Yes unemployment has dropped, yes the economy shows signs of positive growth, BUT — having listened to the BBC PM programme this evening on the way home from work there is a two word agenda for the day … yes, Lynton Crosby! BBC proving itself an echo of Labour party talking points!
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A main function of the BBC these days appears to be to disseminate the current Leftist talking points to all those who may neglect to buy the Guardian.
Now listen to Any Questions, Question Time, 5 Live phone-ins etc. The Left leaning crowd will have digested the name Lynton Crosby and will regurgitate it as a slogan like good little prols should.
ASHCROFT!!!!!!!! COULSON!!!!!!!!!
The 4pm news led, I think with the Guardian bed-wetting double whammy of “ciggies not getting plain boxes, and booze not getting its minimum price…which Scotland leads us all by doing”.
That kind of thing.
Let`s hope that the BBC staffers will now go out into Muslim areas to put those ciggies out as they puff outside the mosque…and ask to see their TV Licenses whilst they`re not doing anything else!
Brick Lane…Friday…a Ramadan-a ding dong to be had!
I`d watch it anyway…
All monies raise will go towards Pattens “leaving package” as renegotiated by the Peoples Court, viz
a) a diary
b) a laminated chart for stool analysis using the Bristol Stool Inventory.
And the most pathetic thing is this: it’s just a completely childish reaction to Labour being found out as being under the control of the unions.. Because Ed Miliband is utterly ineffectual and unsuited to being a leader, the BBC has come to the rescue in order to try and take away Cameron’s thunder at destroying Ed at PM’s Questions.
It’s not just in political matters that the BBC is biased. Their reporting in so many other areas is so far removed from everyday life. This afternoon on “The Media Show’ covered the appointment of Mishal Hussein to the Today programme. They said appointment was “an all-round good news story for the BBC”, because firstly she’s a woman and secondly she’s from an ethnic minority. There followed several minutes of smug interview with a senior BBC manager. All so hopelessly wrapped up in the minutae of metropolitan elite irrelevance it was painful to hear. They all agreed it showed the BBC was in top form, new management was really making its mark, and all the recent BBC problems are being left behind.
2min 30sec in.
I, too, am becoming infuriated at the self-absorbed, self-congratulatory and reality-estranged mindset within the BBC; but, because they know they have our money, they can treat us like utter mugs. Apart from the Left, everyone else thinks it’s just a parasitical ivory tower full of Muslim-loving, tambourine-tapping, fair trade coffee-sipping, metro-trendy Guardian readers. They’re a bunch of big jessies.
.. and on the radio how do you notice someone’s ‘ethnicity’ anyway? All that matters is can she speak clearly, read a script and do a decent interview.
There is that Radio 4 continuity announcer chap with the basso profundo, very cultured, west indian accent.
I am guessing that he may be of Caribbean extraction.
Neil Nunes, formerly from the World Service. He lacks the ONE quality that a continuity announcer should have, which is to be unobtrusive, so you don’t notice who is speaking, for which its required that the person speaks standard English with received pronunciation.
Frankly Neil Nunes sounds ridiculous in the role, and it cheapens the station, simply not what anyone around the world would expect on the nations first radio channel.
Alex: maybe it’s the heat, but I don’t think so. The political bias is bad enough, but this smug metropolitan mindset is somehow even worse, esp recently. It’s like they are on one massive permanent taxpayer-funded Islington dinner-party circuit. They’re a parody of themselves.
Flex: indeed. If only the BBC were as concerned about political balance as they are about gender and ethnic balance.
Parody of themselves: exactly right.
It’s got worse since the appointment of Lord Hall as D.G.
There’ll be no improvement under him as he’s already said there’s no bias in the current BBC.
” The new DG must cut out the rot in the BBC’s hierarchy”
By Jenni Russell.
“Evening Standard comment:
Ending a long era of waste at the BBC”
Wouldn`t recommend that you bother with “The Moral Maze”…at least not until Melanie Phillips gets called back again.
Tonights was terrible-Giles Fraser, Laurie Taylors Labour-adviser of old.
You`ll not be surprised to know that both these spittoons do regret having to live in free church housing. or ever-costly (yet oh so funky) Clapham.
Both also regret that they get to live free in such desirable places( or can afford the maid/au pair etc)…and both do so worry about the ghettoisation…nay, social cleansing that ensues when the BBC pay your wages, as opposed to anybody who actually has to work/do something…to earn a living.
It fair cut them both up-yet no offer to do a house swap came there, especially with so many vulnerable and marginalised victims of the Tories possibly listening in.
Cow eyes, hungry bellies an` all.
Or were they all spitting on the poor, as they went to the Naughtie Suite of the Royal Opera, or that to-die for ticket for the Proms?
Can`t we give Mal and Peter Hitchens/Chris Booker their own proper Moral Maze…instead of these bussed-in blowharding Lefties?
“British public wrong about nearly everything, survey shows
Research shows public opinion often deviates from facts on key social issues including crime, benefit fraud and immigration”
This is the headline in the Independent of Tues 9/7/13.
It concerns a survey done by The Royal Statistical Society(Jack Straws expenses seemed a bit difficult for THEM)…and some useful monkeys from Kings College Uni-(Institute of Beeb Baccarat Studies)…Hackacademics R Us!
Oh, if only the BBC could bypass the likes of us, and do what the EU triokas do uppity Italians and Greeks, Cypriots and …well us, I guess!
Yes folks-let the BBC replace we trogolodytes, and let Guardian/Indie/BBC readers decide on global warming, EU funding, and the how best to ensure the perpetual reign of the Labour Reich.
We don`t deserve the Broadsheet Bullshitters Cabal do we?
bBC – R4 yesterday – news reader giving highlights, talks of PMQ and labour accusation of Lynton Crosby. Then much latter into a more fuller description finally talks about the cons attack on being bought by the unions. Intersting what gets selected in the highlights and what is not!
The online article about the positive jobs figures is overwhelmingly negative. It’s beyond balance.
Ministers said it showed that recovery was taking hold, but critics said the human costs were still too high.
Nearly every mention of the positive was presented as mere opinion, and was countered by a negative. At least the guy from the Chamber of Commerce offered a balanced perspective on his own, with needing assistance from the BBC. The inset “analysis” was all negative.
I have read the article you cited and would welcome clarification of what you find to be “overwhelmingly negative”?
Is there any aspect of the report that is factually inaccurate?
You claim that the “inset “analysis” was all negative”. Strange as it may seem to you not may people who are seeing prices rise in excess of 3% whilst wages are rising at 1% will see much to be positive about.
After the first bit I’ve cited, we get the mention that the number of people in employment rose by 16,000. “However”, we’re told, twice that number are now out of work (an increase) and more people are jobless now than any time since before the halls of Broadcasting House were strewn with champagne bottles. And we’re reminded of a rise in the number of people out of the workforce altogether. Two negatives against the one positive.
The encouraging statement from the employment minister (he would say that, wouldn’t he?) is followed by the balanced statement from the Chamber of Commerce guy I already cited, with the negative part overwhelming the one positive sentence. Yet the Guardian’s fuller quote is clearly more optimistic than the BBC wanted you to know, and – shock, horror to Beeboids – calls into question previous negative GDP figures. Curious, no?
After the negative rebuttal from Labour, the regional figures are used to continue painting the negative picture. I’m sure the BBC didn’t mean to imply that the fact of London and the South East’s disproportionate improvement is something unique to the Conservative-led Coalition’s economic policies, right?
A labor union gets the last word. I think it’s fair to say this article is overwhelmingly negative. I’m not saying it’s wrong to point out the negatives, but it’s weighted to one side. The questions raised by the Chamber of Commerce guy which might have led to an unapproved thought should have gotten more attention, but were instead censored.
The inset “analysis” was all negative.
para 1 – positive (“the UK economy can create jobs”)
para 2 – positive (“about 300,000 more people are in work”)
para 3 – neutral (statement of fact)
para 4 – neutral (statement of fact)
para 5 – negative (“average person is taking a 2% pay cut in real terms”)
para 6 – negative (“many of those in work are worse off than they were last year”)
para 2 is a qualified positive (“continues to surprise economists” suggests something might be amiss, which is especially problematic considering the censored bit from the Chamber of Commerce guy’s statement)
para 4 is negative
Did anyone take time out this am to watch Sky news? (newspaper review) One of the reviewers climbed out of his pram and rightly so.
Seems as though the BBC have a case to answer on the award of golden handshakes. 1 million paid to a leaver who on the way to the revolving door awarded another leaver 800k. Yes that’s 1.8 million out of the pot. For what?
The BBC goes on ad infinitum about politician earnings and then does this. It is a slap in the face for the license fee paying Joe Public.and should be investigated.