hopefully, his holiness the Obamessiah will send flame throwers to the rebels. we cant have them eating hearts that havnt been bbq’d. thats so uncivilised
Guess which is the ONLY media organisation in the whole world which has news of the Murdoch divorce, without even a single mention of Mr T Blair? Is that because it is ‘not news’ or is it not the ‘right kind of news’?
Going back to Thoughtful’s present tense pedantry, you should see the reply Tony Blair’s spokesperson made when broached on the subject by the Hollywood Reporter. He said “Tony Blair and Wendi Deng are not having an affair.” Note the present tense and lawyerly words which say nothing about a past liaison.
There’s a continuing narrative from the BBC when it comes to reporting the elections in Iran and I’m sure you can guess what it is.
So there it was again on ‘Today’ this morning. Apparently one of the candidates is ‘reformer’ and ‘progressive’ whilst the rest are ‘conservative’. So the BBC message, ever so subtle, is if you’re conservative – like the ‘Tories’, say – you cannot be a reformer and you prefer to stick with the status quo.
But then……who is it in this country who is trying to reform welfare, education, the NHS and the civil service? Why, that would be the ‘conservative’ Tories, wouldn’t it? And who, so far, have been first out of the starting blocks to condemn these reforms and offer nothing in their place? Wouldn’t be the progressive Labour Party, would it? Or their paymasters, the unions? Then, of course, there’s the BBC who admire nothing more than a ‘progressive’. Ah, but that would be a different kind, wouldn’t it, and the only kind the BBC recognise – one from The Left.
I think the Tories have to call themselves Tories from now on.
I have heard BBC 5 Live talk about unsuccessful ‘conservative’ soccer teams as opposed to successful ‘progressive’ sides.
The BBC and their friends on the Left have stolen the language. Conservative is now a dirty word.
There are of course perfectly good words to describe Chinese Communist hardliners or Iranian Islamic fundamentalists – the BBC prefer the word conservative.
I would like to hear them try to call these foreign bad guys “Tories”.
The now show – a weak joke with an outcome positive to the Tories followed by a more unusual joke about it being rare to hear something which balances the usual bias !
Or something like that!
Never the less it comes to a pretty fine pass when even BBC comedy can joke about the bias, so accpted as a fact it has become.
For INBBC, in (vain?) hope that after viewing this video (and the whole of Channel 4 News tonight on Syria), INBBC will not spend licence-payers’ money campaigning for U.K to support Obama and Sunni Islamic Jihadists in Syria:
Channel 4 report on Islamic jihadists born in the West (inc in England) who go to kill and die in Syria.
From Channel 4 TV News in UK, screened July 14, 2013 :
– the life and death in Syria of an Islamic jihadist, born in Britain:
“Britons fighting with Syria’s jihadi ‘band of brothers'”
excellent george, i watched a little and turned off
hmm from england … oh and france … oh and canada …
oh and sweden etc.
the true 5th column, and where is the loyalty from those from this retarded ideology, for the host country, for the one that gives them the opportunities, that they so wantonly squander?
utterly despicable, call themselves soldiers pah! .. i ve worked with and trained soldiers, this squealing throwback shower are not.
Nobel Peace Prize eh?…any chance of the liberal elite demanding that he get that taken off him, a la Goodwin?
Nah, course not-that`d be racist I suppose!
Bloody Bush and Reagan though eh…eh?
I’m surprised we haven’t been told what the Israeli position is in this situation. It started off where Israel wanted Assad to stay in power in a stable country. This was just after the Golan Heights incident, but since then there has been precious little reporting on what they feel now.
I can’t imagine the Israeli position is still the same now Hezbollah (spl?) have been armed to the teeth with what ever they ask for, and the presence of new advanced Russian arms.
The only thing I can think is that the Israelis have a position that the BBC actually approve of, and they don’t want to actually find themselves in agreement !
And did you get that guff from Snow about the “Brit” who was a jihadist out in Syria?
What a snowjob…dying for what he believes in, boys cameraderie, high jinks, sense of purpose…etc etc.
I suppose there`s no chance of Iran or Turkey getting this kind of liberal egging-on is there?
Channel 4…BBC…Common Purpose, and seamless shite all round.
At the end of the day, they are out there killing their Muslim ‘brothers’, a contradiction of the jihadists’ outpourings on British soil the BBC never seem able to get their heads round.
This morning on R4 I heard a segment about Bradford . Cue extreme sensitivity. Cousin marriage was the subject and sensitive they all were . To a fault. I learnt that it is actually increasing. In 2013 it is actually increasing.
Now this is a matter which needs to be approached head on. But this is the BBC and that will not happen.
That it exposes the facade of multiculturalism is just too much for the liberal mind to take. The reality of birth defects . Too unsettling. Some of the sad cases were really heart rending.
We know why it happens and what needs really to be done but in a society mired in unreality nothing will happen.
The innocent will suffer because the liberal is more concerned with how he might feel about imposing a solution rather than the need for a solution. Liberalism is a sickness.
I’ve often wondered why the BBC don’t have a resident Socialist Workers Party panelist on Question Time….Their supporters are gleefully invited to clog up the audience week after week, so why no place on the panel itself for the BBCs “Guardianista” favourites?
Speaking of which..
Six Muslims were about to start a race war with bombs and guns fully intending to cause carnage in British streets, and the SWP come up with this..
If you read through the comments sections of left wing blogs (where they allow a comments section) , the leftists themselves will go through the entire rigmarole of what the BBC ask them to do before the programme begins in earnest…
It’s sickening it really is, and many of the said audience members are Socialist workers party activists.
Excellent C4 News tonight almost all devoted to Shia/Sunni dispute in and around Syria.
No matter how angled C4 News is they give you a mixture of ideas, and indeed facts, unlike the BBC.
Remind me is Obama’s family background Sunni or Shia and might that have an influence on the position he is now taking?
Thousands of Muslims will hear a hard-hitting sermon condemning sex grooming in mosques next Friday, emphasising strict Koranic messages on respect and morality.
The message, known as a Khutba, could be heard in as many as 500 mosques across Britain, with 50 imans already agreeing to preach the sermon.
The sermon was drafted by Imam and Bradford council Respect councillor Alyas Karmani, according to the Bradford Telegraph and Argus, opening with a reminder that the Koran “forbids sexual indecency, wickedness and oppression of others – He admonishes you that you may take heed.”
The sermon continues: “Allah commands us to undertake all matters to the highest standard of excellence.
“As Muslims we are commanded to be just, fair and shun evil, wrongdoing and all forms of indecent and immoral behaviour.
“Failure to remember and act on this results in the society that we are part of declining in social and moral terms.
“Addressing every man today, I will speak to you of sexual grooming.
“There has been a lot in the news recently about men of Pakistani and South Asian background in Derby, Rochdale, Telford, Oxford and West Yorkshire who have been convicted of this evil and wicked crime.
“These incidents have been extremely evil and have included, kidnapping, trafficking of children as young as 11 for sexual purposes, intoxication, getting 12-year-old girls to take heroin, physical assaults and sexual assaults on boys.
“These actions are reprehensible and we condemn those involved and support the victims who are innocent children.
“Islam is a religion of mercy and compassion and places a strong obligation on safeguarding and protecting the weak and vulnerable from abuse – particularly women and children.”
Since the bBBC keeps telling us that these grooming gangs have nothing to do with Muslims, I wonder why hundreds of Imams are going to preach about the subject?
“As Muslims we are commanded to be just, fair and shun evil, wrongdoing and all forms of indecent and immoral behaviour.
Just & fair according to the tenets of Shariah law?
So lets just take a look at what the Qur’an says about rape.
Qur’an (2:282) – Establishes that a (Muslim) woman’s testimony is worth only half that of a man’s in court
Qur’an (24:4) – “And those who accuse free women then do not bring four witnesses (to adultery), flog them…” Strictly speaking, this verse addresses adultery (revealed at the very time that Muhammad’s favorite wife was being accused of adultery on the basis of only three witnesses, coincidentally enough) however it is a part of the theological underpinning of the Sharia rule.
Qur’an (24:13) – “Why did they not bring four witnesses of it? But as they have not brought witnesses they are liars before Allah.”
Rape of Muslim women is against Islamic law – although the rape of non-Muslim women is not, if they are ‘captured in battle’ or bought as slaves. Even the rape of a Muslim woman is almost impossible to prove under strict Islamic law (Sharia). If the man claims that the act was consensual sex, there is very little that the woman can do to refute this. Islam places the burden of avoiding sexual encounters of any sort on the woman.
Islamic law rejects forensic evidence (such as DNA) in favor of testimony. An interesting situation thus sometimes develops in cases where a victim alleges rape and the man denies that sex even took place. In the absence of four male witnesses, rape cannot be proven. The woman’s testimony then becomes a “confession” of adultery. She can be stoned, even though the male is unpunished, since he never “confessed” to a sexual act!
Some clerics blame rape on the woman. Australian Sheik Feiz recently said a rape victim “has no one to blame but herself. She displayed her beauty to the entire world… to tease man and appeal to his carnal nature.”
I’m sure I don’t need to repeat the Islamic tradition of marrying very young girls?
So being just according to Shariah involves the men selling their girls as ‘slaves’ and then it’s perfectly legal in Islamic law to rape & beat them.
So in the end we have a sermon which actually upholds and legitimises the rape of children – as long as they’re non Muslims. In fact if there is any blame to be apportioned then it’s the poor victim !
Radio 4 still at it. Some dull play about legal procedures this one involving a suspected terrorist, pass the bucket. But then on the Now show a joke comparing not only the Tories use of statisical mis truths but also Labour. So strange they even commented about the lack of bias…however of course that’s as far as it lasted.
We had the TV on tonight. Once again the beeb continue to repeat Family guy / american dad. I’m considering complaining about the fact these programs have been on repeat for what seems to be an eternity. Anyone think they know what the justification might be?
just heared that stereotyped underdog tony robbinson has been knighted. One wonders what this man has done to deserve sutch elevation whilst apropriating a persona that was more workhouse than club. Nothing too good for the workers i suppose.
Honours were once given to the deserving – those who invented, constructed, or otherwise substantially benefited the nation and empire.
Now, any snivelling toad can have one – you only have to either sing, be a raving leftie, or pretend to give your money (or a small part of it) to charidee.
Following that to its logical conclusion, you would approve of Crash Gordon being banned from any future honours list because of his role in the banking crisis? Or is that too difficult for you to get your head round?
I do not understand why we are so desperate to exculpate an ideology which, at the very least, lends itself too easily to a messianic authoritarianism and viciousness. There may be much in Islam which is agreeable — a respect for the elderly, a commitment to charity, a certain high seriousness, self-discipline and so on — but many of its tenets are simply antithetical to much that we believe in and cherish.
Check out the comments. The complete silence from our critics makes one question their motives for being here in the first place.
David Preiser (USA),
“Weird how our defenders of the indefensible are absent from Rod Liddle’s blog…”
But David, darling, I thought this blog was about the BBC?
Did you forget?
Dez, the BBC is obviously included in Liddle’s missive. But why aren’t you over there calling him a racist like you do people here for saying the exact same thing?
Paul Weston’s comment on the Rod Ligttle article looks pertinent to the BBC :
“The whole BBC/Islam relationship is very odd. BBC types do not admire Nazi Party ideology, but they do admire Islam.
I mention the Nazi party only to draw an ideological parallel with Islam. A messianic leader who cannot be criticised. Death to Jews and homosexuals. Women fit only for children, kitchen and place of worship. A supremacist ideology which considers all others to be untermensch / Infidel. A desire for a global Reich / Caliphate. The use of violence to achieve this.
The BBC’s respect/admiration for Islam, which shares so many core beliefs with Nazism is more than a little perverse of course. If Islam was historically a white European ideology, the BBC would denounce it as racist/fascist supremacism.
The vast majority of Muslims are not white Europeans though, hence the BBC’s support for a global viewpoint they would find repugnant if espoused by those with a different skin colour. Truly bizarre and high time the BBC was called out on this.
My personal view is that the toy-town revolutionaries within the BBC support anything which is useful in destroying the Christian capitalist West, but I rather fear these leftist traitors have already lost control of their revolutionary pawns.”
You have to admire the sheer chutzpah of the Beeboid presenter: ‘The language may be extreme but we know what you mean’.
Whereas when it comes to the other side of the argument the BBC have made a point of searching for any examples of extreme outbursts of hate language with which to undermine their case.
No suspicion about you, though, is there will? Not after your comment about Tommy Robinson & Pizza deliveries to Downing Street. You’re a stuck-up prick. Mos def. Nome sayn? Eat shit. Pizza’s too good for you.
The ‘White Geordie Muslim’ who speaks first is a real clue to the mentality of the audience. After suggesting in the first 30 seconds, that Robinson and his ‘cronies’ should be placed on a remote island and bombed with some kind of anthrax, we hear guffaws of laughter from the assembled stooges. Astonishing that collectively they boil with rage about what they perceive but can’t substantiate as racism, yet think it funny to bombard others with anthrax because they voice a differing opinion.
When the BBC made a documentary about the future of newspapersdid they talk to the market LEADER or the market LOSER ?
– Guess what the prog almost entirely focussed on the GUARDIAN ..and failed to even mention the profitable market leader media The Mail Online (The Worlds Most Read Newspaper, yes beating Chinese)
– G makes a loss of $30-40m year after year
– for a paper that uses the word “sustainable” very often it’s strange it doesn’t apply to own business model.
– It only survives due to the generosity of it’s wealthy patrons The BBC and Labour local authorities who buy expensive job adverts. (plus generous cross subsidies from other investments)
(BTW I hate the G’s ideal of digital democracy, which includes publishing propaganda articles, but not allowing comments on them & and then on other articles routinely censoring comments)
When the BBC made a radio documentary about the future of newspapers did they talk to the market LEADER or the market LOSER ?
– Guess what the prog almost entirely focussed on the GUARDIAN ..and failed to even mention the profitable market leader The Mail Online (The Worlds Most Read Newspaper, yes beating Chinese)
– G makes a loss of $30-40m year after year
– for a paper that uses the word “sustainable” very often it’s strange it doesn’t apply to own business model.
– It only survives due to the generosity of it’s wealthy patrons The BBC and Labour local authorities who buy expensive job adverts. (plus generous cross subsidies from other investments)
(BTW I hate the G’s ideal of digital democracy, which includes publishing propaganda articles, but not allowing comments on them & and then on other articles where comments are allowed they are routinely censored)
Most people realise that their fuel bills have been increasing rapidly – but don’t know that this has not been happening everywhere. The mantra has been “the world price of gas and oil has gone up, so our gas and electricity prices have gone up too”
The BBC is meant to keep us informed. It fails in this task – instead it bangs on and on with Warmist propaganda. On shale gas it has mostly been disinformation. And the BBC certainly does not tell us clearly that the UK and Europe is moving to a huge disadvantage against the US – industrial electricity prices have moved from parity in 2000 to being twice as high here, and gas prices have moved from parity in 2000 to being four times as high. This is economic madness, it is closing down many jobs here, failing to attract new jobs here, and it is causing painful and often fatal “fuel poverty”. Totally crazy obeisance to the Green and Warmist cause.
Nor does the BBC tell us that it is now estimated that to provide the same power output as a (reliable) coal or gas-fuelled power station of 500 Megawatts would require a windfarm covering 300 square miles.
I had a look at my gas and electricity bills over the last few years to check and found (for a 3-bed semi) that indeed costs of energy have rocketed.
I paid overall £1,468 for 2012/13, £1,012 for 2007/8 and £764 for 2005/6.
That’s roughly 50% of an increase in five years and a 100% hike over seven years (inflation not taken into account).
Global cooling in the last three years would also have had a part to play, I admit, but it is still pretty startling.
BBC World service seems to have a direct phone line to the Australian ABC propaganda department</b?
– This week on the news (World Update with Dan Damon) they had a long interview about about 1 DJ asking the PM if her live-in partner is gay * .
– No counterpoint was presented .
– And they didn’t mention the actual big story of the Australian week ..how the entire Oz Labour party had SMEARED the entire opposition with a UNTRUE story of them laughing at offensive menus at fundraiser 2months ago,. (the story isn’t true although the restaurant owner printed a copy as a joke, he never used it or showed it to anyone)
(*1 he started the question by quoting some one else)
(*2 The DJ is a Labour supporter so it could be a “taking one for the team” action)
– Similarly a few weeks ago When Tim Flannery’s Climate Commission came up with a new report “China Green energy Leader“, he was interviewed a length with no counterpoint even though the claim is spurious
I notice that BBC’s great hope for Iran has suddenly transmuted from being a ‘reformer’ earlier in the day to have become a ‘moderate conservative’.
I guess that in the BBC book this puts him somewhere well to the left of Norman Tebbit.
He is now set to join the BBC’s worldwide ‘conservative’ dream cabinet.
We have good old Putin as president for life, from the Vatican his Holiness will oversee internal affairs, Saudi King Abdullah is finance minister, Bashar al Assad can pour oil on the waters as communities minister and youngster Kim Jong Un is the errand boy sent out to fetch the pizzas.
Labour rep on BBC today talks about how welfare spending fell under labour until 2008, and how it’s massively increased since the Tory cutz… Cheered on by BBC commentator without question…
So actually welfare spending was rising massively under Labour and is finally stalling under the Coalition….. I’m not a fan but at least we should have honesty rather than rhetoric…
And just out of interest spending on Welfare has doubled since 2002… and the ‘official’ population has risen by 4 Million (of which over 3 Million is from immigration)
But then as my favourite BBC quote says ‘ Facts are irrelevant to the story….’
Who turns on the BBC for facts? You turn on the BBC to hear what the Labour Party/Public Sector Union spin is that week – or more precisely what the middle class Leftist establishment want you to think about the issues of the day.
Hilarious News24 live report at 17:20 from BBC reporter Nada Tawdik stuck on an EgyptAir plane at Prestwick airport after a note saying “I will set fire to this plane” was found in the loos. While being interviewed by the newsreader she complains of being kept on the plane for an hour, then, hilariously, it emerges that SHE was the one who found the note in the toilet and SHE was the one who made such a fuss about it, whereas most people would have just flushed it. I mean, seriousless, what kind of terrorist is going to leave a note scribbled on a piece of paper in the toilet. Just some dumb arab kid FFS. What a joke.
‘It is better to focus on the ever-widening discrepancy between predicted and observed warming rates. The IPCC’s forthcoming Fifth Assessment Report backcasts the interval of 34 models’ global warming projections to 2005, since when the world should have been warming at a rate equivalent to 2.33 Cº/century. Instead, it has been cooling at a rate equivalent to a statistically-insignificant 0.87 Cº/century’. (graph follows)
But then an interesting post by a commenter:
‘Very nice post …. I made some similar remarks in comments on a John Abrahams / Dana Nuticelli article in the Guardian yesterday – just asking how climate change effects could be “accelerating” when temperatures have not been going up ….. and had my comments repeatedly censored. I woke up this morning to find I am now banned as a commenter. Simply a very sad indictment of the inability of warmest ‘scientists’ to tolerate any form of critique or basic obvious questioning.’
Blatant censorship and denial of free speech by the Gurdian to protect their agenda. Just like the BBC.
“True cost of Britain’s wind farm industry revealed.
Every job in Britain’s wind farm industry is effectively subsidised to the extent of £100,000 per year, The Telegraph can disclose.”
If this has not been flagged on a Biased BBC site, Why?
EDL fans are more concerned with Islam than this?
Genuinely worrying.
George R Didn’t link to it already did he?
His RSS Feed requires no reading. He just gets links (substantiated or nay)
That is an example of editorial bias from the very top but I will be called a troll because I am not a bigot.
George R… If you can read and not just C & P, point me to an irrefutable point you have ever made that I cannot counter with a C & P of my own
The BBC is biased but they will never suit your wickedness.
Don’t you worry about the lives of some of the trolls here? They post all day every day, generally the same dreary often total cockeyed (or swivel eyed) comments.
They got really annoyed when I suggested Saint Tommy Robinson would only get to Downing Street as a pizza delivery boy. It now appears that the site has sunk so low that only unqualified support for a collection of skinhead loons led by a wife beater qualifies you to post.
The QT last week was a disgrace.But Tommy’s shafting was of course more important because the same trolls trotted out the same comments.
My impression is that Vance has grown very tired of the site because it doesn’t attract anything other than pub bores banned from their local. Maybe their taxi jobs mean they pick up to many non English fares to be able to rant to a captive audience.
Poor old David Preisser even thinks the site is taken seriously when it has never attracted ONE scoop story, but merely retreads others.
There is lots wrong with the BBC, but reducing everything down its lack of support for the EDL shows an utter loss of perspective and readership.
Take out George R and Preissers post’s (and their socks) and this site would basically have tumbleweed flowing through it.
As well as being an ‘A Grade’ obfuscating, dissembling, hypocrite, you are a true patrician class snob as well. Your continued bourgeois distain for Robinsons working class background reminds me of Kipling’s poem about another Tommy.
On what level must you be to not be a troll? Seriously? That is too easy. Is this a Biased BBC website or a pro EDL website and if you can’t tell the difference, ….Nah you can’t I have seen your tweets. Forget it. as you were. Froth away.
Others might like to hear feedback about how this site is going down the pan. I don’t blame them for staying silent. Look what happened to ItsAllTooMuch for sticking his head above.
I am genuinely interested in truth and not propaganda. I make no apologies whatsoever for the rudderless and worryingly biased BBC but this is not the place to discuss that now. Is it?
“I am genuinely interested in truth and not propaganda.”
Is that meant to be some kind of joke? Since when have your posts been about love of truth? Maybe those posts were under another name?
All that “Pob” squeezes out (go over it and read it) is stuff like the above – the half-witted bigotry of somebody who is convinced that saying something (reading it in The Guardian) makes it so. If you ever had an original thought you would not know what to do with it.
“Biased BBC is going down the pan” – yeah yeah. This from a man who has awarded himself the medal of truth. Careful it does not melt in the Sun. How is your website coming on? Got readers in double figures yet? It is called a free society. Learn to live with it or return back through the fur coats back to your dial a thought Stalinism.
Poor old (or probably more like very young – very, very young) will n’ pob can’t tell the difference between arguing for the EDL and arguing for impartiality from the BBC. This site is about BIAS you ill-educated pair of numbnuts, and that’s what we post about.
So rather than bleating and spouting childish mantras straight out of the SWP handbook (‘pub bores’ **yawn**), why don’t you try arguing the BBC’s case for once?
You could start by addressing the 28gate scandal and the BBC shamefully rigging the AGW debate, which has been raised on here many times and not once challenged by a troll.
Now’s your chance – hit us with the fuill force of your intellect…..
Will.duncan, since you brought up my name for no apparent reason (I’m the one who always says this site has no influence and nobody reads it, remember?), I’ll ask you for the umpteenth time what you wanted the courts to decide over on the Zimmerman thread. You still haven’t answered, yet here you are hurling personal insults my way. And if you’re going to insult me, at least have the decency to spell my name correctly.
I’d provide links to scoop stories that this site has actually had, s, or when we’ve had BBC twitter accounts closed or Beeboids disciplined, but it’s been some time since that’s happened and you’ll only move the goal posts just like every other defender of the indefensible does when we bring it up.
You seem to be yet another person claiming that you see “lots wrong” with the BBC, but until now you’ve never mentioned any of it, and instead have tried to argue that it isn’t. If you know better, how about posting a comment explaining where you see bias at the BBC, only without personal insults? Show us how it’s done, help us improve. I asked Pob to do this but he refused because, if I understood his reply correctly, he thinks we’re unworthy. Are you capable of it? Are you actually interested in holding the BBC to account? Or are you more interested in fighting with people whose political views you hate?
You may have had a point, as I disinterested observer I often feel the BBCs reporting of ‘ Scottish play’ is strangely conflicted .But then you betray your real motives with your knee-jerk bigotry
“EDL fans (Those witches and heretics again) are more concerned with Islam than this?”
More concerned with Murder, industrial scale sexual abuse, brutal physical assault (including most recently the beating and stabbing of a 14 year old boy in Dewsbury) and public disorder than the Scottish greens having a hissy fit
Oh those little Englanders and their obsessive priorities
“Wickedness”? LOL. There’s no problem here, because as you well know from reading the article that the BBC rigged the audience to make it 50/50. Which makes this site a lot more correct overall thank you’re claiming, since it’s long been argued here that the BBC does rig the audience despite their denials.
It probably is an editorial bias for having the panel stacked against independence, but that’s because the BBC is really biased in favor of itself. After all, if Scotland leaves the UK, while it may somehow manage to keep the pound for a little while, there will be real questions about whether or not they keep the BBC, and the BBC won’t get the nice license fee cash, all those BBC jobs will disappear, and the BBC itself will have less influence over people’s lives. That’s where the BBC’s interest is more than anything else.
BBC Midlands correspondent Peter Wilson reported: “All lines of enquiry are being investigated, but this does not appear to be a hate crime attack.”
Not a hate crime eh? I guess that will ensure the cutting blows from a machete are quite benign in their impact and effects.
What planet doe these idiots inhabit where “hate crime” automatically makes every action so much worse?
Ban letter openers…NOW!
This was no hate crime-just an inappropriate and well meant effort to show love from a marginalised, oppressed and vulnerable young man who cant` yet express himself.
ITMA….this will catch on!
I though the phrase Somali ‘appearance’ was banned.
Cue Beeb journalists’s grovelling apology.
Anyway it was probably the EDL although police reportedly pleased it wasn’t a hate crime, so of little import.
Aren`t the BBC clever?
This man who stabbed people in a mosque is described as being of “Somali appearance”.
Now then-would this be different from Nigerian, Sudanese or Angolan?…is the BBC doing phrenology on people from Africa, or relying on anthropological data as given by the Third Reich?…I defy anybody at the BBC to tell us how a Somali differs from an Ethiopian or a Ugandan.
Is this description better than the “alleged suspect” being of Muslim or Arab appearance?
Or was he simply wearing pirate costume?
Only the BBC and left-liberal clones could make such a dogs dinner of criminals and their racial origins.
Where there is clarity-let us bring confusion, and then blame whitey and Thatch for it all.
As St Francis would have said, if Theresa May or Warsi had ever got elected as PM.
Muslim speaker treated with reverence, one interruption with big apology, no details and wishy washy questions. Obfuscation and obvious deflection.
Tommy Robinson (or whatever his name is), constant interruptions, specific questions , well answered (then ignored by the interviewer), on to the next attack, and the next (how he keeps his temper under the relentless rubbish i don’t know) Honest and straight answers.
interesting… the BBC needs to get it’s interviewers to treat all guests the same or its bias becomes too obvious.
My comment on other B-BBC thread, ‘We refuse to eveen face it…’
“BBC 1 has just had on Andrew Neil interrogating English Defence League’s Tommy Robinson; this was immediately followed by a soft, non-interrupting chat with a rep from Muslim Council of Britain.”
Another classic sadly not available yet!
is andrew neale, sunday politics, sheesh!
another day, another round of constant interruption, hectoring, and incorrect far right/fascist inferences
… i maybe wrong, thought the idea was an interview, not a two bob psychology lecture, from yet another
agended beebot, hmmm getting to be quite a regular occurence … just compare the Neale attitude with the
MCB interview with Murat that followed …
Keeping his cool as these inferences get more absurd is a learned skill , as they used to say on “Dragnet” … just the facts.
Andrew Neale eh!
then again … maybe he s just insecure about his … erm
well … what exctly is it on his head.
What rigour! What an amazing example of investigative journalism!
Surely your real name’s Noggin isn’t it? Old Goat must’ve been Christened as such wasn’t he?
I think that neale, had a print out of this, in front of him today 😀 …
oh did it make any difference 😀
How sad is it to see mehdi hasan bleating the
losers chorus, “should have said this/should have asked that” …
laughable! the pertinent reality is, if you just stick to facts, and harsh reality … whatever comes your way is easy to answer … the bbc still just don t get it …
They in their deluded universe still think bleating offence, or racist is a rebuttal?
IT IS NOT … not when fact and reality come calling, these are just excuses for not facing the truth.
Perhaps it’s just the opening paragraphs? Hassan Rouhani has hailed his election as Iran’s president as a “victory of moderation over extremism”.
The reformist-backed cleric won just over 50% of the vote and so avoided the need for a run-off.
Thousands of Iranians took to the streets of Tehran when the result was announced, shouting pro-reform slogans.
He is described as A religious moderate, fluent in English, German, French, Russian and Arabic (What not Farsi? Just asking.) I suppose moderation is all relative.
I imagine that the BBC would be more than happy to dob in a few poor souls that still think the BBC is impartial and to be trusted.
And once tortured and executed-the BBC would report this news, as sad but not in any way related to that faith of theirs…bloody Shah is Irans Fatch, as far as the Beeb are concerned.
Did HE hang gays from cranes?…a cultural quirk I suppose!
He has been described on Powerline as “excrement squared” – which is better than the other candidates who are excrement to higher powers.
Why hasn’t the BBC been stressing that all candidates with even the slightest claim to be reformers were eliminated from the voting list – that the people of Iran did not have any sort of free choice. THAT is the central point about the election. I suppose the BBC is running scared.
Nearly all the quotes from Iranian voters I’ve read in various news outlets show that the people who voted for Rouhani actually think they’ve voted for more freedom and less oppression from the mullahs. It’s silly and sad because he wouldn’t be a candidate if the Ayatollah didn’t approve of him. He was the only cleric to get the approval of the Guardian Council and he was in charge of purging the armed forces after the glorious Revolution. A vote for Rouhani is a vote for change, but it won’t be the good kind.
He’s a cleric. How does this present a more religiously moderate face to the world? Or by “moderate” are we now quietly talking about war-mongering and not religion? Has he said he won’t nuke Israel yet?
BBC-NUJ was still pushing man-made global warming (without argument) on Radio 5 this morning (after 10 am), in preview of Met’s Tuesday meeting to rationalise UK’s recent ‘unexpected’ weather.
“National weather forecasting organizations, most of which are members of the UN WMO (World Meteorological Organization) are obliged to toe the WMO party line – still rock solidly promoting ‘the new paradigm’. This dates from 25 years ago, and claims that human CO2 emissions are causing ‘dangerous global warming’. Not believing in this is not ‘new paradigm’.”
Continuing the story from the MEN & the Daily Fail, the single occupant of the cave in Stockport is being taken back to Estonia by his mother. She has paid for him to stay in a hotel until she can get to the UK and collect him.
His mother said
“KP is from a normal family. I don’t drink, I work, and he had a nice house.”
So there’s no way the BBC will run this story as it flies in the face of their lies that people come here to escape terrible hardship.
How councils waste your money, Despatches On Channel 4 Monday 17th 8:00pm.
I expect there will be quite a fall out from this program and it will be interesting to see how the biased bunch will report what appears to be a number of Labour run councils with employees snouts in the trough. I wonder if there will be any mention of the sinister ‘common purpose’ group.
There’s more chance of dispatches reporting this issue without bias than the panorama. A lot more but that isn’t saying much.
Still they do have form for going where the BBC fear to tread ‘The Marathon’s Millions’ for an example.
A whole program on Pakistani Moslems grooming sex slaves, and guess what? There’s not a single mention of the criminals being Pakistani or Muslim.
Plenty of criticism of everyone else, but not on the grounds of them being scared of being called racist by people like those at the BBC and no acknowledgement of the part which stupid left wing policies played in the public sector failing to take any action at all.
That’s absolutely glorious. Sewell’s adamant refusal to swallow any of the bite-sized bromides offered up by Hogan is a fine example to any of us in the world as it now is (and not just viz the Beeb).
The whole thing’s one long cutandpaste highlights resource, but this is esp. golden:
“MH But the BBC remains a great source of pride to many of us. It’s arguably the best broadcaster in the world.
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn9vx01evp9o Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnOO-PJkWBA ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
hopefully, his holiness the Obamessiah will send flame throwers to the rebels. we cant have them eating hearts that havnt been bbq’d. thats so uncivilised
Guess which is the ONLY media organisation in the whole world which has news of the Murdoch divorce, without even a single mention of Mr T Blair? Is that because it is ‘not news’ or is it not the ‘right kind of news’?
Going back to Thoughtful’s present tense pedantry, you should see the reply Tony Blair’s spokesperson made when broached on the subject by the Hollywood Reporter. He said “Tony Blair and Wendi Deng are not having an affair.” Note the present tense and lawyerly words which say nothing about a past liaison.
Hat tip to Guido Fawkes.
Well I wouldn’t crawl over wendi deng to get to cherie blair that’s for sure.
Maybe Guido Fawkes is only half right about that No. 10/NewsCorp secret affair…..
I think Tony B Liar would be more interested in James Murdoch than Wendi Deng.
Innocent smiley face etc
Someone associated with the current occupant would be involved, not the “previous government”.
There’s a continuing narrative from the BBC when it comes to reporting the elections in Iran and I’m sure you can guess what it is.
So there it was again on ‘Today’ this morning. Apparently one of the candidates is ‘reformer’ and ‘progressive’ whilst the rest are ‘conservative’. So the BBC message, ever so subtle, is if you’re conservative – like the ‘Tories’, say – you cannot be a reformer and you prefer to stick with the status quo.
But then……who is it in this country who is trying to reform welfare, education, the NHS and the civil service? Why, that would be the ‘conservative’ Tories, wouldn’t it? And who, so far, have been first out of the starting blocks to condemn these reforms and offer nothing in their place? Wouldn’t be the progressive Labour Party, would it? Or their paymasters, the unions? Then, of course, there’s the BBC who admire nothing more than a ‘progressive’. Ah, but that would be a different kind, wouldn’t it, and the only kind the BBC recognise – one from The Left.
I think the Tories have to call themselves Tories from now on.
I have heard BBC 5 Live talk about unsuccessful ‘conservative’ soccer teams as opposed to successful ‘progressive’ sides.
The BBC and their friends on the Left have stolen the language. Conservative is now a dirty word.
There are of course perfectly good words to describe Chinese Communist hardliners or Iranian Islamic fundamentalists – the BBC prefer the word conservative.
I would like to hear them try to call these foreign bad guys “Tories”.
The now show – a weak joke with an outcome positive to the Tories followed by a more unusual joke about it being rare to hear something which balances the usual bias !
Or something like that!
Never the less it comes to a pretty fine pass when even BBC comedy can joke about the bias, so accpted as a fact it has become.
They seem to revel in it. Pigs and shit come to mind.
For INBBC, in (vain?) hope that after viewing this video (and the whole of Channel 4 News tonight on Syria), INBBC will not spend licence-payers’ money campaigning for U.K to support Obama and Sunni Islamic Jihadists in Syria:
Channel 4 report on Islamic jihadists born in the West (inc in England) who go to kill and die in Syria.
From Channel 4 TV News in UK, screened July 14, 2013 :
– the life and death in Syria of an Islamic jihadist, born in Britain:
“Britons fighting with Syria’s jihadi ‘band of brothers'”
excellent george, i watched a little and turned off
hmm from england … oh and france … oh and canada …
oh and sweden etc.
the true 5th column, and where is the loyalty from those from this retarded ideology, for the host country, for the one that gives them the opportunities, that they so wantonly squander?
utterly despicable, call themselves soldiers pah! .. i ve worked with and trained soldiers, this squealing throwback shower are not.
Whose foreign policy are we supposed to blame for this again?
Nobel Peace Prize eh?…any chance of the liberal elite demanding that he get that taken off him, a la Goodwin?
Nah, course not-that`d be racist I suppose!
Bloody Bush and Reagan though eh…eh?
Of course, these “Britons” and other Europe-born jihadis could be inspired to go to Syria and kill people by the inequality in Britain, France, etc.
Which Narrative do we go with here, BBC?
I’m surprised we haven’t been told what the Israeli position is in this situation. It started off where Israel wanted Assad to stay in power in a stable country. This was just after the Golan Heights incident, but since then there has been precious little reporting on what they feel now.
I can’t imagine the Israeli position is still the same now Hezbollah (spl?) have been armed to the teeth with what ever they ask for, and the presence of new advanced Russian arms.
The only thing I can think is that the Israelis have a position that the BBC actually approve of, and they don’t want to actually find themselves in agreement !
And, for INBBC, this is how ‘Channel 4 News’ reported on Lebanon and Hezbollah tonight (inc 5 min video clip).
JONATHAN RUGMAN Foreign Affairs Correspondent:-
“Hezbollah: defending the state of Syria from Lebanon – video”
And did you get that guff from Snow about the “Brit” who was a jihadist out in Syria?
What a snowjob…dying for what he believes in, boys cameraderie, high jinks, sense of purpose…etc etc.
I suppose there`s no chance of Iran or Turkey getting this kind of liberal egging-on is there?
Channel 4…BBC…Common Purpose, and seamless shite all round.
At the end of the day, they are out there killing their Muslim ‘brothers’, a contradiction of the jihadists’ outpourings on British soil the BBC never seem able to get their heads round.
This morning on R4 I heard a segment about Bradford . Cue extreme sensitivity. Cousin marriage was the subject and sensitive they all were . To a fault. I learnt that it is actually increasing. In 2013 it is actually increasing.
Now this is a matter which needs to be approached head on. But this is the BBC and that will not happen.
That it exposes the facade of multiculturalism is just too much for the liberal mind to take. The reality of birth defects . Too unsettling. Some of the sad cases were really heart rending.
We know why it happens and what needs really to be done but in a society mired in unreality nothing will happen.
The innocent will suffer because the liberal is more concerned with how he might feel about imposing a solution rather than the need for a solution. Liberalism is a sickness.
I’ve often wondered why the BBC don’t have a resident Socialist Workers Party panelist on Question Time….Their supporters are gleefully invited to clog up the audience week after week, so why no place on the panel itself for the BBCs “Guardianista” favourites?
Speaking of which..
Six Muslims were about to start a race war with bombs and guns fully intending to cause carnage in British streets, and the SWP come up with this..
Why do the bBC need an SWP on the panel when they have a studio management further left than they are!
If you read through the comments sections of left wing blogs (where they allow a comments section) , the leftists themselves will go through the entire rigmarole of what the BBC ask them to do before the programme begins in earnest…
It’s sickening it really is, and many of the said audience members are Socialist workers party activists.
Oh dear that sounds like the rantings of a mentalist.
‘Is it a surprise that some decided they couldn’t take any more and planned an attack on an EDL rally?
That’s what six men in the West Midlands, who have been jailed for up to 19 and a half years each, were guilty of.’
Condoning bombing, shooting and stabbing. The SWP is not only scary, it is a threat to the country and its people.
Excellent C4 News tonight almost all devoted to Shia/Sunni dispute in and around Syria.
No matter how angled C4 News is they give you a mixture of ideas, and indeed facts, unlike the BBC.
Remind me is Obama’s family background Sunni or Shia and might that have an influence on the position he is now taking?
Reporting TURKEY.
Does BBC-NUJ think it is excluded from the criticism of media in Turkey?
“Turkish Gezi Park protesters take on media”
(2 min video.)
The bBBC doesn’t seem able to find room to report this news, even though their cronies at HuffPo quote it in full.
Sex Grooming: Muslims To Hear Hard-Hitting Sermon In British Mosques
Thousands of Muslims will hear a hard-hitting sermon condemning sex grooming in mosques next Friday, emphasising strict Koranic messages on respect and morality.
The message, known as a Khutba, could be heard in as many as 500 mosques across Britain, with 50 imans already agreeing to preach the sermon.
The sermon was drafted by Imam and Bradford council Respect councillor Alyas Karmani, according to the Bradford Telegraph and Argus, opening with a reminder that the Koran “forbids sexual indecency, wickedness and oppression of others – He admonishes you that you may take heed.”
The sermon continues: “Allah commands us to undertake all matters to the highest standard of excellence.
“As Muslims we are commanded to be just, fair and shun evil, wrongdoing and all forms of indecent and immoral behaviour.
“Failure to remember and act on this results in the society that we are part of declining in social and moral terms.
“Addressing every man today, I will speak to you of sexual grooming.
“There has been a lot in the news recently about men of Pakistani and South Asian background in Derby, Rochdale, Telford, Oxford and West Yorkshire who have been convicted of this evil and wicked crime.
“These incidents have been extremely evil and have included, kidnapping, trafficking of children as young as 11 for sexual purposes, intoxication, getting 12-year-old girls to take heroin, physical assaults and sexual assaults on boys.
“These actions are reprehensible and we condemn those involved and support the victims who are innocent children.
“Islam is a religion of mercy and compassion and places a strong obligation on safeguarding and protecting the weak and vulnerable from abuse – particularly women and children.”
Since the bBBC keeps telling us that these grooming gangs have nothing to do with Muslims, I wonder why hundreds of Imams are going to preach about the subject?
Surely these imams are racist for suggesting the problem isn’t limited to a Tiny Minority™.
“As Muslims we are commanded to be just, fair and shun evil, wrongdoing and all forms of indecent and immoral behaviour.
Just & fair according to the tenets of Shariah law?
So lets just take a look at what the Qur’an says about rape.
Qur’an (2:282) – Establishes that a (Muslim) woman’s testimony is worth only half that of a man’s in court
Qur’an (24:4) – “And those who accuse free women then do not bring four witnesses (to adultery), flog them…” Strictly speaking, this verse addresses adultery (revealed at the very time that Muhammad’s favorite wife was being accused of adultery on the basis of only three witnesses, coincidentally enough) however it is a part of the theological underpinning of the Sharia rule.
Qur’an (24:13) – “Why did they not bring four witnesses of it? But as they have not brought witnesses they are liars before Allah.”
Rape of Muslim women is against Islamic law – although the rape of non-Muslim women is not, if they are ‘captured in battle’ or bought as slaves. Even the rape of a Muslim woman is almost impossible to prove under strict Islamic law (Sharia). If the man claims that the act was consensual sex, there is very little that the woman can do to refute this. Islam places the burden of avoiding sexual encounters of any sort on the woman.
Islamic law rejects forensic evidence (such as DNA) in favor of testimony. An interesting situation thus sometimes develops in cases where a victim alleges rape and the man denies that sex even took place. In the absence of four male witnesses, rape cannot be proven. The woman’s testimony then becomes a “confession” of adultery. She can be stoned, even though the male is unpunished, since he never “confessed” to a sexual act!
Some clerics blame rape on the woman. Australian Sheik Feiz recently said a rape victim “has no one to blame but herself. She displayed her beauty to the entire world… to tease man and appeal to his carnal nature.”
I’m sure I don’t need to repeat the Islamic tradition of marrying very young girls?
So being just according to Shariah involves the men selling their girls as ‘slaves’ and then it’s perfectly legal in Islamic law to rape & beat them.
So in the end we have a sermon which actually upholds and legitimises the rape of children – as long as they’re non Muslims. In fact if there is any blame to be apportioned then it’s the poor victim !
BBC-Democrat’s OBAMESSIAH visits Northern Ireland.
What political spin will Beeboids put on him over here?
They can’t pretend that he feels a political affinity with Britain, its history or culture.
And whatever they do, they shouldn’t mention CHURCHILL.
The following Glenn Beck video clip says something about the real Obama, and Beeboids won’t want this political narrative put about:-
“2016: Obama’s America – Dinesh D’Souza’s New Documentary ”
Part 1, which starts with Obama and Churchill; 13 mins clip.
Beck-D’Souza on Obama here:-
Apologies: wrong links above.
Third and final try: Churchill at the start, I hope-
Sorry fooled again. The video does exist still under Glenn Beck-Dinesh D’Souza 2016.
Radio 4 still at it. Some dull play about legal procedures this one involving a suspected terrorist, pass the bucket. But then on the Now show a joke comparing not only the Tories use of statisical mis truths but also Labour. So strange they even commented about the lack of bias…however of course that’s as far as it lasted.
We had the TV on tonight. Once again the beeb continue to repeat Family guy / american dad. I’m considering complaining about the fact these programs have been on repeat for what seems to be an eternity. Anyone think they know what the justification might be?
just heared that stereotyped underdog tony robbinson has been knighted. One wonders what this man has done to deserve sutch elevation whilst apropriating a persona that was more workhouse than club. Nothing too good for the workers i suppose.
Just another nail in the Birthday honours coffin.
Honours were once given to the deserving – those who invented, constructed, or otherwise substantially benefited the nation and empire.
Now, any snivelling toad can have one – you only have to either sing, be a raving leftie, or pretend to give your money (or a small part of it) to charidee.
Since when were honours even given out on merit? Mostly time serving MPs and villains like Archer and Maxwell. As for the Bankers.
I agree partly with you here – Maxwell was a Labour MP and boss of a Labour newspaper.
‘As for the Bankers’
Following that to its logical conclusion, you would approve of Crash Gordon being banned from any future honours list because of his role in the banking crisis? Or is that too difficult for you to get your head round?
So all those community workers, unpaid charity bods and general do-gooders have no merit eh?
That’s nice to know.
As the BBC so neatly put it on Today: ‘For campaigning against poverty and for the Labour Party’.
Weird how our defenders of the indefensible are absent from Rod Liddle’s blog even though he wrote the following:
To draw a line between moderate and extremist Islam is to miss the point
I do not understand why we are so desperate to exculpate an ideology which, at the very least, lends itself too easily to a messianic authoritarianism and viciousness. There may be much in Islam which is agreeable — a respect for the elderly, a commitment to charity, a certain high seriousness, self-discipline and so on — but many of its tenets are simply antithetical to much that we believe in and cherish.
Check out the comments. The complete silence from our critics makes one question their motives for being here in the first place.
David Preiser (USA),
“Weird how our defenders of the indefensible are absent from Rod Liddle’s blog…”
But David, darling, I thought this blog was about the BBC?
Did you forget?
Dez, the BBC is obviously included in Liddle’s missive. But why aren’t you over there calling him a racist like you do people here for saying the exact same thing?
Paul Weston’s comment on the Rod Ligttle article looks pertinent to the BBC :
“The whole BBC/Islam relationship is very odd. BBC types do not admire Nazi Party ideology, but they do admire Islam.
I mention the Nazi party only to draw an ideological parallel with Islam. A messianic leader who cannot be criticised. Death to Jews and homosexuals. Women fit only for children, kitchen and place of worship. A supremacist ideology which considers all others to be untermensch / Infidel. A desire for a global Reich / Caliphate. The use of violence to achieve this.
The BBC’s respect/admiration for Islam, which shares so many core beliefs with Nazism is more than a little perverse of course. If Islam was historically a white European ideology, the BBC would denounce it as racist/fascist supremacism.
The vast majority of Muslims are not white Europeans though, hence the BBC’s support for a global viewpoint they would find repugnant if espoused by those with a different skin colour. Truly bizarre and high time the BBC was called out on this.
My personal view is that the toy-town revolutionaries within the BBC support anything which is useful in destroying the Christian capitalist West, but I rather fear these leftist traitors have already lost control of their revolutionary pawns.”
You have to admire the sheer chutzpah of the Beeboid presenter: ‘The language may be extreme but we know what you mean’.
Whereas when it comes to the other side of the argument the BBC have made a point of searching for any examples of extreme outbursts of hate language with which to undermine their case.
The above is meant to be a reply to the BBC 3 show for the kidz on the subject of the EDF (sic, sic)
I suspect you are Paul Weston.
No suspicion about you, though, is there will? Not after your comment about Tommy Robinson & Pizza deliveries to Downing Street. You’re a stuck-up prick. Mos def. Nome sayn? Eat shit. Pizza’s too good for you.
Love it when you are angry you beast!
will.duncan, what was it you wanted the courts to decide over on the Zimmerman thread? You never explained.
The ‘White Geordie Muslim’ who speaks first is a real clue to the mentality of the audience. After suggesting in the first 30 seconds, that Robinson and his ‘cronies’ should be placed on a remote island and bombed with some kind of anthrax, we hear guffaws of laughter from the assembled stooges. Astonishing that collectively they boil with rage about what they perceive but can’t substantiate as racism, yet think it funny to bombard others with anthrax because they voice a differing opinion.
The definition of “hate” is very flexible, isn’t it?
Hope springs eternal at the BBC
Global warming may kick in at last and save the BBC staff party from getting wet at Glasto this year
Ed Miliband may actually begin to look like a statesman, win in 2015 and put up the TV Licence Fee in 2016
But you have to admire this solid gold piece of wishful thinking:
‘….The reformist candidate is ahead in the Iranian election….’
So World War Three is on hold – the Lib Dems are about to go into coalition with the conservative beardies at Tehran?
The BBC have begun to think that if they say the thing – then it must be so.
When the BBC made a documentary about the future of newspapers did they talk to the market LEADER or the market LOSER ?
– Guess what the prog almost entirely focussed on the GUARDIAN ..and failed to even mention the profitable market leader media The Mail Online (The Worlds Most Read Newspaper, yes beating Chinese)
– G makes a loss of $30-40m year after year
– for a paper that uses the word “sustainable” very often it’s strange it doesn’t apply to own business model.
– It only survives due to the generosity of it’s wealthy patrons The BBC and Labour local authorities who buy expensive job adverts. (plus generous cross subsidies from other investments)
(BTW I hate the G’s ideal of digital democracy, which includes publishing propaganda articles, but not allowing comments on them & and then on other articles routinely censoring comments)
I heard a journalist from The Telegraph giving a report on the BBC the other day. Nearly fell off my bar stool, I did.
When the BBC made a radio documentary about the future of newspapers did they talk to the market LEADER or the market LOSER ?
– Guess what the prog almost entirely focussed on the GUARDIAN ..and failed to even mention the profitable market leader The Mail Online (The Worlds Most Read Newspaper, yes beating Chinese)
– G makes a loss of $30-40m year after year
– for a paper that uses the word “sustainable” very often it’s strange it doesn’t apply to own business model.
– It only survives due to the generosity of it’s wealthy patrons The BBC and Labour local authorities who buy expensive job adverts. (plus generous cross subsidies from other investments)
(BTW I hate the G’s ideal of digital democracy, which includes publishing propaganda articles, but not allowing comments on them & and then on other articles where comments are allowed they are routinely censored)
Most people realise that their fuel bills have been increasing rapidly – but don’t know that this has not been happening everywhere. The mantra has been “the world price of gas and oil has gone up, so our gas and electricity prices have gone up too”
The BBC is meant to keep us informed. It fails in this task – instead it bangs on and on with Warmist propaganda. On shale gas it has mostly been disinformation. And the BBC certainly does not tell us clearly that the UK and Europe is moving to a huge disadvantage against the US – industrial electricity prices have moved from parity in 2000 to being twice as high here, and gas prices have moved from parity in 2000 to being four times as high. This is economic madness, it is closing down many jobs here, failing to attract new jobs here, and it is causing painful and often fatal “fuel poverty”. Totally crazy obeisance to the Green and Warmist cause.
This graph was in the Economist recently :
Nor does the BBC tell us that it is now estimated that to provide the same power output as a (reliable) coal or gas-fuelled power station of 500 Megawatts would require a windfarm covering 300 square miles.
I had a look at my gas and electricity bills over the last few years to check and found (for a 3-bed semi) that indeed costs of energy have rocketed.
I paid overall £1,468 for 2012/13, £1,012 for 2007/8 and £764 for 2005/6.
That’s roughly 50% of an increase in five years and a 100% hike over seven years (inflation not taken into account).
Global cooling in the last three years would also have had a part to play, I admit, but it is still pretty startling.
BBC World service seems to have a direct phone line to the Australian ABC propaganda department</b?
– This week on the news (World Update with Dan Damon) they had a long interview about about 1 DJ asking the PM if her live-in partner is gay * .
– No counterpoint was presented .
– And they didn’t mention the actual big story of the Australian week ..how the entire Oz Labour party had SMEARED the entire opposition with a UNTRUE story of them laughing at offensive menus at fundraiser 2months ago,. (the story isn’t true although the restaurant owner printed a copy as a joke, he never used it or showed it to anyone)
(*1 he started the question by quoting some one else)
(*2 The DJ is a Labour supporter so it could be a “taking one for the team” action)
– Similarly a few weeks ago When Tim Flannery’s Climate Commission came up with a new report “China Green energy Leader“, he was interviewed a length with no counterpoint even though the claim is spurious
Polly Toynbee dateline london 15/6/13
“The forces fighting for democracy in Syria”
what fkn planet do these people inhabit?
its called planet moonbat, a word of socialist utopia
I notice that BBC’s great hope for Iran has suddenly transmuted from being a ‘reformer’ earlier in the day to have become a ‘moderate conservative’.
I guess that in the BBC book this puts him somewhere well to the left of Norman Tebbit.
He is now set to join the BBC’s worldwide ‘conservative’ dream cabinet.
We have good old Putin as president for life, from the Vatican his Holiness will oversee internal affairs, Saudi King Abdullah is finance minister, Bashar al Assad can pour oil on the waters as communities minister and youngster Kim Jong Un is the errand boy sent out to fetch the pizzas.
BBC : In a world of its own.
Labour rep on BBC today talks about how welfare spending fell under labour until 2008, and how it’s massively increased since the Tory cutz… Cheered on by BBC commentator without question…
Actual Welfare (excluding pensions) spending
Fiscal Years 2002 to 2015
Population-UK million
Welfare -total £ billion
2002, 59.455, 58.93
2003, 59.799, 65.39
2004, 60.145, 73.83
2005, 60.493, 77.78
2006, 60.843, 81.23
2007, 61.194, 83.09
2008, 61.548, 89.78
2009, 61.904, 98.23
2010, 62.262, 110.04
2011, 62.649, 112.68
2012, 63.067, 115.12
2013, 63.488, 116.44
2014, 63.912, 114.65 (Estimated)
So actually welfare spending was rising massively under Labour and is finally stalling under the Coalition….. I’m not a fan but at least we should have honesty rather than rhetoric…
And just out of interest spending on Welfare has doubled since 2002… and the ‘official’ population has risen by 4 Million (of which over 3 Million is from immigration)
But then as my favourite BBC quote says ‘ Facts are irrelevant to the story….’
Who turns on the BBC for facts? You turn on the BBC to hear what the Labour Party/Public Sector Union spin is that week – or more precisely what the middle class Leftist establishment want you to think about the issues of the day.
Hilarious News24 live report at 17:20 from BBC reporter Nada Tawdik stuck on an EgyptAir plane at Prestwick airport after a note saying “I will set fire to this plane” was found in the loos. While being interviewed by the newsreader she complains of being kept on the plane for an hour, then, hilariously, it emerges that SHE was the one who found the note in the toilet and SHE was the one who made such a fuss about it, whereas most people would have just flushed it. I mean, seriousless, what kind of terrorist is going to leave a note scribbled on a piece of paper in the toilet. Just some dumb arab kid FFS. What a joke.
Yet another in the long series of ‘What the BBC doesn’t want you to know about climate change’.
‘It is better to focus on the ever-widening discrepancy between predicted and observed warming rates. The IPCC’s forthcoming Fifth Assessment Report backcasts the interval of 34 models’ global warming projections to 2005, since when the world should have been warming at a rate equivalent to 2.33 Cº/century. Instead, it has been cooling at a rate equivalent to a statistically-insignificant 0.87 Cº/century’. (graph follows)
But then an interesting post by a commenter:
‘Very nice post …. I made some similar remarks in comments on a John Abrahams / Dana Nuticelli article in the Guardian yesterday – just asking how climate change effects could be “accelerating” when temperatures have not been going up ….. and had my comments repeatedly censored. I woke up this morning to find I am now banned as a commenter. Simply a very sad indictment of the inability of warmest ‘scientists’ to tolerate any form of critique or basic obvious questioning.’
Blatant censorship and denial of free speech by the Gurdian to protect their agenda. Just like the BBC.
By all means help the refugees, especially the poor children, but do Obama and Cameron really want to arm these people…?
bbc news
earlier … flight diveted after, … “problem”
now, … flight diverted after … “note”
For Hampstead Harrabin:
‘Sunday Telegraph'(£) Page 1 headline:-
“True cost of Britain’s wind farm industry revealed.
Every job in Britain’s wind farm industry is effectively subsidised to the extent of £100,000 per year, The Telegraph can disclose.”
“Why the Today programme will go on and on and on”
By Jennifer Selway.
If this has not been flagged on a Biased BBC site, Why?
EDL fans are more concerned with Islam than this?
Genuinely worrying.
George R Didn’t link to it already did he?
His RSS Feed requires no reading. He just gets links (substantiated or nay)
That is an example of editorial bias from the very top but I will be called a troll because I am not a bigot.
George R… If you can read and not just C & P, point me to an irrefutable point you have ever made that I cannot counter with a C & P of my own
The BBC is biased but they will never suit your wickedness.
Don’t you worry about the lives of some of the trolls here? They post all day every day, generally the same dreary often total cockeyed (or swivel eyed) comments.
They got really annoyed when I suggested Saint Tommy Robinson would only get to Downing Street as a pizza delivery boy. It now appears that the site has sunk so low that only unqualified support for a collection of skinhead loons led by a wife beater qualifies you to post.
The QT last week was a disgrace.But Tommy’s shafting was of course more important because the same trolls trotted out the same comments.
My impression is that Vance has grown very tired of the site because it doesn’t attract anything other than pub bores banned from their local. Maybe their taxi jobs mean they pick up to many non English fares to be able to rant to a captive audience.
Poor old David Preisser even thinks the site is taken seriously when it has never attracted ONE scoop story, but merely retreads others.
There is lots wrong with the BBC, but reducing everything down its lack of support for the EDL shows an utter loss of perspective and readership.
Take out George R and Preissers post’s (and their socks) and this site would basically have tumbleweed flowing through it.
As well as being an ‘A Grade’ obfuscating, dissembling, hypocrite, you are a true patrician class snob as well. Your continued bourgeois distain for Robinsons working class background reminds me of Kipling’s poem about another Tommy.
Sometimes hard to resist feeding the trolls.
On what level must you be to not be a troll? Seriously? That is too easy. Is this a Biased BBC website or a pro EDL website and if you can’t tell the difference, ….Nah you can’t I have seen your tweets. Forget it. as you were. Froth away.
Others might like to hear feedback about how this site is going down the pan. I don’t blame them for staying silent. Look what happened to ItsAllTooMuch for sticking his head above.
I am genuinely interested in truth and not propaganda. I make no apologies whatsoever for the rudderless and worryingly biased BBC but this is not the place to discuss that now. Is it?
Why not? (Rhetorical)
“I am genuinely interested in truth and not propaganda.”
Is that meant to be some kind of joke? Since when have your posts been about love of truth? Maybe those posts were under another name?
All that “Pob” squeezes out (go over it and read it) is stuff like the above – the half-witted bigotry of somebody who is convinced that saying something (reading it in The Guardian) makes it so. If you ever had an original thought you would not know what to do with it.
“Biased BBC is going down the pan” – yeah yeah. This from a man who has awarded himself the medal of truth. Careful it does not melt in the Sun. How is your website coming on? Got readers in double figures yet? It is called a free society. Learn to live with it or return back through the fur coats back to your dial a thought Stalinism.
So what are you doing here?
Poor old (or probably more like very young – very, very young) will n’ pob can’t tell the difference between arguing for the EDL and arguing for impartiality from the BBC. This site is about BIAS you ill-educated pair of numbnuts, and that’s what we post about.
So rather than bleating and spouting childish mantras straight out of the SWP handbook (‘pub bores’ **yawn**), why don’t you try arguing the BBC’s case for once?
You could start by addressing the 28gate scandal and the BBC shamefully rigging the AGW debate, which has been raised on here many times and not once challenged by a troll.
Now’s your chance – hit us with the fuill force of your intellect…..
Will.duncan, since you brought up my name for no apparent reason (I’m the one who always says this site has no influence and nobody reads it, remember?), I’ll ask you for the umpteenth time what you wanted the courts to decide over on the Zimmerman thread. You still haven’t answered, yet here you are hurling personal insults my way. And if you’re going to insult me, at least have the decency to spell my name correctly.
I’d provide links to scoop stories that this site has actually had, s, or when we’ve had BBC twitter accounts closed or Beeboids disciplined, but it’s been some time since that’s happened and you’ll only move the goal posts just like every other defender of the indefensible does when we bring it up.
You seem to be yet another person claiming that you see “lots wrong” with the BBC, but until now you’ve never mentioned any of it, and instead have tried to argue that it isn’t. If you know better, how about posting a comment explaining where you see bias at the BBC, only without personal insults? Show us how it’s done, help us improve. I asked Pob to do this but he refused because, if I understood his reply correctly, he thinks we’re unworthy. Are you capable of it? Are you actually interested in holding the BBC to account? Or are you more interested in fighting with people whose political views you hate?
You may have had a point, as I disinterested observer I often feel the BBCs reporting of ‘ Scottish play’ is strangely conflicted .But then you betray your real motives with your knee-jerk bigotry
“EDL fans (Those witches and heretics again) are more concerned with Islam than this?”
More concerned with Murder, industrial scale sexual abuse, brutal physical assault (including most recently the beating and stabbing of a 14 year old boy in Dewsbury) and public disorder than the Scottish greens having a hissy fit
Oh those little Englanders and their obsessive priorities
“Wickedness”? LOL. There’s no problem here, because as you well know from reading the article that the BBC rigged the audience to make it 50/50. Which makes this site a lot more correct overall thank you’re claiming, since it’s long been argued here that the BBC does rig the audience despite their denials.
It probably is an editorial bias for having the panel stacked against independence, but that’s because the BBC is really biased in favor of itself. After all, if Scotland leaves the UK, while it may somehow manage to keep the pound for a little while, there will be real questions about whether or not they keep the BBC, and the BBC won’t get the nice license fee cash, all those BBC jobs will disappear, and the BBC itself will have less influence over people’s lives. That’s where the BBC’s interest is more than anything else.
P.S That deservers a thread, Alan, David, DB, David P… No? This QT fiasco shows how rotten it is.
Are you in Iran? Did you vote in the election? Send us your comments using the form below.
Iran election: President-elect Hassan Rouhani hails win
Correct me if I’m behind the times but isn’t the BBC banned in Iran?
BTW The BBC seems convinced that Hassan Rouhani is a moderate and a reformist. It’s all relative I suppose.
An alternative view:
“Analysis: What does the election of Rohani mean?”
Well, yeah but then Abu Ben Bowen told the world the Muslim Brotherhood is moderate too.
Some more British folks misunderstand the BBC’s version of peaceful Islam:
‘A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after four people, including a policeman, were stabbed at a mosque in Birmingham.’
‘Eyewitnesses report that a man of Somali appearance began attacking worshippers with a machete.’
‘According to Mr Shafiq, a nearby resident believed the dispute was a domestic incident between members.’
BBC Midlands correspondent Peter Wilson reported: “All lines of enquiry are being investigated, but this does not appear to be a hate crime attack.”
Not a hate crime eh? I guess that will ensure the cutting blows from a machete are quite benign in their impact and effects.
What planet doe these idiots inhabit where “hate crime” automatically makes every action so much worse?
come come
is he obviously a Somali Muslim machete wealding, mass murder intending member of ……. the EDL?
Ban letter openers…NOW!
This was no hate crime-just an inappropriate and well meant effort to show love from a marginalised, oppressed and vulnerable young man who cant` yet express himself.
ITMA….this will catch on!
I though the phrase Somali ‘appearance’ was banned.
Cue Beeb journalists’s grovelling apology.
Anyway it was probably the EDL although police reportedly pleased it wasn’t a hate crime, so of little import.
Aren`t the BBC clever?
This man who stabbed people in a mosque is described as being of “Somali appearance”.
Now then-would this be different from Nigerian, Sudanese or Angolan?…is the BBC doing phrenology on people from Africa, or relying on anthropological data as given by the Third Reich?…I defy anybody at the BBC to tell us how a Somali differs from an Ethiopian or a Ugandan.
Is this description better than the “alleged suspect” being of Muslim or Arab appearance?
Or was he simply wearing pirate costume?
Only the BBC and left-liberal clones could make such a dogs dinner of criminals and their racial origins.
Where there is clarity-let us bring confusion, and then blame whitey and Thatch for it all.
As St Francis would have said, if Theresa May or Warsi had ever got elected as PM.
The BBC asks ‘Why the US locks up prisoners for life’ (?)
‘Life sentences that truly mean a lifetime in prison are rare in the UK but common in the US. Why is this punishment so prevalent in the US?’
“In large part it reflects the overly punitive nature of the American criminal justice system,”
Or, the Yanks could opt for a British-style liberal softly softly approach….
But our system has its drawbacks
‘A man accused of murdering a pensioner in her home 25 years ago has a string of convictions for violent crime, his trial has been told. ‘
‘The trial was told that Mr Dunwoody has convictions for assault, causing actual bodily harm and battery.’
‘The convictions were between March 1982 and June 2009. They included attacking the same woman three times.’
I suppose your choice of the best system depends whether you are the violent criminal or the innocent member of the public.
The “Rebels”…
Are the BBC recruiting for the EDL..
Sunday politics today…
Muslim speaker treated with reverence, one interruption with big apology, no details and wishy washy questions. Obfuscation and obvious deflection.
Tommy Robinson (or whatever his name is), constant interruptions, specific questions , well answered (then ignored by the interviewer), on to the next attack, and the next (how he keeps his temper under the relentless rubbish i don’t know) Honest and straight answers.
interesting… the BBC needs to get it’s interviewers to treat all guests the same or its bias becomes too obvious.
My comment on other B-BBC thread, ‘We refuse to eveen face it…’
“BBC 1 has just had on Andrew Neil interrogating English Defence League’s Tommy Robinson; this was immediately followed by a soft, non-interrupting chat with a rep from Muslim Council of Britain.”
I thought Andrew Neil was better than that.
Another classic sadly not available yet!
is andrew neale, sunday politics, sheesh!
another day, another round of constant interruption, hectoring, and incorrect far right/fascist inferences
… i maybe wrong, thought the idea was an interview, not a two bob psychology lecture, from yet another
agended beebot, hmmm getting to be quite a regular occurence … just compare the Neale attitude with the
MCB interview with Murat that followed …
Keeping his cool as these inferences get more absurd is a learned skill , as they used to say on “Dragnet” … just the facts.
Andrew Neale eh!
then again … maybe he s just insecure about his … erm
well … what exctly is it on his head.
oh, it appears ejector seat beebot old mehdi
is keeping the “puff ho” busy today
What rigour! What an amazing example of investigative journalism!
Surely your real name’s Noggin isn’t it? Old Goat must’ve been Christened as such wasn’t he?
I think that neale, had a print out of this, in front of him today 😀 …
oh did it make any difference 😀
How sad is it to see mehdi hasan bleating the
losers chorus, “should have said this/should have asked that” …
laughable! the pertinent reality is, if you just stick to facts, and harsh reality … whatever comes your way is easy to answer … the bbc still just don t get it …
They in their deluded universe still think bleating offence, or racist is a rebuttal?
IT IS NOT … not when fact and reality come calling, these are just excuses for not facing the truth.
Apologies if this is a double post. It seems to have disappeared from the Open Thread.
Does anyone get the impression that the BBC regards Hassan Rouhani, the new Iranian president as moderate and reformist? Iran election: President-elect Hassan Rouhani hails win
Perhaps it’s just the opening paragraphs?
Hassan Rouhani has hailed his election as Iran’s president as a “victory of moderation over extremism”.
The reformist-backed cleric won just over 50% of the vote and so avoided the need for a run-off.
Thousands of Iranians took to the streets of Tehran when the result was announced, shouting pro-reform slogans.
He is described as A religious moderate, fluent in English, German, French, Russian and Arabic (What not Farsi? Just asking.) I suppose moderation is all relative.
It ends with the BBC standard Are you in Iran? What is your reaction to the election result? Send us your comments using the form below.
I may not be totally up-to-date. Isn’t the BBC banned from Iran?
I imagine that the BBC would be more than happy to dob in a few poor souls that still think the BBC is impartial and to be trusted.
And once tortured and executed-the BBC would report this news, as sad but not in any way related to that faith of theirs…bloody Shah is Irans Fatch, as far as the Beeb are concerned.
Did HE hang gays from cranes?…a cultural quirk I suppose!
He has been described on Powerline as “excrement squared” – which is better than the other candidates who are excrement to higher powers.
Why hasn’t the BBC been stressing that all candidates with even the slightest claim to be reformers were eliminated from the voting list – that the people of Iran did not have any sort of free choice. THAT is the central point about the election. I suppose the BBC is running scared.
Nearly all the quotes from Iranian voters I’ve read in various news outlets show that the people who voted for Rouhani actually think they’ve voted for more freedom and less oppression from the mullahs. It’s silly and sad because he wouldn’t be a candidate if the Ayatollah didn’t approve of him. He was the only cleric to get the approval of the Guardian Council and he was in charge of purging the armed forces after the glorious Revolution. A vote for Rouhani is a vote for change, but it won’t be the good kind.
He’s a cleric. How does this present a more religiously moderate face to the world? Or by “moderate” are we now quietly talking about war-mongering and not religion? Has he said he won’t nuke Israel yet?
Now I wonder why the BBC isn’t reporting this story?
It was carried on the Mail too, the comments on both articles are remarkably similar.
LOL, now Reed Employment is waging a bacon sarnie jihad. Will Andrew “mujaheed” Neil be interrogating a bacon sandwich on Sunday Politics.
BBC-NUJ was still pushing man-made global warming (without argument) on Radio 5 this morning (after 10 am), in preview of Met’s Tuesday meeting to rationalise UK’s recent ‘unexpected’ weather.
Alternative view:
“National weather forecasting organizations, most of which are members of the UN WMO (World Meteorological Organization) are obliged to toe the WMO party line – still rock solidly promoting ‘the new paradigm’. This dates from 25 years ago, and claims that human CO2 emissions are causing ‘dangerous global warming’. Not believing in this is not ‘new paradigm’.”
By Andrew McKillop.
Continuing the story from the MEN & the Daily Fail, the single occupant of the cave in Stockport is being taken back to Estonia by his mother. She has paid for him to stay in a hotel until she can get to the UK and collect him.
His mother said
“KP is from a normal family. I don’t drink, I work, and he had a nice house.”
So there’s no way the BBC will run this story as it flies in the face of their lies that people come here to escape terrible hardship.
Al Gore: NSA Surveillance ‘Violates the Constitution’
Say it ain’t so!
BBC: ZZZzzzzzzz We’re not going to mention that The Obamessiah criticized Bush for doing it, either.
How councils waste your money, Despatches On Channel 4 Monday 17th 8:00pm.
I expect there will be quite a fall out from this program and it will be interesting to see how the biased bunch will report what appears to be a number of Labour run councils with employees snouts in the trough. I wonder if there will be any mention of the sinister ‘common purpose’ group.
There’s more chance of dispatches reporting this issue without bias than the panorama. A lot more but that isn’t saying much.
Still they do have form for going where the BBC fear to tread ‘The Marathon’s Millions’ for an example.
File on 4Grooming: A Life Sentence?
A whole program on Pakistani Moslems grooming sex slaves, and guess what? There’s not a single mention of the criminals being Pakistani or Muslim.
Plenty of criticism of everyone else, but not on the grounds of them being scared of being called racist by people like those at the BBC and no acknowledgement of the part which stupid left wing policies played in the public sector failing to take any action at all.
Message for David Vance:
Look out for MARDELL in disguise –
“Secret Service to dress as farmers, ride tractors to protect Barack Obama at G8”
Prediction: BBC-NUJ’s next political cause:
-to get unlimited numbers of ‘asylum seekers’ from Syria (and other Islamic countries) into Britain, and to propagandise on their behalf.
Radio 5 tomorrow morning is broadcasting for Syrians in Jordan.
It’s already started.
“Five Syrians on ‘fire-threat’ flight seek asylum in UK”
Guided by Alex Salmond’s beacon of diversity no doubt.
I wish my Scottish cousins joy of it.
“Brian Sewell: the BBC’s factual television is an insult to the nation”
That’s absolutely glorious. Sewell’s adamant refusal to swallow any of the bite-sized bromides offered up by Hogan is a fine example to any of us in the world as it now is (and not just viz the Beeb).
The whole thing’s one long cutandpaste highlights resource, but this is esp. golden:
“MH But the BBC remains a great source of pride to many of us. It’s arguably the best broadcaster in the world.
BS Bollocks. It could be 10 times better. “