Friday already? Today is the day that Fusilier Lee Rigby is buried. I noticed the BBC inform us he was “killed” Was it an accident then? God almighty, they are outrageous..over you to you.
Sexual Jihad, women offer their services to Allah’s warriors. I can think of a few prominent UK politicians and pro Islamic feminists who could be drafted.
Lest there be any doubt, with all that is happening of significance at home and abroad, you need £4Bpa, £145.50pp, to bring you… The Today Programme The Today programme’s Tom Bateman has been asking the people of Romford in Essex if it’s acceptable for men to be shirtless during the heatwave.
Well Tom, I’m not from Essex, but… is this what made getting into broadcasting all worthwhile?
I wonder if anyone saw the televising of the Parliamentary Committee into the BBC’s pay-offs. I saw the last couple of hours yesterday. Can’t remember the correct name, but boy! did the BBC and the Trust get a kicking, and then some. There they were lined up like the three wise monkeys Lucy, Tony and ‘Fat’. (plus another) They like to call themselves by these pally names, but I don’t think they will any more from now on. Cronies they were called, All parties to a cosy unspoken conspiracy.
There was Lucy looking like frightened rabbit, Tony with his corporate expressionless face. Has he been botoxed I wonder? And Fat, in all his sweaty bloatedness, hands trembling, The fourth individual had spent too much time in the sun.
Time after time they were asked why on earth did all these ex-executives get bumper pay-offs? Time after time we got a load of corporate waffle, Tony didn’t say anything until later on, Fat was odious, arrogant and patronising, trying to talk about the bigger picture and how difficult it all was, and of course how wonderful the BBC is and how much loved by all. Even one or two of the MPs felt they had to go through this ritual nonsense too. The four were desperate to avoid admitting it was anything to do with them; it was The Charter, or other people. Eventually poor Lucy did say something along those lines, she may not be long in the job, I wonder if she will be shown a payoff, she should really only be shown the door. Tony stuck by her, saying she was doing a wonderful job and they were working together on solving all these problems.
When the camera was on poor Lucy and attempting to wriggle out of blame, a lady behind her kept shaking her head and grimacing in disbelief.
The committee were seething with anger at the four who eventually were silenced and stunned when they were told if they didn’t produce another list of names and payoff details they would be in contempt of parliament, which I hope means they would see the inside of a prison cell for a few months.
And yet ‘Fat’ the arrogant man that he is attempted to claim that the BBC Charter of which he is custodian is sacrosanct and cannot be challenged, and by that he meant himself of course. He was put down in short order by one of the MPs who was way ahead of him, and hung him out to dry.
How Fat Pang must have hated the day, there he was the distinguished and powerful Lord being questioned by these upstart oiks and being told where to get off. He slammed his papers on the table as he left.
Priceless. All power to these MPs.
The BBC is unreformable, it is an organisation which morally and financially corrupt, which means full of people who are, not excluding the Trust who are meant to supervise it. Corruption runs all the way through it.
The police must be called in, arrests made and the BBC closed down. I know this sounds extreme and will produce howls of derision and anguish but it is the only way to solve the innumerable problems in it and which it causes in the wider society. All of it. If it is not totally destroyed, like a zombie it will rise again.
I did not see the Parliamentary Committee but I saw Sir Christopher Bland “defending” the BBC on Newsnight. His self-satisfied arrogance and complete absence of any moral compass surpassed even Jeremy Paxman. This gruesome twosome made even the sanctimonious hypocrite Margaret Hodge look saintly.
Sounds interesting. The tragedy for England is that so many of our institutions are just like the BBC.
Quite honestly I cannot think of a solution other than a complete revolution in how we are governed by this self serving elite.
In the past they were just the same but lacked the power they now have and the muscle to enforce it. Maybe greed will do for them in the end.
Of all the deadly sins this is the one that begets all the others.
Sorry, hit the wrong button. Try again.
Worth checking. BBC report on the French Rail crash. Who were looting and stealing from the corpses?
According to the BBC:
‘Local media said a group of people had attempted to steal from the victims and rescuers shortly after the crash and threw stones at emergency workers as they tried to reach passengers’.
Another source says they were muslim youths
You know, if I was of the far right leaning and I wanted to bomb a mosque, I would do just that, bomb it. I wouldn’t leave a nail bomb in a disused railway cutting near a mosque with a vain hope that it might do this,, it might do that. Afteall, whilst I was constructing it, it might have gone off in my face and the price to be paid for that chance would not incur me to put it in a railway cutting near a said mosque in the vain hope it would actually do something. But then if I was a prayer maker of that mosque and wanted to create some diversionary tactic of pointing the finger which would be to my advantage but still have my prayers in that mosque, then it is unlikely I would want to flatten it. Just sayin’.
By sheer coincidence it would appear that, unusually, the prayers had been put back from the normal time by an hour, so there was virtually nobody there at the time the “bomb” went off. How astonishingly fortunate.
I don’t think it has been mentioned, but there is a Methodist church literally next door to the mosque – don’t suppose that could have been the target?
A U.S. drone strike killed at least 17 people in Pakistan’s tribal region on Wednesday, Reuters reports.
Taliban commanders and security officials told Reuters that the strike mostly killed fighters for the Haqqani network.
But Reuters also reports this (emphasis ours):
Many were wounded in the attack, local tribesman Kaleemullah Dawar said, but rescuers delayed for fear of falling victim to a second attack, a common tactic with drone strikes.
That tactic is known as the “double tap,” which bombs multiple targets in relatively quick succession — meaning that the second strike often hits first responders.
This damn cowboy President. Is there no end to the warmongering and killing of innocent Muslims?
Dear America. Your president is cool, witty and classy. Everyone likes you more when he's in charge. Love, The Rest of The World
“Founder of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Chicago:
“We demand a state ruled by the Koran…Let Britain, America, and the entire West go to hell, because the caliphate is coming.”
[Inc video clip].
[Opening excerpt, by Robert Spencer]:-
“We’re constantly told that no Muslims, not one, in the West believe that Sharia and the caliphate should be extended to Western non-Muslims. We are ordered to believe this on pain of charges of ‘Islamophobia.’ Mohammed Malkawi must not have gotten the memo to keep mum about this sort of thing.”
Of course as part of the BBC activism, this piece of PC nonsense has infiltrated the sports scene.
You can’t but have noticed how the BBC is desperate to give equal billing to women’s football, putting it on a par with the mens’ professional game. Ramming it down our throats, women’s scores now clutter up the results sequences and now the Euro tournament has started it’s getting much worse.
This rather eloquent post!!! from a football website (not a biased BBC’er) sums up how many real football fans feel about the BBC.
‘…..XXXXXX XXXXXXes me right off that BBC have decided it appropriate to shove it in our faces and stick their women’s football coverage right in the middle of men’s football coverage on their website. I’ve been making an active point of not clicking on a single one no matter what in a vain hope of showing them 1) We’re not interested, and 2) It will never be equal
However, I saw one article today that the headline for which was so laughable I couldn’t help but click. Knock yourselves out….’
As true manipulators, this linked story was of course aimed at our kiddies. For the uninitiated, or those for who football is not a real interest, let me tell you that far from the BBC and this person’s view that women are the equal of men…they aren’t. To use some of the expletives above, they are xxxxing rubbish, tripe in fact.
Time for the BBC to give it a rest.
(NB: Of course, one reason that they might be focussing on women’s football is that they have spent so much money on salaries and exit packages there is no money left to show real live football.)
Not being a footballista, I have no iron in this fire (well, other than the unique distribution of unique funding part), but having seen some key players up close and HD, there is a case for a bit of beauty in the beautiful game.
More seriously, the metaphor for much else is maintained. There appears little appetite for it, hence no audience and thus voluntary revenue.
However, a few appear to think it is a ‘good thing’, and thus money is found to foist… final para noted.
Dad’s Army. Mum’s United. Very BBC.
“You can’t but have noticed how the BBC is desperate to give equal billing to women’s football, putting it on a par with the mens’ professional game”
Not equal billing. If they did, why are most of the stories on the BBC Football page mostly about men’s football, where diddly squat is happening at the moment, despite the fact one of the biggest tournaments in women’s football is on right now?
“Ramming it down our throats”
How is putting it on BBC3 ‘ramming it down our throats’?
As for the headline you reference – it makes it clear that they are reporting what Hope Powell claimed. The article also quotes her as saying that the guys are physically stronger. So no, I don’t think the BBC are claiming that women’s football is equal to men’s.
so womens footy is shit, therefore the bbc are broadcasting a load of shit, and using propaganda to put it on an equal footing. and targeting kids as well. My god (the christian one), what a disgusting organisation al beeb is. The BBC is worse than ciggie companies.
Showing “Women Playing Football” on TV is dangerous social engineering and propaganda targeting children? Showing “Women Playing Football” on TV is worse than selling a product that kills tens of thousands of people in the UK every year? Showing “Women Playing Football” is disgusting, whilst “The Beebinator” describes how he’d like to; “ram something down” the skanks “throats”?
Possibly one of the most demented and pathetic series of posts on B-BBC ever… Oh but it managed to slot something about Muslims in there a long the way, so that’s fine then.
I note that you have distorted the chronology of the comments, clearly to fit your own preferred narrative.
If I was too perform the same trick with a grouping of your posts I would come up with the following “quote”…
My name is Dez, and as I support the BBC and by extension Labour, Islam and the EU, everything I claim should be treated as fact, anyone that I disagree with should be treated as a fool.
i have to agree with you about al beeb ramming wimins footy down our throats, in return, i’d like to ram something down a woman footy players throat, but thats a different story
womens football must be hugely popular, equal to mens, just look at all the supporters in the stadiums. i know they’re empty, but thats because they must all be at home watching it on the bbc after cooking the tea and putting the kids to bed
also womens football is offensive to the religion of peace. the skanks should all be wearing burkas, especially during ramadan.
Al Jazeera, Beeboids’ Islamic/Muslim Brotherhood broadcasting chum.
Beeboids have a close relationship with Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas supporting, Islamic broadcaster, Al Jazeera, owned by the Emirate of Qatar; and many ex-Beeboids work at Al Jazeera’s London base.
I wonder if the BBC will pick up on this one, as the *R* word is now being banded about and we all know how quick the BBC is when a wiff of racism is in the air:
NTSB Press Release
National Transportation Safety Board
Office of Public Affairs
NTSB statement on erroneous confirmation of crew names
July 12
The National Transportation Safety Board apologizes for inaccurate and offensive names that were mistakenly confirmed as those of the pilots of Asiana flight 214, which crashed at San Francisco International Airport on July 6.
Earlier today, in response to an inquiry from a media outlet, a summer intern acted outside the scope of his authority when he erroneously confirmed the names of the flight crew on the aircraft.
The NTSB does not release or confirm the names of crewmembers or people involved in transportation accidents to the media. We work hard to ensure that only appropriate factual information regarding an investigation is released and deeply regret today’s incident.
Appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such a serious error is not repeated.
Office of Public Affairs
490 L’Enfant Plaza, SW
Washington, DC 20594
(202) 314-6100
Kelly Nantel
The names of the air crew were said to be:
Wi Tu Lo
Bang Ding Ow
Sum Ting Wong
Ho Lee Fuk
Never mind who confirmed the names. Who came up with the list and submitted it to them? That’s what I’d like to know. And I’d suspend (for a week, just to wake her up) the genius on-air talent (worth a healthy six-figure salary, no doubt) who kept reading after it was obviously messed up.
Here’s the actual order she read out. Only The Obamessiah is more blindly dependent on the teleprompter, FHLFS.
“The dirty tricks dossier:
ANDREW PIERCE reveals Labour’s union vote-rigging scandal is far more extensive – and disturbing – than Red Ed has admitted.”
According to the article he’s a member of ‘the Socialist Party’ formerly known as ‘militant labour’. According to his Wikipedia entry he is a British Trotskyist activist expelled from the Labour party for his support for ‘millitant’.
Yet despite this mans ultra far left politics he is lionised as a shinning beacon of caring & sharing, without mention of his past. Somehow I can’t imagine the BBC supporting any other extremist in such a way.
I bet they didn’t know that he’s as opposed to EU membership as UKIP are !
Not only are we up against the BBC-NUJ propaganda for the E.U., but we are also up against the E.U’s own propaganda, which is expanding further on-line ( paid for by taxpayers, of course).
“EU propaganda: Commission to have online news service”
Beeboids never refer to the massive propaganda output of the E.U., and do not attempt to counteract it, but merely feed the E.U. press handouts to licence-payers.
Oh dear. A report of a report just breaking is that 13,000 people have died needlessly in NHS hospitals,. Ouch. I’ve no doubt that the BBC will somehow blame the Tory Cutz, even though the report refers to the time that Labour were in charge. Watch this space.
Many millions died under Socialism in the USSR at the very time when the Left were most enthusiastically supporting it (and hating with all the passion they could muster those who opposed it) so 13, 000 people dying needlessly in the NHS will have no impact whatsoever upon BBC Socialists – who in any case go privately when they (i.e. the only person who really matters to them) gets ill.
Somewhere, every single Beeboid head just exploded. Watch who in power in the US exploits this, and how the BBC “reports” it. Legal justice has been served, emotional, sins-of-the-fathers justice, not so much.
I’m very glad to be wrong, but will not enjoy the inevitable anti-Muslim backlash. Oh, wait, sorry, wrong Narrative……
So far, only one Beeboid tweet about the verdict, from BBC Capitol Hill producer, Suzanne Kianpour, and it’s just a neutral announcement of “not guilty”. However, I did find the most ironic tweet possible from her colleague, BBC News New York business editor, John Mervin:
RT @matthewwells: CNN's Zimmerman obsession is a dereliction of journalistic duty. Only option for news on cable is BBC World right now
Can’t wait to see the BBC’s sympathetic reaction to this. Would there even have been a trial if not for that deliberately faked NBC audio recording? The one the BBC has refused to admit exists? No fake racist conversation with the dispatcher, no racist cold-blooded murder requiring “justice”. The fact that the BBC not only never reported the whole NBC fiasco, but have promoted the lie themselves – never mind the fact that the BBC has refused to inform you about ABC’s deliberately produced video which hid Zimmerman’s injuries – shows just how corrupt and degenerate the entire BBC US division is.
When he was trying to leave at the end of a press conference after the verdict, the ever-polite and calm lead defence counsel Mark O’Mara was pressed by one last journalist. He rounded on ALL the journalists present – and the media generally. Words to the effect – “George Zimmerman was failed, he was run over by the criminal justice system in Florida – and by YOU, the media. You were fed a line, and you ran with it”
OUCH. What he says applies totally to the BBC’s lying coverage.
And a quote from of the bloggers at HotAir :
“No matter how much contempt you have for the media in all this -you don’t have enough”
The media, the press and broadcasters are always claiming they speak “truth to power”. Bloody liars in this case. The local police force investigated the matter and found nothing to prosecute. But the race hustlers got on the case, stirring up loads of trouble – deliberately led by Obama himself pandering to his base. The proper decision was not to prosecute – Zimmerman had been consistently telling the truth, the only eye-witness confirmed his head was being bashed into the concrete by Little Angel Trayvon Martin, phone recordings to the police 911 recorded his desperate screams lasting a long time, he acted eventually in self-defence – in extremis.
Little Angel was the aggressor. And the police knew enough about Little Angel to recognise he was a nasty and racist young thug. He described himself in tweets as “NO_LIMIT_NIGGA”. And the self-defence law in Florida is very clear. But under racism pressure Florida politicians sacked the police chief, put the police lead investigator on traffic duties, and appointed a corrupt special prosecutor who failed to let the matter go first to an already-convened grand jury to decide whether there was any reasonable case to answer. The prosecution then conducted a process that in many respects denied Zimmerman and his lawyers normal natural justice, such as proper “discovery” ie disclosure of all the evidence. Hell, it goes back to Magna Carta that any citizen should be told what he is being charged with and why. And a bunch of prior decisions on the case by the trial judge have been successfully challenged to the Florida Supreme Court.
So Zimmerman was a victim first of No_Limit_Nigga Trayvon Martin, then of and all the race hustlers and sleazy politicians such as Obama, then of a corrupted prosecution.
The BBC was party to this travesty of justice. Several prior posts in this blog have shown how inaccurate and biased its reporting has been – from ALL the BBC US staff involved. Even this morning – the BBC is still letting people play the race card on air, oozing sympathy for the thug aggressor Trayvon Martin. Shame on them.
‘YOU, the media. You were fed a line, and you ran with it”
They seem to be willing consumers, if not active participants in concocting ‘lines’.
Thanks to coverage outside the MSM I find Sky’s current, ongoing use of two separate photos of the victim to accompany their story edit, that take ‘archive’ to an astounding level of manipulation, quite risible.
Along with their dashing for ‘reaction’ to an industry that depends on and feed off media-driven divisions being fanned.
The MSM at least seems happy to feed such lines.
Factual assessment of the information and education provided now by a state media monopoly still pushing the notion of trusted impartiality will be worth noting.
Especially one who has a uniquely sanguine approach to some political leaders prone to engaging mouth while leaving brain in idle.
If I had a selective-censoring propaganda machine, it would look like the BBC.
I have just heard – as main item of Radio 4 7am news – the BBC reporter at the court saying that there were no witnesses to what happened. What a bloody liar – a neighbour went outside and described how he saw Reayvon Martin “grounding and pounding” George Zimmerman – with Zimmerman screaming and screaming fore help.
The BBC is STILL pushing the Narrative that Zimmerman hunted TM down and shot him. A travesty of honest journalist, totally disregarding the evidence in court that persuaded the jury – the “judges of the FACTS” in any criminal case.
But then – what does the BBC care about facts if they contradict one of their many Narratives. That journalist’s total inaccuracy after all the attention on the case should get him sacked instantly. Fat chance.
bbc obviously fuming zimmerman wasnt convicted. a jury believed the defence’s version of events, not the prosecution, thats why he was acquited, not that makes any difference to the bbc, they’ll just label him guilty anyway
Exposed: Final Conversation Between Morsi and Sisi
the final dialogue between General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Dr. Muhammad Morsi, a few hours before Morsi’s final speech to the Egyptian people. A reporter who was taken to an adjacent room was allowed to witness and transcribe their conversation from a TV screen.
Morsi: What’s the military’s position concerning what’s going on? Is it just going to stand by watching? Shouldn’t it protect the legitimacy?
General Sisi: What legitimacy? The entire army is with the will of the people, and the overwhelming majority of people, according to documented reports, don’t want you.
Morsi: My supporters are many and they won’t be silent.
General Sisi: The army will not allow anyone to destroy the nation, no matter what happens.
Morsi: What if I don’t want to leave?
General Sisi: The matter is settled and no longer up to you. Try to leave with your dignity and tell those whom you call supporters to go back to their homes in order to prevent bloodshed, instead of threatening the people through them.
Morsi: But this way it will be a military coup, and America won’t leave you alone.
General Sisi: The people concern us, not America. And since you’ve started to talk this way, I’ll talk to you candidly. We have evidence to condemn you and to condemn many governmental officials of compromising Egypt’s national security. The judiciary will have its say and you will all be judged before the whole people.
Morsi: Okay, can you permit me to make a few phone calls and then afterwards I’ll decide on what to do?
General Sisi: You are not permitted; but we can let you check up on your family only.
Morsi: Am I imprisoned or what?
General Sisi: You are under arrest from this moment.
Morsi: Don’t think the Brotherhood is going to stand by if I leave office. They will set the world on fire.
General Sisi: Just let them try something and you’ll see the reaction of the army. Whoever among them wants to live in peace, he’s more than welcome; otherwise, [if they try anything] we will not leave them alone. We will not single anyone out, and the Brotherhood is from the Egyptian people, so don’t try to use them as fuel for your disgusting war. If you truly love them, leave office and let them go to their homes.
Morsi: Anyway, I’m not going, and the people outside of Egypt are all with me, and my supporters are not going.
General Sisi: Anyway, I’ve advised you.
Morsi: Okay, but take care—I’m the one who hired you as minister and can remove you.
General Sisi: I became minister of defense due to the military’s will and not yours—and you know this very well. Moreover, you can’t remove me; that’s it—you no longer have any legitimacy.
Morsi: Okay, if I agree to be removed, will you allow me to travel abroad and promise not to imprison me?
General Sisi: I can’t offer you any promises. It’s the justice [department] that will pass its verdict.
Morsi: Okay, if that’s the case, I’ll make it war, and we’ll see who will prevail in the end.
I wonder if anyone saw the televising of the Parliamentary Committee into the BBC’s pay-offs. I saw the last couple of hours yesterday. Can’t remember the correct name, but boy! did the BBC and the Trust get a kicking, and then some. There they were lined up, Lucy, Tony and ‘Fat’. (plus another) They like to call themselves by these pally names, but I don’t think they will any more from now on. Cronies they were called, All parties to a cosy conspiracy.
There was Lucy looking like frightened rabbit, Tony with his corporate expressionless face. Has he been botoxed I wonder? And Fat, in all his sweaty bloatedness, hands trembling, The fourth individual had spent too much time in the sun.
Time after time they were asked why on earth did all these ex-executives get bumper pay-offs? Time after time we got a load of corporate waffle, Tony didn’t say anything until later on, Fat was odious, arrogant and patronising, trying to talk about the bigger picture and how difficult it all was, and of course how wonderful the BBC is and how much loved by all. Even one or two of the MPs felt they had to go through this ritual nonsense too. The four were desperate to avoid admitting it was anything to do with them; it was The Charter, or other people. Eventually poor Lucy did say something along those lines, she may not be long in the job, I wonder if she will be shown a payoff, she should really only be shown the door. Tony stuck by her, saying she was doing a wonderful job and they were working together on solving all these problems.
When the camera was on poor Lucy and attempting to wriggle out of blame, a lady behind her kept shaking her head and grimacing in disbelief.
The committee were seething with anger at the four who eventually were silenced and stunned when they were told if they didn’t produce another list of names and payoff details they would be in contempt of parliament, which I hope means they would see the inside of a prison cell for a few months.
And yet ‘Fat’ the arrogant man that he is attempted to claim that the BBC Charter of which he is custodian is sacrosanct and cannot be challenged, and by that he meant himself of course. He was put down in short order by one of the MPs who was way ahead of him, and hung him out to dry.
How Fat Pang must have hated the day, there he was the distinguished and powerful Lord being questioned by these upstart oiks and being told where to get off. He slammed his papers on the table as he left.
Priceless. All power to these MPs.
The BBC is unreformable, it is an organisation which morally and financially corrupt, which means full of people who are, not excluding the Trust who are meant to supervise it. Corruption runs all the way through it.
The police must be called in, arrests made and the BBC closed down. I know this sounds extreme and will produce howls of derision and anguish but it is the only way to solve the innumerable problems in it and which it causes in the wider society. All of it. If it is not totally destroyed, like a zombie it will rise again.
Zimmermann found not guilty. BBC story this morning uses picture of Martin as a young boy (c. 12) on website. Given the lack of trial coverage until the last two days, viewers will be baffled by the verdict. The story adds little of the evidence given and defence argument. Result: BBC fails in its primary duty to inform.
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
INBBC: PR report on behalf of Muslim Brotherhood and Al Jazeera:
“Egypt unrest: Concerns over freedom of the media”
By Andrew Hosken.
(5 minute audio clip).
ALTERNATIVE reports on aspects of-
1.)’Muslim Brotherhood’, and on 2.) ‘Al Jazeera’, which INBBC seems to lose sight of:
1.) M.B.-
2.) Al Jazeera.
And where are INBBC’s concerns about Muslim persecution of Christians in Egypt?:-
“Violent Muslim Brotherhood Rhetoric Fuels Egyptian Tension”
Sexual Jihad, women offer their services to Allah’s warriors. I can think of a few prominent UK politicians and pro Islamic feminists who could be drafted.
BBC-NUJ report about Islamic jihad threat to people of Britain:-
“Syria chemical weapons ‘most worrying terror threat to UK'”
So why is BBC-NUJ so politically sympathetic to these Islamic jihadists who operate between Britain and Syria?
Lest there be any doubt, with all that is happening of significance at home and abroad, you need £4Bpa, £145.50pp, to bring you…
The Today Programme
The Today programme’s Tom Bateman has been asking the people of Romford in Essex if it’s acceptable for men to be shirtless during the heatwave.
Well Tom, I’m not from Essex, but… is this what made getting into broadcasting all worthwhile?
Why does the impartial BBC not tell the story of the great majority?
A few in the comments do seem to have a view. Possibly not one progressing to the advantage of the BBC mantra, and hence unlikely to get much reference in certain quarters.
Of course, Beeboids are implicated in this:-
“Forecast failure: how the Met Office lost touch with reality.
Ideology has corrupted a valuable British institution.”
By Rupert Darwall.
I wonder if anyone saw the televising of the Parliamentary Committee into the BBC’s pay-offs. I saw the last couple of hours yesterday. Can’t remember the correct name, but boy! did the BBC and the Trust get a kicking, and then some. There they were lined up like the three wise monkeys Lucy, Tony and ‘Fat’. (plus another) They like to call themselves by these pally names, but I don’t think they will any more from now on. Cronies they were called, All parties to a cosy unspoken conspiracy.
There was Lucy looking like frightened rabbit, Tony with his corporate expressionless face. Has he been botoxed I wonder? And Fat, in all his sweaty bloatedness, hands trembling, The fourth individual had spent too much time in the sun.
Time after time they were asked why on earth did all these ex-executives get bumper pay-offs? Time after time we got a load of corporate waffle, Tony didn’t say anything until later on, Fat was odious, arrogant and patronising, trying to talk about the bigger picture and how difficult it all was, and of course how wonderful the BBC is and how much loved by all. Even one or two of the MPs felt they had to go through this ritual nonsense too. The four were desperate to avoid admitting it was anything to do with them; it was The Charter, or other people. Eventually poor Lucy did say something along those lines, she may not be long in the job, I wonder if she will be shown a payoff, she should really only be shown the door. Tony stuck by her, saying she was doing a wonderful job and they were working together on solving all these problems.
When the camera was on poor Lucy and attempting to wriggle out of blame, a lady behind her kept shaking her head and grimacing in disbelief.
The committee were seething with anger at the four who eventually were silenced and stunned when they were told if they didn’t produce another list of names and payoff details they would be in contempt of parliament, which I hope means they would see the inside of a prison cell for a few months.
And yet ‘Fat’ the arrogant man that he is attempted to claim that the BBC Charter of which he is custodian is sacrosanct and cannot be challenged, and by that he meant himself of course. He was put down in short order by one of the MPs who was way ahead of him, and hung him out to dry.
How Fat Pang must have hated the day, there he was the distinguished and powerful Lord being questioned by these upstart oiks and being told where to get off. He slammed his papers on the table as he left.
Priceless. All power to these MPs.
The BBC is unreformable, it is an organisation which morally and financially corrupt, which means full of people who are, not excluding the Trust who are meant to supervise it. Corruption runs all the way through it.
The police must be called in, arrests made and the BBC closed down. I know this sounds extreme and will produce howls of derision and anguish but it is the only way to solve the innumerable problems in it and which it causes in the wider society. All of it. If it is not totally destroyed, like a zombie it will rise again.
I did not see the Parliamentary Committee but I saw Sir Christopher Bland “defending” the BBC on Newsnight. His self-satisfied arrogance and complete absence of any moral compass surpassed even Jeremy Paxman. This gruesome twosome made even the sanctimonious hypocrite Margaret Hodge look saintly.
Sounds interesting. The tragedy for England is that so many of our institutions are just like the BBC.
Quite honestly I cannot think of a solution other than a complete revolution in how we are governed by this self serving elite.
In the past they were just the same but lacked the power they now have and the muscle to enforce it. Maybe greed will do for them in the end.
Of all the deadly sins this is the one that begets all the others.
Worth checking. BBC report on the French Rail crash. Who were looting and stealing from the corpses?
According to the BBC:
Sorry, hit the wrong button. Try again.
Worth checking. BBC report on the French Rail crash. Who were looting and stealing from the corpses?
According to the BBC:
‘Local media said a group of people had attempted to steal from the victims and rescuers shortly after the crash and threw stones at emergency workers as they tried to reach passengers’.
Another source says they were muslim youths
You know, if I was of the far right leaning and I wanted to bomb a mosque, I would do just that, bomb it. I wouldn’t leave a nail bomb in a disused railway cutting near a mosque with a vain hope that it might do this,, it might do that. Afteall, whilst I was constructing it, it might have gone off in my face and the price to be paid for that chance would not incur me to put it in a railway cutting near a said mosque in the vain hope it would actually do something. But then if I was a prayer maker of that mosque and wanted to create some diversionary tactic of pointing the finger which would be to my advantage but still have my prayers in that mosque, then it is unlikely I would want to flatten it. Just sayin’.
By sheer coincidence it would appear that, unusually, the prayers had been put back from the normal time by an hour, so there was virtually nobody there at the time the “bomb” went off. How astonishingly fortunate.
I don’t think it has been mentioned, but there is a Methodist church literally next door to the mosque – don’t suppose that could have been the target?
This is sadly getting to be a running gag:
It Is Now Common Knowledge That US Drones Bomb Civilian Rescuers
A U.S. drone strike killed at least 17 people in Pakistan’s tribal region on Wednesday, Reuters reports.
Taliban commanders and security officials told Reuters that the strike mostly killed fighters for the Haqqani network.
But Reuters also reports this (emphasis ours):
Many were wounded in the attack, local tribesman Kaleemullah Dawar said, but rescuers delayed for fear of falling victim to a second attack, a common tactic with drone strikes.
That tactic is known as the “double tap,” which bombs multiple targets in relatively quick succession — meaning that the second strike often hits first responders.
This damn cowboy President. Is there no end to the warmongering and killing of innocent Muslims?
As BBC editor Mark Barlex tweeted about the video of that Iraqi reporter throwing a shoe at George Bush, it’s the gift that keep on giving.
Will BBC-Democrats report this?:-
“Founder of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Chicago:
“We demand a state ruled by the Koran…Let Britain, America, and the entire West go to hell, because the caliphate is coming.”
[Inc video clip].
[Opening excerpt, by Robert Spencer]:-
“We’re constantly told that no Muslims, not one, in the West believe that Sharia and the caliphate should be extended to Western non-Muslims. We are ordered to believe this on pain of charges of ‘Islamophobia.’ Mohammed Malkawi must not have gotten the memo to keep mum about this sort of thing.”
Americans Robert Spencer (and Pamela Geller) are banned from Britain by Cameron-Clegg-May-Warsi for pointing out things like this.
Will Beeboids give their support to Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller to enter Britain?
Or do Beeboids reserve their political campaigning to support the likes of Binyam Mohamed, Muslim Brotherhood, and al Jazeera?
The answers are no and yes respectively.
Of course as part of the BBC activism, this piece of PC nonsense has infiltrated the sports scene.
You can’t but have noticed how the BBC is desperate to give equal billing to women’s football, putting it on a par with the mens’ professional game. Ramming it down our throats, women’s scores now clutter up the results sequences and now the Euro tournament has started it’s getting much worse.
This rather eloquent post!!! from a football website (not a biased BBC’er) sums up how many real football fans feel about the BBC.
‘…..XXXXXX XXXXXXes me right off that BBC have decided it appropriate to shove it in our faces and stick their women’s football coverage right in the middle of men’s football coverage on their website. I’ve been making an active point of not clicking on a single one no matter what in a vain hope of showing them 1) We’re not interested, and 2) It will never be equal
However, I saw one article today that the headline for which was so laughable I couldn’t help but click. Knock yourselves out….’
As true manipulators, this linked story was of course aimed at our kiddies. For the uninitiated, or those for who football is not a real interest, let me tell you that far from the BBC and this person’s view that women are the equal of men…they aren’t. To use some of the expletives above, they are xxxxing rubbish, tripe in fact.
Time for the BBC to give it a rest.
(NB: Of course, one reason that they might be focussing on women’s football is that they have spent so much money on salaries and exit packages there is no money left to show real live football.)
Not being a footballista, I have no iron in this fire (well, other than the unique distribution of unique funding part), but having seen some key players up close and HD, there is a case for a bit of beauty in the beautiful game.
More seriously, the metaphor for much else is maintained. There appears little appetite for it, hence no audience and thus voluntary revenue.
However, a few appear to think it is a ‘good thing’, and thus money is found to foist… final para noted.
Dad’s Army. Mum’s United. Very BBC.
“You can’t but have noticed how the BBC is desperate to give equal billing to women’s football, putting it on a par with the mens’ professional game”
Not equal billing. If they did, why are most of the stories on the BBC Football page mostly about men’s football, where diddly squat is happening at the moment, despite the fact one of the biggest tournaments in women’s football is on right now?
“Ramming it down our throats”
How is putting it on BBC3 ‘ramming it down our throats’?
As for the headline you reference – it makes it clear that they are reporting what Hope Powell claimed. The article also quotes her as saying that the guys are physically stronger. So no, I don’t think the BBC are claiming that women’s football is equal to men’s.
but do u agree that womens footy is shit?
I agree that it’s not anything like as good as men’s football. But it’s not about my opinion, rather about the BBC’s.
so womens footy is shit, therefore the bbc are broadcasting a load of shit, and using propaganda to put it on an equal footing. and targeting kids as well. My god (the christian one), what a disgusting organisation al beeb is. The BBC is worse than ciggie companies.
It may not be very good quality, but people do watch it. 2.9 million people watched the opening game of the 2005 UEFA Women’s Championship.
70,000 were at Wembley for England women’s game against Brazil at the 2012 Olympics
As I have explained, I don’t think they’re trying to put it on an equal footing, so unless you can show that they are, stop asserting it.
If you’re serious about the ‘worse than ciggie companies’ comment, are you equating smoking with women’s football?
yes, smoking is like womens football, its a waste of money and time
Even though playing football is much healthier than smoking?
what about a footballer who smokes?
I don’t understand it, as they train so much to try and increase their lung capacity, and then ruin it by smoking.
What’s this got to do with the debate about whether or not the BBC is biased in this case?
Its called social engineering, the bBC has become a very dangerous animal indeed
Showing “Women Playing Football” on TV is dangerous social engineering and propaganda targeting children? Showing “Women Playing Football” on TV is worse than selling a product that kills tens of thousands of people in the UK every year? Showing “Women Playing Football” is disgusting, whilst “The Beebinator” describes how he’d like to; “ram something down” the skanks “throats”?
Possibly one of the most demented and pathetic series of posts on B-BBC ever… Oh but it managed to slot something about Muslims in there a long the way, so that’s fine then.
I note that you have distorted the chronology of the comments, clearly to fit your own preferred narrative.
If I was too perform the same trick with a grouping of your posts I would come up with the following “quote”…
My name is Dez, and as I support the BBC and by extension Labour, Islam and the EU, everything I claim should be treated as fact, anyone that I disagree with should be treated as a fool.
No counter-argument then. Just an ad hom at dez.
No, just turning Dez’s debating technique through 180 degrees. Keep up.
Clearly you require me to add “Sarc”when posting comments in the style of your friend dez!
i have to agree with you about al beeb ramming wimins footy down our throats, in return, i’d like to ram something down a woman footy players throat, but thats a different story
womens football must be hugely popular, equal to mens, just look at all the supporters in the stadiums. i know they’re empty, but thats because they must all be at home watching it on the bbc after cooking the tea and putting the kids to bed
also womens football is offensive to the religion of peace. the skanks should all be wearing burkas, especially during ramadan.
Al Jazeera, Beeboids’ Islamic/Muslim Brotherhood broadcasting chum.
Beeboids have a close relationship with Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas supporting, Islamic broadcaster, Al Jazeera, owned by the Emirate of Qatar; and many ex-Beeboids work at Al Jazeera’s London base.
{ Beeboid Andrew HOSKEN has a pro-Islamic Al Jazeera piece here:}
Alternative critique, not aired by INBBC-
“Even Arab Media Getting Sick of Al Jazeera’s Muslim Brotherhood Propaganda”
By Daniel Greenfield.
(-But INBBC inc Beeboid HOSKEN is lapping up the
I wonder if the BBC will pick up on this one, as the *R* word is now being banded about and we all know how quick the BBC is when a wiff of racism is in the air:
NTSB Press Release
National Transportation Safety Board
Office of Public Affairs
NTSB statement on erroneous confirmation of crew names
July 12
The National Transportation Safety Board apologizes for inaccurate and offensive names that were mistakenly confirmed as those of the pilots of Asiana flight 214, which crashed at San Francisco International Airport on July 6.
Earlier today, in response to an inquiry from a media outlet, a summer intern acted outside the scope of his authority when he erroneously confirmed the names of the flight crew on the aircraft.
The NTSB does not release or confirm the names of crewmembers or people involved in transportation accidents to the media. We work hard to ensure that only appropriate factual information regarding an investigation is released and deeply regret today’s incident.
Appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such a serious error is not repeated.
Office of Public Affairs
490 L’Enfant Plaza, SW
Washington, DC 20594
(202) 314-6100
Kelly Nantel
The names of the air crew were said to be:
Wi Tu Lo
Bang Ding Ow
Sum Ting Wong
Ho Lee Fuk
Here’s the clip in all its Burgundy-esque gory: 🙂
Errr……“glory”. Obv. there’s a place waiting for me at KTVU.
Never mind who confirmed the names. Who came up with the list and submitted it to them? That’s what I’d like to know. And I’d suspend (for a week, just to wake her up) the genius on-air talent (worth a healthy six-figure salary, no doubt) who kept reading after it was obviously messed up.
Here’s the actual order she read out. Only The Obamessiah is more blindly dependent on the teleprompter, FHLFS.
I forgot to add, that the media in question went out and put those *names* into the public domain through news bulletins. Oh dear. 8-(
BBC-NUJ and ‘Unite’ talk ‘morality’:-
“Some justification to Labour union fee plan – McCluskey.”
(-he says, under political pressure, after all these years.)
BBC-NUJ seems to miss this in its presentation:-
“SIMON HEFFER: Ed Miliband’s bid to make us pay for his party”
For BBC-NUJ: it’s not only Falkirk –
“The dirty tricks dossier:
ANDREW PIERCE reveals Labour’s union vote-rigging scandal is far more extensive – and disturbing – than Red Ed has admitted.”–disturbing–Red-Ed-admitted.html
McShane, McClusky…what`s the difference?
Cue tumbleweed-oi, that Andrew Mitchell posh boy eh?
Oh how bloody marvellous the ‘true’ socialists are !
According to the article he’s a member of ‘the Socialist Party’ formerly known as ‘militant labour’. According to his Wikipedia entry he is a British Trotskyist activist expelled from the Labour party for his support for ‘millitant’.
Yet despite this mans ultra far left politics he is lionised as a shinning beacon of caring & sharing, without mention of his past. Somehow I can’t imagine the BBC supporting any other extremist in such a way.
I bet they didn’t know that he’s as opposed to EU membership as UKIP are !
More propaganda from the European Union.
Not only are we up against the BBC-NUJ propaganda for the E.U., but we are also up against the E.U’s own propaganda, which is expanding further on-line ( paid for by taxpayers, of course).
“EU propaganda: Commission to have online news service”
By Richard North.
Beeboids never refer to the massive propaganda output of the E.U., and do not attempt to counteract it, but merely feed the E.U. press handouts to licence-payers.
Wait, don’t they already have the BBC for this? So now, if you live in Britain and pay the license fee as well as UK taxes, the EU is double-dipping.
Oh dear. A report of a report just breaking is that 13,000 people have died needlessly in NHS hospitals,. Ouch. I’ve no doubt that the BBC will somehow blame the Tory Cutz, even though the report refers to the time that Labour were in charge. Watch this space.
Many millions died under Socialism in the USSR at the very time when the Left were most enthusiastically supporting it (and hating with all the passion they could muster those who opposed it) so 13, 000 people dying needlessly in the NHS will have no impact whatsoever upon BBC Socialists – who in any case go privately when they (i.e. the only person who really matters to them) gets ill.
George Zimmerman has just been declared Not Guilty. Thank God.
I wonder how the BBC will explain this away ?
Somewhere, every single Beeboid head just exploded. Watch who in power in the US exploits this, and how the BBC “reports” it. Legal justice has been served, emotional, sins-of-the-fathers justice, not so much.
I’m very glad to be wrong, but will not enjoy the inevitable anti-Muslim backlash. Oh, wait, sorry, wrong Narrative……
So far, only one Beeboid tweet about the verdict, from BBC Capitol Hill producer, Suzanne Kianpour, and it’s just a neutral announcement of “not guilty”. However, I did find the most ironic tweet possible from her colleague, BBC News New York business editor, John Mervin:
But if you want to see a dereliction of journalistic duty about the Zimmerman story…….
Who could have seen this coming?
Twitter lynch mob threatens to kill George Zimmerman
Can’t wait to see the BBC’s
sympatheticreaction to this. Would there even have been a trial if not for that deliberately faked NBC audio recording? The one the BBC has refused to admit exists? No fake racist conversation with the dispatcher, no racist cold-blooded murder requiring “justice”. The fact that the BBC not only never reported the whole NBC fiasco, but have promoted the lie themselves – never mind the fact that the BBC has refused to inform you about ABC’s deliberately produced video which hid Zimmerman’s injuries – shows just how corrupt and degenerate the entire BBC US division is.When he was trying to leave at the end of a press conference after the verdict, the ever-polite and calm lead defence counsel Mark O’Mara was pressed by one last journalist. He rounded on ALL the journalists present – and the media generally. Words to the effect – “George Zimmerman was failed, he was run over by the criminal justice system in Florida – and by YOU, the media. You were fed a line, and you ran with it”
OUCH. What he says applies totally to the BBC’s lying coverage.
And a quote from of the bloggers at HotAir :
“No matter how much contempt you have for the media in all this -you don’t have enough”
The media, the press and broadcasters are always claiming they speak “truth to power”. Bloody liars in this case. The local police force investigated the matter and found nothing to prosecute. But the race hustlers got on the case, stirring up loads of trouble – deliberately led by Obama himself pandering to his base. The proper decision was not to prosecute – Zimmerman had been consistently telling the truth, the only eye-witness confirmed his head was being bashed into the concrete by Little Angel Trayvon Martin, phone recordings to the police 911 recorded his desperate screams lasting a long time, he acted eventually in self-defence – in extremis.
Little Angel was the aggressor. And the police knew enough about Little Angel to recognise he was a nasty and racist young thug. He described himself in tweets as “NO_LIMIT_NIGGA”. And the self-defence law in Florida is very clear. But under racism pressure Florida politicians sacked the police chief, put the police lead investigator on traffic duties, and appointed a corrupt special prosecutor who failed to let the matter go first to an already-convened grand jury to decide whether there was any reasonable case to answer. The prosecution then conducted a process that in many respects denied Zimmerman and his lawyers normal natural justice, such as proper “discovery” ie disclosure of all the evidence. Hell, it goes back to Magna Carta that any citizen should be told what he is being charged with and why. And a bunch of prior decisions on the case by the trial judge have been successfully challenged to the Florida Supreme Court.
So Zimmerman was a victim first of No_Limit_Nigga Trayvon Martin, then of and all the race hustlers and sleazy politicians such as Obama, then of a corrupted prosecution.
The BBC was party to this travesty of justice. Several prior posts in this blog have shown how inaccurate and biased its reporting has been – from ALL the BBC US staff involved. Even this morning – the BBC is still letting people play the race card on air, oozing sympathy for the thug aggressor Trayvon Martin. Shame on them.
‘YOU, the media. You were fed a line, and you ran with it”
They seem to be willing consumers, if not active participants in concocting ‘lines’.
Thanks to coverage outside the MSM I find Sky’s current, ongoing use of two separate photos of the victim to accompany their story edit, that take ‘archive’ to an astounding level of manipulation, quite risible.
Along with their dashing for ‘reaction’ to an industry that depends on and feed off media-driven divisions being fanned.
The MSM at least seems happy to feed such lines.
Factual assessment of the information and education provided now by a state media monopoly still pushing the notion of trusted impartiality will be worth noting.
Especially one who has a uniquely sanguine approach to some political leaders prone to engaging mouth while leaving brain in idle.
If I had a selective-censoring propaganda machine, it would look like the BBC.
I have just heard – as main item of Radio 4 7am news – the BBC reporter at the court saying that there were no witnesses to what happened. What a bloody liar – a neighbour went outside and described how he saw Reayvon Martin “grounding and pounding” George Zimmerman – with Zimmerman screaming and screaming fore help.
The BBC is STILL pushing the Narrative that Zimmerman hunted TM down and shot him. A travesty of honest journalist, totally disregarding the evidence in court that persuaded the jury – the “judges of the FACTS” in any criminal case.
But then – what does the BBC care about facts if they contradict one of their many Narratives. That journalist’s total inaccuracy after all the attention on the case should get him sacked instantly. Fat chance.
Just saw this via BBC FB page:
The image selection alone is interesting. I fear events are being interpreted and narratives shaped already.
bbc obviously fuming zimmerman wasnt convicted. a jury believed the defence’s version of events, not the prosecution, thats why he was acquited, not that makes any difference to the bbc, they’ll just label him guilty anyway
Zimmerman, the most famous (and only) White Hispanic on the planet was found not guilty.
Now if al-beeb had a son will he look like those who posted death threats to Zimmerman?
will al beeb report this? nah it doesnt fit their narrative about what it thinks is democracy and the muslim brotherhood being the victims
Exposed: Final Conversation Between Morsi and Sisi
the final dialogue between General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Dr. Muhammad Morsi, a few hours before Morsi’s final speech to the Egyptian people. A reporter who was taken to an adjacent room was allowed to witness and transcribe their conversation from a TV screen.
Morsi: What’s the military’s position concerning what’s going on? Is it just going to stand by watching? Shouldn’t it protect the legitimacy?
General Sisi: What legitimacy? The entire army is with the will of the people, and the overwhelming majority of people, according to documented reports, don’t want you.
Morsi: My supporters are many and they won’t be silent.
General Sisi: The army will not allow anyone to destroy the nation, no matter what happens.
Morsi: What if I don’t want to leave?
General Sisi: The matter is settled and no longer up to you. Try to leave with your dignity and tell those whom you call supporters to go back to their homes in order to prevent bloodshed, instead of threatening the people through them.
Morsi: But this way it will be a military coup, and America won’t leave you alone.
General Sisi: The people concern us, not America. And since you’ve started to talk this way, I’ll talk to you candidly. We have evidence to condemn you and to condemn many governmental officials of compromising Egypt’s national security. The judiciary will have its say and you will all be judged before the whole people.
Morsi: Okay, can you permit me to make a few phone calls and then afterwards I’ll decide on what to do?
General Sisi: You are not permitted; but we can let you check up on your family only.
Morsi: Am I imprisoned or what?
General Sisi: You are under arrest from this moment.
Morsi: Don’t think the Brotherhood is going to stand by if I leave office. They will set the world on fire.
General Sisi: Just let them try something and you’ll see the reaction of the army. Whoever among them wants to live in peace, he’s more than welcome; otherwise, [if they try anything] we will not leave them alone. We will not single anyone out, and the Brotherhood is from the Egyptian people, so don’t try to use them as fuel for your disgusting war. If you truly love them, leave office and let them go to their homes.
Morsi: Anyway, I’m not going, and the people outside of Egypt are all with me, and my supporters are not going.
General Sisi: Anyway, I’ve advised you.
Morsi: Okay, but take care—I’m the one who hired you as minister and can remove you.
General Sisi: I became minister of defense due to the military’s will and not yours—and you know this very well. Moreover, you can’t remove me; that’s it—you no longer have any legitimacy.
Morsi: Okay, if I agree to be removed, will you allow me to travel abroad and promise not to imprison me?
General Sisi: I can’t offer you any promises. It’s the justice [department] that will pass its verdict.
Morsi: Okay, if that’s the case, I’ll make it war, and we’ll see who will prevail in the end.
General Sisi: Naturally the people will win.
I wonder if anyone saw the televising of the Parliamentary Committee into the BBC’s pay-offs. I saw the last couple of hours yesterday. Can’t remember the correct name, but boy! did the BBC and the Trust get a kicking, and then some. There they were lined up, Lucy, Tony and ‘Fat’. (plus another) They like to call themselves by these pally names, but I don’t think they will any more from now on. Cronies they were called, All parties to a cosy conspiracy.
There was Lucy looking like frightened rabbit, Tony with his corporate expressionless face. Has he been botoxed I wonder? And Fat, in all his sweaty bloatedness, hands trembling, The fourth individual had spent too much time in the sun.
Time after time they were asked why on earth did all these ex-executives get bumper pay-offs? Time after time we got a load of corporate waffle, Tony didn’t say anything until later on, Fat was odious, arrogant and patronising, trying to talk about the bigger picture and how difficult it all was, and of course how wonderful the BBC is and how much loved by all. Even one or two of the MPs felt they had to go through this ritual nonsense too. The four were desperate to avoid admitting it was anything to do with them; it was The Charter, or other people. Eventually poor Lucy did say something along those lines, she may not be long in the job, I wonder if she will be shown a payoff, she should really only be shown the door. Tony stuck by her, saying she was doing a wonderful job and they were working together on solving all these problems.
When the camera was on poor Lucy and attempting to wriggle out of blame, a lady behind her kept shaking her head and grimacing in disbelief.
The committee were seething with anger at the four who eventually were silenced and stunned when they were told if they didn’t produce another list of names and payoff details they would be in contempt of parliament, which I hope means they would see the inside of a prison cell for a few months.
And yet ‘Fat’ the arrogant man that he is attempted to claim that the BBC Charter of which he is custodian is sacrosanct and cannot be challenged, and by that he meant himself of course. He was put down in short order by one of the MPs who was way ahead of him, and hung him out to dry.
How Fat Pang must have hated the day, there he was the distinguished and powerful Lord being questioned by these upstart oiks and being told where to get off. He slammed his papers on the table as he left.
Priceless. All power to these MPs.
The BBC is unreformable, it is an organisation which morally and financially corrupt, which means full of people who are, not excluding the Trust who are meant to supervise it. Corruption runs all the way through it.
The police must be called in, arrests made and the BBC closed down. I know this sounds extreme and will produce howls of derision and anguish but it is the only way to solve the innumerable problems in it and which it causes in the wider society. All of it. If it is not totally destroyed, like a zombie it will rise again.
Zimmermann found not guilty. BBC story this morning uses picture of Martin as a young boy (c. 12) on website. Given the lack of trial coverage until the last two days, viewers will be baffled by the verdict. The story adds little of the evidence given and defence argument. Result: BBC fails in its primary duty to inform.