George Zimmerman not guilty of Trayvon Martin murder –
[President Obama] said the “tragedy” of an unarmed black teenager shot dead in Florida should prompt some national soul-searching.
“If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon,” President Obama told reporters at the White House.
The left wing students rightly criticised in the Pat Condell video are supported by the Unite, and other unions who supply the buses to places where they can disrupt speeches, and may even cite as mentors the Home Office Ministers who blocked the visits from Geller and Spencer and who together with the UAF street thugs will prevent Tommy Robinson from participating in an Oxford Union debate. These bigoted students will be welcomed in the BBC as its objective voices.
Zimmerman found not guilty. BBC story this morning uses picture of Martin as a young boy (c. 12) on website. Given the lack of trial coverage until the last two days, viewers will be baffled by the verdict. The story adds little of the evidence given and of the defence argument. Result: BBC fails in its primary duty to inform and liberals outraged.
Following the verdict, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) – best known for its battles against segregation and discrimination – said it was calling “immediately for the Justice Department to conduct an investigation into the civil rights violations committed against Trayvon Martin”.
“This case has re-energised the movement to end racial profiling in the United States,” Roslyn M Brock, chairwoman of the NAACP, said in a statement.
Funnily how they forget to tell us about the text on Trevyon Martin’s phone that suggest that he was fond of violence, or the testimony in court that Zimmerman couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag…
I think it’s disgraceful that this case ever got to court (and it only did get to court because of political intervention – initially, no charges were going to be filed, as it looked like a straightforward case of self-defense).
Maybe Tell Mama needs to scoot over there as things didn’t pan out too well on the ‘community in fear’ retribution front here?
There must be a few from groups not on BBC Producer speed dial feeling a bit nervous as every one from the President up mutters about getting the justice they want vs. the one served.
But there’s also all those counter organisations for the BBC to worry about; you know, the ones who set the country aflame after the OJ verdict.
To everyone who put their hoods up & said “I am Trayvon”, you owe his Mother $2.00 for using a Trademarked phrase she copyrighted less than a month after he died
i cant even begin to think how a parent could do what shes done, especially having regard to the time line. and its not just “i am trayvon”, its also “Justice For Trayvon”.
Zimmerman may have successfully defended against criminal charges, but there will probably be a civil suit filed against him, which will cost him everything he has and ever will have. Never mind that he’ll have to go into hiding for a while. The death threats are all over the internet, including from pro athletes.
No payback attacks on others yet, but give it time.
The President is equally disgraceful. He inserted Himself into the story and hyped up the racial justice aspect. The Community Organizer-in-Chief has inflamed racial strife in the US on several occasions, including this one, and now He’s going to pay for it by these people demanding He get involved in order to override the rule of law. Again.
Why don’t you Yanks change the law so that you can have another pop at Zimmerman? We have, after all, provided you with a precedent for this.
But seriously, Zimmerman strikes me as a decent guy who did his best in a difficult situation – a situation in which, arguably, he couldn’t win because everything is stacked against him.
Now his life is in danger of being destroyed by it.
I understand that the FBI have already cleared Zimmerman of being a racist so Eric Holder has a problem if he tries to bring Civil Rights charges against him.
Don’t worry, they’ll figure something out. The President dispenses with the rule of law at His convenience, and nobody can stop Him. But it will be useful to drag this out until we’re near the 2013 mid-terms, so don’t expect a result any time soon.
Yes, I do know the Constitution, Loyal and True. That’s why I’m not happy about the President’s failure to uphold the law when it doesn’t suit Him.
The fact is, the President has ordered the DoJ to find a way to charge Zimmerman with violating Martin’s civil rights. Even though He said “the jury has spoken”, He clearly doesn’t want it to end there. Yet another statement with an expiration date. How do you explain that? If you think the Constitution protects against double jeopardy, you’d better be asking the President if He knows it, not me. Preposterous nonsense or is it actually happening? Unless you want to tell me that Eric Holder has gone rogue….
Having said that, I can safely assume that you’re unaware that the President has already violated his duty to uphold the law by ordering an end run around a certain part of immigration law (because He was deporting more illegals than Bush ever did and it was hurting His re-election chances), as well as by selectively deciding which bits of ObamaCare will be enforced right away. Then there were those extra-legal NLRB appointments. Here are some more examples you can pretend don’t exist.
Saw the report by their U.S. reporter David Willetts. He said there were no witnesses to the confrontation between Zimmerman and Martin. If he had been actually observing the trial he would have known that a witness DID give evidence of seeing Martin on top of Zimmerman and beating him about the head and face.
Willetts also mentioned the 911 tapes and the voice heard shouting for help without mentioning that Martin’s father stated to police that the voice was NOT his son’s. That was of course before he spoke to the step-mother who had already trademarked Trayon’s name.
The whole tone of the report was that the jury had produced the wrong verdict. No mention of the prosecution not disclosing evidence favourable to Zimmerman’s case, or the obvious bias of the appallingly partisan judge towards Zimmerman. No mention either of the the Department of Justice sending advisers to help race baiters demonstrate against Zimmerman.
Never mind about Martin’s civil rights being violated, Zimmerman’s rights were absolutely trashed.
Did Willetts really say no witnesses? If he did, it’s a lie. Not a mistake, not an unfortunate statement made based on erroneous information through no fault of his own (which can happen to anyone), but a lie, since he knows the truth. He can’t not know, unless he’s a poor journalist and should be removed from his position.
Defenders of the indefensible will remain silent, as will lurking professional journalists and lawyers.
Yes, he really did say that. I saw it on the 10 O’Clock news. “Nobody witnessed the struggle that followed” were his words. Before that, he said George Zimmerman tackled Trayvon Martin. The evidence suggests it was Martin who confronted Zimmerman.
Fox gave 100% coverage of the trial, there is no reason to take the bBCs third rate journalists word for anything. We are paying to be misinformed. The US now has a shamelessly racist President protected by a one-party media. But at least they have Fox. We have…. nothing.
I can confirm what Beeboidal reports. These were indeed the words said.
I’ve not been following the trial closely, other than what’s been said on this site, so any complaint I make would be drowned in obfuscation which I am not in a position to refute. Has anyone who was following this more closely put in a complaint? It seems pretty bang-to-rights?
It’s more than poor reporting. It’s a lie. Unless Willis states uncategorically that he had no idea, it’s a lie.
And I see they found another younger, angelic photo of St. Trayvon to use. It’s also disgraceful for Willis to feature that woman complaining about how black youth are victims of violence all the time, when most of it is black-on-black crime, nothing to do with the Race In America issue. It’s another lie allowed by Willis.
And Willis says “we do know” that Zimmerman “tackled” Martin. This is not Zimmerman’s story, and there are no witnesses to that effect. Another lie.
This must be the worst BBC report on the story yet, and that’s saying something.
Not possible to be sure without you providing a link. But when people say Treyvon Martin was 12 in pictures they’re usually incorrect. That particular picture was taken seven months before he was shot. He was 16.
And what is the ruling by Micky Mansfield on why the Quisling Broadcasting Corporation has been describing one as a black teenager Trayvon Martin, while the other is merely Zimmerman who’s ethnicity appears to be from some tribe called ‘George’.
A Journalist, the age isn’t the real point. The point is that he looks angelic as opposed to the more recent and relevant shots of him with the hoodie, with the golden grill, or even the one Snopes shows in your link. All the unflattering images – except one relatively unthreatening hoodie shot – have been censored by the BBC, and certainly don’t feature in their main reports. These photos make Martin seem less than angelic, and that harms the BBC Narrative.
Now, do you have any thoughts on David Willis’ lies? Or any thoughts on the BBC pushing the false impression created by NBC’s doctored audio? If you’re really a professional journalist, you should be outraged.
It doesn’t matter how you excuse the photograph of Martin being used, there is a later one showing his “gangsta grill” and build. There are also FaceBook images of Martin shouting his mouth off about “bitches” and talking about raping them. He’s in full “Gangsta” mode and gives a truer picture of what he was really like at the time of his death.
If, as yousay,Martin was 16 at the time of the “angelic” photograph he must have bulked up quickly before he was shot.
So which one of them is the one of the 16 year old – the b&w photo of him wearing a hoodie or the colour photo of him wearing a t-shirt and looking like Gary Coleman from “Different Strokes”
I think, journalist, you are trying to mislead us.
He’s not trying to mislead. He’s focusing on a low-hanging cherry because that’s the easy route. Otherwise, he’d have to address the real problems with BBC reporting.
The BBC website still hasn’t managed to mention the Telegraph story on the deaths of 13,000 people in the NHS from 2005, almost 12 hours after the Telegraph story was revealed.
Indeed. Its lead story is still the Panorama finding about soldier suicides, as if a bit of BBC statistical research is front page news.
Whilst it’s tragic when soldiers take their own lives, and a disgrace when they are not given support to deal with their trauma, it’s not the main news story of the day, and doesn’t deserve to be the lead news item…
It’s strange isn’t it what makes it into the BBC news arc isn’t it. You would have thought that 13,000 early deaths in a British institution would be worthy of a small headline, a byline even in the ‘health’ tab.
I imagine if Network Rail was causing the deaths of a couple of passengers every day then it would get a mench…….. Or if the road network was causing thousands of excess road fatalities because of poor design and up-keep. etc etc etc
Anyway in a similar vein………. (note for NHS ‘German’ locum doctors – a vein is an English word for a blood vessel that takes de-oxygenated blood back to the heart)…….. I notice that Falkirk and Unite hard-left enrtyism is nowhere to be seen (unsurprising) on the BBC. This is interesting as it is a real political story that is a) in the national interest, b) very interesting, c) so complex that it needs extensive and exhaustive coverage d) important.
Anyway we get absolutely no coverage on Sunday – the prime political slot – of the covert infiltration of hard left candidates in 41 Labour safe seats, no mention of ‘ghost’ party members voting for Unite candidates even though they were completely unaware of their party membership……… but there is coverage of an alleged evil Tory relationship with big tobacco… Which just happens to be the Labour distraction – ‘look over there’ strategy.
Using the word ‘deny’ appears to allow the BBC to repeat verbatim ‘smears’. This started with the Hague “Stupid Woman” story – what are thew odds that Big Tobacco story is going to run all week up until next Sunday…
It looks like the BBC and the Labour party jointly plan the narrative and agree how to populate the news ‘grid’
I have just Googled BBC news and it is so amazing that 13,000 people from our Nation could have prematurely died over the last few years under the auspices of our Nations Health Service!
Yet this current ‘ball in the air’ does not get a mention on a National news service online front page, (a service we are forced to pay for), notwithstanding the topic is a current ‘hot potato’!
Definitely something fishy going on here.
I mean this is 13,000 DEATHS. DEAD people from my country.
Their deaths could have been negligent!
Where is my TV tax going! I forcibly pay part of my licence to be statutorily informed about such major about national events.
BBC journalists, statutorily paid by us, do your job and find out what the hell is happening with these enormous amount of deaths in my country.
Find out for me if possibly if those in charge were doing their job properly!
So, we learn that George Zimmerman has been found not guilty of ALL charges in relation to the shooting of Trayvon Martin.
But don’t let that stop the BBC reporting the matter as if the verdict had been the opposite.
Every bulletin on Five Live begins with; George Zimmerman has been cleared of murdering the UNARMED, BLACK teenager Trayvon Martin.
Why the need to mention Martin’s skin colour and the fact that he wasn’t carrying a weapon in the intro unless you were serving some other agenda?
Furthermore, those who they find to comment on the verdict seem only to refer to the victim as Trayvon and the formerly accused as Zimmerman, thus subtly demonising the latter further still. Plenty of mention that civil action may still be taken too.
And don’t forget, there was hardly a jot to be heard from our beloved state broadcaster during the trial itself given that the shambolic nature of the prosecution’s case and most of their star witnesses actually appeared to strengthen Mr Zimmerman’s position.
The BBC definitely won’t be telling you about the evidence that wasn’t shared with the defense, or the fact that the defense were not allowed to call witnesses who could have commented about Travyon Martin’s apparent love of violence.
The BBC and the liberal US press believes this trial was ‘important’ because of the race-baiting stance taken by the president during his re-election campaign, where he declared if he had a son, he would look like Martin etc. They see it as a mirror being held up to the ongoing racism they believe lingers in the hearts of whites in America.
In reality, this trial highlights the exact opposite; black young men like Martin committing crime and injuring or killing whites is the usual, forgotten, dog bites man story that these days is barely reported above local level media, and where it is mentioned by the mainstream media usually involves careful removal of all adjectives that would allow the reader or viewer to draw the correct inferences (i.e. references to perpetrators being black in the US, pakistani muslims in the UK).
Meanwhile, when man apparently bites dog, i.e. a white man killing a black, the media flies into a frenzy because whilst it plays to the narrative they believe is true, its so rare that it actually happens that it becomes an opportunity for them to say, ‘you see, it really is common and terrible how whites are so racist’. The irony in this case of course was that if Zimmerman had had a more hispanic sounding name, the story would never have developed the legs it did in the first place.
As to ‘killing the boy’ – the not guilty verdict is a finding that Zimmerman acted in self-defence, therefore to use a loaded term like ‘killing’ without a qualifying adjective such as ‘justified’ is misleading. I’m also not sure how you refer to a 5’11” 158lb black youth as a ‘boy’ – he was taller, fitter and stronger than Zimmerman, and the use of the term ‘boy’ is designed to play down the actual physical presence of the two men in favor of the 12 year old child eating skittles narrative.
‘…….and the use of the term ‘boy’ is designed to play down the actual physical presence of the two men in favor of the 12 year old child eating skittles narrative.’
Poor old Colditz, unwittingly displaying his BBC credentials on a public website. Biggest laugh of the day, that one.
There are number of issues, like the obvious bias in the reporting or Obama’s politicising of the case, that the BBC has ignored.
You would think that things like a national network editing material to create a false impression would be worthy of the BBC’s attention, but then again Murdoch doesn’t own that station.
The BBC can’t call attention to it because they ran the false impression themselves. The Beeboids knew it was faked, but pushed it on their audience anyway, because it supported their Narrative. It’s one of the most dishonest things I’ve seen from the BBC.
Defenders of the indefensible are, of course, silent, as are lurking professional journalists and lawyers. Speaking of lawyers, if I can find some contact info for Zimmerman’s lawyers handling his revived lawsuit against NBC for this, I’ll tell them to include at least BBC Worldwide.
Sorry, I pressed the report comment bit instead of reply. It was completely unintended. Sorry.
I was trying to say that I saw the news on BBC1 this morning, and it seemed very much as though the BBC had gone into sour grapes mode.
Martin was about to be armed, according to Zimmerman’s story. The BBC has never mentioned that little aspect of the story. As long as the BBC censors that information, their audience won’t get be inclined to any unapproved thoughts.
I see the BBC made a ‘value judgement’ on the acquittal of George Zimmerman. Why use the words ‘black’ and ‘unarmed’ unless you wanted to paint a certain picture? Hmm. Black armbands at the BBC, today?
Good God, listening to the BBC report you’d think the BBC were part of the prosecution! Unbelievable. The BBC wanted Zimmerman to be guilty purely because a black teenager was killed. I wonder what would happen, interestingly, if Zimmerman were a Muslim?
Bad day at liberal HQ. There was never a chance that Zimmerman would be found guilty given Florida law and the evidence. Even if he had an appeal would have almost certainly been successful.
What I find hard to understand is the insistence that Zimmerman is white. Perhaps it is his name- a little suspicious- need we say more.
Even the mass assembling of liberal outrage from goverment to the usual suspects was not enough to overturn reality.
Rule one; liberals do not do reality.
Quite what reality they inhabit is increasingly a mystery to me.
Surprised they haven’t ‘accused’ Zimmerman of being Jewish yet, but then he shares a surname with Bob Dylan’s real name so that could get complicated from a leftie ethical point of view. I’m willing to bet that discussion has already taken place at the BBC’s news filtering dept.
SML, continues it relentless drip, drip persecution of our Christian faith in the UK, new royal baby, new monarch to come …
bbc – ah but no real value, meaningless, nearly a third of the UK states its not acting Christian, hey we should have some multi/kulti ceremony, so lets interview “honest” ibe mogra of the muslim council of Britain …
lets cut the crap! nearly a third means over two thirds ally themselves to our Christian heritage.
OUR monarchy is again OUR “heritage” it fits in with OUR “heritage”, anyone living staying here, should
ahem “enrich” themselves with it, should
erm “celebrate” OUR “diversity”
erm …improve themselves with a view of a truly “TOLERANT” beneficial religion
ahem to truly benefit all “cultures”
our paid broadcaster should be strongly re iterating this? …
well shouldn t they?
Sky is just the same on the Zimmerman/Martin issue. Where do the reporters get their training, does the BBC have any influence? They seem to have decided there has been some kind of miscarriage of justice here and are helping the campaigners to stir up trouble.
Almost the entirety of the mainstream US media that operates at the national level is heavily liberal, and they almost all see this case as confirming their views of ongoing racism against blacks in the US. The fact that Obama pitched into this story too means they want it to be true, as obviously Obama wouldn’t have done what he did purely as a race-baiting mechanism to shore up his campaign at the time.
Fox is the only mainstream non-liberal outlet, and even their coverage of the trial was restrained.
Meanwhile, if you followed the evidence as it happened (impossible to do of course if you relied on the BBC for your news) you would have seen a travesty of a case – perhaps best summed up by the final prosecution rebuttal (vs. the defence’s summary) to the jury being along the lines of ‘you have to do what your heart believes is right’.
The defence attornies were scathing of the prosection’s lack of evidence in after-trial interviews. One of them mentioned (earlier in the process I think) that this case was entirely topsy-turvy – normally, the prosection lists facts and evidence, and the defence tries to ramp up ‘reasonable doubt’ in the gaps between the evidence. In this case however, all the evidence pointed to a cut-and-dried self-defence story, with the prosecution appealing to the all-female jury to find Zimmerman guilty based on their feelings.
The weather is sunny and warm (as opposed to snowing – global warming perhaps?) and Al Beeb has some thoughtful suggestions on how to keep cool (see All seems pretty innocuous on the face of it, with a mixture of common sense and less obvious techniques. But being the BBC, it can’t help slipping in a bit of propaganda, with one of the suggestions being to wear Bedouin robes. Not say, shorts, tee-shirts or a light dress, but Bedouin robes no less. Now, if this was an article on how people in hot countries around the world keep cool, this would be appropriate. But the intention here is to plant the subtle idea that somehow the wearing of such garments in Western Europe is somehow acceptable, maybe even desirable, rather than what it really is (cultural colonialism). The ability to subtly weave messages into everyday topics is a specific aim of the skilled propaganderist.
An alternative suggestion of course is that the BBC hack was simply fantasising about a man in a dishdasha offering him a job with Al Jazeera, now that it has lost a number of staff…
I preferred it when when The Duke rode into town and said “Howdy Partner” to some old aquaintance he hadn’t seen since last year’s cattle-drive, how times have changed.
“There was a train crash in committee room 15 last week:
only great BBC panjandrums were self-mutilated. Rather seriously, as it turned out. Lord Hall and Lord Patten, director general and BBC Trust chairman respectively, arrived with the relevant financial trustee, HR chief and non-executive board member to tell MPs about bloated payoffs. They could have presented a united case. They could have made good specific arguments about rewards for exceptional service. Instead, they just fell apart.”
“Great British Payoff shows that BBC governance is broken.
“Someone has to take responsibility for the severance payments granted to senior managers.”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“If it was a television series, they’d probably call it The Great British Payoff, but you can’t see the BBC rushing in with a commission. A few years ago, as director generals and the structures that regulated them changed, the corporation found it had hundreds more senior managers than it needed and was instructed by its new governing trust to shed them. No easy task. So the process – 401 severance payments later, with average individual payments touching £191,000 in the last financial year – has sometimes played fast and loose with contract entitlements.”
I wonder what those 401 senior managers actually did?
In fact what do BBC managers do?
Just privatise it and have be done with this silly organisation.
“I wonder what those 401 senior managers actually did?”
They feed until bloated, and then drop off in arrogant contentment into tax payer funded retirement.
In return they supply us with value for money propaganda about how great comprehensive schools are [while they send their own children to private schools] how great the NHS is [even though over 50% of doctors who work for it would not recommend any of their family members to rely on it] and above all what an unbiased source of information the BBC is when it discusses the public sector, or any other topic of interest to left wing middle class pricks.
Is it me? Have tried to post this but cant find it so here I go again.
I wonder if anyone saw the televising of the Parliamentary Committee into the BBC’s pay-offs. I saw the last couple of hours yesterday ( Friday ). Can’t remember the correct name, but boy! did the BBC and the Trust get a kicking, and then some. There they were lined up, Lucy, Tony and ‘Fat’. (plus another) They like to call themselves by these pally names, but I don’t think they will any more from now on. Cronies they were called, All parties to a cosy conspiracy.
There was Lucy looking like frightened rabbit, Tony with his corporate expressionless face. Has he been botoxed I wonder? And Fat, in all his sweaty bloatedness, hands trembling, The fourth individual had spent too much time in the sun.
Time after time they were asked why on earth did all these ex-executives get bumper pay-offs? Time after time we got a load of corporate waffle, Tony didn’t say anything until later on, Fat was odious, arrogant and patronising, trying to talk about the bigger picture and how difficult it all was, and of course how wonderful the BBC is and how much loved by all. Even one or two of the MPs felt they had to go through this ritual nonsense too. The four were desperate to avoid admitting it was anything to do with them; it was The Charter, or other people. Eventually poor Lucy did say something along those lines, she may not be long in the job, I wonder if she will be shown a payoff, she should really only be shown the door. Tony stuck by her, saying she was doing a wonderful job and they were working together on solving all these problems.
When the camera was on poor Lucy and attempting to wriggle out of blame, a lady behind her kept shaking her head and grimacing in disbelief.
The committee were seething with anger at the four who eventually were silenced and stunned when they were told if they didn’t produce another list of names and payoff details they would be in contempt of parliament, which I hope means they would see the inside of a prison cell for a few months.
And yet ‘Fat’ the arrogant man that he is attempted to claim that the BBC Charter of which he is custodian is sacrosanct and thus the BBC cannot be challenged, and by that he meant himself of course. He was put down in short order by one of the MPs who was way ahead of him, and hung him out to dry.
How Fat Pang must have hated the day, there he was the distinguished and powerful Lord being questioned by these upstart oiks and being told where to get off. He slammed his papers on the table as he left.
Priceless. All power to these MPs.
The BBC is unreformable, it is an organisation which morally and financially corrupt, which means full of people who are, not excluding the Trust who are meant to supervise it. Corruption runs all the way through it.
The police must be called in, arrests made and the BBC closed down. I know this sounds extreme and will produce howls of derision and anguish but it is the only way to solve the innumerable problems in it and which it causes in the wider society. All of it. If it is not totally destroyed, like a zombie it will rise again.
The BBC are still offering false information about Zimmerman via Mrs Liberal at the end of this ‘Obama needs to get involved’ video. Mrs Liberal says “he was told, Zimmerman was told ‘do not get out of the car.’ That’s breaking one law, one order from police enforcement”.
This is false. First, Zimmerman was already out of his car when the following conversation took place.
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok, we don’t need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok
Second, the non-emergency number dispatcher in not a police officer and the order, if you can call ‘Ok, we don’t need you to do that’ an order, does not carry any force of law.
Third, Zimmerman does not follow Trayvon Martin after this. The prosecution offered no evidence that he did. Zimmerman cannot see Trayvon Martin at this point. It will be around four minutes until the encounter between Zimmerman and Martin occurs. Four minutes was far more than ample time for Martin to get home if that is what he had wanted to do.
But instead of going 400 yards straight home, he decided to double-back in the dark and then jump Zimmerman whom he had just described on the phone as a “crazy-assed cracker”. Has the BBC EVER mentioned that phrase used by Little Angel Trayvon – it is the most racist remark in the whole matter ?
The BBC has behaved disgracefully over their reporting – and then lack of reporting as the true facts emerged – of the George Zimmerman matter. And they continue to present a false picture. I suppose they are all infected by the sort of bile that this Guardian article overnight showed – an article that even the Guardian quickly decided to spike :
And Piers Morgan shows a similar disdain for Zimmerman even after the jury’s verdict. “They wouldn’t let it lie”.
But Zimmerman’s younger brother gave Morgan a clear and dignified reply :
Decent people believe in the rule of law and due process – and those decent people included the original investigators and attorneys who honoured their duty to the law and decided not to prosecute. Indecent people like pretty well ALL the people who have reported for the BBC on this have twisted the case, have avoided the true facts – and deserve nothing but scorn.
Oh – and can the BBC explain this ? The BBC with dozens of staff in the US decided to give virtually nil coverage of the trial, even on its US webpage, while the true facts were coming out, with even the prosecution witnesses strongly supporting Zimmerman’s accounts of what happened .
But the trial verdict has now been top story on all the BBC’s news bulletins and on its main news webpage.
And – if it is billed as top story, not some item tucked away somewhere – doesn’t the BBC and all its journalists and editors have an even larger responsibility to get the story right, to reflect accurately the content of a 10-day trial, to stop with the distortions in the text and the photos shown ?
As David Preiser has said so often, you can’t trust anything from the BBC on US affairs. Alastair Cooke must be spinning in his grave.
In this case, the BBC does not believe in the rule of law, because they believe that the law is intentionally set up to discriminate against and oppress blacks, and the people enforcing the law are racist. They’re quite sure that a black man who shot and killed a white teenager in the exact same circumstance would have been arrested immediately and eventually convicted of murder. To the Left, it’s still Mississippi 1963.
I’m half convinced that the only reason the BBC hasn’t hyped up the hideous whiteness of the jury (except the one Hispanic lady) as evidence of this failure of racial justice is that the jurors are all women, and the Beeboids would have to play a very tricky game of Identity Trumps.
I see the BBC have now raised the placing and profile of the Zimmerman/Martin case to the top of the page but their stance on it is truly disgraceful.
The bias is so shocking I almost don’t know where to start with it.
Look even at the photo gallery.
Picture number four is a placard of Trayvon Martin with the words “Justice 4 Trayvon”. I guess the BBC are trying to push the agenda that Trayvon Martin is the victim and that a miscarriage of justice has taken place.
Picture number five is another carefully chosen shot showing “grief stricken” Trayvon “supporters”.
Even the “assesment” of the two men themselves is appalling beyond words. The BBC portray Martin as an aspiring “black kid” fron a poor background but Zimmerman was a shady character who liked guns.
Is there nobody in this universe who can reign this cretinous organisation in…….
Christianity should not be judged on the behaviour of some sectarian thugs, and, ideally, neither should Islam be judged on the blood lust of jihadi killers. Unfortunately, the Qur’an has many passages in it advocating violence towards non-Muslims, so maybe the problem with Islamist violence is rooted within Islam itself.
Can I please repeat this overnight comment I made on the previous Open Thread just after the Zimmerman verdict :
When he was trying to leave at the end of a press conference after the verdict, the ever-polite and calm lead defence counsel Mark O’Mara was pressed by one last journalist. He rounded on ALL the journalists present – and the media generally. Words to the effect – “George Zimmerman was failed, he was run over by the criminal justice system in Florida – and by YOU, the media. You were fed a line, and you ran with it”
OUCH. What he says applies totally to the BBC’s lying coverage.
And a quote from of the bloggers at HotAir :
“No matter how much contempt you have for the media in all this -you don’t have enough”
The media, the press and broadcasters are always claiming they speak “truth to power”. Bloody liars in this case. The local police force investigated the matter and found nothing to prosecute. But the race hustlers got on the case, stirring up loads of trouble – deliberately led by Obama himself pandering to his base. The proper decision was not to prosecute – Zimmerman had been consistently telling the truth. The only eye-witness confirmed his head was being bashed into the concrete by Little Angel Trayvon Martin. Phone recordings to the police 911 recorded Zimmerman’s desperate screams lasting a long time He acted eventually in self-defence – in extremis.
Little Angel was the aggressor. And the police knew enough about Little Angel to recognise he was a nasty and racist young thug. He described himself in tweets as “NO_LIMIT_NIGGA”. And the self-defence law in Florida is very clear. But under racism pressure Florida politicians sacked the police chief, put the police lead investigator on traffic duties, and appointed a corrupt special prosecutor who refused to let the matter go first to an already-convened grand jury to decide whether there was any reasonable case to answer, any “proper cause”.
The prosecution then conducted a process that in many respects denied Zimmerman and his lawyers normal natural justice, such as proper “discovery” ie disclosure of all the evidence. Hell, it goes back to Magna Carta that any citizen should be told what he is being charged with and why. And a bunch of prior decisions on the case by the trial judge have been successfully challenged to the Florida Supreme Court.
So Zimmerman was a victim first of No_Limit_Nigga Trayvon Martin, then of and all the race hustlers and sleazy politicians such as Obama with the support of all the liberal media, then of a corrupted prosecution.
The BBC was party to this travesty of justice. Many prior posts in this blog have shown how inaccurate and biased its reporting has been – from ALL the BBC US staff involved.
Even this morning – the BBC is still letting people play the race card on air, oozing sympathy for the thug aggressor Trayvon Martin. Shame on them. “
These acid remarks after the verdict by the lead defence attorney apply in spades to the BBC’s performance for well over a year – and they STILL apply to today’s disgracefully biased BBC coverage :
Something to give most of us here optimism for the future Britain falls out of love with the BBC The British Broadcasting Corporation, long-heralded as one of the UK’s finest institutions, has experienced a major decline in recent years, as mirrored by public opinion
“Muslim extremists kill our priests, burn our churches and kidnap our women: How Egypt’s Arab Spring dream descended into a nightmare of religious hatred.
“Mail on Sunday correspondent in Cairo reveals hate acts against Christians.
“Extremists have forced many families into hiding or to seek asylum overseas.”
‘The BBC’s left-wing bias is alive and well and living in Radio 4 comedy………..
Marcus Brigstocke’s Radio 4 series isn’t satire, it’s a text-book example of the kind of noxious lefty bias the BBC has only just found itself culpable of…..
Within three minutes, he has taken a pop at the Daily Mail for being, one infers, racist – before revealing “they’ve put me in charge of a hospital”. It’s going to be OK, he reveals, even though he’s got rid of those pointless manager folk. “As long as no one else in the UK gets ill for the next four years we should be ready to be either shut down or sold to a private firm, because if there’s one thing ill people like it’s competition on the open market. You ask any ill person and they’ll usually say. ‘I would love to get better, sure, but mostly I want to see privatised health providers benefiting from my illness.’ ”
Yup, that’s the level it works at – little short of a licence-fee funded attack on Coalition policy and an ill-disguised rant against anyone so rash as to want to reform the NHS, damning reports into and criticisms of which he studiously avoids.’
Read it all here – if you can without puking – and marvel at the well-honed BBC/Labour propaganda machine:
Stephen Nolan on BBC Radio 5 Live is promising a section of his show will be about Lynton Crosby. An examination of who he is, who he owned by, and why we should care. In other words a primer for Lefties re the latest Labour anti-Tory attack line.
I would say fair enough….
The BBC is there to shine a light on such matters as the political class would prefer kept dark.
But since when did I receive a BBC examination of the ins and outs of the Unite Union infiltration of Labour?
Last month, Jamaica’s most successful female athlete Veronica Campbell-Brown tested positive for a diuretic, which can be used to mask the use of performancing-enhancing drugs.
Gosh, all this has come like a Bolt from the blue!
I'm a fat lazy slob who drinks too much real ale and eats junk food (but I do, at least, earn a living) says:
Hmmm, wrong verdict? Was the OJ case reviewed? Has habeas corpus ceased to apply in the USA?
Three questions about race and murder for the US administration and MSM to consider –
1) Since the “killing” of Treyvon Martin how many black males aged 15 – 25 have been murdered?
2) How many of these were murdered by individuals from an identical demographic?
3) How many of these victims and the circumstances of the crime and court cases (if any) have we heard about?
Like I said, there will be civil charges. It’s the legal loophole for double jeopardy. OJ Simpson got hit with a massive civil suit as well, which he lost, although it still couldn’t touch his fat NFL pension.
Actually under Florida law, if someone is found not guilty due to self defence, they are immune to civil action. Mark ‘O’Mara (Defence Lawyer) stated quite equivocally that they would apply for immunity should such a position arise.
‘A UN press release falsely describes those attending an IPCC meeting as “climate scientists,” In fact, these people are policy wonks, economists, political scientists, and UN advisors.’
But then, from the national broadcaster that lied through its teeth about its own meeting with ‘top climate scientists’, who would be stupid enough to expect the truth?
BBC Stephen Nolan had a phone in about this last night. All the usual BBC techniques were used to steer the audience. The “wrong view” was talked over, cut short , faded out , interrupted,screened callers,the last word.
The Bishop was especially disgusting,all whites are racist bar him. America , Whites , The Jury, all racist.
The peculiar Stephen Nolan is a safe pair of hands for the BBC.
From what little I have heard of Nolan (and I am thankful that it is little) he is even more annoying than Bacon and Derbyshire and that takes some doing.
Police officer injured in third night of rioting in Belfast
Here’s a good game – I will pick out quotes from the two reports – you guess which come from which report. Clue: bear in mind the protest about which the BBC approves and that which the BBC condemns…..
‘Most demonstrations were peaceful, demanding justice…’
‘Officers were attacked…’
‘a small rally grew into a crowd of thousands…’
“I feel if we don’t step it up, we’re in trouble,” 20-year-old [named of said young man], from the [his home neighbourhood], told Reuters. “It’s young {ethnic descriptor] being targeted and we have to stand up, stand up to the cops.”
‘The disturbances started just before midnight. They were sporadic and lasted for less than an hour. ‘
‘A stand-off developed and the police came under attack again with heavy masonry, bricks and bottles as well as some fireworks.’
‘Are you in [the country in question]? What is your reaction to the story? Send us your comments using the form below’
Quote from governemnt officail : “But they were warned by the [rank of head of police] that encouraging thousands of people onto the streets at a time of real tension involved significant risks.”
Quote from government official : ‘He acknowledged on Sunday that the [….] had elicited “strong passions”
If you listen to Webbs piece on the ToadyShow this morning, it turns out that “up to” 200 people showed up in a Washington DC park to protest the Zimmerman verdict?
Yet Webb speak of “street protests”, not a bunch of liberal guilt trippers and race hustlers loitering round Speakers Corner over there,and waiting for the BBCs Occupy Tent to get rigged up again!
And one hour later-Humprhys dares to collar IDS about the BBC concerning themselves with “the facts”.
Oh really-if only IDS would have asked them about whether it was a street protest or a park-keepers outing for the serially-grieved?
About time the BBC were taken on in their own lairs…they are liars…and don`t stray too far from that fundamental of BBC interviews and agendas!
You`ll not go too far wrong…
I thought that Obama had told us all that this was a time for reflection…yet, going forward: the BBC fail to seek closure on this issue of a threatened Hispanic surviving a threat to his life.
Don`t they CARE what Barak says anymore-racism came to an end when he came to power did it not?…ask Justin Webb( Today, 7.15 or so this morning)
Yet again the BBC are on the look out for a homosexual Premiership footballer.
It’s open to debate what motivations might lie behind this relentless BBC quest – are any BBC whistlerblowers out there prepared to leek the secret memos or spill the beans on the management corridor whispers?
What is beyond doubt is that the BBC are going to revisit this supposed issue again and again until they strike paydirt.
Neil Ruddock, Joey Jones, Terry Hurlock, Francis Benali, Norman Hunter, Ron Harris, Peter Storey, Julian Dicks, Graeme Souness, Roy Keane, Dave Mackay.
Let`s ask Evan Davis to send them an email to confirm their gayness…after all (by statistical reasoning) at least one of them is!
And given how mathematically illiterate the BBC are-our Evan or his camp researchers might be due a slap!
How refreshing to hear IDS on Today give Humphrys and the BBC a bashing over Humphrys’ interviewing technique. IDS deplored Humphrys – and the BBC – of their habit of using a few carefully selected examples concerning the possible effects of a policy the BBC abhors (this time it’s limiting benefits payments in certain circumstances) and parading those examples as the knock-down argument against government policy and favouring the BBC policy (in this case in favour of “fairness” and keeping the gravy train on track). Humphrys shut up and had litle further to say: this was an object lesson in how to deal with BBC bias.
IDS might also have mentioned the supporting “news” item used by the BBC to bolster its opposition to the IDS policy provided by the Resolution Foundation – lefty but not described as such on Today (or anywhere on the BBC AFAIAA). The Foundation has featured in 2 BBC “big news” stories over the past few days. Today’s one – about families not being able to afford London housing prices thereby providing ammunition for the BBC’s stance on benefit cuts – and, the previous one, concerning the upcoming suffering which will be caused by borrowing at artificially suppressed interest rates when interest rates recover (who knew!).
The bBBC website item has an amusing example. Rebecca is a Sunday school teacher in Haringey, who may be affected by the cap when transitional support runs out. She told the BBC she would not want to move away. “I think moving out from my community….my community will be missing me. If they move me out, I will start from zero,” she said.
‘Rebecca’ – no surname – Sunday school teacher – that’s a busy job, then – ‘may’ be affected by the cap – community … community. Pure bBBC rubbish. Probably invented.
Oh yes – this was the interviewee with the heavy sub-Saharan accent. Let me speculate based on that interview: she wasn’t born here but is an immigrant; she’s never paid taxes in her life and exists on the generosity of the political class with the taxpayers’ money and has done since she and her “community” fetched up here and were put right at the top of the social housing list. Of course, I might be wrong but I don’t think so. Indeed, so desperate is the BBC to expose the benefiterati’s sores that it has used evidence from a Christian to bolster its case: it’s not often you see a Christian – or “believer” (except a Moslem, warmist or pagan of course) – used to support the Narrative.
Moreover the BBC chooses to ignore the possibility – IMHO, the near certainty – that Rebecca, her community and the rest of the third world “Britons” welcomed here by the Labour government (if nobody else outside Westminster and Islington) are a major contribution to the housing shortage itself, not to mention the crowding in our schools, the mobs waiting in A&E etc etc. It’s interesting that the BBC bothers to broadcast this rubbish since Rebecca’s “evidence” is probably unconvincing as far as most of its audience are concerned. OTOH, it serves to keep the narrative drumbeat concerning the cruelty and nastiness of the Conservatives (if only!) alive; the narrative which Humphrys tried and failed to use against IDS this morning.
C’mon, you have to admit it was one of the great moments of unintentional Beeboid comedy: a lass with an accent straight out of ‘The Last King of Scotland’ talking about the horror of moving away from her ‘community’.
Geoff Parker-Chance, from Clacton in Essex, has worked for most of his life, but has been claiming benefits for the last year.
He believes the new system is unfair.
“The cap is outrageous,” he told the BBC. “It seems unfair that I contribute, but when I need it, it gets taken away.”
One bedroom flats rent at around £450 per month in Clacton. Two bedroom houses or flats in Clacton can be had for less than £700 per month, or £8400 per annum. Three bedrooms £850 per month or less, or £10,200 per annum.
Don’t know about Rebecca, but I think Geoff is bit of a stinker.
What happened to the Welsh lager lout of last year who got rumbled for his Sky subscriptions and his booze trolleys…whilst claiming to be one of the “affected” by Toricutz?
Come on BBC-a follow up please!
How will Haringey cope if this titan of the area chooses to spread the love elsewhere?
Haringey had Sharon Shoesmith!….let another borough benefit from Beccys can-do and surfeit of self-esteem!
Funny she can`t get a job though…don`t the BBC know what they`re missing.
She could not be any worse that Evan davis-and a good deal cheaper!
Might even get another Christian in too!
Becca for Today…or(if that clashes with the school run)…get her on for Martha Kearney or Jenni Murray instead.
THAT would bring down the benefits bill, as these BBC ladies are well-padded moneywise by now!
Creatives R Us!
It is worth noting, indeed it is remarkable that nobody notices or comments on the fact, that every one of Humphrys myriad of questions to Ian Duncan Smith came from the Labour or leftist side of the argument not one from the other e.g. isn’t this cap too generous and should be reduced further?
I know such a question is inconceivable from a statist broadcaster (although Sky News will be as unwittingly guilty today).
Never to be heard on the BBC – basically because in Beebworld they don’t exist. Yes folks, it’s another of those pesky scientists who refuse to toe the warming/climate change/extreme weather line. How much longer can their views be suppressed by the Ministry of Truth, given the real-world evidence of lack of warming screaming from the rooftops, or even cooling as some scientists now believe?
‘Anyway, by “unprecedented”, the WMO meant since 1850, which is a micro-second of history to a paleo-climatologist like Carter. He takes a long-term perspective, pointing out that the world has been warming since 17,000 years ago, cooling since 8000 years ago, cooling since 2000 years ago, warming since 1850 and is little changed since 1997. Consequently, “the answer to the question ‘is global warming occurring’ depends fundamentally on the length of the piece of climate string that you wish to consider”. He goes on: “Is today’s temperature unusually warm? No – and no ifs or buts.”
Carter is a courageous man, because within academia those who do not accept that climate change is dangerous are often bullied.
Indeed, Carter, who retired from James Cook University before he got interested in the global warming debate but remains an emeritus fellow, recently found himself deprived of even an email address by colleagues resentful of his failure to toe the line. As the old joke goes: what’s the opposite of diversity? University.’
‘“I am ashamed of what climate science has become today.” The science “community is relying on an inadequate model to blame CO2 and innocent citizens for global warming in order to generate funding and to gain attention. If this is what ‘science’ has become today, I, as a scientist, am ashamed.” — Research Chemist William C. Gilbert.
‘“Hundreds of billion dollars have been wasted with the attempt of imposing a Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory that is not supported by physical world evidences…AGW has been forcefully imposed by means of a barrage of scare stories and indoctrination that begins in the elementary school textbooks.” — Brazilian Geologist Geraldo Luís Lino, who authored the 2009 book “The Global Warming Fraud: How a Natural Phenomenon Was Converted into a False World Emergency.”
In essence, the jig is up. The whole thing is a fraud. And even the fraudsters that fudged data are admitting to temperature history that they used to say didn’t happen…Perhaps what has doomed the Climategate fraudsters the most was their brazenness in fudging the data” — Dr. Christopher J. Kobus, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Oakland University, specializes in alternative energy, thermal transport phenomena, two-phase flow and fluid and thermal energy systems.
And there are loads more from a growing body of scientists who will no longer be bullied into silence.
These are scientific views too inconvenient for the BBC to acknowledge let alone give airtime to. How much longer will they be allowed to continue with their blatant alarmist agenda? An enquiry should be called – now.
The tide is turning but don’t expect the alarmists to go quietly. There is simply too much money involved. However, in the end, markets will prove to be their undoing. Investment in renewables has declined dramatically and carbon trading is very nearly a dead duck.
It is noticeable that the MSM are now beginning to allow debate and giving air time/space to sceptics. Even the BBC are easing back. Andrew Neil’s interview yesterday with Ed Davey would not have happened six months ago. I look forward to the Autumn rematch when, I hope, AN will expose Davey’s lies about icecaps and ocean temperatures.
Fair points, Bob, but the BBC still avoid interviewing a sceptical scientist, or holding any kind of debate between climate scientists with opposing views because that would be an admission that sceptical scientists actually exist. Also, as anybody who follows this topic closely will know, the alarmists don’t ‘do’ debate.
As the protesters reached the summit, Greenpeace UK executive director John Sauven said: “It is an honour to stand here at the foot of Europe’s highest building and witness this remarkable achievement by these women.
BBC reporter Jonathan Savage, who was at the scene, said the group climbed the edge of the building as it has a ladder-like structure, and also used ropes.
A GROUP of six female Greenpeace protesters were climbing The Shard this morning in protest at Shell’s Arctic drilling. The women were free-climbing by using the ladder-like structure at the edge of the building, says the BBC’s Jonathan Savage.
If you don’t believe that the media did a great job in establishing the narrative for Martin/Zimmerman, here’s John Rentoul (Independent on Sunday columnist, visiting professor at University of London, regular political talking head on the BBC) tweeting today :
George Zimmerman, who shot Trayvon Martin, is Hispanic. I didn't know that
Not so surprising when one considers that the BBC’s North America editor managed to do an entire report on race relations in Sanford without once mentioning Zimmerman’s ethnicity.
On this morning’s Today programme Justin Webb described Zimmerman as “a white man of Hispanic origin”. He couldn’t simply be Hispanic. These are the contortions the BBC will go through to maintain the narrative. And how very different from the eggshells it walks on when trying to avoid the ethnicity of non-white suspects.
Here it says he “identifies himself as Hispanic”. Always the qualification, the hedging, instead of relinquishing their beloved ‘racist WASP kills sweet, innocent black kid in cold blood’ narrative.
Well, that was the same kind of “justice” we were supposed to get for Trayvon Martin. The facts of the case are not important: it’s the historical injustices which much be addressed, because it’s all about how it makes people feel, not about maintaining rule of law.
Summer childcare costs ‘may leave children home alone’
… more children may be left unsupervised
… many may find it difficult to find holiday cover
May … may … may … may be a load of cobblers, invented by another overpaid beeboid with time to kill and an agenda to push.
Just listened to Woman’s Hour. (Can you imagine the upset if we had a Man’s Hour? but I digress). They had an interview with Justine Greening. The interviewer was incredulous that somebody from Rotherham could become a Conservative. The sneer just showed the mindset of the BBC that by asking they were not showing bias.
Kirsty Wark on the Arts Review programme on BBC Four yesterday when discussing if J.S. Lowry has any artistic merit declared, with that characteristic BBC even handedness that makes Dez so proud to pay his TV tax, but he was a CONSEEEEERRRRRVAAAAATIVEEEEEE!
Heard that station once and felt physically sick for a week ! so possibly not the best place for their balance to be waved in the faces of the one or two listeners !
‘Mans hour’ ?? sounds just so German porn DVD!
The BBC are too dim to work out for themselves that Conservative governments with massive majorities relied on a very substantial working class vote. It’s what comes from inhabiting a leftist/liberal bubble all your life.
Anybody tried the BBC ‘where can i afford to live’
I can’t afford to live where i currently am with my current mortgage…….. strange….. so i upped several factors…. even if i paid twice the mortgage i do now i can’t live where i do……
strange figures …. are they trying to prove something??
A MP on to debate her told her that there was no such thing as a money tree (oh the irony on a bbc production). The last item was a report on Brighton where they dont have enough money to pay for their policies.
That was the Telegraph’s reviewer also not liking Brigstocke’s new ‘comedy’ (although not realising that actually the Beeb has no shame).
Talking of ‘comedy’ – Radio Bour’s self-anointed humorist Paddy O’ Funnyasamassgrave was at it again yesterday. He had Stu Wheeler in with some red trout debating political funding. Wheeler mentioned union vote-rigging in Falkirk.
Paddy O’ Zzzzzz jumped in with,
‘Well of course it’s not just Falkirk, there are some forty-odd other constituencies under suspicion’.
But that was in a parallel universe. In this universe Paddy O’ Tedious jumped in with
and swiftly moved the conversation on.
If he’d actually spoken a lot slower and not in a mortal panic, we would have heard the words,
‘That is an isolated incident.’
Paddy O’ Lyingthruhisbackteeth lying thru his back teeth there – all for the cause.
It’s corruption. But it’s like the MPs’ expenses.
‘I’m doing it because everyone else is doing it and there’s unoffical approval from above’.
‘I’m doing it because everyone else is doing it and there’s unoffical approval from above’.
For a minute there I thought you were citing the BBC’s excuse for always using the angelic photo of a pubescent Trayvon Martin instead of the more recent and relevant thug shots. Or their excuse for knowingly running the doctored Zimmerman phone conversation with the dispatcher. Or…..well, you get the idea.
It is so amazing that a very recent news report states 13,000 people from our Nation could have prematurely died over the last few years under the auspices of our National Health Service!
Yet this current ‘ball in the air’ does not get a mention on our National news service online front page, (a service we are forced to pay for), notwithstanding the topic is a current ‘hot potato’!
It is on most other online news sources, like Sky news front page:
I mean this is 13,000 DEATHS. DEAD people from my country.
An absolute tragic SCANDAL! Almost could be reported as GENOCIDE if we find it was because ‘the powers that be’ are implicated in blame!
Their deaths could have been negligent!
Where is my TV tax going! I forcibly pay part of my licence fee to be statutorily informed by BBC about such major national tragedies, (or were these deaths criminal negligence)?
BBC journalists, statutorily paid by us, do your job and find out what the hell is happening with these enormous amount of unavoidable deaths in my country.
Please BBC do your job for which we pay you for and find out if those in charge were doing their job properly!
I think there is something more effective you can do than complain to the BBC.
I have been given a list of MP’s who are in the process of considering ending the BBC Charter forever. At least two members are determined that the BBC Charter will expire permanently in 2016.
So if you live in the following constituencies, then write to your Member of Parliament.
Ben Bradshaw(Exeter), Angie Bray(Ealing Central and Acton), Conor Burns(Bournemouth West), Tracy Crouch(Chatham and Aylesford), Philip Davies(Shipley), Paul Farrelly(Newcastle-under-Lyme), John Leech(Manchester Withington), Steve Rotheram(Liverpool Walton), Jim Sheridan(Paisley and Renfrewshire North), Gerry Sutcliffe(Bradford South) and John Whittingdale(Maldon).
F*** in` BBC hack of old?
Don`t think so!…a Beeber is for life, not for the “current round of cuts”.
Time for a British Coup, to overturn the rancid BBC…asking any MP to help us is dubious, but God go with you ,Sir!
Nice of the biased brainwashing corporation to get the weatherman on the news @ 1 to give us the forecast for the England/Russia wimmins football game in Sweden later today. How about less lavish payoffs, dropping a few radio and tv channels and giving your sponsors some REAL football?
Fun fact: flagship wimminz football team the Doncaster Belles has average gates of 350…
No doubt the cherry vultures will be along in a moment to point out all the other sports with these figures that get the same flood the zone coverage from the La Beeba.
They’re not ‘flooding the zone’. See my other reply for the relative coverage on the BBC website. And most of the games are on BBC3, it’s just that BBC3 doesn’t broadcast at the time today’s England game was on.
I think it’s reasonable to show the national team in one of their most important games.
“BBC, ITV and Channel 4 face inquiry over Anjem Choudary interviews.
“Media regulator Ofcom launches investigation after radical cleric was given airtime in wake of Lee Rigby’s death in Woolwich.”
While British TV media (inc INBBC) enable Islamic jihadist supporter Choudary to broadcast freely, the same media show no interest in allowing Americans Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer to broadcast their criticism of Islamic supremacism freely.
And, of course, the Cameron-May-Warsi ban on the two Americans continues, so as to appease Islamic interests.
‘Yes, let’s accept the UK ban on Americans Geller and Spencer, and let’s not mention the following now, for the sake of the left-Islam political alliance’:-
“More Hatred and Extremism at the East London Mosque”
should be the USUAL hate and extremism from the east London mosque, another that should be shut down
£2.9 million pound richer, from public sector funding … pay that jizya … eh! kaffir
and the old BBC ejector seat “victim”, and gobshite for cage-prisoners moz begg too
“Media regulator Ofcom launches investigation after radical cleric was given airtime in wake of Lee Rigby’s death in Woolwich.”
Mr. Choudary was (and always is) in luck at the BBC – to them, he looks and sounds like a ‘real’ muslim. Someone more moderate and reasonable – not so much.
This is the BBC segment they’re talking about. I laughed out loud at Kirsty Wark acting as an authority on the British Mohammedan community and stating that Choudary was wrong to claim that the majority of his co-religionists agreed with what the Woolwich butcher said in the video.
But the BBC will escape Ofcom’s charges this time, I think. They clearly labeled Choudary and “extremist”, in two different ways. The best part of this for the BBC is they get to continue the Narrative that US/UK foreign policy is killing millions of Mohammedans around the world.
By having Choudary on with two so-called moderate Mohammedans, both of whom agreed with him on the foreign policy issue, the BBC can claim they present both sides, got it about right, and keep the fire burning on foreign policy being ultimately responsible for any violence. Win-win for the BBC.
PS: About that white woman, apparently leader of a British Mohammedan group who seems to be a regular in these features, it’s typical BBC letting an elite white person speak on behalf of people with brown skin. The BBC must believe that her words will carry more weight with the majority white public, simply due to the color of her skin. She’s no religious authority at all, and is there only because of her ethnicity. Very clever, BBC. Your contempt for your audience knows no bounds.
BBC 1 tonight “Nick and Margaret: We All Pay Your Benefits” BBC cover benefits with a pair from the cast of “Apprentice”. I hope Margaret will provide some balance to the likely opinions of Labour supporter Nick Hewer (who was greeted as along time supporter by Alistair Campbell when they were both on “Countdown”.
vladMar 5, 04:18 Midweek 5th March 2025 Prime Minister marks Ramadan at ‘difficult time for Muslims in the UK’ FFS !
JohnCMar 5, 02:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Putin is a pragmatist. He sees what needs to be done and he does it without flinching or caring much…
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
George Zimmerman not guilty of Trayvon Martin murder –
[President Obama] said the “tragedy” of an unarmed black teenager shot dead in Florida should prompt some national soul-searching.
“If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon,” President Obama told reporters at the White House.
Here’s a perspective on the case you won’t get from the BBC or any other liberal news establishment:
“If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon”?
well … he s not going to look like like Zimmerman?
is he?
soooo … not only anti white, but fact and truth as well? … double whammy
oops anti freedom, and fact and truth too
triple whammy?
oops pro sharia too … quadruple whammy?
so what about wilful deliberate ignorance in reporting?
… does this remind you of any national broadcaster we could mention
The left wing students rightly criticised in the Pat Condell video are supported by the Unite, and other unions who supply the buses to places where they can disrupt speeches, and may even cite as mentors the Home Office Ministers who blocked the visits from Geller and Spencer and who together with the UAF street thugs will prevent Tommy Robinson from participating in an Oxford Union debate. These bigoted students will be welcomed in the BBC as its objective voices.
Why not look like Zimmerman? Obama might find it politically advantageous to ignore his lily-white Momma but his DNA won’t.
Zimmerman found not guilty. BBC story this morning uses picture of Martin as a young boy (c. 12) on website. Given the lack of trial coverage until the last two days, viewers will be baffled by the verdict. The story adds little of the evidence given and of the defence argument. Result: BBC fails in its primary duty to inform and liberals outraged.
The BBC tells us:
Following the verdict, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) – best known for its battles against segregation and discrimination – said it was calling “immediately for the Justice Department to conduct an investigation into the civil rights violations committed against Trayvon Martin”.
“This case has re-energised the movement to end racial profiling in the United States,” Roslyn M Brock, chairwoman of the NAACP, said in a statement.
Funnily how they forget to tell us about the text on Trevyon Martin’s phone that suggest that he was fond of violence, or the testimony in court that Zimmerman couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag…
I think it’s disgraceful that this case ever got to court (and it only did get to court because of political intervention – initially, no charges were going to be filed, as it looked like a straightforward case of self-defense).
Maybe Tell Mama needs to scoot over there as things didn’t pan out too well on the ‘community in fear’ retribution front here?
There must be a few from groups not on BBC Producer speed dial feeling a bit nervous as every one from the President up mutters about getting the justice they want vs. the one served.
But there’s also all those counter organisations for the BBC to worry about; you know, the ones who set the country aflame after the OJ verdict.
To everyone who put their hoods up & said “I am Trayvon”, you owe his Mother $2.00 for using a Trademarked phrase she copyrighted less than a month after he died
i cant even begin to think how a parent could do what shes done, especially having regard to the time line. and its not just “i am trayvon”, its also “Justice For Trayvon”.
She did apply for trade marks. But for the opposite reasons implied here.
Good thing you have this side issue to distract you from addressing the lies told by BBC reporter David Willis, eh?
Zimmerman may have successfully defended against criminal charges, but there will probably be a civil suit filed against him, which will cost him everything he has and ever will have. Never mind that he’ll have to go into hiding for a while. The death threats are all over the internet, including from pro athletes.
No payback attacks on others yet, but give it time.
BBC is out there with the protestors – Obama should get involved, says the heading.
The BBC really are an utter disgrace!
The President is equally disgraceful. He inserted Himself into the story and hyped up the racial justice aspect. The Community Organizer-in-Chief has inflamed racial strife in the US on several occasions, including this one, and now He’s going to pay for it by these people demanding He get involved in order to override the rule of law. Again.
Why don’t you Yanks change the law so that you can have another pop at Zimmerman? We have, after all, provided you with a precedent for this.
But seriously, Zimmerman strikes me as a decent guy who did his best in a difficult situation – a situation in which, arguably, he couldn’t win because everything is stacked against him.
Now his life is in danger of being destroyed by it.
I understand that the FBI have already cleared Zimmerman of being a racist so Eric Holder has a problem if he tries to bring Civil Rights charges against him.
Don’t worry, they’ll figure something out. The President dispenses with the rule of law at His convenience, and nobody can stop Him. But it will be useful to drag this out until we’re near the 2013 mid-terms, so don’t expect a result any time soon.
What preposterous nonsense. Do you not know your own Constitution?
Yes, I do know the Constitution, Loyal and True. That’s why I’m not happy about the President’s failure to uphold the law when it doesn’t suit Him.
The fact is, the President has ordered the DoJ to find a way to charge Zimmerman with violating Martin’s civil rights. Even though He said “the jury has spoken”, He clearly doesn’t want it to end there. Yet another statement with an expiration date. How do you explain that? If you think the Constitution protects against double jeopardy, you’d better be asking the President if He knows it, not me. Preposterous nonsense or is it actually happening? Unless you want to tell me that Eric Holder has gone rogue….
Having said that, I can safely assume that you’re unaware that the President has already violated his duty to uphold the law by ordering an end run around a certain part of immigration law (because He was deporting more illegals than Bush ever did and it was hurting His re-election chances), as well as by selectively deciding which bits of ObamaCare will be enforced right away. Then there were those extra-legal NLRB appointments. Here are some more examples you can pretend don’t exist.
‘What preposterous nonsense.’
How very Nicked Emus.
Welcome to Beebland, where Lee Rigsby was ‘killed’ but violent , drug abusing felon Trayvon Martin was ‘murdered’.
Apparently, they’re about due process, except where the process don’t due what it should.
…and where Mark Duggan was a fine, upstanding citizen when his life was tragically taken away from him by an institutionally racist police force.
Just like Azelle Rodney – in a car with three guns.
But then, who doesn’t take three guns when they go shopping?
Saw the report by their U.S. reporter David Willetts. He said there were no witnesses to the confrontation between Zimmerman and Martin. If he had been actually observing the trial he would have known that a witness DID give evidence of seeing Martin on top of Zimmerman and beating him about the head and face.
Willetts also mentioned the 911 tapes and the voice heard shouting for help without mentioning that Martin’s father stated to police that the voice was NOT his son’s. That was of course before he spoke to the step-mother who had already trademarked Trayon’s name.
The whole tone of the report was that the jury had produced the wrong verdict. No mention of the prosecution not disclosing evidence favourable to Zimmerman’s case, or the obvious bias of the appallingly partisan judge towards Zimmerman. No mention either of the the Department of Justice sending advisers to help race baiters demonstrate against Zimmerman.
Never mind about Martin’s civil rights being violated, Zimmerman’s rights were absolutely trashed.
Did Willetts really say no witnesses? If he did, it’s a lie. Not a mistake, not an unfortunate statement made based on erroneous information through no fault of his own (which can happen to anyone), but a lie, since he knows the truth. He can’t not know, unless he’s a poor journalist and should be removed from his position.
Defenders of the indefensible will remain silent, as will lurking professional journalists and lawyers.
Yes, he really did say that. I saw it on the 10 O’Clock news. “Nobody witnessed the struggle that followed” were his words. Before that, he said George Zimmerman tackled Trayvon Martin. The evidence suggests it was Martin who confronted Zimmerman.
Fox gave 100% coverage of the trial, there is no reason to take the bBCs third rate journalists word for anything. We are paying to be misinformed. The US now has a shamelessly racist President protected by a one-party media. But at least they have Fox. We have…. nothing.
I can confirm what Beeboidal reports. These were indeed the words said.
I’ve not been following the trial closely, other than what’s been said on this site, so any complaint I make would be drowned in obfuscation which I am not in a position to refute. Has anyone who was following this more closely put in a complaint? It seems pretty bang-to-rights?
That David Willis report is here:
It’s at 01:22 that he says, “Nobody else witnessed the struggle that followed”.
Poor reporting.
Thanks, Craig (long time no see)!
It’s more than poor reporting. It’s a lie. Unless Willis states uncategorically that he had no idea, it’s a lie.
And I see they found another younger, angelic photo of St. Trayvon to use. It’s also disgraceful for Willis to feature that woman complaining about how black youth are victims of violence all the time, when most of it is black-on-black crime, nothing to do with the Race In America issue. It’s another lie allowed by Willis.
And Willis says “we do know” that Zimmerman “tackled” Martin. This is not Zimmerman’s story, and there are no witnesses to that effect. Another lie.
This must be the worst BBC report on the story yet, and that’s saying something.
I’ve already complained to the BBC about Willets’ misinformation and the rest of the inaccurate reporting of the trial. Much good it will do me.
Perhaps Ofcom can be notified?
Not possible to be sure without you providing a link. But when people say Treyvon Martin was 12 in pictures they’re usually incorrect. That particular picture was taken seven months before he was shot. He was 16.
And what is the ruling by Micky Mansfield on why the Quisling Broadcasting Corporation has been describing one as a black teenager Trayvon Martin, while the other is merely Zimmerman who’s ethnicity appears to be from some tribe called ‘George’.
A Journalist, the age isn’t the real point. The point is that he looks angelic as opposed to the more recent and relevant shots of him with the hoodie, with the golden grill, or even the one Snopes shows in your link. All the unflattering images – except one relatively unthreatening hoodie shot – have been censored by the BBC, and certainly don’t feature in their main reports. These photos make Martin seem less than angelic, and that harms the BBC Narrative.
Now, do you have any thoughts on David Willis’ lies? Or any thoughts on the BBC pushing the false impression created by NBC’s doctored audio? If you’re really a professional journalist, you should be outraged.
That would be professional journalist, as opposed to ‘professional polemicist pretending to be a journalist’ Or, as some of us prefer: ‘BBC hack’.
It doesn’t matter how you excuse the photograph of Martin being used, there is a later one showing his “gangsta grill” and build. There are also FaceBook images of Martin shouting his mouth off about “bitches” and talking about raping them. He’s in full “Gangsta” mode and gives a truer picture of what he was really like at the time of his death.
If, as yousay,Martin was 16 at the time of the “angelic” photograph he must have bulked up quickly before he was shot.
So which one of them is the one of the 16 year old – the b&w photo of him wearing a hoodie or the colour photo of him wearing a t-shirt and looking like Gary Coleman from “Different Strokes”
I think, journalist, you are trying to mislead us.
He’s not trying to mislead. He’s focusing on a low-hanging cherry because that’s the easy route. Otherwise, he’d have to address the real problems with BBC reporting.
The BBC website still hasn’t managed to mention the Telegraph story on the deaths of 13,000 people in the NHS from 2005, almost 12 hours after the Telegraph story was revealed.
This, an organisation with 8,000 journalists.
Indeed. Its lead story is still the Panorama finding about soldier suicides, as if a bit of BBC statistical research is front page news.
Whilst it’s tragic when soldiers take their own lives, and a disgrace when they are not given support to deal with their trauma, it’s not the main news story of the day, and doesn’t deserve to be the lead news item…
8,000 Political Activists…….. There. Fixed it for you!
8,000 left wing political activists….. there, fixed it for you!
‘Dreck’. Definitive.
It’s strange isn’t it what makes it into the BBC news arc isn’t it. You would have thought that 13,000 early deaths in a British institution would be worthy of a small headline, a byline even in the ‘health’ tab.
I imagine if Network Rail was causing the deaths of a couple of passengers every day then it would get a mench…….. Or if the road network was causing thousands of excess road fatalities because of poor design and up-keep. etc etc etc
Anyway in a similar vein………. (note for NHS ‘German’ locum doctors – a vein is an English word for a blood vessel that takes de-oxygenated blood back to the heart)…….. I notice that Falkirk and Unite hard-left enrtyism is nowhere to be seen (unsurprising) on the BBC. This is interesting as it is a real political story that is a) in the national interest, b) very interesting, c) so complex that it needs extensive and exhaustive coverage d) important.
Anyway we get absolutely no coverage on Sunday – the prime political slot – of the covert infiltration of hard left candidates in 41 Labour safe seats, no mention of ‘ghost’ party members voting for Unite candidates even though they were completely unaware of their party membership……… but there is coverage of an alleged evil Tory relationship with big tobacco… Which just happens to be the Labour distraction – ‘look over there’ strategy.
Using the word ‘deny’ appears to allow the BBC to repeat verbatim ‘smears’. This started with the Hague “Stupid Woman” story – what are thew odds that Big Tobacco story is going to run all week up until next Sunday…
It looks like the BBC and the Labour party jointly plan the narrative and agree how to populate the news ‘grid’
CCE you so right.
I have just Googled BBC news and it is so amazing that 13,000 people from our Nation could have prematurely died over the last few years under the auspices of our Nations Health Service!
Yet this current ‘ball in the air’ does not get a mention on a National news service online front page, (a service we are forced to pay for), notwithstanding the topic is a current ‘hot potato’!
Definitely something fishy going on here.
I mean this is 13,000 DEATHS. DEAD people from my country.
Their deaths could have been negligent!
Where is my TV tax going! I forcibly pay part of my licence to be statutorily informed about such major about national events.
BBC journalists, statutorily paid by us, do your job and find out what the hell is happening with these enormous amount of deaths in my country.
Find out for me if possibly if those in charge were doing their job properly!
So, we learn that George Zimmerman has been found not guilty of ALL charges in relation to the shooting of Trayvon Martin.
But don’t let that stop the BBC reporting the matter as if the verdict had been the opposite.
Every bulletin on Five Live begins with; George Zimmerman has been cleared of murdering the UNARMED, BLACK teenager Trayvon Martin.
Why the need to mention Martin’s skin colour and the fact that he wasn’t carrying a weapon in the intro unless you were serving some other agenda?
Furthermore, those who they find to comment on the verdict seem only to refer to the victim as Trayvon and the formerly accused as Zimmerman, thus subtly demonising the latter further still. Plenty of mention that civil action may still be taken too.
And don’t forget, there was hardly a jot to be heard from our beloved state broadcaster during the trial itself given that the shambolic nature of the prosecution’s case and most of their star witnesses actually appeared to strengthen Mr Zimmerman’s position.
The BBC definitely won’t be telling you about the evidence that wasn’t shared with the defense, or the fact that the defense were not allowed to call witnesses who could have commented about Travyon Martin’s apparent love of violence.
Utter cobblers.
The importance of the trial was explained yet again.
It also explains the difference between killed and murdered.
The accused killed the boy. He did not murder him.
The BBC and the liberal US press believes this trial was ‘important’ because of the race-baiting stance taken by the president during his re-election campaign, where he declared if he had a son, he would look like Martin etc. They see it as a mirror being held up to the ongoing racism they believe lingers in the hearts of whites in America.
In reality, this trial highlights the exact opposite; black young men like Martin committing crime and injuring or killing whites is the usual, forgotten, dog bites man story that these days is barely reported above local level media, and where it is mentioned by the mainstream media usually involves careful removal of all adjectives that would allow the reader or viewer to draw the correct inferences (i.e. references to perpetrators being black in the US, pakistani muslims in the UK).
Meanwhile, when man apparently bites dog, i.e. a white man killing a black, the media flies into a frenzy because whilst it plays to the narrative they believe is true, its so rare that it actually happens that it becomes an opportunity for them to say, ‘you see, it really is common and terrible how whites are so racist’. The irony in this case of course was that if Zimmerman had had a more hispanic sounding name, the story would never have developed the legs it did in the first place.
As to ‘killing the boy’ – the not guilty verdict is a finding that Zimmerman acted in self-defence, therefore to use a loaded term like ‘killing’ without a qualifying adjective such as ‘justified’ is misleading. I’m also not sure how you refer to a 5’11” 158lb black youth as a ‘boy’ – he was taller, fitter and stronger than Zimmerman, and the use of the term ‘boy’ is designed to play down the actual physical presence of the two men in favor of the 12 year old child eating skittles narrative.
The use of the term ‘boy’ in the US is also unadvisable when referring to a black man. Not as bad as ‘nigger’ but offensive all the same.
I’m surprise at Colditz for using such defamatory language about Martin.
I’m surprised […]
Nay, shocked! Shocked I tell you.
Who’d have thought it?………old Colditz a closet redneck KKK supporter.
‘…….and the use of the term ‘boy’ is designed to play down the actual physical presence of the two men in favor of the 12 year old child eating skittles narrative.’
Poor old Colditz, unwittingly displaying his BBC credentials on a public website. Biggest laugh of the day, that one.
There are number of issues, like the obvious bias in the reporting or Obama’s politicising of the case, that the BBC has ignored.
You would think that things like a national network editing material to create a false impression would be worthy of the BBC’s attention, but then again Murdoch doesn’t own that station.
The BBC can’t call attention to it because they ran the false impression themselves. The Beeboids knew it was faked, but pushed it on their audience anyway, because it supported their Narrative. It’s one of the most dishonest things I’ve seen from the BBC.
Defenders of the indefensible are, of course, silent, as are lurking professional journalists and lawyers. Speaking of lawyers, if I can find some contact info for Zimmerman’s lawyers handling his revived lawsuit against NBC for this, I’ll tell them to include at least BBC Worldwide.
Sorry, I pressed the report comment bit instead of reply. It was completely unintended. Sorry.
I was trying to say that I saw the news on BBC1 this morning, and it seemed very much as though the BBC had gone into sour grapes mode.
Media confusion!?
Martin was about to be armed, according to Zimmerman’s story. The BBC has never mentioned that little aspect of the story. As long as the BBC censors that information, their audience won’t get be inclined to any unapproved thoughts.
I see the BBC made a ‘value judgement’ on the acquittal of George Zimmerman. Why use the words ‘black’ and ‘unarmed’ unless you wanted to paint a certain picture? Hmm. Black armbands at the BBC, today?
Good God, listening to the BBC report you’d think the BBC were part of the prosecution! Unbelievable. The BBC wanted Zimmerman to be guilty purely because a black teenager was killed. I wonder what would happen, interestingly, if Zimmerman were a Muslim?
Bad day at liberal HQ. There was never a chance that Zimmerman would be found guilty given Florida law and the evidence. Even if he had an appeal would have almost certainly been successful.
What I find hard to understand is the insistence that Zimmerman is white. Perhaps it is his name- a little suspicious- need we say more.
Even the mass assembling of liberal outrage from goverment to the usual suspects was not enough to overturn reality.
Rule one; liberals do not do reality.
Quite what reality they inhabit is increasingly a mystery to me.
Surprised they haven’t ‘accused’ Zimmerman of being Jewish yet, but then he shares a surname with Bob Dylan’s real name so that could get complicated from a leftie ethical point of view. I’m willing to bet that discussion has already taken place at the BBC’s news filtering dept.
Yes, Zimmerman’s name … mmm, er, Nazi?
SML, continues it relentless drip, drip persecution of our Christian faith in the UK, new royal baby, new monarch to come …
bbc – ah but no real value, meaningless, nearly a third of the UK states its not acting Christian, hey we should have some multi/kulti ceremony, so lets interview “honest” ibe mogra of the muslim council of Britain …
lets cut the crap! nearly a third means over two thirds ally themselves to our Christian heritage.
OUR monarchy is again OUR “heritage” it fits in with OUR “heritage”, anyone living staying here, should
ahem “enrich” themselves with it, should
erm “celebrate” OUR “diversity”
erm …improve themselves with a view of a truly “TOLERANT” beneficial religion
ahem to truly benefit all “cultures”
our paid broadcaster should be strongly re iterating this? …
well shouldn t they?
Sky is just the same on the Zimmerman/Martin issue. Where do the reporters get their training, does the BBC have any influence? They seem to have decided there has been some kind of miscarriage of justice here and are helping the campaigners to stir up trouble.
Almost the entirety of the mainstream US media that operates at the national level is heavily liberal, and they almost all see this case as confirming their views of ongoing racism against blacks in the US. The fact that Obama pitched into this story too means they want it to be true, as obviously Obama wouldn’t have done what he did purely as a race-baiting mechanism to shore up his campaign at the time.
Fox is the only mainstream non-liberal outlet, and even their coverage of the trial was restrained.
Meanwhile, if you followed the evidence as it happened (impossible to do of course if you relied on the BBC for your news) you would have seen a travesty of a case – perhaps best summed up by the final prosecution rebuttal (vs. the defence’s summary) to the jury being along the lines of ‘you have to do what your heart believes is right’.
The defence attornies were scathing of the prosection’s lack of evidence in after-trial interviews. One of them mentioned (earlier in the process I think) that this case was entirely topsy-turvy – normally, the prosection lists facts and evidence, and the defence tries to ramp up ‘reasonable doubt’ in the gaps between the evidence. In this case however, all the evidence pointed to a cut-and-dried self-defence story, with the prosecution appealing to the all-female jury to find Zimmerman guilty based on their feelings.
The racist journalists who wanted the jury to convict Zimmerman are the same people who urge everybody to read “To Kill a Mockingbird”.
They’re all convinced we still live in that world.
The weather is sunny and warm (as opposed to snowing – global warming perhaps?) and Al Beeb has some thoughtful suggestions on how to keep cool (see All seems pretty innocuous on the face of it, with a mixture of common sense and less obvious techniques. But being the BBC, it can’t help slipping in a bit of propaganda, with one of the suggestions being to wear Bedouin robes. Not say, shorts, tee-shirts or a light dress, but Bedouin robes no less. Now, if this was an article on how people in hot countries around the world keep cool, this would be appropriate. But the intention here is to plant the subtle idea that somehow the wearing of such garments in Western Europe is somehow acceptable, maybe even desirable, rather than what it really is (cultural colonialism). The ability to subtly weave messages into everyday topics is a specific aim of the skilled propaganderist.
An alternative suggestion of course is that the BBC hack was simply fantasising about a man in a dishdasha offering him a job with Al Jazeera, now that it has lost a number of staff…
Labour Party’s Ben Bradshaw (and ex-Beeboid, with a Beeboid ‘partner’) is just the type to take up the Bedouin tip at his next social gathering:-
“Labour MP turns up with no trousers on to David Miliband’s farewell party”
Perhaps he takes the phrase “coming out” a bit too literally…
Just harmless bit of – ahem -exhibitionism?
I preferred it when when The Duke rode into town and said “Howdy Partner” to some old aquaintance he hadn’t seen since last year’s cattle-drive, how times have changed.
His trousers were probably too heavy to lift off the floor due to all the expenses he’s trousered.
“Absence of trust may be just what the BBC needs”
By Peter Preston.
[Opening extract]:-
“There was a train crash in committee room 15 last week:
only great BBC panjandrums were self-mutilated. Rather seriously, as it turned out. Lord Hall and Lord Patten, director general and BBC Trust chairman respectively, arrived with the relevant financial trustee, HR chief and non-executive board member to tell MPs about bloated payoffs. They could have presented a united case. They could have made good specific arguments about rewards for exceptional service. Instead, they just fell apart.”
‘Observer’ editorial:-
“Great British Payoff shows that BBC governance is broken.
“Someone has to take responsibility for the severance payments granted to senior managers.”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“If it was a television series, they’d probably call it The Great British Payoff, but you can’t see the BBC rushing in with a commission. A few years ago, as director generals and the structures that regulated them changed, the corporation found it had hundreds more senior managers than it needed and was instructed by its new governing trust to shed them. No easy task. So the process – 401 severance payments later, with average individual payments touching £191,000 in the last financial year – has sometimes played fast and loose with contract entitlements.”
I wonder what those 401 senior managers actually did?
In fact what do BBC managers do?
Just privatise it and have be done with this silly organisation.
“I wonder what those 401 senior managers actually did?”
They feed until bloated, and then drop off in arrogant contentment into tax payer funded retirement.
In return they supply us with value for money propaganda about how great comprehensive schools are [while they send their own children to private schools] how great the NHS is [even though over 50% of doctors who work for it would not recommend any of their family members to rely on it] and above all what an unbiased source of information the BBC is when it discusses the public sector, or any other topic of interest to left wing middle class pricks.
If they are like many of the managers I’ve worked with over the years, the answer is ‘not a lot’…
Is it me? Have tried to post this but cant find it so here I go again.
I wonder if anyone saw the televising of the Parliamentary Committee into the BBC’s pay-offs. I saw the last couple of hours yesterday ( Friday ). Can’t remember the correct name, but boy! did the BBC and the Trust get a kicking, and then some. There they were lined up, Lucy, Tony and ‘Fat’. (plus another) They like to call themselves by these pally names, but I don’t think they will any more from now on. Cronies they were called, All parties to a cosy conspiracy.
There was Lucy looking like frightened rabbit, Tony with his corporate expressionless face. Has he been botoxed I wonder? And Fat, in all his sweaty bloatedness, hands trembling, The fourth individual had spent too much time in the sun.
Time after time they were asked why on earth did all these ex-executives get bumper pay-offs? Time after time we got a load of corporate waffle, Tony didn’t say anything until later on, Fat was odious, arrogant and patronising, trying to talk about the bigger picture and how difficult it all was, and of course how wonderful the BBC is and how much loved by all. Even one or two of the MPs felt they had to go through this ritual nonsense too. The four were desperate to avoid admitting it was anything to do with them; it was The Charter, or other people. Eventually poor Lucy did say something along those lines, she may not be long in the job, I wonder if she will be shown a payoff, she should really only be shown the door. Tony stuck by her, saying she was doing a wonderful job and they were working together on solving all these problems.
When the camera was on poor Lucy and attempting to wriggle out of blame, a lady behind her kept shaking her head and grimacing in disbelief.
The committee were seething with anger at the four who eventually were silenced and stunned when they were told if they didn’t produce another list of names and payoff details they would be in contempt of parliament, which I hope means they would see the inside of a prison cell for a few months.
And yet ‘Fat’ the arrogant man that he is attempted to claim that the BBC Charter of which he is custodian is sacrosanct and thus the BBC cannot be challenged, and by that he meant himself of course. He was put down in short order by one of the MPs who was way ahead of him, and hung him out to dry.
How Fat Pang must have hated the day, there he was the distinguished and powerful Lord being questioned by these upstart oiks and being told where to get off. He slammed his papers on the table as he left.
Priceless. All power to these MPs.
The BBC is unreformable, it is an organisation which morally and financially corrupt, which means full of people who are, not excluding the Trust who are meant to supervise it. Corruption runs all the way through it.
The police must be called in, arrests made and the BBC closed down. I know this sounds extreme and will produce howls of derision and anguish but it is the only way to solve the innumerable problems in it and which it causes in the wider society. All of it. If it is not totally destroyed, like a zombie it will rise again.
Yes it is you that is the third posting! Good post though.
Crumbs, sorry all!
Put Doreen Lawrence and Lee Jasper on a flight to Miami now!
An additional Airbus A380 will be required to carry their shoulder chips though.
Perhaps a Dreamliner might be more appropriate?
The BBC are still offering false information about Zimmerman via Mrs Liberal at the end of this ‘Obama needs to get involved’ video. Mrs Liberal says “he was told, Zimmerman was told ‘do not get out of the car.’ That’s breaking one law, one order from police enforcement”.
This is false. First, Zimmerman was already out of his car when the following conversation took place.
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok, we don’t need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok
Second, the non-emergency number dispatcher in not a police officer and the order, if you can call ‘Ok, we don’t need you to do that’ an order, does not carry any force of law.
Third, Zimmerman does not follow Trayvon Martin after this. The prosecution offered no evidence that he did. Zimmerman cannot see Trayvon Martin at this point. It will be around four minutes until the encounter between Zimmerman and Martin occurs. Four minutes was far more than ample time for Martin to get home if that is what he had wanted to do.
But instead of going 400 yards straight home, he decided to double-back in the dark and then jump Zimmerman whom he had just described on the phone as a “crazy-assed cracker”. Has the BBC EVER mentioned that phrase used by Little Angel Trayvon – it is the most racist remark in the whole matter ?
I think 400 yards is an overestimate, John. In his closing statement, Mark O’ Mara said
“To reach safety, he had to run perhaps slightly further than a man could throw a football.”
The BBC has behaved disgracefully over their reporting – and then lack of reporting as the true facts emerged – of the George Zimmerman matter. And they continue to present a false picture. I suppose they are all infected by the sort of bile that this Guardian article overnight showed – an article that even the Guardian quickly decided to spike :
And Piers Morgan shows a similar disdain for Zimmerman even after the jury’s verdict. “They wouldn’t let it lie”.
But Zimmerman’s younger brother gave Morgan a clear and dignified reply :
Decent people believe in the rule of law and due process – and those decent people included the original investigators and attorneys who honoured their duty to the law and decided not to prosecute. Indecent people like pretty well ALL the people who have reported for the BBC on this have twisted the case, have avoided the true facts – and deserve nothing but scorn.
Oh – and can the BBC explain this ? The BBC with dozens of staff in the US decided to give virtually nil coverage of the trial, even on its US webpage, while the true facts were coming out, with even the prosecution witnesses strongly supporting Zimmerman’s accounts of what happened .
But the trial verdict has now been top story on all the BBC’s news bulletins and on its main news webpage.
And – if it is billed as top story, not some item tucked away somewhere – doesn’t the BBC and all its journalists and editors have an even larger responsibility to get the story right, to reflect accurately the content of a 10-day trial, to stop with the distortions in the text and the photos shown ?
As David Preiser has said so often, you can’t trust anything from the BBC on US affairs. Alastair Cooke must be spinning in his grave.
In this case, the BBC does not believe in the rule of law, because they believe that the law is intentionally set up to discriminate against and oppress blacks, and the people enforcing the law are racist. They’re quite sure that a black man who shot and killed a white teenager in the exact same circumstance would have been arrested immediately and eventually convicted of murder. To the Left, it’s still Mississippi 1963.
I’m half convinced that the only reason the BBC hasn’t hyped up the hideous whiteness of the jury (except the one Hispanic lady) as evidence of this failure of racial justice is that the jurors are all women, and the Beeboids would have to play a very tricky game of Identity Trumps.
I see the BBC have now raised the placing and profile of the Zimmerman/Martin case to the top of the page but their stance on it is truly disgraceful.
The bias is so shocking I almost don’t know where to start with it.
Look even at the photo gallery.
Picture number four is a placard of Trayvon Martin with the words “Justice 4 Trayvon”. I guess the BBC are trying to push the agenda that Trayvon Martin is the victim and that a miscarriage of justice has taken place.
Picture number five is another carefully chosen shot showing “grief stricken” Trayvon “supporters”.
Even the “assesment” of the two men themselves is appalling beyond words. The BBC portray Martin as an aspiring “black kid” fron a poor background but Zimmerman was a shady character who liked guns.
Is there nobody in this universe who can reign this cretinous organisation in…….
Try as I might I can’t see any Islamists involved in this:
Surely they must be? BBC Bias obviously. Hiding them away and pretending its all white Christians. Surely not?
Christianity should not be judged on the behaviour of some sectarian thugs, and, ideally, neither should Islam be judged on the blood lust of jihadi killers. Unfortunately, the Qur’an has many passages in it advocating violence towards non-Muslims, so maybe the problem with Islamist violence is rooted within Islam itself.
I think you are getting confused Tommy. All the ills of the world are caused by white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Try to keep up.
“BBC £25m pay-offs: ‘One of worst examples of bad behaviour.'”
(But you can’t touch us for it.)
Can I please repeat this overnight comment I made on the previous Open Thread just after the Zimmerman verdict :
When he was trying to leave at the end of a press conference after the verdict, the ever-polite and calm lead defence counsel Mark O’Mara was pressed by one last journalist. He rounded on ALL the journalists present – and the media generally. Words to the effect – “George Zimmerman was failed, he was run over by the criminal justice system in Florida – and by YOU, the media. You were fed a line, and you ran with it”
OUCH. What he says applies totally to the BBC’s lying coverage.
And a quote from of the bloggers at HotAir :
“No matter how much contempt you have for the media in all this -you don’t have enough”
The media, the press and broadcasters are always claiming they speak “truth to power”. Bloody liars in this case. The local police force investigated the matter and found nothing to prosecute. But the race hustlers got on the case, stirring up loads of trouble – deliberately led by Obama himself pandering to his base. The proper decision was not to prosecute – Zimmerman had been consistently telling the truth. The only eye-witness confirmed his head was being bashed into the concrete by Little Angel Trayvon Martin. Phone recordings to the police 911 recorded Zimmerman’s desperate screams lasting a long time He acted eventually in self-defence – in extremis.
Little Angel was the aggressor. And the police knew enough about Little Angel to recognise he was a nasty and racist young thug. He described himself in tweets as “NO_LIMIT_NIGGA”. And the self-defence law in Florida is very clear. But under racism pressure Florida politicians sacked the police chief, put the police lead investigator on traffic duties, and appointed a corrupt special prosecutor who refused to let the matter go first to an already-convened grand jury to decide whether there was any reasonable case to answer, any “proper cause”.
The prosecution then conducted a process that in many respects denied Zimmerman and his lawyers normal natural justice, such as proper “discovery” ie disclosure of all the evidence. Hell, it goes back to Magna Carta that any citizen should be told what he is being charged with and why. And a bunch of prior decisions on the case by the trial judge have been successfully challenged to the Florida Supreme Court.
So Zimmerman was a victim first of No_Limit_Nigga Trayvon Martin, then of and all the race hustlers and sleazy politicians such as Obama with the support of all the liberal media, then of a corrupted prosecution.
The BBC was party to this travesty of justice. Many prior posts in this blog have shown how inaccurate and biased its reporting has been – from ALL the BBC US staff involved.
Even this morning – the BBC is still letting people play the race card on air, oozing sympathy for the thug aggressor Trayvon Martin. Shame on them. “
Well said.
These acid remarks after the verdict by the lead defence attorney apply in spades to the BBC’s performance for well over a year – and they STILL apply to today’s disgracefully biased BBC coverage :
INBBC doesn’t report this on connection between Boko Haram (now banned in U.K) and Islam.
“Nigeria: Muslim leader says he fully supports school massacre, says ‘Western education schools’ are ‘plot against Islam'”
EGYPT: INBBC serving Muslim Brotherhood, denying Coptic Christians.
“Coptic Christians Under Attack in Egypt Since Morsi’s Ouster”
BBC-NUJ’s political empathy is with-
blacks, and with Muslim Brotherhood;
-not with whites, nor with Coptic Christians.
sexual assault in london park
the suspect was described as `looking like millions of other young men`
This suspect is white. Has the BBC decided to drop all mention of colour in their crime reports?
That should make one helluvan interesting photofit.
Something to give most of us here optimism for the future
Britain falls out of love with the BBC
The British Broadcasting Corporation, long-heralded as one of the UK’s finest institutions, has experienced a major decline in recent years, as mirrored by public opinion
What INBBC’s Cairo Bureau censors:-
“Muslim extremists kill our priests, burn our churches and kidnap our women: How Egypt’s Arab Spring dream descended into a nightmare of religious hatred.
“Mail on Sunday correspondent in Cairo reveals hate acts against Christians.
“Extremists have forced many families into hiding or to seek asylum overseas.”
By ANGELLA JOHNSON^editors_choice_six_of_the_best
That should make one helluvan interesting photofit.
Sorry, premature mouse clicking problem – see above.
‘The BBC’s left-wing bias is alive and well and living in Radio 4 comedy………..
Marcus Brigstocke’s Radio 4 series isn’t satire, it’s a text-book example of the kind of noxious lefty bias the BBC has only just found itself culpable of…..
Within three minutes, he has taken a pop at the Daily Mail for being, one infers, racist – before revealing “they’ve put me in charge of a hospital”. It’s going to be OK, he reveals, even though he’s got rid of those pointless manager folk. “As long as no one else in the UK gets ill for the next four years we should be ready to be either shut down or sold to a private firm, because if there’s one thing ill people like it’s competition on the open market. You ask any ill person and they’ll usually say. ‘I would love to get better, sure, but mostly I want to see privatised health providers benefiting from my illness.’ ”
Yup, that’s the level it works at – little short of a licence-fee funded attack on Coalition policy and an ill-disguised rant against anyone so rash as to want to reform the NHS, damning reports into and criticisms of which he studiously avoids.’
Read it all here – if you can without puking – and marvel at the well-honed BBC/Labour propaganda machine:
Next week a new BBC satirical programme hosted by Jim Davidson: ‘Why Britain is up shit creek’.
Prickstocke + Meat Suit + Lead Boots + Steepish Hill + Hungry Predators (Wolves, Bears, Snow Leopards (Coo! Rare !)) = “Watch Out For The Wolverine !”
Coming soon to Channel 5.
As soon as Big Brother is given a decent burial.
So probably September.
September 2018.
On the bright side, the mutton-chopped git will be older and slower by then, and so less elusive. 🙂
Oh, that Ben Elton sitcom was dropped last week. *sad face*
Stephen Nolan on BBC Radio 5 Live is promising a section of his show will be about Lynton Crosby. An examination of who he is, who he owned by, and why we should care. In other words a primer for Lefties re the latest Labour anti-Tory attack line.
I would say fair enough….
The BBC is there to shine a light on such matters as the political class would prefer kept dark.
But since when did I receive a BBC examination of the ins and outs of the Unite Union infiltration of Labour?
BBC : One way traffic.
Hey BBC… how’s that Olympic legacy?
Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell: Olympic sprinters fail drug tests
And that’s not the half of it…..
Last month, Jamaica’s most successful female athlete Veronica Campbell-Brown tested positive for a diuretic, which can be used to mask the use of performancing-enhancing drugs.
Gosh, all this has come like a Bolt from the blue!
Wow… what do you make of this?
Could prove explosive! If Martin were white, no-one would even bother talking about it.
Hmmm, wrong verdict? Was the OJ case reviewed? Has habeas corpus ceased to apply in the USA?
Three questions about race and murder for the US administration and MSM to consider –
1) Since the “killing” of Treyvon Martin how many black males aged 15 – 25 have been murdered?
2) How many of these were murdered by individuals from an identical demographic?
3) How many of these victims and the circumstances of the crime and court cases (if any) have we heard about?
My answer to question 3 is zero. Why is that?
Like I said, there will be civil charges. It’s the legal loophole for double jeopardy. OJ Simpson got hit with a massive civil suit as well, which he lost, although it still couldn’t touch his fat NFL pension.
Actually under Florida law, if someone is found not guilty due to self defence, they are immune to civil action. Mark ‘O’Mara (Defence Lawyer) stated quite equivocally that they would apply for immunity should such a position arise.
The Department of Justice is looking into charging Zimmerman with violating Martin’s civil rights. Translation: racist racial profiling. The main obstacle to what will probably be a media slam dunk is the FBI questioned dozens of people and haven’t found any evidence, despite their best efforts, that Zimmerman is a racist.
But the Beeboids know he is one anyway.
Zimmerman seems to be getting his own back as can be seen here. NBC now panicking and saying ‘but others did it as well’.
Pity the first letter wasn’t ‘B’.
Next time you hear the BBC reporting that there has been yet another meeting of ‘the world’s top climate scientists’, bear this in mind:
‘A UN press release falsely describes those attending an IPCC meeting as “climate scientists,” In fact, these people are policy wonks, economists, political scientists, and UN advisors.’
But then, from the national broadcaster that lied through its teeth about its own meeting with ‘top climate scientists’, who would be stupid enough to expect the truth?
BBC Stephen Nolan had a phone in about this last night. All the usual BBC techniques were used to steer the audience. The “wrong view” was talked over, cut short , faded out , interrupted,screened callers,the last word.
The Bishop was especially disgusting,all whites are racist bar him. America , Whites , The Jury, all racist.
The peculiar Stephen Nolan is a safe pair of hands for the BBC.
From 2:06.
Haw Are Ye Naw has a keen relish for the pleasures of the table as well.
Ah come on! Stop making fun of David Vance’s accent. He think’s he English anyway not Oirish.
From what little I have heard of Nolan (and I am thankful that it is little) he is even more annoying than Bacon and Derbyshire and that takes some doing.
Good protest, bad protest…..
Trayvon Martin death: US protests over Zimmerman verdict
Police officer injured in third night of rioting in Belfast
Here’s a good game – I will pick out quotes from the two reports – you guess which come from which report. Clue: bear in mind the protest about which the BBC approves and that which the BBC condemns…..
‘Most demonstrations were peaceful, demanding justice…’
‘Officers were attacked…’
‘a small rally grew into a crowd of thousands…’
“I feel if we don’t step it up, we’re in trouble,” 20-year-old [named of said young man], from the [his home neighbourhood], told Reuters. “It’s young {ethnic descriptor] being targeted and we have to stand up, stand up to the cops.”
‘The disturbances started just before midnight. They were sporadic and lasted for less than an hour. ‘
‘A stand-off developed and the police came under attack again with heavy masonry, bricks and bottles as well as some fireworks.’
‘Are you in [the country in question]? What is your reaction to the story? Send us your comments using the form below’
Quote from governemnt officail : “But they were warned by the [rank of head of police] that encouraging thousands of people onto the streets at a time of real tension involved significant risks.”
Quote from government official : ‘He acknowledged on Sunday that the [….] had elicited “strong passions”
That is a quite brilliant test!
If you listen to Webbs piece on the ToadyShow this morning, it turns out that “up to” 200 people showed up in a Washington DC park to protest the Zimmerman verdict?
Yet Webb speak of “street protests”, not a bunch of liberal guilt trippers and race hustlers loitering round Speakers Corner over there,and waiting for the BBCs Occupy Tent to get rigged up again!
And one hour later-Humprhys dares to collar IDS about the BBC concerning themselves with “the facts”.
Oh really-if only IDS would have asked them about whether it was a street protest or a park-keepers outing for the serially-grieved?
About time the BBC were taken on in their own lairs…they are liars…and don`t stray too far from that fundamental of BBC interviews and agendas!
You`ll not go too far wrong…
I thought that Obama had told us all that this was a time for reflection…yet, going forward: the BBC fail to seek closure on this issue of a threatened Hispanic surviving a threat to his life.
Don`t they CARE what Barak says anymore-racism came to an end when he came to power did it not?…ask Justin Webb( Today, 7.15 or so this morning)
BBC very quick to report a possible Cameron Twitter gaffe this morning
Strange they weren’t so quick with their first reports on the NHS failings.
Just saying.
‘What a gay day!’
Yet again the BBC are on the look out for a homosexual Premiership footballer.
It’s open to debate what motivations might lie behind this relentless BBC quest – are any BBC whistlerblowers out there prepared to leek the secret memos or spill the beans on the management corridor whispers?
What is beyond doubt is that the BBC are going to revisit this supposed issue again and again until they strike paydirt.
Licence Fee well spent?
Neil Ruddock, Joey Jones, Terry Hurlock, Francis Benali, Norman Hunter, Ron Harris, Peter Storey, Julian Dicks, Graeme Souness, Roy Keane, Dave Mackay.
Let`s ask Evan Davis to send them an email to confirm their gayness…after all (by statistical reasoning) at least one of them is!
And given how mathematically illiterate the BBC are-our Evan or his camp researchers might be due a slap!
bbc – despite loving to report everything about schools, closures, not enough of them, teaching methods, flagship schools, free schools ya da ya da ya da.
no time for this closure …
not on news, not on England, not on regional.
hmmm still plenty of space for. old news though
EDL policing ‘price of democracy’
Mosque reopens after explosion
Murder mosque man’s delayed funeral
How refreshing to hear IDS on Today give Humphrys and the BBC a bashing over Humphrys’ interviewing technique. IDS deplored Humphrys – and the BBC – of their habit of using a few carefully selected examples concerning the possible effects of a policy the BBC abhors (this time it’s limiting benefits payments in certain circumstances) and parading those examples as the knock-down argument against government policy and favouring the BBC policy (in this case in favour of “fairness” and keeping the gravy train on track). Humphrys shut up and had litle further to say: this was an object lesson in how to deal with BBC bias.
IDS might also have mentioned the supporting “news” item used by the BBC to bolster its opposition to the IDS policy provided by the Resolution Foundation – lefty but not described as such on Today (or anywhere on the BBC AFAIAA). The Foundation has featured in 2 BBC “big news” stories over the past few days. Today’s one – about families not being able to afford London housing prices thereby providing ammunition for the BBC’s stance on benefit cuts – and, the previous one, concerning the upcoming suffering which will be caused by borrowing at artificially suppressed interest rates when interest rates recover (who knew!).
The bBBC website item has an amusing example.
Rebecca is a Sunday school teacher in Haringey, who may be affected by the cap when transitional support runs out. She told the BBC she would not want to move away. “I think moving out from my community….my community will be missing me. If they move me out, I will start from zero,” she said.
‘Rebecca’ – no surname – Sunday school teacher – that’s a busy job, then – ‘may’ be affected by the cap – community … community. Pure bBBC rubbish. Probably invented.
Oh yes – this was the interviewee with the heavy sub-Saharan accent. Let me speculate based on that interview: she wasn’t born here but is an immigrant; she’s never paid taxes in her life and exists on the generosity of the political class with the taxpayers’ money and has done since she and her “community” fetched up here and were put right at the top of the social housing list. Of course, I might be wrong but I don’t think so. Indeed, so desperate is the BBC to expose the benefiterati’s sores that it has used evidence from a Christian to bolster its case: it’s not often you see a Christian – or “believer” (except a Moslem, warmist or pagan of course) – used to support the Narrative.
Moreover the BBC chooses to ignore the possibility – IMHO, the near certainty – that Rebecca, her community and the rest of the third world “Britons” welcomed here by the Labour government (if nobody else outside Westminster and Islington) are a major contribution to the housing shortage itself, not to mention the crowding in our schools, the mobs waiting in A&E etc etc. It’s interesting that the BBC bothers to broadcast this rubbish since Rebecca’s “evidence” is probably unconvincing as far as most of its audience are concerned. OTOH, it serves to keep the narrative drumbeat concerning the cruelty and nastiness of the Conservatives (if only!) alive; the narrative which Humphrys tried and failed to use against IDS this morning.
C’mon, you have to admit it was one of the great moments of unintentional Beeboid comedy: a lass with an accent straight out of ‘The Last King of Scotland’ talking about the horror of moving away from her ‘community’.
I think Geoff is worse.
Geoff Parker-Chance, from Clacton in Essex, has worked for most of his life, but has been claiming benefits for the last year.
He believes the new system is unfair.
“The cap is outrageous,” he told the BBC. “It seems unfair that I contribute, but when I need it, it gets taken away.”
One bedroom flats rent at around £450 per month in Clacton. Two bedroom houses or flats in Clacton can be had for less than £700 per month, or £8400 per annum. Three bedrooms £850 per month or less, or £10,200 per annum.
Don’t know about Rebecca, but I think Geoff is bit of a stinker.
What happened to the Welsh lager lout of last year who got rumbled for his Sky subscriptions and his booze trolleys…whilst claiming to be one of the “affected” by Toricutz?
Come on BBC-a follow up please!
How will Haringey cope if this titan of the area chooses to spread the love elsewhere?
Haringey had Sharon Shoesmith!….let another borough benefit from Beccys can-do and surfeit of self-esteem!
Funny she can`t get a job though…don`t the BBC know what they`re missing.
She could not be any worse that Evan davis-and a good deal cheaper!
Might even get another Christian in too!
Becca for Today…or(if that clashes with the school run)…get her on for Martha Kearney or Jenni Murray instead.
THAT would bring down the benefits bill, as these BBC ladies are well-padded moneywise by now!
Creatives R Us!
It is worth noting, indeed it is remarkable that nobody notices or comments on the fact, that every one of Humphrys myriad of questions to Ian Duncan Smith came from the Labour or leftist side of the argument not one from the other e.g. isn’t this cap too generous and should be reduced further?
I know such a question is inconceivable from a statist broadcaster (although Sky News will be as unwittingly guilty today).
Apologies, but this deserves the link….
at 2 hours 9m 53 s.
Even the nauseating lefty Evening Standard gave it 3-2 to IDS.
Never to be heard on the BBC – basically because in Beebworld they don’t exist. Yes folks, it’s another of those pesky scientists who refuse to toe the warming/climate change/extreme weather line. How much longer can their views be suppressed by the Ministry of Truth, given the real-world evidence of lack of warming screaming from the rooftops, or even cooling as some scientists now believe?
‘Anyway, by “unprecedented”, the WMO meant since 1850, which is a micro-second of history to a paleo-climatologist like Carter. He takes a long-term perspective, pointing out that the world has been warming since 17,000 years ago, cooling since 8000 years ago, cooling since 2000 years ago, warming since 1850 and is little changed since 1997. Consequently, “the answer to the question ‘is global warming occurring’ depends fundamentally on the length of the piece of climate string that you wish to consider”. He goes on: “Is today’s temperature unusually warm? No – and no ifs or buts.”
Carter is a courageous man, because within academia those who do not accept that climate change is dangerous are often bullied.
Indeed, Carter, who retired from James Cook University before he got interested in the global warming debate but remains an emeritus fellow, recently found himself deprived of even an email address by colleagues resentful of his failure to toe the line. As the old joke goes: what’s the opposite of diversity? University.’
His book looks like a great read. Come on, BBC, dare to invite Bob Carter into your studios – live.
…….and some excellent quotes here from more scientists who don’t subscribe to the AGW theory.
‘“I am ashamed of what climate science has become today.” The science “community is relying on an inadequate model to blame CO2 and innocent citizens for global warming in order to generate funding and to gain attention. If this is what ‘science’ has become today, I, as a scientist, am ashamed.” — Research Chemist William C. Gilbert.
‘“Hundreds of billion dollars have been wasted with the attempt of imposing a Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory that is not supported by physical world evidences…AGW has been forcefully imposed by means of a barrage of scare stories and indoctrination that begins in the elementary school textbooks.” — Brazilian Geologist Geraldo Luís Lino, who authored the 2009 book “The Global Warming Fraud: How a Natural Phenomenon Was Converted into a False World Emergency.”
In essence, the jig is up. The whole thing is a fraud. And even the fraudsters that fudged data are admitting to temperature history that they used to say didn’t happen…Perhaps what has doomed the Climategate fraudsters the most was their brazenness in fudging the data” — Dr. Christopher J. Kobus, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Oakland University, specializes in alternative energy, thermal transport phenomena, two-phase flow and fluid and thermal energy systems.
And there are loads more from a growing body of scientists who will no longer be bullied into silence.
These are scientific views too inconvenient for the BBC to acknowledge let alone give airtime to. How much longer will they be allowed to continue with their blatant alarmist agenda? An enquiry should be called – now.
The tide is turning but don’t expect the alarmists to go quietly. There is simply too much money involved. However, in the end, markets will prove to be their undoing. Investment in renewables has declined dramatically and carbon trading is very nearly a dead duck.
It is noticeable that the MSM are now beginning to allow debate and giving air time/space to sceptics. Even the BBC are easing back. Andrew Neil’s interview yesterday with Ed Davey would not have happened six months ago. I look forward to the Autumn rematch when, I hope, AN will expose Davey’s lies about icecaps and ocean temperatures.
Fair points, Bob, but the BBC still avoid interviewing a sceptical scientist, or holding any kind of debate between climate scientists with opposing views because that would be an admission that sceptical scientists actually exist. Also, as anybody who follows this topic closely will know, the alarmists don’t ‘do’ debate.
Shard protest shows Greenpeace has flair for getting publicity
Ain’t that a fact…..
As the protesters reached the summit, Greenpeace UK executive director John Sauven said: “It is an honour to stand here at the foot of Europe’s highest building and witness this remarkable achievement by these women.
The charity said it was protesting against plans to drill in the Arctic by the oil company Shell
BBC reporter Jonathan Savage, who was at the scene, said the group climbed the edge of the building as it has a ladder-like structure, and also used ropes.
A GROUP of six female Greenpeace protesters were climbing The Shard this morning in protest at Shell’s Arctic drilling. The women were free-climbing by using the ladder-like structure at the edge of the building, says the BBC’s Jonathan Savage.
Beeboid Jonathan Savage has all the right-on views.
Anna O’Neill @Annareporting 29 Jun
Ebony is on rollerskates here at #pride2013 @bbclondon949
Jonathan Savage @jsavagetweets 29 Jun
@Annareporting I’m marching with the @barclayspectrum group, near the bottom of regent street. Free lollipops!
If you don’t believe that the media did a great job in establishing the narrative for Martin/Zimmerman, here’s John Rentoul (Independent on Sunday columnist, visiting professor at University of London, regular political talking head on the BBC) tweeting today :
Not so surprising when one considers that the BBC’s North America editor managed to do an entire report on race relations in Sanford without once mentioning Zimmerman’s ethnicity.
On this morning’s Today programme Justin Webb described Zimmerman as “a white man of Hispanic origin”. He couldn’t simply be Hispanic. These are the contortions the BBC will go through to maintain the narrative. And how very different from the eggshells it walks on when trying to avoid the ethnicity of non-white suspects.
Here it says he “identifies himself as Hispanic”. Always the qualification, the hedging, instead of relinquishing their beloved ‘racist WASP kills sweet, innocent black kid in cold blood’ narrative.
And how does O.J. describe himself. Didn’t see many riots after his aquittal.
Well, that was the same kind of “justice” we were supposed to get for Trayvon Martin. The facts of the case are not important: it’s the historical injustices which much be addressed, because it’s all about how it makes people feel, not about maintaining rule of law.
Another bBBC non-story about how we ought to pay more money to bolster the public sector.
Summer childcare costs ‘may leave children home alone’
… more children may be left unsupervised
… many may find it difficult to find holiday cover
May … may … may … may be a load of cobblers, invented by another overpaid beeboid with time to kill and an agenda to push.
Just listened to Woman’s Hour. (Can you imagine the upset if we had a Man’s Hour? but I digress). They had an interview with Justine Greening. The interviewer was incredulous that somebody from Rotherham could become a Conservative. The sneer just showed the mindset of the BBC that by asking they were not showing bias.
Kirsty Wark on the Arts Review programme on BBC Four yesterday when discussing if J.S. Lowry has any artistic merit declared, with that characteristic BBC even handedness that makes Dez so proud to pay his TV tax, but he was a CONSEEEEERRRRRVAAAAATIVEEEEEE!
Could be worse, could be UKIP. Rotherham a bit of history there. Remember, unfit to foster. And the person responsible still in situ.
We do have a Man’s hour – it was last night on radio 5…
Heard that station once and felt physically sick for a week ! so possibly not the best place for their balance to be waved in the faces of the one or two listeners !
‘Mans hour’ ?? sounds just so German porn DVD!
The BBC are too dim to work out for themselves that Conservative governments with massive majorities relied on a very substantial working class vote. It’s what comes from inhabiting a leftist/liberal bubble all your life.
Anybody tried the BBC ‘where can i afford to live’
I can’t afford to live where i currently am with my current mortgage…….. strange….. so i upped several factors…. even if i paid twice the mortgage i do now i can’t live where i do……
strange figures …. are they trying to prove something??
Love in fest on the daily politics with Green MP…
A MP on to debate her told her that there was no such thing as a money tree (oh the irony on a bbc production). The last item was a report on Brighton where they dont have enough money to pay for their policies.
‘Oh please pass the sickbag, nurse. This isn’t satire this is drivelling propaganda and the Beeb should have been ashamed to broadcast it’
That was the Telegraph’s reviewer also not liking Brigstocke’s new ‘comedy’ (although not realising that actually the Beeb has no shame).
Talking of ‘comedy’ – Radio Bour’s self-anointed humorist Paddy O’ Funnyasamassgrave was at it again yesterday. He had Stu Wheeler in with some red trout debating political funding. Wheeler mentioned union vote-rigging in Falkirk.
Paddy O’ Zzzzzz jumped in with,
‘Well of course it’s not just Falkirk, there are some forty-odd other constituencies under suspicion’.
But that was in a parallel universe. In this universe Paddy O’ Tedious jumped in with
and swiftly moved the conversation on.
If he’d actually spoken a lot slower and not in a mortal panic, we would have heard the words,
‘That is an isolated incident.’
Paddy O’ Lyingthruhisbackteeth lying thru his back teeth there – all for the cause.
It’s corruption. But it’s like the MPs’ expenses.
‘I’m doing it because everyone else is doing it and there’s unoffical approval from above’.
‘I’m doing it because everyone else is doing it and there’s unoffical approval from above’.
For a minute there I thought you were citing the BBC’s excuse for always using the angelic photo of a pubescent Trayvon Martin instead of the more recent and relevant thug shots. Or their excuse for knowingly running the doctored Zimmerman phone conversation with the dispatcher. Or…..well, you get the idea.
add to that the Stephen Lawrence power salute photo.
I have just Googled BBC news:
It is so amazing that a very recent news report states 13,000 people from our Nation could have prematurely died over the last few years under the auspices of our National Health Service!
Yet this current ‘ball in the air’ does not get a mention on our National news service online front page, (a service we are forced to pay for), notwithstanding the topic is a current ‘hot potato’!
It is on most other online news sources, like Sky news front page:
Also on front page of Channel 4 news or other often read online sources:
Definitely something fishy going on here.
I mean this is 13,000 DEATHS. DEAD people from my country.
An absolute tragic SCANDAL! Almost could be reported as GENOCIDE if we find it was because ‘the powers that be’ are implicated in blame!
Their deaths could have been negligent!
Where is my TV tax going! I forcibly pay part of my licence fee to be statutorily informed by BBC about such major national tragedies, (or were these deaths criminal negligence)?
BBC journalists, statutorily paid by us, do your job and find out what the hell is happening with these enormous amount of unavoidable deaths in my country.
Please BBC do your job for which we pay you for and find out if those in charge were doing their job properly!
I just complained to the BBC by phone:
Respectfully suggest others do the same when you come across such BBC negligence, otherwise we are wasting our time here!
I think there is something more effective you can do than complain to the BBC.
I have been given a list of MP’s who are in the process of considering ending the BBC Charter forever. At least two members are determined that the BBC Charter will expire permanently in 2016.
So if you live in the following constituencies, then write to your Member of Parliament.
Ben Bradshaw(Exeter), Angie Bray(Ealing Central and Acton), Conor Burns(Bournemouth West), Tracy Crouch(Chatham and Aylesford), Philip Davies(Shipley), Paul Farrelly(Newcastle-under-Lyme), John Leech(Manchester Withington), Steve Rotheram(Liverpool Walton), Jim Sheridan(Paisley and Renfrewshire North), Gerry Sutcliffe(Bradford South) and John Whittingdale(Maldon).
Excellent, effective action advice Richard. Many thanks.
F*** in` BBC hack of old?
Don`t think so!…a Beeber is for life, not for the “current round of cuts”.
Time for a British Coup, to overturn the rancid BBC…asking any MP to help us is dubious, but God go with you ,Sir!
Nice of the biased brainwashing corporation to get the weatherman on the news @ 1 to give us the forecast for the England/Russia wimmins football game in Sweden later today. How about less lavish payoffs, dropping a few radio and tv channels and giving your sponsors some REAL football?
Fun fact: flagship wimminz football team the Doncaster Belles has average gates of 350…
No doubt the cherry vultures will be along in a moment to point out all the other sports with these figures that get the same flood the zone coverage from the La Beeba.
They’re not ‘flooding the zone’. See my other reply for the relative coverage on the BBC website. And most of the games are on BBC3, it’s just that BBC3 doesn’t broadcast at the time today’s England game was on.
I think it’s reasonable to show the national team in one of their most important games.
At least it did for ‘Eggheads’ with that ghastly old Fowler bat.
Can the England Womens team play every night, please ?
“BBC, ITV and Channel 4 face inquiry over Anjem Choudary interviews.
“Media regulator Ofcom launches investigation after radical cleric was given airtime in wake of Lee Rigby’s death in Woolwich.”
By Mark Sweney.
While British TV media (inc INBBC) enable Islamic jihadist supporter Choudary to broadcast freely, the same media show no interest in allowing Americans Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer to broadcast their criticism of Islamic supremacism freely.
And, of course, the Cameron-May-Warsi ban on the two Americans continues, so as to appease Islamic interests.
INBBC’s politically quiescent attitude:
‘Yes, let’s accept the UK ban on Americans Geller and Spencer, and let’s not mention the following now, for the sake of the left-Islam political alliance’:-
“More Hatred and Extremism at the East London Mosque”
More Hatred and Extremism at the East London Mosque
should be the USUAL hate and extremism from the east London mosque, another that should be shut down
£2.9 million pound richer, from public sector funding … pay that jizya … eh! kaffir
and the old BBC ejector seat “victim”, and gobshite for cage-prisoners moz begg too
“Media regulator Ofcom launches investigation after radical cleric was given airtime in wake of Lee Rigby’s death in Woolwich.”
Mr. Choudary was (and always is) in luck at the BBC – to them, he looks and sounds like a ‘real’ muslim. Someone more moderate and reasonable – not so much.
This is the BBC segment they’re talking about. I laughed out loud at Kirsty Wark acting as an authority on the British Mohammedan community and stating that Choudary was wrong to claim that the majority of his co-religionists agreed with what the Woolwich butcher said in the video.
But the BBC will escape Ofcom’s charges this time, I think. They clearly labeled Choudary and “extremist”, in two different ways. The best part of this for the BBC is they get to continue the Narrative that US/UK foreign policy is killing millions of Mohammedans around the world.
By having Choudary on with two so-called moderate Mohammedans, both of whom agreed with him on the foreign policy issue, the BBC can claim they present both sides, got it about right, and keep the fire burning on foreign policy being ultimately responsible for any violence. Win-win for the BBC.
PS: About that white woman, apparently leader of a British Mohammedan group who seems to be a regular in these features, it’s typical BBC letting an elite white person speak on behalf of people with brown skin. The BBC must believe that her words will carry more weight with the majority white public, simply due to the color of her skin. She’s no religious authority at all, and is there only because of her ethnicity. Very clever, BBC. Your contempt for your audience knows no bounds.
While INBBC reveres Ramadan, in Egypt, Islamic jihad trumps Ramadan:-
“Muslim Brotherhood top dog suspends Ramadan fast for jihad against Egyptian regime”
BBC 1 tonight “Nick and Margaret: We All Pay Your Benefits” BBC cover benefits with a pair from the cast of “Apprentice”. I hope Margaret will provide some balance to the likely opinions of Labour supporter Nick Hewer (who was greeted as along time supporter by Alistair Campbell when they were both on “Countdown”.