The Telegraph gives Marcus Brigstock a comedy checkup and finds no sign of real life, breadth of vision or common touch, and predicts a lifetime existing on the life support provided by the generosity of the BBC Licence fee donors….like Unite members, signed up without their consent to project Utopia.
The Telegraph explains the thinking behind the programmes….
‘…..little short of a licence-fee funded attack on Coalition policy and an ill-disguised rant against anyone so rash as to want to reform the NHS, damning reports into and criticisms of which he studiously avoids.’
And it turns out Brigstock adopts the classic BBC tactic of blaming people’s ‘ignorance’, they just don’t ‘understand’….but fear not, the BBC is here to educate them…..
‘What Marcus is doing, you see, is affecting a layman ignorance (although the shot of him on the related BBC web-page shows him pulling a face so imbecilic as to look like the sort of thing that’s been banned in playgrounds). That ignorance will be over-turned by the evidence he “unearths”, and hey-presto a whole bevy of moronic assumptions will be trounced. It’s not his stupidity that’s the issue, of course, it’s the stupidity of other people.’
The BBC uses the same method when it produced a series on the ‘White Working Class’, White, examining their attitudes towards immigration and all that…of course the BBC found that their attitudes were all based on a misunderstanding…theirs of course…their ‘prejudices’, as the BBC saw them, were a result of ignorance and a limited education and intellect…..
Sarah Mukherjee, an environment correspondent at the BBC argued that the series reinforce stereotypes that the white working class were violent, racist and lived on benefits…. “I travel the country and most of the poorest people I meet say the BBC has little to offer them. If your article accurately reflects the series, is it any wonder?”
I forced myself to listen to this puerile guff. The weekly theme is that Brigstocke puts himself in charge of an organisation and tries to sort it out. This week it was the health service. The basic idea has potential but it was fronted by a smug left wing bigot using his half hour (that we’re paying for) for pure propaganda. It was painful. There was the standard snide joke about UKIP and a dreary dig at Migration Watch. I think all these left wing, right on comedians that infest the BBC must live in some sort of liberal ghetto. It’s not simply the undiluted politics, it’s just not funny.
I’ve got an idea for next week’s prog’. Let Marcus sort out the BBC. Begin by getting rid of all the smug, holier than thou lefties and start again!
When it comes to knowledge about the role of carbon dioxide in atmospheric physics, Marcus Brigstocke is one of the BBC’s favoured experts.
Marcus Brigstocke put in charge of the Met Office.
(1) A Climate denier, denies that the Climate changes.
(2) Climate Change means Global Warming not Global Cooling, which is not possible with Climate Change.
(3) All BBC comedians who did not do science at university are part of the consensus.
(4) I think Carbon dioxide must be magnetically attracted to the north magnetic pole.
(5) The assumptions used in Met Office computer models have all been proved correct by computer models, therefore observations have been proved wrong by Met Office computer models.
(6) If you do not agree with the above opinions of Marcus Brigstocke, then you are a sanctimonious right-wing tory idiot who should be put to death for being inferior to Marcus Brigstocke.
(7) If Marcus Brigstocke does not want to put you to death, then you must be superior to Marcus Brigstocke.
#5 ‘The assumptions used in Met Office computer models have all been proved correct by computer models, therefore observations have been proved wrong by Met Office computer models.’, isn’t a Brigstockism, it’s bBC/MO ‘reality’.
Is it any wonder that their bBC weather reports are so short term (now with hour-by-hour updates), they (we) may as well just look out the window!
Suppose there`s no chance of Mr Funny Brigstocke doing us a piece where he forgoes his fat salary, his endless plugs and leg ups( as well as leg overs, by all accounts)…and shows how voluntary work at a hospital radio would make the BBC a redundant monolith of lefty shite…a daily Pyramid Stage of privilege, abuse, tax shelters and money burning-before they worry about the Ozone layer, once they`ve burned it.
Yes-hospital radio is just the kind of selfless, human scale “voluntary notion” I would have though old prep-school privileged Marcus would have bothered his arse to create for us all to laugh along with.
But the BBC never gets this treatment-for it is a GOOD thing…got that?
Putting a BBC comedian on hospital radio would be like making Harriet Harman a vasectomy surgeon. Everyone would be pleading to go on the Liverpool Care Pathway.
I think that these “commie edians” must simply ne plants. Why else would they devote their time and effort. Yes, its a uni brainwash thing,but normally the students get a job in the real world and grow out of it. Maybee the bbbc recruit students with a promise of fame and constant panel show exposure to push the narrative eh marcus no talent?
I don’t understand why the BBC is wedded to this leftist sort of programming: there’s obviously an audience for shows that eschew that liberal bias – just look at the success, both in terms of viewing figures and revenue generated, of Top Gear, for instance.
It’d be in the BBC’s interest to actually be genuinely open to all political persuasions. I can only think that there must be some indignant ideologues running that place for things to continue as they are doing.
Ah, but you see, no!
The BBC balances out its Top Gear anomaly with many other programmes like Brigstocke’s.
Every million viewers Top Gear gets has to be balanced out by 50 Brigtockes or his equivalent. That’s why you get 1000 lefty programmes to the 1 righty programme. They are balancing out the audience not the output.
That way they can say they are impartial without busting out laughing.
Delenda est Carthago, or in my world: Prickstocke + Lead Boots + Meat Suit + Ravening wolves, hyenas, bears and sundry other predators + steep hill = Comedy Gold.
It’s unlikely that Auntie will be good enough to make such a guaranteed hit programme, but perhaps Ch. 5 could be persuaded.
Just thought of a little wrinkle for my most excellent (and tbh frequently outlined) prog above !
Viewers phone in (premium rate numbers !), and the ones selected (one per predator) win a wee prize if their lucky beastie is the one to finish off the insufferable droning twat for good. Flesh wounds don’t count. Not in this game ! 🙂
The various carnivores could be dressed in coloured (maybe spangly !)jackets as with greyhound racing so that the fortunate few may keep tabs on the progress of their selections. Money from the calls could go to some deserving charidee, and a good time would be had by all.
Except Prickstocke. The twat.
Me again !
Programme to be called ” It’s a Twat Out !” or possibly “Watch Out For The Wolverine !”
Could be made into a popular series, maybe, with the weekly addition of the like of Hardy, Steel, Thomas, Bragg etc etc. and different, mystery beasts each week.
I’m toying with the idea of an all weasel week (“Aww, soooo cute !” )
For Jeremy Hardy I would think that a couple of boisterous kittens would suffice to finish off that most irritatingly smug and left-wing BBC tw*t. Yes I do really detest Jeremy Hardy.
i think the time has come for all bbc journalists and employees to be vetted for there politacal views ,where is the diversity at the bbc in politacal opinions concerning there presenters and journalists.we need to counterbalance this left wing bias at the bbc with more journalists and presenters with right wing and centre right views who come from a diverse background of politacal opinions that will bring enrichment to viewing public.
the bbc mindset thinks that extreme left wing fascism is the middle ground
Marcus Brigstocke, Mark Steel, Mark Strong, Eddie Izzard and Jeremy Hardy are unlikable idiots, officially classed by the BBC as comedians, due to the fact that the BBC is then able to project its “left of Labour” opinion from Labour party supporters, as balanced and impartial criticism of Labour as well as the Tories.
Other Labour party supporters such as Stephen Fry, Sandi Toksvig, Stewart Lee, Jo Brand, Chris Addison and Arthur Smith are socialists who want to be liked by the viewers, so are not as obviously political. Ben Elton has probably seen the error of his ways, but I think the only BBC/Guardianista so-called comedian, funnier than Jim Davidson would be Steve Coogan, but I did like Alexei Sayle’s anti communist/socialist satire. But my favourite comedians are either dead or the old fashioned non-political funny ones such as Ken Dodd. Even the satirical comedians of the 1960’s seemed neither to be stupid or foolish enough to actually support any of the political parties that where subject to their political satire.
Now it seems that there are two types of comedian working for the BBC, the non-political FUNNY ones working on comedy shows, and the political non-funny ones who appear on panel shows as temporary or permanent guests, including “Question Time”.
Marcus Brigstocke, Mark Steel and Jeremy Hardy have all been given their own programmes on Radio 4 in what has nominally been a comedy slot, yet, in reality they have been vehicles to put across their own political opinions without challenge.
While a case can be made that individuals should have a space in the national broadcaster’s output to put forward an opinion without an interviewer or debating opponent this can only be justified if space is also made available for the contrary view. That is what ‘balance’ and ‘impartiality’ is all about.
Yet on Radio 4 there are no ‘balancing’ slots, just the usual culprits taking their ‘turn’, no doubt that is what passes for ‘variety’ in the producers’ eyes.
How about some real ‘pushing the boundary’, challenging accepted (BBC) opinion, taking a ‘risk’? Go on BBC, invite Pat Condell to do a piece!
Good grading sir.
Can I add Mark Thomas to the blood red category?…with Steel, Hardy etc.
And if anyone has ever laughed at a damn thing that Thomas has said…do tell!
Even Tolpuddle thought he was shite…Billy Bragg and his bellicose quack gets at least a smirk of pity!
Oh, and can I recommend Ken Dodd for a lifetime Achievement Award for NOT being a lazy lefty…and funny too( sorry Tarby etc…right politics, not funny though).
And the only current funny Tory I know of-Alexander Armstrong( hopefully Ben Miller too).
Oh and I sense that Harry and Paul are sound too these days!
I am glad so say I forgot Mark Thomas, and the statement “All BBC comedians who did not do science at university are part of the consensus” is a reference to Ben Miller who studied low-temperature quantum physics at Cambridge, and is the only known BBC comedian to make a joke at the expense of the warmist morons such as Marcus Brigstocke who studied Drama at Bristol University.
Worth a reprise at this point I think
What, the BBC employs drama queens?!?!?
When did QT start adding non entities to a supposed political discussion programme? People watching should be looking for intelligent debate (I know, I know) but each episode seems to have some utterly random Berkshire hunt who knows sod all about politics except what they remember from their ‘I want to get laid so will be as right on as possible days’
Was there an outcry of public opinion demanding people with no political experience or ability a platform to jerk off their inane views?
“But my favourite comedians are either dead or the old fashioned non-political funny ones such as Ken Dodd.”
Comedians of that era learned their trade by trying to solicit laughter from paying audiences up and down the country which were, on occasion, borderline hostile. Lazy “Fatcher” jokes wouldn’t have cut it. The dross didn’t last long – now they get jobs on BBC panels.
This was supposed to be a reply to RP.