Friday already? Today is the day that Fusilier Lee Rigby is buried. I noticed the BBC inform us he was “killed” Was it an accident then? God almighty, they are outrageous..over you to you.
I noticed this dismissive phrase as well David. No attempt at information at all. They spent 20 seconds on it and moved on to much more important matters, like the apparent economic recovery isn’t really a recovery, it’s all down to Andy Murray feel good factor and the hot weather.
like the apparent economic recovery isn’t really a recovery
I was reading something recently about how the Federal Reserve in the US has being pumping money into the markets at an alarming and unsustainable rate. This is worrying a lot of economic genii ( ha!) of the ‘quality’ of Buffet and Soros and they are selling off their US holdings as fast as they can.
The upshot is that the US economy will have another spectacular crash caused by a surge in interest rates and a following property crash. The scale of which will exceed that of 2007 and the Wall Street Crash.
This is earmarked for 2013 by people who predicted the 2007 crash.
Could be complete nonsense of course, like all economics just smoke and mirrors, so who knows?
Oh course we will hear no such predictions on the BBC until Obama is long gone.
There isn’t going to be a mega crash. You’re not paying attention. The Fed has the markets’ back. Rising interest rates are going to juice the markets UP, not DOWN. Same for property and commodities. The best thing you can do now, is buy US stocks, commodities (gold to $5k-$6k), and buy property. Lock in a fixed rate mortgage now, as rates are going to rise, irrespective of what the BoE does.
This is all against a background of a stagnant economy, and rising inflation. If you think rising interest rates means a crash, you are very much mistaken. It will increase demand for loans of all types. Watch.
Nor will you see them there either. The Muslim council Of Britain did their bit a few weeks ago; condemning the acts of ‘the minority’. Now we’re back to normal, complete isolation from the rest of society…
Yep, his continuous grovelling and head-burying should secure him around 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the muslim vote.
Hey, Mr. Journalist, is that why your colleagues censored the bit out of the video where the alleged killer mentioned his religious motivation, and why the BBC glossed over that and left it as “political statements”? The eye-for-an-eye stuff seems rather out of context if it was all run-of-the-mill anti-Iraq/Afghanistan sentiment, don’t you think? Or is it another case where you journalists selectively decide that the audience already knows all about it and don’t need to be informed of the details this time?
No! The court will give him the platform to grandstand and to use his Jihadist name ‘Mujahid Abu Hamza’ or translated ‘The noble Lion of Jihad’ which might well encourage others to repeat his disgraceful act.
I would urge everyone reading this to contact their MP and seek an explanation from the justice minister why he is being allowed to use this name which he wasn’t Christened with and has not changed his name to through legal process.
Thank you Beeb, a man who calls a spade a spade, unlike some of the procrastinating, mouse-like posters who tip-toe around, afraid of outright condemnation of the traitorous, muslim appeasing BBC.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but were Michael Adebolajo & Michael Adebowale not arrested at the scene?…y’know, those two bastards who were covered in Lee Rigby’s blood, brandishing a revolver, that one of the arseholes tried to shoot the police with, but blew off his own thumb, and meat cleavers?
The Interesting thing about this whole affair is how the bBC have remade this story into a non event, meanwhile elsewhere the very same bBC is happy to inform me of a terrorist attack on a mosque in Tipton. Funny how when Muslims do the attacking they are referred to as :
Misguided Criminals
Peaceful people
But never..Terrorists.
Rathkeale Quality Generators and Wheelbarrows LTD says:
All the ones I know admit it doesn’t work, and the reality is that the depositors are given a ‘gift’ every year which amounts to interest but isn’t called that!
Don’t forget that usury is prohibited in the Bible also and got the Jews into an awful lot of trouble in Medieval Europe.
Well I believe it does not believe in charging interest in the same way we do. Therefore no relly free movement of funds to where they are best served. Medieval. An economic step backwards . In keeping with the entire religion.
Could I strongly recommend you and other posters here toaquaint yourself with sub judice. This site could be open to criminal prosecution if it continues to allow posters to comment in the manner they have whilst criminal proceedings are in place.
Therefore the death of Rigby remains a killing until someone is convicted of his murder.
One of the defence options is to argue that because of sites like this, the defendants will not be afforded a fair trial. In other words a lot of posts her arw helping the defence case.
If some doubt the origin of the bombs today, I suspect that some of the posts going on about murder are actually being posted by islamic militants trying to undermine the prosecution.
Vance and Alan should seek legal advice as other viewpoints may already have reported this site for breaking sub judice. It is a jail sentence.
You don’t know what you’re talking about, so stop pretending you do. Remember Joanna Yeates, the young woman murdered in Bristol? Her killer pleaded guilty to manslaughter and not guilty to murder. Calling that death a murder before the verdict came in would have been contempt of court and a very serious offence. This is no different – two men have been charged, so the matter is sub judice. Like it or not, journalists avoiding the M word are doing the right thing legally. The only nuance is that this will be treated a whole lot more seriously by the trial judge as soon as it comes to court.
Not to put too fine a point on it, Reuters and the BBC journalist who wrote these pieces screwed up. Any posters in doubt about this are advised to check the Contempt of Court Act 1981.
So who should be at the top of the order for scolding and threats, considering the law speaks of “the media” and “media organizations”? The BBC, which is the largest media organization by far, and Reuters, or a tiny, obscure amateur blog which nobody reads?
I was correcting a factual error, not defending a ridiculous pseudo-threat against a blog. But since people get sued for libel on Twitter these days, it’s worth knowing these things.
I think it’s fair enough, you have warned us of the possible consequences of saying the “M” word…leave it at that I guess…it’s up to DV & Alan to decide the next step on this.
You’re quite right to point out the problems that can arise.
However no media outlet is saying other than Lee Rigby was murdered….you just cannot say or suggest who murdered him as that is to be established by any trial.
The two men were arrested on suspicion of Murder.
Sky News must also have screwed up…two hours ago:
‘Crowds applauded the murdered soldier’s family and comrades as they arrived at the military service at Bury Parish Church…..His murder sparked nationwide shock and revulsion and led to an outpouring of support for his family from the public.’
Along with the Mirror, the Mail, the Herald Scotland…and the Guardian…..and not forgetting the BBC itself:
‘Lee Rigby funeral: Drum parade for murdered soldier’
Answer to Alan. So other outlets have made the same mistake. It’s still a mistake. Two men have been charged. The matter is therefore sub judice. We all know who killed Lee Rigby. But if the two men charged are found to be mentally ill they may well be convicted only of manslaughter, and there are other circumstances that could result in such a verdict. Until a conviction has been achieved, it is prejudicial to describe this crime as a murder. It is therefore legally correct and sensible to avoid the M word. I’m not suggesting for a minute that anybody commenting here is the slightest bit at risk of prosecution. But it’s worth knowing what the law actually is, and why some journalists use the words they do.
Loyal and true. People saw them behead the soldier. Other Newspapers use the word murder.
Nobody is going to take action against this site and this site’s opinion will not alter the fact and the eventual outcome of the case.
BBC Radio 5 Live mentioned McSane in their midnight news headlines – but forgot to mention that he was either Labour or ‘ex-Labour’ (as per BBC on line).
With the news out of the way 5 Live got back to an activist for the disabled (Scope) lecturing us on how the message was positive from the Paralympics but since then there had been a nasty narrative of ‘benefits cheats’ which just had to be drowned out. I’m sure the BBC were taking note of his every word and will comply to the hilt.
It all seemed to boil down to an example of a disabled person getting a job but no one already there being willing to give up their ground floor parking space.
I’m afraid I’m a little confused as to the rights and wrongs of this story. Equality versus special pleading.
Treated ‘just the same’ or needing the rest of us to ‘budge up a bit’ as per the immigration debate?
The disability lobby in this country is very powerful which is why disabled people get showered with oodles of benefits and priveleges, far in excess of what the country can afford.
I know that a minority of the “disabled” screw the system, but the main beneficiaries of state largesse are equalities executives, working the guilt complexes via BBC hacks to get even more out of the taxpayer – like the professional weepers and teeth-gnashers in foreign aid documentaries, or the carefully anorexic looking entrepreneurs of the battered wives industry.
Ian, I’m not talking about any fraudsters here but my disabled brother, who as well as living in a nice bungalow with 2 other disabled people, staffed 24/7, gets a new car every 3 years (as does one of the other residents – that’s 2 cars between 3) and has at least 2 holidays a year, including a villa with pool in the Med for a week. Oh, and they are always looking for things for him to spend his money on as if too much piles up his benefits will stop. I kid you not.
Take note of the BBC news website approach to the funeral of Lee Rigby. They are playing it down so much it must be a policy decision – perhaps to ‘reduce community tension’.
Yesterday, the small headlines were about the impending funeral of “a soldier”.
Today he merits a name “Lee Rigby military funeral to be held” but the story, if it be that, is relegated to a minor place after a whopper headline about banning packed lunches in schools. And now a teachers strike (good).
Beeb news management is increasingly like Pravda, so I imagine the TV coverage of the event will be as sparse as decently possible.
[As posted an hour ago on earlier Open Thread]
The use of the passive “was killed”. The hallmark of liberal evasiveness and refusal to face reality.
The hive mind at work.
If they did not disgust me so much it would almost be amusing.
The BBC within hours of his murder were linking in a Guardian article questioning if it could be considered terrorism, and had Anjem Choudhery on Newsnight to try and justify it all. They are absolutely disgusting and they are sickening apologists for murderous terrorism.
“I noticed the BBC inform us he was “killed” Was it an accident then?”
To check whether this is normal BBC practice, I did a quick search on the BBC website for “Stephen Lawrence”. Sure enough, every example I looked at said “murdered”.
The way the BBC are describing Lee Rigby’s brutal murder simply as someone who was ‘killed’ is all anyone needs to know about the BBC and its priority to always report redacted, politburo-approved politically-corrected truth.
It’s an insult to the late Mr Rigby and a patronising guesture of utter contempt from the Corporation to the rest of us. ‘Community cohesion’ (a truly hateful (and utterly meaningless) meme dreamt up the self-aggrandizing ‘multiculti’ Czars of New Labour) is a poison at the heart of social policy in this country and one that the BBC have naturally picked up and run with.
I did a search for mentions of Lee Rigby on the BBC news site, and mentions of Stephen Lawrence. Here are how the first ten entries dealt with what happened to them.
-The 25-year-old soldier, from Middleton, was killed in Woolwich, south-east London, in May. (×4)
-Drummer Rigby, of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, was killed near his army barracks in London, in May. (×2)
-Drummer Rigby, of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, was killed near his army barracks in Woolwich, south-east London, in May.
-who was killed near his Army barracks in Woolwich, south-east London, in May.
-two men accused of murdering soldier Lee Rigby
-after hearing about the murder of soldier Lee Rigby in London.
-Mr Brooks was with Mr Lawrence on the night he was killed in a racist attack in 1993 in Eltham, south London.
-The Church of England has called for an independent investigation into claims police tried to smear the family of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence.
-backed by the murdered teenager’s mother Doreen
-Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe has said he will be meeting the mother of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence
-The Macpherson Inquiry was set up in 1998 to look at into the Metropolitan Police’s investigation of the murder of 18-year-old Stephen Lawrence in Eltham, south London, in April 1993.
-The mother of murdered Stephen Lawrence
-the move was prompted by claims officers tried to discredit the family of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence.
-The Macpherson Report of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry contains a number of criticisms of the Metropolitan Police
-Mr Brooks was with the 18-year-old on the night he was killed in a racist attack in 1993 in Eltham, south London.
-Twenty years after the teenager Stephen Lawrence was stabbed to death in London
I will leave it to others to comment on the respective treatments shown.
Well that rather proves my point. All those Lawrence stories are from AFTER the court case so there was no risk of contempt.
Other people are quite right to point out other broadcasters and even the BBC have indeed used the word murder (which rather negates Mr Vance’s original point of course). But the fact is that legally they shouldn’t.
As “A Lawyer” points out it is really unlikely the owners of this site would be sued but it is possible and it’s also possible it might cause problems for the prosecution at a later date.
The BBC website is of course seen by judges as much more important than this one, which is why the BBC has a duty to be much more careful about all this.
So it’s not “outrageous” to avoid saying “murdered”. It’s the law.
It is getting worse on the BBC UK news website with a major headline now on Litvinenko and an update of the funeral story at 11.57 reading “The prime minister and thousands of other mourners have gathered at Bury Parish Church for the military funeral of Fusilier Lee Rigby.”
Even the PM’s attendance can’t bring it to any more than a minor headline.
The BBC is incurably sick in every sense of the word; and it now knows it.
Maybe the Graun should ask the BBC for advice on a business model that will see income guaranteed even if service does not inspire actual custom?
If necessary, by force?
Or maybe get that nice cafe lady in to whip up a sign?
Comments (sadly now closed… imagine) went well, I see.
This one seemed to capture the mood, along with the accuracy levels within the Graun/BBC reporting axis of DOTIs: JimmyRussell
23 September 2012 7:07pm
“…the existence, among other sites, of the rival licence-fee-payer-funded BBC website guarantees that they will never actually need to pay for a supply of reliable day-to-day news” But we do pay for it. You know, the licence fee (aka telly tax).
That should of course read ‘… are forced to pay for … what is supplied…’
I’m afraid the BBC are using the word ‘killing’ in the context of the murder of Lee Rigby because that is their standard house-style.
In fairness I wouldn’t claim that the BBC are singling this story out for unusual treatment. Therein, one might say, lies the problem.
So the BBC must inevitably play the story down as much as possible.
In general the greater evil – in the eyes of the BBC – is that odd construct they call ‘community cohesion’.
I have before related the anecdote about an old schoolmate – who leaned to the Left – who climbed the local government ladder to a senior position in an area of the country containing a sensitive terrorist target.
He told me his council had put together some contigency plans.
I asked him about what actions might ensue…. his answer was all about community cohesion – reassuring the community etc…..
The BBC reaction to the murder of Lee Rigby from the very start has been this same community reassurance guff writ large.
Ah, but on my reading (albeit brief as a summer morning frost) of these very pages there does seem to be one according to some, albeit niche, and a bit of an age, sex & Dailymailist-specific one.
Luckily, there now seems a low tolerance to ‘youlotism’ abuses.
Because to group white British people as a ‘community’ would be implying that there’s a deliberate attempt to segregate us from ‘the others’….or so the BBC and other anti-British sites and news sources would make out
Too true. An imposed cohesion to create an artificial community can only be sustained by televisual propaganda, fear of the thought police, and alienation of each Winston Smith from his fellows.
Wouldn’t surprise me if The Party wasn’t monitoring this blog.
May already have been noted here but I did rather loike this comment….
HannaH43 • 21 hours ago
“as an American working overseas. I would never listen to voice of America because it was my government station. So I listen to the BBC. I did not mind. It was anti-Israeli. In time, it became I thought somewhat anti-American that was okay with me. But the last straw was when I believe it became anti-British. I hope you can clean house at the BBC and get rid of Looney leftist. and make the BBC great again”
It’s always nicer to take the moral highground but that Left-liberal thin end of the wedge can get quite uncomfortable when it gets around to giving you and yours a poke.
I sometimes find myself thinking that the only possible explanation for the subservience of the BBC, police and government (at all levels) to Islam is so that when it inevitably erupts into all-out civil war they will throw their full support behind the non-Muslims with the correct justification that they did absolutely everything possible to appease the Mohammedans and it still wasn’t enough.
It is rather the same hope I felt before the last GE that I would wake up one morning to find that the Tories had been deliberately running a crap campaign and from that point onwards became a competent, conservative party. Look how that turned out.
As far as the police are concerned, my experience is that ACPO and their filtered down political claptrap gets weaker every rank down the chain until the uniforms and detectives on the streets, you know the ones who actually do the job rather than talk about it, have the usual broad opinions rather than the politically correct wafflings of ACPO
A story how a leader of the free syrian army is murdered by the islamist Al Nusra front. The BBC reporter can’t hide his sympathy when he writes;
“The al-Nusra Front – which had gained a reputation for discipline and honesty – rejected the merger though not its allegiance to al-Qaeda.”
Completely fact free or outright lies.
The Al Nusra Front is known;
– for killing any enemy soldier they capture. (they admit this them self) (many video’s)
– for killing all the shia moslims they encounter(many video’s)
– for ethnically cleansing all the christians out of the area they hold. (confirmed by the vatican)
This unit even motivated some people of the rebels to switch sides to Asad again.
The BBC is in bed with the muslim brotherhood. Selling our freedom.
Something that rankles with me is why were the alleged murderers of Lee Rigby only wounded, and not seriously at that by the Police ‘marksmen’? At the range they were, both should have been killed in an instant. Were those officers told to wound and not kill? It is hard to just wound someone, so they are ‘trained’ to go for the body mass, chest in other words. Either the officers are bad shots or were reluctant to go for a kill, on the orders from above? Sure the attackers were charging the police who were getting out of the cars, but a chest shot is possible for competent shots. Bet your life, in the States, those muslims would be dead meat. Perhaps the police need an increase in calibre for their pistols, shoot a ‘man-stopper’ round, but hey, the woman police officer would probably be thrown on her back with the recoil. The whole incident smells bad to me. Any one else wonder why these morons were not killed on the spot?
the police actions on that day were disgusting. they should be disciplined and as punishment forced to spend a few weeks with the army learning basic marksmanship principles, ie one round one kill
They wanted do die. They thought they would be killed and spend eternity in paradise with however many virgins it is (let’s not forget Ann Widdicombe is a virgin though). Not being killed must have been a real let-down.
As far as I remember they didn’t have chance to even get out of the car before the two jihadists were upon them. Shooting from a car seat under extreme conditions was never going to be an easy kill.
The police officers did what they are trained to do. The overriding concern in any firearm situation is to assess and act in accordance with policy. Sometimes the ARV officers have very little time to make their decision and in this case they shot to wound. They wounded and incapacitated the attackers enabling them to be arrested and tried. I think in the situation, the fact they didn’t just blaze away is a great credit to them.
Personally I would like to see the bastard offenders hanged in public. Judicial execution is to my mind better than suicide by cop. Just imagine the grief the police would have got from our poxy muslim sucking government if they had killed the guys with the knives. Public enquiries for ever more and some appointed grandee condemning the police for killing poor jihadists.
For myself, I am wondering why, of all ‘breaking news’ that may warrant my immediate attention, over the last few days I recall nothing from them by email, but now there’s this:
Snowden meets activists in Moscow
Rights activists meet US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden at Moscow airport
Rights activist poster boy… meets activists in the duty free zone for a chat.
Maybe the BBC needs to pop the odd Indy-gob in the rotating Graun talking head roster a bit… ‘for balance’?
Between them them do appear to speak for the nation. If there is a very, very, very small one out there.
“Having resigned his seat in March, to take up a £300,000 charity job in New York, why’s Labour MP David Miliband still here? He’s on BBC1’s Andrew Marr Show this Sunday, where he might be asked about brother Ed’s current difficulties. Is it tactful of David to lurk on our political sidelines?”
All morning, the lead item on BBC24News was the Government’s delay in introducing plain cigarette packaging. We were later informed – surprise, surprise – that Labour had tabled an ’emergency question’ about it in the House. This was a blindingly obvious pretext for Labour to accuse the government of ‘being in the pocket’ of ‘big tobacco’, thereby hoping to deflect the scandal of Labour’s union links. It was also the lead story on Daily Politics where, lo and behold and would you believe it, Diane ‘hypocrite’ Abbott was shown making that exact point. Of course, I wouldn’t dream of suggesting that the BBC was slavishly following the Labour Party’s agenda… Meanwhile, serious news channels had as their lead item the funeral of Lee Rigby.
The Aussie guy behind this was interviewed in radio 4 today and let the cat out of the bag. The reason the government won’t opt for non branded cigarette packaging is because they want to protect the revenues of corner shop keepers.
Now I wonder who it could be who own all those corner shops???
I hate to defend the BBC, but The New York Post report doesn’t mention ‘murder’ either. They cannot call it a murder until somebody is found guilty of the crime.
David, the report you mention, dated 28th May, was 2 days before anybody was charged with murder. The two suspects were only charged on the 30th May.
“Under Section 2 of the Act, a substantial risk of serious prejudice can only be created by a media report when proceedings are active. Proceedings become active when there’s an arrest, oral charge, issue of a warrant, or a summons.”
You try again.
Of course the BBC (or any news service) can report that a man has been CHARGED with murder, but they cannot predict the court case and report the crime WAS murder until there has been a verdict.
I thought you were better than to keep trying to labour this point.
5live drive, Peter Allen et al, main/top headline @ 1600 hrs
“Government U-turn on cigarette packet branding”
nothing else happening in Britain today?
(this news, was in fact, brought to you from the back of a fag packet)
they really are beyond the pale and make my freaking blood boil.
Yes, it is quite shocking isn’t it? I was sitting watching the news last night and the reporter, who was obviously choosing her words very carefully, repeatedly avoided any mention of the circumstances of his terrible murder. The BBC have completely sanitized it and removed any connection to the evil Muslim animals, who committed this racist butchery in the name of their book. If it had been perpetrated by white Christian extremists (non-existent really but we are all led to believe that this country is full of them) we’d all be subjected to hour long documentaries bemoaning the evils of western culture and its spawning of Christian extremists. I hate to say this but these types of Muslim atrocities will become so commonplace that the BBC won’t even bother reporting as headline news.
The bBBC TV news is in overdrive, telling us every few minutes that a bomb has gone off ‘near a mosque’. Is that relevant? Was it one of the locals practising being peaceful?
It may well be relevant.
If for the reasons you go on to suggest, then on past evidence, it will cease to be ‘overdriven news’ PDQ.
The two-faced community can only live with so much fear of being shown up.
Maybe these guys can be sent out again to investigate again:
And have their reports left up as is even when a few story evolutions may suggest an update, stealthy or otherwise may add to context in light of subsequent events.
On a more serious note, as a Flokker dive has doubtless already commenced, one’s hopes and prayers are with any innocents affected, and in hope that all are safe and well.
If it’s a terrorist attack, then they must be crap terrorists. That’s two so called bomb attacks outside mosques in the past month. No damage, no one hurt. The latest one in Tipton has now been said to have exploded BEHIND the mosque on a disused railway line!
If this was a terror attack, wouldn’t it have made more sense to place the alleged nail bomb outside the front doors and timed to explode when worshippers were leaving the premises? Same with the alleged bomb exploding outside the mosque a couple of weeks ago. We last heard that a 72 year old man had been lifted by Plod for that one. We’ve had no update since – ZILCH! Why would that be I wonder?
I think these so called bomb attacks are false flag operations calculated to turn British Muslims into the “real victims after the murder of Lee Rigby. Is it more than coincidence that news of the “bomb” in Tipton broke around the same time that Lee Rigby’s funeral was taking place, once more turning attention on the “poor Muslims”?
I await to see a detailed report on the alleged bomb, but I was puzzled why neither BBC nor Sky were running any helicopter footage of the bomb damage / crater. I can only assume there wasn’t much to see – and to have shown it wouldn’t have played into their narrative of painting the muslims as victims – and creating a false balance.
Yes, who are the barbarians who deal in bombs regularly? The ‘ extreme right ‘ ?
You couldn’t make it up!
Every bloody bomb incident I hear about is someone misunderstanding the ROP !
FFS when are the sheeple in this country going to get pissed off with being fed bullshit?
Listened to the Morning Mither that is the Today Show this morning. Both at 7a.m and then at 8(because I had to check that I HAD heard their order of news correctly).
As it`s the BBC…it`s a slew of random slurry, but carefully pre-chewed by the Guardians resident poodle…so bear with me.
1. In Dublin today, there are expected to be clashes after prayers between pro-and anti abortion supporters, in connection with the right to smoke Egyptian cigarettes from plain packaging, and not the usual Muslim Brotherhood/Al Queda brands.
2. A leading member of the FSA is due to be buried later today with full military honours having passed away in Woolwich a while back(if anybodys bovvered). Two men continue to assist the police in their Arabic studies before once again gracing us with an appearance at the United Nations.
3. 90% of school lunches are in danger of being refused admission to girls schools in Pakistan if Academies are allowed to be unregulated, despite the heroic efforts of Jamie Oliver, back in the days when Labour ran things properly.
4. Henry Dimbleby from a food chain charity will be speaking later today at a Youth session of the U.N to insist that the Taliban get training to spot the signs of incipient amnesia. The UNITE union hope to get voluntary contributions up to a level where going to a girls school becomes a human right(so called Saviles Law!).
Boy it`s confusing getting the garbled mush of bleeding hearts, lily livers, turtle tears and tea tree oil slopped up for me by way of “news”(note that hardly any story had even occured as news-just what was going to happen later on today).
My heads scrambled…no wonder the BBC stoolies are so confused-sheer shite top to bottom.
God Bless you Lee Rigby.
What O?
Who else to tell the oiks not to put crisps n t`ing in their kids buttie boxes than …who else…but the founder celebrity chef of a chain of restaurants called Henry….HENRY?
Any no common-or-garden Henry…but it`s only Our `Enery “bleedin`” DIMBLBY innit, luvaduck and strike a light!
Henry Dimbleby graces the Today studios(cringe cringe fawn fawn) to suggest that a bit of rocket in the larks tongue substitute ciabatta would be preferable to Haribos on a sea of ketchup.
Henry himself well remembers being packed off to boarders with a just-so hung pheasant on a bed of Sargasso kelp by pater(no, don`t ask me…but it`ll be one of those fecund feckers, surlemente).
No-didn`t catch the old school tie, nor the uni…a kid in Hackney asked him but got no answer, so I understand.
Is there no start to the talents of the Dimblebys?…and is there no pretext to get these amateur interns onto the radio or telly at any opportunity.
And the BBC reckon that James Khan is a hypocrite what with getting his kids shoehorned into jobs on daddys name?
F***Off Dimbly sprog-it`s crisps and Haribos for my kids in ciggie branded packaging from now on, if YOU`RE the nature of the opponent I`ve got!
A Daddy steamer if ever I smelt one!
Do you hear that sound? That is the sound of all the lands big catering company execs, furiously pleasuring themselves over the mere idea that pack-lunches might get banned.
The other sound, is all the supermarket lobbyists being deployed to immediately c***-block them.
The Webb Mister was in onion-choking mode this morning.
His little foot fair stamped at the notion of private troughers getting in on the States turf, what with providing public services an` all.
This won`t do at all-that there are vast hike ups, jobs for the boys, unaccounted-for gravy trains, tax fiddles, incompetence, cover ups, golden parachutes on leaving a f***in mess and vast burning of precious public funds as paid by the little people and their taxes.
Webb was misting up at SERCO/G4S of course…less so the NHS…and even less so the BBC that employs this hypocritical gobshite swallowing his camel.
Add 1200 deaths to the chargesheet above-you have the NHS and its gagging clauses, hounding of Julie Bailey/Kay Sheldon.
Add serial sex pervs on your premises, and accusing opponents of being paedos, when you mop up after your own…and you have the BBC.
Even G4S/SERCO have yet to kill people or harbour/cover up for serial abusers of kids…yet Webb sees no link whatsoever.
And wee Webbie…haven`t the BBC been faring out their “public services” to the likes of HatTrick, Hewlett Media etc since dear Birtie boy rode tall in the saddle?
Oh that`ll be different…a different bike we ride.
And no jokes please about louche lefties counting the cost of Osbornes policies eh?…we`re above that !
Oops reported you by accident – must put glasses on so please ignore – Heard same interview and had to switch off as could not believe the gross hypocrisy or just ignorance of Webb – talking about could it done be more efficiently in – house etc, what a waste of money – kept shouting at the radio – easy solution why not appoint head of bbc it services and the team that masterminded the 200 million pound complete waste of money, not recoverable, start again wasted on their latest bespoke IT scheme – but not to worry James Purnell has explained that lessons have been learned and savings are being made. Wonder if the IT guy has been sacked or is just standing aside for the 7 figure payoff (another lie at just under one million as ignored the payement for loss of office)
Seeing as it’s still topical I think I’ll repost on the new thread.
Today Malala Yousafzai will address the United Nations in the tospy turvey world of the lunatic left she has become an icon for standing up against another of their favourites – Islam !
Picking through the mess of BBC miss information to get to the truth is impossible, made worse so either by blatant BBC lies or the Taliban changing the story when they realised the amount of popular feeling against what they had done.
Here is the current story as far as I can tell, and something which is now banned from UK media, the Quranic justification for it.
Please remember that this story may have changed from the original one !
Malala was not shot because of an opposition to education of girls.
The Taliban do not have an opposition of education of girls
There is nothing in the Qur’an to support opposition of the education of girls (unless you really really twist it!).
The Taliban claim that Malala was deliberately targeted because she spoke against them, and the Qur’an does support the murder of children in such circumstances.
The Taliban statement reads:
it is “not just allowed … but obligatory in Islam” to kill such a person involved “in leading a campaign against Shariah and (who) tries to involve whole community in such campaign, and that personality becomes a symbol of anti-Shariah campaign.”
The Taliban had been destroying schools and killing teachers not as the misinformation tells you because they didn’t want girls to be educated, but because of the ‘Khalwah’ Islam prohibits men and women working side by side and schools are co-educational, this is why they have been attacked.
Malala wrote a blog under a pseudonym for three years attacking and criticising the Taleban for enforcing the Khalwah, and it was for this she was shot, and no other reason.
Here is the Islamic justification used by the Taleban for the attempted murder, which you are banned from hearing in the UK:
a reference from the time of Hazrat Khizar, a revered figure in Islamic history who was described as a righteous servant of God and endowed with the qualities of unmatched wisdom and mystic power.
“If anyone argues about her young age, then the story of Hazrat Khizar in the Quran (states that) while traveling with Prophet Musa (AS), (he) killed a child. Arguing about the reason of his killing, he said that the parents of this child were pious and in the future he (the child) would cause a bad name for them,” adds the statement.
In a final statement the Taleban say this:
“If anyone thinks that Malala was targeted because of education, that is absolutely wrong, and propaganda of media. Malala was targeted because of her pioneer role in preaching secularism and so called enlightened moderation. And whomsoever will commit so in future too will be targeted again by TTP.”
So yet again we see propaganda in the Western media suggesting that group of mad mullahs are twisting Islam to their own ends, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Funnily enough I was just pondering this from their Facebook feed… ‘”Let us pick up our books and pens. They are our most powerful weapons. One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education first.”
This is what #Malala Yousafzai is expected to say as she addresses the UN as part of her campaign for compulsory education for every child.
From the ‘will say’ to ‘expected to say’, it struck me that it would be funny if she strayed from script and expressed her undying love for Justin Bieber instead.
Though that may carry inherent new dangers from her new BFFs.
Who is paying for this girls daily bus trip to school in Birmingham from the charming Pakistani village now busily adding a cycle shed to their beloved new school( under Labours Schools for The Future scheme, now cruelly closed by nasty Mr Gove)?
That`ll be us then…again….
Buried deep within this lengthy BBC Online Magazine article about German Templers settlers in Palestine in the 19th Century paving the way for the Jews to set up shop is this little tidbit of information:
Nevertheless, relations between Templers and the Jewish community remained good, and despite increasing violence between Jews and Arabs in Palestine, life for the Templers was peaceful.
What’s this? I thought all Arab-Jewish tension was due to the Occupation of Palestinian Territories which was the result of the unprovoked Israeli aggression in 1967. Why on earth would there have been Arab-Jew tensions in the 1930s, BBC? Spot the missing relationship between the Nazis and the Arab leadership.
Otherwise it’s an interesting read, pretty informative about something I knew almost nothing about. There are a couple of other points with this article I could complain about, but the issue of Arab-Jew hatred sticks out and I don’t want to distract from it.
Mind you, what else can we expect from an article which vilifies the Jews’ role in the development of Palestine and praises the German settlers, many of them nazis? Straight out of Eichmann.
Any chance of Israel bringing back hanging for visiting hacks? At least visiting Germans are ashamed of their country’s role in the holocaust. Hacks seem to wish they’d been einsatzgruppenkommandos.
So I am reading the bBC article on the terrorist attack on a Tipton mosque when I cam across this: Shopkeeper Sadarat Khan said he was coming out of a local chemist when he heard a “bomb blast”.
“I did tell the police there to evacuate the area, please for god’s sake – there were nails all over the place,” he said.”They didn’t seem to be bothered too much… It took them about 40 minutes to evacuate the place. “People were terrified and very scared and shaken”.
Yeah F-ing British Police, not doing as a Muslim demands. They must be racist.
Question for the bBC, in light of follow up IED designed to target rescue services and such (Think Warrenpoint and Omagh) just where should the Police have evacuated the followers of Islam to?
I particularly liked: “why the BBC is, for all its wonders, actually an outrageous, malign, monopolistic force in British broadcasting, like a kind of vast, retarded toad, squashing the life out of the little guys in the media”.
Are the BBC any clearer about whether this “terrorist incident” was the EDLs livid response to the murder of Lee Rigby(PBUH)…in which case this would be a bad bomb that threatens social cohesion?
Or is it a good bomb…one where exuberant madrassa teachers somehow mixed the wrong chapatti flour with a badly-labelled bottle of peroxide, and some nails got inadvertedly included from the DT department?
Poor marks for YOU Mr Al Stinksa in Chemistry!…dumbed down science under Blunketts regime, I`d expect.
In which case…ssssh!
Ok. so I have read the bBC article on the terrorist bomb attack on a Mosque in Tipton and the whole emphasis is on Islam can only be a victim. Which is why the bBC goes into overdrive into promoting the view that hundreds of Muslims could have been killed, that only a fluke prevented mass casualties and that people are very scared.
Here is what the bBC isn’t telling you:
The bomb went off on disused railway tracks near, not next to or on Mosque property . Next door to the mosque is a church, could not that have been the target? In fact look at google and see how actually the bomb didn’t present as much a problem as the bBC make out. Simply as the high bank behind the Mosque, the trees and distance combined with the Mosque wall, the Mosque itself , the lack of actual homes near the bomb seat (On the other side of the tracks is a factory) and you find that actually the blast presented very little threat to anybody other than to the idiots who set it off. Do a google map search and see for yourself.,Binfield+St,+Tipton+DY4&gl=uk&ei=W0LgUbLYCOb80QXf94AY&ved=0CDwQ8gEwAw
David Preiser,
“I see the BBC has abandoned their previous reticence to labeling something a ‘terrorist’ attack.”
Run a nice deep bath and soak up all this “reticence” David, you’ll feel so much better:
Hello Dez, where were you when many of our posters asked you to explain some of the Beeb’s recent bias about the Trayvon Martin trial, the politically partisan tweets of many of the BBC journalists, their (none) coverage of the election rigging by the Unite union, as well as other topics related in the past couple of days. You been noticeable by your absence of answers.
Hit and run posts again, but can’t answer genuine questions. You are next to useless in debate.
“The bomb went off on disused railway tracks near, not next to or on Mosque property.”
Several Newspapers (including the Mail & Telegraph) are reporting that the bomb exploded in the Mosque car park. Inevitably there is some confusion soon after the event. So what makes you think you are such an authority on the exact site of the explosion?
“…and you find that actually the blast presented very little threat to anybody…”
Ah yes, nail bombs are completely harmless aren’t they. Well done Pounce.
The blast happened on a disused railway line near Binfield Street in Tipton in the West Midlands at about 13:00 BST.
A nearby shopkeeper said: “I did tell the police there to evacuate the area, please for god’s sake – there were nails all over the place.”
As the map shows, if the BBC is reporting accurately, it’s not exactly at the front door. But I’m glad to see you not trusting BBC reporting on something. You’ve been hanging out here too long. 🙂
Seriously, though, it’s pretty clear that the projectiles went pretty far and possibly could have harmed somebody in the vicinity. But it’s not like anyone inside was in any danger. And unless you have some intimate knowledge about who set the bomb off, how, when, and where they were located at the time, you don’t know if there was anybody near the bomb or within blast radius, nor do you know if the bomber knew who or what was in range at the moment of detonation.
I’m not saying it’s a doddle or anything, but I think you’re exaggerating the danger based on what we know so far, and wrong to sneer at pounce like that.
Tommy wrote:
“The Boston bombs only contained nails as well.”
Good observation, However those IEDs were situated inside crowed positions, on the floor thus resulting in mass casualties.
The device in Tipton, was placed on a deserted rail track, have a look at the bing map of the area, or even watch the bBC news, the site is covered in trees which by their very presence mitigate the blast effects, blasts primarily go up and out, seeing as the device was already above everybody every building in the area the vast majority of the blast was dissipated harmlessly , then, there’s the actual setting of an urban area, blast damage areas for urban area is half that of rural settings, the size of the device, seeing as there was very little damage, I’d say it was smaller than a suitcase bomb, as it was an urban setting the vast majority of people are afforded cover by buildings.
All of the above explains why there was less threat of mass casualties in Tipton than in Boston, where 2 bombs which were detonated amongst packed crowds killed 3 people.
Sounds and looks like a classic false flag, not unlike a large proportion of headline attacks on mosques by ‘Danes’ and pupils which seem not to have attracted the same level hysteria when proven to have the ‘wrong type’ of bigot responsible
As nothing is yet known, but the precedent of speculation well established by such as the BBC, on what facts are currently available I’d tend to go with your assessment, especially the media reaction path that now seems wearily familiar.
Of course, if any water melon debris is found, fans of ‘Day of the Jackal’ can get busy on twitter and excite the BBC further.
Gosh you got to love the bBC for how it covers the genocide inside Syria: Pakistan Taliban ‘sets up a base in Syria’ Thousands of people have died in the year-long armed conflict in Syria between loyalists of the ruling Baath Party and those who want to overthrow it.
Thousands bBC, its a little more than that, in fact its a little more than tens of thousands, try over 100,000. But hey who needs the truth when you have the bBC reporting what their Mullah has unzipped while they bend over and utter “Allah Ackba” with their arses in the air. All except wheelchair boy who utters “Al-lim-min-num,Aluminium, Aluminium”
BBC-NUJ doesn’t mention that jihadists ran him over before allegedly murdering him.
“Woolwich attack: British soldier was first run over before being hacked in London”
Didn’t take the BBC long to affix the label ‘Terrorist attack” on the Tipton blast, yet they found it impossible to label Fusilier Lee Rigby’s murder as a “terrorist murder”. No, the best they managed in the headlines at the time was “victim” and “attack”.
BBC, you are utter scum, riddled with dangerous muslim loving leftards in all levels of your operations and the sooner you are squeezed dry of funds the better.
I’m just catching up on DVD as you do with Series One of ‘It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum’.
A Croft and Perry gem never ever ever repeated on the BBC.
I dunno, something to do with the main Indian character being played by a ‘blacked-up’ whitey who considers himself British and talks about ‘damned natives’.
Or a Battery Sergeant-Major who describes the army concert party (who occasionally dress up in *shriek* women’s clothes) as ‘a bunch of poofs’; and takes great delight in kicking the punkah wallah.
I think the BSM actually referred to one of the Indians as a ***. (Rhymes with bog). At that stage I looked outside up at the stars and yes, the world was still revolving.
Anyway, they may not rerun It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum – but we’ll always have Cash In The Attic.
Putting this at the bottom of the thread rather than nested in the hope that a few more will see it. Two men have been charged with the murder of Lee Rigby. For all we know they may plead not guilty, for all sorts of potential reasons. In law, referring to Lee Rigby’s death as ‘murder’ is therefore contempt of court, like it or not. That’s not opinion, or motivated by my political beliefs. It’s fact. Journalists calling it a killing are sensibly avoiding prosecution, nothing more.
That’s fine. I’m simply questioning the motives and priorities of those above who come here to scold and threaten instead of directing their effort where it belongs. If it’s really so serious an offense, and they feel that strongly about it, why bother with an amateur blog and not the actual media organizations which actually might affect the outcome?
“In short, once legal proceedings become “active”, it is a criminal offence for media organisations to broadcast material which would create “a substantial risk of serious prejudice” to the proceedings.”
Note the wording: “substantial risk”. I think you need to acquire a sense of proportion. This site must be very influential indeed if David Preiser is at risk of being extradited on a contempt charge. Or is something else going on here?
Whilst the tonality and words used did not encourage benign concern at all, I was at first educated and informed to the extent that I appreciated coming to know something I did not, and ignorance is as we know poor excuse.
However sleeping on it I awake to more questions and confusion as a result of a vague legal system and the selective interpretations of those who work within it (maybe) and those who ‘report’ upon it professionally. Or patrol blogs.
The word ‘proportion’ here is another, like ‘reasonable’ that seems it can be whatever it needs to be. Depending on the power and lack of integrity of those wielding it.
As with Sally’s #innocentface , there appears a difference between a well-followed publicity-junkie Speaker’s wife to some Wolfie Smiff RT’ing anything that disses Tories. Then again a no-name guy gets the full treatment for a joke about a bomb, when a massively influential preacher is featherbedded when he actually broadcasts full on incitement. Go figger.
There does seem to me a world of difference between employees of the world’s largest media monopoly punting out ‘news’ and the owners of a niche forum allowing individual posts to remain up.
I know free speech is near dead, but when anyone claiming to be something legal can curtail legitimate topical discussion with a Private Fraseresque ‘you’ll all go to jail’ there is something awry, just as a coordinated ‘I’m a loyal follower but this is hateful and needs reporting’ appears now to actually have a chance given new ‘guilty until we can make it all go away’ bodies in place to assist the petulant and inadequate.
At least here it is out for all to see, in real time, debated in this case with utmost civility.
As I have suggested before and see invited here by others, it would be interesting to see shared the complaint made to the BBC and other professional news media, and how that gets responded to. Though it may take a time.
And there is always the risk of transgressing in the share anyway.
As there is apparently some legal experience around, can one of you please explain what the consequences of ignoring this are, or is it just like the TVL threat letters, designed to mislead (if so, the BBC may wish to explain the reasoning) but ultimately a paper tiger: This e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential and may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.
If you have received it in error, please delete it from your system.
Do not use, copy or disclose the information in any way nor act in reliance on it and notify the sender immediately.
Please note that the BBC monitors e-mails sent or received.
Further communication will signify your consent to this.
Fair enough. Risk of posting here and being prosecuted for using the word ‘murder’: next to nil. That wasn’t my reason for posting; I was answering those who see nefarious intent in the use of the word ‘killing’ in coverage of the funeral.
Yes, Lawyer, and I’m asking about those who scold about nefarious behavior here yet are unconcerned when the BBC does the same thing. It’s a curious set of priorities.
Vance has been attacking the BBC for following the law and DP has been stating this blog has no influence. Both often state the opposite and Vance is a regular on the BBC. Therefore the blog does receive wide enough notice to find it falling within the contempt rules.
DP of course lives in the US so he can say what he likes. Vance and Alan could face fines or jail. Unlikely? If every newspaper refuses comments on the trial this leaves few avenues for hot heads left. Sally Bercow never thought she’d be cleaned out either.
You really need to be focusing your efforts on actual media organizations who violate the law in the way you describe. The fact that you’re scolding and threatening amateur nobodies and not real media organizations speaks volumes about your morals and real intent.
There seems to be something fundamentally flawed in the reasoning here. Two individuals have been charged with murder. The BBC makes this very clear in its report.
Is it in your opinion ‘legal’ to report that the individuals in question have been charged with and will be tried for murder, I believe it is because it is a matter of public record.
I think the ‘wrinkle’ is that though charged with murder any suspect could claim it was manslaughter…and therefore the judgement would not be, legally, ‘murder’. Problem of course is that there are two suspects…possibly hard to claim ‘diminished responsibility’ for both.
However presumably the media giants have all run this past their lawyers because they all call it ‘murder’.
Yes, of course it’s legal to report the charges. This does not mean that a murder has necessarily been committed, however. None of this is controversial, Incidentally; it’s basic stuff.
Tx for that.
As you’re still around, any chance on a comment on the BBC email disclaimer?
The one where they say they can share anything with anyone, but those they write to mustn’t.
Appreciate it.
The disclaimer is not concerned with legitimate recipients of emails but aimed at facilitating the prosecution of those who intercept or are mistakenly sent messages intended for others. Interception of email is already illegal under the Communications Act 2003, but the disclaimer also protects from accidental breach of confidentiality. It won’t necessarily guarantee the BBC has a case against you, but is valid as evidence.
‘It won’t necessarily guarantee the BBC has a case against you, but is valid as evidence.’
Ta very much.
As one of many solitary possible ‘you’s’ being borne down upon by a huge, limitless-funded ‘them’ in matters legal, that is unsurprising but hardly reassuring.
As to ‘accidental breaches of confidentiality’, one has to wonder what those might include.
For instance, in matters of legitimate complaint, some here have shared the exchanges they have had once the BBC has checked with the BBC, found the BBC free of any failure, and decided the BBC no longer needs to account to anyone any more.
The BBC seems able to share internally and indeed externally with anyone they please, but by the wording it seems that if ‘you’, a mere licence fee payer, share with anyone else, they get rather ominous.
‘We note you have chosen to make this private exchange public.’
May one ask if that is all they can get, as ominous is easy to live with if it’s an empty vessel.
And snotty on top of trying to prevent full accounts being shared in the public domain is really not serving the BBC well when their entire investigative ‘news’ product rather revolves around the public having a fair right to know what they are up to, as much as they expect to share the activities of others.
It just seems… variable, standards-wise, that the BBC can tell any it communicates with that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but only on their say so.
Some may find that an abuse of already unique internal, secret, powers of censorship, on top of often significant resistance to having propagandistic tendencies challenged.
Using the power of greater monetary resources in legal matters is seldom ‘fair’, and indeed the BBC has been a champion of the underdog in this regard. From libel tourism, to legal aid.
Yet another exception when they see it work in their interests may be typical, but again hardly attractive in one so keen to tell all how transparent and trustworthy they are.
That’s nonsense. Two people have been charged with Lee Rigby’s murder. Therefore the authorities believe (and say) he was murdered – as does the rest of the world.
If they are found not guilty it does not make the crime anything other than murder. The notion the media cannot call it murder because those charged have not come to trial is fanciful. If so why weren’t they secretly charged to avoid use of that word?
What you can’t say is that the individuals charged are murderers.
No. It is legal to report that two men have been charged with murder. The Crown’s task in the eventual trial is to prove that a murder was committed by the charged men. Until then the nature of the crime is unproven.
Once again the BBC’s lack of curiosity makes me wonder if it really is a serious journalistic organisation or just a news aggregator and publisher of editorialised opinion. On the bare facts so far many scenarios present themselves:
1. planned attack on mosque.if so it was poorly targeted unless it was intended as a frightener or to gain publicity in which case it was very well targeted.
2. Home run. Islamicists or anti-islamic nutters preparing the bomb set it off by accident. Seems unlikely as at present no-one appears to be hurt.
3.attack but on another target. There is a church nearby but seems unlikely dye to time and day.
4.False flag. Islamicists plant bomb to put pressure on EDL etc and permit usual suspects to promote meme of muslim community under threat.
5.purely criminal mucking about or finding a prepared device and doing so.
All these are conceivable scenarios yet only one seems to exercise the BBC-don’t they ‘do’ journalism any more?
Has there been any further information about the ‘hate crimes’ of Muswell Hill and Chiselhurst. As far as I can see there has been absolute silence after the frenzy of prejudicial speculation linking them to “the far right”
One Islamic faction targeting another Islamic faction. It does happen all over the Muslim world so even if that is not what is happening now it will in the future.
“One of the BBC bosses who signed off some of the huge pay-offs to senior staff has been accused of being ‘disingenuous’ about her own pay packet.
“The corporation’s HR boss, Lucy Adams, told MPs she had taken a pay cut to leave her old job for the BBC where she is paid £320,000.
“But the Daily Mail reported it had seen documents showing she was given a ‘higher level of guaranteed salary’ than in her previous job when she joined the BBC in 2009 from international law firm Eversheds.”
now has relegated mention of BBC over-paying severance pay, but the ‘Politics’ page does have items on G4S overcharging, and has two comments (by Robinson and Landale) on MPs’ pay rise.
“Inside the migrant Shed City: Immigrants living in cramped and illegally built garden sheds (no wonder officials underestimated the number of new arrivals).
“EU immigration was undercounted by the Office for National Statistics by 600,000 over a 13-year period.
“Hounslow has 20,000 gardens with ramshackle sheds a lot of them rented out illegally.
“The official Hounslow population is 250,000 but one councillor says it is really more like 300,000.”
Tipton mosque blast was ‘terrorist attack’, say police
I suspect a dress rehersal by the West Bromwich local am-dram society for their version of Chris Morris’ Four Lions.
What we have hear is a Common Purpose led police force turning up to cordon off the entire area so they can take 48 hours to measure their own skid marks.
I don’t want to appear on here as always defending the police but again in these circumstances, its not the plods on the ground floor making these decisions. Every report is taken seriously when it comes in and a Silver and Gold commander would have made the operation decisions. Cordons, safety of the local population, numbers to canvass and investigate are all necessary.
What isn’t necessary and will be ordered from on high will be the demands to concern themselves with community cohesion and to ensure any local known rabble rousers who will zoom to the gathering press are reassured that the police are onside and will do anything and everything to make sure they know the police are assisting and keeping them safe. Pity the guys and gals who will now have to keep scene guard and investigate in awesome heat while fully kitted, wearing a stone of Kevlar and have the locals and the press keeping them under 24 hour watch.
‘….its not the plods on the ground floor making these decisions’
Point taken. The problem here would seem to be the ‘terrorist attack’ quote which the police have gifted to the likes of the BBC so that they can bolster their Islamophobia sham stories. Short term win for the BBC. Of course if local lad young Ali and his mate mate Mo are found to be responsible the story will disappear quicker than you can say Ali Bongo’s Old Snackbar. On the other hand should Wayne and Ryan have been playing at daytime out of season fireworks then Newsnight will do a special and we will never hear the end of it. The cops are usually so carefull with their descriptions of incidents – what happened here?
I agree with you, someone somewhere used the words terrorist attack and that is manna for the BBC. Would actually be interesting who used the phrase first and in what context. If it was the police then its shameful adherence to the Muslims as victims mantra. Again though, it depends on the context, was it a response to a question. Is this a terrorist attack? We cant rule anything out at this stage etc. Or was it a bold statement issued after orders from on high?
Everyone has different experiences. I was never corrupt nor the majority of cops I worked with. Corruption does exist and there are many examples of this. But please don’t tar some very hard working and diligent police with those that are corrupt.
Unfortunately, Banquo, too many coppers nowadays are corrupted by ambition. I don’t mean criminally corrupt, but their ambition to climb up the greasy pole of promotion forces them to see the world through the eyes of the Common Purpose management they aspire to.
In my time I’ve seen too many good beat coppers change their outlook and, indeed, personalities when they’ve been bitten by the ambition bug. They think that by aping the views of their bosses, they’ll have a better chance of being successful at their next promotion board.
I’m sure you must know colleagues like I’ve described.
In that context, yes I agree with you. I’ve seen it and been disappointed by it. Fortunately I was so old school the political climbers were the ones berating me for being horrid to the darling criminals and my progression was never an option. Forgive me if I repeat an earlier comment, generally speaking the lads and lasses who do the actual work both uniform and detective are the cannon fodder for the politically correct and sometimes absurd demands from above. They are the front line for abuse and condemnation and sometimes it is deserved but on the whole they are some of the finest people I have ever known.
Feel free to defend the police.
Like any other service( can`t call them a force anymore can we?), the majority are decent and honourable.
Trouble is that they have long been politicised since Thatchers era(sorry about that!)…and Major/Blair wanted s social service to create sob stories so that judges would acquit. Judges now will do this as a matter of their training since 1997…so there`s no conflict between the hardened copper and the liberal lawyer. If you want to progress, then you need to conform to that do-gooding, turning the other way culture so beloved at the BBC.
At higher levels of the service, nobody will even have considered anything other than acquitals, turning the other way ; and creating flaccid bendy laws that encompass thoughts and speech, rather than deeds. Much cleaner and cheaper for them-and the chavs can kill their own as far as they`re concerned.
Unless it`s Islam tinged,or Hillsborough/Stephen Lawrence related…in which case, out come the tazers,the victim incident reports and the battering rams/TV cameras…blue tape, incident rooms and “clear the streets”.
I admire the decent police-like the prison officers, they meet societys scum and have no support…I`d not do their job for anything!
Again, I agree, when shadow charging was introduced it took the decision on whether to charge the criminal and send him to court out of the hands of the police and into the hands of the CPS apart from confessions and smaller matters.
The CPS have their own targets to adhere to which include a percentage rate for convictions and this political ideal influences many a CPS lawyer both at point of charge and at Court. I have seen months of collated evidence dismissed by a lawyer over the telephone, I have had lawyers at Court asking for a dismissal because they hadn’t read the bloody file!
Incompetence and political pressure on all aspects of the law, from the judiciary downwards have screwed the system so far against law and order its a wonder why we bother.
I saw a CPS lawyer reading a statement in a violent street robbery for the first time as he presented to the magistrate, he was actually reading it for the first time as he presented and his stupidity led to the sod being bailed and several other people were violently assaulted before we got the bastard again. We complained to the CPS on several occasions about the cack handedness of CPS lawyers and to my knowledge, not a single one was removed.
Political interference, targets and the emasculation of the police has continued apace and now I am out of it I am still as frustrated and angry as I was when I proudly served.
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I noticed this dismissive phrase as well David. No attempt at information at all. They spent 20 seconds on it and moved on to much more important matters, like the apparent economic recovery isn’t really a recovery, it’s all down to Andy Murray feel good factor and the hot weather.
like the apparent economic recovery isn’t really a recovery
I was reading something recently about how the Federal Reserve in the US has being pumping money into the markets at an alarming and unsustainable rate. This is worrying a lot of economic genii ( ha!) of the ‘quality’ of Buffet and Soros and they are selling off their US holdings as fast as they can.
The upshot is that the US economy will have another spectacular crash caused by a surge in interest rates and a following property crash. The scale of which will exceed that of 2007 and the Wall Street Crash.
This is earmarked for 2013 by people who predicted the 2007 crash.
Could be complete nonsense of course, like all economics just smoke and mirrors, so who knows?
Oh course we will hear no such predictions on the BBC until Obama is long gone.
There isn’t going to be a mega crash. You’re not paying attention. The Fed has the markets’ back. Rising interest rates are going to juice the markets UP, not DOWN. Same for property and commodities. The best thing you can do now, is buy US stocks, commodities (gold to $5k-$6k), and buy property. Lock in a fixed rate mortgage now, as rates are going to rise, irrespective of what the BoE does.
This is all against a background of a stagnant economy, and rising inflation. If you think rising interest rates means a crash, you are very much mistaken. It will increase demand for loans of all types. Watch.
In other words, another debt bubble on the way, fueled by easy, magic money? Say it ain’t so.
Don’t forget that it was just as much an attack on Britain’s Islamic community as it was on Lee Rigby!
thats why i saw so many muslims in the crowd at lee rigbys funeral. i counted zero
Just looking at it on Sky now. The phrase ‘hideously white’ springs to mind.
It’s not that the NW is short of them, either.
Bury certainly aint short of the bastids…
Nor will you see them there either. The Muslim council Of Britain did their bit a few weeks ago; condemning the acts of ‘the minority’. Now we’re back to normal, complete isolation from the rest of society…
I saw Cameron there. He represents the muslim community.
Yep, his continuous grovelling and head-burying should secure him around 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the muslim vote.
It’s an active court case. So “killed” is legally the correct word to use.
So if they had not found the killer & got him to court we could never say he was ‘murdered’ or ‘brutally hacked down”?
No. A case only becomes active when an arrest is actually made.
Hey, Mr. Journalist, is that why your colleagues censored the bit out of the video where the alleged killer mentioned his religious motivation, and why the BBC glossed over that and left it as “political statements”? The eye-for-an-eye stuff seems rather out of context if it was all run-of-the-mill anti-Iraq/Afghanistan sentiment, don’t you think? Or is it another case where you journalists selectively decide that the audience already knows all about it and don’t need to be informed of the details this time?
Well it would be hard to say a quote from the Bible was Islamic.
Seriously, A Journalist? You’re going to play that game? Please try again.
No! The court will give him the platform to grandstand and to use his Jihadist name ‘Mujahid Abu Hamza’ or translated ‘The noble Lion of Jihad’ which might well encourage others to repeat his disgraceful act.
I would urge everyone reading this to contact their MP and seek an explanation from the justice minister why he is being allowed to use this name which he wasn’t Christened with and has not changed his name to through legal process.
Thank you Beeb, a man who calls a spade a spade, unlike some of the procrastinating, mouse-like posters who tip-toe around, afraid of outright condemnation of the traitorous, muslim appeasing BBC.
James Naughtie has a word to describe the barbaric savages who butchered the soldier: it rhymes with hunt!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but were Michael Adebolajo & Michael Adebowale not arrested at the scene?…y’know, those two bastards who were covered in Lee Rigby’s blood, brandishing a revolver, that one of the arseholes tried to shoot the police with, but blew off his own thumb, and meat cleavers?
The Interesting thing about this whole affair is how the bBC have remade this story into a non event, meanwhile elsewhere the very same bBC is happy to inform me of a terrorist attack on a mosque in Tipton. Funny how when Muslims do the attacking they are referred to as :
Misguided Criminals
Peaceful people
But never..Terrorists.
not forgetting plumbers
I like “radical” best. It evokes images of Lloyd George and the old age pension.
To me a conjures up images of a toned, tanned, blonde-haired, Californian surfer.
Ever heard of the spirit of the law and not the letter A journalist?
“Your Honour I was obeying the spirit of the law in my opinion rather than the letter” Yeah. Good luck with that one where you’re in the dock.
Lee Rigby funeral: Drum parade for murdered soldier
The Today programme on Radio 4 used the word ‘murder’ in its news headlines (4.40)
BBC Radio 3 also used the word ‘murder’ in its news report on the breakfast show (1.02.17)
The BBC has used the word ‘murder’. You seem keen to ignore it for some reason.
There was a piece on five live yesterday lunchtime extolling the virtues of the Islamic banking system.
If you didn’t know it, the BBC certainly made sure you were informed that there really is no better place to take your custom.
If any pretence that the BBC is not head over heels in love with the “religion of peace” existed, it has long since gone.
RIP Drummer Rigby
I’m sure the BBC have gone to great lengths to suggest that others put money into the islamic banking system.
The acid test, of course, is how much of the BBC pension fund is invested in such a manner.
very poor rates of interest apparantly
All the ones I know admit it doesn’t work, and the reality is that the depositors are given a ‘gift’ every year which amounts to interest but isn’t called that!
Don’t forget that usury is prohibited in the Bible also and got the Jews into an awful lot of trouble in Medieval Europe.
That would make interesting reading, anybody know the ‘investments’ of the BBC pension fund?
Full of *gasp* companies which make *shriek* profits and pay *howl* dividends
How many muslims in attendance at Drummer Rigby’s (RIP) funeral today showing their support for his family and “community cohesion”?
Well I believe it does not believe in charging interest in the same way we do. Therefore no relly free movement of funds to where they are best served. Medieval. An economic step backwards . In keeping with the entire religion.
They also said he was stabbed – wouldn’t want to offend anyone’s religious sensibilities by drawing attention to the gruesome nature of his murder.
Lee Rigby was killed; Stephen Lawrence murdered. The BBC continuing their astounding job on sabotaging the facts of stories to fit the narrative.
Until there’s a guilty verdict that’s the correct language.
I really hope that was a jestful comment
Could I strongly recommend you and other posters here toaquaint yourself with sub judice. This site could be open to criminal prosecution if it continues to allow posters to comment in the manner they have whilst criminal proceedings are in place.
Therefore the death of Rigby remains a killing until someone is convicted of his murder.
One of the defence options is to argue that because of sites like this, the defendants will not be afforded a fair trial. In other words a lot of posts her arw helping the defence case.
If some doubt the origin of the bombs today, I suspect that some of the posts going on about murder are actually being posted by islamic militants trying to undermine the prosecution.
Vance and Alan should seek legal advice as other viewpoints may already have reported this site for breaking sub judice. It is a jail sentence.
BS, Loyal and True. You’d better be sending a stern letter to Reuters, as journalist Peter Griffiths is calling it “murder”.
You don’t know what you’re talking about, so stop pretending you do. Remember Joanna Yeates, the young woman murdered in Bristol? Her killer pleaded guilty to manslaughter and not guilty to murder. Calling that death a murder before the verdict came in would have been contempt of court and a very serious offence. This is no different – two men have been charged, so the matter is sub judice. Like it or not, journalists avoiding the M word are doing the right thing legally. The only nuance is that this will be treated a whole lot more seriously by the trial judge as soon as it comes to court.
Oh, look, Loyal and True, the BBC is calling it “murder” as well. Off you go to the police, eh?
Written in simple English so even you can understand it.
Loyal and True, what’s the difference between what you’re scolding us about and what the BBC has said?
And I ask again: are you posting similar dire warnings and threats on every single other blog where people are saying similar things? If not, why not?
Not to put too fine a point on it, Reuters and the BBC journalist who wrote these pieces screwed up. Any posters in doubt about this are advised to check the Contempt of Court Act 1981.
So who should be at the top of the order for scolding and threats, considering the law speaks of “the media” and “media organizations”? The BBC, which is the largest media organization by far, and Reuters, or a tiny, obscure amateur blog which nobody reads?
stop calling yourself a lawyer. you are clueless. if someone paid you for the advice you are giving you would to sued for negligence
I was correcting a factual error, not defending a ridiculous pseudo-threat against a blog. But since people get sued for libel on Twitter these days, it’s worth knowing these things.
I think it’s fair enough, you have warned us of the possible consequences of saying the “M” word…leave it at that I guess…it’s up to DV & Alan to decide the next step on this.
Politicians – journalists – lawyers: the evil trinity at work. All feeding off each other and contributing but nothing to the human condition.
“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” Shakespeare, Henry II
‘A Lawyer’
You’re quite right to point out the problems that can arise.
However no media outlet is saying other than Lee Rigby was murdered….you just cannot say or suggest who murdered him as that is to be established by any trial.
The two men were arrested on suspicion of Murder.
Sky News must also have screwed up…two hours ago:
‘Crowds applauded the murdered soldier’s family and comrades as they arrived at the military service at Bury Parish Church…..His murder sparked nationwide shock and revulsion and led to an outpouring of support for his family from the public.’
Along with the Mirror, the Mail, the Herald Scotland…and the Guardian…..and not forgetting the BBC itself:
‘Lee Rigby funeral: Drum parade for murdered soldier’
Answer to Alan. So other outlets have made the same mistake. It’s still a mistake. Two men have been charged. The matter is therefore sub judice. We all know who killed Lee Rigby. But if the two men charged are found to be mentally ill they may well be convicted only of manslaughter, and there are other circumstances that could result in such a verdict. Until a conviction has been achieved, it is prejudicial to describe this crime as a murder. It is therefore legally correct and sensible to avoid the M word. I’m not suggesting for a minute that anybody commenting here is the slightest bit at risk of prosecution. But it’s worth knowing what the law actually is, and why some journalists use the words they do.
Loyal and true. People saw them behead the soldier. Other Newspapers use the word murder.
Nobody is going to take action against this site and this site’s opinion will not alter the fact and the eventual outcome of the case.
Has there yet been any coverage on the Today programme or on R4 News of Denis McShane (Labour) being charged with fraud?
BBC Radio 5 Live mentioned McSane in their midnight news headlines – but forgot to mention that he was either Labour or ‘ex-Labour’ (as per BBC on line).
With the news out of the way 5 Live got back to an activist for the disabled (Scope) lecturing us on how the message was positive from the Paralympics but since then there had been a nasty narrative of ‘benefits cheats’ which just had to be drowned out. I’m sure the BBC were taking note of his every word and will comply to the hilt.
It all seemed to boil down to an example of a disabled person getting a job but no one already there being willing to give up their ground floor parking space.
I’m afraid I’m a little confused as to the rights and wrongs of this story. Equality versus special pleading.
Treated ‘just the same’ or needing the rest of us to ‘budge up a bit’ as per the immigration debate?
The disability lobby in this country is very powerful which is why disabled people get showered with oodles of benefits and priveleges, far in excess of what the country can afford.
I know that a minority of the “disabled” screw the system, but the main beneficiaries of state largesse are equalities executives, working the guilt complexes via BBC hacks to get even more out of the taxpayer – like the professional weepers and teeth-gnashers in foreign aid documentaries, or the carefully anorexic looking entrepreneurs of the battered wives industry.
Ian, I’m not talking about any fraudsters here but my disabled brother, who as well as living in a nice bungalow with 2 other disabled people, staffed 24/7, gets a new car every 3 years (as does one of the other residents – that’s 2 cars between 3) and has at least 2 holidays a year, including a villa with pool in the Med for a week. Oh, and they are always looking for things for him to spend his money on as if too much piles up his benefits will stop. I kid you not.
Take note of the BBC news website approach to the funeral of Lee Rigby. They are playing it down so much it must be a policy decision – perhaps to ‘reduce community tension’.
Yesterday, the small headlines were about the impending funeral of “a soldier”.
Today he merits a name “Lee Rigby military funeral to be held” but the story, if it be that, is relegated to a minor place after a whopper headline about banning packed lunches in schools. And now a teachers strike (good).
Beeb news management is increasingly like Pravda, so I imagine the TV coverage of the event will be as sparse as decently possible.
[As posted an hour ago on earlier Open Thread]
The funeral was shown live on the BBC news website.
The use of the passive “was killed”. The hallmark of liberal evasiveness and refusal to face reality.
The hive mind at work.
If they did not disgust me so much it would almost be amusing.
The BBC within hours of his murder were linking in a Guardian article questioning if it could be considered terrorism, and had Anjem Choudhery on Newsnight to try and justify it all. They are absolutely disgusting and they are sickening apologists for murderous terrorism.
“I noticed the BBC inform us he was “killed” Was it an accident then?”
To check whether this is normal BBC practice, I did a quick search on the BBC website for “Stephen Lawrence”. Sure enough, every example I looked at said “murdered”.
Needn’t have bothered.
The way the BBC are describing Lee Rigby’s brutal murder simply as someone who was ‘killed’ is all anyone needs to know about the BBC and its priority to always report redacted, politburo-approved politically-corrected truth.
It’s an insult to the late Mr Rigby and a patronising guesture of utter contempt from the Corporation to the rest of us. ‘Community cohesion’ (a truly hateful (and utterly meaningless) meme dreamt up the self-aggrandizing ‘multiculti’ Czars of New Labour) is a poison at the heart of social policy in this country and one that the BBC have naturally picked up and run with.
I did a search for mentions of Lee Rigby on the BBC news site, and mentions of Stephen Lawrence. Here are how the first ten entries dealt with what happened to them.
-The 25-year-old soldier, from Middleton, was killed in Woolwich, south-east London, in May. (×4)
-Drummer Rigby, of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, was killed near his army barracks in London, in May. (×2)
-Drummer Rigby, of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, was killed near his army barracks in Woolwich, south-east London, in May.
-who was killed near his Army barracks in Woolwich, south-east London, in May.
-two men accused of murdering soldier Lee Rigby
-after hearing about the murder of soldier Lee Rigby in London.
-Mr Brooks was with Mr Lawrence on the night he was killed in a racist attack in 1993 in Eltham, south London.
-The Church of England has called for an independent investigation into claims police tried to smear the family of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence.
-backed by the murdered teenager’s mother Doreen
-Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe has said he will be meeting the mother of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence
-The Macpherson Inquiry was set up in 1998 to look at into the Metropolitan Police’s investigation of the murder of 18-year-old Stephen Lawrence in Eltham, south London, in April 1993.
-The mother of murdered Stephen Lawrence
-the move was prompted by claims officers tried to discredit the family of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence.
-The Macpherson Report of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry contains a number of criticisms of the Metropolitan Police
-Mr Brooks was with the 18-year-old on the night he was killed in a racist attack in 1993 in Eltham, south London.
-Twenty years after the teenager Stephen Lawrence was stabbed to death in London
I will leave it to others to comment on the respective treatments shown.
Well that rather proves my point. All those Lawrence stories are from AFTER the court case so there was no risk of contempt.
Other people are quite right to point out other broadcasters and even the BBC have indeed used the word murder (which rather negates Mr Vance’s original point of course). But the fact is that legally they shouldn’t.
As “A Lawyer” points out it is really unlikely the owners of this site would be sued but it is possible and it’s also possible it might cause problems for the prosecution at a later date.
The BBC website is of course seen by judges as much more important than this one, which is why the BBC has a duty to be much more careful about all this.
So it’s not “outrageous” to avoid saying “murdered”. It’s the law.
Sometimes you have to chuckle….
The BBC short headline link to this story
Wrongly jailed mum Lorraine Allen loses compensation bid
Is – word for word – this:
“Dead baby mum loses compensation bid”
Yeah Maaaan! Who wrote that… Bob Marley?
It is getting worse on the BBC UK news website with a major headline now on Litvinenko and an update of the funeral story at 11.57 reading “The prime minister and thousands of other mourners have gathered at Bury Parish Church for the military funeral of Fusilier Lee Rigby.”
Even the PM’s attendance can’t bring it to any more than a minor headline.
The BBC is incurably sick in every sense of the word; and it now knows it.
Maybe the Graun should ask the BBC for advice on a business model that will see income guaranteed even if service does not inspire actual custom?
If necessary, by force?
Or maybe get that nice cafe lady in to whip up a sign?
The Grauniad is way ahead of you. Remember: they suggested a £2-a-month levy on everyone with an internet connection to pay for ‘serious newspaper journalism’ last year.
Comments (sadly now closed… imagine) went well, I see.
This one seemed to capture the mood, along with the accuracy levels within the Graun/BBC reporting axis of DOTIs:
23 September 2012 7:07pm
“…the existence, among other sites, of the rival licence-fee-payer-funded BBC website guarantees that they will never actually need to pay for a supply of reliable day-to-day news”
But we do pay for it. You know, the licence fee (aka telly tax).
That should of course read ‘… are forced to pay for … what is supplied…’
I’m afraid the BBC are using the word ‘killing’ in the context of the murder of Lee Rigby because that is their standard house-style.
In fairness I wouldn’t claim that the BBC are singling this story out for unusual treatment. Therein, one might say, lies the problem.
So the BBC must inevitably play the story down as much as possible.
In general the greater evil – in the eyes of the BBC – is that odd construct they call ‘community cohesion’.
I have before related the anecdote about an old schoolmate – who leaned to the Left – who climbed the local government ladder to a senior position in an area of the country containing a sensitive terrorist target.
He told me his council had put together some contigency plans.
I asked him about what actions might ensue…. his answer was all about community cohesion – reassuring the community etc…..
The BBC reaction to the murder of Lee Rigby from the very start has been this same community reassurance guff writ large.
Why is it that everyone has a ‘community’ apart from the normal white British people?
Ah, but on my reading (albeit brief as a summer morning frost) of these very pages there does seem to be one according to some, albeit niche, and a bit of an age, sex & Dailymailist-specific one.
Luckily, there now seems a low tolerance to ‘youlotism’ abuses.
Because to group white British people as a ‘community’ would be implying that there’s a deliberate attempt to segregate us from ‘the others’….or so the BBC and other anti-British sites and news sources would make out
Community cohesion is a tacit admission of the failure of multiculturalism !
Too true. An imposed cohesion to create an artificial community can only be sustained by televisual propaganda, fear of the thought police, and alienation of each Winston Smith from his fellows.
Wouldn’t surprise me if The Party wasn’t monitoring this blog.
We are.
On behalf of the Obamamessiah.
May already have been noted here but I did rather loike this comment….
HannaH43 • 21 hours ago
“as an American working overseas. I would never listen to voice of America because it was my government station. So I listen to the BBC. I did not mind. It was anti-Israeli. In time, it became I thought somewhat anti-American that was okay with me. But the last straw was when I believe it became anti-British. I hope you can clean house at the BBC and get rid of Looney leftist. and make the BBC great again”
It’s always nicer to take the moral highground but that Left-liberal thin end of the wedge can get quite uncomfortable when it gets around to giving you and yours a poke.
I sometimes find myself thinking that the only possible explanation for the subservience of the BBC, police and government (at all levels) to Islam is so that when it inevitably erupts into all-out civil war they will throw their full support behind the non-Muslims with the correct justification that they did absolutely everything possible to appease the Mohammedans and it still wasn’t enough.
It is rather the same hope I felt before the last GE that I would wake up one morning to find that the Tories had been deliberately running a crap campaign and from that point onwards became a competent, conservative party. Look how that turned out.
As far as the police are concerned, my experience is that ACPO and their filtered down political claptrap gets weaker every rank down the chain until the uniforms and detectives on the streets, you know the ones who actually do the job rather than talk about it, have the usual broad opinions rather than the politically correct wafflings of ACPO
A story how a leader of the free syrian army is murdered by the islamist Al Nusra front. The BBC reporter can’t hide his sympathy when he writes;
“The al-Nusra Front – which had gained a reputation for discipline and honesty – rejected the merger though not its allegiance to al-Qaeda.”
Completely fact free or outright lies.
The Al Nusra Front is known;
– for killing any enemy soldier they capture. (they admit this them self) (many video’s)
– for killing all the shia moslims they encounter(many video’s)
– for ethnically cleansing all the christians out of the area they hold. (confirmed by the vatican)
This unit even motivated some people of the rebels to switch sides to Asad again.
The BBC is in bed with the muslim brotherhood. Selling our freedom.
On the preview I saw on BBC news, they spoke of Lee Rigby’s “death”. Not his beheading in the street by muslim savages, but his “death”.
Something that rankles with me is why were the alleged murderers of Lee Rigby only wounded, and not seriously at that by the Police ‘marksmen’? At the range they were, both should have been killed in an instant. Were those officers told to wound and not kill? It is hard to just wound someone, so they are ‘trained’ to go for the body mass, chest in other words. Either the officers are bad shots or were reluctant to go for a kill, on the orders from above? Sure the attackers were charging the police who were getting out of the cars, but a chest shot is possible for competent shots. Bet your life, in the States, those muslims would be dead meat. Perhaps the police need an increase in calibre for their pistols, shoot a ‘man-stopper’ round, but hey, the woman police officer would probably be thrown on her back with the recoil. The whole incident smells bad to me. Any one else wonder why these morons were not killed on the spot?
the police actions on that day were disgusting. they should be disciplined and as punishment forced to spend a few weeks with the army learning basic marksmanship principles, ie one round one kill
They wanted do die. They thought they would be killed and spend eternity in paradise with however many virgins it is (let’s not forget Ann Widdicombe is a virgin though). Not being killed must have been a real let-down.
I thought that they needed to be taken alive for obvious reasons. . If that was so then the shooting showed real skill.
As far as I remember they didn’t have chance to even get out of the car before the two jihadists were upon them. Shooting from a car seat under extreme conditions was never going to be an easy kill.
The police officers did what they are trained to do. The overriding concern in any firearm situation is to assess and act in accordance with policy. Sometimes the ARV officers have very little time to make their decision and in this case they shot to wound. They wounded and incapacitated the attackers enabling them to be arrested and tried. I think in the situation, the fact they didn’t just blaze away is a great credit to them.
Personally I would like to see the bastard offenders hanged in public. Judicial execution is to my mind better than suicide by cop. Just imagine the grief the police would have got from our poxy muslim sucking government if they had killed the guys with the knives. Public enquiries for ever more and some appointed grandee condemning the police for killing poor jihadists.
What the BBC deems critical vs. memory holeworthy always an interesting thing to experience.
The comments here suggest they may not always get it right:
For myself, I am wondering why, of all ‘breaking news’ that may warrant my immediate attention, over the last few days I recall nothing from them by email, but now there’s this:
Snowden meets activists in Moscow
Rights activists meet US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden at Moscow airport
Rights activist poster boy… meets activists in the duty free zone for a chat.
Maybe the BBC needs to pop the odd Indy-gob in the rotating Graun talking head roster a bit… ‘for balance’?
Between them them do appear to speak for the nation. If there is a very, very, very small one out there.
D.Miliband, BBC-NUJ and Marr still.
“Having resigned his seat in March, to take up a £300,000 charity job in New York, why’s Labour MP David Miliband still here? He’s on BBC1’s Andrew Marr Show this Sunday, where he might be asked about brother Ed’s current difficulties. Is it tactful of David to lurk on our political sidelines?”
All morning, the lead item on BBC24News was the Government’s delay in introducing plain cigarette packaging. We were later informed – surprise, surprise – that Labour had tabled an ’emergency question’ about it in the House. This was a blindingly obvious pretext for Labour to accuse the government of ‘being in the pocket’ of ‘big tobacco’, thereby hoping to deflect the scandal of Labour’s union links. It was also the lead story on Daily Politics where, lo and behold and would you believe it, Diane ‘hypocrite’ Abbott was shown making that exact point. Of course, I wouldn’t dream of suggesting that the BBC was slavishly following the Labour Party’s agenda… Meanwhile, serious news channels had as their lead item the funeral of Lee Rigby.
The Aussie guy behind this was interviewed in radio 4 today and let the cat out of the bag. The reason the government won’t opt for non branded cigarette packaging is because they want to protect the revenues of corner shop keepers.
Now I wonder who it could be who own all those corner shops???
Lee Rigby’s funeral.
Two different headlines:-
1.) ‘New York Post’
“‘My daddy, my hero’ – Thousands mourn UK soldier Lee Rigby hacked to death in London terror attack”
“Lee Rigby: Military funeral for killed soldier”
I hate to defend the BBC, but The New York Post report doesn’t mention ‘murder’ either. They cannot call it a murder until somebody is found guilty of the crime.
Think again, Demagogue. The BBC has called it “murder”. We await the announcement of your stern letter to Lord Hall.
David, the report you mention, dated 28th May, was 2 days before anybody was charged with murder. The two suspects were only charged on the 30th May.
“Under Section 2 of the Act, a substantial risk of serious prejudice can only be created by a media report when proceedings are active. Proceedings become active when there’s an arrest, oral charge, issue of a warrant, or a summons.”
Read the headline, man.
Michael Adebowale charged with Drummer Lee Rigby murder
Now try again.
You try again.
Of course the BBC (or any news service) can report that a man has been CHARGED with murder, but they cannot predict the court case and report the crime WAS murder until there has been a verdict.
I thought you were better than to keep trying to labour this point.
5live drive, Peter Allen et al, main/top headline @ 1600 hrs
“Government U-turn on cigarette packet branding”
nothing else happening in Britain today?
(this news, was in fact, brought to you from the back of a fag packet)
they really are beyond the pale and make my freaking blood boil.
Yes, it is quite shocking isn’t it? I was sitting watching the news last night and the reporter, who was obviously choosing her words very carefully, repeatedly avoided any mention of the circumstances of his terrible murder. The BBC have completely sanitized it and removed any connection to the evil Muslim animals, who committed this racist butchery in the name of their book. If it had been perpetrated by white Christian extremists (non-existent really but we are all led to believe that this country is full of them) we’d all be subjected to hour long documentaries bemoaning the evils of western culture and its spawning of Christian extremists. I hate to say this but these types of Muslim atrocities will become so commonplace that the BBC won’t even bother reporting as headline news.
The bBBC TV news is in overdrive, telling us every few minutes that a bomb has gone off ‘near a mosque’. Is that relevant? Was it one of the locals practising being peaceful?
It may well be relevant.
If for the reasons you go on to suggest, then on past evidence, it will cease to be ‘overdriven news’ PDQ.
The two-faced community can only live with so much fear of being shown up.
Maybe these guys can be sent out again to investigate again:
And have their reports left up as is even when a few story evolutions may suggest an update, stealthy or otherwise may add to context in light of subsequent events.
On a more serious note, as a Flokker dive has doubtless already commenced, one’s hopes and prayers are with any innocents affected, and in hope that all are safe and well.
Was it an attack or an incident?
There are a lot of ’em about.
This just rushed to my in-box…
Incident halts Heathrow flights
Runways at Heathrow in London closed after incident involving Ethiopian airlines jet
If it’s a terrorist attack, then they must be crap terrorists. That’s two so called bomb attacks outside mosques in the past month. No damage, no one hurt. The latest one in Tipton has now been said to have exploded BEHIND the mosque on a disused railway line!
If this was a terror attack, wouldn’t it have made more sense to place the alleged nail bomb outside the front doors and timed to explode when worshippers were leaving the premises? Same with the alleged bomb exploding outside the mosque a couple of weeks ago. We last heard that a 72 year old man had been lifted by Plod for that one. We’ve had no update since – ZILCH! Why would that be I wonder?
I think these so called bomb attacks are false flag operations calculated to turn British Muslims into the “real victims after the murder of Lee Rigby. Is it more than coincidence that news of the “bomb” in Tipton broke around the same time that Lee Rigby’s funeral was taking place, once more turning attention on the “poor Muslims”?
I await to see a detailed report on the alleged bomb, but I was puzzled why neither BBC nor Sky were running any helicopter footage of the bomb damage / crater. I can only assume there wasn’t much to see – and to have shown it wouldn’t have played into their narrative of painting the muslims as victims – and creating a false balance.
If that keeps us all away from thinking of Lee Rigby or Labours fix re union funding…then it will all have been worthwhile!
Yes, who are the barbarians who deal in bombs regularly? The ‘ extreme right ‘ ?
You couldn’t make it up!
Every bloody bomb incident I hear about is someone misunderstanding the ROP !
FFS when are the sheeple in this country going to get pissed off with being fed bullshit?
Listened to the Morning Mither that is the Today Show this morning. Both at 7a.m and then at 8(because I had to check that I HAD heard their order of news correctly).
As it`s the BBC…it`s a slew of random slurry, but carefully pre-chewed by the Guardians resident poodle…so bear with me.
1. In Dublin today, there are expected to be clashes after prayers between pro-and anti abortion supporters, in connection with the right to smoke Egyptian cigarettes from plain packaging, and not the usual Muslim Brotherhood/Al Queda brands.
2. A leading member of the FSA is due to be buried later today with full military honours having passed away in Woolwich a while back(if anybodys bovvered). Two men continue to assist the police in their Arabic studies before once again gracing us with an appearance at the United Nations.
3. 90% of school lunches are in danger of being refused admission to girls schools in Pakistan if Academies are allowed to be unregulated, despite the heroic efforts of Jamie Oliver, back in the days when Labour ran things properly.
4. Henry Dimbleby from a food chain charity will be speaking later today at a Youth session of the U.N to insist that the Taliban get training to spot the signs of incipient amnesia. The UNITE union hope to get voluntary contributions up to a level where going to a girls school becomes a human right(so called Saviles Law!).
Boy it`s confusing getting the garbled mush of bleeding hearts, lily livers, turtle tears and tea tree oil slopped up for me by way of “news”(note that hardly any story had even occured as news-just what was going to happen later on today).
My heads scrambled…no wonder the BBC stoolies are so confused-sheer shite top to bottom.
God Bless you Lee Rigby.
What O?
Who else to tell the oiks not to put crisps n t`ing in their kids buttie boxes than …who else…but the founder celebrity chef of a chain of restaurants called Henry….HENRY?
Any no common-or-garden Henry…but it`s only Our `Enery “bleedin`” DIMBLBY innit, luvaduck and strike a light!
Henry Dimbleby graces the Today studios(cringe cringe fawn fawn) to suggest that a bit of rocket in the larks tongue substitute ciabatta would be preferable to Haribos on a sea of ketchup.
Henry himself well remembers being packed off to boarders with a just-so hung pheasant on a bed of Sargasso kelp by pater(no, don`t ask me…but it`ll be one of those fecund feckers, surlemente).
No-didn`t catch the old school tie, nor the uni…a kid in Hackney asked him but got no answer, so I understand.
Is there no start to the talents of the Dimblebys?…and is there no pretext to get these amateur interns onto the radio or telly at any opportunity.
And the BBC reckon that James Khan is a hypocrite what with getting his kids shoehorned into jobs on daddys name?
F***Off Dimbly sprog-it`s crisps and Haribos for my kids in ciggie branded packaging from now on, if YOU`RE the nature of the opponent I`ve got!
A Daddy steamer if ever I smelt one!
Do you hear that sound? That is the sound of all the lands big catering company execs, furiously pleasuring themselves over the mere idea that pack-lunches might get banned.
The other sound, is all the supermarket lobbyists being deployed to immediately c***-block them.
Apparently Syrian ‘rebels’ are busy at killing each other. Al-Q vs ‘secularists’. Wonder how the al-beeb will spin this one.
BBC-NUJ should make clear which element of these internecine jihadists it supports.
“Key Free Syria Army rebel ‘killed by Islamist group'”
James Cameron wants to arm all the ‘rebels’, but then again, James Cameron is not Stephen Harper.
Gee, I meant “David” instead of “James”. 😯
Easy mistake, both are constructors
of large scale fantasies based on half baked ideas of moral equivalency.
The Webb Mister was in onion-choking mode this morning.
His little foot fair stamped at the notion of private troughers getting in on the States turf, what with providing public services an` all.
This won`t do at all-that there are vast hike ups, jobs for the boys, unaccounted-for gravy trains, tax fiddles, incompetence, cover ups, golden parachutes on leaving a f***in mess and vast burning of precious public funds as paid by the little people and their taxes.
Webb was misting up at SERCO/G4S of course…less so the NHS…and even less so the BBC that employs this hypocritical gobshite swallowing his camel.
Add 1200 deaths to the chargesheet above-you have the NHS and its gagging clauses, hounding of Julie Bailey/Kay Sheldon.
Add serial sex pervs on your premises, and accusing opponents of being paedos, when you mop up after your own…and you have the BBC.
Even G4S/SERCO have yet to kill people or harbour/cover up for serial abusers of kids…yet Webb sees no link whatsoever.
And wee Webbie…haven`t the BBC been faring out their “public services” to the likes of HatTrick, Hewlett Media etc since dear Birtie boy rode tall in the saddle?
Oh that`ll be different…a different bike we ride.
And no jokes please about louche lefties counting the cost of Osbornes policies eh?…we`re above that !
Oops reported you by accident – must put glasses on so please ignore – Heard same interview and had to switch off as could not believe the gross hypocrisy or just ignorance of Webb – talking about could it done be more efficiently in – house etc, what a waste of money – kept shouting at the radio – easy solution why not appoint head of bbc it services and the team that masterminded the 200 million pound complete waste of money, not recoverable, start again wasted on their latest bespoke IT scheme – but not to worry James Purnell has explained that lessons have been learned and savings are being made. Wonder if the IT guy has been sacked or is just standing aside for the 7 figure payoff (another lie at just under one million as ignored the payement for loss of office)
British non-Muslim children deprived of water to appease Islamic interests.
Will BBC-NUJ report this on its ‘Education’ pages online?:-
“UK: Teachers denied 10-year-old schoolboy water on hottest day of year to avoid offending Muslims observing Ramadan”
This is child abuse by the creed of PC, but I can’t see the MSM wanting to keep this story running.
Seeing as it’s still topical I think I’ll repost on the new thread.
Today Malala Yousafzai will address the United Nations in the tospy turvey world of the lunatic left she has become an icon for standing up against another of their favourites – Islam !
Picking through the mess of BBC miss information to get to the truth is impossible, made worse so either by blatant BBC lies or the Taliban changing the story when they realised the amount of popular feeling against what they had done.
Here is the current story as far as I can tell, and something which is now banned from UK media, the Quranic justification for it.
Please remember that this story may have changed from the original one !
Malala was not shot because of an opposition to education of girls.
The Taliban do not have an opposition of education of girls
There is nothing in the Qur’an to support opposition of the education of girls (unless you really really twist it!).
The Taliban claim that Malala was deliberately targeted because she spoke against them, and the Qur’an does support the murder of children in such circumstances.
The Taliban statement reads:
it is “not just allowed … but obligatory in Islam” to kill such a person involved “in leading a campaign against Shariah and (who) tries to involve whole community in such campaign, and that personality becomes a symbol of anti-Shariah campaign.”
The Taliban had been destroying schools and killing teachers not as the misinformation tells you because they didn’t want girls to be educated, but because of the ‘Khalwah’ Islam prohibits men and women working side by side and schools are co-educational, this is why they have been attacked.
Malala wrote a blog under a pseudonym for three years attacking and criticising the Taleban for enforcing the Khalwah, and it was for this she was shot, and no other reason.
Here is the Islamic justification used by the Taleban for the attempted murder, which you are banned from hearing in the UK:
a reference from the time of Hazrat Khizar, a revered figure in Islamic history who was described as a righteous servant of God and endowed with the qualities of unmatched wisdom and mystic power.
“If anyone argues about her young age, then the story of Hazrat Khizar in the Quran (states that) while traveling with Prophet Musa (AS), (he) killed a child. Arguing about the reason of his killing, he said that the parents of this child were pious and in the future he (the child) would cause a bad name for them,” adds the statement.
In a final statement the Taleban say this:
“If anyone thinks that Malala was targeted because of education, that is absolutely wrong, and propaganda of media. Malala was targeted because of her pioneer role in preaching secularism and so called enlightened moderation. And whomsoever will commit so in future too will be targeted again by TTP.”
So yet again we see propaganda in the Western media suggesting that group of mad mullahs are twisting Islam to their own ends, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Funnily enough I was just pondering this from their Facebook feed…
‘”Let us pick up our books and pens. They are our most powerful weapons. One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education first.”
This is what #Malala Yousafzai is expected to say as she addresses the UN as part of her campaign for compulsory education for every child.
From the ‘will say’ to ‘expected to say’, it struck me that it would be funny if she strayed from script and expressed her undying love for Justin Bieber instead.
Though that may carry inherent new dangers from her new BFFs.
Sounds to me like a plea for one to one education !
Who is paying for this girls daily bus trip to school in Birmingham from the charming Pakistani village now busily adding a cycle shed to their beloved new school( under Labours Schools for The Future scheme, now cruelly closed by nasty Mr Gove)?
That`ll be us then…again….
Nice to see Mad Gordon MacRuin shuffling into the background.
All good for the brand don’t ye know.
Buried deep within this lengthy BBC Online Magazine article about German Templers settlers in Palestine in the 19th Century paving the way for the Jews to set up shop is this little tidbit of information:
Nevertheless, relations between Templers and the Jewish community remained good, and despite increasing violence between Jews and Arabs in Palestine, life for the Templers was peaceful.
What’s this? I thought all Arab-Jewish tension was due to the Occupation of Palestinian Territories which was the result of the unprovoked Israeli aggression in 1967. Why on earth would there have been Arab-Jew tensions in the 1930s, BBC? Spot the missing relationship between the Nazis and the Arab leadership.
Otherwise it’s an interesting read, pretty informative about something I knew almost nothing about. There are a couple of other points with this article I could complain about, but the issue of Arab-Jew hatred sticks out and I don’t want to distract from it.
That should read “increasing violence between Arabs and Jews”.
Mind you, what else can we expect from an article which vilifies the Jews’ role in the development of Palestine and praises the German settlers, many of them nazis? Straight out of Eichmann.
Any chance of Israel bringing back hanging for visiting hacks? At least visiting Germans are ashamed of their country’s role in the holocaust. Hacks seem to wish they’d been einsatzgruppenkommandos.
Bomb at a mosque. Police give children drinks of water who are standing outside their homes.
Hey, that is racist, as these children should not be allowed water during Ramadan. A ten year old non moslem was prevented from drinking water at his school in Portsmouth because it would upset muslims who are not to drink during Ramadan. Consistency please.
Beat me to it, just suprised the bBC haven’t reported the Police for being insensitive towards Islamic mores.
Fortunately, the BBC has refrained so far from speculating about the possible perpetrator. Slowly they learn. I’ll give it 24 hours like last time.
So I am reading the bBC article on the
terroristattack on a Tipton mosque when I cam across this:Shopkeeper Sadarat Khan said he was coming out of a local chemist when he heard a “bomb blast”.
“I did tell the police there to evacuate the area, please for god’s sake – there were nails all over the place,” he said.”They didn’t seem to be bothered too much… It took them about 40 minutes to evacuate the place. “People were terrified and very scared and shaken”.
Yeah F-ing British Police, not doing as a Muslim demands. They must be racist.
Question for the bBC, in light of follow up IED designed to target rescue services and such (Think Warrenpoint and Omagh) just where should the Police have evacuated the followers of Islam to?
The bBC, the enemy within our Midst
Apologies if this has been covered already, which I’m sure it has, but if not:
‘If you complain about the BBC, you’re blacklisted’
I particularly liked: “why the BBC is, for all its wonders, actually an outrageous, malign, monopolistic force in British broadcasting, like a kind of vast, retarded toad, squashing the life out of the little guys in the media”.
Most of my texts to 5dead radio probably go directly in the recycle bin, am i bovvered? naa, gets stuff off my chest.
Are the BBC any clearer about whether this “terrorist incident” was the EDLs livid response to the murder of Lee Rigby(PBUH)…in which case this would be a bad bomb that threatens social cohesion?
Or is it a good bomb…one where exuberant madrassa teachers somehow mixed the wrong chapatti flour with a badly-labelled bottle of peroxide, and some nails got inadvertedly included from the DT department?
Poor marks for YOU Mr Al Stinksa in Chemistry!…dumbed down science under Blunketts regime, I`d expect.
In which case…ssssh!
Ok. so I have read the bBC article on the terrorist bomb attack on a Mosque in Tipton and the whole emphasis is on Islam can only be a victim. Which is why the bBC goes into overdrive into promoting the view that hundreds of Muslims could have been killed, that only a fluke prevented mass casualties and that people are very scared.
Here is what the bBC isn’t telling you:
The bomb went off on disused railway tracks near, not next to or on Mosque property . Next door to the mosque is a church, could not that have been the target? In fact look at google and see how actually the bomb didn’t present as much a problem as the bBC make out. Simply as the high bank behind the Mosque, the trees and distance combined with the Mosque wall, the Mosque itself , the lack of actual homes near the bomb seat (On the other side of the tracks is a factory) and you find that actually the blast presented very little threat to anybody other than to the idiots who set it off. Do a google map search and see for yourself.,Binfield+St,+Tipton+DY4&gl=uk&ei=W0LgUbLYCOb80QXf94AY&ved=0CDwQ8gEwAw
I see the BBC has abandoned their previous reticence to labeling something a “terrorist” attack.
David Preiser,
“I see the BBC has abandoned their previous reticence to labeling something a ‘terrorist’ attack.”
Run a nice deep bath and soak up all this “reticence” David, you’ll feel so much better:
Hello Dez, where were you when many of our posters asked you to explain some of the Beeb’s recent bias about the Trayvon Martin trial, the politically partisan tweets of many of the BBC journalists, their (none) coverage of the election rigging by the Unite union, as well as other topics related in the past couple of days. You been noticeable by your absence of answers.
Hit and run posts again, but can’t answer genuine questions. You are next to useless in debate.
“The bomb went off on disused railway tracks near, not next to or on Mosque property.”
Several Newspapers (including the Mail & Telegraph) are reporting that the bomb exploded in the Mosque car park. Inevitably there is some confusion soon after the event. So what makes you think you are such an authority on the exact site of the explosion?
“…and you find that actually the blast presented very little threat to anybody…”
Ah yes, nail bombs are completely harmless aren’t they. Well done Pounce.
BBC report:
The blast happened on a disused railway line near Binfield Street in Tipton in the West Midlands at about 13:00 BST.
A nearby shopkeeper said: “I did tell the police there to evacuate the area, please for god’s sake – there were nails all over the place.”
As the map shows, if the BBC is reporting accurately, it’s not exactly at the front door. But I’m glad to see you not trusting BBC reporting on something. You’ve been hanging out here too long. 🙂
Seriously, though, it’s pretty clear that the projectiles went pretty far and possibly could have harmed somebody in the vicinity. But it’s not like anyone inside was in any danger. And unless you have some intimate knowledge about who set the bomb off, how, when, and where they were located at the time, you don’t know if there was anybody near the bomb or within blast radius, nor do you know if the bomber knew who or what was in range at the moment of detonation.
I’m not saying it’s a doddle or anything, but I think you’re exaggerating the danger based on what we know so far, and wrong to sneer at pounce like that.
The Boston bombs only contained nails as well.
Maybe you should go off line for a bit, you are more inane than usual tonite.
Tommy wrote:
“The Boston bombs only contained nails as well.”
Good observation, However those IEDs were situated inside crowed positions, on the floor thus resulting in mass casualties.
The device in Tipton, was placed on a deserted rail track, have a look at the bing map of the area, or even watch the bBC news, the site is covered in trees which by their very presence mitigate the blast effects, blasts primarily go up and out, seeing as the device was already above everybody every building in the area the vast majority of the blast was dissipated harmlessly , then, there’s the actual setting of an urban area, blast damage areas for urban area is half that of rural settings, the size of the device, seeing as there was very little damage, I’d say it was smaller than a suitcase bomb, as it was an urban setting the vast majority of people are afforded cover by buildings.
All of the above explains why there was less threat of mass casualties in Tipton than in Boston, where 2 bombs which were detonated amongst packed crowds killed 3 people.
‘So what makes you think you are such an authority on the exact site of the explosion?’
Perhaps because he reads the BBC news:
1843: Speaking at the news conference, West Midlands Police ACC Gareth Cann says the device was found on a disused railway line next to the mosque.
And Pounce didn’t say ‘completely harmless’…he said the bomb represented a ‘very little threat’…..note….in the circumstances.
Pounce assessed, analysed and drew a conclusion from the evidence…unlike you Dez who just shoved foot in mouth….as usual it might be said.
Sounds and looks like a classic false flag, not unlike a large proportion of headline attacks on mosques by ‘Danes’ and pupils which seem not to have attracted the same level hysteria when proven to have the ‘wrong type’ of bigot responsible
As nothing is yet known, but the precedent of speculation well established by such as the BBC, on what facts are currently available I’d tend to go with your assessment, especially the media reaction path that now seems wearily familiar.
Of course, if any water melon debris is found, fans of ‘Day of the Jackal’ can get busy on twitter and excite the BBC further.
Gosh you got to love the bBC for how it covers the genocide inside Syria:
Pakistan Taliban ‘sets up a base in Syria’
Thousands of people have died in the year-long armed conflict in Syria between loyalists of the ruling Baath Party and those who want to overthrow it.
Thousands bBC, its a little more than that, in fact its a little more than tens of thousands, try over 100,000. But hey who needs the truth when you have the bBC reporting what their Mullah has unzipped while they bend over and utter “Allah Ackba” with their arses in the air. All except wheelchair boy who utters “Al-lim-min-num,Aluminium, Aluminium”
Lee Rigby:
BBC-NUJ doesn’t mention that jihadists ran him over before allegedly murdering him.
“Woolwich attack: British soldier was first run over before being hacked in London”
Didn’t take the BBC long to affix the label ‘Terrorist attack” on the Tipton blast, yet they found it impossible to label Fusilier Lee Rigby’s murder as a “terrorist murder”. No, the best they managed in the headlines at the time was “victim” and “attack”.
BBC, you are utter scum, riddled with dangerous muslim loving leftards in all levels of your operations and the sooner you are squeezed dry of funds the better.
Contrast with BBC-Democrats:-
Bill O’Reilly on Boston mass murders.
“Sympathy for the devil in Boston”
I’m just catching up on DVD as you do with Series One of ‘It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum’.
A Croft and Perry gem never ever ever repeated on the BBC.
I dunno, something to do with the main Indian character being played by a ‘blacked-up’ whitey who considers himself British and talks about ‘damned natives’.
Or a Battery Sergeant-Major who describes the army concert party (who occasionally dress up in *shriek* women’s clothes) as ‘a bunch of poofs’; and takes great delight in kicking the punkah wallah.
I think the BSM actually referred to one of the Indians as a ***. (Rhymes with bog). At that stage I looked outside up at the stars and yes, the world was still revolving.
Anyway, they may not rerun It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum – but we’ll always have Cash In The Attic.
Putting this at the bottom of the thread rather than nested in the hope that a few more will see it. Two men have been charged with the murder of Lee Rigby. For all we know they may plead not guilty, for all sorts of potential reasons. In law, referring to Lee Rigby’s death as ‘murder’ is therefore contempt of court, like it or not. That’s not opinion, or motivated by my political beliefs. It’s fact. Journalists calling it a killing are sensibly avoiding prosecution, nothing more.
That’s fine. I’m simply questioning the motives and priorities of those above who come here to scold and threaten instead of directing their effort where it belongs. If it’s really so serious an offense, and they feel that strongly about it, why bother with an amateur blog and not the actual media organizations which actually might affect the outcome?
As provided by Loyal and True, above:
“In short, once legal proceedings become “active”, it is a criminal offence for media organisations to broadcast material which would create “a substantial risk of serious prejudice” to the proceedings.”
Note the wording: “substantial risk”. I think you need to acquire a sense of proportion. This site must be very influential indeed if David Preiser is at risk of being extradited on a contempt charge. Or is something else going on here?
Whilst the tonality and words used did not encourage benign concern at all, I was at first educated and informed to the extent that I appreciated coming to know something I did not, and ignorance is as we know poor excuse.
However sleeping on it I awake to more questions and confusion as a result of a vague legal system and the selective interpretations of those who work within it (maybe) and those who ‘report’ upon it professionally. Or patrol blogs.
The word ‘proportion’ here is another, like ‘reasonable’ that seems it can be whatever it needs to be. Depending on the power and lack of integrity of those wielding it.
As with Sally’s #innocentface , there appears a difference between a well-followed publicity-junkie Speaker’s wife to some Wolfie Smiff RT’ing anything that disses Tories. Then again a no-name guy gets the full treatment for a joke about a bomb, when a massively influential preacher is featherbedded when he actually broadcasts full on incitement. Go figger.
There does seem to me a world of difference between employees of the world’s largest media monopoly punting out ‘news’ and the owners of a niche forum allowing individual posts to remain up.
I know free speech is near dead, but when anyone claiming to be something legal can curtail legitimate topical discussion with a Private Fraseresque ‘you’ll all go to jail’ there is something awry, just as a coordinated ‘I’m a loyal follower but this is hateful and needs reporting’ appears now to actually have a chance given new ‘guilty until we can make it all go away’ bodies in place to assist the petulant and inadequate.
At least here it is out for all to see, in real time, debated in this case with utmost civility.
As I have suggested before and see invited here by others, it would be interesting to see shared the complaint made to the BBC and other professional news media, and how that gets responded to. Though it may take a time.
And there is always the risk of transgressing in the share anyway.
As there is apparently some legal experience around, can one of you please explain what the consequences of ignoring this are, or is it just like the TVL threat letters, designed to mislead (if so, the BBC may wish to explain the reasoning) but ultimately a paper tiger:
This e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential and may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.
If you have received it in error, please delete it from your system.
Do not use, copy or disclose the information in any way nor act in reliance on it and notify the sender immediately.
Please note that the BBC monitors e-mails sent or received.
Further communication will signify your consent to this.
Fair enough. Risk of posting here and being prosecuted for using the word ‘murder’: next to nil. That wasn’t my reason for posting; I was answering those who see nefarious intent in the use of the word ‘killing’ in coverage of the funeral.
Ok. Now, any chance of a consult on the BBC email ‘it’s all our secret’ disclaimer?
It’s at the end there.
Yes, Lawyer, and I’m asking about those who scold about nefarious behavior here yet are unconcerned when the BBC does the same thing. It’s a curious set of priorities.×252.jpg
Nobody really thought they would be done for twitter but they were. Here is a list of recent Twitter prosecutions.
Blogs are also covered as was made clear in case wacking newspapers. If you are into legal arguments they are all to be found here:
Vance has been attacking the BBC for following the law and DP has been stating this blog has no influence. Both often state the opposite and Vance is a regular on the BBC. Therefore the blog does receive wide enough notice to find it falling within the contempt rules.
DP of course lives in the US so he can say what he likes. Vance and Alan could face fines or jail. Unlikely? If every newspaper refuses comments on the trial this leaves few avenues for hot heads left. Sally Bercow never thought she’d be cleaned out either.
You really need to be focusing your efforts on actual media organizations who violate the law in the way you describe. The fact that you’re scolding and threatening amateur nobodies and not real media organizations speaks volumes about your morals and real intent.
There seems to be something fundamentally flawed in the reasoning here. Two individuals have been charged with murder. The BBC makes this very clear in its report.
Is it in your opinion ‘legal’ to report that the individuals in question have been charged with and will be tried for murder, I believe it is because it is a matter of public record.
I think the ‘wrinkle’ is that though charged with murder any suspect could claim it was manslaughter…and therefore the judgement would not be, legally, ‘murder’. Problem of course is that there are two suspects…possibly hard to claim ‘diminished responsibility’ for both.
However presumably the media giants have all run this past their lawyers because they all call it ‘murder’.
Yes, of course it’s legal to report the charges. This does not mean that a murder has necessarily been committed, however. None of this is controversial, Incidentally; it’s basic stuff.
Tx for that.
As you’re still around, any chance on a comment on the BBC email disclaimer?
The one where they say they can share anything with anyone, but those they write to mustn’t.
Appreciate it.
The disclaimer is not concerned with legitimate recipients of emails but aimed at facilitating the prosecution of those who intercept or are mistakenly sent messages intended for others. Interception of email is already illegal under the Communications Act 2003, but the disclaimer also protects from accidental breach of confidentiality. It won’t necessarily guarantee the BBC has a case against you, but is valid as evidence.
‘It won’t necessarily guarantee the BBC has a case against you, but is valid as evidence.’
Ta very much.
As one of many solitary possible ‘you’s’ being borne down upon by a huge, limitless-funded ‘them’ in matters legal, that is unsurprising but hardly reassuring.
As to ‘accidental breaches of confidentiality’, one has to wonder what those might include.
For instance, in matters of legitimate complaint, some here have shared the exchanges they have had once the BBC has checked with the BBC, found the BBC free of any failure, and decided the BBC no longer needs to account to anyone any more.
The BBC seems able to share internally and indeed externally with anyone they please, but by the wording it seems that if ‘you’, a mere licence fee payer, share with anyone else, they get rather ominous.
‘We note you have chosen to make this private exchange public.’
May one ask if that is all they can get, as ominous is easy to live with if it’s an empty vessel.
And snotty on top of trying to prevent full accounts being shared in the public domain is really not serving the BBC well when their entire investigative ‘news’ product rather revolves around the public having a fair right to know what they are up to, as much as they expect to share the activities of others.
It just seems… variable, standards-wise, that the BBC can tell any it communicates with that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but only on their say so.
Some may find that an abuse of already unique internal, secret, powers of censorship, on top of often significant resistance to having propagandistic tendencies challenged.
Using the power of greater monetary resources in legal matters is seldom ‘fair’, and indeed the BBC has been a champion of the underdog in this regard. From libel tourism, to legal aid.
Yet another exception when they see it work in their interests may be typical, but again hardly attractive in one so keen to tell all how transparent and trustworthy they are.
That’s nonsense. Two people have been charged with Lee Rigby’s murder. Therefore the authorities believe (and say) he was murdered – as does the rest of the world.
If they are found not guilty it does not make the crime anything other than murder. The notion the media cannot call it murder because those charged have not come to trial is fanciful. If so why weren’t they secretly charged to avoid use of that word?
What you can’t say is that the individuals charged are murderers.
The four originally charged with murdering Stephen Lawrence were called everything under the sun. I don’t recall any contempt charges.
Mind you, the circumstances were different ……
No. It is legal to report that two men have been charged with murder. The Crown’s task in the eventual trial is to prove that a murder was committed by the charged men. Until then the nature of the crime is unproven.
Crimes don’t get proved.
Once again the BBC’s lack of curiosity makes me wonder if it really is a serious journalistic organisation or just a news aggregator and publisher of editorialised opinion. On the bare facts so far many scenarios present themselves:
1. planned attack on mosque.if so it was poorly targeted unless it was intended as a frightener or to gain publicity in which case it was very well targeted.
2. Home run. Islamicists or anti-islamic nutters preparing the bomb set it off by accident. Seems unlikely as at present no-one appears to be hurt.
3.attack but on another target. There is a church nearby but seems unlikely dye to time and day.
4.False flag. Islamicists plant bomb to put pressure on EDL etc and permit usual suspects to promote meme of muslim community under threat.
5.purely criminal mucking about or finding a prepared device and doing so.
All these are conceivable scenarios yet only one seems to exercise the BBC-don’t they ‘do’ journalism any more?
7. Test detonation in preparation for next weeks EDL demo in Birmingham
8. Kids mucking around with fireworks startle man who drops box of nails on way home from Wickes.
Seriously, I suspect this will go the same way as Muswell Hill and Chislehurst.
Has there been any further information about the ‘hate crimes’ of Muswell Hill and Chiselhurst. As far as I can see there has been absolute silence after the frenzy of prejudicial speculation linking them to “the far right”
One Islamic faction targeting another Islamic faction. It does happen all over the Muslim world so even if that is not what is happening now it will in the future.
How long disused is that railway line?
Could it be kids find old railway detonator and lob bricks at it?
“Questions over BBC boss’s ‘pay cut’”
“One of the BBC bosses who signed off some of the huge pay-offs to senior staff has been accused of being ‘disingenuous’ about her own pay packet.
“The corporation’s HR boss, Lucy Adams, told MPs she had taken a pay cut to leave her old job for the BBC where she is paid £320,000.
“But the Daily Mail reported it had seen documents showing she was given a ‘higher level of guaranteed salary’ than in her previous job when she joined the BBC in 2009 from international law firm Eversheds.”
“Former BBC director general says the Trust DID know about Mark Byford’s controversial £1m payoff”
[Scroll to final section on Ms ADAMS.]
BBC druggie takes drugs, says beer is better. what nonsense. beeboids dont drink beer they drink red wine
BBC ‘Politics’ page on-line:-
now has relegated mention of BBC over-paying severance pay, but the ‘Politics’ page does have items on G4S overcharging, and has two comments (by Robinson and Landale) on MPs’ pay rise.
Continuing mass immigration into Britain.
Two reports.
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“Inside the migrant Shed City: Immigrants living in cramped and illegally built garden sheds (no wonder officials underestimated the number of new arrivals).
“EU immigration was undercounted by the Office for National Statistics by 600,000 over a 13-year period.
“Hounslow has 20,000 gardens with ramshackle sheds a lot of them rented out illegally.
“The official Hounslow population is 250,000 but one councillor says it is really more like 300,000.”
2.) BBC-NUJ:
“UK immigration backlog ‘tops 500,000’ say MPs”
Tipton mosque blast was ‘terrorist attack’, say police
I suspect a dress rehersal by the West Bromwich local am-dram society for their version of Chris Morris’ Four Lions.
What we have hear is a Common Purpose led police force turning up to cordon off the entire area so they can take 48 hours to measure their own skid marks.
I don’t want to appear on here as always defending the police but again in these circumstances, its not the plods on the ground floor making these decisions. Every report is taken seriously when it comes in and a Silver and Gold commander would have made the operation decisions. Cordons, safety of the local population, numbers to canvass and investigate are all necessary.
What isn’t necessary and will be ordered from on high will be the demands to concern themselves with community cohesion and to ensure any local known rabble rousers who will zoom to the gathering press are reassured that the police are onside and will do anything and everything to make sure they know the police are assisting and keeping them safe. Pity the guys and gals who will now have to keep scene guard and investigate in awesome heat while fully kitted, wearing a stone of Kevlar and have the locals and the press keeping them under 24 hour watch.
‘….its not the plods on the ground floor making these decisions’
Point taken. The problem here would seem to be the ‘terrorist attack’ quote which the police have gifted to the likes of the BBC so that they can bolster their Islamophobia sham stories. Short term win for the BBC. Of course if local lad young Ali and his mate mate Mo are found to be responsible the story will disappear quicker than you can say Ali Bongo’s Old Snackbar. On the other hand should Wayne and Ryan have been playing at daytime out of season fireworks then Newsnight will do a special and we will never hear the end of it. The cops are usually so carefull with their descriptions of incidents – what happened here?
I agree with you, someone somewhere used the words terrorist attack and that is manna for the BBC. Would actually be interesting who used the phrase first and in what context. If it was the police then its shameful adherence to the Muslims as victims mantra. Again though, it depends on the context, was it a response to a question. Is this a terrorist attack? We cant rule anything out at this stage etc. Or was it a bold statement issued after orders from on high?
Police in England are as bent as they come. And i have no shame in saying that either, before i’m accused of all sorts.
Everyone has different experiences. I was never corrupt nor the majority of cops I worked with. Corruption does exist and there are many examples of this. But please don’t tar some very hard working and diligent police with those that are corrupt.
Unfortunately, Banquo, too many coppers nowadays are corrupted by ambition. I don’t mean criminally corrupt, but their ambition to climb up the greasy pole of promotion forces them to see the world through the eyes of the Common Purpose management they aspire to.
In my time I’ve seen too many good beat coppers change their outlook and, indeed, personalities when they’ve been bitten by the ambition bug. They think that by aping the views of their bosses, they’ll have a better chance of being successful at their next promotion board.
I’m sure you must know colleagues like I’ve described.
In that context, yes I agree with you. I’ve seen it and been disappointed by it. Fortunately I was so old school the political climbers were the ones berating me for being horrid to the darling criminals and my progression was never an option. Forgive me if I repeat an earlier comment, generally speaking the lads and lasses who do the actual work both uniform and detective are the cannon fodder for the politically correct and sometimes absurd demands from above. They are the front line for abuse and condemnation and sometimes it is deserved but on the whole they are some of the finest people I have ever known.
Feel free to defend the police.
Like any other service( can`t call them a force anymore can we?), the majority are decent and honourable.
Trouble is that they have long been politicised since Thatchers era(sorry about that!)…and Major/Blair wanted s social service to create sob stories so that judges would acquit. Judges now will do this as a matter of their training since 1997…so there`s no conflict between the hardened copper and the liberal lawyer. If you want to progress, then you need to conform to that do-gooding, turning the other way culture so beloved at the BBC.
At higher levels of the service, nobody will even have considered anything other than acquitals, turning the other way ; and creating flaccid bendy laws that encompass thoughts and speech, rather than deeds. Much cleaner and cheaper for them-and the chavs can kill their own as far as they`re concerned.
Unless it`s Islam tinged,or Hillsborough/Stephen Lawrence related…in which case, out come the tazers,the victim incident reports and the battering rams/TV cameras…blue tape, incident rooms and “clear the streets”.
I admire the decent police-like the prison officers, they meet societys scum and have no support…I`d not do their job for anything!
Again, I agree, when shadow charging was introduced it took the decision on whether to charge the criminal and send him to court out of the hands of the police and into the hands of the CPS apart from confessions and smaller matters.
The CPS have their own targets to adhere to which include a percentage rate for convictions and this political ideal influences many a CPS lawyer both at point of charge and at Court. I have seen months of collated evidence dismissed by a lawyer over the telephone, I have had lawyers at Court asking for a dismissal because they hadn’t read the bloody file!
Incompetence and political pressure on all aspects of the law, from the judiciary downwards have screwed the system so far against law and order its a wonder why we bother.
I saw a CPS lawyer reading a statement in a violent street robbery for the first time as he presented to the magistrate, he was actually reading it for the first time as he presented and his stupidity led to the sod being bailed and several other people were violently assaulted before we got the bastard again. We complained to the CPS on several occasions about the cack handedness of CPS lawyers and to my knowledge, not a single one was removed.
Political interference, targets and the emasculation of the police has continued apace and now I am out of it I am still as frustrated and angry as I was when I proudly served.
Two views of MECCA.
1.) ‘Independent’ (2011):-
“Mecca for the rich: Islam’s holiest site ‘turning into Vegas'”
By Jerome Taylor.
2.) INBBC:-
“Saudi Arabia warns pilgrims over coronavirus”