No sooner does a new open thread open until it is bulging at the seams so, here you go, a new one for you and am sure you will fill it just as quickly as the last one!
I did enjoy, on ‘Today’ this morning, the three examples of reprehensible states with dreadful human rights records that British companies had exported weapons to.
One of which was Israel. Them Evil Jooz, eh, beeb?! Crafty, hook-nosed, so-and sos! How dare they exist!
Great stuff…you can always rely on Al Beeb for a classic piece of slanting to get the day started!
I don’t believe that Britain exports weapons to Israel but rather that an Israeli company which has a subsidiary registered in the UK operates in Britain.
Currently watching an extremely smug Newsnight report (Isn’t Grossman utterly irritating and pure metro-smug personified?) which couldn’t be more anti-high speed rail if it tried. Now, It could be a complete waste of money and I don’t know if the proposed high-speed rail link from London to the north would be value for money but I have a wee idea. Why don’t we abolish the BBC and its gross frittering away of massive amounts of our money and use some of it to go towards the costs? How the BBC can pontificate on financial waste is similar to Norman Baites lecturing us on the evils of dressing up in your dead mother’s clothes.
I don’t know why the reporter didn’t just suck that black guitarist off at the end of the show. You could tell he wanted to.
Couldn’t help slipping lil Skittle’s case in there as well.
Yes, I noticed that. Up in the Midlands and across in Yorkshire the BBC has taken on an anti – HS2 hue…I must take another look at the proposals – if the BBC are against it, it must have some merit!
Actually, Alex, building on your idea, I reckon that just 10 years of what the BBC costs would provide us with a railway that will last 100 years.
There’s no way the BBC are against HS2 in fact they’re one of its biggest supporters. How else are they going to get from their home in Hampstead up to Salford & back every day?
MPs are also in favour of it because of their relegation to second class. A seat on a very expensive express will put them back where they believe they belong.
I really couldn’t careless what happens to the pair of them.
However, the Channel 5 programme, “The Wright Stuff” picked up on this previous spat & the presenter Matthew Wright spoke of his experience with Humphrys when they ended up in Celebrity Masterchef or Mastermind or both. Wright said, Humphrys asked him who he was & how much he earned.
So, this little reverse vasectomied herbert goes around asking everyone how much they earned while he himself is helping to millions of the BBC licence fee.
Another fine example of the self-indulgent wretches employed by the BBC on public money.
So many innocent people around the world meet some of the most appalling hardships….whilst BBC bludgers are parasites on the licence tax payers.
Feel much better now that I’ve got that off my chest !
Please, please, please – we shouldn’t apply vile epithets to people – we are not lefties. So can we keep our comments to the facts – after all ‘Facts are Sacred’ – rather than ad hominem diatribes?
Don’t hold your breath. As it does not criticise any of the “bBBC worthies” or point out errors in their arguments then it is unlikely that Alan will take offense.
Posts from ‘trolls’ like Albaman (I assume you would include dez, Scott and maybe myself in that) seldom get more than 10 likes. So unless Albaman or anyone else has told a bunch of friends to visit this site specifically to provide all those likes then it would seem that they came from the regulars here.
No value in pointing out the obvious here Chris. The whole point of this site is to allow the “preferred few” to massage each others egos. Pointing out the weaknesses in their arguments only leads to Alan banning you.
“…….. moronic and insulting”. Classy comment from someone who just posted elsewhere that they “take issue with posters who come onto this site, not to debate, but to denigrate, insult, disrupt and generally misinform.
Albaman, many of your posts ARE moronic and insulting,and many of your arguments are easily dismantled. The point of my post you mention relates to posters like yourself.
What’s wrong, man? Can’t take having the tables turned on you?
I’m afraid there’s nothing “pseudonymnous” about me. I have posted a few times on here before & I’m a real person. (unfortunately !) I thought I had heard/read/seen what a low-life piece of scum (with apologies to scum) Humphrys is. But every day his behaviour on & off the mic/camera is becoming even more despicable. I am more than happy for my post to be deleted on the grounds that it has too many expletives in it.
But I will not apologise for wishing ill on someone who is not fit to be called a human being.
But you still don’t need to stoop to their level. It gives them ammunition in their bogus claim of this being a hate site, whereas hate is normally a left-wing trait. It also allows them to side-step the issue of BBC bias and they avoid answering clear instances of bias by focusing on posts like yours above.
Sorry, I can’t find the post where Andy S apologises for accusing people he doesn’t like of posting abusive content under a “false flag”.
Similarly, I can’t see his explanation of how something that he thinks is designed to discredit the site if posted under a pseudonym is somehow acceptable if the poster is a real individual making genuinely offensive comments.
Because many genuinely offensive comments that are posted on this site emanate from leftie trolls.
Unlike many lefties, I do not instantly hate a person with whom I disagree. I take issue with posters who come onto this site, not to debate, but to denigrate, insult, disrupt and generally misinform.
The hit and run artists, like Dez and Colditz, aren’t interested in genuine debate. Notice they never reply to the many posts which prove them wrong in their allegations and assertions.
Unlike many spineless politicians and media people, I never apologise to people displaying faux outrage!
“The hit and run artists, like Dez and Colditz, aren’t interested in genuine debate”
Have you read all their posts? Plenty of them are concerned with debating whether or not a BBC piece is biased or not.
There are also people on here who don’t respond to points I (and others like dez, Colditz, Albaman etc) make when we have shown one of their assertions to be false.
“………. many genuinely offensive comments that are posted on this site emanate from leftie trolls”
Any evidence to support this assertion?
“Unlike many lefties, I do not instantly hate a person with whom I disagree.”
A cursory glance at any post on this site suggests that this is a “righties” problem as evidenced by the comments on the recent Mishal Husain thread. No doubt you will assert that all those racist posts were made by “lefties” trying to discredit this site.
Because many genuinely offensive comments that are posted on this site emanate from leftie trolls.
Andy S to Albaman: how come we still have to suffer your moronic and insulting posts?
John Anderson to Me: Do you realise how ineffably boring you are ?, your smartass manner, paranoid whinging
Chop to me: sanctimonious prick, Liberal tosspot, wanker
And there was Steve Cooke’s post in which he called Mishal Husain a “bitch”, but I see someone has gone in and edited – and not marked the post as being changed. What is the phrase you use about the BBC – oh yes, “stealth edited”.
Of course you could be correct if Chop, James Anderson and yourself are all “leftie trolls”.
Unfortunately , James, many posters like yourself tend to be patronising and sanctimonious. Your tone is almost guaranteed to wind up those with whom you purport to debate. Your post above is a typical example. The likes of Dez and Colditz very rarely enter into debate and just make “hit-and run” posts. You do your argument little credit by including those two.
I never apologise to people displaying faux outrage!
Really. You claim someone created a “false flag” post to discredit this site. Presumably that means you thought the content of the post would discredit the site.
But as soon as you find out that it wasn’t any such thing, instead of criticising the person who admits writing it, you turn on the people who you falsely accused.
You should apologise. I fully accept you won’t. Your refusal doesn’t make you any better of a man, though. Quite the reverse.
Nice little bit at the end featuring Nile Rodgers and a bit chat about the many, many pieces he has composed.
………then, out of nowhere from “reporter” Stephen Smith, no more talk of music, but he wants to know about Trayvon Martin – eh? (all bad, bad, bad natch)
And then…………gay marriage!!!! (again, those opposed, incomprehensibly bad)
Honestly, even a potentially light, enjoyable piece is not safe from the self-serving liberal leftie bullshite sarnie that is Newsnight.
They do have a tendency to ambush unsuspecting interviewees. I remember when Adam Sandler was on ‘The One Show’ during the al-Megrahi debacle, they were discussing the subject in the usual bollocks light TV way, but when Sandler was asked for his opinion on the matter he simply replied:
“I would prefer it if he was dead”
Nile Rodgers on Newsnight. I thought for a moment I was watching the One Show. The mainstay of the interview seemed to be getting the man to jam the Newsnight theme tune – self obsessed or what?
I was half expecting that favourite One Show question: ‘Nile Rodger’s, what do think of the Badger Cull?’
Then the quick BBC Left-liberal litmus test questions – you know, the same ones they ask in the corridor just after their BBC staff interviews – ‘Gay marraige – that’s a great thing isn’t it?’ ‘how racist is the US?’ ‘how much do you love Obama?’
Nile made an almost intersting answer along the lines of ‘well racism is worse now because the President is so disrespected’.
Must be solely because of his skin-colour then mustn’t it!?
Can’t be the unfortunate, but simple, fact that their first black president happens to be their worst president.
They certainly won’t be having rocker Ted Nugent on Newsnight after his latest televised advice for black parents – “Try teaching your kids not to attack people.”
Perhaps, notwithstanding the BBCs help, the truth is finally coming out and the net is tightening on the most serious life and death legacies left by labour.
Just depressing disasters everywhere one looks where Bliar and Co had the reigns on power.
Whether it be NHS deaths this week or the plethora of other economic, education, home office skeletons leaping out of every cupboard one opens in every department of state they had their hands on. Please God let there be some justice somewhere.
New Labour was one of the most authoritarian, corrupt, and financially irresponsible governments in living memory, and yet with the exception of its foreign wars (which the BBC attacked from the Left) the BBC were happy to disseminate its lies.
I recall at the very beginning the Labour Party packing Downing Street with its supporters and David Dimbleby telling us (years later) that his producer told him to not mention this fact. It was all meant to be spontaneous adulation of the great leader. In the dying moments of the last Blair/Brown government the BBC desperately tried to promote a Lib-Lab pact. No evidence of any political balance, just endless promotion of public sector greed [justified by appeals to “social justice”] and a Stalinist anti-democratic enthusiasm for correct narrative and hostility towards alternative views.
The BBC always drops the “ist” from phrases line “social[ist] housing”, “social[ist] Justice”, “social[ist] conscience” etc.
The entire ediface of the Labour years of misrule was based on media management and control of perception – aided and abetted by the BBC of course. Everything they did – from choreographed flash mobs of activists to deploying the army around Heathrow in a deliberate – and transparent – move to scare the population into accepting the invaision of Iraq was done to forward their political agenda. The public good was far down the list.
The evidence New Labour was financially irresponsible?
It seems to me looking at the history that New Labour at least managed to balance to books. In fact the Tories were on their backs demanding they spent even more!
Of course that makes the assumption that Nu Liebour ended with Tony BLiars leadership, because Gordon Browns tenure was a disaster.
An interesting interview with Jack Straw this morning, obviously upset at being frozen out of the Brown election when he had stood in previous Labour leadership elections.
He accused Brown of being incapable of making any decisions regardless of how large or small, and of double think on several issues. Something many of us have seen in many left wing policies.
Who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer under New Labour before he was anointed Prime Minister? I remember now. It was Gorden “prudence” Brown? That worked out well.
But I thought that was done to help the banks which were over-leveraged? Which only kicked the can down the road a bit, but never mind. He saved the world again.
20:20 hindsight? He was warned before doing it – particularly, as Dysgwr_Cymraeg points out, he had told the world and the dog in advance, thus depressing the market.
Thoughtful – the evidence labour were financially inept has been stunningly obvious and staring us in the face ever since the coalition were drawn together in the national interest in 2010.
We should have realised and thrown the incompetent Brown out of power for gross ineptitude when he sold half the nations gold reserves, (1999-2002), when the gold price was at a 20 year low:
What the world now knows is that Brown and Co, were in charge of regulating the planet’s second largest financial hub, yet miserably failed to do their job, ( also with horrific knock on affects to other nations also using our hub).
The last Government have been proved to be the worst treasury gatekeepers this once proud country has ever had and we, and our children, will be still sorting out the financial mess they have left us with for the next 10 years.
I despair with the enormous amount of BBC economic reporting resources they possess, they did not, during labours time in office, due diligently give us a true picture of unbiased political and economic information the nations licence payers expect of them. Had the BBC done so we could have been armed with the information to vote those socialist incompetents out before it got so bad.
Up until the year 2008/9 the books were pretty much balanced. The borrowing really took off after this. It’s not as though it was difficult for Labour, with so much tax revenue coming in from the false profits of the banks even their profligacy could be staunched for a while.
I’m well aware of the other failings but I didn’t mention those.
In regards to the due diligence I don’t think many if any realised the scale of the crash unfolding, and hindsight is a wonderful thing!
During the BLiar years they weren’t running up huge debts and were spending the receipts, to most people there didn’t seem to be a problem.
What I do blame the BBC for is failing to highlight or bring to peoples attention the mass immigration which only ever seemed to get a mention when people were really noticing it, and then it was along the lines of the nasty white people yet again.
The books were pretty much balanced for the first two years of the Labour government – but only because, up to that point, Gordon Brown, our wonderful Chancellor, had followed almost precisely the plans set out by the previous Conservative government. Then he let rip, believing that he, and he alone, had discovered the Philosopher’s Stone, and had forever magically banished boom and bust. Public spending went through the roof as he imagined that getting further and further into debt was ‘economic growth’ – all it really was, was debt growth. He compounded all of this with an incredible growth in unwarranted public sector employment, as well as a boom in public sector remuneration packages, setting up both short- and long-term problems – firstly how to get the money to pay for this extra public sector expenditure (borrowing) and then how fund the public sector pension time-bomb to which he had lit the long-term fuse. he compounded all of that by commissioning, and hiding ‘off the books’ the long-term debts within PFIs, at a level which had never even been dreamed of when they had first been mooted by Conservatives. He sold off our gold, raided private sector pensions, sat back whilst has party ‘rubbed the noses of the other parties’ in untramelled and un-costed immigration, helped Tony Blair to give back the rebates so dearly won by the Conservatives from the EU…..and so much more it’s just incredible – and this, all before he became PM…..i.e. under Tony Blair’s watchful eye. And plenty of people were telling Labour that what it was doing was just unsustainable. And so it proved to be.
But if you call that keeping our books balanced, then you may be right….
I’m fully aware of what Brown did John, but I’m afraid the facts are against you on the amount of national debt the UK ran up in the time BLiar was President.
If you can find a different graph to all the others then it’s almost certainly wrong !
What the National Debt graphs don’t show are the things that Brown did that were ‘off the books’, but certainly made our nation poorer. PFIs – billions of debt to be paid over 30 years – not included in the National Debt, public sector gold-plated pensions – not imncluded in the National Debt, exploding public sector costs for the future – not included in the National Debt – asset sell-offs – not included in the National Debt – billions in rip-offs from private sector pensions – not included in the National Debt – conning the gullible public into believing he had eradicated boom and bust, thereby encouraging them to spend like there was no tomorrow, remortgaging property to a dizzy level, and increasing private debt by an incredible amount – which rebounds when house prices fall again….just a few of our fearless prudence’s nonsense. This all, of course, left us in the worst possible position to face the financial bubble whenit inevitably burst – which he was warned so often it would do. Gordon Brown and Tony Blair ? – the most financially incompetent twosome to ever hit the UK.
Sorry, thoughtful, but my response addresses your point precisely. Gordon Brown deliberately fostered growth in ‘off the books’ debts, plundered private sector pension funds, and sold off national assets knowing full well that they would not appear in the traditional ‘National Debt’ figures. However, the vast swathe of these debts will still have to be paid in the future, so hiding them does not make them go away. ‘National Debt’ in the extremely narrow way it is defined does not reveal the damage that has been done to this country’s finances by Brown and Blair, and cannot be looked at in isolation when trying to determine whether Messrs Blair and Brown ‘balanced the books’. They clearly did not, and too many people are being conned by such a simplistic analysis (which, of course, pleases Messrs Milliband and Balls no end). The BBC, supposedly a ‘neutral’ national broadcaster, is hugely at fault for not being analytical enough over the finances in the Blair/Brown years and beyond, in telling people what the situation really is.
I’m not sure what argument you’re making here, Thoughtful. If you’re talking %age of GDP then growth in GDP under Brown was all smoke and mirrors as it was built on a massive expansion in government spending and a consumer boom fuelled by personal debt which took off like a rocket circa 2002.
Here’s a comparison of UK personal debt with the other G10 countries:
Brown was a total unmitigated disaster for the UK economy including being instrumental in the collapse of UK banks after stripping the B of E of its supervisory role and allowing domestic bank lending to spiral out of control (remember 125% and self-certified mortgages?) – none of which was anything to do with the American sub-prime market.
“We should have realised and thrown the incompetent Brown out of power for gross ineptitude when he sold half the nations gold reserves, (1999-2002), when the gold price was at a 20 year low”……………… How much profit have you made on the gold purchases you made when it was at this low? 20:20 hindsight must be the preserve of the “rightys” I guess.
Gold keeps its value well over time, for whatever mysterious reasons. If you are going to sell some, it’s a good idea not to tell people in advance but do it quickly and quietly.
By announcing what he was going to do, Brown sent a clear signal to potential buyers like India and China that they could sit tight and wait for the bonanza. It was a bit like a kid riding his new bike and grandstanding in front of the gang: “Look at me! No hands!” Brown possibly wanted to show how in control he was by going against conventional wisdom. He might as well have burnt a mountain of banknotes. I never trusted him after that.
Gordon Brown’s sell-off of our gold assets (which, of course, like so many other things he did, did not show up as an increase in our National Debt, but certainly made our nation poorer ) was imcompetent in the extreme.
He sold off at the bottom of the market – which was as plain as a pikestaff to everyone else – but he incompetently TOLD the world he was going to do it, thereby ensuring that the price of gold dipped even further as everyone waited for the gold to be released.
If you’re going to sell an asset in a marketable commodity, this was the stupidest way you could have found to do it. But this bombastic twit thought he ruled the world’s economies.
Just watching BBC North, featuring a Nigerian woman who is being deported.
Apparently she came to Britain to study but when she got here she was suddenly diagnosed with kidney failure and now requires an expensive kidney transplant…
Happens all the time. There you are, you travel to a foreign country, you get off the aeroplane, you queue up in the immigration lines with your head full of the course you’re about to embark on and on how you will be returning home in 2 years time clutching a well earned education certificate, you get two steps the ‘land’ side of the immigration desk and bwwaamm, your kidneys fail.
No she’s actualy had the transpalnt, courtesy of the British tax payer. She doesn’t want to be deported because she will need anti rejection medicine for the rest of her life which she cannot get back home. But none of the usual lefty do gooders supporters realised you can post them airmail.
just heard on breakfast news that ten year old children will be banned from playing football in the street by the evil tories. Obviously ,after listening further that’s absolutely not true, but what the hell, bbbc anti tory headline.
Last night’s Culture Show was about as left-wing as it was technically possible to get – one long unrelenting socialist propaganda piece celebrating ‘resistance’ and ‘protest’, with special reference – indeed undisguised nostalgia towards – the glorious 80s, the miners strike, anti-Thatcherism, Red Wedge and other complete irrelevancies.
Get your sick bag at the ready and be prepared for the ‘revolutionary’ wisdom of Billy ‘don’t mention my Dorset mansion’ Bragg amongst others…
The BBC should be subject to judicial review for such a blatant breach of their requirements for impartiality. The arrogance with which this extreme left-wing propaganda is promoted is breathtaking, as is the self-confidence with which they know they can get away with it.
But James Stables tells us the BBC ‘reflects the majority viewpoint’. The fact it’s not meant to reflect any viewpoint but should remain impartial is somehow lost on the poor lad. Still, apart from exceptions like Red Wedgie Benn, common sense catches up with us all eventually.
Yesterday there was a short article on the radio 4 6 O’Clock news about the possibility of Ofcom making an investigation over the BBC interview with Anjum Choudry, they said matter of factly that the BBC had received 6 complaints about it.
That’s amazing if true , don’t you guys complain to the BBC about their bias? I know the BBC NEVER uphold complaints or admit they might have got it wrong even when outside bodies decide they have.
How many contributors will hold their hands up to complaining about the Trayvon Martin coverage?
It’s an unrewarding experience but if we don’t complain the BBC is likely to use those figures in support of its biased output. It’s alright having a good old moan on here, but you need to have a good moan to them too!
Life is too short for pointless exercises.
Rule 1; the liberal view is the right view.All others are either wicked or misguided.
Hence to complain is absurd. The BBC has the truth.
The BBC does uphold complaints on rare occasions. Complaints from people here – as well as some knife-twisting by DB on Twitter – have resulted in corrections, although I can only recall one instance where it became a major issue (the CBBC 9/11 errors).
I submitted a complaint to the BBC about Dave Willis’ lies about the Trayvon Martin case and asked them why they keep showing the “angelic” photograph of Martin when they know a later one exists showing the way he looked at the time of his death.
I have too but I am yet to receive so much as an acknowledgement.
I think any complaints they get just disappear down the plug hole. Plus, how do we know they got 6 complaints it could be 6 thousand but we’d never know as they can’t be trusted not to lie about it.
Now cheer up you lot. I’ve just heard it’s Nelson Mandela’s 95th birthday. His health is improving and across South Africa (and the Beeb) expect a day of thanks and celebration.
I just hope they don’t try to give him the bumps…
Do South African’s have to sit thru endless TV news reports on Cameron’s birthday? Or Obama’s birthday? BBC & Sky: give it a rest. There are more important things happening in the world. Just tell us when he’s dead FFS.
Not bias but worth a mention, Dame Nicky on 5Live this morning talking about the golf and referring to it as the “opium” before correcting himself. Genuine mistake, or slip of the tongue which might explain a lot?
2.) Pamela Geller, ‘Atlas Shrugs’:-
Pamela Geller, the banned American freedom fighter, is, in contrast, forthright in her criticism of ‘Rolling Stone’ and the political mentality of such ‘journalism’.
‘Daily Express’ emphasis is quite different to that of INBBC:-
“Rolling Stone mag branded ‘disgrace’ for putting Boston Marathon bombing suspect on cover.
“ROLLING Stone magazine has been branded a ‘disgrace’ for featuring the man suspected of masterminding the Boston Marathon bombings on its front cover.”
Yesterday we heard Evan Davis (I think) doing the final serious slot on Today (a place they like to put their core messages) about how US Justice secretary Holder is being put under pressure to reopen the Trayvon Martin case as a “hate crime”.
He spoke to a lawyer and was quick to draw attention to the “fault line” that runs through America – RACE.
He then spoke to journalist Sandy Banks encouraging her to expand on this fault line and then after letting her say that Zimmerman had “set up” the killing he decided to push her down the road of blaming slavery as the root cause – she happily swallowed the bait – the pair of them then agreed that even though most blacks are killed by blacks this was also the fault of slavery.
You could almost feel his pleasure at being able to give his liberal guilt a good work out.
In fact it was Justin who supplied us with more Zimmerman misinformation-by-proxy, which was, as you said, a side dish to a large plate of liberal guilt. Justin is well on board with this stuff. He was truly amazed when Obama won the 2008 Democrat presidential primary in 95% white Iowa.
I wasn’t sure if it was Justin or Evan – they are pretty much of a muchness – Hopefully Mishal Husain will add a new, more diverse tone to the program 😉
Crime down, and significantly so over the last couple of years… but what does the BBC do? It dilutes this great news for the Government, with tales of cuts to services in local communities and focuses on areas of crime that are increasing such as ‘pick-pocket’ theft (ironically for the BBC, this is an area of crime which has increased sharply in direct ratio to the influx of eastern Europeans to this country.
If it’s good news for the Government then this means bad news for Liebour, which in turn means that the BBC must go on the attack and veil a positive story in negative attire. Pathetic!
Labour are a complete and utter disaster and the BBC is absolutely desperate to try and hide this.
Interestingly crime is falling in Germany apart from specific crimes including pick pocketing in Berlin by criminal gangs based in eastern Europe. Source: Economist
BBC News front page says “Neighbourhood policing risks being “eroded” but forces are praised for coping well with budget cuts as figures suggest that crime is down.
SUGGEST? Would the BBC cast doubt on reports/findings/statistics that supported their left leaning bias?
Because it is the BBC. Milk anything for what they can get out of it, spin it a bit, add a soupçon of exaggeration, try and believe it themselves, then broadcast. Sure fire recipe for bias, and all that’s bad about that hateful organisation. Do you get the impression that I don’t like them?
I think I read somewhere that the BBC has sent 300 bods up to cover the Open Championship at Muirfield. Hang the expense. But what on earth is Naga Munchetty doing there? She looked so out of place amongst 42,000 hideously white folk.
Unless I missed something, all she has done today is interview a trader selling sun-cream etc.. A vital contribution.
It’s all because they believe that they have to make programmes that are ‘accessible’ to what they assume are fu***ng imbeciles and that appropriate messages are transmitted. The BBC health Commisar is worried about sunburn and fag packets at the moment, but not about 13,000 excess deaths. Did they tell us to drink when we are thirsty too?
This is yet another aspect of the uniquely funded BBC’s desire to bemerde everything that isn’t precisely aligned with its narrative. Who for instance decided that the Royal Jubilee Regatta needed to have the carefully selected ‘in fill time’. Of the over 1,000,000 people who turned out to watch this spectacle why did the BBC feel that they should highlight
– Royal themed sickbags
– HMS Belfast weighed 90,000 tons
– Filming and interviewing the handful of ‘Republican’ protesters
– The Battersea Park Transvestites
This quote from the coverage sums up the BBC attitude to the national celebrations during the Jubilee Regatta –
“It is not just people waving flags, it all means something to those people that understand it”
Compare and contrast the BBC’s corporate orgiastic ecstasy at the surprisingly vibrant population of pre industrial Britain, the flying bed-pans, the Windrush chugging on stage and the secular saints carrying the flag at the Olympic opening ceremony.
If the beeb know there won’t be any efnics there, they’ll usually send an efnic reporter. Yesterday, the Queen visited the hideously white Lake District and North West Tonight sent their resident ‘asian’ female reporter.
Today programme this morning had the Toynbee on with Evan Davis and Ann McElway to discuss the state of the political parties with the summer recess imminent. They started with the Tories and of course never really got off them.
Toynbees sentences always strangely included the term “Ed Miliband” in them. Plus the last tirade seemed to be a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party. When they finally got to talk about Labour, Ann said they are damaged from the NHS scandal which sent Toynbee into paroxysms of rage and with her shouting Ann down. After a few seconds of this, when it sounded like a punch up was imminent, Evan cut in to shout that they had run out of time and headed for the news. Quite a spectacle.
It`s a continual thing, this howling down of reasoned opponents of the Left.
I get sick of the continual interruptions shown to the “conservative” by both BBC interviewer, and siren Lefty in some kind of pincer movement to shut debate down.
Very Fascist-very creepy, and clearly co-ordinated…or else these drooling incontinents for liberal tropes simply have to blurt out on instinct-less their thoughts never come again…so they have to speak their “brains”.
Needs quantifying and then a chargesheet to be laid at Stuart Pebbles door.
I think it`s only to crow about their “fighting the fascists” to their equally sad chums before their sad little marches to ex-union haunts like Durham or Millbank.
It happens a lot on Newsnight – where presenters allow anyone from the right to be interrupted, deny them the opportunity to build and make their arguments -in some instances presenters joining in (I’m thinking about an example last year when Maitless and Harman formed a tag team to completely cut across and shout down the Tory guest).
Other serial lefty offenders are;
Ann Petiffor (who was at it again last night)
Rachel (Foghorn) Reeves (with whom Tory politicans have now refuse to debate)
Angela Eagle (perhaps the worst example of someone who will not shut the **** up – someone needs to tell her just that)
Chucky (Obama) Ummuna – who is so up himself, no one can escape being patronised by him
And of course Owen Jones (the empty vessel that makes most noise).
Of course there is no reciprocal arrangement – any Tory who tries it on, is closed down in short measure
When such a pork barrel of nomarks and serial misfits can worry a Tory that knows his onions…then we know just how bereft of talent, the Conservatives are.
They just don`t seem to have the courage to stick it to the Lefties and their Labour media jocks with anything personal, below the belt or telling the truth about the stitch ups that are going on live.
I think that they don`t want power enough-they don`t believe in anything.
At least Labour believe in killing the old, patients in NHS hospitals, ensuring children can`t read and have no dads…it`s evil, but they believe in it all.
There is going to be another hearing on Climate Change in the US – and Senate Republicans have just issued a short statement tearing the Global Warming nonsense to shreds. Some very good summary arguments. This is in the build-up to the September release of the latest IPCC report.
I bet the BBC gives full coverage to the hearing. Not
‘Lomborg writes: “Historical analysis of wildfires around the world shows that since 1950 their numbers have decreased globally by 15%… The world has not seen a general increase in drought. A study published in Nature in November shows globally that ‘there has been little change in drought over the past 60 years.’”
Furthermore, the U.N. Climate Panel found in 2012 that “Some regions of the world have experienced more intense and longer droughts… but in some regions droughts have become less frequent, less intense, or shorter, for example, in central North America and northwestern Australia.’”
The report also quotes remarks from Roger Pielke, Jr., environmental studies professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder: “The U.S. is currently experiencing the longest absence of severe landfall hurricanes in over a century—the last Category 3 or stronger storm was Wilma, more than seven years ago… While it’s hardly mentioned in the media, the U.S. is currently in an extended and intense hurricane ‘drought.’”
And let’s face it, similar stuff is available in spades from science-oriented sites on the internet.
Yet the BBC, with its 70% coverage of the nation’s broadcast news, keeps telling us the opposite – relentlessly.
Is there nobody on the BBC Trust who can get a grip of this and ensure we get some balanced reporting?
More proof that the IRS’s illegal treatment of Tea Party and other non-Left groups was directed from Washington, DC, including someone appointed by the President (contrary to what we were originally told about it being limited to a few wrong-uns in Cincinnati), was revealed yesterday, and Rep. Issa is talking about it in Congress today. Did you know the hearings about this scandal were still going on? BBC audiences wouldn’t know, as news regarding this story has been censored for some time now. People at the IRS are starting to talk, not wanting to be the fall guy for their politicized superiors.
Meanwhile, the anchor of BBC World News America and the highest-profile Beeboid in the US is in London to determine if we silly United Statesians are more excited about the Royal Spawning than you Brits are. That’s the BBC fulfilling its remit for you: bringing the UK to the world and the world to the UK.
Deep joy for the BBC, if they had any deficiencies in respect of Savile, it seems that the wicked witch was just as culpable (even if she was not so close to the action)
This comment is not from James Stables. It’s only a test to see what the deal is with comments in this name suddenly not appearing. This is only a test.
I don’t see any recent emails added to the block list. Can you give me a hint – a couple of letters or characters or something – so I can check if this other email is being blocked?
He did delete several of my posts and then edit another one. He is a man devoid of integrity. Best not to engage with people like that, it only encourages them.
BBC-NUJ are usually keen on some anniversaries. such as Mandela’s 95th birthday, but less keen on others, such as the death of Dr DAVID KELLY, 10 years ago.
Stephen Glover, ‘Daily Mail’ has this:-
“Ten years ago today, Dr Kelly’s body was found. The subsequent cover-up is one of the great scandals of our age”
“As I say, I’m not a natural conspiracy theorist, and I can’t easily accept the idea that this loyal civil servant was murdered by the British State. Much more likely, it seems to me, he was at least partly driven to suicide after being disowned by the MoD, and outed by spin doctors answerable to Alastair Campbell.
“They couldn’t bear that he had told the truth to a BBC journalist, and one way or another they were determined to destroy him. If he wasn’t murdered, he was effectively hounded to his death.”
The Walsall and Tipton mosque blasts have yielded two arrests and the BBC have managed to give an ethnic description!
“A 25-year-old and 22-year-old, both Eastern European, are being questioned”
This is in stark contrast to the times when the BBC favourite ethnics are arrested for bad behaviour, when their ethnicity is kept a closely guarded secret.
“This is in stark contrast to the times when the BBC favourite ethnics are arrested for bad behaviour, when their ethnicity is kept a closely guarded secret.”
Stands repeating for future reference ,when dealing with
are resident obfuscators and apologists.
I can’t see many links between Eastern Europeans and Islamophobic attacks, although I can see Bulgarians or Poles getting a bit aggressive if P*******i M****m grooming gangs were to try it on with their girls.
What happened to blaming the EDL? I’d like to know the religious background of these “Alabanians”. I remember at the height of the violent breakup of the old Yugoslavia, many Albanians washed up on the shores of Britain claiming to be Kosovans seeking asylum.
Many Eastern Europeans follow the Religion of Peace, those countries once being part of the Ottoman Empire.
I wonder if Dr John Sentamu will test hs faith in these cuddly folk, by joining some coptic christians in Egypt, just to prove a point of course. A kind of human shield if you like, but one that carries REAL risk.
According to the article there were 6 EDL protestors and 100 mosque supporters and yet they quote someone as saying the mosque supporters were people of ‘physical and moral courage’. I dunno about you, but I think the 6 protestors were the brave ones.
And there’s no comments from the protestors nor mention of how the protestors conducted themselves other than Sentamu’s characterisation of them as having hostile and extremist views, and being full of anger and hatred ( wait a minute, remind me who are the ones hacking heads off bombing, terrorising, mass-murdering and raping white children again? )
You know, having listened to the BBC reporting on those two bombs in the Midlands near those mosques, I would have put my life savings on the Far Right group called the EDL for doing them. Guess I would have lost my life savings then. Nice one BBC..not.
dont worry, nothing from al beeb yet, but another suspect device found at a mosque in the midlands, im sure they’ll be able to pin this one on the edl as well
Michael Adebolajo, one of the “suspects” in the Lee Rigby murder case, has been viscously attacked in Belmarsh prison and has lost two front teeth.
You see it’s not ALL bad news!
Re the “Christian Church” response to the Islamic threat.
The likes of Sentamu may well have their strengths and stories-but those few Christians that REALLY know the dark heart of |slam( such as Michael-Nazir-Ali) are the Churches wake up call…and the Church would rather sleep.
They seek the peace of the graveyard, and are completely owned and tamed by the merest threat of Islam…and, like the Lefty comedians and the BBC are silent in the face of what Islam does to Christians whenever, wherever it is the dominating force.
The likes of James Jones, Giles Frasers are Stockholm Syndrome suckups and spongebobs.
Jones has some crappy show coming up about “morality and the banking crisis”…need we concern ourselves with what he`s going to say?
Now…”the morality of Islam”?….not a programme that the BBC will ever be making.
Fearless, courageous, speaking truth to power…er, not really as long as scary blokes with dyed bushy beards tend to give off bad body language.
The Sermon on the Mount “turn the other cheek” stuff works with people who share the same values, sometimes, but it’s totally useless where an “eye for an eye” is the norm. It’s seen as weakness, nothing more.
:Polls in the US by HuffPo and Rasmussen show that about 40% would have voted Not Guilty in the Zimmerman plus about 20% uncertain – which in eggect is Not Guilty. Less than 40% would have voted Guilty – after well after a year for most of the US media calling for his head, egged on by Obamam his Attorney General Eric Holder and other race-baiters.
Now even Little Angel’s “girlfriend” is saying that from the call he made to her it was Martin who set out to attack Zimmerman – “whip his ass”.
The BBC has been totally unfair to Zimmerman from the beginning – and has still not tried to put the record straight after all its inaccurate and biased reporting. As the BBC is part of the US media scene, I agree with others that if Zimmerman or his family or any of the jurors are harmed, the BBC shares some of the blame for inciting hatred.
THAT is how low the BBC has sunk. Incite hatred against an innocent man.
Unfortunately Scotland is a socialist country. I’ve never understood why they bang on and on about ‘the Tories’ ‘the Tories’ ‘the Tories’ when if they were independent and the Westminster parliament lost all these scummy Scottish Labour MP’s, there would be a larger amount of Conservative MP’s?
“…………. if they were independent and the Westminster parliament lost all these scummy Scottish Labour MP’s, there would be a larger amount of Conservative MP’s?”
It would be interesting to hear the logic behind this assertion.
You also state that “Scotland is a socialist country” but this assertion is not as obvious as you suggest. Until the late 70’s and early 80’s there was a large Conservative vote especially in the areas outside the industrialised central belt. As this Conservative vote diminished it was the SNP who benefited leading their opponents to dub them “Tartan Tories”.
“A BBC executive at the centre of the payoff scandal helped to arrange an inflated severance deal for a colleague before leaving with a golden handshake that broke the same rules. Mark Byford, the former deputy director-general, took part in talks over the departure of Pat Loughrey, who received £866,000. Two years later, Mr Byford negotiated an even higher payoff of £1.02 million. In both cases, the payoffs breached BBC policy by including a full year’s salary in lieu of notice, even though the men had already been paid for most or all of their notice period. Steve Barclay, a Tory member of the Commons Public Accounts Committee, criticised the deals yesterday, saying: ‘A clear picture is now emerging of managers inflating the sums paid to colleagues.'”..
Well, of course it’s the fault of those nasty Republicans in the House of Representatives in DC and in the State Capitol, with all those cuts that kill, for Detroit’s horrible plight– you think you hear all too much of this sort of nonsense directed at the Tories in the UK, try listening to some idiots in the States like that native Michigander (yes, that’s really what they’re called!) himself, Michael Moore. Believe me, only the accent (and GOP for Tory) is different.
Why does the BBC remain so hopelessly in thrall to the London 2012 games?
This latest puffery on the BBC news website makes some sensational claims regarding the supposed ‘economic legacy’ of the 2012 Olympics to the UK economy – fairly typical BBC propaganda, then, supported by a dubious government report which is itself endorsed by ‘Call Me Dave’, Boris Johnson and Lord Coe (who, if Private Eye are to be believed, continues to do very well from his various business associations with the games, thanks very much).
All three, in their introductions to the report, seem content to declare the London 2012 games an earth-shattering event of unimaginable success – which happily for the BBC (an organisation which has still not quite recovered from its own 2012 Danny Boyle-induced euphoria) is precisely the ‘social messaging’ the Corporation would like to keep promoting (and, boy, does it).
It would be interesting to know the source of this report – like, for instance, who actually wrote it? Whilst it’s no surprise to see the BBC quick to grandstand such blatant pro-2012 propaganda, breathlessly listing an endless series of hyperbolic claims regarding the alleged ‘economic boost’ of the games to the UK economy (and no doubt to ‘social cohesion’ as a result, eh, comrades?) at no point does the BBC actually tell us anything about the report’s authors.
In fairness, a small sidebar to the main story on the BBC website does actually sound a note of caution regarding the report’s unvarnished claims of rampant 2012 ‘success’. I suppose that’s a small mercy; it’s almost as if the BBC knows the report, once subjected to clear-headed economic analysis knows the figures claimed won’t stack up in the face of scrutiny, so it’s already preparing an alternative narrative – you know, just in case.
The BBC’s tedious, boorish fascination with London 2012, continues, then. All this, and Rio 2016 awaits – champers all round! Air Miles ahoy!
Well, that alternative narrative was on the Today programme (08.05) where Vince Cable was being questioned quite strongly about the perceived benefits and in a negative way. My company was involved with the Olympics and to be quite honest, for 6 months after the games we were working flat out to keep up with our orders. What we didn’t do was to take on extra staff, we just put in longer hours. Now that things have definitely quietened down, if we had of taken those staff on, I dare say we would now be making them redundant. Running a business is a balancing act and very easy to fall the wrong side of the wire.
Government to offer tax incentives to companies developing shale gas but the greens……………………….
Puffin number increasing despite…………………..
Reported crime down despite cuts but……………………..
BBC-NUJ: ‘we’ll stop shale gas, we demand wind farms.’
BBC-NUJ hypocrisy and political bias is firmly entrenched against the development of shale gas, and the potential economic benefits.
Whenever there is a Government announcement on shale gas development, like today, the Harrabin-BBC-NUJ’s ‘Friends of the Earth’ opposition is propagandised, as night follows day.
And as I write this, wind is producing just 578mw of the 39,021mw of electricity being generated.
In other words just 1.48% of our needs.
Harrabin and his lefty fruitcakes need to get down to their nearest wind farm and blow some of their hot air in the direction of those (stationary) turbines.
Sunny Afternoon by the Kinks
The tax man won’t see all my dough,
Not with my BBC contract – they won’t show,
Lazing on a sunny afternoon.
Well I say tax everything, go ahead tax the lot,
But don’t include how much I’ve got,
All I’ve gots this sunny afternoon.
Save me, save me, save the BBC from the squeeze.
There’s big fat Patton – with no clue how to break me.
And I love to live so pleasantly,
Live this life of hypocrisy,
Lazing on a sunny afternoon.
When it’s Glasto-time
When it’s tennis-time
When it’s any outside broadcast-time
My boyfriends run off with my best dress,
And gone running to the Murdoch press,
Telling tales of sexual abuse and cruelty.
Now Im sitting here,
Sipping at my ice cold beer,
Blaming all of Savile’s wrongs on Maggie.
Help me, help me, help me get a job with Al-Jazerra,
Well give me two good reasons why I oughta stay.
Cause I love to live so pleasantly,
Live this life of luxury,
Lazing on a sunny afternoon.
When it’s Olympics-time
When it’s Question Time
At the end of Mandela-time
“We have had historic links with the Labour party going back tens of years to when we didn’t like Thatcher and ran endless alternative comedian shows. And then we loved Tony Blair and the night of the champagne bottles and we willingly promoted Union Jack knickers for reason that are now unclear.. But, we have had our differences in the past.. And they have even taken down some of our director generals like during the Iraq war.
But the BBC was and still is a left wing organisation made up of liberal, left leaning, socially aware, ultra trendy, progressive, vegetarian hipsters. There are 250 copies of the Guardian for every one of the Telegraph. We aren’t ever going to offer the Tories support. On the issue of political choice the science has long been settled. Vote Labour”
“Alcohol deaths in young women show ‘worrying rise’“, trumpets the headline. Or you could settle for the link from the main page titled “Alcohol deaths ‘up’ in young women“.
The article then goes on to say: “Experts looked at deaths in men and women of all ages in Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester from 1980 to 2011.
They said the results for women born in the 1970s should be a “warning signal” about their drinking habits.
They say minimum pricing, shelved this week as a plan to tackle binge drinking by the government in England and Wales, would help address the issue.”
Only then does it mention, almost as an aside:
“But while rates have plateaued or even fallen slightly for the majority…”
By then, of course, the seed has been planted.
So, what the study really shows is that alcohol deaths are decreasing. Why, then was that not the headline? Not sensational enough, perchance? Or not supportive of the BBC agenda to control our tobacco and alcohol intake? You pays your money (£145.50) and you takes your choice.
Prison officer on Sky a short while ago angry at the grotesquely misleading BBC headline (“attacked”). Didn’t mention the source by name unfortunately.
Investigative, but one sided journalism from the BBC’s Asian Network reveals the cost of policing EDL marches and concludes that they are not welcome in Birmingham.
However, more accurate research might reveal costs of controlling intentional violence from the UAF, who on their websites and Facebook Pages, reveal a very firm commitment to maintaining their ‘No Platform’ policy to the EDL, and indeed other groups by physical means.
Yes, inevitably INBBC turns to its INBBC apartheid Asian Network to blame English Defence League for cost of all demonstrations.
The costs incurred by obstructive UAF are not mentioned.
BBC-NUJ official policy diktat is to politically oppose the English Defence League, and this is reflected in the biased ‘reporting’ on the eve of the English Defence League demo in Birmingham, this Saturday.
George, R. I noted in the link the meeting times and request from the EDL to cooperate with the police. However, the police are not going to cooperate, and intend to kettle the EDL in and around a pub for several hours, much to the delight of the UAF, (according to their FB page) who will be celebrating their victory on the streets applauded by the BBC no doubt.
The UK government (Cameron-Clegg-May-Warsi) supported by all Islamic organisations- Labour Party-UAF-all the MSM (NUJ,anti-EDL policy driven) are doing the Organisation of Islamic Conference’s work in getting all criticism of Islam banned.
First, it was Spencer and Geller to be banned…
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
Ten O’Clock news …yes, second item is Lynton Crosby. Not news just the BBC posing a question.
As an ordinary person, I can’t even understand why this is important.
They are alienating their own viewers by pushing stuff like this.
I don’t see what Labour’s point is here, with the plain boxes….cigs are not a fashion statement, they never were, regardless of what Liberals say.
“Do you smoke?”
“Is this plain box of cigs gonna stop you smoking?”
Yes, I’m a smoker, and I roll my own cigs….how’s that for a fashion statement….that socked it to em!
I did enjoy, on ‘Today’ this morning, the three examples of reprehensible states with dreadful human rights records that British companies had exported weapons to.
One of which was Israel. Them Evil Jooz, eh, beeb?! Crafty, hook-nosed, so-and sos! How dare they exist!
Great stuff…you can always rely on Al Beeb for a classic piece of slanting to get the day started!
I don’t believe that Britain exports weapons to Israel but rather that an Israeli company which has a subsidiary registered in the UK operates in Britain.
Whatever it is…The Evil Jooz dun it.
Currently watching an extremely smug Newsnight report (Isn’t Grossman utterly irritating and pure metro-smug personified?) which couldn’t be more anti-high speed rail if it tried. Now, It could be a complete waste of money and I don’t know if the proposed high-speed rail link from London to the north would be value for money but I have a wee idea. Why don’t we abolish the BBC and its gross frittering away of massive amounts of our money and use some of it to go towards the costs? How the BBC can pontificate on financial waste is similar to Norman Baites lecturing us on the evils of dressing up in your dead mother’s clothes.
I don’t know why the reporter didn’t just suck that black guitarist off at the end of the show. You could tell he wanted to.
Couldn’t help slipping lil Skittle’s case in there as well.
Yes, I noticed that. Up in the Midlands and across in Yorkshire the BBC has taken on an anti – HS2 hue…I must take another look at the proposals – if the BBC are against it, it must have some merit!
Actually, Alex, building on your idea, I reckon that just 10 years of what the BBC costs would provide us with a railway that will last 100 years.
There’s no way the BBC are against HS2 in fact they’re one of its biggest supporters. How else are they going to get from their home in Hampstead up to Salford & back every day?
MPs are also in favour of it because of their relegation to second class. A seat on a very expensive express will put them back where they believe they belong.
Right so here we go:
As some of you are aware, the latest diversity quota placement to join the BBC gravy train on the scum BBC Radio 4 Today programme is Mishal Husain.
In the Daily Telegraph ( & other press) they highlight how she had a bust up with that existing R4 Today grump Humphrys when the former appeared on Celebrity Mastermind. Here is the link in case you missed it:
I really couldn’t careless what happens to the pair of them.
However, the Channel 5 programme, “The Wright Stuff” picked up on this previous spat & the presenter Matthew Wright spoke of his experience with Humphrys when they ended up in Celebrity Masterchef or Mastermind or both. Wright said, Humphrys asked him who he was & how much he earned.
So, this little reverse vasectomied herbert goes around asking everyone how much they earned while he himself is helping to millions of the BBC licence fee.
Another fine example of the self-indulgent wretches employed by the BBC on public money.
So many innocent people around the world meet some of the most appalling hardships….whilst BBC bludgers are parasites on the licence tax payers.
Feel much better now that I’ve got that off my chest !
Please, please, please – we shouldn’t apply vile epithets to people – we are not lefties. So can we keep our comments to the facts – after all ‘Facts are Sacred’ – rather than ad hominem diatribes?
I’ve sounded off recently about deleting comments. But that’s one that deserves it.
Don’t hold your breath. As it does not criticise any of the “bBBC worthies” or point out errors in their arguments then it is unlikely that Alan will take offense.
False flag post by the pseudonymnous Steve Cooke (whose posts I’ve not seen on this site before), and straight away Alabman puts in his two-penn’orth.
It’s so transparent!
Sorry, heat’s getting to me. That should be “Albaman”.
No, I think you were right first time, only you missed the capital ‘L’, so:
ALabman i.e. a Lab[our] man.
I guess the “31 likes” are from others who have not visited this site before and came here solely to support this “false flag”.
The Arthur Penney comment below it has 41 likes, as I write; one of them was mine. I hate Humphrys but would not go that far in personal abuse.
Albaman, can you be sure that those 31 likes weren’t put there by other trolls like yourself intent on demonising this site?
The regular contributors do a good enough job in “demonising this site” without any help from me.
It has a certain, um, fatal attraction though, don’t you think, Albaman? Like the old saying goes, the devil has the best tunes.
Posts from ‘trolls’ like Albaman (I assume you would include dez, Scott and maybe myself in that) seldom get more than 10 likes. So unless Albaman or anyone else has told a bunch of friends to visit this site specifically to provide all those likes then it would seem that they came from the regulars here.
And on what basis do you call us trolls anway?
No value in pointing out the obvious here Chris. The whole point of this site is to allow the “preferred few” to massage each others egos. Pointing out the weaknesses in their arguments only leads to Alan banning you.
If criticism of regular contributors gets you banned from this site, Albaman, how come we still have to suffer your moronic and insulting posts?
“…….. moronic and insulting”. Classy comment from someone who just posted elsewhere that they “take issue with posters who come onto this site, not to debate, but to denigrate, insult, disrupt and generally misinform.
Albaman, many of your posts ARE moronic and insulting,and many of your arguments are easily dismantled. The point of my post you mention relates to posters like yourself.
What’s wrong, man? Can’t take having the tables turned on you?
I’m afraid there’s nothing “pseudonymnous” about me. I have posted a few times on here before & I’m a real person. (unfortunately !) I thought I had heard/read/seen what a low-life piece of scum (with apologies to scum) Humphrys is. But every day his behaviour on & off the mic/camera is becoming even more despicable. I am more than happy for my post to be deleted on the grounds that it has too many expletives in it.
But I will not apologise for wishing ill on someone who is not fit to be called a human being.
But you still don’t need to stoop to their level. It gives them ammunition in their bogus claim of this being a hate site, whereas hate is normally a left-wing trait. It also allows them to side-step the issue of BBC bias and they avoid answering clear instances of bias by focusing on posts like yours above.
I liked yer post Steve…sorry if that upsets anyone, but sometimes, spouting expletives, and saying what you REALLY think often cleanses the soul.
Sorry, I can’t find the post where Andy S apologises for accusing people he doesn’t like of posting abusive content under a “false flag”.
Similarly, I can’t see his explanation of how something that he thinks is designed to discredit the site if posted under a pseudonym is somehow acceptable if the poster is a real individual making genuinely offensive comments.
Because many genuinely offensive comments that are posted on this site emanate from leftie trolls.
Unlike many lefties, I do not instantly hate a person with whom I disagree. I take issue with posters who come onto this site, not to debate, but to denigrate, insult, disrupt and generally misinform.
The hit and run artists, like Dez and Colditz, aren’t interested in genuine debate. Notice they never reply to the many posts which prove them wrong in their allegations and assertions.
Unlike many spineless politicians and media people, I never apologise to people displaying faux outrage!
“The hit and run artists, like Dez and Colditz, aren’t interested in genuine debate”
Have you read all their posts? Plenty of them are concerned with debating whether or not a BBC piece is biased or not.
There are also people on here who don’t respond to points I (and others like dez, Colditz, Albaman etc) make when we have shown one of their assertions to be false.
“………. many genuinely offensive comments that are posted on this site emanate from leftie trolls”
Any evidence to support this assertion?
“Unlike many lefties, I do not instantly hate a person with whom I disagree.”
A cursory glance at any post on this site suggests that this is a “righties” problem as evidenced by the comments on the recent Mishal Husain thread. No doubt you will assert that all those racist posts were made by “lefties” trying to discredit this site.
Because many genuinely offensive comments that are posted on this site emanate from leftie trolls.
Andy S to Albaman: how come we still have to suffer your moronic and insulting posts?
John Anderson to Me: Do you realise how ineffably boring you are ?, your smartass manner, paranoid whinging
Chop to me: sanctimonious prick, Liberal tosspot, wanker
And there was Steve Cooke’s post in which he called Mishal Husain a “bitch”, but I see someone has gone in and edited – and not marked the post as being changed. What is the phrase you use about the BBC – oh yes, “stealth edited”.
Of course you could be correct if Chop, James Anderson and yourself are all “leftie trolls”.
Unfortunately , James, many posters like yourself tend to be patronising and sanctimonious. Your tone is almost guaranteed to wind up those with whom you purport to debate. Your post above is a typical example. The likes of Dez and Colditz very rarely enter into debate and just make “hit-and run” posts. You do your argument little credit by including those two.
I never apologise to people displaying faux outrage!
Really. You claim someone created a “false flag” post to discredit this site. Presumably that means you thought the content of the post would discredit the site.
But as soon as you find out that it wasn’t any such thing, instead of criticising the person who admits writing it, you turn on the people who you falsely accused.
You should apologise. I fully accept you won’t. Your refusal doesn’t make you any better of a man, though. Quite the reverse.
Just watching – Newsnight, Wednesday.
Nice little bit at the end featuring Nile Rodgers and a bit chat about the many, many pieces he has composed.
………then, out of nowhere from “reporter” Stephen Smith, no more talk of music, but he wants to know about Trayvon Martin – eh? (all bad, bad, bad natch)
And then…………gay marriage!!!! (again, those opposed, incomprehensibly bad)
Honestly, even a potentially light, enjoyable piece is not safe from the self-serving liberal leftie bullshite sarnie that is Newsnight.
They do have a tendency to ambush unsuspecting interviewees. I remember when Adam Sandler was on ‘The One Show’ during the al-Megrahi debacle, they were discussing the subject in the usual bollocks light TV way, but when Sandler was asked for his opinion on the matter he simply replied:
“I would prefer it if he was dead”
The interviewer is probably checking Nile out to make sure he’s ‘ok’. Don’t want our icons expressing the ‘wrong’ views do we?
Nile Rodgers on Newsnight. I thought for a moment I was watching the One Show. The mainstay of the interview seemed to be getting the man to jam the Newsnight theme tune – self obsessed or what?
I was half expecting that favourite One Show question: ‘Nile Rodger’s, what do think of the Badger Cull?’
Then the quick BBC Left-liberal litmus test questions – you know, the same ones they ask in the corridor just after their BBC staff interviews – ‘Gay marraige – that’s a great thing isn’t it?’ ‘how racist is the US?’ ‘how much do you love Obama?’
Nile made an almost intersting answer along the lines of ‘well racism is worse now because the President is so disrespected’.
Not at the BBC, he’s not mate!
Must be solely because of his skin-colour then mustn’t it!?
Can’t be the unfortunate, but simple, fact that their first black president happens to be their worst president.
They certainly won’t be having rocker Ted Nugent on Newsnight after his latest televised advice for black parents – “Try teaching your kids not to attack people.”
They had Andy Murray’s mother on Newsnight last week and Kirsty Wark asked her which way she’d be voting in the Scottish referendum. Unbelievable!
Yeah, I think I posted about that… , it was disgraceful.
See Chilcott update.
Click to access 2013-07-15_Chilcot_Cameron.pdf
Perhaps, notwithstanding the BBCs help, the truth is finally coming out and the net is tightening on the most serious life and death legacies left by labour.
Just depressing disasters everywhere one looks where Bliar and Co had the reigns on power.
Whether it be NHS deaths this week or the plethora of other economic, education, home office skeletons leaping out of every cupboard one opens in every department of state they had their hands on. Please God let there be some justice somewhere.
Sorry, meant: ‘notwithstanding the BBCs hindrance’.
New Labour was one of the most authoritarian, corrupt, and financially irresponsible governments in living memory, and yet with the exception of its foreign wars (which the BBC attacked from the Left) the BBC were happy to disseminate its lies.
I recall at the very beginning the Labour Party packing Downing Street with its supporters and David Dimbleby telling us (years later) that his producer told him to not mention this fact. It was all meant to be spontaneous adulation of the great leader. In the dying moments of the last Blair/Brown government the BBC desperately tried to promote a Lib-Lab pact. No evidence of any political balance, just endless promotion of public sector greed [justified by appeals to “social justice”] and a Stalinist anti-democratic enthusiasm for correct narrative and hostility towards alternative views.
The BBC always drops the “ist” from phrases line “social[ist] housing”, “social[ist] Justice”, “social[ist] conscience” etc.
The entire ediface of the Labour years of misrule was based on media management and control of perception – aided and abetted by the BBC of course. Everything they did – from choreographed flash mobs of activists to deploying the army around Heathrow in a deliberate – and transparent – move to scare the population into accepting the invaision of Iraq was done to forward their political agenda. The public good was far down the list.
The evidence New Labour was financially irresponsible?
It seems to me looking at the history that New Labour at least managed to balance to books. In fact the Tories were on their backs demanding they spent even more!
Of course that makes the assumption that Nu Liebour ended with Tony BLiars leadership, because Gordon Browns tenure was a disaster.
An interesting interview with Jack Straw this morning, obviously upset at being frozen out of the Brown election when he had stood in previous Labour leadership elections.
He accused Brown of being incapable of making any decisions regardless of how large or small, and of double think on several issues. Something many of us have seen in many left wing policies.
Who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer under New Labour before he was anointed Prime Minister? I remember now. It was Gorden “prudence” Brown? That worked out well.
Sorry I meant Gordon “moral compass” Brown.
Nah, you mean Gordon “Bigoted woman” Brown.
Surely it’s Gordon ‘Iron Chancellor’ Brown?
I always felt sorry for prudence.
Yeah, the books were balanced for a split second on the way down from boom to bust. The part that wasn’t cooked, anyway.
How did that sale of gold reserves go again?
But I thought that was done to help the banks which were over-leveraged? Which only kicked the can down the road a bit, but never mind. He saved the world again.
How much gold did you and the other bBBC commentators buy then? Got to love all these “rightys” and their 20:20 hindsight!!
“Righties” presumably.
Missing the point alba me ole china.
It was the incompetence of announcing the sale in advance that was the problem.
Macruin really was hopeless.
20:20 hindsight? He was warned before doing it – particularly, as Dysgwr_Cymraeg points out, he had told the world and the dog in advance, thus depressing the market.
Thoughtful – the evidence labour were financially inept has been stunningly obvious and staring us in the face ever since the coalition were drawn together in the national interest in 2010.
We should have realised and thrown the incompetent Brown out of power for gross ineptitude when he sold half the nations gold reserves, (1999-2002), when the gold price was at a 20 year low:,_1999%E2%80%932002
What the world now knows is that Brown and Co, were in charge of regulating the planet’s second largest financial hub, yet miserably failed to do their job, ( also with horrific knock on affects to other nations also using our hub).
The last Government have been proved to be the worst treasury gatekeepers this once proud country has ever had and we, and our children, will be still sorting out the financial mess they have left us with for the next 10 years.
I despair with the enormous amount of BBC economic reporting resources they possess, they did not, during labours time in office, due diligently give us a true picture of unbiased political and economic information the nations licence payers expect of them. Had the BBC done so we could have been armed with the information to vote those socialist incompetents out before it got so bad.
I think people should read exactly what I wrote !
Up until the year 2008/9 the books were pretty much balanced. The borrowing really took off after this. It’s not as though it was difficult for Labour, with so much tax revenue coming in from the false profits of the banks even their profligacy could be staunched for a while.
I’m well aware of the other failings but I didn’t mention those.
In regards to the due diligence I don’t think many if any realised the scale of the crash unfolding, and hindsight is a wonderful thing!
During the BLiar years they weren’t running up huge debts and were spending the receipts, to most people there didn’t seem to be a problem.
What I do blame the BBC for is failing to highlight or bring to peoples attention the mass immigration which only ever seemed to get a mention when people were really noticing it, and then it was along the lines of the nasty white people yet again.
The books were pretty much balanced for the first two years of the Labour government – but only because, up to that point, Gordon Brown, our wonderful Chancellor, had followed almost precisely the plans set out by the previous Conservative government. Then he let rip, believing that he, and he alone, had discovered the Philosopher’s Stone, and had forever magically banished boom and bust. Public spending went through the roof as he imagined that getting further and further into debt was ‘economic growth’ – all it really was, was debt growth. He compounded all of this with an incredible growth in unwarranted public sector employment, as well as a boom in public sector remuneration packages, setting up both short- and long-term problems – firstly how to get the money to pay for this extra public sector expenditure (borrowing) and then how fund the public sector pension time-bomb to which he had lit the long-term fuse. he compounded all of that by commissioning, and hiding ‘off the books’ the long-term debts within PFIs, at a level which had never even been dreamed of when they had first been mooted by Conservatives. He sold off our gold, raided private sector pensions, sat back whilst has party ‘rubbed the noses of the other parties’ in untramelled and un-costed immigration, helped Tony Blair to give back the rebates so dearly won by the Conservatives from the EU…..and so much more it’s just incredible – and this, all before he became PM…..i.e. under Tony Blair’s watchful eye. And plenty of people were telling Labour that what it was doing was just unsustainable. And so it proved to be.
But if you call that keeping our books balanced, then you may be right….
About as balanced as John Prescott and a budgie on a see-saw.
Better still: about as balanced as the BBC.
I’m fully aware of what Brown did John, but I’m afraid the facts are against you on the amount of national debt the UK ran up in the time BLiar was President.
If you can find a different graph to all the others then it’s almost certainly wrong !
What the National Debt graphs don’t show are the things that Brown did that were ‘off the books’, but certainly made our nation poorer. PFIs – billions of debt to be paid over 30 years – not included in the National Debt, public sector gold-plated pensions – not imncluded in the National Debt, exploding public sector costs for the future – not included in the National Debt – asset sell-offs – not included in the National Debt – billions in rip-offs from private sector pensions – not included in the National Debt – conning the gullible public into believing he had eradicated boom and bust, thereby encouraging them to spend like there was no tomorrow, remortgaging property to a dizzy level, and increasing private debt by an incredible amount – which rebounds when house prices fall again….just a few of our fearless prudence’s nonsense. This all, of course, left us in the worst possible position to face the financial bubble whenit inevitably burst – which he was warned so often it would do. Gordon Brown and Tony Blair ? – the most financially incompetent twosome to ever hit the UK.
Yes all of that, but it’s answering a different post ! and not the one I wrote!
Sorry, thoughtful, but my response addresses your point precisely. Gordon Brown deliberately fostered growth in ‘off the books’ debts, plundered private sector pension funds, and sold off national assets knowing full well that they would not appear in the traditional ‘National Debt’ figures. However, the vast swathe of these debts will still have to be paid in the future, so hiding them does not make them go away. ‘National Debt’ in the extremely narrow way it is defined does not reveal the damage that has been done to this country’s finances by Brown and Blair, and cannot be looked at in isolation when trying to determine whether Messrs Blair and Brown ‘balanced the books’. They clearly did not, and too many people are being conned by such a simplistic analysis (which, of course, pleases Messrs Milliband and Balls no end). The BBC, supposedly a ‘neutral’ national broadcaster, is hugely at fault for not being analytical enough over the finances in the Blair/Brown years and beyond, in telling people what the situation really is.
I’m not sure what argument you’re making here, Thoughtful. If you’re talking %age of GDP then growth in GDP under Brown was all smoke and mirrors as it was built on a massive expansion in government spending and a consumer boom fuelled by personal debt which took off like a rocket circa 2002.
Here’s a comparison of UK personal debt with the other G10 countries:
And here’s the graph showing where it all started to go wrong:
Brown was a total unmitigated disaster for the UK economy including being instrumental in the collapse of UK banks after stripping the B of E of its supervisory role and allowing domestic bank lending to spiral out of control (remember 125% and self-certified mortgages?) – none of which was anything to do with the American sub-prime market.
“We should have realised and thrown the incompetent Brown out of power for gross ineptitude when he sold half the nations gold reserves, (1999-2002), when the gold price was at a 20 year low”……………… How much profit have you made on the gold purchases you made when it was at this low? 20:20 hindsight must be the preserve of the “rightys” I guess.
Gold keeps its value well over time, for whatever mysterious reasons. If you are going to sell some, it’s a good idea not to tell people in advance but do it quickly and quietly.
By announcing what he was going to do, Brown sent a clear signal to potential buyers like India and China that they could sit tight and wait for the bonanza. It was a bit like a kid riding his new bike and grandstanding in front of the gang: “Look at me! No hands!” Brown possibly wanted to show how in control he was by going against conventional wisdom. He might as well have burnt a mountain of banknotes. I never trusted him after that.
” He might as well have burnt a mountain of banknotes.” ………….. Notes have no intrinsic value and are only a medium of exchange.
Just a metaphor, ALabman, but you’re here only to disrupt and make trouble because you don’t like hearing criticism of Gordon Brown.
Gordon Brown’s sell-off of our gold assets (which, of course, like so many other things he did, did not show up as an increase in our National Debt, but certainly made our nation poorer ) was imcompetent in the extreme.
He sold off at the bottom of the market – which was as plain as a pikestaff to everyone else – but he incompetently TOLD the world he was going to do it, thereby ensuring that the price of gold dipped even further as everyone waited for the gold to be released.
If you’re going to sell an asset in a marketable commodity, this was the stupidest way you could have found to do it. But this bombastic twit thought he ruled the world’s economies.
How much profit have you made on the gold purchases you made when it was at this low?
Contrary to what you might think, we don’t all have the kind of money to do that. Perhaps you thought there was a magic money tree?
Steve Cooke,
Great, Steve, but why not tell us how you really feel about these people. .. peacefull demo
Just watching BBC North, featuring a Nigerian woman who is being deported.
Apparently she came to Britain to study but when she got here she was suddenly diagnosed with kidney failure and now requires an expensive kidney transplant…
She can have one from a Holland’s steak and kidney pie.
‘suddenly diagnosed with kidney failure’
Those newshounds at the BBC have a strict policy of ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ when it comes to such stories.
Happens all the time. There you are, you travel to a foreign country, you get off the aeroplane, you queue up in the immigration lines with your head full of the course you’re about to embark on and on how you will be returning home in 2 years time clutching a well earned education certificate, you get two steps the ‘land’ side of the immigration desk and bwwaamm, your kidneys fail.
No she’s actualy had the transpalnt, courtesy of the British tax payer. She doesn’t want to be deported because she will need anti rejection medicine for the rest of her life which she cannot get back home. But none of the usual lefty do gooders supporters realised you can post them airmail.
just heard on breakfast news that ten year old children will be banned from playing football in the street by the evil tories. Obviously ,after listening further that’s absolutely not true, but what the hell, bbbc anti tory headline.
Last night’s Culture Show was about as left-wing as it was technically possible to get – one long unrelenting socialist propaganda piece celebrating ‘resistance’ and ‘protest’, with special reference – indeed undisguised nostalgia towards – the glorious 80s, the miners strike, anti-Thatcherism, Red Wedge and other complete irrelevancies.
Get your sick bag at the ready and be prepared for the ‘revolutionary’ wisdom of Billy ‘don’t mention my Dorset mansion’ Bragg amongst others…
The Culture Show? At one time this would have meant something along the lines of “Civilisation” by Kenneth Clark.
“Culture” – another word mangled and perverted by the BBC.
I think by “culture” they mean the tax payer funded mold that grows over left-wing crap.
The BBC should be subject to judicial review for such a blatant breach of their requirements for impartiality. The arrogance with which this extreme left-wing propaganda is promoted is breathtaking, as is the self-confidence with which they know they can get away with it.
But James Stables tells us the BBC ‘reflects the majority viewpoint’. The fact it’s not meant to reflect any viewpoint but should remain impartial is somehow lost on the poor lad. Still, apart from exceptions like Red Wedgie Benn, common sense catches up with us all eventually.
Yesterday there was a short article on the radio 4 6 O’Clock news about the possibility of Ofcom making an investigation over the BBC interview with Anjum Choudry, they said matter of factly that the BBC had received 6 complaints about it.
That’s amazing if true , don’t you guys complain to the BBC about their bias? I know the BBC NEVER uphold complaints or admit they might have got it wrong even when outside bodies decide they have.
How many contributors will hold their hands up to complaining about the Trayvon Martin coverage?
It’s an unrewarding experience but if we don’t complain the BBC is likely to use those figures in support of its biased output. It’s alright having a good old moan on here, but you need to have a good moan to them too!
Life is too short for pointless exercises.
Rule 1; the liberal view is the right view.All others are either wicked or misguided.
Hence to complain is absurd. The BBC has the truth.
The BBC does uphold complaints on rare occasions. Complaints from people here – as well as some knife-twisting by DB on Twitter – have resulted in corrections, although I can only recall one instance where it became a major issue (the CBBC 9/11 errors).
I submitted a complaint to the BBC about Dave Willis’ lies about the Trayvon Martin case and asked them why they keep showing the “angelic” photograph of Martin when they know a later one exists showing the way he looked at the time of his death.
I have too but I am yet to receive so much as an acknowledgement.
I think any complaints they get just disappear down the plug hole. Plus, how do we know they got 6 complaints it could be 6 thousand but we’d never know as they can’t be trusted not to lie about it.
Did your complaint cover Willis’ falsehoods about who attacked whom and the eyewitness account, or just the photo?
Willis’ falsehoods and general tone that a miscarriage of justice had just taken place.
Now cheer up you lot. I’ve just heard it’s Nelson Mandela’s 95th birthday. His health is improving and across South Africa (and the Beeb) expect a day of thanks and celebration.
I just hope they don’t try to give him the bumps…
The beeb have now downgraded the red alert to amber alert.
Do South African’s have to sit thru endless TV news reports on Cameron’s birthday? Or Obama’s birthday? BBC & Sky: give it a rest. There are more important things happening in the world. Just tell us when he’s dead FFS.
The BBC spent a pukefying 5 minutes on this on the lunchtime news. Pass the ANC t-shirt – I feel like vomiting just thinking about it.
Not bias but worth a mention, Dame Nicky on 5Live this morning talking about the golf and referring to it as the “opium” before correcting himself. Genuine mistake, or slip of the tongue which might explain a lot?
Call for Freud.
“Dame Nicky.” Love it!
Good one Anders
Ah Dame Nicky, my heroin(e)!
‘ROLLING STONE’ on Boston jihadist.
Comments by-
1.)- INBBC ;
2.) banned Pamela Geller.
‘Rolling Stone’ magazine has politically empathetic material on Boston jihadist, including front cover.
INBBC spends most of its ‘report’ on this making some sort of defence of ‘Rolling Stone’, with only criticisms indicated well into its piece.
1.) INBBC:-
“Rolling Stone defends Boston bomb suspect cover”
2.) Pamela Geller, ‘Atlas Shrugs’:-
Pamela Geller, the banned American freedom fighter, is, in contrast, forthright in her criticism of ‘Rolling Stone’ and the political mentality of such ‘journalism’.
“Yes, you would think these scumbags couldn’t go any lower. You ain’t seen nothing yet. The savage left. ”
‘Daily Express’ emphasis is quite different to that of INBBC:-
“Rolling Stone mag branded ‘disgrace’ for putting Boston Marathon bombing suspect on cover.
“ROLLING Stone magazine has been branded a ‘disgrace’ for featuring the man suspected of masterminding the Boston Marathon bombings on its front cover.”
By: Dion Dassanayake.
“INBBC spends most of its ‘report’ on this making some sort of defence of ‘Rolling Stone’, with only criticisms indicated well into its piece.”
Having read the article you cite perhaps you can identify the sections which support this assertion.
Yesterday we heard Evan Davis (I think) doing the final serious slot on Today (a place they like to put their core messages) about how US Justice secretary Holder is being put under pressure to reopen the Trayvon Martin case as a “hate crime”.
He spoke to a lawyer and was quick to draw attention to the “fault line” that runs through America – RACE.
He then spoke to journalist Sandy Banks encouraging her to expand on this fault line and then after letting her say that Zimmerman had “set up” the killing he decided to push her down the road of blaming slavery as the root cause – she happily swallowed the bait – the pair of them then agreed that even though most blacks are killed by blacks this was also the fault of slavery.
You could almost feel his pleasure at being able to give his liberal guilt a good work out.
In fact it was Justin who supplied us with more Zimmerman misinformation-by-proxy, which was, as you said, a side dish to a large plate of liberal guilt. Justin is well on board with this stuff. He was truly amazed when Obama won the 2008 Democrat presidential primary in 95% white Iowa.
I wasn’t sure if it was Justin or Evan – they are pretty much of a muchness – Hopefully Mishal Husain will add a new, more diverse tone to the program 😉
Looks like not all BBC employees like the multi-culti agenda………………
With the BBC’s “culture of abuse” I’m not surprised bosses like “Asian” taxi drivers.
Crime down, and significantly so over the last couple of years… but what does the BBC do? It dilutes this great news for the Government, with tales of cuts to services in local communities and focuses on areas of crime that are increasing such as ‘pick-pocket’ theft (ironically for the BBC, this is an area of crime which has increased sharply in direct ratio to the influx of eastern Europeans to this country.
If it’s good news for the Government then this means bad news for Liebour, which in turn means that the BBC must go on the attack and veil a positive story in negative attire. Pathetic!
Labour are a complete and utter disaster and the BBC is absolutely desperate to try and hide this.
Interestingly crime is falling in Germany apart from specific crimes including pick pocketing in Berlin by criminal gangs based in eastern Europe. Source: Economist
BBC News front page says “Neighbourhood policing risks being “eroded” but forces are praised for coping well with budget cuts as figures suggest that crime is down.
SUGGEST? Would the BBC cast doubt on reports/findings/statistics that supported their left leaning bias?
Why is BBC News constantly referring to the weather as “Soaring temperatures” when the max temperature in London is falling?
Because it is the BBC. Milk anything for what they can get out of it, spin it a bit, add a soupçon of exaggeration, try and believe it themselves, then broadcast. Sure fire recipe for bias, and all that’s bad about that hateful organisation. Do you get the impression that I don’t like them?
Tommy Shafterknacker (the weather man) made the fatal mistake of saying he wasn’t to blame for the weather – ‘it’s just Mother Nature’.
His plaintive cry can be heard from outside Room 101 as we speak: ‘I love you global weirding’.
I think I read somewhere that the BBC has sent 300 bods up to cover the Open Championship at Muirfield. Hang the expense. But what on earth is Naga Munchetty doing there? She looked so out of place amongst 42,000 hideously white folk.
Unless I missed something, all she has done today is interview a trader selling sun-cream etc.. A vital contribution.
Don’t exaggerate – it was only 250.
It’s all because they believe that they have to make programmes that are ‘accessible’ to what they assume are fu***ng imbeciles and that appropriate messages are transmitted. The BBC health Commisar is worried about sunburn and fag packets at the moment, but not about 13,000 excess deaths. Did they tell us to drink when we are thirsty too?
This is yet another aspect of the uniquely funded BBC’s desire to bemerde everything that isn’t precisely aligned with its narrative. Who for instance decided that the Royal Jubilee Regatta needed to have the carefully selected ‘in fill time’. Of the over 1,000,000 people who turned out to watch this spectacle why did the BBC feel that they should highlight
– Royal themed sickbags
– HMS Belfast weighed 90,000 tons
– Filming and interviewing the handful of ‘Republican’ protesters
– The Battersea Park Transvestites
This quote from the coverage sums up the BBC attitude to the national celebrations during the Jubilee Regatta –
“It is not just people waving flags, it all means something to those people that understand it”
Compare and contrast the BBC’s corporate orgiastic ecstasy at the surprisingly vibrant population of pre industrial Britain, the flying bed-pans, the Windrush chugging on stage and the secular saints carrying the flag at the Olympic opening ceremony.
Now that was the “real” vision of [BBC] Britain.
If the beeb know there won’t be any efnics there, they’ll usually send an efnic reporter. Yesterday, the Queen visited the hideously white Lake District and North West Tonight sent their resident ‘asian’ female reporter.
Did she stumble upon relatives of the Zimbabwean fishermen that the BBC managed to find in Whitby, during its “Coast” series?
Ha, six of them. Must have taken them months to arrange for that ‘grateful happenstance……..’
Would that be the same Muirfield that doesn’t allow women members?
Can’t remember where I keep hearing that, but just thought I’d mention it.
Today programme this morning had the Toynbee on with Evan Davis and Ann McElway to discuss the state of the political parties with the summer recess imminent. They started with the Tories and of course never really got off them.
Toynbees sentences always strangely included the term “Ed Miliband” in them. Plus the last tirade seemed to be a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party. When they finally got to talk about Labour, Ann said they are damaged from the NHS scandal which sent Toynbee into paroxysms of rage and with her shouting Ann down. After a few seconds of this, when it sounded like a punch up was imminent, Evan cut in to shout that they had run out of time and headed for the news. Quite a spectacle.
It`s a continual thing, this howling down of reasoned opponents of the Left.
I get sick of the continual interruptions shown to the “conservative” by both BBC interviewer, and siren Lefty in some kind of pincer movement to shut debate down.
Very Fascist-very creepy, and clearly co-ordinated…or else these drooling incontinents for liberal tropes simply have to blurt out on instinct-less their thoughts never come again…so they have to speak their “brains”.
Needs quantifying and then a chargesheet to be laid at Stuart Pebbles door.
I think it`s only to crow about their “fighting the fascists” to their equally sad chums before their sad little marches to ex-union haunts like Durham or Millbank.
It happens a lot on Newsnight – where presenters allow anyone from the right to be interrupted, deny them the opportunity to build and make their arguments -in some instances presenters joining in (I’m thinking about an example last year when Maitless and Harman formed a tag team to completely cut across and shout down the Tory guest).
Other serial lefty offenders are;
Ann Petiffor (who was at it again last night)
Rachel (Foghorn) Reeves (with whom Tory politicans have now refuse to debate)
Angela Eagle (perhaps the worst example of someone who will not shut the **** up – someone needs to tell her just that)
Chucky (Obama) Ummuna – who is so up himself, no one can escape being patronised by him
And of course Owen Jones (the empty vessel that makes most noise).
Of course there is no reciprocal arrangement – any Tory who tries it on, is closed down in short measure
When such a pork barrel of nomarks and serial misfits can worry a Tory that knows his onions…then we know just how bereft of talent, the Conservatives are.
They just don`t seem to have the courage to stick it to the Lefties and their Labour media jocks with anything personal, below the belt or telling the truth about the stitch ups that are going on live.
I think that they don`t want power enough-they don`t believe in anything.
At least Labour believe in killing the old, patients in NHS hospitals, ensuring children can`t read and have no dads…it`s evil, but they believe in it all.
Absolutely outstanding case for dismantling the bBC, –
“Asking conservatives to finance the BBC is like asking Guardian readers to pay Nigel Farage’s bar bill”
More here
There is going to be another hearing on Climate Change in the US – and Senate Republicans have just issued a short statement tearing the Global Warming nonsense to shreds. Some very good summary arguments. This is in the build-up to the September release of the latest IPCC report.
I bet the BBC gives full coverage to the hearing. Not
Ouch, they even use the BBC as a source to prove it.
‘Lomborg writes: “Historical analysis of wildfires around the world shows that since 1950 their numbers have decreased globally by 15%… The world has not seen a general increase in drought. A study published in Nature in November shows globally that ‘there has been little change in drought over the past 60 years.’”
Furthermore, the U.N. Climate Panel found in 2012 that “Some regions of the world have experienced more intense and longer droughts… but in some regions droughts have become less frequent, less intense, or shorter, for example, in central North America and northwestern Australia.’”
The report also quotes remarks from Roger Pielke, Jr., environmental studies professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder: “The U.S. is currently experiencing the longest absence of severe landfall hurricanes in over a century—the last Category 3 or stronger storm was Wilma, more than seven years ago… While it’s hardly mentioned in the media, the U.S. is currently in an extended and intense hurricane ‘drought.’”
And let’s face it, similar stuff is available in spades from science-oriented sites on the internet.
Yet the BBC, with its 70% coverage of the nation’s broadcast news, keeps telling us the opposite – relentlessly.
Is there nobody on the BBC Trust who can get a grip of this and ensure we get some balanced reporting?
More proof that the IRS’s illegal treatment of Tea Party and other non-Left groups was directed from Washington, DC, including someone appointed by the President (contrary to what we were originally told about it being limited to a few wrong-uns in Cincinnati), was revealed yesterday, and Rep. Issa is talking about it in Congress today. Did you know the hearings about this scandal were still going on? BBC audiences wouldn’t know, as news regarding this story has been censored for some time now. People at the IRS are starting to talk, not wanting to be the fall guy for their politicized superiors.
Meanwhile, the anchor of BBC World News America and the highest-profile Beeboid in the US is in London to determine if we silly United Statesians are more excited about the Royal Spawning than you Brits are. That’s the BBC fulfilling its remit for you: bringing the UK to the world and the world to the UK.
Deep joy for the BBC, if they had any deficiencies in respect of Savile, it seems that the wicked witch was just as culpable (even if she was not so close to the action)
Thatcher lobbied for Savile knighthood despite warnings
If only somebody at the BBC had told her what they all knew at the time….
This comment is not from James Stables. It’s only a test to see what the deal is with comments in this name suddenly not appearing. This is only a test.
Very queer.
And this is the real James Stables testing again. Please ignore (and if that isn’t setting myself up I don’t know what is…)
It is my email address. I have more than one. If I post with one posts don’t appear on the site, if I post with the other one, they do. How strange.
I don’t see any recent emails added to the block list. Can you give me a hint – a couple of letters or characters or something – so I can check if this other email is being blocked?
James_stables@ — you will see two email addresses
Nothing in the sin bin. Aksimet needs upgrading, but it requires a password above my pay grade.
Thanks for checking — this one works fine so I will stick with it.
Don’t hurry on our account.
Same problem here John. You must have upset Alan who is obviously higher “graded” than David.
John? Oops.
He did delete several of my posts and then edit another one. He is a man devoid of integrity. Best not to engage with people like that, it only encourages them.
Presumably you are one of Mr Stables’s work colleagues. Is that at Broadcasting House or Media City at Salford?
BBC-NUJ are usually keen on some anniversaries. such as Mandela’s 95th birthday, but less keen on others, such as the death of Dr DAVID KELLY, 10 years ago.
Stephen Glover, ‘Daily Mail’ has this:-
“Ten years ago today, Dr Kelly’s body was found. The subsequent cover-up is one of the great scandals of our age”
“As I say, I’m not a natural conspiracy theorist, and I can’t easily accept the idea that this loyal civil servant was murdered by the British State. Much more likely, it seems to me, he was at least partly driven to suicide after being disowned by the MoD, and outed by spin doctors answerable to Alastair Campbell.
“They couldn’t bear that he had told the truth to a BBC journalist, and one way or another they were determined to destroy him. If he wasn’t murdered, he was effectively hounded to his death.”
INBBC supports its chums at Channel 4 on RAMADAN issue, obviously.
Here’s INBBC’s choice of headline:-
“Channel 4 rejects criticism over Ramadan broadcast”
Of course, neither INBBC nor Channel 4 draw attention to this Ramadan:-
-from banned Pamela Geller’s site:-
“Ramadan Bombathon
2013 Scorecard.
“Because, if you think all religions are the same,
then you haven’t been paying attention.”
It’s NOT those ‘men’ again !
The Walsall and Tipton mosque blasts have yielded two arrests and the BBC have managed to give an ethnic description!
“A 25-year-old and 22-year-old, both Eastern European, are being questioned”
This is in stark contrast to the times when the BBC favourite ethnics are arrested for bad behaviour, when their ethnicity is kept a closely guarded secret.
“This is in stark contrast to the times when the BBC favourite ethnics are arrested for bad behaviour, when their ethnicity is kept a closely guarded secret.”
Stands repeating for future reference ,when dealing with
are resident obfuscators and apologists.
I can’t see many links between Eastern Europeans and Islamophobic attacks, although I can see Bulgarians or Poles getting a bit aggressive if P*******i M****m grooming gangs were to try it on with their girls.
What happened to blaming the EDL? I’d like to know the religious background of these “Alabanians”. I remember at the height of the violent breakup of the old Yugoslavia, many Albanians washed up on the shores of Britain claiming to be Kosovans seeking asylum.
Many Eastern Europeans follow the Religion of Peace, those countries once being part of the Ottoman Empire.
What a load of gushing sycophancy….
Please. Somebody. Make it stop!!
Absolutely no praise what so ever for the nasty white people who accepted the offer !
I wonder if Dr John Sentamu will test hs faith in these cuddly folk, by joining some coptic christians in Egypt, just to prove a point of course. A kind of human shield if you like, but one that carries REAL risk.
Da Iawn Dysgwr
Or just wear a Star of David, see what happens.
yes, yorkshire muslims, the nations favourite. where were the 7/7 bombers from again?
According to the article there were 6 EDL protestors and 100 mosque supporters and yet they quote someone as saying the mosque supporters were people of ‘physical and moral courage’. I dunno about you, but I think the 6 protestors were the brave ones.
And there’s no comments from the protestors nor mention of how the protestors conducted themselves other than Sentamu’s characterisation of them as having hostile and extremist views, and being full of anger and hatred ( wait a minute, remind me who are the ones hacking heads off bombing, terrorising, mass-murdering and raping white children again? )
An appallingly biased report.
Current bbc article:
Hot topics apparently include Jesus and The Prophet Muhammad.
Should it not be “Jesus Son of God” if it’s “The Prophet Muhammad” ?
I’ve had enough of this nonsense (and I’m not even afflicted with any religion). Can we get an official declaration from the BBC on this ?
Whatever: yes, it has been complained about numerous times before. People just get fobbed off in typical BBC fashion.
Recent complaints are merely referred to a 2006 web article. If you google “newswatch which prophet? BBC News” you should see it.
Its a rather confused piece, saying what the policy is, then saying there is no policy. They just ignore objections… because they can.
You know, having listened to the BBC reporting on those two bombs in the Midlands near those mosques, I would have put my life savings on the Far Right group called the EDL for doing them. Guess I would have lost my life savings then. Nice one BBC..not.
dont worry, nothing from al beeb yet, but another suspect device found at a mosque in the midlands, im sure they’ll be able to pin this one on the edl as well
Michael Adebolajo, one of the “suspects” in the Lee Rigby murder case, has been viscously attacked in Belmarsh prison and has lost two front teeth.
You see it’s not ALL bad news!
It was Gods will…Insh`allah and Ali Bongo, as they say.
hope the punch that knocked his teeth out was as good as this punch
Muslim terrorist that tried to bomb the EDL knocked out in jail
BBC-NUJ knows all about Islamic violence in British prisons: a report from 2010-
“Donal MacInytre: radical Muslim gangs taking control in British prisons”
“Lee Rigby murder suspect Michael Adebolajo loses two teeth ‘in fight with prison staff following melee’ in Belmarsh high-security wing”
Re the “Christian Church” response to the Islamic threat.
The likes of Sentamu may well have their strengths and stories-but those few Christians that REALLY know the dark heart of |slam( such as Michael-Nazir-Ali) are the Churches wake up call…and the Church would rather sleep.
They seek the peace of the graveyard, and are completely owned and tamed by the merest threat of Islam…and, like the Lefty comedians and the BBC are silent in the face of what Islam does to Christians whenever, wherever it is the dominating force.
The likes of James Jones, Giles Frasers are Stockholm Syndrome suckups and spongebobs.
Jones has some crappy show coming up about “morality and the banking crisis”…need we concern ourselves with what he`s going to say?
Now…”the morality of Islam”?….not a programme that the BBC will ever be making.
Fearless, courageous, speaking truth to power…er, not really as long as scary blokes with dyed bushy beards tend to give off bad body language.
Accurate and penetrating. Nice one Chhris H
The Sermon on the Mount “turn the other cheek” stuff works with people who share the same values, sometimes, but it’s totally useless where an “eye for an eye” is the norm. It’s seen as weakness, nothing more.
:Polls in the US by HuffPo and Rasmussen show that about 40% would have voted Not Guilty in the Zimmerman plus about 20% uncertain – which in eggect is Not Guilty. Less than 40% would have voted Guilty – after well after a year for most of the US media calling for his head, egged on by Obamam his Attorney General Eric Holder and other race-baiters.
Now even Little Angel’s “girlfriend” is saying that from the call he made to her it was Martin who set out to attack Zimmerman – “whip his ass”.
The BBC has been totally unfair to Zimmerman from the beginning – and has still not tried to put the record straight after all its inaccurate and biased reporting. As the BBC is part of the US media scene, I agree with others that if Zimmerman or his family or any of the jurors are harmed, the BBC shares some of the blame for inciting hatred.
THAT is how low the BBC has sunk. Incite hatred against an innocent man.
You know, there are just some nights when I feel so undeserving of the cultural enrichment of my once grey and monocultural country.
‘Two men have been arrested in connection with explosions near mosques in Walsall and Tipton.
A 25-year-old and a 22-year-old, both of Eastern European origin, were arrested in Birmingham just before 3pm.’
Are we sure they are not west Asian?
As in “West Liverpool”, home of the IRA ?
Complete and utter socialist garbage debate on Newsnight Scotland. It really is an intellectually low level of debate.
Unfortunately Scotland is a socialist country. I’ve never understood why they bang on and on about ‘the Tories’ ‘the Tories’ ‘the Tories’ when if they were independent and the Westminster parliament lost all these scummy Scottish Labour MP’s, there would be a larger amount of Conservative MP’s?
“…………. if they were independent and the Westminster parliament lost all these scummy Scottish Labour MP’s, there would be a larger amount of Conservative MP’s?”
It would be interesting to hear the logic behind this assertion.
You also state that “Scotland is a socialist country” but this assertion is not as obvious as you suggest. Until the late 70’s and early 80’s there was a large Conservative vote especially in the areas outside the industrialised central belt. As this Conservative vote diminished it was the SNP who benefited leading their opponents to dub them “Tartan Tories”.
INBBC and sacking of Ms Sam Mason (in 2008) over denial of her choice of taxi driver.
“Sam Mason sacked from BBC radio Bristol”
And this case in UK, 2013:-
And this case in UK, 2013:-
It was in 2003, not 2013.
Page 1 headline, Friday’s ‘Times’ (£):-
“BBC chiefs broke rules over golden handshakes.”
Snippet from ‘Times’:-
“BBC chiefs broke rules over golden handshakes”
By Ben Webster, Media Editor.
“A BBC executive at the centre of the payoff scandal helped to arrange an inflated severance deal for a colleague before leaving with a golden handshake that broke the same rules. Mark Byford, the former deputy director-general, took part in talks over the departure of Pat Loughrey, who received £866,000. Two years later, Mr Byford negotiated an even higher payoff of £1.02 million. In both cases, the payoffs breached BBC policy by including a full year’s salary in lieu of notice, even though the men had already been paid for most or all of their notice period. Steve Barclay, a Tory member of the Commons Public Accounts Committee, criticised the deals yesterday, saying: ‘A clear picture is now emerging of managers inflating the sums paid to colleagues.'”..
They could always, yer know, have three-month notice contracts of the sort that are quite common in the private sector.
They should go to jail, have the police been called in? It is surely criminal.
Detroit goes bankrupt, and the only party mentioned is Republican. Funny that, could’ve sworn Detroit was staunchly Democrat.
Obvious they don’t mention The Messiah’s self-aggrandizing about saving the city.
Btw, last time Detroit had a Republican mayor was 52 years ago.
Well, of course it’s the fault of those nasty Republicans in the House of Representatives in DC and in the State Capitol, with all those cuts that kill, for Detroit’s horrible plight– you think you hear all too much of this sort of nonsense directed at the Tories in the UK, try listening to some idiots in the States like that native Michigander (yes, that’s really what they’re called!) himself, Michael Moore. Believe me, only the accent (and GOP for Tory) is different.
Actually it was The Messiah Himself who denied bailout to Detroit.
You won’t find this one from al-beeb.
Oh, hell, I completely forgot about that. Added to the post. Thanks!
Witty stuff?:-
“Ed Miliband set on reform, but not on break with the BBC”
Why does the BBC remain so hopelessly in thrall to the London 2012 games?
This latest puffery on the BBC news website makes some sensational claims regarding the supposed ‘economic legacy’ of the 2012 Olympics to the UK economy – fairly typical BBC propaganda, then, supported by a dubious government report which is itself endorsed by ‘Call Me Dave’, Boris Johnson and Lord Coe (who, if Private Eye are to be believed, continues to do very well from his various business associations with the games, thanks very much).
All three, in their introductions to the report, seem content to declare the London 2012 games an earth-shattering event of unimaginable success – which happily for the BBC (an organisation which has still not quite recovered from its own 2012 Danny Boyle-induced euphoria) is precisely the ‘social messaging’ the Corporation would like to keep promoting (and, boy, does it).
It would be interesting to know the source of this report – like, for instance, who actually wrote it? Whilst it’s no surprise to see the BBC quick to grandstand such blatant pro-2012 propaganda, breathlessly listing an endless series of hyperbolic claims regarding the alleged ‘economic boost’ of the games to the UK economy (and no doubt to ‘social cohesion’ as a result, eh, comrades?) at no point does the BBC actually tell us anything about the report’s authors.
In fairness, a small sidebar to the main story on the BBC website does actually sound a note of caution regarding the report’s unvarnished claims of rampant 2012 ‘success’. I suppose that’s a small mercy; it’s almost as if the BBC knows the report, once subjected to clear-headed economic analysis knows the figures claimed won’t stack up in the face of scrutiny, so it’s already preparing an alternative narrative – you know, just in case.
The BBC’s tedious, boorish fascination with London 2012, continues, then. All this, and Rio 2016 awaits – champers all round! Air Miles ahoy!
Like everything else that they fawningly and blindly promote , it’s mostly complete bollocks.
Always the way with Public Sector self-auditing.
The costs – clear, tangible, real and large.
The benefits – meh
Well, that alternative narrative was on the Today programme (08.05) where Vince Cable was being questioned quite strongly about the perceived benefits and in a negative way. My company was involved with the Olympics and to be quite honest, for 6 months after the games we were working flat out to keep up with our orders. What we didn’t do was to take on extra staff, we just put in longer hours. Now that things have definitely quietened down, if we had of taken those staff on, I dare say we would now be making them redundant. Running a business is a balancing act and very easy to fall the wrong side of the wire.
Not when you’re the BBC and there is no wrong side of the wire.
“What we didn’t do was to take on extra staff”
Did employment legislation discourage taking on extra staff, or would relaxation have made no difference?
Government to offer tax incentives to companies developing shale gas but the greens……………………….
Puffin number increasing despite…………………..
Reported crime down despite cuts but……………………..
You know the answers.
BBC-NUJ: ‘we’ll stop shale gas, we demand wind farms.’
BBC-NUJ hypocrisy and political bias is firmly entrenched against the development of shale gas, and the potential economic benefits.
Whenever there is a Government announcement on shale gas development, like today, the Harrabin-BBC-NUJ’s ‘Friends of the Earth’ opposition is propagandised, as night follows day.
And as I write this, wind is producing just 578mw of the 39,021mw of electricity being generated.
In other words just 1.48% of our needs.
Harrabin and his lefty fruitcakes need to get down to their nearest wind farm and blow some of their hot air in the direction of those (stationary) turbines.
So the wind farms are not producing enough energy to power the electric fans that people are using in the hot weather?
Now if only people could be persuaded to direct their fans at the wind farms – problem solved.
Brilliant !
Ecoloons hate shale gas – makes ‘the numbers’ for windmills, solar panels, and sundry fruitcakery look even more ridiculous.
And undermines their influence.
Sunny Afternoon by the Kinks
The tax man won’t see all my dough,
Not with my BBC contract – they won’t show,
Lazing on a sunny afternoon.
Well I say tax everything, go ahead tax the lot,
But don’t include how much I’ve got,
All I’ve gots this sunny afternoon.
Save me, save me, save the BBC from the squeeze.
There’s big fat Patton – with no clue how to break me.
And I love to live so pleasantly,
Live this life of hypocrisy,
Lazing on a sunny afternoon.
When it’s Glasto-time
When it’s tennis-time
When it’s any outside broadcast-time
My boyfriends run off with my best dress,
And gone running to the Murdoch press,
Telling tales of sexual abuse and cruelty.
Now Im sitting here,
Sipping at my ice cold beer,
Blaming all of Savile’s wrongs on Maggie.
Help me, help me, help me get a job with Al-Jazerra,
Well give me two good reasons why I oughta stay.
Cause I love to live so pleasantly,
Live this life of luxury,
Lazing on a sunny afternoon.
When it’s Olympics-time
When it’s Question Time
At the end of Mandela-time
Next, ‘Taxman’ or ‘Piggies’ by George Harrison.
Great stuff by Flanders on ‘Today’ this morning with a solid display of leftist economic credentials. Talking about the Olympics:
“Something that cost that much has to have some benefit”.
No, Stephenie. It doesn’t work like that…
Yep – building a stadium for three-quarters of a billion quid and giving ti away for twenty mill benefits – um – ah yes – West Ham United.
Yeh, like the £12 billion poured down the plughole by Labour on the abandoned NHS computer system. Never did hear much from the BBC on that, did we?
Apologies if this has been previously reported (it is worth repeating anyway):-
“We have had historic links with the Labour party going back tens of years to when we didn’t like Thatcher and ran endless alternative comedian shows. And then we loved Tony Blair and the night of the champagne bottles and we willingly promoted Union Jack knickers for reason that are now unclear.. But, we have had our differences in the past.. And they have even taken down some of our director generals like during the Iraq war.
But the BBC was and still is a left wing organisation made up of liberal, left leaning, socially aware, ultra trendy, progressive, vegetarian hipsters. There are 250 copies of the Guardian for every one of the Telegraph. We aren’t ever going to offer the Tories support. On the issue of political choice the science has long been settled. Vote Labour”
For ‘socially aware’ read socialistically naive.
“Alcohol deaths in young women show ‘worrying rise’“, trumpets the headline. Or you could settle for the link from the main page titled “Alcohol deaths ‘up’ in young women“.
The article then goes on to say:
“Experts looked at deaths in men and women of all ages in Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester from 1980 to 2011.
They said the results for women born in the 1970s should be a “warning signal” about their drinking habits.
They say minimum pricing, shelved this week as a plan to tackle binge drinking by the government in England and Wales, would help address the issue.”
Only then does it mention, almost as an aside:
“But while rates have plateaued or even fallen slightly for the majority…”
By then, of course, the seed has been planted.
So, what the study really shows is that alcohol deaths are decreasing. Why, then was that not the headline? Not sensational enough, perchance? Or not supportive of the BBC agenda to control our tobacco and alcohol intake? You pays your money (£145.50) and you takes your choice.
Note the difference in reporting Woolwich murder suspect, and violence in prison:-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“Lee Rigby murder suspect Michael Adebolajo loses two teeth ‘in fight with prison staff following melee’ in Belmarsh high-security wing”
2.) BBC-NUJ-
“Michael Adebolajo ‘attacked in jail'”
Prison officer on Sky a short while ago angry at the grotesquely misleading BBC headline (“attacked”). Didn’t mention the source by name unfortunately.
Investigative, but one sided journalism from the BBC’s Asian Network reveals the cost of policing EDL marches and concludes that they are not welcome in Birmingham.
However, more accurate research might reveal costs of controlling intentional violence from the UAF, who on their websites and Facebook Pages, reveal a very firm commitment to maintaining their ‘No Platform’ policy to the EDL, and indeed other groups by physical means.
Yes, inevitably INBBC turns to its INBBC apartheid Asian Network to blame English Defence League for cost of all demonstrations.
The costs incurred by obstructive UAF are not mentioned.
BBC-NUJ official policy diktat is to politically oppose the English Defence League, and this is reflected in the biased ‘reporting’ on the eve of the English Defence League demo in Birmingham, this Saturday.
“Why We are Coming to Birmingham”
George, R. I noted in the link the meeting times and request from the EDL to cooperate with the police. However, the police are not going to cooperate, and intend to kettle the EDL in and around a pub for several hours, much to the delight of the UAF, (according to their FB page) who will be celebrating their victory on the streets applauded by the BBC no doubt.
The UK government (Cameron-Clegg-May-Warsi) supported by all Islamic organisations- Labour Party-UAF-all the MSM (NUJ,anti-EDL policy driven) are doing the Organisation of Islamic Conference’s work in getting all criticism of Islam banned.
First, it was Spencer and Geller to be banned…