It’s a recurring BBC theme – the alleged cruelty of the IDF. I was reading this nonsense on the BBC today.
The Israeli army has been accused of illegally detaining a five-year-old Palestinian boy for throwing stones in the West Bank town of Hebron. Israeli human rights group B’Tselem said the child should not have been detained because the age of criminal responsibility in Israel was 12. Video showed the boy taken into an army jeep accompanied by a Palestinian man.
It’s only when you get past this diatribe that you read the IDF explanation that this young boy was not arrested, he was not detained, he was simply returned to his parents. So this is a non story but the BBC gratefully take up the theme since it helps blacken the reputation of the IDF.
The BBC loves B”Teselem as they provide a stream of anti-Israel stories that the State Broadcaster can they take and utilise. B”Tselem is always presented as an impartial human rights group. The BBC chooses not to question the motivations of this group but you might want to have a look at this way of balance.
This is newsworthy, BBC? How about doing a story on the UN-condoned textbooks which encouraged the kid to do things like this? Doesn’t fit the Narrative, perhaps?
BBC Newsworthy?
Ramadan Water Jihad
Teachers ‘denied schoolboy, 10, water on the hottest day of the year to avoid upsetting Muslim pupils during Ramadan’
I seem to remember a 9/10 ? year old pali suicide bomber (Jenny Tonge’s grandson I think) whom the IDF treated with extreme courage before disarming him.
Me I’d have smoked the little shiite.
Ooh Bup yer tha’ ‘ard.
Someone on the BBC norty step ‘being accused’ of anything is usually cue for only one thing.
Any from the home team, quite another.
If at all. At best. Or a Newsnight BIJ job.
It’s that balance thing.
However, this story being from a certain region and about the BBC rather than by it, we might expect ‘Sorrowful of Tunbridge Wells’ to soon appear and sadly advise that their years-long loyalty is at an end and they are having to call whoever it is that gets sites closed for hosting views other than theirs.
Probably a a bit of redacting afoot too, one shouldn’t wonder.
Not, currently, ‘obvious’ as such, really.
‘It is now Egypt who is blockading Gaza more than Israel ever has, causing major pain and disruption to trade, construction, fuel and power supplies and travel, but I guess we won’t hear that from the Israel-delegitimisers.
It’s a mystery.
Where’s Jon Donnison on this? He usually has direct access to the gun-and-tunnel crowd.
He’s been transported to Australia. Hopefully for crimes against objective journalism, never to return.
Oh, right, I forgot about that. He must be pleased to get out of there. No more getting called to the headmaster’s study for pushing propaganda photos. So it’s Yolanda Knell and Kevin “Teabagger” Connolly now.
I would have thought anybody caught ” Teabagging ” in Gaza would be stoned to death, or am I watching the wrong sort of video’s ?
Since everything in the region is all peace and quiet, why not invent a story to stir anti-IDF sentiments against my former brothers in arms? The al-beeb is on the task, as always.
the bbc mindset on the idf and isreal in general is always on the negative,you have to wonder if these bbc journalists dont have a certain stockholm syndrone sympathy towards hamas and the palestinian cause.
Funny how hate crime doesn’t apply to antisemitism. I guess only certain groups get protection, as with the Nuremburg laws.
We have seen numerous examples where the BBC doesn’t report about attacks made by Hamas against Israel until Israel retaliates, and then the headline usually makes it appear as if Israel was the aggressor and targeted the militants in an unprovoked attack.
Now is it out of sympathy for Hamas, or simply using any excuse to demonize Israel?
Well maybe this will answer the question.
Yesterday Honest Reporting ran this story:
According to Arab reports picked up by YNet, Egyptian forces in the Sinai killed and arrested some 200 Islamists, including quite a few from Hamas.
He said 32 Hamas members were killed and 45 activists were detained. “Hamas is flaring up the situation in Sinai after (former Egyptian President) Mohamed Morsi’s ouster,” he explained.
The BBC decided not to run this story, nor that Egypt has requested permission from the Israelis to place more troops in that area to combat the terrorists, which Israel granted.
This would give a completely different picture to what is going on there than the BBC wants to show.
But we see that it’s only when Israel kills Hamas operatives, even one, that it becomes news. Egyptian troops kill 32 and it’s ignored.
The story they did run today about Israel, and they rate it as 3rd most important on their Mid-East webpage, is this.
With all that’s going on throughout the Mid-East, this is the THIRD most important story for the BBC.
They also omit this story:
Interfaith outreach in Egypt: Muslims behead Christian shopkeeper in Sinai
Cairo, 11 July (AKI) – A Christian shopkeeper’s headless corpse was found in the Sinai Peninsula on Thursday, the second slaying of Christian there since the military deposed Egypt’s Islamist president Mohammed Morsi on 3 July.
But for the BBC it’s how to do their best to demonize Israel over this 5 year old boy left unsupervised who endangered lives:
It’s about as stark an example of the insidious agenda of the BBC as can be found. It’s why I wish Bowen’s head, along with the rest of his mates, would have been blown off.
Even if the age of criminal responsibility had not been reached that does not give someone under that age a free pass to perform the act that would have been criminal had he/she been of age.
Can we expect a BBC interview with the child as to why he was throwing stones, in the first place? As far as I can recall the BBC has never acknowledged incitement to violence of children in the PA nor the religious justification for violence against Jews.
Good point.
Should the equivalent progeny of Wayne & Waynetta be experimenting with some fireworks & a few nuts & bolts in the local undergrowth, or even an errant spray can near any ‘sensitive’ community installations here, one does not imagine they’d be sent away by local plod with a flea in their ear on par with getting caught engaged in some dubious scrumping.
I’d hazard said moppet, and especially any adult accompanying him would indeed have been detained.
And if the acronyms daubed did not fall under BBC-approved lists, far from leaping to daft defences, they’d be at the head of the pitchfork and burning brand brigade.
And why doesn’t the BBC run this story…?
More than 100 wounded Syrians receive care in Israel
As conflict rages, Israel takes in influx of Syrian refugees in need of medical care; ‘At first it was young men in their 20s, 30s; now they’re younger, teenagers, sometimes even kids,’ doctor at Safed hospital says..
and …In Israel, doctors quietly treat injured Syrians
Doctors argue they have a humanitarian responsibility to treat those wounded in Syria’s civil war, but the government is quick to say it will keep the scope of Israeli assistance limited.,,
Why not bring back the great kidnap victim, one Alan Johnston to give an update on the apparently still breathing, Mohammed al Dura? Or they could bring back “foreskin”, the Hebrew translation of Orla, as in Guerin. The talent pool is so deep at al beeb. Cheers aplenty for the gangs of Gaza!
isrealiphobia and jewishaphobia has become a viral epidemic in the muslim world and the left wing state controlled media
I don’t think we need to see the Balen report. Just a cursory glance at the BBC’s Middle East output tells you they portray Israel in the worst possible light and suppress reporting of Palestinian and Arab violence and racism.
The headline should be . IDF return 5 year old to Palestinian authorities .
But why let the facts get in way of a good headline.