Poor Jeremy Bowen. He was hit by shotgun pellets as he provided us with his particular brand of impartial reporting from Cairo.
The Middle East editor was photographed with a bandage around his head and blood on his face. He tweeted after the attack: “Thanks for the messages. I’ve been hit by a couple of shotgun pellets. Am fine and heading out.”
Now, I wish no harm to anyone, and am genuinely sorry that Bowen was hurt, but the BBC continues to struggle with the idea that “the people” reject the brand of Islamism represented by the Muslim Brotherhood. I’m not really sure what value Bowen’s presence in Cairo contributes to our understanding; his long years of biased reporting have undermined any merit in what he provides. The BBC, and Bowen, have been to the fore in their fawning admiration for the “Arab Spring”, disregarding any pretence of impartiality in the process. It might be better for his health if Jeremy stayed at home.
Wars, of course, are fought in (or if they forget themselves, too often by) a new breed of media who see reporting factually as a tedious interference with the process of propaganda supported by censorship in support of their favoured cause.
I just watched Sky’s bald SAS wannabe set things up nicely by telling us that ‘the nightmare scenario is if the army weighs in fully against the Muslim Brotherhood supporters’.
More, one presumes, than chipping in when the MB appear to feel shot and handguns are needed to express frustration. Machetes & odd dietary options so last excusable reaction in the minds of our guardians of moral equivalence.
So with the world’s liberal media priming them with what’s needed to get the outrage industry further onside, the MB can probably spare a few martyrs to provoke the kind of reaction that will serve.
If I were a border customs post I’d be a bit nervous.
Of course, bullet magnet Bowen seems already to have shown the way when it comes to being in certain places at certain times to ensure coverage. Where you stand can often be an insight to who you stand with. And in foggy times, this can see consequences.
It also can’t hurt that the world’s most trusted edit suites, local translators and UK commentator classes are on standby to ensure what suits gets full coverage, while anything that doesn’t hits the memory hole.
The irony is Eliot Carver was meant to be a satire of a certain person, but in words and deeds, the BBC is well at the forefront of selective incitement & suppression techniques.
If more for ideological reasons than ratings alone.
‘Of course, bullet magnet Bowen seems already to have shown the way when it comes to being in certain places at certain times to ensure coverage. Where you stand can often be an insight to who you stand with.’
That seems quite a serious accusation. Can you substantiate it at all?
‘That seems quite a serious accusation’
By recollection, Mr. Bowen has now found himself on the receiving end of ordnance, if I recall in both cases accidentally in firefight situations he was present for, at least twice now.
These were also apparently fired by uniformed state forces in areas of conflict. It seems most unlucky for him to have been in the vicinity of where they were firing at rather than from for whatever reason, now on two occasions.
That is not an accusation; merely an observation. So what ‘seems’ to you is what you have opted to ‘possibly’ see, seriously or with the purposes of mischief.
Care to explain why this, by your own admission uncertain (and incorrect) aspect is what troubles you more vs. all the examples of BBC skewed, selective reporting or editorial omission on these pages currently?
Or is the pen-name chosen enough of a clue?
Just an observation is it , really? I only asked because it seemed so unlike someone usually so pompous and self-righteous.
I don’t think it unusual that a reporter, often reporting from war zones over decades would be on the receiving end of ordnance on two occasions. Not unlucky at all, in fact its an occupational hazard, and one I admire them for, rather than armchair reporters.
You can dress it up in whatever vague, almost impenetrable prose you want, you’re suggesting Jeremy Bowen was shot because he was associating with ne’er-do-wells, and not only that but that he conspires when them so that he is ‘in certain places at certain times to ensure coverage’. And you have the cheek to call my comment mischievous!
‘Where you stand can often be an insight to who you stand with. ‘
Yeah? Do you apply that to prison wardens? what about the police, or judges? Stupid, stupid thing to say.
I was going easy on you, but you couldn’t just say ‘No, I can’t substantiate that’ could you? And you still haven’t. You just threw an accusation out there without a grain of truth to it.
Oh, and I commented on this because I had the time and inclination to do so.
At risk of a scolding from some for engaging with an entity that cycles names like the Borg adapts to phasers, given the nature of your post it warrants a reply… and the elevenses coffee is still cooling.
Just an observation is it , really? I only asked because it seemed so unlike someone usually so pompous and self-righteous.
A view for you to hold. I will leave others to assess your personality in turn by your own words than any I may add here.
You can dress it up in whatever vague, almost impenetrable prose you want,
Now, why does this focus on my style, on top of my personality, seem so familiar?
you’re suggesting Jeremy Bowen was shot because he was associating with ne’er-do-wells,
No, you just have.
and not only that but that he conspires when them so that he is ‘in certain places at certain times to ensure coverage’.
No, you just have.
Yeah? Do you apply that to prison wardens? what about the police, or judges? Stupid, stupid thing to say.
In context, I will again leave the relative stupidity of commentary by either of us for others to decide.
I was going easy on you,
The concession is appreciated. Does that mean you now are not? Is there a threat inherent? More to come?
Oh, and I commented on this because I had the time and inclination to do so.
Clearly. But my coffee has cooled. And as I am not tied to a computer for some reason on such a day, time to get back off out into the sun.
Maybe you could use the time to offer a view on why you do not seem troubled by actual accusations of a serious nature made by a paid, supposedly professional & impartial ‘news’ broadcast monopoly for tribally ideological reasons?
Your exchanges with BBC Complaints around such things will be more than illuminating when shared.
After days of echoing silence that’s the best you can come up with
Desperate, old man, desperate
He’ll find some way of blaming the “Zionist’s” for his predicament.
Reporting the BANG BANG is Bowen’s forte. It’s in accurate analysis that he falls down.
I am genuinely uncaring if he’s hurt or not. Any moron that voluntarily walks around in a place where people shoot at each other takes the risk willingly. And i’m glad he got some medicine for his unwavering love of everything islam. A deserving target.
Perhaps if you are wounded in the course of duty the BBC gives you an immediate bonus of tax payers money, and an even bigger than normal pension top up when you leave. Are we sure he didn’t shoot himself just to collect?
‘Any moron that voluntarily walks around in a place where people shoot at each other takes the risk willingly’
I guess that’s what reporters do. I for one am glad. I wouldn’t want to live in your world.
I must confess that when I read that Jeremy Bowen had been injured by shotgun pellets, I had an uncharitable thought. Shame on me!
And not only Bowen…why the hell has Naughtie been sent out there?
What has that verbose jingling Jock got to add about things Egyptian?
And of course his petting zoo of assistants and skinblock consultants that traipse behind him into Premier Lounge?
To hear that turnip worry about Labour fixing in Falkirk(not too far from Jims roots…but hardly The Burrell is it?)…from Cairo…reminded me of his asking about the Fukishima response as he sat in the Tokyo Hyatt…on the line to the Japanese Ambassador in LONDON for Gods sake>
Suppose there`s no chance of any “value-added” component to thees state-paid jollies for the BBC grandees is there….what do they cost, who allows it on our tab…and what f***in purpose do they serve to anybody NOT wanting freebies sine die at the BBC?
These people spit in our faces…the hard rain is soon to fall, please God!
Has new ruler of Qatar, home of INBBC’s chum Islamic Al Jazeera, suddenly turned against the Muslim Brotherhood, Qaradawi and Hamas?
How will Bowen, INBBC Cairo Bureau, and BBC Arabic TV cope?
“Qatar strips Muslim Brotherhood ideologue Qaradawi of citizenship, orders Hamas top dog Meshaal out of country.”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Qatar opposes the Muslim Brotherhood and its ‘Palestinian’ adjunct Hamas.
They must be racist, bigoted Islamophobes. Will Obama order them to reinstate Qaradawi and Meshaal?”
Don’t worry a Qatar high court judge will overturn that deportation on grounds of family life
If not Shami Chakrabarti will straight over there to sought it out
Well-prepared focused heavily-ideological group ready to take advantage of political mayhem they helped incite get their hands on the levers of power…
and exclude and victimise those who don’t go along with their strange ideology.
(Historical deja vu)
On this occasion people speak up en masse against this perversion of democracy, and the military after trying to bring about dialogue decide to support the idea of democracy instead of totalitarianism.
The BBC are naturally outraged.
For the BBC there’s nothing wrong with
violence and murder ofChristiansJewspolitical chicanery to try to create a one-partyNational SocialistIslamic state.pro muslim brotherhood stockholm syndrome bowen.
Just got off my mat after reading the news.
INBBC is not interested in the plight of Christians, who are being persecuted and murdered by Muslims.
Muslims murder Coptic priest in revenge for removal of Morsi.”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“But remember: this is not hate. It only becomes hate when non-Muslims talk about it. Any bishop will tell you that.”
INBBC is, instead, concerned for the Muslim Brotherhood and all it represents in its global campaign to impose Sharia law.
Bowen must have missed the BBC story on the weekend concerning the death of one journalist there, the rape of another, and 7 others injured as a result of Morsi supporters.
Sherif Mansour, the Middle East and north Africa coordinator for the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), said: “Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood have fostered an atmosphere where journalists are attacked with impunity.
“We call on all sides to respect the safety of the media and urge journalists to take precautions for their security in this dangerous climate.”
If only he would have known.
He probably missed the BBC article on it because they didn’t have one. The Guardian did however, which is where the above statement comes from, so for sure the BBC knew of the story and just decided not to run it. If only he could get a hold of a copy of the Guardian out there he probably would have stayed safely out the way somewhere – like evil Israel.
I notice however the BBC has been running the story of the Palestinian teenager ‘stone thrower’ killed by Israeli troops for the last 4 days and presently stands as 8th most important story in their Mid-East section.
Wonder why the BBC didn’t run the story about the murdered, raped, and injured journalists? 🙄
As for Now, I wish no harm to anyone, and am genuinely sorry that Bowen was hurt,…
To be honest – I’m sorry they didn’t blow his bloody head off.
When I think of the number of deaths and injuries he has caused to many on both sides in the Israel/Palestine conflict as a result of his twisted propaganda, it would be justice.
A cornucopia of coverage about Egypt’s turmoil on the BBC website, yet not a single feature – prominent or otherwise – on what Human Rights Watch, darlings of the BBC, say is an epidemic of sexual violence. For pity’s sake, BBC, can’t you be bothered to notice? Will this at least be discussed during an upcoming Women’s Hour or something? A World Have Your Say about how this is a cultural problem?
91 sexual assaults in 4 days. That’s almost as bad as the BBC.
Be fair at least they are consistent for once .After all they have ignored an epidemic of industrial scale, brutal, sexual abuse here in Britain for years .And continue to try and obfuscate the truth of it even now
Egypt, and Syria.
It seems that while Bowen and co are giving their political priority to supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, INBBC ‘reporting’ on Syria has been politically relegated.
Is that because of the following, which INBBC doesn’t want to report, because its empathy with jihadist ‘rebels’ in Syria?:-
“Al Qaeda-Linked Rebel Infighting Begins in Syria.
Local infighting between Islamist rebel factions – and between the jihadists and the more moderate opposition forces – has begun in Syria.”
Excellent article by Mark Steyn on Egypt- here is just one journalist from afar who seems to have more grasp and historical perspective on the situation than Naughtie, Bowen and all the BBC panjandrums :
Why INBBC should stop supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.
For Bowen, INBBC Cairo Bureau, and INBBC Arabic TV Service:-
(-from ‘Times of Israel’ piece)-
“In the past year, Plotzker writes, the goal of the Brotherhood was to destroy and rebuild Egypt’s institutions so that they wouldn’t threaten its rule. One can guess, he says, that were it not for last week’s rebellion ‘Egypt would have quickly become another single-party Islamic state.’
“The fight in Egypt, Plotzker hints, is a microcosm of the important battle being waged between religious and secular political movements ‘over the future of the Arab world’.”
-from article: “Briefly, back to Syria”
I see no one in the media has commented on ElBaredei’s appointment as PM?
The same man who became Dubya’s thorn-in-the-side, regarding playing by the rules with WMD inspections, seems content to accept the role of PM without a single vote cast.
‘Daily Mail’-
“Islamic lynch mob waving Al Qaeda banners throw terrified teenage boy off 20ft ledge before beating him to death.”
“Teenagers thrown off rooftop ledge by Morsi supporters in Alexandria.
“Were celebrating ousting of Islamist leader when they met pro-Morsi mob.
“One of the members of the mob were carrying an al-Qaeda flag.
“Two boys are thrown off the ledge and beaten as they lie motionless.
“One of them, aged 19, was killed, according to local media.”
I can imagine Bowen sat there in the A&E waiting room right now, passing the time by enjoying one of his favourite hobbies (obsessions).. pulling the gold fillings from the cadavers of dead Jewish victims of Islamic terror attacks by HAMAS terrorists or pulling the fingernails from the hands of Jewish children whose body parts were collected by himself with the aim off making an actual genuine identifiction of child victims of attacks by HAMAS on schoolbuses almost impossible for their grieving Zionist parents who according to him should have been on the bus as well… Imagine him sat there murmering “Muslims love me… Jews do not” with each yank of his pliers as if he was still young teenage boy contemplating whether or not his new teenage boyfriend might allow him to “slip in a cheeky finger” at the end of that nights latest tour of the orphanages in Gaza which he was planning after stealing someone elses bloodied bandages and X-rays for a planned photoshoot to help “legitimate democracy” overcome a “military coup” in Egypt as the people he was embedded with are locked in secure jails and he doesn`t have a key and cannot tell the difference between a sheet of sandpaper and a map of a fucking desert (he only gets the “rough idea” ) and knows that at night the chance he might get arseraped by MB supporters for the next forty Arabian nights with no chance of a reach-around a bit too much for his ego to endure without his landlord Morsi there to hold his hand and apply sudacrem after they moved to the next tent where Lyse Doucet had promised them all Ass to Mouth whilst wearing a goatskin and a fingerbuffet as a special treat for helping the BBC know in advance where to be each time they went out to kill more Jews or Copts that month…. I still haven`t forgot the time some libyans dropped a coffin of a child victim and the lid fell open to show it was empty, imagine my surprise!!! Not at the lack of a body, but the fact it wasn`t filled with stolen RPGs from the Libyan Armies weapons caches… Fuck him…. I hope next time it is an actual bullet and not a richochet fragment from the pellet of a riot gun discharge… haha
I want to be totally honest, I did laugh at the photo of Bowen with his head bandaged. Now I know that is nasty but I don’t care. And the reason that I feel my glee is quite justified and natural, is that I remember those long years when Israel was under attack by Palestinian suicide bombers on buses and in cafes and restaurants, sometimes two attacks in one day, in Jerusalem, Haifa, Netanya, all different towns, not on the “occupied” West Bank and always targetting civilians. I remember the BBC journos, including Bowen, reporting in total serenity and tranquillity, and doing what the BBC does so well, the last-first timeframe, how will Israel respond and then, as an afterword, how many Israeli children had been killed by some Arab suicide bomber, they just couldn’t have cared less.
I’ve been watching Bowen, looking somewhat sweaty, jaded, stressed, and not particularly professional, reporting from his balcony or wherever he is in Cairo, certainly it’s high bloody time that he showed viewers the real Arab world which is violent and dysfunctional. When Mubarak ruled, they never said a word about Egypt, it was Israel Israel Israel all the time, most of it negative and demonising. To sum up, serve him bloody right!