From The Commentator:
The BBC has been having meetings with representatives of the PSC to discuss ‘BBC bias’…pro Israel bias that is.
Will the BBC reveal what the PSC said…..and more importantly will the BBC reveal what the BBC said and intends to do, if anything, to accommodate the PSC’s demands?
If such representations have some effect upon BBC news output should there not also have been a balancing representation from the ‘other side’? Was there one? Perhaps the BBC could enlighten us.
‘BBC Watch goes into further detail:
Who has the ear of ‘senior BBC executives’?
Of course one presumes that – in the interests of transparency – the BBC will take care to inform those licence fee-payers with somewhat less of an open channel to BBC senior management about the outcome of its tête-à-tête with a representative of supporters and enablers of a terrorist organization designated by the British government.
Broadcasting myths of being on the Elders of Zion payroll “balances” well-founded accusations of institutional antisemitism. But it’s still racist propaganda.
At least Channel 4’s expose of endemic moslem grooming was based on reality, even if cowardly producers did later balance it by libelling the EDL.
The excuse that the MSM, and the ruling elite are now offering for this nationally shameful episode, is that if channel 4, the BNP or the EDL had not raised the issue of the mass rape of thousands of little girls by Muslims doing what they are commanded to, the matter would have been addressed by the police immediately. This is the same excuse that was put out by the Leftists/liberals re Enich Powell. If Enoch Powell had not raised the issue of mass immigration in the way he did, mass would have not been allowed to happen.
Lets see how this works. If only a person had not rang up the fire brigade to report a fire, the fire truck would have arrived much earlier, and put out the fire.
just watched the first 10 minutes of muslim premier league on bbc 1 tonight,had to switch channels,could not take any more of this pandering and indoctrination of this religion called islam,is there no institution left in the country anymore that has not come under the influence of this religion called islam,what about the bbc making christian premier league since we do live in a christian country i thought.
The liberal intelligentsia, confronted with what in Western terms would be the 11th century and an all powerful Catholic Church, has taken leave of it’s senses.
Is it a craving for masculine authority or simply fear? Who knows. Ignore them for they are no longer acting in a rational way.
It’s a form of self imposed dhimmitude.
No idea what drives it, but it’s catching on everywhere!
Wikipedia the name “Israel Tonge,” and see what comes up.
It’s all a plot innit. Always has been when Tonges get to wagging.
Baroness Tonge has learnt quite a bit from the Arab Muslim world. When bargaining in the souk, start by offering the most ridiculous price one can imagine.
In this context, start by accusing the BBC of bias towards Israel. This is a “two for one”, as the BBC will rush to defend its impartiality in ways that are uniquely along the lines of the Ministry of Truth.
The Bbcdophyls love someone suggesting they are pro Israel,
in their minds it provides some legitimacy to their claim to be neutral. In reality it is about as believable as the BNP party claiming to be pro Muslim.
Yes, the “we get complaints from both sides” defense. Works every time since they don’t have to reveal what those complaints are or who makes them.
Plus they dont compile statistics on how many complaints they receive from opposing sides. If they were serious about impartiality, that’s clearly something they would do.
“Baroness Tonge has spearheaded an appeal on behalf of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign ”
Solidarity with this ?
On Pali suicide bombers, the deranged baroness
‘If I had to live in that situation – and I say that advisedly – I might just consider becoming one myself’.
Conveniently *doesn’t* live in that situation so therefore doesn’t have to prove her words.
If I cared enough about people like her (which I don’t) I would despise them.
When will the BBC will be holding talks with the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland to discuss complaints of bias against Israel?
For that matter, when will the BBC be holding talks with any groups in opposition to the BBC agenda to discuss bias?
If you start bombing and beheading people, especially in central London, the QBC will sit down and talk.
So when some fringe group makes a silly allegation the BBC rushes to placate them but when others ask for a critical report the broadcaster commissioned of their coverage of Israel they spend hundreds of thousands of pounds to hide it.
That would seem to be the SOP, yes.
Unique, eh?
I’m sure Scott will be along to tell us how it’s different. Unless he has, and it’s been deleted.
Another ‘who not what’ is the Flanders/Milliband/Balls triangle. Nice choice of photo by the Indy: Flanders and bike, eh? Draw your own conclusions. . .
Obviously Millipede didn’t make much of an impression:
“When asked about the relationship Ms Flanders declined to elaborate: “It was very brief and a very long time ago,” she said.”
When has the BBC ever had meetings with pro-Israel groups to discuss anti-Israel bias?
I’ve always noticed that official BBC responses have always been very sympathetic to anti-Israeli claims of pro-Israel BBC bias.
When groups like the PSC complain about pro-Israel BBC bias, what they really mean is the BBC isn’t being biased enough against Israel.
When will the BBC release the Balen Report?
Have you not heard the news then?
Balen report released: Hall and Fatty Pang claim, it was different era then! boom boom. !
The BBC should have nothing to do with Baroness Tonge . As Charles Kennedy, the Liberal Party leader said before he sacked her. “There is no room for people like her in public life”
The stink of anti-semitism still clings to her.