Great to see the BBC telling us how Islam is changing soccer. This article gushingly proclaims “Premier League: How Muslims are changing English football culture”
Children playing football in the parks of Newcastle have even been spotted falling to their knees as if in prayer themselves after scoring a goal. They may not completely understand what it means, but it’s a sign that Muslim practices are becoming a more familiar part of popular British culture.
Watch The Muslim Premier League on BBC1 on Sunday, 7 July at 12:20 BST or catch it again on Monday 8 July at 23:35 BST.
Essential viewing? Allahu Akhbar.
, but it’s a sign that Muslim practices are becoming a more familiar part of popular British culture.
How very true. I have seen a great surge in beheadings, Female Genital Mutilation, “honour” killings, “strike them in the neck”, “forced marriages to cousins from back home.
Who but the bigotted would not be proud of the benefits of Multicultism.
this non story, inconsequential garbage, was given the big news spot at 9am on al bbc breakfast … unbeliieeevable!
Ramadan??? … and? … so?
looks like the bbc could write a new edition of
D Murrays Islamophilia on their own.
“A sign that Muslim practices are becoming a more familiar part of popular British culture.”
only due to the spineless w-nkers in No10 and at the BBC …. brit brainwashing corp in full effect …
abject moral cowards all.
The BBC hates the EDL, and believes it is the worst form of Nazism. Even if the EDL were so, I would like to know how many little girls they have raped, how many bombs they have exploded in public places, or how many people they have “honour” killed?
Pat Condell inadvertently states that we have become cowards because we don’t believe in anything
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
“Men Have Forgotten God” – The Templeon Address
Thank you sir.
And if it was you who put up the last blindingly brilliant critique of the shrivelled, spineless Western liberal and his mindset by Mr Solzhenitsyn…thank you again.
Compulsory reading-and if Dez etal reckon it should not be on a Biased BBC website…f*** off!
For this is the BBC mindset…has been since the 70s…and Alexandr skewers it from the grave and above it, as we need to get a grip on all he said.
And he himself would be confounded by the Islamic threat that now threatens us in the 21st century, much as Communism did in the last.
For Islam has certainly NOT forgotten God!…and God will prefer those nutjobs of evil who can at least quote a Surah, to some craven liberal who only knows his John Lewis list, or a line from “Imagine”.
Brilliant response, straight from the heart from a person who loves the West.
The BBC hates the West and its Christian traditions.
no new open thread … so
no problem reporting this on bbc news
but for some reason not this, anybody have any idea why?
for a clue check out the comments
and yet, the bbc can give plenty of space to this, and they ve found a wonderfully obfuscational way to address the epidemic of inbreeding in Bradford to boot – ta ra !
the problem is ……. Consanguineous marriages
just checked back no mention, of this incident … shameful … BUT there is plenty of room for this :-
edl protest.
“far right protest movement swaggered into Sheffield – the relatively tiny protest movement ya da ya da! – oh yes – “specially organised multi-cultural music festival was being enjoyed by local families.
It was hard to believe that this was just a few streets away”
yep! more biased broadcasting cresent “poison pen” letters to
vacuously rant at the English Defence League.
but hey ho, comments section tells a slightly more truthful rendition
“No mention of Unite Against Fascism’s pro Hezbollah chanting and waving Palestinian and Jihad flags. No mention of Unite Against Fascism trampling all over the War memorial after the EDL had left. No mention of the Unite Against Fascism rioting and attacking the police in and around West Street, trying to get to the EDL”
hmm might need a screen shot 😀 could suddenly disappear,…
“not conducive to the public good”?
“While I have no affiliation with the EDL or UAF and was there to take photos and video only as I live in Sheffield, I have to say that I was offended by the UAF chanting and climbing all over the Cenotaph to hang flags; The Cenotaph is a place to pay your respects, its NOT A CLIMBING FRAME OR A FLAG POLE!”
bbc? … hello? … anyone home?
sunday morning live ….
wants to kick hard to the jewish community this morning, about marrying out of the faith, whilst simultaneously totally ignoring the issue, in islam, even worse apostasy, and its punishment, ala honour killings etc …
then pussyfooting around muslim child raping gangs, with a painful
diatribe from another ejector seat imam.
06 July : in the first 8 minutes of today’s 6pm news on Radio 4 there were 5 moslem terror related items : deportation of hate preacher/killings in N Nigeria / killings in Egypt/honour killing arrest/Tanzania “UK citizen” arrest … thanks BBC : now we can join up the dots – you should too and report the results truthfully.
Great observation Fitz.
Methinks such bulletins will soon become all too familiar.
… now that bells are banned , the moslem prayer shriek will fill the void …
This awful islamic groveling is a shining example, if any were needed, of the BBC’s nauseating love affair and obsession with Islam. It is utterly infatuated with it and is hellbent on proselytizing the nation with pure drivel like this. I am sick to death with this corporation holding those who fund its existence in utter contempt whilst its apparatchiks dance around with kaftans, beads and tambourines singing Allahu Akhbar.
Soon Islamic practices like “honour” killings, and other practices such as murdering Muslims who leave Islam, will become so prevalent that the MSM will not even report them.
Oops, I’m so sorry. I forgot to mention sexual exploitation of very young Infidel girls. This too will become the norm, and parliament will recognise the new normative culture, by reducing the age of consent to 9.
Then there is polygamy. This was already granted legal sanction as far as Benefits are concerned, by a prurient chancellor, or was it a “prudent” chancellor of the exchequer.
The reaction to the many moslem gangs involved in the grooming and rape of pre teen English girls has been oddly muted : convictions for pre teen abortion on the carpet, rape of girls with MH problems, gang rape over a span of 10 years ? It takes more than that to get a BBC reportage reaction …
What do they bloody mean by airing this odious Left-wing garbage?
How about mentioning the thousands of Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Pagans and all those that howl at the moon that contribute to our game. No, they just had to bow down and grovel to Muslims YET AGAIN! The rug-knitting bell-ringers will be the first to cry to mummy and daddy if Islam ever gets a grip on this country. I’m fed up with hearing about bloody Muslims and Islam. For a religious minority they sure get their fare share of air-time on the BBC.
its just al-beeb stoking things up again, but then again, i expect they already know that.
Don’t Christians pray on their knees? Just asking.
In Muslim countries they pray behind closed doors for fear of being tied to a lamp-post or tree and burnt. Though, admittedly, I can’t see that happening in a game of football just yet: apart from a Millwall game perhaps.
This is what happens to Christians in Nigeria, when the religion of ‘peace’ throws tantrums and tries to impose its supremacist ideology on others:
Funny, can’t seem to find this on the BBC’s site at all. I ‘wonder’ why?
Ah, I forgot… they’re still in bed with white wine hang-overs and haven’t got round to reading the Guardian, yet.
06 July : In the first 8 minutes of today’s 6pm news on Radio 4 there were 5 moslem terror related items : deportation of hate preacher/killings in N Nigeria / killings in Egypt/honour killing arrest/Tanzania “UK citizen” arrest … thanks BBC : now we can join up the dots – you should too and report the results truthfully.
According to C4, many years ago, this applies to some Churches in Bradford too.
Muslims won`t mind that-so neither does the BBC.
Whether it be at the feet of Russell Brand, Owen Jones …or in a Jeddah square with a sword pricking the neck before the beheading…that really is not for the BBC to worry about.
Hell-if they`d been little girls from Holy Communion kneeling before Jimmy Savile or Stuart Hall…as long as there was a curtain, or a soundtrack from the Glitter Band to distract-the BBC would allow their premises for the procurement of kneeling Chritians too.
Let`s hope that the true Church gets up off its knees-and quickly!
Child abuse by moslem clerics “” does not exist “” …
… no, not always. Neither do they require “” non aligned squat closets “” as demanded from councils in N England …
Muslims don’t pray in what we understand as “prayer” . Muslim prayers are a set of positions that a Muslim adopts when the imam says a particular phrase. Its almost a set of physical excercises, repeated endlessly.
Some do. One can pray whenever and wherever. Its the mental attitude that is important, not the physical.
INBBC propaganda message to non-Muslim vast majority in Britain:
‘Come on infidels, you know a little about Islam and Sharia law: adapt to it, embrace it, it’s the sporting thing to do.’
Is INBBC also enthusiastic about ‘Ramadan Rush’?:-
“My other car’s a FUR-rari: The annual parade of supercars covered in velvet, chrome and even china flown over to London by mega-rich Arabs is more vulgar than ever.
“‘Ramadan Rush’ sees a flurry of Middle Easter owners flaunt their wealth.
“Park Lane and Knightsbridge set to be clogged with Lamborghinis and Bugattis this weekend.
“Bugatti Veyron estimated to be worth £1.6m and has a top speed of 250mph'”
INBBC message?:- ‘Embrace it, infidels.’
Muslim footy?..and why not!
All Star Sunni XI versus their Shia opponents>
All right…no “stars there yet” but given the Qasim , Uday Hussein methods of coaching, we may yet get a few…albeit on one leg with the one-handed goalies etc.
Could play it on a minefield even.
No BBC…I`m NOT being serious…so don`t even think of it….your lack of ideas, irony and willingness to cosy up to ANY Islamic grouping or sect is not funny at all!
It took France to bring on the genius of a Zidane…
How many of these Islamic gamechangers are not either African or first or second generation African immigrants to Europe (mostly France) ?
Surely all that’s changed in the last twenty years or so is that players are now ‘sourced’ (ugh!) from all over the place for European leagues. Some of them are from Muslim countries and (surprise !) turn out to be Muslim. That’s the story here (and interesting in its own right), nothing specifically to do with the RoP: no surprise that Auntie should regard it as another excuse to drag out her biggest fetish once again, though.
This article, and others like it, seem a bit contrived to me.
They are probably written by staff who need to show they’ve ticked the multicultural and celebrating diversity boxes at their next appraisal.
Is this the kind of cultural practice that Bourgeois Broadcasting Collective mean
Or as reported elsewhere
Why is moslem incest and its vast cost to the NHS so taboo ? It needs to be talked about so that these people can be helped to mend their ways . As it were . Heaven forbid that the BBC should try to assist any social engineering in that area, it seems.
I suppose dropping to their knees and making coitus moves with hips was learnt from the Muslims as well.
Hmm..well, I’m now suspicious of everything the BBC does and says and of what they do. Many of you might have well missed the news that has come out of Brazil concerning a football match, where a player got a bit umpty about the ref’s decision(s) and assaulted the ref. Unknown to the player, the ref carried a knife (I wonder why) and what could be seen a self defence, stabbed the player who later died. A group of *fans* didn’t take to kindly to this action of the ref and carried out the following:
According to reports, the referee was tied up, beaten, stoned and quartered. They then put his head on a stake and planted it in the middle of the pitch.
Make of it what you will but it could be impeccable timing by the BBC…..or simply something else.
Why is moslem incest and its vast cost to the NHS so taboo on the BBC ? It needs to be talked about so that these people can be helped to mend their ways . As it were.
As one can imagine, the outrage of true football fans across the world has been one of outrage and there has been a significant call for the moving of both the World Cup and the Olympics. Amongst all this chatter on one of these football comment sites, I came across this:
“i hope this is a wake up call for you sandal wearing Libs out there who want to welcome all and sundry into our country for a Lib Dem jamboree. This barbarism is not unique to South America and very soon other nationalities with scant regard for human life and personal decency will be descending on our shores. We have been betrayed by our feckless moronic arrogant and selfish politicians. May they all rot in hell. “
Just as a footnote, my editing before posting doesn’t seem to be working! As a result I’m posting double sayings, which I’m finding irksome. It might be a temporary glitch (today), so, can I edit an uploaded post and if so, how do I do it?
You can’t yet, but maybe TPTB will get round to it.
Islamic values in football, huh?
I wonder if they’ll mention this:
FYI for those who don’t remember the context, the assailants were apparently ‘Moroccans’ – which is the Dutch version of ‘Asian’.
“Asian” is sooooooooo 2012, get with the program DJ…
It’s now “Men of Pakistani decent”
Sure you don’t mean Moluccan? They went through a terrorist phase in Holland in the 70s, I remember it when I was a teenager.
Of course more recently the Moluccan Islands’ problem is a Muslim one (surprise!) and the situation has been worse that it was in East Timor etc.
Saw in the paper that John Inverdale mocked the appearance of the lady that won Wimbledon-and insulted her dad, who had been key to her victory.
Now normally, I`d not bother-the PC gone mad and all that-but this is outrageous.
For a young woman to overturn the odds and win her first Wimbledon is a very special occasion-for some smug BBC hack (who`s probably too old , fat or wealthy by now to bother to tie his own shoelaces) is a disgrace.
Not least because he either incited a load of evil trollers who mocked the womans nationality, appearance…or else he followed them, with the full backing of the BBC to make it hurt.
Inverdale has got to go-no question.
Wonder if Womans Hour will be doing anything on this story?
Or is it a mere trifle besides Gillard, Virago adverts or which woman will go on the next five pound note?…the REAL media issues up in Salfords sunlougers?
Disgusting that Inverdale is now Partridge but with malice…but no doubt( like all those rapes in Cairo) it`s not for the BBC wimmin to comment-all those chocolates, shopping and shoes suddenly need attention!
Spineless bastards all!
I caught this one in the papers today also. It turns out that this BBC commentator has said of the Wimbledon Champion, that he wondered if her father had told her *she would not grow up to be a looker*?
Now if that isn’t an instant dismissal, I don’t know what is!
An unbelievable comment.
It’s a very odd thing to say. What father doesn’t believe his daughters are beautiful no matter how minging they really are.
I can see where he is coming from as far as her body shape is concerned. She is not the beefcake power house of a Williams sister nor the willowy ranged Seles type with a pert bottom and muscular thighs. She would have to work hard to succeed just to over come her stature and shape.
The middle class lefty bleaters on the BBC think there is something wrong with working hard to achieve a goal; mainly because to achieve their goals all they have to do is ring up an old school chum. So maybe that is where he is coming from. There is something terribly infra dig about working hard – its so artisan …
“The middle class lefty bleaters on the BBC think there is something wrong with working hard to achieve a goal; mainly because to achieve their goals all they have to do is ring up an old school chum.”
Or simply fitting an approved ethnic or PC profile. I recall a (white) Cambridge graduate saying that she failed even to get an interview for a teacher training course, and so for a joke she filled in the same forms, but this time described herself as a black one legged lesbian, and to her amusement the offers came in thick and fast.
Positive discrimination of course is just another name for racism.
The public sector is (generally speaking) run by the lazy and paid for by the hard working. They justify this parasitism by appealing to their bottomless sense of entitlement.
That is why the Left is so keen on Identity politics.
The BBC’s dead tree brother says BBC apologises for John Inverdale’s gaffe over Marion Bartoli
My dictionary defines gaffe as a social blunder; faux pas. What’s the difference between a gaffe and an insult?
Damning the white bloke (eg all those ex-BBC celebs framed by their former colleagues for ancient sex offences) achieves “balance”, but in this case Inverdale saved his bosses the trouble.