After Harriet Harman declared that the BBC is the ‘gold standard’ that other broadcasters and media must look to for inspiration and guidance I thought no more could be said about the glorious Beeb…clearly I was wrong, the last open thread is bulging and Brian Sewell’s (H/T George R & Buggy) own assessment rings very true…‘Bollocks…it could be ten times better’……
Open Thread Monday
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I don’t remember it being quite this hardcore…
Thieving toad…battered, bloodied, old gorilla…
arrogant bbc left wing types like andrew oneil and his twitter admirer smarmy nicky campbell are suppossed to have no opinion and be impartial as bbc employees when conducting inteviews,judging by andrew oneils left wing biased hate filled interview towards the leader of the edl tommy robinson yesterday on the sunday politics show just confirmed to me how following the rules do not apply to left wing types like andrew oneil and the likes of nicky cambell at the bbc.
Andrew Neil gave Tommy Robinson a hard time, but I don’t think he was unfair or biased. The questions asked have to be answered if Tommy Robinson wants to make his case. On the other hand the ‘Free Speech’ spectacle was shameful and he did well against a barrage of vitriol and bias.
If you think Andrew Neil is a “left wing type” (or Irish for that matter) you are an idiot.
Far too many interruptions from Neil, he repeatedly talked over Robinson and made it hard to hear what was being said in reply. This was more than just rigorous questioning, it was harrying and it is unusual to see a Muslim undermined in this way. I thought Neil was better than that but he is still good at times, e.g. with Dianne Abbott on his late Thursday night show.
this is by far the best of his bbc spots last week , simply because the callers throw every erm bbc-ism :-D, and incorrect stereotype… at him,
but he ensures he gets the time to clearly answer … and without the intervention, of the baying audience
of course Nihal is typical beebot and arch-apologist to boot.
I suspect muslims have a greater respect for Tommy Robinson and the EDL, than they do for the effete liberal / socialist, appeasing, London metropolitan, dinner party set.
Neil is always a tough interviewer no matter who the interviewee is. He was just doing the job he is paid to do yesterday. If all other BBC interviewers and presenters were as fair and unbiased as he is, the BBC would be in much better shape.
However, the real interest was in the reaction of the three ‘panelists’. The Guardian and New Statesman journalists thought that Neil had tied up Robinson solely because he brought out that Robinson had been a member of the BNP a decade ago. This was enough for them to discredit everything he said. Game over in their eyes. They really don’t care that Robinson is saying what millions of people think and that probably far more broadly agree with him, than agree with them. But it is ordinary people who agree with him, not the Liberal Elite , so they don’t care. Ordinary British people count for nothing in their view
They should realise that the reason Robinson is saying what he does, is that there is no other voice in the country that articulates what so many people privately think. A very large section of the British people no longer have any voice in British politics that speaks about their number one concern. Politicians should take note because having millions of the electorate left without a voice is undemocratic, dangerous and ultimately unsustainable.
The third member of the panel from the FT said that he was worried that the commentariat found it so much easier to talk about the EDL and the far right reaction to terror than they did about the terrorists. He isn’t white so perhaps he feels less inhibited than the others about being PC and can see and speak the truth more easily.
Good comment, Doublethinker.
His questions were answered but Robinson’s answers were ignored whilst Andrew Neil repeatedly read out the same accusations that the EDL were Nazi’s from the sheet of paper under his nose. As for Neils sneering taunts that the EDL were fascist because they did not choose to stand for Parliament, then I hope he will repeat those to the UAF, Hope not Hate, The Muslim Council, and so on.
Whilst Tommy Robinson’s politics (beyond his justified comments about the ideology of islam) are not usually shown, I would be surprised if he was not in fact left-wing himself (the BBC would never of course state the truth, that the EDL is a far-left organisation much more than a far-right one). Andrew O’Neil meanwhile is one of the few BBC presenters who is clearly not left-wing, though he does seem to give all his interviewees a hard time whether they are left or right on the spectrum.
However, the BBC line on islam is akin to a 3-line whip; I imagine that any presenter who isn’t extremely careful to toe the party line on this subject is subject to censure by BBC management.
“…though he does seem to give all his interviewees a hard time whether they are left or right on the spectrum.”
Apart from that chap from the Muslim Council who immediately followed the attempted bullying of Robinson. He got a completely clear run from Neal. I had a lot of respect for Neal, virtually the only person on the BBC I would have said that of, but that has taken a serious denting after the double-standards he showed in his two interviews here. It smacked of racism on Neal’s part to me. biased bbc sneering presenters could learn alot from lbcs nick ferraris unbiased interviewing skills,judge for yourself
Nick Ferrari handled it very well, as he generally does, but how come the “Tell Mama” yapping head is on?…although he comes across fairly well, I thought he, and his organization had been discredited as liars & over-reactionary.
there is a clear line in this interview …
on one side you have clear and real threat,
attempts at mass murder, family murder
throat slitting, promises to do it again etc.
on the other, a proven instigator of offence as victim industry, discredited widely shown up as liar .. bleating offence is no rebuttal, objectively there is no parity here.
why did ferrari not even mention it.
more climate change propaganda from harrabin the ‘orrible from the clan McMoonbat. what part of “theres been no global warming for nearly 20 years” doesnt he understand
oh and roger, if youre reading this, please start wearing a tie when youre on telly ya scruffy c*nt
Yet another BBC environmental article with no opportunity to comment. Not surprising, really, because it is drivel.
The AGW house of cards is collapsing quite dramatically but you can bet that the Beeb will keep going to the bitter end.
We were told that the Arctic would be ice-free by this summer. Harrabin’s ‘if the Arctic becomes ice-free’ phrase reveals a degree of doubt. He must surely be aware that current Arctic sea ice extent is greater than it has been at this time for a number of years and is close to the 30-year average. Why does he not mention this?
At least we don’t hear much about the AGW icon, the Polar Bear these days. Perhaps because they are flourishing.
You should know, Beebinator, that liberal progressive environmentalists simply don’t ‘do’ ties.
Comrade Harrabin is a stuck record these days, endlessly repeating the same old, tired, discredited climate narratives he was programmed to repeat ad nauseum back in the ‘good old days’ when he and his common purpose chums were riding the CAGW gravy train for all it was worth (and it was worth a very great deal).
This latest piece betrays the desperation of its failed cause; Harrabin finds comfort in his appeals to authority – he will always be a True Believer; a genuine CAGW evangelist through and through. Sadly, such inflexible, dogmatic thinking these days just looks out-of-place and increasingly embarrassing for all concerned.
Harrabin’s desperate missives remind me of the delusional Norma Desmond, In Billy Wilder’s ‘Sunset Boulevard’ – where the faded silent movie star, still refusing to accept the new reality around her, was described as a ‘Poor devil – still waving at a parade long since passed-by’.
Muslims as victims part 1,115,274
Crimewatch Roadshow (fri). Of the 39 arrests due to the last series which crime did they focus on?
They managed to dig up Jacqui Hames (not bad for an old bag) who proceeded to tell us it was a ‘particularly sinister’ burglary (from a mosque natch) although to me it was no more sinister than a normal burglary.
I used to enjoy Crimewatch but I can’t bear to watch it anymore. As is often pointed, usually about six out of ten people in the Rogue’s Gallery is now an immigrant.
And that’s after the sanitisation process!
More like 10 out of 10! Even the whites are usually bog-trotters, scousers (immigrant bog-trotters) or eastern europeans. It would also appear that the many sleight-of-hand, distraction, mobile phone robberies are by the Roma(nians). They’re not even officially here yet!
All this talk of the NHS at breaking point and unable to manage increasing pressures… One might think that it is the BBC’s responsibility to analyze the true causes (unfettered immigration) and not just report half the story:
Also, funny how the BBC seem to be quiet quiet on the Somali Mosque stabbing. I wonder if this would be the case if it were an EDL member?
If, as Harriet Harman ludicrously claims, the biased and lazy BBC is the “Gold Standard” of broadcasting, then she and Britain should both “come off it”.
She would also claim the NHS is gold standard.
But then the “progressive” left never live in the real world but one of their own imagination.
Didn’t she think the Paedophile Information Exchange was the “Gold Standard” at one time?
If the BBC was really the gold standard, Gordon would have sold it off to fill the coffers – at a bargain basement price.
Shoulda Woulda Coulda
The BBC used to aim to entertain, educate and inform. Now the BBC seems to be a collective of individuals, large parts of which persue their own agenda of opinion leading and social engineering.
A small example: Nicky Campbell interviews a female footballer. He casually refers to the degree of interest the public ‘SHOULD’ have in the womens version of the game.
Fair enough were his guest to wish to promote her sport – but SHOULD the BBC presenter be doing the promoting? Just me or do others feel Nicky should keep his right-on opinions to himself?
Of course we know he is just posing. Nicky Campbell : the virgin fresher just arrived at a trendy uni and wearing his feminism badge in the desperate hope of a right-on shag.
Nicky Campbell always has been, is and will forever be a pointless leftist titend!
Interesting interview on Today with an American, about taxes of companies like Apple & Googler paying next to no tax.
His statement struck a chord when he talked about David Cameron ‘leading the world’ on this .
And therin is the problem and you can see it almost every time senior politicians open their mouths. Are they trying to be puffed up, over inflated caricatures trying to be global statesmen, or more sinister are they part of that world of senior public sector employees, including BBC execs, who believe that their first responsibility is to the world and not to the country they are supposed to rule.
So we see Cameron strutting around at conferences attempting to solve problems around the world which has little or nothing to do with the UK. This morning we learn that the driving force behind arming the Syrian rebels is Cameron, Yet again trying to manage the world.
This is an inheritance from Tony BLiar, who now strides the globe looking for despots & dictators he can keep in power providing they pay him enough money.
We know that the BBC hold this view with one of their execs stating that he thought he had a greater responsibility to someone in Benin than someone in Birmingham !
This week we have the G8 conference, and we’re hosting it! Cameron and Osborne get to play at international statesmen, and the BBC gets to report world events.
Just listen to the words, and the focus of both the senior government officials and the output of the BBC. The great emphasis will be on the world, this country will be secondary.
Although the BBC has a ‘massive left wing bias’ I have reached the conclusion that many at the top of British public life have developed the ‘global responsibility syndrome’ in which their own countries interests take a back seat to what they perceive the worlds interest to be.
The problem for the politicians is that there actual power as such is gone (mostly to the EU sadly) , most of the big issues that face the country such as the deficit , ever growing benefit payments and a huge unaccountable NHS require actual leadership and have been placed off limits. Rather than admit this the modern politician (this was first done by good old Tone Blair) seeks to be a world leader on endless pointless non issues but which gets them in the media. Dave seems to have decided that off shore tax and kiddy porn are his things. Of course there isn’t the slightest thing he can do because the tax code is an over complex monster that no one understands and it would take actual leadership to do something about it , like say introducing a flat tax. Likewise I doubt anyone actually believes that kiddy fiddlers find their porn by using Google but what the hey the MSM lap it up and Davey boy gets his picture in the paper.
What I don’t understand is why the companies spotlighted and dragged into Parliamentary committees play along with the charade. Why don’t the company CEOs just say yes they structure the companies finances to pay as little taxes as possible in just the same way a certain committee members family firm do.
Comedy Dave is becoming as big a bandwagon-jumper as Empty Page Ed.
No matter how much the Beeb and the rest of the media spin it, they can’t disguise the negative body language of the various leading politicians. The shots of Obama and Putin sitting together scream that both were thinking ” I wish I was anywhere else but here. ” It was obvious that neither had anything in common (except perhaps spying on their own citizens, controlling their respective media and shaking down large business corporations.) Cameron looked the most pathetic of the bunch, trying very hard with his fake bonhomie. Priceless!
Interviewee Jane Rodgers on Start the week ‘our children have inherited a world which is more difficult for them than their parents’
There’s that ‘world’ again! The children have been born into a country which is worse than it was for their parents. The global view has nothing to do with it!
This is part of a loony left belief that the world should not have countries or boundaries, and should be full of pink fluffy clouds and butterflies!
Global warming / climate change – another one forget Britain this is the world and it’s much more important!
On Friday morning I switched on SKY News ( BBC, ITN, SKY, it’s all the same brainwashing NUJ propaganda ) wishy washy liberal, presenter Steve Dixon was reviewing the newspapers along with a black man and a mixed race woman.
Mixed race woman ” As a global citizen, I think it’s our duty to help end world poverty !!”
I wonder what’s stamped on the front of her passport ? British subject or global citizen ? Does she pay her taxes to the UN or to the Inland Revenue ?
This ” Global citizen ” garbage is only heard in the white countries and only the white countries. An Indian, Arab, Japaneses or an African will always say their loyalty is to their nation, not some utopian fantasy of ”global citizen.”
I’ve been saying for years (to anyone who’ll listen) that in the future we’ll have multicultural passports rather than British ones and that the covers will be all the colours of the rainbow (think the SA flag). I however, was saying it as a joke although you kinda know where things are heading – think of the most ludicrous endpoint and you’ll be close. This mong though, seems to believe in it and plenty more of her type will too which means it might just happen. Get ready for your multiculti passport – part of the fee will go to the third world.
It will be an EU passport first – the stepping stone to OWG.
Interesting comment halfway through the ‘NOW’ show by Marcus Brigstocke. He commented on the accusation of bBC bias. We are having an effect on them!!!! Keep it up.
Brigstocke is a common purpose troll and knows exactly just how biased the BBC is; he’s part of the problem and by repeating such bias it’s how he makes his living (courtesy of you and I, the license payers).
Here are his ‘enlightened and informed’ opinions on climate change ‘deniers’ (Brigstocke considers his opinions ‘correct’ by the way – as is standard with all sneering lefty belligerents):
Brigstocke is talentless waste of space – unfunny and entirely biased, like so very many of his lefty comedian chums on the BBC.
I ‘liked’ Brigstockes BBC 4 show, a complete rip off of unfunny comedian Jon Stewart.
£5 Billion and 25,000 employees and no original ideas.
Not to forgetting p’ing £20 mill up the wall every year so you can add spinning chairs and ‘The Voice’ to a generic 50 year old format.
I don’t know if the remarks I made about the “Now” show posted. I had the misfortune to listen to this the none biased part was about the mis-use of statistical data. And to be favor that two minutes was the most un-biased I’ve ever heard on that show, where the point was made that both major parties are guilty. They then went on to attack the demonstrations against the savage murder of a soldier in broad daylight on our streets. However as usual this show was from beginning to end as funny as banging nails into your eyes, just like all the in the 18:30 slot.
Marcus Brigstocke on the EDL, although the clip is 6 minutes long, it feels like an eternity. If he was really edgy and daring, he would criticize the UAF or islam, listen to the audience of Eloi clap and cheer, at their own demise. A real smug fest.
Marcus…being ‘edgy’, at the tax-payers’ expense, of course…
“The ambition of the expedition was to inspire the creative team to respond to climate change… It was an amazing journey; 10 days of artistic inspiration, debate, discussion and exploration.”
“I’m sure it was a hoot. And when it comes to “artistic responses to climate change” you just need to include a third-rate leftwing comedian, a “billboard hijacker” and a maker of ceramics.”
It’s a good ‘un. Have a read.
(Where’s an iceberg when you need one)
Once more, now and always, for ever and ever:
Prickstocke + meat suit + lead boots + ravening wolves, hyenas, tigers etc etc = high class entertainment. If Auntie would care to televise the ‘event’ I might consider the licence fee justified for once.
But NO icebergs, which might be a bit slippy for the hungry beasties and thus give Prickstocke an advantage.
…you left out ‘in a minefield’.
Indeed. PCdom has absolutely KILLED comedy since the holy cows and th epompous self righteous can no longer be mocked.
I say I say I say, three NGO campaigners walk into a bar. The End World Hunger activist says to the Friends of the Earth activist …
no. you won’t hear it on the BBC.
For “edgy” read adolescent
Alternative Comedy = Mainstream Leftism
Mainstream Leftism = Zero diversity
The Left is full successful people, that all you Daily Mail readers are jealous of.
Hmmm are you suggesting that poorer , less ‘successful’ people wouldnt vote left, but might share the views of the DM instead?
Interesting viewpoint, and can you suggest why that might be?
Nicki ‘the ego has landed’ Campbell was wittering on about the non event of the G8 this morning.
An American guy phoned up ” Why isn’t the G8 discussing ISLAM !! ” Uh oh, he’s gone off message, he carried on ” Iran, Egypt, Turkey and maybe Syria will have Islam regimes posing a threat to the West.”
How on earth did he get through the KGB Radio 5 phone in vetting procedure ?
Northern Ireland journalist Jude Collins chipped in and agreed ” Yes, Islam is the problem.”
Campbell like a patronising school teacher corrected him ” It’s ISLAMISM .” He actually went into a demented, autistic mode, Rain man frenzy, ” It’s islamism, it’s islamism, it’s islamism, not islam !! ”
Yeah, Nicki, we get the picture. I suppose a ‘muslimist’ not a muslim butchered the British soldier.
The moral of the story is, what a sniveling little creep Nicki Campbell is.
I find Campbell interesting – in a particular and morbid sense.
Listen to Campbell and you are hearing the BBC line par excellence.
He is a BBC weather vane because he so consistently faces in the approved BBC direction.
For example on Savile. From the thoughts of chairman Campbell on Savile as the story developed :
1 ‘….he left, as I joined….’
2 ‘…..we thought he was a sex-less eccentric….’
3 ‘….I thought he might have been gay….’
Campbell has learned the language of PC.
For example:
1. never say England when British will do.
2. a concervative leaning guest uses an un-PC phrase – pick him up on it.
3. a conservative-leaning guest uses an un-PC un-feminist phrase – call out to your female side kick presenter to put her oar in.
This last technique is new but now used frequently by Campbell. It ties in nicely with the lastest development in PC – “Check Your Privilege”
‘It may sound like a quote from the film Clueless, but laugh at your peril. The command “Check your privilege” has become one of the great political rallying cries of 2013, and if you haven’t heard it yet, you soon will, because it is fast slipping over from the social media sites – where it has become a clamorous chorus this year – to the mainstream media, largely thanks to journalists and certain former politicians who profess themselves to be baffled by its meaning.’
‘….it is a way of telling a person who is making a political point that they should remember they are speaking from a privileged position, because they are, for example, white, male, heterosexual, able-bodied or wealthy**. It is, in other words, a sassy exhortation to acknowledge identity politics and intersectionality (the school of thought which says, for example, that different minorities experience oppression differently).’
**Note: these groups are not really taken ‘for example’ as the Guardian journo pretends. There are exactly the groups who are now meant to shut up and listen quietly to the Leftist opinions.
That first link should be this
Have fun
” I find Campbell interesting – in a particular and morbid sense. ”
Yes, like a train wreck, Roger Helmer, tory now UKIP MEP ( He’s old school, dresses in blazer and club tie ) was on the programme about 6 months ago, discussing the high speed train link.
Helmer ” I’m against it because it’s going through some beautiful RIDING country !!”
Well, it was like a red rag to a bull, Campbell doesn’t realise that before the invention of the car, everyone rode horses. There’s nothing quite like class envy, which is ironic, since all these hypocritical liberals are loaded yet they sneer at capitalism, like lefty ‘comedian’ tax dodger Jimmy Carr who paid for his £8 Million London mansion in cash, as you do !
His house is something out of the Great Gatsby, never seen anything quite like it.
“Comedian tax dodger Jimmy Carr” ?
I always wondered what he was, but I would never have guessed “comedian”.
there’s been an orgy of obama worship on al beebs propaganda news24 this morning. the lefties must have gone through about 10 boxes of tissues each. absolutely sickening
Woody Allen made a film called ‘Sleeper’. In it was an object called the Orgasmatron. For the bBC, Obama has the same effect.
Obamatron. The BBC’s model is vibrating 24/7.
Obama has got 3 or 4 scandals, so what’s he going to do ? that old standby when any politician is in a hole, go to war, this time in Syria.
Did they mention His Nobel Peace Prize yet? For a “reluctant warrior”, His body count is stacking up pretty high.
Well I got home this morning at just gone midnight, I turned BBc News and Sky on. On the tickertape it was running a story about stabbings in a mosque in Birmingham. So I sat there and waited for the story to appear. Suprise -NOTHING.
To be fair I didn’t see all of Breakfast apart from the fact they seemed to be trying to publicise some woman who was singing twinkle twinkle little star. Looking at on on line media site it would appear to be a member of the cult of peace and understanding. Based on my experience of BBc I assume if it had been different there would have been wall to wall coverage.
‘some woman who was singing twinkle twinkle little star’.
That would be Hayley Westenra. I saw her once at the RAH with Carreras. Her tits arrived on the stage about five minutes before she did. 🙂
Nikki, Marcus, you can use that one.
Shame I missed that I like big tits…well i used to vote labour in the 70’s. Boom Boom!
Actually, this morning’s speech from Obama indicates some useful tactics from a man not at all serious about war. It’s a standard cliche to appeal to “the young” – they are the next generation (as always) – so some platitudes targetted at Northern Ireland’s teenagers helps divert attention away from Syria. (Obama is well aware of his Messianic qualities and how the media lap it up.)
Obama doesn’t have any intention of trying to find a solution to Syria. Which rebels will the US arm?
No, it’s so much easier to appeal to future generations to sort out today’s mess.
He needs to bask in some European love again. The US public is not happy at the moment. Even many of His worshipers have expressed disillusionment, however temporary it may be. The Obamessiah was praised and feted in Germany and elsewhere before His anointment in 2008, so He’s seeking a boost of that old magic in a time of crisis. The BBC will be right there to direct you to turn to the relevant page in your hymn book.
Has O’Bama discovered any Irish ancestry yet?
It was a funny joke, though.
Just turned on the News Channel, and there’s Jane Hill telling us how great the reception was for the “First Couple”, and Michelle gave a great speech, met with “rapturous” applause. Page 235 in your hymn book.
A couple of years ago he did visit Ireland, for about 30 seconds, jumped off the plane, went to a pub, drank a pint of guinness, and hey presto, got the Irish American vote.
If I was Irish I would be deeply insulted.
Didn’t know about that!
I’m only 1/16th Irish, so I can’t speak with any authority at all (at all), but I think I’d rather be the butt of an openly rude Irish joke than patronised like this.
Yeah, my brother used to be an estate agent in Belfast. Not an easy job.
‘Number 571 Crumlin Road, yep that’s a terraced property. Oh wait, now it’s a semi.’
🙂 🙂
(I’ll leave the tail-gunner on a milk-float joke to someone else)
Marcus you can use that one too.
Birmingham mosque attack… The Religion of Peace
Several media outputs…
The man, who was not a regular at the mosque in Birmingham, became upset because the prayers were not being performed in the manner of his denomination.
A 32-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and taken to a secure mental health unit.
No mention of the altercation being caused by ‘religious differences’
So the BBC think his Religion is a mental condition…..?
Do all Muslims go to prayers armed with knives…?
“upset because the prayers were not being performed in the manner of his denomination”
Blimey! I mean, I wish the CofE would ditch the banal travesty of Common Worship and revert to the Book of Common Prayer, but I never thought of making my feelings known through the medium of machete-wielding. Mind you, it’d liven up the PCC meetings!
You forgot to add that the injured PC praised the worshipppers in saving his life.
Of course this never happens in Christain churches, does it?
Places of worship are usually open spaces and welcome newcomers so they are easy targets for people with mental issues.
“upset because the prayers were not being performed in the manner of his denomination”
Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, “Don’t do it!” He said, “Nobody loves me.” I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?”
He said, “Yes.” I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?” He said, “A Christian.” I said, “Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?” He said, “Protestant.” I said, “Me, too! What franchise?”
He said, “Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?” He said, “Northern Baptist.”
I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist.”
I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region.”
I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.”
I said, “Die, heretic!” and pushed him off.
(Garrison Keillor – thengyow)
Peter McKay, ‘Daily Mail’:-
“Deliberately or otherwise, the BBC’s business editor Robert Peston fuelled the extraordinary internet rumour linking Rupert Murdoch’s estranged wife, Wendi Deng, with Tony Blair.
“Peston Tweeted: ‘Am also told that undisclosed reasons for Murdoch divorcing Deng are jaw-dropping & hate myself for wanting to know what they are.’
“‘Jaw-dropping’ tied in neatly with simultaneous internet rumours that Ms Deng and Tony Blair were having an affair — even though these were vehemently denied by a Blair spokesman who said: ‘The answer is No.’
“Peston’s coy admission that he hates himself for wanting to know what the reasons are for the Murdoch divorce seems hypocritical. If he is ashamed, why send out the gloating Tweet?”
Senior BBC people are usually more circumspect about involving themselves with gossip stories. They’re often censorious about newspapers that publish information about the private lives of the rich and famous.
Do the senior management feel an exception can be made when Rupert Murdoch is concerned? His newspapers have been on the Corporation’s case over the Jimmy Savile scandal and other shocking managerial lapses at the BBC.
Peston is a gossip, though. That’s how he got where he is today. If I worked in the City – or especially for a media organization the BBC considers Public Enemy No. 1 – I wouldn’t give him the time of day. I’m constantly surprised that people tell him anything, and often wonder what he does in exchange for these tidbits people feed him.
Being the son of the Labour peer Baron Peston probably also played a minor part in him getting the job.
I’m sure it is all just made up gossip but the use of the present tense made me smile.
‘The answer IS no.’
We know from Iraq War 2 you have to be careful not to take our Tony’s words at face value.
They could have said: “No, this never happened.” or “The rumors are completely false.” There are lots of options available. Whereas, ‘the answer IS no’, leaves wiggle room. Maybe the answer wasn’t always no.
They probably lie so much they find it hard to phrase things in a way that is direct and truthful like a normal human being would.
Blair’s press office said ” Mr. Blair IS NOT HAVING an affair with Wendi Deng.” when questioned by someone from the Hollywood Reporter. See the careful wording? Typical Blair answer – seemingly answering the question without being unequivocal.
Bit rich coming from the Daily Mail which had been dropping hints about the story for a week! Only to find it was as true as chocolate teapots. Mail’s the one looking silly.
Will, you’ve obviously made your mind up. If it’s a total fabrication, why hasn’t Rupert Murdoch or Wendi Deng corroborated that denial? Their silence is deafening. Me? I can’t help thinking back to that mysterious front page story from the Mail On Sunday a couple of weeks ago about the married personages having an affair inside No. 10 that was supposed to have shocked Cameron. No names but it was emphasised that it was no one in the coalition government. It certainly gives food for thought, so I’m not entirely discounting the story yet.
Are the BBC leading with this Spying scandal? If not – why not?
Well it is not a scandal for a start, but in any case the BBC only become interested in something if they can fit it into their narrative.
The BBC have long ago given up reporting, they see their function as supplying you with correct interpretations – a correct interpretation being whatever puts money* in the pockets of middle class leftists.
and/or power
Not really biased BBC – but the telegraph is complaining that 45 out of 150 journalists attending G8 are BBC – and blaming Mr Cameron for it ‘needless expense in time of austerity’.
Presumably the other 105 are intelligence officers.
It never changes. The BBC has several channels and shows to feed, each of which requires their own on-air talent and unique approach, catered to their specific audiences. No other media organization has to fill so much air time, so it’s not fair to….blah, blah, blah.
But I thought Lord Hall was supposed to be working on reducing such profligate duplication of effort? Cutting costs, etc.?
Hattie’s law should be applied.
Hattie’s law ? is that the one where all things not being equal, do your utmost to ruin it for everyone but you and your mates ?!
No I was thinking about the other one that would limit the BBC to only having 22.5 journalists (15%) covering G8
Who would be the 0.5 I wonder
Spy’s – spying is not a scandal. It would be a scandal if spy’s just sat around and did nothing.
It depends on what they’re actually spying on, though. In the US, they were not necessarily spying on what many would consider the real dangerous people.
2009. If it’d been 2010 they’d be all over it.
The phony catch-in-the-throat moment where The Obamessiah told Northern Ireland children and the rest of the crowd that they are the example the rest of the world looks to for peace in our time has been repeated three times in the last half hour on the News Channel. It will be repeated many, many more times.
What more can one want? The Obamessiah, greatest world leader of our generation, has told Northern Ireland that they are a shining example. The rest of the world will notice that terrorism works. The BBC will see only His Word.
Yep there are graveyards full of those who had peace inflicted on them !
Yerrr, I’m waiting for the ….
‘Mr Adams tear down these walls’.
(All ten miles of them)
(And counting)
‘He’ also misquoted Yeats’ line that ‘peace comes dropping slow’; it’s clear from Yeats’poem , that it was applied only in the particular context of that situation, and applies to an individual, in the process of unwinding from the cares of the world. It was not intended as a universal truth about ‘peace’, still less intended to describe political peace.
What’s the point of this?
Are you in Northern Ireland? What do you expect from Obama’s visit? Send us your comments using the form below.
What is He possibly going to do for NI this week? What does the G8 have to do with NI government? What would anyone living in NI expect from this visit? Did He bring His checkbook or something?
I did suggest you keep quiet about things you know nothing about.
And on and on.
For better or worse (and mostly better) the US remains interested in a tiny little country. Long may it continue.
Yes Will, the U.S. have been interested in Northern Ireland for years. So interested in fact that an organisation called Noraid headquartered in Boston, Massachussetts used to raise funding for the I.R.A. which bought many weapons and explosives used for murdering soldiers, policemen and many hundreds of civilians. That funding dried up somewhat when the U.S. became the target of terrorists on 9/11.
Every U.S. President glad hands the Irish in the old country because they have thousands of Irish-American votes back home to harvest.
Like every leftie apologist, you are so-o-o naive.
Norman Smith on the News Channel said that the President is begrudgingly being pushed towards arming Syrian insurgents, and here’s Mark Mardell echoing that.
It’s perfect: He can take war into yet another country, and the BBC excuses Him because He didn’t want to do it. Don’t like US imperialist warmongering killing people with brown skin half a world away? Tough. It’s not His fault, you see. The “Trapped In A World He Never Made” Narrative is now officially part of BBC reporting on the issue.
‘President is begrudgingly being pushed towards arming Syrian insurgents’
Obama must be Cameron’s poodle!
You can lead an Obama to war but don’t expect him to think !
“Obama Lies America Into Another War”
By Daniel Greenfield .
Greenfield’s conclusion:-
“Syria is not America’s war. It is the Muslim Brotherhood’s war. Instead of nation-building at home, Obama is caliphate-building abroad.”
It seems the BBC sent too many journalists to NI:
– All expert in supporting Syria’s Sunni Islamic jihadists?
Like this jihadist, who used London as his base before killing for Allah in Syria (not an INBBC report and video)-
“Britons fighting with Syria’s jihadi ‘band of brothers'”
Reminds me of the FTSE CEO who complained on the morning of their results,
‘I’ve had 42 phone calls from BBC journalists already today’
Boy those NI students sure were “inspired” by the President’s speech to them, says the female Beeboid on the scene. But what’s this? An NI journalist right now is saying His speech was a joke, fell flat, Clinton’s was much better. She said that whoever wrote the speech was not up to date on what’s really going on in NI right now.
“He may not have the easy charm of Clinton..,” the Beeboid retorted. Words fail me here. I can’t even think of an appropriate emoticon. The reflexive defense of Him and His Word continued, as the Beeboid reporter said it was meant for children, and they were inspired, so maybe that was the point of the speech. Not inspired by it? You’re wrong. LOFL. Thank goodness they had another voice there to praise Him.
The real point of the speech was to get that standing ovation and open worship, a nice photo op of the President smiling once again in front of an adoring crowd. The content of the speech was entirely beside the point. Can’t wait for the US President editor’s take on this.
What the BBC pre-advertised as a section on Global Warming in the Daily Politics show today turned out to be simply an opportunity for Connie Heldegaard, the EU climate change commissioner, to argue for a reversal of the previous vote by MEPs on carbon pricing. This in line with standard ‘keep on voting ’til you get it right’ EU practice.
Apart from a couple of soft full tosses bowled up by Jo Coburn, she was allowed free rein for eight minutes. No alternative view was given.
BBC News Channel recap: “President Obama and some other people gathered in Northern Ireland today for the G8 summit….”
I paraphrase slightly, but the focus is all on Him, with the rest of them treated as a side show. Note to the BBC: He’s not President of the World.
Nope but he is president of their hearts ! sort of like the Diana effect but as she tried to take weapons out of the wrong hands he most definitely isn’t !
I for one, am glad Putin is telling them to stay the F.O. of Syria.
OOPSs! … bang goes the narrative for Nikki Campo
he of the “Univ interesting hair”
on bbc 5dead “your call” – can the G8 solve anything
he got flustered, tried to shut this chap up couldn t so changed the subject
24mins 30
Campbell quickly pulled the lever for the trap door and the dissenting voice disappeared in a puff of smoke.
And the guy was a Bush hater and seemed to think he stole the election. Can’t call him a right-wingnut or whatever, so Campbell was stuck for what to do. So, let’s do a head-fake and avoid the unpleasantness and ask the Oxfam lady what she thinks. Then the best way to drown out the unapproved thought is to let the class warrior dominate the discussion. Campbell’s job done for him.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo Just look what the bBC isn’t covering !
Wonder why not?
Heard a bit of guff about the G8 this moaning on Toady.
That a few restaurants were painted up on empty show frontages was fair enough-brightens up the place,and employs a few painters.
That there`s no work, no point and no prospects of anything but this, is somehow “reasonable”.
Noted too that Camerons named ice cream(Eton Mess) got a couple of mentions…but the “nuts about Obama” ice cream somehow did not bring about the gag reflex of a brown nose up a BBC hacks arse.
Surely there`s a pithier name for an Obama ice cream…Benghazi Brown Nose?…Snow Drone or what have you?
Or are we not allowed to entertain no thoughts or jokes other than about his loveliness?
More utter nonsense from the BBC on G8 – why on earth do they waste license payer’s money on moronic reports like this?
But I guess we all know the answer to that, already.
I would personally suggest that the figure is far greater, but finally people are waking up to choice…
Don’t pay the BBC licence fee, to be bombarded by leftist propaganda..
Peter Alan trails the 4pm Drive Time on 5 Live with this breathless teaser: ‘We speak to the child who met President Obama!’
BBC and Obama sitting in a tree…..
Later tonight:
BBC1 Pan-Obama-Rama. Meanwhile we join The ONE Show
BBC2 Obama Connect with Victoria Coren
BBC3 Top of the Pops ONE
BBC4 another chance to see Stanley Kubrick’s extravagent costume classic : Barry Lyndon
George Orwell in 1984 refered to Britain as Air Strip ONE
He was almost right
Beeboids on Greece and Turkey.
Although BBC-NUJ is bound by its NUJ policy to politically oppose the government of Greece, will BBC-NUJ oppose Turkey’s Erdogan ands AKP government threat to use the army against the Turkish people?
Or does the NUJ’s commitment to getting Islamising Turkey into the E.U take political precedence?
“Turkish government says it may use army to end protests”
i’d quite like to see Turkey join the EU, how about the day after the UK leaves
BBC suspends ties with Turkey’s NTV over protests coverage
Some subtle wordcrafting on the BBC News (sic) website: “Why are so many of the UK’s missing teenagers Vietnamese?” (see It is a harrowing story – more of those multi-cultural benefits laid bare – but they are not the UK’s “missing teenagers” at all. Rather, they are VIETNAM’s teenagers who are missing in the UK. It is an intentional misrepresentation, the purpose of which is to replace the concept of a nation state with it’s own distinct population with that of a simple geographical area that can include all and anyone who mysteriously become citizens by virtue of simply being here.
You are misreading the story. They are minors who have been trafficed into the UK to be used as prostitutes who are rescued but in many cases have to go back on the game as their families are at risk. They therefore are missing since they are known and recorded as such. What are you suggesting? We have an ethnicity test when you do a report to the police to determine whether they record it or not?
There is no reference to prostitution in the BBC report as linked. The primary reference they give is to the connection between Vietnamese gangsters and cannabis farmers. By definition, if they have been trafficked into this country then they are not “UK teenagers” – they remain Vietnamese nationals. The article states that only 22 of the 371 referrals were UK subjects. No one is questioning that people are missing or that they are not victims, nor advocating differential treatment on the basis of their ethnicity. It is merely a request for accurate reporting by the BBC. It is difficult to see how that constitutes a “misreading” whereas a reference to unstated prostitution and ethnic profiling seems to suggest a wilful misreading of both the article and the comment.
After all the BBC promises that the new Iranian President was a moderate, and that there was new hope for transparency and joy and all that, it’s amusing to read this BBC report about how we’re meeting the new boss, same as the old boss (who, er, actually isn’t really the boss anyway).
BBC-NUJ didn’t seem to mind Ahmadinejad much anyway.
Beeboids’ main concern on the Islamic Republic of Iran is that BBC Persian Service to be allowed to broadcast, for which Beeboids seems to be prepared to go politically softly on Iran.
It’s not as though Iran’s government can be compared with that of Greece, which BBC-NUJ opposes, is it?
BBC1 News 6pm – the only UK politician named in connection with the “embarrassing revelations” of Britain spying on attendees at the 2009 G20 meeting in London is …. David Cameron
Good Lord… another BBC paedo! It seems the BBC is definitely the ‘gold standard’ for fostering dirty old men!
Corrie seems to still in the lead surely?
nah, its a numbers game, it’ll take the whole of the media in the rest of the world to beat just one of the BBC’s paedo presenters ie jimmy “the bbc paedo presenter” saville
It’s Top of the Pops and I’m Jimmy Saville and here’s the Top Five for today:
10) Ups I did it again
Dutch linesman death: Teens and father sentenced
Six teenagers and the father of one of them have been found guilty of kicking a volunteer linesman to death in the Netherlands. The court in Lelystad sentenced the 50-year-old father to six years in prison.
And here is what the bBC doesn’t want you to know:
The 51-year-old father, identified only as El-Hasan D, faces up to 15 years in prison.
Follow the link above in which to find the names of the team, funny enough 8 have names that Allah would be proud of
Yup, the BBC’s sanitising of all things Muslim has truly departed the realm of reality.
R4 news at 6 curiously omitted the names of any of the perpetrators. And we all immediately know exactly what that means.
Appalling Mardell Obama groveling on Six News, tonight. Unreal.
Trapped In A World He Never Made? Or Bringing Hope To Europe?
On the website Mardell writes: “But there are conditions. The Taliban must break all ties with Al Qaeda, renounce violence and respect the Afghan constitution, including women’s and minority rights.”
Cloud cuckoo land. And they wonder why we think Beeboids live in a parallel universe when they can write a sentence like that without laughing out loud?
Gosh, if only we’d thought of asking the Taliban to renounce violence and respect women’s rights years ago, eh?
At Number 4:
Palestinian split: Views from Hamas and Fatah, six years on
It is six years since the violent split between the main Palestinian political factions, Fatah and Hamas….In 2007, there was prolonged fighting in the Gaza Strip which left dozens dead.
Dozens dead bBC? Here is the death toll from the above set to:
Hamas lost 83
Fatah lost 165
98 Civilians killed
with another 600 killed in fractional fighting.
946 in total and the bBC claims that figure can be best described as….dozens.–Hamas_conflict
The style is BBC all the way.
prolonged fighting in the Gaza Strip which left dozens dead anonymous fighting which passive tense left death.
So about 78 dozen, then. It’s “accurate”, which is all the BBC requires.
New in at Number 3:
Climate change overseas likely to affect UK food supplies
Climate change abroad will have a more immediate effect on the UK than climate change at home, a report says.
Research by consultants PWC for Defra says the UK is likely to be hit by increasingly volatile prices of many commodities as the climate is disrupted.
Wow, yet another chicken lickin article and how does the bBC feel we should address the above
“The report warns that as the climate changes, there will be pressure for the UK to increase its aid budgets (already under threat from back-bench Conservatives).
Why am i reminded of the Boney M single Rasputin when I read that last snippet.. “Oh those …Tories”
Climate change may very well affect food supplies to the UK. We should be more concerned about what will happen in Egypt when Ethiopia cuts off the Nile waters.
(Of course the Coalition government has increased foreign aid budgets and s targetting the aid better – but the BBC never let facts get in the way of a good story.
Hmmmmm Climate change abroad? Well not that I subscribe to the theory, but last year we lost the Summer & the Winter wheat harvests, and if this Summer doesn’t buck up it’ll probably be a repeat of last. I’m not sure that it’s a true statement.
It begs the question what the hell Liebour thought it was doing with Mass immigration when the UK couldn’t produce enough food to feed itself anyway.
The Ethiopian Dam is a scare story. The water is not being used for irrigation, it’s a hydro electric scheme, and apart from filling the dam up no water will be cut off. Anyone would think the Aswan Dam would do the same??
At Number 2:
The friendliest G8 ever’
The bBC, ask the question why there are so few protesters in Enniskillen and then go all out in which to show the world that there is actually lots of room for you to come along and put up your tent. Go on, go on, go on.
It generally rains in Enniskillen. Everyday.
Good for fishing.
Security has cost at least £50m, with thousands of police on duty, but the final bill is expected to be higher by the time the global leaders leave.
Might this have something to do with it?
NI Secretary Theresa Villiers defends G8 security cost
I don’t suppose they considered teleconferencing?
Of all the crap produced, the lies and deceits manufactured, the self serving use of the licence fee, and sexual perversion enabled, the thing that really gets Ofcom’s attention is the use of the word RETARD by somebody being interviewed on the BBC.
What a stupid and RETARDED country this has become.
BBC breached code after airing ‘offensive’ word on Today programme
Ann Coulter called Obama a retard. Piers Morgan tried to call her on it. In typical fashion she asked if Piers hung around with people who used that word to refer to the disabled, as she didn’t, thus negating the accusation that it was offensive.
Great comeback 🙂
I wonder if that would work with the so called N & P words which the oppression laws mean I can’t use?
And at Number one…
Stuart Hall jailed for 15 months for sex assaults
BBC broadcaster Stuart Hall has been sentenced to 15 months in jail for sexually abusing girls. The BBC said it was “appalled” that some of his crimes took place in connection with his work at the corporation.
Really, bBC?
Will an 83 year old actually spend 15 months in gaol? The really interesting part is the civil cases against the BBC. How much of the TV license fee will be spent defending those?
‘Oh dear, how sad, never mind’
BBC 5 Live. Peter Alan sounds as if he just found a penny and lost a shilling as we hear from the lawyer suing the BBC over the sexploits of their employee Stuart Hall.
Meanwhile a former adviser to George Bush takes no prisoners over the G8, Syria and Iran.
Russia is in no way a democratic economy and shouldn’t have been added to the G7 he tells Alan.
It starts to make the G8 look as useless as the G20.
No hope for a break through on Syria then?
Putin is about to give the West a lesson in power politics in the Middle East.
Alan sounds sullen as he tries to fly a kite of flimsy hope about that new Iranian guy – he’s a moderate right?
‘If you think he is a moderate, I’ve got a bridge here that I would like to sell you!’
Oh dear. Someone send Peter a text with a bit of whimsy before the poor chap starts to cry.
I know, play him a clip of Obama, that’ll cheer up the poor old Beeboid git.
12-year-old girl with Down’s syndrome attacked by gang of girls in park… The content is a bit thin.
A bit thin whenever there is a lack of description you can take a wild guess as to the participants and be right almost all the time. Best one I saw was the police looking for a woman I forget why. They thought she may have left the country but then gave no description or showed a picture just in case a member of the public had spotted her. Funny when on retain stories they have no trouble at all showing photographs.
Is there an Order of the Brown Nose Award , for whenever St Barry of the White House deigns to dwell upon us all?
If so, can I nominate Mark Merde..hell( Lifetime Achievement Award) for his creepy spout off on P.M tonight.
Re Syria…apparently Cameron is constrained by his backbenchers( white toffs, unenlightened backwoodsmen, bigots)….but Barak Obama is constrained only by his principles( and what gossamer-strands of divine beauty and strength that would turn out to be-if only anyone had ever seen one of these mythical creatures with fawn eyes, and yeoman heart!)
One OBN for Mardell please centurion…to be served off the bottom of any person who sat in a chair that once held the arsecheeks of Mr President O`Barmcake!
He`s Oirish you know!
Who are these teenagers?
The BBC won’t say.
Compare to this. this
I wonder why the BBC doesn’t tell us that the adult was called Hasan D and his son was called Yassine.
Doyle…..”.I wonder why the BBC doesn’t tell us that the adult was called Hasan D and his son was called Yassine.”
I was just going to post the same.It’s a bloody disgrace!!!
“Tommy Robinson on London Talk Radio”
(15 min video clip)
I don’t get the continual referring to Robinson.
He doesn’t say anything you wouldn’t hear at your local Conservative club, your local, or if you stepped in a London taxi.
He’s not the Messiah you know, he’s just a silly little boy.
It’s simple, uncle bup: as long as Robinson is the face of the issue, the debate is over before it starts. Even he realizes this, and pointed it out more than once to Andrew Neil, who didn’t care. Not that this isn’t partially Robinson’s own fault, but he’s not the one who chooses BBC guests across the spectrum of broadcasting.
BBC very quiet on this story…
I wonder why?
We keep getting told that these ‘men’ are reviled by their ‘community’.
But if that were true, how do the traffickers seem to always find so many willing participants?
Surely if this habit was a so abhorrent to said ‘community’, then most ‘men’ who was offered a drunk, drugged pre-pubescent schoolgirl to rape, sodomize, beat, brand, urinate on and torture would react with horror and report it to the police immediately.
British Understatement can sometimes hit home.
“There are groups of foreign nationals involved in this and maybe respect for women isn’t seen as being a high priority in their country of origin “
ITMA – It’s Those Men Again.