I see the bBBC has now managed to push off their website front page all mention of the thousands of people killed by Labour’s Nationalised Death Service.
It is obviously much more important to fill the space with two people who died whilst volunteering for dangerous activities – yomping across a hillside on the hottest day of the year or swimming the Channel – than to warn innocent people of the dangers of believing that the NHS is the Envy of the World.
Pretty clear though who irons all those flags and banners isn`t it?
Yes, they get put away for the year in pristine condition and-for one day only-are ironed to tip top standards, just so the likes of Owen Jones can affect a knotted hankie if the sun gets a bit strong…poor guy doesn`t take the Sun all that well!
Poor old bags do all the work, still write to Anne Scargill-AND have to iron hubbys banners as he pretends its 1977….if only Womans Hour was allowed on, instead of bloody Metro Radio!
The banners come starched and neatly boxed to Tolpuddle in a couple of days time….we add the pleats!
‘The thrill modern Leftists get from shoulder-rubbing with working tribes might explain why they’re so hostile to any attempt by working people to move up the social ladder, to stop being working class. Mr Jones heaps opprobrium on these folk in his book, accusing them of having been won over by Thatcherite “dog-eat-dog individualism” and failing to celebrate their “working classness” (oh, Jesus). He favourably quotes Hazel Blears: “I’ve never understood the term ‘social mobility’ because that implies you want to get out of somewhere… And I think there is a great deal to be said for making who you are something to be proud of.” In short, know your place. These Leftists want to keep working people frozen in time, suspended in cultural formaldehyde, because as long as they stay put, making ends meet in their defeated yet amazingly still noble towns, then Mr Jones and others can continue making careers from crying over their predicament and marvelling at their earthy decency.’
In what way is it PC to broadcast the England women’s team in a very important match?
It’s about an hour and a half (as I write) after the game finished, and currently the leading story on the BBC football page is Manchester United’s bid for Cesc Fábregas, which happened earlier today. If the BBC were really trying to promote women’s football as equal to men’s (as was suggested in the Friday Open Thread here), that would not be the case.
To clarify: women’s football is not as good as men’s and I don’t think the BBC should try and present it as such. But they haven’t.
And to repeat what I said above: can any cherry vultures name another sport which gets the same coverage despite the flagship team averaging a gate of 350?
When INBBC reports on the Islamic jihad atrocities in Bangladesh, 1971, it is disinclined to make political linkages to Bangladesh connections in present-day Londonistan.
“Bangladesh Islamist Ghulam Azam found guilty of war crimes”
“Jamaat-e-Islami, an extremist Bangladeshi Islamist group responsible for mass killings in 1971, has established itself as a leading force among British Muslims.
“Forty years after Pakistani forces and their Islamist collaborators slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people, there is finally some semblance of justice in Bangladesh. Of the ten people indicted for acts of genocide by the Bangladeshi war crimes tribunal, eight of them are from the Islamist movement, Jamaat-e-Islami.
“In the West, where many of the war criminals from the 1971 atrocities fled, the Jamaat movement has become a powerful leader within Muslim communities.”
While Cameron-May-Warsi government bans American bloggers, Geller and Spencer, for exposing Islamic jihad, that Islamic acquiescing government gives public funds to the East London Mosque!
Well, you are not going to like this but, fair’s fair to the panel game *I’m sorry I haven’t a clue*. Last week I told you all that there were a series of jokes about the conservatives, liberals and UKIP but nothing about the Labour party or Socialism. Tonight, there were only 2 jokes about Tony Blair (with Bush as an aside). Sorry to bring you this bad news and hope this post doesn’t get deleted!
Quote from leaflets circulating in Al-Jazeera’s Cairo office by disgruntled staff following charges of pro-Morsi bias in the channel’s coverage of recent events:
“A bullet may kill a man but a lying camera kills a nation”
Someone seems to be rather heavy-handed with the delete button these days. Completely buggers up the thread, with orphans everywhere and in the wrong order. It’s more disruptive than the original comment and I suspect the trolls have realised this.
Given the BBC islamophilic predilections it is no surprise that they have sided with Pakistan & Bangladesh over their long antipathy to India, and complaints have been raised:
” In 2008, the BBC was criticised by some for referring to the men who carried out the November 2008 Mumbai attacks as “gunmen” rather than “terrorists”.[104][105][106] This follows a steady stream of complaints from India that the BBC has an Indophobic bias that stems from a culturally ingrained racism against Indians arising from the British Raj.[citation needed] Rediff reporter Arindam Banerji has chronicled what he argues are numerous cases of Indophobic bias from the BBC regarding reportage, selection bias, misrepresentation, and fabrications.[citation needed]
In protest against the use of the word “gunmen” by the BBC, journalist Mobashar Jawed “M.J.” Akbar refused to take part in an interview following the Mumbai terror attacks,[107] and criticised the BBC’s reportage of the incident.[108] British parliamentarian Stephen Pound has supported these claims, referring to the BBC’s whitewashing of the terror attacks as “the worst sort of mealy mouthed posturing. It is desperation to avoid causing offence which ultimately causes more offence to everyone.”[109]
Writing for The Hindu Business Line, reporter Premen Addy criticises the BBC’s reportage on South Asia as consistently anti-India and pro-Islamist,[110] and that they underreport India’s economic and social achievements, as well as political and diplomatic efforts, and disproportionately highlight and exaggerate problems in the country. In addition, Addy alludes to discrimination against Indian anchors and reporters in favour of Pakistani and Bangladeshi ones who are hostile to India.
Writing for the 2008 edition of the peer-reviewed Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, Alasdair Pinkerton analyses the coverage of India by the BBC since India’s independence from British rule in 1947 until 2008. Pinkerton observes a tumultuous history involving allegations of anti-India bias in the BBC’s reportage, particularly during the cold war, and concludes that the BBC’s coverage of South Asian geopolitics and economics shows a pervasive and hostile anti-India bias due to the BBC’s alleged imperialist and neo-colonialist stance.”
But it goes further than that to an anti Hindu bias too:
“Hindu groups in the United Kingdom have accused the BBC of anti-Hindu bigotry and whitewashing Islamist hate groups that demonise the British Indian minority[112]
In 2005, the Vivekananda Centre London and the Hindu Council(UK) reported an institutional anti Hindu bias and stated that “Anything that may show Hinduism in a poor light is immediately picked up by the BBC programme makers, while anything that may show Hinduism in a glorious light remains ignored by the BBC.”[113]
In March 2012, the BBC referred to the Hindu festival of Holi as “filthy festival”. The Webster new world dictionary defines “filthy” as “full of filth, disgustingly foul; grossly obscene; morally vicious or corrupt”. The BBC has since apologised for the offence caused”
Perhaps the truth lies more in the fact that the BBC is so overwhelmingly committed to Islam and promoting it that all other groups are seen as enemies in the way that Islam sees them?
So the BBC is biased against everyone who isn’t a Muslim and in particular those who Muslims regard as particular enemies namely Israel & India. Christians Buddhists, Hindus & Jews are all treated with equal disdain for a corporation which perhaps should change its name to the Muslim Broadcast Corporation ?
“BBC, ITV and Channel 4 face Ofcom probe over decision to interview hate preacher Anjem Choudary after Lee Rigby’s murder.
“Extremist refused to condemn killing on Newsnight and Daybreak.
“Broadcasters’ decision to interview him led to complaints from public.
“Ofcom launches probe into whether code of conduct has been breached.
“Choudary was given centre stage in 24 hours after Lee Rigby’s murder.
Tomorrow (Wed 16th) an article will appear apparently drafted by the Ruddock fringe telling us that Trident will cost 100,000,000,000,000 (or more) per year and that it would be better spent on windmills/aid to African dictators down to their last dozen mercs and unable to pay their ‘crew’ for the last disciplinary expedition to the homes of the opposition kleptocrats.
I am willing to wager three Quatloos.
Just checked the web and ****** me, I’m too late………………..
“The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament said cancelling Trident would bring “strategic and economic benefits” and for the government not to consider this seriously would be an “abdication of responsibility”.
Publishing an alternative review*, which it says has the backing of a number of Lib Dem and Labour MPs, its general secretary Kate Hudson said not proceeding could save £100bn and give the UK “moral leadership” in global disarmament talks.
Tonight’s Radio 4 Ten o’clock ‘News’ continued the bBBC’s cheerleading for Labour’s Nationalised Death Service. They gave Lord (Philip) Hunt, a Health Minister in the last Labour government (no, me neither), a free ride to say that public satisfaction with the NHS in 2010 was at its highest ever, but has declined since ‘because the government keeps attacking it’. The dim, gullible presenter just accepted this statement without asking, for instance, if the public’s declining support for the Envy of the World could be linked to all the revelations about how many people were being killed by the NHS, information that was suppressed by the Labour government.
It’s one bloated left-wing public sector monopoly supporting another.
In preparation for tomorrow’s report on poor standards of care in the NHS, BBC Labour Newsnight are running a puff piece on behalf of their sponsors.
Particularly disgraceful was former Guardian journalist Allegra Stratton’s, breathless, disgraceful, dishonest, politically overt piece, designed it seems to deflect any Tory attack on Labour (and Burnham’s) mismanagement of the Health Service.
An outrageous piece that facilitates more Labour denial by pointing the finger at Tory motives – just as Labour with BBC support last week changed the subject on candidate selection fraud.
The BBC cannot be trusted. Stratton should be made to explain herself or leave.
There was more Zimmeman misinformation-by-proxy in the shape of an interview on Nolan’s programme last night. Nolan asks Barbara Liston from Reuters what happened on the fateful night.
Liston : We don’t exactly know, we will never know exactly, what happened in the final moments before George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin beacause all we have is one version. There’s only one man left standing – that’s George Zimmerman, so whatever he’s says that’s all we know.
What a joke. If you ignore the witnesses, especially the one who saw saw Martin on top of Zimmerman beating him, the physical evidence and the forensic evidence, and everthing else presented in the trial, then all we have his what George Zimmerman tells us.
Nolan : And what did George Zimmerman say? Why did he shoot?
Liston: He says that Trayvon Martin jumped him, came out of the darkness, or in another version out from some bushes, and really jumped him, slugged him, and said some nasty words to him, and basically attacked him, and that he.. a little fight ensued, that he was in fear of his life and had no choice but to shoot. Of course what we have from Trayvon’s side [(Huh? I thought we only had one version] is his friend that was on the phone with him, Rachel Jeantel, and she says that Trayvon had seen George Zimmerman watching him and was actually scared of him, was trying to get away, trying to lose him in the neighborhood, and that all of a sudden Trayvon.. George Zimmerman shows up again, and she heard the beginning of an encounter between the two and then the phone dropped or disconnected and she did not hear what happened after that.
Trayvon Martin did lose George Zimmerman. The reason Zimmerman got out of his car was that Martin had ran off and Zimmerman could no longer observe him from his car. George Zimmerman did not ‘show up again all of a sudden’. It is nearly four minutes after Martin disappeared that the encounter happens. Martin, who had headed off in a direction where he could have very easily reached home, returned to encounter Zimmerman at a point not very far away from where Zimmerman had parked his car.
Iain Duncan Smith yesterday accused the BBC of using ‘politically motivated’ interviewees to criticise government welfare cuts.
The Work and Pensions Secretary spoke out after Radio 4 news programme Today featured a female protester who was planted by an anti-cuts group.
He clashed with presenter John Humphrys on air as the BBC covered the roll out of the £26,000-a-year cap on benefits.
An interview with a mother-of-three called Rebecca claimed she would be nearly £100 a week worse off. Yesterday it was revealed she is a 36-year-old from North London, who arrived in Britain from the Congo in 1998.
Yet there was no mention in the BBC report that the case study had been supplied by the pressure group Haringey Housing Action Group.
The BBC last night insisted its political coverage is ‘fair, accurate and impartial’.
ScrobleneMar 5, 19:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 I sometimes wonder whether the poor/weak sort of politicians we have to bear here have any idea about proper negotiation…
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 19:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 I can’t speak or understand Ukranian so can’t be certain but it’s being reported that Zelensky has backed out of…
vladMar 5, 18:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 2 -tier Justice to be enshrined in law. “Starmer Moves To PUNISH ‘White’ British People” https://youtu.be/CwdQw_m3_WE
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Definitely a loony, but German??? https://gatesofvienna.net/2025/03/this-time-it-really-was-a-loony/
tomoMar 5, 18:32 Midweek 5th March 2025 Turdeau won’t just resign… https://twitter.com/thevivafrei/status/1896995317746438190
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:22 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘extremely vulnerable’ girls is code for girls removed from their parents and raised by socialist services. Out of the frying…
tomoMar 5, 18:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Let’s remember the BBC was on USAID payroll. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1896930796310806835
tomoMar 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th March 2025 Didn’t go far enough but still an all too rare piece of push back. Just Stop Oil (and others) are…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://preview.redd.it/day-41-44-of-britain-colonising-europe-british-denmark-v0-6w86d9rzn88a1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=03788bfc8d74bb318d13bb730ceb502ea44289df[/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
I see the bBBC has now managed to push off their website front page all mention of the thousands of people killed by Labour’s Nationalised Death Service.
It is obviously much more important to fill the space with two people who died whilst volunteering for dangerous activities – yomping across a hillside on the hottest day of the year or swimming the Channel – than to warn innocent people of the dangers of believing that the NHS is the Envy of the World.
This article has only a slight link to the BBC, with mentions of BBC favourites Giles Fraser and Owen Jones, but it’s just too superb not to share…
Pretty clear though who irons all those flags and banners isn`t it?
Yes, they get put away for the year in pristine condition and-for one day only-are ironed to tip top standards, just so the likes of Owen Jones can affect a knotted hankie if the sun gets a bit strong…poor guy doesn`t take the Sun all that well!
Poor old bags do all the work, still write to Anne Scargill-AND have to iron hubbys banners as he pretends its 1977….if only Womans Hour was allowed on, instead of bloody Metro Radio!
The banners come starched and neatly boxed to Tolpuddle in a couple of days time….we add the pleats!
What a superb article – thanks.
‘The thrill modern Leftists get from shoulder-rubbing with working tribes might explain why they’re so hostile to any attempt by working people to move up the social ladder, to stop being working class. Mr Jones heaps opprobrium on these folk in his book, accusing them of having been won over by Thatcherite “dog-eat-dog individualism” and failing to celebrate their “working classness” (oh, Jesus). He favourably quotes Hazel Blears: “I’ve never understood the term ‘social mobility’ because that implies you want to get out of somewhere… And I think there is a great deal to be said for making who you are something to be proud of.” In short, know your place. These Leftists want to keep working people frozen in time, suspended in cultural formaldehyde, because as long as they stay put, making ends meet in their defeated yet amazingly still noble towns, then Mr Jones and others can continue making careers from crying over their predicament and marvelling at their earthy decency.’
The modern Labour Party, in a nutshell.
Pussy Riot
The BBC are covering the Women’s Euro Soccer as a matter of political imperative.
Radio 5 Live, BBC2 and more on BBC3 later.
GB v Russia tonight comes from the little known Swedish town of Linköping (thought I heard it as ‘Lynn’s shopping’). Stadium capacity 7.5 thousand.
I don’t know any women who are interested let alone any men.
Now tell me the BBC doesn’t skew output to suit it’s own PC agenda.
In what way is it PC to broadcast the England women’s team in a very important match?
It’s about an hour and a half (as I write) after the game finished, and currently the leading story on the BBC football page is Manchester United’s bid for Cesc Fábregas, which happened earlier today. If the BBC were really trying to promote women’s football as equal to men’s (as was suggested in the Friday Open Thread here), that would not be the case.
To clarify: women’s football is not as good as men’s and I don’t think the BBC should try and present it as such. But they haven’t.
And to repeat what I said above: can any cherry vultures name another sport which gets the same coverage despite the flagship team averaging a gate of 350?
BANGLADESH, Islamic jihad, and Londonistan.
When INBBC reports on the Islamic jihad atrocities in Bangladesh, 1971, it is disinclined to make political linkages to Bangladesh connections in present-day Londonistan.
“Bangladesh Islamist Ghulam Azam found guilty of war crimes”
To fill in some political gaps for INBBC:
“Jamaat-e-Islami, an extremist Bangladeshi Islamist group responsible for mass killings in 1971, has established itself as a leading force among British Muslims.
“Forty years after Pakistani forces and their Islamist collaborators slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people, there is finally some semblance of justice in Bangladesh. Of the ten people indicted for acts of genocide by the Bangladeshi war crimes tribunal, eight of them are from the Islamist movement, Jamaat-e-Islami.
“In the West, where many of the war criminals from the 1971 atrocities fled, the Jamaat movement has become a powerful leader within Muslim communities.”
While Cameron-May-Warsi government bans American bloggers, Geller and Spencer, for exposing Islamic jihad, that Islamic acquiescing government gives public funds to the East London Mosque!
A non-Zimmerman INBBC report on an accused Muslim, re-Bangladesh, 1971, as reported by the ‘impartial’ INBBC Asian Network:-
“War crimes-accused Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin ‘will clear name'”
By Divya Talwar
BBC Asian Network.
Alternative to INBBC Asian Network bias:-
“Mueen Uddin: The Mass Murderer at the Heart of Britain’s Islamist Establishment”
(Oct 2012).
Do the BBC do Opinion polls?
Well, you are not going to like this but, fair’s fair to the panel game *I’m sorry I haven’t a clue*. Last week I told you all that there were a series of jokes about the conservatives, liberals and UKIP but nothing about the Labour party or Socialism. Tonight, there were only 2 jokes about Tony Blair (with Bush as an aside). Sorry to bring you this bad news and hope this post doesn’t get deleted!
No – this site devotes itself to perceived BBC bias – if the bias isn’t there then the readers are prepared to accept it.
(which is more than I find when looking at liberal blogs)
Quote from leaflets circulating in Al-Jazeera’s Cairo office by disgruntled staff following charges of pro-Morsi bias in the channel’s coverage of recent events:
“A bullet may kill a man but a lying camera kills a nation”
(qv: The Times)
Surely that’s man sour?
Who is deleting my comments? WTF?
Someone seems to be rather heavy-handed with the delete button these days. Completely buggers up the thread, with orphans everywhere and in the wrong order. It’s more disruptive than the original comment and I suspect the trolls have realised this.
Given the BBC islamophilic predilections it is no surprise that they have sided with Pakistan & Bangladesh over their long antipathy to India, and complaints have been raised:
” In 2008, the BBC was criticised by some for referring to the men who carried out the November 2008 Mumbai attacks as “gunmen” rather than “terrorists”.[104][105][106] This follows a steady stream of complaints from India that the BBC has an Indophobic bias that stems from a culturally ingrained racism against Indians arising from the British Raj.[citation needed] Rediff reporter Arindam Banerji has chronicled what he argues are numerous cases of Indophobic bias from the BBC regarding reportage, selection bias, misrepresentation, and fabrications.[citation needed]
In protest against the use of the word “gunmen” by the BBC, journalist Mobashar Jawed “M.J.” Akbar refused to take part in an interview following the Mumbai terror attacks,[107] and criticised the BBC’s reportage of the incident.[108] British parliamentarian Stephen Pound has supported these claims, referring to the BBC’s whitewashing of the terror attacks as “the worst sort of mealy mouthed posturing. It is desperation to avoid causing offence which ultimately causes more offence to everyone.”[109]
Writing for The Hindu Business Line, reporter Premen Addy criticises the BBC’s reportage on South Asia as consistently anti-India and pro-Islamist,[110] and that they underreport India’s economic and social achievements, as well as political and diplomatic efforts, and disproportionately highlight and exaggerate problems in the country. In addition, Addy alludes to discrimination against Indian anchors and reporters in favour of Pakistani and Bangladeshi ones who are hostile to India.
Writing for the 2008 edition of the peer-reviewed Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, Alasdair Pinkerton analyses the coverage of India by the BBC since India’s independence from British rule in 1947 until 2008. Pinkerton observes a tumultuous history involving allegations of anti-India bias in the BBC’s reportage, particularly during the cold war, and concludes that the BBC’s coverage of South Asian geopolitics and economics shows a pervasive and hostile anti-India bias due to the BBC’s alleged imperialist and neo-colonialist stance.”
But it goes further than that to an anti Hindu bias too:
“Hindu groups in the United Kingdom have accused the BBC of anti-Hindu bigotry and whitewashing Islamist hate groups that demonise the British Indian minority[112]
In 2005, the Vivekananda Centre London and the Hindu Council(UK) reported an institutional anti Hindu bias and stated that “Anything that may show Hinduism in a poor light is immediately picked up by the BBC programme makers, while anything that may show Hinduism in a glorious light remains ignored by the BBC.”[113]
In March 2012, the BBC referred to the Hindu festival of Holi as “filthy festival”. The Webster new world dictionary defines “filthy” as “full of filth, disgustingly foul; grossly obscene; morally vicious or corrupt”. The BBC has since apologised for the offence caused”
Perhaps the truth lies more in the fact that the BBC is so overwhelmingly committed to Islam and promoting it that all other groups are seen as enemies in the way that Islam sees them?
So the BBC is biased against everyone who isn’t a Muslim and in particular those who Muslims regard as particular enemies namely Israel & India. Christians Buddhists, Hindus & Jews are all treated with equal disdain for a corporation which perhaps should change its name to the Muslim Broadcast Corporation ?
Or to : Islam Not BBC (INBBC).
This deserves a link….http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b036tsn9/Today_15_07_2013/
at 2 hours 9m 53 s.
Even the nauseating lefty Evening Standard gave it 3-2 to IDS.
“BBC, ITV and Channel 4 face Ofcom probe over decision to interview hate preacher Anjem Choudary after Lee Rigby’s murder.
“Extremist refused to condemn killing on Newsnight and Daybreak.
“Broadcasters’ decision to interview him led to complaints from public.
“Ofcom launches probe into whether code of conduct has been breached.
“Choudary was given centre stage in 24 hours after Lee Rigby’s murder.
There has been quite a bit of discussion in the non BBC press about Trident and the future of the nuclear deterrent.
Tomorrow (Wed 16th) an article will appear apparently drafted by the Ruddock fringe telling us that Trident will cost 100,000,000,000,000 (or more) per year and that it would be better spent on windmills/aid to African dictators down to their last dozen mercs and unable to pay their ‘crew’ for the last disciplinary expedition to the homes of the opposition kleptocrats.
I am willing to wager three Quatloos.
Just checked the web and ****** me, I’m too late………………..
“The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament said cancelling Trident would bring “strategic and economic benefits” and for the government not to consider this seriously would be an “abdication of responsibility”.
Publishing an alternative review*, which it says has the backing of a number of Lib Dem and Labour MPs, its general secretary Kate Hudson said not proceeding could save £100bn and give the UK “moral leadership” in global disarmament talks.
You couldn’t make this stuff up unlike the *”alternative review” which has precisely how much credibility and impartiality built into its DNA……
How many of the top echelon of BBC talent and management were in CND in the 80’s / 90’s? All of them?
Tonight’s Radio 4 Ten o’clock ‘News’ continued the bBBC’s cheerleading for Labour’s Nationalised Death Service. They gave Lord (Philip) Hunt, a Health Minister in the last Labour government (no, me neither), a free ride to say that public satisfaction with the NHS in 2010 was at its highest ever, but has declined since ‘because the government keeps attacking it’. The dim, gullible presenter just accepted this statement without asking, for instance, if the public’s declining support for the Envy of the World could be linked to all the revelations about how many people were being killed by the NHS, information that was suppressed by the Labour government.
It’s one bloated left-wing public sector monopoly supporting another.
In preparation for tomorrow’s report on poor standards of care in the NHS, BBC Labour Newsnight are running a puff piece on behalf of their sponsors.
Particularly disgraceful was former Guardian journalist Allegra Stratton’s, breathless, disgraceful, dishonest, politically overt piece, designed it seems to deflect any Tory attack on Labour (and Burnham’s) mismanagement of the Health Service.
An outrageous piece that facilitates more Labour denial by pointing the finger at Tory motives – just as Labour with BBC support last week changed the subject on candidate selection fraud.
The BBC cannot be trusted. Stratton should be made to explain herself or leave.
There was more Zimmeman misinformation-by-proxy in the shape of an interview on Nolan’s programme last night. Nolan asks Barbara Liston from Reuters what happened on the fateful night.
Liston : We don’t exactly know, we will never know exactly, what happened in the final moments before George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin beacause all we have is one version. There’s only one man left standing – that’s George Zimmerman, so whatever he’s says that’s all we know.
What a joke. If you ignore the witnesses, especially the one who saw saw Martin on top of Zimmerman beating him, the physical evidence and the forensic evidence, and everthing else presented in the trial, then all we have his what George Zimmerman tells us.
Nolan : And what did George Zimmerman say? Why did he shoot?
Liston: He says that Trayvon Martin jumped him, came out of the darkness, or in another version out from some bushes, and really jumped him, slugged him, and said some nasty words to him, and basically attacked him, and that he.. a little fight ensued, that he was in fear of his life and had no choice but to shoot. Of course what we have from Trayvon’s side [(Huh? I thought we only had one version] is his friend that was on the phone with him, Rachel Jeantel, and she says that Trayvon had seen George Zimmerman watching him and was actually scared of him, was trying to get away, trying to lose him in the neighborhood, and that all of a sudden Trayvon.. George Zimmerman shows up again, and she heard the beginning of an encounter between the two and then the phone dropped or disconnected and she did not hear what happened after that.
Trayvon Martin did lose George Zimmerman. The reason Zimmerman got out of his car was that Martin had ran off and Zimmerman could no longer observe him from his car. George Zimmerman did not ‘show up again all of a sudden’. It is nearly four minutes after Martin disappeared that the encounter happens. Martin, who had headed off in a direction where he could have very easily reached home, returned to encounter Zimmerman at a point not very far away from where Zimmerman had parked his car.
Iain Duncan Smith yesterday accused the BBC of using ‘politically motivated’ interviewees to criticise government welfare cuts.
The Work and Pensions Secretary spoke out after Radio 4 news programme Today featured a female protester who was planted by an anti-cuts group.
He clashed with presenter John Humphrys on air as the BBC covered the roll out of the £26,000-a-year cap on benefits.
An interview with a mother-of-three called Rebecca claimed she would be nearly £100 a week worse off. Yesterday it was revealed she is a 36-year-old from North London, who arrived in Britain from the Congo in 1998.
Yet there was no mention in the BBC report that the case study had been supplied by the pressure group Haringey Housing Action Group.
The BBC last night insisted its political coverage is ‘fair, accurate and impartial’.
Says it all.