Victoria Derbyshire can’t stop and won’t stop talking.
She was rabbiting on about Ian Brady much to the annoyance of listeners who texted in to say ‘no more….it’s just giving him the publicity he craves.’
She read out some of the texts and said ‘Their point is that we shouldn’t be reporting on this ….’
To which she added….‘…which is another debate.’
Made me laugh anyway.
Another open thread….carry on…tell us what it is about the BBC that makes you laugh……
I see saint Mandela’s daughter has come out and accused the reporters and journalists surrounding the hospitals as ‘racists’, stating although he is ‘a cultural icon’, him and his family still have the right to privacy. I wonder how the BBC journalists and reporters will take to such accusations, given their propensity surrounding the situation and their relentless, void updates.
So intruding on someone’s privacy has been added to the list of offences deemed to be racist? Is there anything that isn’t? Presumably making donations to the Mandela family trust, which the BBC is equally silent about, is still OK?
the BBC is racist according to mandelas daughter. i hope scott will be joining me outside beeboid HQ screaming shame on you racist scum
Its those men again.
As I see it the under age girls were taken to places where they had sex with various men. Are the police intending to arrest these men? Is this the end of the line? Come on…police and social workers have let the girls down, but there are rapists out there who need to be rounded up. Hopefully, some campaigning journos from the BBC will be on to the story.
I see that a wind turbine in Scotland has made a rare bird even rarer:
Birdwatchers see rare swift killed by wind turbine
Looks like a flying killer whale to me. I’ll be watching the BBC news this evening for a full account of the tragedy……..
Wracked in grief, I got the link badly wrong.
Birdwatchers see rare swift killed by wind turbine
poor birdy 😥 😥 😥
I see this has already been covered. Apologies to BigT.
after more of the same projectionism from al bbc on their report on spencer/geller banning ie just check out the page 😀 ie – Right decision’, ‘Foster hatred’
highlighted the traitor Vaz, quoted
we have astute commentary as always from steyn
and below … it can t be said any clearer, or with more eloquence.
oop! forgot to add, the segment, it is on 3 mins
If you want a glimpse on what passes for analysis on the BBCs “flagship” current affairs Toady show, look no further than dear Evan Davis and his bitchslp of an “interview” with the Chancellor this morning..
The bawling and shrilling from Davis was continual-and he`s done this before to Osborne( and has not had retraining in how to frame a question or wait for the answer)…but the crap at the end on the brand of burger that Osborne had the other day was a joke and a disgrace,.
Only the BBC would chide him for not getting a Big Mac( I thought the BBC hated MacDonalds and their environmental devastation of Stings forests, but are we to change our views now?)…and the namechecks for Byrons burgers(by appointment to the toffs according to Evan, but what would that man of the people know of such things?) surely were product placement by Davis.
And the brand of Osbornes burger is about the limit of expose and analysis by the BBC of the Coalition spending plans…it`s not Labour, so it`ll never fly or avoid the doom and gloom of Evan and his BBC tinklers!
A joke, I telllsya!
“Don’t recoil from this….’If you want to help (the poor), vote Labour’.” Osborne is too slow-witted to deal with this. If he thinks he can get away with saying anything without the BBC making it into an issue with which to vault Labour back into power, he’s even more of a fool than I thought.
It’s a shame Davis and the Today team decided to make this an ideological attack piece instead of using his economics training and discussing a couple of details. I came away learning nothing about Osborne’s plan other than how Labour was going to spin it for electioneering purposes.
“I came away learning nothing…other than how Labour was going to spin it for electioneering purposes.”
BBC News & Current Affairs in a nutshell
Very amusing segment on Today this morning (@7:31 in) featuring Justin Webb openly advocating against the new Osborne scheme to make newly unemployed people wait an entire week before claiming jobless benefits, and telling Ed Balls how astonishing it is that he won’t side with the TUC and other advocates condemning the plan. Over and over again, Webb entreated Balls to get on side, trying to get him to realize it would hurt Labour politically to appear so callous, supporting this attack on the poorest and most vulnerable.
Some may suggest that ol’ Justin was merely playing devil’s advocate – and a fine acting job he’s done if so, with the vocal inflections and emotive tone – trying to goad Balls into changing his tune. The Today producers knew Balls’s position on this going in, of course, as these things are discussed beforehand. So it’s remotely possible that Webb and the producer decided to try and get Balls to flip-flop. But it sure didn’t sound like it. Webb gave the very clear impression of trying to convince Balls that he was wrong, on both his position on the issue and on the effect it would have on Labour.
In case anybody listening didn’t get the message, the BBC has posted several angry tweets on the “running order” page condemning Balls and Osborne’s scheme, a couple practically quoting Webb’s admonitions verbatim.
For once, Balls was talking a little sense – wait and see, we don’t know the details and so can’t tell if it will save money or cause harm or just provide an opportunity for loan vultures (about which Today had two other segments in the same show – agenda, what agenda?). But ol’ Justin was against it, and worked hard in his attempt to get Balls to switch. Unfortunately for him, Balls has a more important job, which is to make Labour appear economically/financially sober at last. This was just going to get in the way of that, and since the Today researchers seemed to have spent all their efforts collecting damning quotes from the advocacy crowd rather than actually finding out what the scheme entailed, Balls was easily able to stay on message.
A poor effort from Justin and his team, simply because their own ideology got in the way.
‘Eight men of Pakistani Origin’ was how the BBC on PM described the Oxford Muslim Grooming Gang. Lots of people appalled by what the gang did and why it took so long to investigate .
They managed to avoid mentioning words like Islam and Muslims, or that likely reasons for any delays were PC attitudes by authorities or fear of being labelled racist by the liberal left, throughout the whole report.
Does the BBC really believe that people are willing to accept their non stop evasions of the real issues behind the latest of a string of similar cases?
Is social cohesion really served by avoiding the truth? The BBC and their liberal elite friends may be happy to bury their heads in the sand but the British people are getting frustrated at all their evasion, distortions and outright lies.
“Pakistani origin” is the root cause in this case. These people were cavemen before Islam existed, before the Mohammed was a twinkle in his uncircumcised father’s eye. Islam didn’t make them do this, it’s just the mantle they’ve used to wrap around pre-existing cultural loveliness.
I agree with the point about social cohesion being failed by the BBC trying to pretend this isn’t the case.
… and its back to business as usual at al bbc as those erm Oxford “men” are sentenced.
they play, the police trumpeting empty words, over 20 years too late? outside the court …
why? is the bbc not giving this, its full and undivided attention.? maximum exposure for the public good?
Main story on the BBC website “Men get life for sex abuse ring”, complete with picutres and names of those sentenced. They are all from Oxford. Indeed, they are. They also have something else in common, which is not mentioned.
“Main story on the BBC website ‘Men get life for sex abuse ring’, complete with picutres and names of those sentenced. They are all from Oxford. Indeed, they are. They also have something else in common, which is not mentioned.”
Minor story on the BBC website; “Four men – Simon Wyn-Davies, from Windsor in Berkshire; Nicholas Cordery from Wiltshire; Peter Malpas, from Moulton in Northamptonshire; and Anthony Flack from Bristol – were jailed indefinitely for public protection in October.”
They are all from Cheshire and Wiltshire. Indeed, they are. They also have something else in common, which is not mentioned.
How strange…
Percentage button on calculator broken again?
Once again Dez defends the pedo’s he/she /it likes with pedo’s he doesn’t !
Dez refuses to address the difference between shared characteristics and shared ideology which directs behavior. He won’t dare discuss whether or not those Wiltshire and Cheshire men had any shared religious and cultural belief which informed the behavior leading to their crimes. So he sneers instead and has to be intellectually dishonest and pretend it’s all about skin color.
Yes and never realises how only seeing skin colour is his/her’s the BBC’s failure !
We talk about crime Dez sees skin colour !
We talk about religion Dez sees skin colour!
We talk about Paedophilia Dez sees skin colour!
We talk about the half price baps at Gregg s Dez sees skin colour!
The Complete Philosophy of Biased-BBC:
If an ‘Asian‘ person commits a crime it’s because of their religion.
If a ‘Black‘ person commits a crime it’s because of their skin colour.
If a ‘White‘ person commits a crime it’s because they’re a socialist.
And if a ‘White, Right-Wing, Christian‘ commits a crime it’s because of the BBC.
That’s it. All tied up with a pretty little bow. No thought required. Just trot out one of those mantras and you’ll have a welcome audience here.
The Complete Philosophy of dez
All Muslims are peace-loving softies
All whites are racist
The BBC can do no wrong
I just wish someone had the guts to report it how it is… that racist, Muslim sex gangs are spreading like cancer through our communities. And there’s the BBC’s method of censoring… opps, sorry, reporting matters;
Reckoned to be at least 37 towns under investigation. Most gangs have a core of up to 10 people – or rather, 10 people that are prosecutable according to the CPS – and many gangs traffic the young girls to many other men. In the Rochdale case 100 men were mentioned, I believe.
And this is the KNOWN cases – after many years of wilful neglect by the authorities that should be protecting the young girls. So how many Pakistani men involved nationwide ? Some thousands on KNOWN cases ? MANY thousands maybe if all the unknown cases are counted.
This has been a cancerein the Muslim communities of this country for many years, They must have known about it. Their preachers and mosques must have known about it. But obviously they covered it all up. They failed ever to report it properly to the police, failed to preach against it – just accepted it, presumably for cultural reasons.
All this is a root cause of Islamo-nausea – along with terrorist violence by Muslims here and abroad, thousands and thousands of incidents.
That is why it is a screaming disgrace that Spencer and Geller should be banned from the UK. “Shoot the Messengers” is indeed the tag for Theresa May and the dhimmified officials at the Home Office.
If it is as prevalent as you say then the police and the authorities must have known about it. Many of the girls were in care. This needs a commission of enquiry and we need to know the truth. This has the potential to permanently end any chance, remote though it is, of peaceful co existence by the various parts of our fractured society.
We know that the social care services and the police used PC reasons to fail to go after what was obvious criminality on a large scale. Just like the BBC turned a blind eye to it – don’t they have regional news staff that would have heard a lot about all this ?
The BBC is still failing to show the SCALE of the problem. But it is happy to make headline news about an uncorroborated statement by one PC in the Stephen Lawrence case.
PC gone mad !
Well said, John!
BBC-NUJ’s chum Ms Chakrabarti’s site ‘Liberty'(?) indicates that it has nothing, zero, zilch in support of the freedoms of Americans, Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller in their request for entry to Britain.
However, turn to the site ‘Liberty gb’, it’s a different story:-
Dedicated to Beeboids’ leftist ‘comedians’:-
‘Cartoon riot.’–1.html
By the way, I wonder if any of the Beeboids’ leftist ‘comedians’, who all usually oppose the Tories, will actually criticise Cameron-May and support Spencer-Geller’s freedoms, against the Islam-political left lobbyists for the ban?
Or is the Islam-political left alliance the greater cause?
Check out this genius bit of dishonest “analysis” from the BBC’s Paul Adams (inset to the right of the report about His speech) about the President’s declaration that he was going to start destroying the coal industry via executive orders:
But it’s been abundantly clear throughout his more than four years in office that Congress is not simply going to do his bidding.
As usual, the BBC pushes the “Intransigent Congress Blocking His Every Move” Narrative, as if Congress wasn’t completely controlled by the Democrats for the first two years of His reign. He got ObamaCare passed, remember, BBC? That didn’t happen because a hostile Congress was working to harm Him. Adams says that at last the President is living up to His election promises from 2008, and of course the fact that He hasn’t already done so Is Not His Fault. Nothing is ever His fault, you see, and He’s never wrong. People who oppose Him are wrong.
Also, note Roger Harrabin, who provides the activist point of view, clearly advocating for adhering to pledges for the drastic reduction of carbon emissions.
RE the muslim Oxford grooming sex case
Don’t worry, Spencer, Geller and islamophobia are the real problem for the BBC
wheres Vaz?
Re the Oxford men. Very little of substance in any BBC report
The statement also said the mother and her husband were “scrutinised, judged and assessed” by professionals during the period their daughter was being abused, as if somehow it was their fault.
She said they were “condescended to” and almost made to feel they were “inadequate, overreacting or wrong”.
Now what other bloated publically funded politicised entity spends a lot of time condesecnding to the public and making them feel like they over-react, are inadequate and wrong when it comes to compaining about the consquences of mass immigration?
There is a HUGE sickening story here and the BBC if it really believed in investigative journalism and anti-racism should pick this apart forensically, similarly they could have a look at the CQC. Of course, there is not a fu***ng chance of this ever happening in ten years of Sundays. In this case the police and ‘authorities’ across the country, and throughout Europe (“loverboys” are a common phenomena in the Netherlands and elsewhere) have known for years about this abuse and who is conducting it, but they have deliberately ignored it and partonised and pressurised the victims and the public at large. The “services” that I pay a fortune for have colluded with each other to keep a lid on this and branded anybody complaining as a racist.
Isn’t this clear evidence of institutional racism, gross dereliction of duty, collusion, coverup and the rankest of injustice. You would have thought that any journalist who believed in justice and truth would give their right hand for such a story. Nope, the BBC is too busy telling me about the injustice – the instituttional racisim – that led to police spying of a friend of a man murdered over twenty years ago
in the BBC’s defence, community cohesion is more important than white meat
Is it community cohesion they’re after, or community submission? There’s a difference.
good point
Are there ANY MSM newspapers, or any BBC-NUJ journalists who support the freedom of speech in U.K of Americans, Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller?
E-Petition is here:-
Everything that’s wrong with ‘Question Time’:
Isn’t it wonderful, the inbbc on its late news bulletin is examining ways the investigation failed the victims of the Oxford child rape case ( well, yet another one )
They name some of the convicted and announce the sentences. Even show pictures of convicted ” men”
As the report ends, an enormous great elephant walks across the backdrop. However, no one notices it.
Perhaps they can bring in Attenborough to identify these wandering animals.
What a bunch of treacherous cowardly scum we are paying to censor our information at the inbbc.
As an aside, I can see Mandela’s family on the news too, hang on……is there someone missing?
No surely not……wheres winnie?
Well well…c’mon beeb where is she..?
INBBC’s unacceptable distortion-
CHRISTIANS massacred.
No mention of Muslim perpetrators.
“Syria conflict: ‘Suicide bomb’ in Damascus Christian area”
INBBC: censoring for Islam in SYRIA.
Islam is irrelevant according to that BBC report. To judge from that, the Christians are being attacked because they’re seen as part of the Assad-related elite against whom the heroic rebels are fighting.
-From banned freedom fighter, Pamela Geller –
Hampstead HARRABIN: BBC-NUJ’s resident anti-shale gas political activist:
Of course, on a day when UK’s shale gas resources are reported to be even larger than first estimated, HARRABIN puts in his one-sided outright propaganda again for his anti-shale gas chums.
Harrabin even predicts the future:
“Shale gas plans will meet local environmental opposition too.”
How does he know about the future, unless he is assisting in organising the environmental opposition?
He does NOT mention the following because of his utter bias:
Shale gas plans will meet widespead support in a relatively deprived economic area of Lancashire in North West England.
All Hampstead Harrabin’s propaganda output, and all his output is propaganda, should come with an honest disclaimer on each piece, as follows:-
‘I, Roger Harrabin, non-scientific greenie of Hampstead, hereby declare my unconditional belief in man-made global warming, and swear my loyalty to only ‘renewable’ energy development regardless of cost, and dedicate my total political opposition to energy derived from coal, gas, oil and nuclear power regardless of the consequences.’
“UK shale gas resources ‘greater than thought'”
why does he always say shale gas is controversial. He’s more controversial than shale gas. ‘orrible feckin moonbat
Because they like to scare people with stories of earth tremors, just like they want people to believe that radioactivity doesn’t occur in nature. I grew up in a mining area – ground subsidence was quite common.
Perhaps they think Wigan will end up looking like this:
IMHO a great improvement – pity it couldn’t happen to Salford.
Worsley’s not too bad !
“Cuadrilla welcomes revised shale gas resource estimate”
I caught the BBC News channel last night at 10:00 (as the BBC1 news was delayed due to footy). After mentioning the fears of water contamination and earth tremors, they had someone on from the States who was, I have to say, given a very long time to debunk these fears, and with very little interruption from the host. It came as quite a pleasant surprise.
It contrasted vividly with the woman on Today earlier in the morning who was allowed to claim she was well-informed and then rabbit on about water table contamination with no challenge from the interviewer (Evan?).
Scanning the SkyNews headlines for tomorrow I caught “Oxo and Tampax more trusted than the BBC”
Now that;s a keeper ! Seems like a reasonable poll too, not one of those fixed by the BBC to show its undying popularity :
The BBC will respond by finding people who talk posher than a BBC radio presenter in the 1920s saying radio 4 alone is worth the licence fee, congratulate each other and then forget about the whole matter
Liked the first comment, short to the point and accurate
Ah, so it’s ‘Muslim’ now instead of ‘Asian’. It seems the BBC enjoy using ‘Muslim’ when it is part of the solution; Asian is used when it is part of the problem:
Nicky Campbell joke of the morning:
“You mentioned Mark Carney ‘playing with a stright bat’ – he’s Canadian – he doesn’t know cricket – he might think you are talking about a hetrosexual vampire!”
Really Nicky?
I’m afraid that contrived lame jape tells us for more about you and your hopeless chasing of a BBC supposed dumbed-down right-on Twitteratti yooff audience than it ever will about the future of Bank of England fiscal policy.
Jeremy Vine’s punning comedian brother must be quaking in his boots.
So, the first thing that Nicky thinks when someone uses the word “straight” is “not homosexual”? He’s been around the BBC too long.
What the hell would he have made of the sequel to Porridge?
A group of ‘Oxford British-Pakistani and British-North African men’ are convicted of certain increasingly familiar offenses.
Nicky Campbell tells me that Imans at 500 Mosques up and down the country are to talk to their communities about this issue.
Previously the very strongly emphasised BBC line was that this subject had absolutely nothing to do with religion.
The BBC had tmany experts on air with statistics that proved this had nothing to do with religion
So what has changed?
Has public knowledge of the facts on the ground finally overwhelmed one of the BBC’s false narratives?
The banned freedom fighter, Robert Spencer, ‘JihadWatch,’ says:-
“These rape and sex slavery gangs are bad, but even worse would be to let into the country anyone who would talk honestly about how such actions are justified within Islam, which would explain why there are so many such gangs. Better to pretend that there is no problem at all.”
“UK: Muslim brothers jailed for life in yet another sex slavery case”
A muslim who raped a 13-year-old girl he groomed on Facebook has been spared a prison sentence after a judge heard he went to an Islamic faith school where he was taught that women are worthless.
Maybe it’s time to start investigating those Islamic faith schools. I wouldn’t be holding my breath on that one.
It is interesting how the industrial scale systematic sexual abuse of vulnerable almost exclusively white children, by those men has nothing we are told (not least by the BBC) with their (those men’s) religion.
And to suggest otherwise is to be excommunicated by the liberal inquisition (again not least by the BBC) as (dare I say the word) a racist.
And yet it is perfectly expectable to site that same religion as mitigation for the most horrendous of crimes.
Even more interesting is fact that the judge (and others before him) is incapable of seeing the contradiction or admitting to its hypocrisy.
Perhaps its time to investigate judges to see how they can be so dislocated from the common consensus
I wont hold my breath either
The announcement was continually mentioned with great solemnity of the Today Programme headlines this morning, to the effect that ‘we should be grateful that the Muslims are dealing with this’.
Actually I’m surprised the sermon is not going to be broadcast live this afternoon after the summon to Allah’s Snack Bar.
However, I wonder if someone spokesperson from the Muslim community will be asked by the Quisling Broadcasting Corporation to comment upon the fact that there are 1,500 registered mosques in the England and Wales, so around 2/3 of these mosques appear quite indifferent to the rape of girls outside their religious/cultural community.
There is probably an unregistered mosque on the upper floor of many pizza joints – the ones with some stupid phoney Italian / American name, but which also sell kebabs and burgers, and display the Halal word in Arabic script.
Nicky Campbell on science and nature this morning:
‘Many chimps are more intelligent than some humans’
The poor chap is having a bad day. Is that old Wheel of Fortune still there somewhere in the props department? – perhaps it should be dusted and oiled.
Charlie Stayt and Louise shares their vast knowledge with two of their ‘ celebrity guests’ to tell them the term for a gaol time is porridge.
Someone asks ..errr…why?
They had no clue, utterly fucked.
And we pay these knobs how much?
BBC-NUJ apparently opposes freedom of Americans Spencer and Geller to enter U.K.
BBC-NUJ’s interests are elsewhere:
“Pakistan: NUJ Calls For Support For BBC Pakistan Journalists”
Am I just getting too over-sensitive or did the piece on the swift sliced up by the wind turbine in Harris smell of BBC spin. The twitcher brought on was solemn about the death of this bird but very conveniently uttered not a work of criticism about the manner of its passing. The closing phrases took up the theme and seemed treat its end as if it had been guzzled up by a hawk or some other such completely natural cause implying that turbines are a fact of nature and we cannot be without them. There was also a suggestion of an invitation to laugh at the absurdity of a bird that flew thousand of miles only to disappear into a green machine. But then humor is the BBC way of diverting attention from matters it would much rather were not taken seriously!
when no swifts appear next year, al beeb will blame it on global warming saying the bird is flying further north for food and to deal with the consequences of dangerous climate change we need more wind turbines
“World War II: WikiLeaks style”
Beeboid ears burning?
as banned mr spencer states with painful clarity
“These rape and sex slavery gangs are bad, but even worse would be to let into the country anyone who would talk honestly about how such actions are justified within Islam, which would explain why there are so many such gangs. … Better to pretend that there is no problem at all.”
or ….. check out a total denial patsy job on bbc asian network … its on now … and is denial mode already as we speak
“Locals and British Pakistanis will discuss the relevance of the ethnicity of the men sentenced”
relevance of … erm … ethnicity ? eh
an interesting snippet,
“yeah in the “community” it was common knowledge” …
oh so you would maybe … know one of them then …
“yeah i knew all of them … all of them”
i ve turned off … as i ve just heard that
“to mention the religion is just not helpful …
its irrelevant” ?
Did I tell you I have perfect reception on the Asian network on DAB in my area in Wales. Great huh? Yeah sure, but do I get Radio Wales? Or even Radio Cymru, tne Welsh language version of the Bbc? Nahhhh.. Nothing, diddly squat, zero. Nothing, did I say that?
I still can’t work out just why that situation can be allowed to exist, or even come about in the first place.
Perhaps it’s run by foreigners who, like me, can’t do a Welsh accent without it coming out Pakistani.
The bBBC website thinks that the most important story is that IVF is to be allowed using DNA from three people, to avoid genetic defects.
Meanwhile, everyone is supposed to ignore the biggest cause of genetic defects in ‘British’ children, inbreeding within a ‘community’.
One is a strory from yesterday, one is a story from 2008.
I would suggest that the BBC thinks the most important story regarding IVF in the last 24 hours was the one it posted.
The idea of news is – generally – that it is new.
Er … if you think that since 2008 the ‘community’ has stopped enriching Britain by importing cousin-brides, and is no longer filling our hospitals with genetically-defective children, that must be another news story that the BBC hasn’t published.
I think that if you are a news site you run stories that are new.
i’ll tell what news al beeb isnt reporting, the hideous murder of a poor innocent rare swift by birdophobic wind turbines. whys that? maybe something to do with the BBC pension fund. disgraceful bunch of eco loons
It reminds me of a Frank Carson joke when I saw him years ago. “Two RUC men were injured when their car hit a tree yesterday. The IRA claim they planted the tree.”
lol 😆
‘I think that if you are a news site you run stories that are new’
Speaking of reminders, just read this on the news home page:
‘Muslim leaders to condemn grooming ‘
As this is now by definition new, one might wonder just how long the situation that has persisted until now has been the case. Doesn’t look good for ‘the community’ on such a basis.
Of course, it may be that if past stories do in fact act to serve the context of a later one, another of those guideline exceptions gets made?
As with Ms. Hodge’s lastest #Govfail weighing-in on packed-out primaries crippling the education system, there may be factors from the past, reported ones, that may have a bearing now or in the future.
These of course can often be dragged out, or quietly dropped, depending on who is reporting and what narrative they are seeking to push.
As to who you then believe, it boils down to track record and trust.
“to mention the religion is just not helpful … its irrelevant”
on nihal this morning … hmmm
yep! surprise, surprise a lie
“Muslim leaders condemn grooming”
… after 20 yrs? … translation now it has been brought widely into the public eye
WHAT! have they been doing for the last 20yrs? …
because as was clearly stated the “community” knew all about it?
sorry … more lies and excuses,
lie upon lie upon lie.
for simple reason … to protect islam
and the fact, that IT mandates child rape, slave trafficking, and paedophilia
BBC-NUJ still refuses to criticise Obama-Cameron on this.
“By pledging at a meeting in Qatar last weekend to send more arms and equipment to the rebels, the 11-member so-called ‘Friends of Syria’ including the US, UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, decided in effect to stoke the civil war in Homs and the rest of Syria. To pretend it is not a civil war or to support the rebel side as somehow uniquely representative of the Syrian people flies in the face of demonstrable facts.”
Instead, BBC-NUJ feeds us:
“Susan Rice: Syria inaction a ‘stain’ on security council”
Warning: graphic material.
“Beheading for a ‘Free’ Syria”
Yes, just look at all the ‘ moderates’ standing watching, capturing the scene on their obama-phones.
What a sweet cuddly bunch of savages. Every single one a savage barbarian animal, sorry thats unkind to animals, I take that back.
C***ts is more apt.
Why dont we import their rich cutlural diversity into our shitty backward country?
dunno which is worse, bBC news 24, or bernard hill’s constant save the children spam on skye news…….
i adopted a snow leopard instead
really excellent points re recent events
The other day, the BBC reported on the President’s defiant stance against making deals for the extradition of St. Edward.
Mr Obama also said on Thursday that he had not called China’s and Russia’s presidents about the case, adding: “I shouldn’t have to.”
They should just do Him a favor automatically, right, BBC?
He told a news conference in the Senegalese capital Dakar: “I’m not going to have one case of a suspect who we’re trying to extradite suddenly being elevated to the point where I’ve got to start doing wheeling and dealing and trading on a whole host of other issues.”
Well, the media has already elevated this “suspect” to hero status. What’s He going to do about it? He’s going to stamp His little feet and threaten to hold His breath until they play nice.
He added: “My continued expectation is that Russia or other countries that have talked about potentially providing Mr Snowden asylum recognise that they are a part of an international community and they should be abiding by international law.”
As we know, Ecuador has since invited St. Edward to stay in their country which even the BBC admits isn’t exactly a bastion of freedom, and seems to be a regular destination for international fugitives. Except, things aren’t going so well for the President.
Ecuador nixes trade deal, offers US cash for ‘education about human rights’
Ecuador unilaterally canceled its trade deal with the United States on Thursday and offered to provide $23 million a year to help the country with its “human rights” education, the latest twist in a showdown over NSA leaker Edward Snowden.
The move follows a “threat” made earlier this week by U.S. lawmakers not to renew an expiring preferential trade deal with Ecuador if the country grants Snowden’s request for political asylum, Communications Secretary Fernando Alvarado told reporters in Quito.
Amateur hour again. And it was a Democrat Senator who made that threat. Where’s Sec. of State Kerry on this, the man whom Katty Kay told us would be good because he knows foreign policy? The President, as usual, is not involved. He’s got more legacy photo ops to do, as well as fundraising for Democrats and for His own political activist organization (which the IRS approved for 501(c)(4) status, while blocking private citizens from getting the same – has the BBC ever told you that?).
The President, probably wisely, has ruled out a photo op with a Nelson Mandela on life support on his death bed. The BBC took the opportunity to reiterate how much everyone, including the President, loves Mandela. But that’s beside the point.
The Guardian reports that the President is facing protests and lots of unhappiness from a variety of groups.
Workers, students and Muslim groups are among those determined to give Obama a bumpy landing when he descends on Africa’s biggest economy.
“NObama” is the cry from the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) and the South African Communist party, which have called for “all workers” to join mass protests including a march on the US embassy in Pretoria on Friday.
Academics and students have vowed to boycott the University of Johannesburg’s award of an honorary law doctorate to Obama. The Muslim Lawyers’ Association has called for the president to be arrested as a war criminal.
While these may appear fringe group stunts that US presidents face all over the world, South Africa is an unusual case. Cosatu and the Communist party form a “tripartite alliance” with the governing African National Congress (ANC) and expect to be heard. Cosatu in particular, with 2.2 million members, is central to the ANC’s election machinery and well rehearsed in mobilising demonstrations that have been known to turn violent. The secretary general of the Communist party, Blade Nzimande, doubles as the country’s higher education minister and the ANC has plenty of self-professed communists and Marxists with a flair for anti-western rhetoric.
All the BBC can manage to admit, though, is this sentence, which isn’t even in the article itself but appears in the inset “analysis”:
A brief protest outside the hospital suggested not everyone welcomes his visit – some are angry at what they see as the “militarisation” of US foreign policy – but the mood surrounding the president’s tour is overwhelmingly positive.
That’s all you’re going to get. The preceding line, however, gives the game away:
The symbolism couldn’t be more potent, shortly before America’s first black president is due to arrive on the second leg of his Africa tour.
All they see is skin color. Forget about Martin Luther King’s dream about a world where people are judged for the content of their character and not for the color of their skin. As long as the BBC remains run by the current crowd, it will always be about the color of your skin.
Declining to visit Mandela, Obama says he “doesn’t need a photo-opp”. So, it’s all about him?
The symbolism would be great: two Presidents, elected solely because of their skin colour, who can read nice speeches but achieved nothing. One of them on his way out as a human being, the other on his way out as a President.
Mandela was already leader of the ANC and already had some national standing. He wasn’t elevated simply for being black, as they were all black. The Obamessiah gave a speech at a convention once, and that was it, and He was only invited to do that because of His skin color.
I realize it’s fashionable here to hate Mandela and declare that South Africa electing a black man after Apartheid is somehow stupid and racist, but it’s hardly the same kind of superficial affirmative action hire that we did in the US in 2008. The two situations are lightyears apart.
You can’t always get what you want, Rolling Stones tell BBC in row over Glastonbury TV
Stones : “Glasto is not a TV show.”
“The Stones insist their original fee was for performing only, and did not include TV rights, overseas transmissions and repeats”
Whatever happened to the ‘revolution’?
IF the stones have woken up to the fact it was a lie its about time the BBC did as well
If the Rolling Stones are waking up then it is time to invest in the producers of paracetamol.
If “Glasto is not a TV show”, why didn’t anyone tell the bBBC, who have 300 staff attending? At our expense, of course.
anyone who throws a spanner in the bbc works gets my support
I just caught the BBC New Channel report on a strong anti-grooming sermon being read out in “some mosques”. The text was apparently sent to “hundreds of mosques”. So who knows how many are reading it? The BBC isn’t going to tell you. I guess it’s impossible to find out quickly, if at all, but it’s probably best not to look under the rug there.
The Beeboid reporter then said, “many” are reading it. Which is it: some or many? I’m pretty sure I could hear in the background, while the Beeboid was talking, the imam who wrote the sermon saying he sent it to 300 mosques. The BBC decided to spin that as “hundreds”, so you get a better, more positive impression than you would be the reality. At the end, the Beeboid said the sermon went out to 500 mosques, so who knows.
Still, it’s a start, and despite the obligatory voice saying the grooming had nothing to do with race and nothing to do with religion (contrary to what some perpetrators have said in court, and if it’s not a problem in this community, why are mosques reading the sermon out? Oh, well, never mind the doublethink), it came across as serious business and not anything Mohammedans are shrugging off or claiming doesn’t exist. The BBC didn’t ignore it, and didn’t lie about it, so it’s a good start.
Too little too late
It is only what they are forced into doing.
Modern methods of communication and media means that today, the inbbc are mot able to control everything.
Ultimately they have to report things they rather would kerp quiet.
Treacherous bbc scum
“strong anti-grooming sermon being read out in “some mosques” ? … hmm
how many? – in fact don t know? hmm
whats the wording – non of your business?, hmm
written by one of the parents?… no chance,
an imam hmm
hmm together against grooming … google … surprise surprise nothing of substance, just press propaganda.
i should imagine, robert spencer, pam geller, ray ibrahim, douglas murray, mark steyn, mel phillips, wilders pvv party, bruce bower, george igler, the commentator, standpoint mag, front page, free public, town hall mag, gbliberty, discourse institute etc etc could have provided an excellent, clear no nonsense, sermon without all the the cloak and dagger.
I just think it’s funny that the BBC had to report something they’ve been saying for years isn’t real.
a tip to our imam 😀
wouldn t use Mein Quranf
2.178, 4.24, 8.69, 16.75, 23.5, 23.6, 24.32, 33.50, 70.29, 70.30
in your sermon if i was you.
“Islam neither ignores nor condemns slavery. In fact, a large part of the Sharia is dedicated to the practice.
Muslims are encouraged to live in the way of Muhammad, who was a slave owner and trader. He captured slaves in battle. He had sex with his slaves. And he instructed his men to do the same. The Qur’an actually devotes more verses to making sure that Muslim men know they can keep women as sex slaves than it does to telling them to pray five times a day! ”
just a minute … i thought this has nothing to do with islam?
imam? check
friday sermon? check
mosque? check
if it looks like a duck/walks like a duck eh!
Beeboids feel the wrath of Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN government for not employing enough Pakistanis on BBC URDU service!
All this seems far removed from the role BBC should have (pro tem):
servicing the interests of BRITISH people.
“Pakistani government criticises nine BBC Urdu job cuts”
“Terror trial for BBC interview man”
Nusaybah was arrested after Beeboid Richard Wilson’s ‘soft’ interview on ‘Newsnight’.
I’m sick and tired of the BBC and the rest of the PC establishment going on and on and about Stephen Lawrence whilst completely ignoring the cases of poor innocent white victims such as Charlene Downes. If the killer is Muslim or black, then it don’t get a mention. Other way round, the whole country is made to feel guilty forever more!
has a few words from “honest” ibe mogra from the MCB
actually after going through a few pages of google found this from TAG from a site moreformuslims
Whilst we would like all imams to participate in this campaign it is entirely up to them as whether they use the khutba and resource that we will be providing or not. The important matter for us is that on that day the subject matter of the khutba or biyaan as appropriate covers the issue.
it continues later, with the usual diatribe.
We fundamentally disagree with some racist extremist groups and others who are exploiting this situation to denigrate Muslims and Islam by suggesting that there might be a religious and/or cultural explanation for the action of these men.
The facts on this issue, which we are in possession of, based on extensive research by organisations like the Children’s Commissioner of England do not bear this out. We also have sympathy with individual Muslims and Muslim organisations, who out of total weariness from the Islamophobic attacks of recent years on the community, feel that this campaign draws further negative attention
Mr Karmani (writer of sermon) final quote-
“Access to pornography, which also objectifies women, is creating a culture where men[ITMA] are now ambiguous when it comes to the issue of violence against women.”
Ah so its all the fault of the decedent west
We know this because Former Labour MP for Keighley Ann Cryer said
“I just hope this message gets beyond the mosque to the non-attenders, because by and large the people who behave like this don’t go to the mosque,”
Really? wasn’t one of the original defendants ,he who could not be named, a big-wig at the local mosque?
Haven’t some of the convicted quoted Islamic scripture
to justify their vile crimes?
But my favourite quote
‘However, Monawar Hussain, founder of The Oxford Foundation, which runs educational programmes to promote religious and social harmony, said the sermon was a “fundamental error of judgement” that would play into the hands of far-right groups.’
Shouldn’t that be corroborates what they’ve been saying all along and the BBC even more loudly denying?
one question ….
why do all these muslim group need to have social harmony sections, religious dialogue , inter faith conversations eh! … that are simply supremacist prosthelytizing sessions …
seems to me theres not much harmony in islam?
Don’t look, you’ll be sick…
Maybe Doreen Lawrence should join them?
This caught my eye on this on order-order earlier
-Another Labour MP Caught in Union Cash Merry-Go-Round –
Wondered will Panorama be doing an investigation into this any time soon?
Sorry here’s link (I hope)
Sorry for the double post. This one disappeared so I had another pop and now it’s back again.
It is really quite annoying when this happens.
Don’t look, you’ll be sick…
Maybe they should get Doreen Lawrence out there for a Beeboid Full House?
£££££ £££££ ***** PRIZE PUZZLE ***** £££££ £££££
“A Point of View” Radio 4 20:50 to 21:00 on 28/6/2013.
Tom Shakespeare, talking about the value of art collections and having time to get to know works of art, gets in a gratuitous reference to two great British institutions admired all over the world (zzzzzzzzz … … you, yes you at the back, wake up!)
A special prize of £ -145.50 for guessing the two.
Beeboid attitude to this: ‘move along, nothing to see here’-
Banned American freedom-fighter, Pamela Geller –
Despite its pro-Muslim Brotherhood-Obama political stance on Egypt, INBBC’s Cairo Bureau cannot avoid reporting opposition to Muslim Brotherhood now.
The banned Pamela Geller again:-
“Obama was unavailable for comment — the blustering buffoon is too busy hiding under desk. I suspect both Obama and Morsi’s fortunes will continue to suffer miserably. They deserve each other.”
Did you know that it’s O.K. when they do it?…….No cries of “ban her” from Comrade Nick Lowles or his allies of the BBC….
I wonder why that is then?
so shes transferred from einsatzgruppen to the labour party. if germany won the war, einsatzgruppen were going to exterminate 80% of the english population. The UN are doing the dirty work now and al Beeb doesnt put up much of a defence, because its their labour party masters policy
It’s only right and proper that someone with a nasty past, such as belonging to the NF, BNP or SWP should be allowed to atone for their sins.
A few decades of selfless charity work should suffice.
However in this case the woman in question has simply compounded her sin by joining the Labour Party. So she is still an unreconstructed genocidal maniac.
Well, somehow, the BBC have made Glastonbury into a political statement, and of course, by a tenuous link, by interviewing Billy Bragg, brought in Mrs Thatcher, who in Billy Braggs opinion, hated pop music, so henceforth, Glastonbury came about, in essence, just to pi** her off. They even emphasised the fact that the first field that the festival took place in has now become known as the *Left Field*.
Now there are some who visit this site to question as to whether the BBC is biased or not and it could be said that all the BBC reporter (Humphries) was doing was looking into the history of the site/festival. Yes, I guess he was, but by following the route he took by interviewing the people he did, he allowed a political statement to be made, unchallenged and not countered. BBC bias?
At last someone on the BBC has just said what many of the public must have been thinking….
Danny Baker this morning explains… ‘my problem with it is that there is no dissenting voice – even in football there is someone grumpy like Alan Hansen to point out how bad a team’s defence was – but someone plays a ropey old gig at Glasto and the presenters still say “It’s Amazing!”
The BBC corporate line on Glastonbury is like a three line whip.
The BBC also has a current corporate line on other subjects:
Public spending & Mandela
to name just two.
The uncritical approach is also evident in the coverage of minority sports such as athletics, gymnastics (inc women’s tennis) etc etc where it is all first name references & excuses for poor performances by the UK participant
Ah but you see BBC coverage of sports such as ‘wimmins football’ and ‘paralympics’ is never really about the sport – it is all about the agit prop campaigning.
Silly Billy has it wrong yet again. Glastonbury started in the early ’70’s and was, to start with apolitical. Even in the ’80’s when it was very political 99% of the crowd went for the music.
It used to be good fun, even when the Ernests of CND ran it. If you didn’t want to contribute to left-wing nonsense it was very easy to get in without paying.
Oh, and all the stalls run by Ernests were invariably missing one vital thing; customers. It is very pleasing to see the likes of Greenpeace and Red Wedge moppets sat all glum in their tents because no one is paying them a visit.
Occasionally they even had some good bands on.