She may be dead but the BBC still cannot resist having a go. This time, they say…
“Thatcher lobbied for Savile knighthood despite warnings…”
I see. Would that be Jimmy Savile, the much loved BBC star, a diamond in their constellation of talent for decades “despite warnings”. Would that be the SAME Jimmy Savile that the BBC felt obliged to pay tribute to after his death when the “warnings” were rather more clear than in the 1980s when Margaret Thatcher was PM? Yes, it seems Thatcher was taking in Savile but it was the BBC who provided him with his perch for DECADES.
Funny how there’s no comments section to go with the article…
Yes, I have been reading about Mrs Thatcher and Jimmy Savile for a couple of days now and interesting reading it makes. The civil servants way back in the 1980’s had their doubts about Jimmy Savile, so one must ask, what the hell were the BBC doing? They must have known because just about everyone else did. In my mind they are as guilty as Savile and those that knew who covered up the abuse need to feel the long arm of the law on their collar. Only then will justice be seen to be served for the victims of this BBC cover up.
Exactly, OldBloke. No chance for Thatcher’s supporters to play the “it was a different time” defense like the BBC did when the Savile story first broke. If the BBC had spoken up at the time about what they all knew, just think of what unpleasantness could have been avoided for all concerned. But they didn’t and now continue in the attempts to distract from their own sins.
And as of yet, despite all the innuendo to the contrary, there is no evidence that Lady Thatcher helped Saville to procure his victims. The BBC on the other hand….
wait till the bbc have to start paying these millions of pounds of compensation out to all these victims of former paedo bbc employees like saville and co.oh yes it will be muggings me and you that will have to pay for all this out of are tv licence fee that we are forced to pay,no wonder that the bbc are hinting at a increase in the tv license fee next year just to pay off all these victims of sex scandals at the bbc.
And you could add………….” without the requirement to interfere or curtail their corporate self indulgences.”