Poor BBC. The Falkirk debacle presents them with a problem. On the one hand, we all know that Miliband is in situ thanks to the votes of the Unions, but on the other hand, BBCt have to pretend that big brave Ed will stand up to Red Len and, as the BBC analyst puts it … ” is trying to turn the row into something defining and positive.” Really? In what way? I also note that Angela Eagle was allowed to pontificate in front of the BBC cameras. No tricky questions about how much UNITE have handed over to her constituency association, for example.
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No, the bbc are angry that this has spilled out into the public. They are attempting to cleanse it with fire, perhaps in a first move to undermine an awful leader that they are begining to realise may not deliver what they want in 2015.
Angela Eagle got quite a rough ride last night on Newsnight, and it was mentioned that she has trousered vast donations so not sure what you are taking about there.
Yes and I thought that Evan D, on Radio 4’s “Today”, interrupted her quite a lot too; it was not an easy ride.
Started off without interruption but then it got even too much for Evan and he had to ask her a few questions. But if you compare it to the remarks Evan made to Ed Vazey immediately before when Vazey was giving his answer to one of Evan’s questions ie ”Irrelevant – now answer my question” Angela’s was still an easier ride
Vazey was being very evasive, though, so in my opinion deserved to be interrupted (he kept repeating the same answer which had nothing to do with the question Davis was asking him). What I do object to, though, is Davis’s giggles/sniggers of disbelief – very unprofessional, and rarely deployed when Labour are being interviewed.
Makes a change. Eagle is capable and often does talk over anyone and everyone. An appallingly rude woman, whose voice makes me feel homicidal within seconds.
… it’s worse than that, Jim, there’s two of the f***ers.
And soon coming to a government near you if Wvy Davy doesn’t get his arse in gear (or resign)
One female Presenter on the BBC said with a straight face that Falkirk was a ‘One off.’ Forgetting the 41 seats that owed their seats to UNITE.
Trousered being the word…if that hatchet faced gal with the weirest of voices hadn`t a briar pipe or two in her plus four pockets, I`d be surprised.
A Bloomsbury Boot straight off the Lesbos ferry if ever I saw one!
Jeremy Hunt was on tv earlier and mentioned a survey which found that 48% of the public are unhappy with the NHS. But it’s ok because we ‘love it’, apparently. And I heard its the envy of the world, so….
Does this mean we are seeing the start of an…
Defined as the process by which Len McCluskey influences the selection of Labour Party candidates in all elections?
It seems that the BBC is trying to engineer this into Miliband’s clause 4 moment – but as Ed was bought and paid for by Unite it is never really going to convince anyone.
I think the BBC are more sympathetic to the kind of soft left social democratic side of Labour, not so much the ‘let’s tear down capitalism’ side of it that these job-dodging union leaders stand for.
Not so sure – plenty of the droids fancy they are Marxist warriors in a ‘Today Handsworth – Tomorrow Your Volvos (but in the meantime I’ll have a fairtrade skinny latte to go)’ sort of way.
Why earlier this week my Nikki Cammell Walkin’ Talkin’ Chucklin’© doll used the term ‘Blairite’ as an insult.
(Like Nikki didn’t wet his pants with excitement on the evening when Bliar got voted into Downing Street.)
Um. That would be the same BBC that for two days after the 2011 riots described them as “protests”?
I don’t see what was soft socialist or even Thatcherite (as some claim) about Blair – it’s a myth: tax, spend, borrow, throw hundreds of billions at the public sector, ramp up welfare benefits, destroy the traditional family, borrow, spend, mass immigration, denigrate the English culture, tax, spend, introduce thought crimes to futher their pc agenda, class war, tax, borrow and spend summore etc etc.
Tom Watson’s comments to the BBC involved a number of swipes at Cameron for making political gain out of the situation. His somments are no in bold on the website.
Because, of course, Labour has never made political gain when the Tories are in a sticky situation, eh?
(I’m thinking about the Andrew Mitchell story when it first leaked.
My last post was riddled with typos. Apologies.
The last sentence in the first paragraph should say:
His comments are in bold on the website.
We got the gist (or is it jist?)
-to defend Labour Party, BBC TV News now publicly deflects from deepening political crisis between Labour Party-(Dis)- ‘Unite’ by running as top story a police shooting of a man in 2005.
‘Sky TV News’ has Labour (Dis)- ‘Unite’ story as top lead.
‘Sky News’ on Labour-‘Unite’ political conflict:-
“Falkirk Row: Labour Calls In Police”
Don’t worry – my source at the BBC tells me the ‘police shoot man in 2005’ headliner is shortly to be replaced by a Major Breaking News Woot Woot story about Victoria Pigthickshire’s cat.
It’s had kittens apparently.
The BBC reports ‘strong’ Ed as saying
“The Labour Party I lead will select its candidates in a fair and transparent way. We will act without fear or favour,” said Mr Miliband.”
Hmm, how did Mr Jack Dromy, union leader and husband of Harriet Harman get onto one of those the famously fair and transparent non discriminatory ALL FEMALE shortlists ED?
Will the BBC 3.5bn PA political analysis machine ask that question….
rest of the world… Labour forced to hand over files
BBC… Labour refers Falkirk to Police
No difference there and certainly no bias … move along now, nothing to see…
Even when the BBC does cover this story, labour still is given the upper hand, we mostly hear from labour politicians who are acting reasonably under difficuilt circumstances. When the conservatives are in the spotlight, again we mostly hear from labour forming a que behind an open BBC microphone to stick the knife in the nasty tories. In either situation the two parties are not treated equally.
Editor’s picks of comments on the article on the BBC website
Miliband must hold his ground, and can only benefit from doing so. Labour may have its origins in the trade union movement, but it should be a party for all those who believe in social justice and fairness, regardless of background. Was Clement Attlee working class? No, but he was of infinitely more worth to the furthering of true Labour ideals than an egotistical dinosaur like McCluskey.
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Comment number 319.
3 Hours ago
A smart move by Milliband to disassociate himself from dinosaurs like McCluskey who ultimately represent fewer and fewer people these days as a percentage of the working population. The Unions are dying and a new type of association of workers is needed, local, involving the company, involving the community.
Not covered by the BBC but Milliband should address the connection between Unite and the street thugs of the UAF . An inevitable punch is on the cards in Wales . UNITE are backing their army of the streets.
From the UAF FB page:
Two fascist splinter groups, the North West Infidels and North Wales Alliance, are organing an anti ‘grooming’ demonstration in Llandudno, North Wales on August 10.Working with Unite the Union activists, who are organising opposition to this, UAF Wales and North West England, will help to ensure a broad based response.
So UAF are launching a counter demonstration in favour of grooming? Nice.
Uncle Bup, why Handsworth..or should that be Handswort?
Don”t tell me you were ATC at B’ham?
Nothing to do with BBC bias I know but….
It was a front page headline from the ‘anarchist’ (ie bored student/ dole-monkey) rag Class War, caption to a picture of some knobhead throwing a petrol bomb during some ‘protest’ or other.