Thoughtful in the comments links to this story in the Manchester Evening News:
Twenty people a day are being hauled before the courts for TV licence dodging in Greater Manchester.
Figures from the Ministry of Justice show nearly 7,000 people were prosecuted last year for failing to pay the charge.
What was really interesting was this:
The vast majority of non-paying viewers were hit with fines, but none were asked to cough up the maximum £1,000 penalty.
But leading magistrates say impoverished families were often disproportionately punished.
The BBC so often berates politicians for ‘attacking the most vulnerable in society’….and yet are clearly quite prepared to indulge in a little bit of thuggery themselves.
Tory Cuts must be to blame.
The BBC are a bunch of middle class educated Lefties, who hate White working class people. They know instinctively that such a class will vote for a new Thatcher if an opportunity arises.
The white working class also supports the EDL, and that puts the EDL in the same league as the Nazis.
Here is Pat Condell on the EDL.
Excellent as always – Dave P I hope you watched this, Pat Condell has the situation bang to rights as always.
“TV licence dodging”…avoidance or evasion? Or not paying for something they don’t use. TV Tax is antiquated and immoral especially when the BBC breaks it’s own rules and Charter every day.
these bbc fascist bully boy tv licence enforcers only pick on poor single parent familys and pensioners who cant afford to heat there houses to harrass for this poll tax on the telly because they know that they can get away with it,they never go into rough sinkhole council estates to carry out there bullying tactics because they know what type of reception they would get from the locals,that does not mean i condone violence towards tv licence enforcers in any terms.
I pay taxes which HMRC chase me for.
HMRC are a powerful organisation with lots of enforcement powers.
The BBC/Capita are not.
Is that the “Capita” which only got the job because of its generous donations to the Labour Party?
One of the best *Headliners* I’ve seen on here. *Licence to Bill*. Now that one really ought to be in the Red Tops!
My address is currently under investigation. I have a wad of their threatening papers to hand back to whoever it is that calls and I do not have my I.P. address tracked (if that is what they do) by Capita because I do not watch live events on my computer.
With all this phone hacking business back in the news, does anyone else on here wonder if the BBC has in fact hacked/bugged phone lines?
” and I do not have my I.P. address tracked (if that is what they do”
They don’t.
It’s all bluff, like their “detector vans”.Not once in decades of their “existence” has detector van evidence ever been used to support a prosecution for unlawful TV use.
I don’t have a TV licence. I don’t need one because I don’t watch television programs as they are being broadcast.
Capita/BBC refuse to believe this. They keep sending ‘The Occupier’ rude and threatening letters.
Even though I’m not breaking the law cooperation doesn’t get me anywhere because they will continue to harrass me indefinitely. That stuff about registering on their website as not needing a TV licence is just a scam to get your name and contact details.
If an ‘enforcement officer’ – i.e. some guy on commission to sell TV licences – shows up I plan on refusing them entry and telling them I don’t want to buy a TV licence from them. If they refuse to leave I plan on filming them because their code of conduct says they have to leave if they are being filmed.
The only way they are getting in is with a warrant and a police officer.
The only way they can get a search warrant is with evidence.
The evidence doesn’t exist because I’m not breaking the law.
In the event they fabricate enough evidence to actually get a warrant I’m easy because I’m not breaking the law.
My advice: don’t let anyone search your house without a warrant and don’t fall for TV licencing officers pretending to do bogus ‘surveys’ or dressed up as meter readers or whatever
As I say elsewhere…Manchester…so much to be proud off(f*** off Morrissey!).
Does any other comparable metropolis have such a pioneering Peterloo can do spirit in getting 20 “partisans”/day through the courts?….or are all the other cities of Britain going a bit mardy as we say!
Leeds?…Newcastle?…Cardiff?…Glasgow?…Liverpool for Gawds sake?
Come on…surely some other cities are worth the commendation for telling the BBC to f*** off.
“Let`s be `avvinya” as Delia once asked of us!
We are all Mancs today!
The truth is that the BBC Tax is the broadcasting equivalent of the Poll Tax.
True. I believe it led to the peasants’ revolt (over a million are now not paying a license fee).