The BBC spends £175,000 producing a report that essentially says nothing at all about anything very much….and spends £300,000 to prevent the publication of another report that probably says an awful lot about the BBC’s DNA and the monsters it breeds.
Time for an independent BBC regulator with legal powers to force the BBC to act upon its recommendations.
The BBC Trust is clearly not up to the job being compromised by conflicting duties…one to protect the BBC and guide its editorial policy and second to deal with complaints about that editorial policy et al.
Anyway, here’s Nigel Farage’s thoughts on the recent impartiality report:
I was glad to see Farage mention the dark deeds done by BBC drama. Too often that particular drip, drip of poison in the public’s ear goes unremarked, yet it is one of the most potent weapons the liberal ‘elite’ has in manipulating opinion.
did you see vicky on this week after question last night,very sexual and very strange behaviour indeed,its vicky as you have never seen her before.
No point to a regulator. This is England- home of the governing class fudge. Just more expense and more waffle. Just ignore every word the liberal media utters.
nigel farage,.guest on victoria debyshires show 10pm today
But there are still many occasions when the BBC will say to me, “Well, if you can’t do it Nigel, then we won’t cover it”, despite being offered perfectly able and competent replacements. I have become a BBC totem in some ways (just think of all those Question Time appearances). But, and this is the point, I am not the Eurosceptic movement. I am merely one man, and the broad mass of the population is hardly represented by me. Opinion poll after opinion poll shows those who wish to leave the EU are the majority, yet if were to judge by the BBC, you would get the impression it was just me. I am the get-out clause. “Well we had Nigel on,” they will trumpet.
This is a recognizable BBC technique. Universal Tommy comes to mind. They minimize the opinion by making it appear to be restricted to a single group, a single person. E.g., Anti-Warmism is Delingpole. I’m sure there are other examples.
“My career stalled after I criticised the Beeb’s new HQ: Strictly star Chris Hollins on the heavy cost of speaking his mind”
The BBC trust probably would be a lot more effective if its chair wasn’t as ineffective as Chris Patten, and it’s vice chair wasn’t an advisor to the Labour party!
The other issue is that we have a Tory leader who is as far left as it’s possible to be without revealing his true colours. How can we say the BBC is biased when the three main parties all espouse the same liberal left wing values?
The BBC Trust is a ‘Buggins’ turn’ gravy train for establishment figures, like Fatty Pang, who need an income but don’t fancy working for it. A kind of social security for toffs.
It has no relevance, power or intent. Don’t expect it to rein in the BBC – that is not its purpose. It might as well not exist but if it didn’t then Buggins would be forced to wheedle a position where he might do some harm. On the CQC for example.
According to Any Questions tonight
1. The audience didn`t want an EU Referendum-and thought it should be left to Ken Clarke and Dennis MacShane to sort out for us.
2. It`s a pity that we`re vulgar enough to ask about unfettered access to NHS services by foreigners with no right to them…and the audience would rather they continue to get it for free.
Need I go on?
Does anybody actually believe that such opinions are current among the majority of British people who DON`T get asked along to keep Dimbleby Minor sweet every Friday?
Does Dimbly ever film the proof that his audiences are such social liberal saps and spongebags as he says they are on their “show of hands”.
The UKIP bloke got stony silences-the Labour luvvie got well-crafted claps and cheers….where the hell do they find their kapok kapos to fill the studio?
No questions about the BBC burning our money in scandalous pay offs, or their deep liberal bias…why would such cretins ask in such august company?