Victoria Derbyshire can’t stop and won’t stop talking.
She was rabbiting on about Ian Brady much to the annoyance of listeners who texted in to say ‘no more….it’s just giving him the publicity he craves.’
She read out some of the texts and said ‘Their point is that we shouldn’t be reporting on this ….’
To which she added….‘…which is another debate.’
Made me laugh anyway.
Another open thread….carry on…tell us what it is about the BBC that makes you laugh……
Nothing Brady says is worthy of comment. He should be shunned completely. He is the incarnation of pure evil in this world and the chatterers of the liberal classes cannot resist hanging on his every word. What is wrong with them?
Getting people to fixate on Brady distracts their attention from certain criminal groups which hacks and producers pretend don’t exist.
Nothing Drearyshire says is worthy of comment. She should be shunned completely. She is the incarnation of pure tedium in this world and the chatterers of the liberal classes cannot resist hanging on herevery word. What is wrong with them?
vicky sure gets on my nerves,then we have shelagh rabbiting on about some old blarney in a refugee camp in syria,then the awful leftie supergob richard bacon giving us lectures about multi culturism.peter allen aint to bad but he is a bit flakey,pass on the sport,but then who is this superbore phil williams weirdo who has taken over from tony up his own backside livesey at the 10pm slot.oh yes,vicky does rabbit on but she is not the worst in my book.
drearybyshire 5live …. sheelaaaah! today
is focusing on a new national initiative, spearheading domestic extremism, (what? … raised eyebrow)
highlighting on the show …. wait for it,
… the “far right”? English defence League?, animal rights activists, anti capitalist protestors ….. hmmm …. anyone else?
oh yes … anti war protestors 😀
because you see, we need to redine the boundaries?
bbc … you could not make it up,
VD “so lets discuss this indepth with Tariq? .!?*!?!
………….. .OFF SWITCH
to reduce, remove, eradicate, criminality or public disorder … lets speak to Tariq Gaffur
freedom of expression/speech alert?
lets make sure we tighten the grip on all that eh!
are erm … religions? we could mention to be included in this initiative.
Rod Sharp does the grave yard shift on BBC Radio 5 between 1am to 5am, some people say he’s a cult, I think he’s just a doddering old fool.
You might think he’s doing the programme from Salford or London, he isn’t. For the past 8 years, he’s presented the show from his home in America, Marblehead Massachusetts to be exact.
“I don’t keep it secret.”
Yes, you do. My point being, why is the tax payer funding the BBC’s meglomaniac building schemes, £ 1 Billion pound studios in Salford and London, when they can do the shows from their own bedroom ?
Slightly off topic, the Spectator had an article on Stephen Lawrence, they used, as usual, the cropped photo, not showing the clenched fist of the black power salute, also no comments were allowed underneath. And people sneer at the censorship in North Korea ?
The deaths of Richard Everitt and Stephen Lawrence: compare and contrast
When I posted about this in comments on the last BBC ‘story’ about the Blessed Saint Stephen Lawrence, they told me it was ‘off topic’.
Dear BBC Visitor,
Thank you for contributing to the BBC web site. Unfortunately we’ve had to remove the content below because it contravened one of our House Rules.
Your comment was considered to have broken the following House Rule:
“We reserve the right to fail comments which…
Are considered to be off-topic for the discussion.”
For more information about the House Rule your comment broke, please visit –
Lawrence police smear claims: Cameron demands investigation
As usual, the BBC uses its edited photo of Stephen Lawrence, censoring his aggressive black-power fist. For the real image see e.g.
So I click onto the BBC news website this morning and find……
“Songs of Praise” for Mandela…….
Quite a contrast there when one remembers the “reporting” of the death of Margaret Thatcher. .
“I’m not recognised as an army wife”(but it’s not a husband and wife as such).
You’re both women but one of you isn’t recognised as a wife….
But if one of you was recognised as the “wife” what does that make the other one?. The husband?. But “he” is a she so how can “she” be a husband…..?.
If you wanted a husband why didn’t you marry a man?.
I’m confused……
she’s confused as well lol
im sick of hearing about ian brady, nelson mandela and stephen lawrence. why isnt al beeb reporting on the death threats of nhs whistle blower Julie Bailey and investigating just exactly who these “local activists” are. sadly for Julie, she’s white, so al beeb cant scream racism, and the local activists are probably union comrades of the bbc
The Daily Mail mentions some of the people prominent in attacking Julie Baily, but doesn’t draw the connection that they are all Labour Party activists.
What the BBC’s brave investigative journalists should be doing:
MEPs claim expenses back – ‘Sign in and Sod Off’
“BBC raises £170m with first ever bond issue”
Beeboids: keep going in this direction and you can replace the licence fee.
British Gibraltar.
Excellent: Beeboids have to get their news from ‘Daily Mail’:
1.) ‘Daily Mail’:
“Spanish police fire four shots at British jet skier off Gibraltar:
UK government condemn ‘completely unacceptable’ use of force in British waters.”^headlines
2.) Beeboids’ report:
“UK protests after ‘shots fired at jet skier’ off Gibraltar”
David, posts from home are still being blocked. The posts are being made from the same IP address and with the same email I have used for every post on BBBC.
If I have not been blocked perhaps someone can expalain why, on June 24th, I could post at 8.00pm but a few minutes later I could not?
Interesting to note that this “block” came into play immediately before Alan, from his “position of power”, once again abused that position by adding comments to my post of 6.55pm rather in reply in the normal manner.
Thanks for telling us you are blocked in a post you have just put on a site that you claim blocked you ?? hmmmm
Using my work laptop that connects through a VPN network nence the phrase “posts from “home”.
So you are using a different IP to post on a privately run site you you don’t own don’t pay for and disagree with on every post and thread? a site that has every right to block you in the same way the BBC which you so love bans the plebs on a daily basis
Two wrongs don’t make a right
(however would be disappointed to find Albaman posting under false flag like a common troll)
Only ever used “Albaman” and my own email address for any posts on this site.
Not sure what your point is as whether using my home pc or work laptop I always use “Albaman” and the same email. I am sure many other posting here do the same thing. Do you really expect contributors to take their desktop with them when away on business?
If this “privately run site” does not want any dissenting voices then perhaps they should make it subscription only.
The points are as you are too dumb to follow! one you have no right what so ever to demand to say anything on here you don’t fund and don’t own so stop bitching and go to a site that you do like and won’t mod your inane B/S and subscription what like a BBC tax ? so you want this place run like the BBC ? hmm well many on here have to fund your pals and we don’t get any say so it would be just like now but you would be paying to stand in the shadows fiddling with your self !
two if your are posting from the same IP /mail/name then you are not banned so stop whining !
Unless he has a static IP address, it’s very easy to change it. Don’t know why he hasn’t tried this.
Just seen that he uses VPN though.
Bored with this.
‘Bored with this.’
Rather the aim of denial of service attrition so, possibly, job done.
There’s an ironic metaphor at play, whereby benign tolerance of increasingly loopy demands tends to see more and loopier ensue until they dominate the narrative. Hence this now seems ‘me-me-me point of’ rather than anything to do with published BBC excess or abuse of remit.
As a suggestion on modding, maybe BBBC management could invite Teresa May to guest in this role?
The BBC surely can only approve her selection and likely interpretations when they suit, and hence the vast number of BBC camp followers now deployed here cannot complain, and complain, and complain… either?
Well, in a sane world.
As to comparisons on holding to account sites, MSM or otherwise, Guardian CiF goes scorched earth the minute things veer off narrative. The Telegraph has been closed for comments on many interactive threads for weeks now. It can also obliterate everything, including comments, on whim. The BBC does it too. The world’s most trusted media monopoly posted an homage to the 1st Lady, including one degree of separation claims without context or counter, and when called to question, deleted any record.
The BBC also expedites those who hold them to account, on whim, in secret, without external appeal, usually at the point they have run out of ways to grind down, obfuscate or wallow in belief to a stupid level of delusion only those who control the edit can maintain, credibly or not. As recent BBC, NHS, CQC or Police exposes have shown, trust in establishment oversight of itself may be worth reconsidering, and check/balance systems taken away from those being held to account.
So this little free site seems quite tame on the censorship in comparison, despite what some feel saying often enough will change.
Hadn’t seen you here in a while. Was worried you’d done a flounce. 😀
‘worried you’d done a flounce.’
Oh, worry not…I did.
I just didn’t frame it as some of a more ‘artistic’ bent tend to do.
Never had a problem duelling with the Flokkers, but when things all went a bit Thermopylae and things didn’t add up on how systems work (ironic, eh?) I found other avenues to explore.
Nice to see some I respect still holding the fort. But sorry to see the walls crumbling from the human wave though.
Always keep an eye out; may dip in again if moved when the Farce really get daft, hypocritical, plain inaccurate, or all three, as they have been on this little sidebar venture up OTswelike Alley, getting high horsey on modding glitches on a free site whilst outright ignoring or idiotically trying to claim the BBC doesn’t a lot worse to forced funders.
So, who knows… I may even pop back.
Keep up the good work.
ps: Beness… that time travel catch below… deserved a lot more likes, as did RolandD’s nifty slap down of his pointman Mr. QbutnoA
This was posted in reply to David Preiser’s comment at 7.28pm on June 28th on the BBc Justice thread. No idea how it was “transported” to this thread.
drink less vodka comrad 😉
Albaman says:
June 26, 2013 at 9:36 am
This was posted in reply to David Preiser’s comment at 7.28pm on June 28th on the BBc Justice thread. No idea how it was “transported” to this thread.
June the 28th eh. Probably not gonna surface for another couple of days then.
Albaman’s inalienable right to comment anywhere he sees fit?
As far as I’m aware, this is a private blog which, unlike the BBC, users do not have to pay for. Furthermore, it does not consume some limited resource, which means that Albaman is free to create his own blog in any shape or form he sees fit, and to ramble on ’til his heart’s content. In my opinion therefore, this does not amount to censorship (which has been mentioned before) any more than refusing to engage with someone in a pub is censorship.
I’d be surprised if Albaman has in fact been blocked because, frankly, I’ve never read anything worth bothering about. Speaking purely for myself, however, I couldn’t give a stuff either way.
I could. I’d like to think this site is more tolerant of dissenting views than the BBC is. For example, Sir Arthur’s comment above.
Obviously it’s a matter of opinion.
The way I look at it, it would be impossible for any of us to set up our own BBC, hence my comment. Private blogs are easy.
I’ve read quite a few dissenting views on this blog. Unfortunately, some seem to go on and on. Perhaps that’s the reason.
Yep Joshaw I see plenty of disagreement and diverse thought on here and that’s great but also hit and run thread hijacking that deserve a shove into the dark now I know the ‘A’ man isn’t the worst but he also is trying to make a conspiracy out of it! instead of being rational and talking to the mods!
As always, Alby-baby has to shout it from the rooftops, instead of a quiet word with the mods to find out what the problem is… “The injustice of it all!!!” she squeals, in that “special” way that lefties do.
She’ll be DEMANDING a judge led public inquiry into these shenanigans, to be sure, be sure.
Chop, I tried the nice way by contacting the moderator using the “Editorial Contact” tab. Strangely no one had the decency to respond.
Is it a “righty” thing to call someone with “man” in their screen name “she” or are you trying to make some other point?
Forget the IP address you were able to log in using your password therefore you cannot be banned as you claim. Get your home computer sorted out. Your suspicions are based on the actions employed by your friends in the bbc.
My calling you “She” is because you happen to be acting like a little PARANOID lefty bitch, yet again flower.
Now get back in the kitchen, wench!
Btw, I have also tried to use the Editorial contact, and also, got no reply…
But, then again, I didn’t kick up a hissy fuss about it, I moved on, not for one second did I think “Boooohoooo!….they hate me, they’re out to get me….Sniff…I’m not paranoid, it’s them evil righty’s…they’re the paranoid ones….waaaaaaaaaaah!!!!”
True story.
I’d like to think this site is more tolerant of dissenting views than the BBC is.
Alan’s behaviour (following David Vance’s example) suggests otherwise. Posts disappear or are edited if they point out errors. IP addresses get banned if you don’t get the message that he doesn’t like criticism.
Joshaw: “As far as I’m aware, this is a private blog which, unlike the BBC, users do not have to pay for.”
Just a question – how much would one have to pay for a site’s administrators to behave like mature adults? And how come other free-to-use sites don’t have the same poor quality of behaviour by the people who claim to want to hold others to account?
Scott – suggest you hang around one of the “other free-to-use sites” then.
Your presence here serves no useful purpose.
“We’re all for free speech! But if you disagree with us, we’ll abuse you, and if you don’t like it, go away!”
Sums up the Biased BBC way, really. Say one thing, do another.
A bit like the bbc then?
Thank you for quoting the first part of my “defence” of Albaman. It’s a shame you didn’t also follow through to my example of Sir Arthur’s comment being deleted by the BBC moderators. You could then have answerd your own question of how much you’d have to pay. More than £145.50, it would seem.
One of my posts vanished last night, so don’t take it personally (I was rather proud of it too, but the moment has gone now, and rather than whine about it and think I was being victimised I just cracked on).
All comments on this in the DT disappeared in record time this morning. Wonder why?
I suppose it comes closer to an abuse of power than anything that Alan might be up to. I’m still not forced to pay for the DT though.
‘Comments are closed’. I’ll bet they are. On no account is reality to intrude into the cocooned lives of the bien pensant liberal elite.
I get blocked regularly Albaman, very frustrating and annoying; but I think that may be due to being in various different countries all the time.
I have no idea what the problem is, Albaman. All I can tell you is that the email and IP I know you use have not been blocked. The site’s database is a little sketchy, and I get logged out sometimes for no reason and have to log back in.
Unless maybe somebody is deleting your comments and then deleting them from the trash yet not deleting everything else in the trash. Seems a bit over the top, but what do I know.
Just out of interest David, do you have sole control of who is or isn’t blocked from posting on this site? Who are the moderators?
David Vance has obviously distanced himself so it won’t affect the regular appearance fees he receives from the BBC (Hypocrisy? NO!)
So which poor sap has he left in charge to do it for free whilst he rakes in all the benefits?
Hot air Harrabin-
Wind him up and here he goes:
Straight from fawning at Obama’s feet re-climate change, anti-shale gas Harrabin has this-
“UK given carbon emissions warning”
Harrabin does not see that his opening words may be the best news of the day:
“The UK is not on track to hit its climate change targets through the 2020…”
Rachael Burden said the other day ”Obama called George Osbourne, Jeffrey Osbourne by mistake !!”
Nicki ‘the ego has landed’ Campbell replied ” You mean like Geoffrey from Rainbow.” Cue 10 minutes of riotous laughter from Burden and the girl who reads out the travel news.
Yeah Nicki, very witty, bordering on Oscar Wilde. Does he not grasp it’s supposed to be a news programme, not the Campbell fan club. Why doesn’t he just get a canned laughter tape and he can play it after every utterance he makes ?
If that had been George Bush calling George Osbourne Jeffery, the BBC would have berated him for being an uninformed moron. In the case of Obama however the BBC portray it as a slight against Osbourne and excruciatingly funny.
Playing away from home BBC man hides failure behind Balls
The regular 5 Live morning compare is Nicky ‘I’m not on the BBC payroll’ Campbell….
Of course in addition to his BBC family he has other lines of income – from ITV
jackie stuart @auldcove 22h
‘Long Lost Family’ drops nearly 500k … via @digitalspy
Nicky Campbell Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 21h
@auldcove against the incredible testicle man. but gets its 4th biggest ever rating!
And failing all else there’s always cuddly wubbly tiggers….
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 22h
I took this photo of nine month old tiger in the care of @damianaspinall at Howletts. SO beautiful.
Man up man! Nicky, where’s yer trewsers?
The bBBC’s latest waste of our money: “Our obsession with celebrity culture is a result of our poorly adapted brains, argues social anthropologist Jamie Tehrani.”
What they mean really is their obsession with celebrities, not ours.
Agreed, Sir Arthur – also, I make a small bet with myself every time I hear the BBC announce, on their national news programmes, the death of some actor, playwright, comedian, technician, manager, etc., well-known and unknown, before they give their little bit of obituary….betting that they have a strong recent, or even historical association, with the BBC…. and that may be their only real claim to ‘fame’ or notoriety.
Funnily enough, I have won tons more bets than I have lost.
Try having a bet that they espoused some left wing or “anti-racist” cause (other than the BBC). You’ll win a shed load more of that virtual money. Particularly if you’ve never heard of them before.
On Saturday Chris Warburton did a Special about Space, that’ll be interesting I thought, but I was deluded.
Warburton ” Where will we be in 20, 50 or 100 years time, will we have a base on Mars ?”
Chris, mate, the way the demographics are going, we’re headed for Zimbabwe.
Warburton ” Why isn’t more women in Space ?”What a sexist comment, do you want shot of them ?
Obama wants NASA to make muslims feel good about themselves.
give them time and they’ll be in space. probably by hijacking a spacecraft and flying it into the international space station shouting allahu akbar
The coloreds are holding you back, eh, David B? This is lax reporting, because it does not mention the theft of building materials or that the sprays and paint dawbings were taken from the builders potacabin.
So an alternative view and more likely the truth, is that thieves broke in and for a bit of what they would call ‘fun’ vandalise the mosque. It is also poor vandals who turn up without their spray materials, relying on the builder MIGHT have in his cabin, I don’t think so!.
The entry has been updated at 11.25, now the theft and where the materials come from has been inserted, plus the piece has been toned down. I have a good idea, why don’t they write the story when they have all the facts and stop kneejerk response.
Updated 19:45 – “police now say the motive was robbery”. So the article has changed from knee jerk ‘Mosque violated by racist graffiti’ to ‘building material theft’. bBC shows their agenda time and time again.
I also see that the graffiti is very “diverse”. Not just EDL, but NF, KKK and a few swastikas as well. A bit over egged?
Probably not worth over analysing this, but I would have thought that the EDL would stick to “EDL”.
Don’t spoil a good story on ‘attacks’ on muslims. If people are writing nasty things about them on walls its no wonder they are chopping people’s heads off. Its the natural response . What’s the value of a white person’s life compared with the tinder box sensibilities of muslims.
BBC absolute obsession with drugs rolls on this morning.
Vicky Derbyshire is in the chair as the UN say the UK is the largest market for ‘legal highs’.
Have a great time down at Glasto Beeboids!
BBC: Legalise it : we’ll advertise it.
Yeah great idea for the BBC but can we have a few moments for a eulogy [ read by Brand ] to remember all those stars who sadly cannot be at grassto due to accidents with naughty substances that if legal wouldn’t kill anyone ever!
Is there no fashionable lefty junk issue that isn’t taken up by Today? This morning there was a discussion about which feminine icon should appear on our paper currency. Unbelievably I didn’t hear Mary Seacole or Clare Balding mentioned as possible names for the roll of honour. Following on from the howls of indignation concerning the Lawrence revelations, surely these omissions should be the subject of a judicial inquiry into racism and homophobia in academia and the BBC. Pro tem though, apologies from Lords Hall and Patten are certainly in order.
Back to reality: FWIW and IMHO the only persons who should appear are the reigning sovereign and Britannia. The academics
wasting timeinvolved in this discussion were Maggie Andrews, professor of cultural history at the University of Worcester, (yes there is such a “university” – and still people wonder why youfs graduate from our tertiary education system more or less unable to function in the real world) and Professor Julia Higgins, who chairs a committee on “increasing diversity” – I think they mean this – among scientists. Prof Higgins is a tragic example of a gifted real scientist wasting her time – and, presumably, our money – on quasi-feminist drivel.I nominate Julie Bailey.
I nominate Abi Titmuss for the £50 and if I can be so bold ,Clare Baldy to be left at the bottom of a mine shaft !
Mad Mel
They’ve been running the ‘story’ about women on banknotes for the last two days. One of their harpies says “It’s about white upper class men from limited backgrounds having a limited number of heroes. What is this except a public school boy’s list?”
They asked for comments on which famous woman should be next. I wrote to suggest that, if they want a famous woman from a working-class background who didn’t go to a public school, how about Margaret Thatcher?
They haven’t published any ideas yet.
Well to be fair they probably drowned in their own bile and hatred filled frothing when they saw that name so couldn’t post it !
In my view Lady Thatcher is the only candidate that should be considered for the banknote. If only we had a leader like her now.
Dianne Abbott must be right up there, she is eminently qualified because ……………………………………
…….. give me a bit of time and I will come up with something.
The notes are not big enough to fit her fat arse on them.
It strange because I thought there was a female icon on all our notes and coins for the last 60 years. Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II
I nominate Rachel Riley. She’s married to a financier, and her maths skills might just help balance our nation’s books.
re. the George Zimmerman case on which Mark Mardell and others at the BBC have been so biased. Zimmerman claimed that he acted in self defence because the “Little Angel” Trayvon was pounding his head into the pavement.
I am not sure if this photo has been posted before – but it was the clincher for me many months ago. And yesterday it turned out in the trial that the police should have taken a photo of Zimmerman as he was at first – this photo was not taken until after he had been washed and cleaned up.
Has the BBC ever ever shown this photo ? Or even mentioned it ?
Jared Taylor on the Trayvon Martin shooting, Facts versus Fantasy.
“Little Angel” Trayvon”
Gangsta photographs of Trayvon and on his Twitter account, he called himself ” No Limit Nigga.”
The BBC did show this and another less-than-angelic photo of Martin in one of those short video pieces they like to do about US issues. It was up briefly, then pushed off the website by more recent productions. This doesn’t balance out the focus the BBC put on the angelic photo, or the dishonest way they – just like the US MSM – juxtaposed the angelic school photo of the very young boy with the glum adult Zimmerman’s mugshot. Nor does it balance out the fact that the BBC has been serially dishonest in describing the incident itself.
But have they ever shown the photo of the injuries at the back of Zimmerman’s head ?
Or even mentioned his claim that he was underneath 6-foot “Little Angel” Trayvon and was having his head pounded into the pavement ?
No, they haven’t, as far as I’m aware. What’s worse is that the BBC has never reported that ABC doctored video footage to hide those injuries, just like NBC doctored the audio of Zimmerman’s phone call to make him sound racist (news of which the BBC has also censored). As for the physical altercation between Zimmerman and Martin, unless there’s something I’ve missed, the BBC has presented that as merely a claim by Zimmerman, and not as a fact backed up by publicly available evidence.
There’s no reason to trust any BBC reporting on this story, and every reason not to trust them.
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Britain, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks..
“IMMIGRANTS, NOT Briatins, MUST ADAPT … Take it Or Leave It.
I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Britain’s.
‘This culture has been developed over two Melina of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom’
‘We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!’
‘Most Britain’s believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home because God is part of our culture.’
‘We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why, all we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.’
‘This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great British freedom, ‘THE RIGHT TO LEAVE’.’
‘If you aren’t happy here then LEAVE. We didn’t force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted
^^ A hoax email.
told on wed? … who by?
common sense?
one could even imagine english, not being the first language at hand here.
Loses any power with the atrocious spelling and grammar. Makes the argument look stupid, when it isn’t.
This has been trolled around Australia for some years with false claims it was a speech by successive Prime Ministers.
You may be right; you may be wrong but your rant has little to do with the subject of this site which is BBC bias. AFAIAA the site is not directly concerned with how immigrants fit into the country and the society to which they have chosen to migrate. It does, however, concern itself with the BBC’s treatment of the subject. IMHO, unless you and other commenters like you exercise some restraint by restricting themselves to comment on the BBC’s behaviour then this valuable resource – which B-BBC undoubtedly is – will rapidly become, if not discredited, then completely ineffective. OTOH, now I come to think of it, maybe that’s your objective.
I agree. My understanding of this site is that every post should be about the bias of the BBC, including contrasts with other media treatment of the same subjects.
Sir Arthur, I agree, but recognise that there are issues which are not reported by the BBC and it may reveal a lot about the bias through drawing attention to them. However, the email mentioned above has been doing the rounds and has been attributed to various Australian and Canadian politicians. At best it indicates a sense of frustration, but does not relate to BBC bias.
I agree: my ‘including contrasts with other media treatment of the same subjects’ was intended to cover examples where the bBBC ignores stories covered elsewhere. Omission is the most insidious type of their bias.
But it’s not my site so David Vance can decide.
This is better and has some anti-beeb in it…
Londonistan 2030
Prince Charles
”The Prince of Wales was at the White House last week, hoping, the Daily Telegraph reported, ‘to convince President Bush of the merits of Islam … because he thinks the United States has been too intolerant of the religion since Sept. 11, 2001.’ This is a drum Prince Charles has been beating for years. In 1993, for example, he scolded those in the West who peddled ‘unthinking prejudices’ about Muslim culture – for example, ‘that sharia law of the Islamic world is cruel, barbaric, and unjust.’ Two months after 9/11, he was lambasting the American attitude toward Islam as ‘too confrontational’.”
And if fate is unkind to us, we will have Carlo as the defender of faith, not THE faith.
I have a feeling he wont be in the job long.
What the hell are Briatins? Or “two Melina”? Dear, oh dear.
Melina Mercouri? That should raise the temperature.
Glastonbury: the Beeboids’ publicly-financed, self-indulgent ‘culture’ fest 2013.
The Beeboid trailers and ‘plugs’ are already inflicted on us.
“BBC will broadcast over 120 performances from Glastonbury 2013, with coverage also on Songs Of Praise and The One Show”
“…the BBC would take 296 staff to work on the event at the end of June, up from the 263 that worked at the 2011 festival.”
BBC is broadcasting 250 hours of Glastonbury. I wonder how many hours they broadcast on the subject of Christianity ?
Peter Hitchens ”Britain is no longer a Christian country.”
Its charter requires 110 hours of religious broadcasting a year. That obviously includes documentaries and discussion programmes about all religions as well as the acts of worship regularly broadcast (Songs of Praise, Choral Evensong, Daily Service, Sunday Service, as well as Carols From King’s at Christmas)
I agree that 250 hours is a lot for Glastonbury, but why compare it with the number of hours of Christian broadcasts? Glastonbury isn’t a competing religion.
What happens if St Nelson pops his cloggs during Glasto?
Just now on the daily politics show covering the chancellors speech a public sector union boss said that there should be no more cuts to bureaucracy as any efficiency savings have already been made and so all waste has been got rid of. Pull the other one its got bells on. Public sector unions live in cloud cuckoo land.
Oh and when is the license fee going to be cut so that the BBC can do it’s bit in saving the public money or are they exempt?
Oh my God – do you think they’re keeping Him alive until Mumford & Son’s encore? Can you imagine the sea of iPhones waving as one in tribute to the ascending star?
Why not get the BBC to spend more money on extra staff to answer complaints. Maybe they will think twice about their reporting if they have to employ more staff to respond to complaints . When I was actively regularly complaining about bias the reply back “We cannot continue to answer letters from one source as it is a waste of tax payer’s money” A letter to my local MP that they were obliged to meant they had to continue.
For those that are interested some of the complaints and answers can be found in my blogs at
Illegal Romanians in England.
Update: for pro-mass immigration BBC-NUJ:-
“Free flights home for Romanian squatters rounded up from Hendon shanty town”
Of course the mass immigration into U.K from Romania-Bulgaria really starts in January, 2014:-
theyre gypsies not romanian/ bulgarians!
British government bans Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller from Britain.
Censoring BBC-NUJ, and political left-Islam allliance will be pleased.
“Britain capitulates to jihad”
“In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the country solely because of our true and accurate statements about Islam, the British government is behaving like a de facto Islamic state. The nation that gave the world the Magna Carta is dead.”
“founder of a blog jihadwatch a site criticized? … for being islamophobic”
and? … well? … so?
who the hell is writing that twaddle, the bloody UAF, did anyone see the section attributed to mr spencers work? the passage?…
we ve just waved freedom of speech/expression goodbye.
“we re going to hell in a handcart”
the state we re in – peruse this defamatory pap … then just check out the readers comments 😀
Tony Lloyd
“I believe passionately in freedom of speech. Despite the fact the EDL stand for everything I am opposed to, I have defended their right to express themselves – and that’s despite the cost of policing their rallies. But this is a step too far.”
Hmm, seems like he’s contradicting himself.
And when the day of reckoning comes, you can thank these spineless cowards for betraying the country their ancestors fought for:
Tony Blair
Gordon Brown
David Cameron
Theresa May
(feel free to add to the list)
and last, but certainly not least, the main contributors to the downfall of this once proud kingdom, the BBC, for their incessant support for the religion of peace and the sheer condemnation of British culture and values which has shamelessly been funded by the taxpayer.
Add:- the infamous ex-Labour government Home Secretary, Jacqui SMITH, for banning Geert WILDERS, Dutch MP.
freedom of speech is alive and well in Britain, so long as the fascist left agree with what youre saying
al bbc well … they just couldn t wait
could they 😀
its a shame they didnt allow comments. but i suppose they dont want to hear what the majority think
Wow no comments allowed ? Albethingy will be going mad demanding his/her /it’s right to reply and calling them ‘rightys’ and whining about censorship and that if that ‘publicly run corporation’ does not want any dissenting voices then perhaps they should make it subscription only.
Truly disgusting what message does send?
That as a nation we are willing to abandon any principle out of fear?
That any group can dictate our domestic and foreign policy if they can threaten enough violence?
Whatever happened to the government ‘not giving in to blackmail?
Whatever happened to the government ‘not giving in to blackmail?
That swiftly ended when friend Blair took the reigns and surrendered to the demands of G.Bush for a nice lifetime payout.
Petition to British government to lift ban on Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller.
(Can be passed around Broadcasting Houses. Kidding.)
if one gets set up at the uk govs petition web site i’ll sign it
But sign that one any way (and pass it on) a big response on ‘’ will wipe the liberal inquisitions eye.
done 🙂
i did think about starting one on the UK govs site, but i dont want my name published. the nazi uaf and their religion of peace associates would probably hunt me down and the government banned automatic rifles so i cant defend myself 😉
The Beebinator, You may be joking, but the group calling itself Anonymous, have been publishing addresses of EDL members and would no doubt publish details of people they deem to be fascists who sign petitions supporting the two bloggers who want to spread truth about Islam. As in the Netherlands, publication of addresses can be fatal. And don’t expect this Home Secretary to give a damn.
and that my friends is the technique of terror
thanks for the heads up mr lamb. im moving in with tony martin. i’d feel a lot safer with him around
@ albarman.why is a socalist workers party far left troublemaker like you moaning about your comments being blocked,you must be making offensive comments,your in the wrong blog mate
I am not as smart as Katty Kay, who recently tweeted the following: “Good to see traditional reporting on board Aeroflot flight to Havana – in age of google ethg, this smacks of the old days.”
As far as I can see this refers to Edward Snowden, who was not a flight the press thought he was on. Surely this is a non event?
So can someone please (genuinely) tell me what the hell she is talking about?
I think she was referring to all the smoking and drinking….
going the toilet and taking heroin :p
Then boasting about it
And then getting a lifetime open invite onto any BBC programme of your choice.
Spending Review on PM.
The BBC thought the critical thing was stopping automatic pay progression and Caroline Quinn, the presenter, was worried how much WE would lose. Does the BBC have automatic pay progression linked to some part of the pubic sector ? If so it was highly unprofessional to use the word WE. Or is the presenter so close to the rest of the public sector that she identifies herself with them? If so isn’t this revealing an extraordinary degree of bias?
Is anyone out there who doubts that the BBC, Keith Vaz, Hope not Hate, and this Tory Government are singing from the same pro Islamic sheet? The banning of these two Americans, and the manner in which it is applauded by the BBC speaks volumes.
As. usual this incompetent coalition acts before it thinks.
What this sorry state of affairs tells me is that the liberal elite is very scared. Scared of militant Islamists and even more scared of the EDL and the possible millions who silently approve of it.
The ban will achieve nothing but could well backfire as some of us seek out the writings of Spencer and Geller.
What next? Censorship of the press , the internet and even conversation.
Liberals always end up as tyrants provided incompetence does not do for them first.
What a shower they are!
As for the BBC- well what can you say. Not noticed any defenders of free speech allowed to have a say. It is probably a good thing they are all off to Glastonbury. It is about their level these days.
Shock news: Liverpool’s mayor says that Scousers are whingers!
Elsewhere on the BBC:
The Pope is found to be Catholic.
Bears are proven to defecate in the woods.
A casual reader of BBC news might conclude that Mandela’s impending death is due to his ill treatment as a prisoner.
“He has a long history of lung problems, and was diagnosed with tuberculosis in the 1980s while he was a prisoner on Robben Island.
After his release, Mr Mandela said that the tuberculosis was probably caused by dampness in his prison cell.”
This was mentioned on the TV news also. He’s only 94. Cut off in his prime by inhumane prison conditions. The infrequently reported reason he was in prison is that he was a terrorist.
Just hear that Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller have been banned from entry to the UK as it may upset the Muslim community – speaking against hatred, paedophilia, wife beating and murder is now banned in this country… Anything on the BBC about why they are banned when hate filled Muslims preachers are allowed to say and do anything they like in Shari a Britain…?
Letter of complaint already gone to my MP.
Fat lot of good that will do.
The BBC have decided that Julia Gillard was given the chop because of sexism and misogyny.
Nothing to due with the carbon tax, the re-creation of the boat-people immigration problem (which has led to thousands of deaths and was non-existent at the end of John Howard’s govt) or the fact that she’s probably the most dishonest, manipulative self-serving PM in the history of Australia.
This report makes it out to be due to Rudd’s attacks on her, a personal revenge for what she did to him three years ago, plus self-serving cabinet ministers maneuvering in the hopes of keeping their own seats at the next election. All personal, pure self-interest stuff. No mention as to why people feel the party would have a better result under Rudd. Perhaps Australian voters are misogynists?
What? Against sheilas? Strewth!
Like the Vikings of Norway, Aussie men seem to have evolved into self-flagellating wimps.
They always were. The reason they didn’t allow women into bars was because the women would drink them under the table – even on the weak piss that Aussies call beer.
Nah, yer Aussie has always been a Jessie …
such dreadful misogynists that they gave her the job in the first place
Internal power struggles are known in every democratic country. To suggest Gillard was defeated because she is a women is feminist nonsense. Didn’t the ALP know she was a woman when she was elected in the first place? Was she wearing a mens suit and slicked down hair like Julie Andrews in Victor Victoria and fooled them all?
Is my memory playing tricks? My recollection was that Kevin Rudd was deposed because of his unpopularity with the electorate. But the BBC told me yesterday that he was only unpopular in his party but very popular with the electorate.
Yes, noticed that too. The BBC’s coverage of this has been lamentable; I spend about 30 minutes a week following Aussie politics and their Sydney bureau are either down the beach all day or outright liars.
Or both.
He was unpopular when it was time for a woman to be leader. Now that Narrative needs to be tossed aside.
The BBC makes it out to be a case of personal vendetta, which is normal in politics. But they leave out the conventional wisdom that the party would do better in an election under Rudd. If the party wasn’t in trouble because of Gillard’s poor leadership, Rudd’s challenge wouldn’t have been successful. The BBC essentially sweeps that under the rug and makes it personal, so Gillard is a victim rather than a poor leader.
Will Beeboids and Chakrabarti’s ‘Liberty’ campaign for Robert Spencer (Christian) and Pamela Geller (Jewish) of ‘JihadWatch’ to be allowed to visit Britain?
Or does such campaigning only apply to such as ex-Gitmo Binyam Mohamed (Muslim)?
Pamela Geller:-
“I have been banned in Britain. My crime? My principled dedication to freedom. I am a human rights activist dedicated to freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and individual rights for all before the law. I fiercely oppose violence and the persecution and oppression of minorities under supremacist law. I deplore violence and work for the preservation of freedom of speech to avoid violent conflict.
“I have never been convicted of any crime. I have never been arrested. I became a writer and activist in the wake of 911.
“For this I am banned. I shed no tears. I am banned from Mecca, too.”
A reprise:
“Binyam Mohamed: The false martyr.”
Saturday 22nd june was Armed forces day here in Northern Ireland which was an amazing family day out in Carrickfergus that saw amongst other things , the Red Arrows giving an amazing display.
Looks like the office temps that appear to run the beeb in NI over the weekends were once again left in charge as it appears that the day never got a single mention on either their web page or tv news.
No big surprise any more given their anti-british,pro-republican stance but don’t they have an obligation to report on such an occasion ?
I’m stunned by this, and from an alleged Tory Home secretary…..But obviously the BBC are cock a hoop.
Has everyone heard the radio Asian network “debate” from last Saturday featuring Robert Spencer and Nick Lowes…If not I urge you all to listen, it’s a real eye opener….Lowles pulls the usual “no platform” rubbish and so it’s left to the Asian network presenter Nihal, to pull Lowles argument apart, and he does so with consummate ease. Robert Spencer then talks knowledgeably and eloquently about all things Islam, so much so, that a London Imam that is featured on the programme, complains to Nihal that this (the Koran) is Spencers specialist subject, and therefore the Imam can’t possibly take him on in an open debate.
In regards to Robert Spencer, this decision by May is an absolute disgrace, and shows just how far the political elites are out of touch with stone cold reality…..The UAF are pictured marching on British streets with radical Islamists, Choudary runs amok, Hope Not Hate these days almost refuses to even mention Islamist groups, and yet the manipulative Nick Lowles drafts up a petition to have an extremely knowledgeable American banned from entering the U.K….
I am genuinely disgusted by this. Totally and utterly.
And all this in the wake of that disgusting savagery in Woolwich.
The religion f permanent offence has pushed the boundaries and found a compliant, appeasing, cowardly Government paralysed with fear.
Stand by for even more savagery from these barbaric animals.
likewise, like the majority ignored
.. i reiterate read the comments
Don’t be surprised. May and Cameron are not conservatives. The former made that clear years ago and the latter is merely a PR man. I don’t think principles came into their decision. All they want is an easy life and a bit of power. We deserve better .
the cartel of vaz, khan, pickles, and warsi
the signa-tories, all have blame here.
a more stinking, self serving rotten bunch of loathesome individuals it is hard to imagine
here … freedom of speech/expression is “down the pan” … fact and truth forget about it … cowardice the easy option,
One of the comments underneath the youtube clip
”Saudi Arabia must have paid oil money to Corrupt British politicians to ban Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller.
It’s called a deferred payment scheme. Every bent politician in the west knows that if they help Islam in some way they can expect to get to receive at least a million dollar “consultancy” payment from the gulf states after they leave office.
Tony Blair received 26 million dollars from Kuwait for example.”
I think Spencer could be missing the point here. He is accused of hate speech and the defence against that accusation is not to show you are speaking the truth. The truth is irrelevant, and the BBC and the Imam’s know this. What matters is whether you cause offence, true or not. Likewise, if speaking the truth will upset someone in the community, it has to be silenced. Anyone for Shariah?
Yes, so any Muslims, by continuing to behave like offended victims of certain words, get the freedom of speech to criticise Islam BANNED!
Interested, BBC-NUJ?
Apparently, freedom fighters, Spencer and Geller, have been banned because of ‘Islamophobia’, a favourite accusatory word of unelected Muslim Cabinet Minister, Baroness Warsi.
Meanwhile, the political class (inc BBC-NUJ) continues with its ‘Islamophilia’.
“Islamophilia Unmasked”
By Bruce Bawer.
Lets give credit to the BBC when credit is due!
They have actually admitted that a black person can indulge in a racially motivated attack! How thrilled they would have been had this thug been ethnic British however! Even Mandela would have been pushed out to make room for the story!
A two-year-old boy had his collarbone broken when his mother was assaulted in a racially-motivated attack at a London railway station.
The boy, who was in a pushchair, was hurt when his mother was pulled by the hair and dragged to the ground at Walthamstow Central on Sunday.
The black woman was racially abused by the man, who was also black, for having a mixed-race child, police said.
For BBC_NUJ’s not so erudite economics and business staff (and Father of ‘Newsnight’ NUJ chapel, Comrade Mason):-
“Let me say it again. State spending is not being cut. And it’s iniquitous of the BBC to claim otherwise”
If Glover is correct then the BBC is not just being it’s usual incompetent self but deliberately distorting the reality of the matter. Yet another reason to finish it off.
It’s failures and excesses are pure ancien regime.
Glastonbury is the true face of BBC indolence and profligracy.
BBC Nicky Campbell to George Osborne:
“Nevermind howyerdefine the public sector capitalexpenditurenumber, werentit a funny joke wot Ed-Balls toldaboutyer!? Awww… anwegave youachance to be human!”
And the BBC sports team is just as full of dumbed-down, amateur, self-regarding, immature and self-obsessed wannabe ner-ner ner-ner-ner heroic loved-by-their-public liberal platitude spouting celebrities.
“And theres a video of our commentary team…. at the very moment RogerFederer wasknockout!”
My favourite was “izzatnoaddintathawelfurbul?” That was Nicky protesting against the outrage of people being asked to attend classes to learn English and how such a policy would add to the welfare bill..
So on comes Ed Balls and as per bloody usual the BBC with Nicky Campbell in the box seat attacks from – guess which end of the political spectrum? Yep from the Left. He quotes a line from our one Green MP.
Ah…. smell the the nostalgia….its just like the good old days when Labour were in power and all the BBC criticism was trying to push them ever leftward.
It seems the economy did not enter a double dip recession. Let’s see how the BBC plays that one.
ah…headline news on Radio 4 at 12 noon. I paraphrase but it went something like ‘the UK did not enter a double dip recession BUT the original recession was much deeper than economists had originally thought’. As usual the BBC cannot give any good news for this government without a ‘BUT’.
Yes, but just to point out that the ‘deeper than originally thought’ original recession that they are talking about, was Gordon’s in 2008/9. I guess that the BBC didn’t make that clear.
Let alone a double dip, these figures actually mean that the present government has not taken us into a recession of any description.
That’s why the bBBC reporter had to delete their usual ‘Labour says …’ from the article.
The BBC began its campaign against the deportation of smug, beardy lefty Trenton Oldfield on the London local news programme the other evening. A soft interview with Oldfield ended with a lingering shot of Mrs Oldfield’s bump. Mrs O is due to give birth to a leftling very soon. He was asked why he did the boat race stunt. Oldfield explained that he had tried everything, been to all the protests and felt he had nothing left to do but put his body on the line. This was not challenged.
Of course, the BBC needn’t worry about Oldfield. There is no chance that he will be deported. A smug, beardy, parasitical lefty lawyer will probably make a mint ensuring that it does not happen.
If they’d carried on rowing no action would have been takes, as the coroner would have returned a verdict of death by misadventure….sigh.
Geller and Spencer may have made a tactical error in electing to speak at an EDL rally. This, however, is Biased BBC so let’s look at how the BBC reports the Geller/Spencer banning. Can we guess what the BBC thinks? US bloggers banned from entering UK
Many don’t read past the bold text. ‘Right decision’, ‘Foster hatred’ and The UK should never become a stage for inflammatory speakers who promote hate” Keith Vaz MP.
The previous article used the same technique. EDL rally: Theresa May considers banning US bloggers from UK The bold text: ‘Extremists’ and ‘Fascism and hate’
“tactical error in electing to speak at an EDL rally”?
as far as i am aware that is deliberate misinformation
don t believe everything you read, especially at the bbc wink wink
Is the EDL already banned, or is that next week?
After all, the mere existence of such a non-Islamic organisation annoys some Muslms.
(Which is not to say that the mere existence of certain Islamic organisations doesn’t annoy some non-Muslims.)
A ban will create an avalanche of new members.
Several negative statements about Geller and Spencer appear in the BBC article, and only one – Universal Tommy – speaking for their side. No other voices allowed, thanks to BBC thought control.
As with the ban on Wilders a few years ago, the BBC refuses to discuss who would actually be incited into violence. Hint: it’s not the people Geller and Spencer would have been speaking to. I’m sure Nicky Campbell will be on the case.
BBC Breaking News – Nelson Mandela much better today
thank god for that, i was so worried
Will someone please put us all out of our misery and end this non-story of a dying terrorist.
However on the other hand, here is a cheery story from multi-culti Britain:-
Clash of cultures fails and has been confirmed on non other than ‘The Apprentice, You’ve been fired’:-
at about 23minutes and 53seconds.
Spot the faux pas by Dara O’Briain!
the BBC is more concerned with community cohesion rather than exposing muslim sex gangs abusing whitey
BBC Look North today had a story that the Muslim grooming gangs had also abused a young Muslim girl. They didn’t identify her and an actor spoke her words. No evidence offered nor if she’d told the police. She said her community blamed her. The whole gist of the story was that the gangs didn’t just groom white girls but also “South Asian” girls, whoever they are. They go “under the radar” apparently, and don’t come forward, according to an Imam, because of reasons of honour. However, don’t worry because they have the solution to the problem; a “sermon” has been given at all mosques condemning sexual violence. There is something decidedly suspect about this story in my view.
In what way suspect?
Her reticence in wanting to go public is understandable in light of the Islamic ‘honour’ practice of blaming the victim for the crime of the perpetrator.
I’m actually surprised to see the BBC running such a story as they usually protect ‘communities’ such as hers.
If BBC-NUJ is interested:-
“Shooting the Messenger”
“While every Islamist leader from around the world has found asylum and taxpayer-funded homes in the UK, Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller are too dangerous to allow into Londonistan.”
‘JihadWatch’ site is currently not available: perhaps because of a cyber jihad attack, which are increasingly a threat to free speech, but rarely reported by MSM, inc BBC-NUJ.
‘Atlas Shrugs’ site is still operating, and Pamela Geller has this:
Also note:-
“Cyber Jihad Fatwas to Hack and Use Malicious Acts”
“The Speech That Got Robert Spencer Banned From The UK”
(2 min video clip).
Update: ‘Jihadwatch’ is available again:
” Free speech in the UK: Sayonara ”
“Thinking Allowed” on BBC Radio 4 26/6/2013 from 16:00 with friendly, moderate, woolly, ‘nice’ Laurie Taylor.
The first half was about perceptions of benefit claimants, a discussion with one Ruth Patrick. Predictably, it concentrated on attacking the notion of scroungers who lie around all day watching TV and don’t try to get work; in intellectual terms, this is low-hanging fruit or a paper tiger if you prefer. Ruth Patrick was typical of the kind of voice that you hear increasingly on TV and radio now: not inarticulate but rather lightweight. She continually used the filler expression “kind of”, sometimes two or three times in one sentence; then there was “literally”, often a pointless word; we also had “should of” with the /ov/ clearly articulated in the strong form, when it should be either /hav/ or the weak form (like the ‘e’ in the French ‘le’ or ‘de’).
The casual bias of Taylor was there as ever, in a reference to protests in that annus mirabilis 1968 and anti-anti-foreigner sentiment, plus a dig at Boris Johnson over his insensitive remarks about Liverpool and Hillsborough 1989, in a piece on sentimentality especially after the death of Princess Diana.
Finally, there was a discussion on the correlation between criminality and wars, with special reference to British servicemen and the conflicts of 1914 and 1939. I listened carefully but could not always understand what they were driving at; though the comments of Deirdre McManus seemed reasonable, it made me feel a little uneasy for some reason, perhaps because I expect anti-military bias from Taylor and the BBC.
Yesterday, Victoria Derbyshire interviewed a smug, beardy lefty called Guy Taylor. Billed as a person from an anti-capitalist group called Globalise Resistance, Taylor was interviewed concerning The National Domestic Extremism Unit’s database of 9000 people. Taylor had obtained his own police file by FOI request. His view was that the police monitoring of him was a waste of time and money, and he was worried about the right to peacefully protest. So should people like Taylor be monitored?
A few things which never came out in the interview. The Globalise Resistance website says
A 2 B Marches or Direct Action?
Duh! Both! Some direct action (check the student protests before Xmas 2010, or some of the actions in Cairo of late) stems from A 2 B marches. .
That would be the Xmas 2010 protests that ended in mass violence and vandalism.
Up until 2010, Taylor was a member of the Socialist Workers Party (he resigned along with others in a typical left-wing spat about who could speak at a meeting). Wherever the SWP are involved, violence and disorder are not far behind.
Contrary to his billing, his Linkedin page suggests he no longer runs Globalise Resistance, but boasts that he
Ran campaigning anti-capitalist group Globalise Resistance for 8 years – organising events (direct action, demonstrations, media stunts), mass mobilisations (2000 people to Genoa July 2001, 500 to Brussels Dec 2001, significant groups to New York, Nairobi, Hong Kong, Gothenburg, Paris, Cairo, Seville, Barcelona and more), campaign, mobilisations and conferences (Social Forums in Florence, Paris, Nairobi and London, National Conferences in London), Public Speaking, online communications are particular strengths.
So here we have a man who organises demos across not only countries but continents. Fine if they’re peaceful, but we know they always seem to end up violent.
So to answer my question, I think the police were right to monitor this bloke.
One last thing: on his Linked page he states that he is now Campaigns & Communications Officer at Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants. Why was this withheld from 5 Live listeners? Probably because 5 Live didn’t want immigration associated with a street demonstrating, anti -capitalist ex-SWP man who was monitored by the police.
‘Why was this withheld from 5 Live listeners?’
You should know by now that the BBC operates a strict ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy where either hard Left campaigners or welfare sob stories are concerned.
you just got to giggle sometimes…
Saving the planet one bird at a time…
swifts are my favourite bird. theyre like the proper fast jet fighters of the bird world. i see them at dusk screaming as theyre feeding on insects making hard banking turns to catch them. when the wind turbines are all pulled down because theyre useless in a year years time, this little bird will be remembered as a hero. rest in peace little birdie 😥
just seen an interview with Mandela’s daughter regarding the foreign media. She called them racist because they’re hanging around like vultures waiting for Nelson to die. i have to agree with her, the BBC is quite clearly guilty of racism in this instance
Was Winnie there?
8pm BBC4 and David Attenborough narrated The Himalayas
(2010-2011 Episode 4 of 14)
‘Documentary looking at the wildlife of the most stunning mountain range in the world, home to snow leopards, Himalayan wolves and Tibetan bears’
Yes it was all of what the BBC says and it contained some wonderful camera work of the breath taking scenery.
But thrown in gratis we got dire warnings about climate change – which… ‘scientist say…’ ‘may…. dah dee dah’
Oh and David admonished me for not being a Buddist – since the Buddist people of the Himilayas are so very ‘in tune’ with nature. Good for them.
Funnily enough so ‘in tune’ with the natural world are they that they don’t have to pay David’s wages through the tedious old first world TV Licence Fee.
Just me or has Attenborough reverted to being an old Hippy?
The BBC culture is a bad influence even on the best of minds.
if he’s a hippy and been smoking whacky tabacky it explains a lot. Cannabis has now become so powerful and strong because of human induced catastrophic climate change, you dont even have to smoke it to get stoned no more. you just look at it while its still in its clippy bag and boom, youre blitzed. i wish
It seems only yesterday that Buddhists were being attacked for being islamophobic.
Perhaps there is no contradiction?