole panel, nay audience, of handpicked empty gesture arguments.
No substance, devoid of both fact and truth … proof although none is needed – that the bbc is truly the media of the “empty vessel”.
usual stacked bBC garbage
The only way Tommy will get into Downing street will be as a Pizza delivery boy which is probably his next career move.
Trolls need not be fed.
You must admit, though, that it was a very revealing comment. Breathtaking snobbery!
Not the first time he has demonstrated patrician class disdain for the hoi-polloi (sorry for mixing classical metaphors)
There is an increasing proportion of the UK population who can watch that shit and see right through it to expose the loaded audience, panel, presenter. It’s not enough yet, but it is growing. The percentage of people who get their information from a combination of the Daily mirror plus the bbc only, is shrinking. The net is seeing to that.
These kinds of stunts are the beginnings of the death rattle of the bbc.
They are not yet close enough, but are approaching the point where anyone with more than one left leaning brain cell will see thro’ their bullshit.
Robinson will continue to tlk sense, and I cant wait for Paxo to give battle again.( and lose)
What a sad and pathetic spectacle that was. The usual airheads with their warped minds closing out any discussion with agonised screams of ‘waayist’ every other second. This was not a BBC ‘debate’ but reminded me of the show trials of the USSR in the 30’s. I should keep that bulletproof vest on, Mr Robinson.
I even noticed the presenter clapping his card on his hand in appreciation for the mob baying out for blood, starting with Mr Robinson.
Whatever you think of this gentleman why can’t his serious concerns be heard?
At least I have learnt one really important thing from this mess which I will now be eternally grateful for; Muslims introduced ‘coffees and lemons’!!
The blindingly obvious, it is easy for Mr Lennon, to swat away these airheads, and their emptier headed aguments … as he simply has to stick to truth and fact,
“The truth is incontrovertible.
Malice may attack it.
Ignorance may deride it.
but … in the end, there it is.”
W Churchill
and as always apologies to the always consistent “early bird” George R
who has the P.Geller version on earlier
Is it racist to point out that the first guy talking is white?
“White children nearly a minority, says US census”
Irrelevant, no?
BBC triumphalism yes?
i checked this out on iplayer, sheesh!
Saira Khan trying to take the Paxo award for consistent gurning, and says racism is caused by ignorance … hmmm 😀 said by someone
who cannot even distinguish between a race and an ideology?,
In fact Mr Lennon he asked this whole panel at least 50 times to do this, some alternative comedienne, some rapper fella, and Saira Khan, none of them could even put their behemoth minds together and find a single answer.
The video is essentially what is known as the illusion of democracy…The predictable ruse is to invite a public figure that they loathe onto one of their shows to seemingly discuss a pressing subject matter of the day, and then load the entire audience and panel with “Guardianistas”, “hostile Muslims” and members of militant left organisations to shout him down at every given opportunity…Add for effect the presenter himself joyously clapping the hostility directed at the one lone voice, and hey presto, the BBC have carried out their intended manipulation to a tee, toward those viewers who aren’t politically or religiously inclined….
The BBC are truly shocking in everything that they produce, and yet as everyday Brits we’re forced to pay for this sickening leftist propaganda, without any time off for remission…
Don’t pay. Won’t pay. It’s the only way.
It’s truly a joy to behold the long faces at the BBC over their beloved Obamessiah declaring He’s going to arm the Syrian rebels. Diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus has written a lengthy explanation of why it’s a bad idea (poorly disguised as a series of questions), while the BBC’s US President editor is one step away from rending his garments in despair.
At no time does either one of these professional, impartial journalists mention a certain Nobel Peace Prize.
“Syria: The Next Libya?”
It is for Mardell, anyway. One could practically swap his editorials about the President’s “caution” on Libya with his latest lamentations about Syria, just change the key names involved, and nobody would notice the difference.
The President must surely have the highest body count of any Nobel Laureate, and if He gets the US openly involved in Syria, He’ll have taken warmongering into more countries than George Bush and his Jooooo neocons could ever have imagined. All forced on Him by those cowboys in Europe, of course. “Liberal interventionist” is the new Beebspeak for it, apparently.
We’ll be hearing a lot of propaganda on this from Obama’ close adviser, and new U.N. Ambassador, Samamtha POWER.
Glenn Beck ‘BlazeTV’ video clip on this ( 1 min):-
Egypt, Libya, Syria sheesh! … at least he s consistent
enables Islamists in takeovers
mind you … just look at scameron and vague towing the islamist line, (shakes head)
… The sooner these tory idiots are history the better