You hit the nail on the head mate: ” concerted”
Some folk wont believe the hit squad is organised by al beeba. I do.
I know it’s repetition, but if I was running a four billion quid protection racket like al beeba, I’d make every effort to hassle sites like this.
Is INBBC now developing a more systematic ‘Janus’-faced political approach to its global reporting for ISLAM, as does Islamic Qatar broadcaster, ‘Al Jazeera’?
Qatar’s Islamic ‘Al Jazeera’ has two key TV channels:
1.)’AL JAZEERA ARABIC’:- based in Qatar, it is a hard, Islamic, Arabic, Muslim Brotherhood version for its Middle East audience; and-
2.) ‘Al JAZEERA ENGLISH’:- soon to be based in the Qatar-owned Shard skyscraper in the City of London, staffed by many ex-Beeboids, inc Rageh Omaar, puts out a politically softer Islamic line for its mainly European audience.
On PARIS, late in the day, INBBC has two versions:-
1.) ‘BBC Mundo’
“Tension in suburban Paris after ban on wearing the full veil”
[Misleading opening paragraph, politically designed for Islamic audience’s consumption]-
“The suburb of Trappes in Paris has a second night of violent protests over the decision to ban the wearing of full Islamic veil in public places.”
Ah, notre français barbecue de voiture d’été traditionnel. Une importation culturelle dynamique qui illumine les banlieues de Paris et améliore la France incommensurable..
Nous avons remarqué en 2010 que vous étiez anglais copiez cette réalisation culturelle française.
The BBC’s sacking of MS SAM MASON, and Beeboids, inc BBC-NUJ, seem still not to be interested in reversing that grossly unfair decision.
“UK Taxi Rapes:
‘No Woman is Safe in a Cab'”
by Soeren Kern.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Taxi rapes are rarely reported; apparently because the politically incorrect crimes are not deemed to be newsworthy. BBC radio host Sam Mason, a single mother, was fired after she called a taxi company and requested a ‘non-Asian’ driver to take her 14-year-old daughter to her grandparents’ home; preferably a female driver. The operator refused, and said, ‘We would class that as being racist.’ Mason responded, ‘It’s not your 14-year-old girl.’ A BBC spokesman said, ‘[Mason’s] comments were completely unacceptable…she will no longer be working for the BBC.'”
Which comedian should we nominate to go on hunger strike then?
And the craven Lefties inevitable offer of Mel Smith will NOT do.
Frankie Boyle…I`d suggest Jimmy Carr to balance up the kind of “funnymen” we`re prepared to get passionately behind.
So that Guantanamo is set free by Obama-oh, how he`d love to do so; but nasty Dubya hid the keys.
And-if any comics are STILL with us at the end of this campaign…why not a Johnny Cash-type cheridee gig of all the talents to formally close Gitmo?
It`s all rock and roll to them after all-and they`re REAL rebels unlike that black-clad Jesus freak with but a couple of tunes and a so-so voice.
Johnny Cash-Russell Howard-I think we all know who REALLY changed things!
Women’s soccer was on the up and up until the BBC swung extensive resources behind coverage of Euro 2013 across BBC TV and radio. The result? England women’s team have crashed out at the initial group stage of the tournament.
Meanwhile the BBC/Labour supporting Mirror’s very lame Cameron jinx just won’t fly..
Reckon you`ve got a case here.
Everytime England get filmed playing footie on the telly in the World Cup/Euro Championship…why , they serially underachieve and come home in disgrace.
Time maybe to ban the BBC from covering our national footie until we get some good…THEN let the BBC back in to enjoy it.
What say you?…the BBC Jinx…Jinxy Savile!
Twenty-nine-year-old Daniel Adkins, a mentally disabled Hispanic, was walking his dog by a Taco Bell in Arizona when he was almost hit by a black man at the drive thru. Adkins and the unidentified man had an angry exchange, which led the 22-year-old black man to shoot Adkins, killing him, according to Fox News.
The man was driving his car with a pregnant woman in the passenger seat. At first, the couple said that Adkins was waving a metal object, such as a pipe. However, no weapon was found at the scene, according to the local news. The man who killed Adkins claimed self-defence and has not yet been arrested.
This case is quite reminiscent of the Trayvon Martin case, in which an unarmed black teenager was killed by a neighborhood watch man, George Zimmerman, a Hispanic, who claimed self-defence and started a media frenzy about racism and was even commented upon by the president. Interestingly, Daniel Adkins is not referred to in the local stories as a “white Hispanic” although that is how many sources described George Zimmerman. Why was the shooter not identified in the news, but George Zimmerman was? How is this case different than the Trayvon Martin case, which has dominated the mainstream media?
Sensible black man discussing the Trayvon Martin case, he doesn’t like ”race hustling, butt dancing negroes like Al Sharpton etc etc.”
Why is it when an African American does a critique of his fellow blacks, it’s seen as wise and insightful, but if a white guy said exactly the same thing, it’s seem as ‘waaycist ‘ ?
But then, what defines hate speech, hate crime & hate thought is not what is said, done or thought, but WHO says it…
Very simple video exposition by George Whittle of why the BBC’s treatment of the Martin/Zimmerman case has been a tissue of lies and misinformation. And is still a bunch of crap even AFTER a long jury trial :
The Left are fond of going back to the Dreyfus case over a hundred years ago in France. But if we look at the Martin/Zimmerman case it is clear that the contemporary Left would have convicted Dreyfus. Either the Left have changed or they were never interested in justice in the first place.
In London, where Luther is set, 10.1% of Met officers are black or from other ethnic minorities (BME), compared with 5% nationally, according to Home Office figures.
So your fictional 0.1% was only out by a factor of 100x. Which given your track record, is probably an improvement.
Yes the BBC ought to make dramas celebrating high achievers in the policeforce from ethnic minorities, such as Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur and Commander Ali Dizaei. Oh wait.
Actually those stories would be quite interesting dramas if told properly. Unlike David Brims’ story, where a sad little racist sits at home making stuff up on the Internet to try and justify his own prejudices.
Just watched the clip of Bill Whittle, he’s very good, the only problem is at the end, when he mentions the ‘revered’ Martin Luther King. but then, Whittle is not a race realist.
The reality is King was a communist, a plagiarist and an adulterer, rumour has it, he also had homosexual affairs too.
Why have the comments made by Adebolajo’s brother been on the news at all? He was not a witness to the events, involving prison guards, so what he says is worth nothing.
Ironically the BBC has lots of really secure bomb proof bunkers dotted across the country. Built from the late 40’s onwards as part of the civil defence network to ensure that the ‘government’ could communicate with the population after a bolshevik attack. I wonder who is on the list of ‘talent’ who are nominated to staff these holes today? There is such a list but no doubt this is some sort of state secret.
Post apocalypse and I suspect that we still have Jim Nauchty to criticise the disposition of the deterrent, Russell Brand to abuse the one remaining phone line, Jeremy Hardy because even a nuclear bomb couldn’t get him off the BBC, and Brigstock of course he will be as happy as a pig in s**t because there will be no use of electricity, the population will be 12% of current and we will not be able to travel anywhere……
Have any of the trolls tried to deny that the BBC’s treatment of the Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman matter has been incorrect and biased from the start – for 15 months now and still the BBC bias carries on ?
Liberals / marxists like Albaman always bring up the date to add weight to their argument. I’ve heard it all before and it’s completely irrelevant and spurious.
There’s certain truths and values that remain constant and timeless, like Diane Abbot is a moron for example.
That’s called idle curiosity, maybe I will go into further detail about the Luther programme, then again, maybe not, see how I feel. Tonight, I really can’t be bothered !
“The BBC’s attitude to the public can best be described as institutional arrogance. It is amazingly unconscious of its own faults.
“This weekend we see two examples of this insensitivity. The first is in its payment of enormous pensions to former staff, confident that these colossal liabilities will be borne by citizens, compelled by law to pay the licence fee.
“The second is its invitation to Russell Brand, right, to appear on the radio programme Desert Island Discs. Once, this was close to being an honour.
“Of late, it has become celebrity-obsessed. But even by the programme’s current mediocre standards, Mr Brand is an odd choice. He is not exactly a national treasure. The Corporation itself deemed his behaviour ‘grossly offensive’ in 2008, after he made lewd on-air telephone calls to Andrew Sachs.
“By giving Mr Brand valuable free publicity just when he happens to be promoting a potentially lucrative tour, the BBC is thumbing its nose at the many listeners who were rightly distressed by his behaviour. Meanwhile, there must be dozens of distinguished men and women far more worthy of this privilege. ”
The BBC’s attitude to the public can best be described as institutional arrogance. It is amazingly unconscious of its own faults.
This weekend we see two examples of this insensitivity. The first is in its payment of enormous pensions to former staff, confident that these colossal liabilities will be borne by citizens, compelled by law to pay the licence fee.
The second is its invitation to Russell Brand, right, to appear on the radio programme Desert Island Discs. Once, this was close to being an honour.
Of late, it has become celebrity-obsessed. But even by the programme’s current mediocre standards, Mr Brand is an odd choice. He is not exactly a national treasure. The Corporation itself deemed his behaviour ‘grossly offensive’ in 2008, after he made lewd on-air telephone calls to Andrew Sachs.
By giving Mr Brand valuable free publicity just when he happens to be promoting a potentially lucrative tour, the BBC is thumbing its nose at the many listeners who were rightly distressed by his behaviour. Meanwhile, there must be dozens of distinguished men and women far more worthy of this privilege.
In fact I don’t believe in jinxes – except possibly Gordon Brown. Unlike the BBC presenters (inlcuding everyones favourite of the moment : John Inverdale) and the Labour spinners who tried to get the idea of David Cameron being a jinx off the ground.
By the way Chris, do you know any conservatives at the BBC who are happy with the balance of views expressed by the Corporation and are willing to come on here and chat?
Why post it then, if it’s not evidence of bias at the BBC?
I don’t know anybody at the BBC personally, if that’s what you mean. I have said before that the BBC is biased in some issues, but there are times when people here perceive bias where I don’t think there is any, hence my posts.
If so, I’m not sure it amounts to anti-Tory bias. Maybe if it had been Ed Miliband the BBC would have done the same, although I don’t know. Also, as Albaman pointed out, the Daily Mail also published it.
Excuse me if I don’t trudge back to refer directly to my posts but the incidents were : 1. John Inverdale in a hand over with John Pienaar on BBC 5 Live. Out of nowhere Inverdale tried twice to make the PM jinx joke. Pienaar, a seasoned political reporter, perhaps aware of the Labour spinning involved, tried to calm him down. Perhaps Inverdale ought to have tucked his trunk in pre his sexist Wimbledon ramblings. 2. Saturday 9pm BBC News 24 where John Bond made a snide remark about the PM’s visit to the Olympic Park and again harped on the jinx. When his report was shown on BBC1 at 10pm his biased and meaningless jibe was cut.
From these inccidents I infer that the BBC sports office culture is anti-Cameron. How would you explain them? If casual remarks expose sexism then how about casual Leftist remarks?
Erroneous, it’s not a question of value for money, the license fee / tax could be tuppence, it’s a question of, if you don’t watch the BBC, you still have to fork out £150 a year for it, is that fair ?
Ok I admit it the BBC trolls are starting to annoy me here…
1. With no proof we provide opinion. (yes this allowed on Biased BBC.. not on BBC)
2. Facts are not important… it’s all about the Journey )on Bisead BBC we prefer facts)
3. If you do not follow our/Labour/BBC line you are racists
4. responsibility is not important, just rights
5. Rights are assigned according to our/Labour/BBC list of the most deserving
6 these must be assigned in the correct order Sunni(50 points), Shia (30 points), other Muslim (25 Points),Black (used to be 40 now 15 points), Gay (used to be 40 now 10), Lesbian (used to be 30 now 5), Trans (used to be 20 now 0),
Female (used to be 50 now 0 in accordance with Sunni/Shia dictates), Male (used to be 0 now -10, unless ‘Asian’ then +10), White (used to be -10, now -40), English (-10), Welsh (+5), Scottish (+10), Immigrant (+30) … keep up the weekly merry go round changes each week for the BBC
Huge article on how vulnerable Muslims feel. No comment about how unfounded those alleged worries are, just more about the poor victimised Muslims.
Maybe if they’d behave themselves they wouldn’t have so much to worry about? Even if the very tolerant white people have done nothing what so ever to give any grounds to those fears.
The BBC mindset regarding their self indulgent use of the licence fee:
“We can make excuses for the lack of quality in our programming, especially as we don’t actually have to earn our keep, so let’s use the money to enrich ourselves”
The BBC mindset regarding their self indulgent bias in their broadcasting:
“We can make excuses and dismiss complaints to justify the way we portray issues of the day, especially as we are our own arbiters, so let’s distort reality to further our own agenda and increase our own power”
Neil Turner is the man who set up a petition to require a referendum over the BBC licence fee. Unfortunately it expired in June without receiving nearly enough votes.
Back in April he wrote an excellent piece in the Commentator about his reasons for it, and his family connection to the BBC The BBC: My family’s business
He now writes another excellent piece at ‘Harry’s Place’, about his experiences submitting complaints to the BBC over their anti-Israel propaganda, and their typical responses.
The sheeple in this country can’t see the BBC for what it is, a propaganda machine.
All part of the bread and circuses or ready meals and crappy TV as it should be called.
So long as the public has something to eat and some extra tripe on the box then they are fairly passive. When the shelves become too expensive or empty then the hunger pangs will wake them up from their stupor.
David Starkey’s new show was a little unusual. A celebration of English history and culture.
But there was something missing that normally marks out the BBC history documentary. You know, the BBC history money shot. It was that moment where the presenter holds up some minor artifact originating from the far end of the Mediterranean and lovingly declares ‘This shows how fabulously DIVERSE society was!’
Not to worry, Prof Starkey will not be contributing to Horrible Histories. Normal service will be resummed.
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
pugnaziousFeb 23, 00:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Despite it being confirmed as an Islamist terror attack the BBC’s headline is this…. ‘One dead in stabbing in French…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir Do not have any contact with Crapita or Al Beeb whatsoever. Just tell your bank to stop paying out,…
Can we have a new open thread please?
Concerted effort by our host of trolls over the last few days.
Just saying, like. Not suggesting anything, you understand.
And why they remain so fatally attracted to this site still remains a mystery……
You hit the nail on the head mate: ” concerted”
Some folk wont believe the hit squad is organised by al beeba. I do.
I know it’s repetition, but if I was running a four billion quid protection racket like al beeba, I’d make every effort to hassle sites like this.
No evidence for that, of course.
Do you call anyone who disagrees with you a troll? Bit of an ad hom, don’t you think? As people rightly say here, play the ball, not the man.
I have no connection to the BBC. I have never met Albaman, dez, Scott, Colditz, Persona non Grata et al.
Is it not possible that there are people who agree that the BBC is biased on some issues, but not on others? That’s my position.
“Some folk wont believe the hit squad is organised by al beeba. I do.”
Well in my case you are wrong.
The two faces of INBBC.
Is INBBC now developing a more systematic ‘Janus’-faced political approach to its global reporting for ISLAM, as does Islamic Qatar broadcaster, ‘Al Jazeera’?
Qatar’s Islamic ‘Al Jazeera’ has two key TV channels:
1.)’AL JAZEERA ARABIC’:- based in Qatar, it is a hard, Islamic, Arabic, Muslim Brotherhood version for its Middle East audience; and-
2.) ‘Al JAZEERA ENGLISH’:- soon to be based in the Qatar-owned Shard skyscraper in the City of London, staffed by many ex-Beeboids, inc Rageh Omaar, puts out a politically softer Islamic line for its mainly European audience.
On PARIS, late in the day, INBBC has two versions:-
1.) ‘BBC Mundo’
“Tension in suburban Paris after ban on wearing the full veil”
[Misleading opening paragraph, politically designed for Islamic audience’s consumption]-
“The suburb of Trappes in Paris has a second night of violent protests over the decision to ban the wearing of full Islamic veil in public places.”
2.) INBBC-Europe online version:
“France veil row sparks Trappes unrest”
Note: a different sort of first paragraph, designed for different audience:-
“Crowds of [……] youths have thrown stones at French police and set fire to cars in a second night of disturbances in the Paris suburb of Trappes”.
“The Qatari Takeover of France”
Ah, notre français barbecue de voiture d’été traditionnel. Une importation culturelle dynamique qui illumine les banlieues de Paris et améliore la France incommensurable..
Nous avons remarqué en 2010 que vous étiez anglais copiez cette réalisation culturelle française.
The BBC’s sacking of MS SAM MASON, and Beeboids, inc BBC-NUJ, seem still not to be interested in reversing that grossly unfair decision.
“UK Taxi Rapes:
‘No Woman is Safe in a Cab'”
by Soeren Kern.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Taxi rapes are rarely reported; apparently because the politically incorrect crimes are not deemed to be newsworthy. BBC radio host Sam Mason, a single mother, was fired after she called a taxi company and requested a ‘non-Asian’ driver to take her 14-year-old daughter to her grandparents’ home; preferably a female driver. The operator refused, and said, ‘We would class that as being racist.’ Mason responded, ‘It’s not your 14-year-old girl.’ A BBC spokesman said, ‘[Mason’s] comments were completely unacceptable…she will no longer be working for the BBC.'”
Oh, Beeboids want SHAKER AAMER released form Gitmo instead!
“Britain seeks release of the Guantanamo ‘professor'”
Which comedian should we nominate to go on hunger strike then?
And the craven Lefties inevitable offer of Mel Smith will NOT do.
Frankie Boyle…I`d suggest Jimmy Carr to balance up the kind of “funnymen” we`re prepared to get passionately behind.
So that Guantanamo is set free by Obama-oh, how he`d love to do so; but nasty Dubya hid the keys.
And-if any comics are STILL with us at the end of this campaign…why not a Johnny Cash-type cheridee gig of all the talents to formally close Gitmo?
It`s all rock and roll to them after all-and they`re REAL rebels unlike that black-clad Jesus freak with but a couple of tunes and a so-so voice.
Johnny Cash-Russell Howard-I think we all know who REALLY changed things!
BBC itching to spin the “Adebolajo mistreated by nasty prison guards” into a “prison service is racist” story.
And BBC-NUJ censors out what it knows about Muslims in U.K prisons:-
“Growing fears over Muslim prison ‘gangs'”
Is the BBC a jinx?
Women’s soccer was on the up and up until the BBC swung extensive resources behind coverage of Euro 2013 across BBC TV and radio. The result? England women’s team have crashed out at the initial group stage of the tournament.
Meanwhile the BBC/Labour supporting Mirror’s very lame Cameron jinx just won’t fly..
‘Fortunately there was no sign of the “curse of Cameron” which has jinxed many British sporting hopefuls’
Really? Who were they?
Reckon you`ve got a case here.
Everytime England get filmed playing footie on the telly in the World Cup/Euro Championship…why , they serially underachieve and come home in disgrace.
Time maybe to ban the BBC from covering our national footie until we get some good…THEN let the BBC back in to enjoy it.
What say you?…the BBC Jinx…Jinxy Savile!
A quick reference back to Zimmerman.
Twenty-nine-year-old Daniel Adkins, a mentally disabled Hispanic, was walking his dog by a Taco Bell in Arizona when he was almost hit by a black man at the drive thru. Adkins and the unidentified man had an angry exchange, which led the 22-year-old black man to shoot Adkins, killing him, according to Fox News.
The man was driving his car with a pregnant woman in the passenger seat. At first, the couple said that Adkins was waving a metal object, such as a pipe. However, no weapon was found at the scene, according to the local news. The man who killed Adkins claimed self-defence and has not yet been arrested.
This case is quite reminiscent of the Trayvon Martin case, in which an unarmed black teenager was killed by a neighborhood watch man, George Zimmerman, a Hispanic, who claimed self-defence and started a media frenzy about racism and was even commented upon by the president. Interestingly, Daniel Adkins is not referred to in the local stories as a “white Hispanic” although that is how many sources described George Zimmerman. Why was the shooter not identified in the news, but George Zimmerman was? How is this case different than the Trayvon Martin case, which has dominated the mainstream media?
Sensible black man discussing the Trayvon Martin case, he doesn’t like ”race hustling, butt dancing negroes like Al Sharpton etc etc.”
Why is it when an African American does a critique of his fellow blacks, it’s seen as wise and insightful, but if a white guy said exactly the same thing, it’s seem as ‘waaycist ‘ ?
But then, what defines hate speech, hate crime & hate thought is not what is said, done or thought, but WHO says it…
I see the BBC are misrepresenting the Japanese memo to the British government, concerning EU membership.
At no point int he memo does it say jobs will be lost in the UK:
The BBC likes to scare with:
“Japan suggests UK jobs would be lost on EU exit”
The BBC really is full of pro EU BS.
This is worth a look , because the BBC won’t let people know.
See 1:24 pm comment, above.
Very simple video exposition by George Whittle of why the BBC’s treatment of the Martin/Zimmerman case has been a tissue of lies and misinformation. And is still a bunch of crap even AFTER a long jury trial :
The Left are fond of going back to the Dreyfus case over a hundred years ago in France. But if we look at the Martin/Zimmerman case it is clear that the contemporary Left would have convicted Dreyfus. Either the Left have changed or they were never interested in justice in the first place.
Correction,Bill Whittle.
At the top of that website is an advert for the BBC Black detective show, Luther.
A ”black detective’ ? Contrived.
In what way is having a black lead actor “contrived”?
99.9 % of the police force is white, duh !
Factually incorrect, as usual.
In London, where Luther is set, 10.1% of Met officers are black or from other ethnic minorities (BME), compared with 5% nationally, according to Home Office figures.
So your fictional 0.1% was only out by a factor of 100x. Which given your track record, is probably an improvement.
Yes the BBC ought to make dramas celebrating high achievers in the policeforce from ethnic minorities, such as Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur and Commander Ali Dizaei. Oh wait.
Actually those stories would be quite interesting dramas if told properly. Unlike David Brims’ story, where a sad little racist sits at home making stuff up on the Internet to try and justify his own prejudices.
”where a sad little racist sits at home making stuff up on the Internet to try and justify his own prejudices. ”
Hmm, self projecting, perhaps ?
“Hmm, self projecting, perhaps ?”
Not the first time you’ve used that phrase to get out of admitting that you’ve made stuff up, is it, David?
Don’t you mean “sad little waaycist”? That’s what he prefers to be called.
A Negro Detective?
How original.
What century are we living in when a person who claims to be as intelligent as David Brims considers a “black detective” as evidence of bias?
”What century are we living in.”
21st century mate, I’m glad to be of assistance, have you just awoke from the drug fueled, hippy, groovy 1960s ?
Whereas you still have to drag yourself out of the 1860’s!!
Sorry to disappoint but a bit young to remember “the drug fueled, hippy, groovy 1960s”.
I think the keyword is “claims”, Albaman. There’s little to no supporting evidence to back up the claim, however.
Just watched the clip of Bill Whittle, he’s very good, the only problem is at the end, when he mentions the ‘revered’ Martin Luther King. but then, Whittle is not a race realist.
The reality is King was a communist, a plagiarist and an adulterer, rumour has it, he also had homosexual affairs too.
Why have the comments made by Adebolajo’s brother been on the news at all? He was not a witness to the events, involving prison guards, so what he says is worth nothing.
I hope that bunker the BBC has built is really secure, they going to need it soon.
Ironically the BBC has lots of really secure bomb proof bunkers dotted across the country. Built from the late 40’s onwards as part of the civil defence network to ensure that the ‘government’ could communicate with the population after a bolshevik attack. I wonder who is on the list of ‘talent’ who are nominated to staff these holes today? There is such a list but no doubt this is some sort of state secret.
Post apocalypse and I suspect that we still have Jim Nauchty to criticise the disposition of the deterrent, Russell Brand to abuse the one remaining phone line, Jeremy Hardy because even a nuclear bomb couldn’t get him off the BBC, and Brigstock of course he will be as happy as a pig in s**t because there will be no use of electricity, the population will be 12% of current and we will not be able to travel anywhere……
Perhaps an FOI would be worth while
Strangely another article from the DM that GeorgeR has failed to bring to everyones attention:
“We’ve a lot of people who listen from abroad”
lucky them, they dont have to pay for it.
Maybe because it’s absolute piffle.
Looks like 15m disagree with you. Ever feel that you are in a minority?
Ah, but Albaman, you forget: 99.9% of people that David Brims just invented out of thin air agree with him.
Sell it off to pay for the BBC Pension Scheme deficit instead of taking another £billion from the licence fee.
Have any of the trolls tried to deny that the BBC’s treatment of the Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman matter has been incorrect and biased from the start – for 15 months now and still the BBC bias carries on ?
”What century are we living in .”
Liberals / marxists like Albaman always bring up the date to add weight to their argument. I’ve heard it all before and it’s completely irrelevant and spurious.
There’s certain truths and values that remain constant and timeless, like Diane Abbot is a moron for example.
Do you believe that having a black detective like Luther is evidence of bias?
Why, if I may ask?
No, you may not ask !
So you make an accusation of bias with no justification.
I see no reason why we should take your accusation seriously.
Do you always use ‘we’ when talking about yourself, isn’t that a sign of schizophrenia ?
Play the ball, not the man. After all, that’s what you accuse those who defend the BBC here of not doing.
Why is having a black detective evidence of bias?
That’s called idle curiosity, maybe I will go into further detail about the Luther programme, then again, maybe not, see how I feel. Tonight, I really can’t be bothered !
Hasn’t BBC-NUJ missed a reporting trick here?:
‘Mail on Sunday’-
“Brand-tarnished BBC.”
“The BBC’s attitude to the public can best be described as institutional arrogance. It is amazingly unconscious of its own faults.
“This weekend we see two examples of this insensitivity. The first is in its payment of enormous pensions to former staff, confident that these colossal liabilities will be borne by citizens, compelled by law to pay the licence fee.
“The second is its invitation to Russell Brand, right, to appear on the radio programme Desert Island Discs. Once, this was close to being an honour.
“Of late, it has become celebrity-obsessed. But even by the programme’s current mediocre standards, Mr Brand is an odd choice. He is not exactly a national treasure. The Corporation itself deemed his behaviour ‘grossly offensive’ in 2008, after he made lewd on-air telephone calls to Andrew Sachs.
“By giving Mr Brand valuable free publicity just when he happens to be promoting a potentially lucrative tour, the BBC is thumbing its nose at the many listeners who were rightly distressed by his behaviour. Meanwhile, there must be dozens of distinguished men and women far more worthy of this privilege. ”
The BBC’s attitude to the public can best be described as institutional arrogance. It is amazingly unconscious of its own faults.
This weekend we see two examples of this insensitivity. The first is in its payment of enormous pensions to former staff, confident that these colossal liabilities will be borne by citizens, compelled by law to pay the licence fee.
The second is its invitation to Russell Brand, right, to appear on the radio programme Desert Island Discs. Once, this was close to being an honour.
Of late, it has become celebrity-obsessed. But even by the programme’s current mediocre standards, Mr Brand is an odd choice. He is not exactly a national treasure. The Corporation itself deemed his behaviour ‘grossly offensive’ in 2008, after he made lewd on-air telephone calls to Andrew Sachs.
By giving Mr Brand valuable free publicity just when he happens to be promoting a potentially lucrative tour, the BBC is thumbing its nose at the many listeners who were rightly distressed by his behaviour. Meanwhile, there must be dozens of distinguished men and women far more worthy of this privilege.
[Scroll down.]
I see the jinx of extensive BBC TV and radio coverage has struck again.
Having just nobbled the England women’s football team the BBC jinx returns to put the mockers on Lee Westwood at the Open.
Thank goodness the Ashes are only to been seen on Sky and Channel 5.
A strange post, seeing as the BBC also covers Wimbledon, which was won by a Brit this year.
In fact I don’t believe in jinxes – except possibly Gordon Brown. Unlike the BBC presenters (inlcuding everyones favourite of the moment : John Inverdale) and the Labour spinners who tried to get the idea of David Cameron being a jinx off the ground.
By the way Chris, do you know any conservatives at the BBC who are happy with the balance of views expressed by the Corporation and are willing to come on here and chat?
Why post it then, if it’s not evidence of bias at the BBC?
I don’t know anybody at the BBC personally, if that’s what you mean. I have said before that the BBC is biased in some issues, but there are times when people here perceive bias where I don’t think there is any, hence my posts.
Read back to my posts where I cited John Inverdale’s jinx bias and then BBC News 24’s similar attempt at the jinx meme. That’s bias if ever I saw it.
Is this the one you’re talking about?
(It’s towards the bottom of the page)
If so, I’m not sure it amounts to anti-Tory bias. Maybe if it had been Ed Miliband the BBC would have done the same, although I don’t know. Also, as Albaman pointed out, the Daily Mail also published it.
Excuse me if I don’t trudge back to refer directly to my posts but the incidents were : 1. John Inverdale in a hand over with John Pienaar on BBC 5 Live. Out of nowhere Inverdale tried twice to make the PM jinx joke. Pienaar, a seasoned political reporter, perhaps aware of the Labour spinning involved, tried to calm him down. Perhaps Inverdale ought to have tucked his trunk in pre his sexist Wimbledon ramblings. 2. Saturday 9pm BBC News 24 where John Bond made a snide remark about the PM’s visit to the Olympic Park and again harped on the jinx. When his report was shown on BBC1 at 10pm his biased and meaningless jibe was cut.
From these inccidents I infer that the BBC sports office culture is anti-Cameron. How would you explain them? If casual remarks expose sexism then how about casual Leftist remarks?
The BBC is great value for money.
Billy, my little troll chum
Erroneous, it’s not a question of value for money, the license fee / tax could be tuppence, it’s a question of, if you don’t watch the BBC, you still have to fork out £150 a year for it, is that fair ?
But We need to support one our great British institutions.
But if you don’t the BBC will cease to exist.
Hmm, not a bad idea…
But this site would no longer exist.
What would you do to pass the time?
Persona non grata
”Not the first time you’ve used that phrase to get out of admitting that you’ve made stuff up, is it, David?”
Hello Scott.
Scott is the left-wing homosexual.
Well, if you say so.
I’m not denying who I am. Why are you denying that you make facts up to suit your own racist beliefs?
”I’m not denying who I am.”
So why did you change your moniker then ?
Because Alan put blocks on my original one, so even when people were saying abusive things about me, I couldn’t reply to them.
Ok I admit it the BBC trolls are starting to annoy me here…
1. With no proof we provide opinion. (yes this allowed on Biased BBC.. not on BBC)
2. Facts are not important… it’s all about the Journey )on Bisead BBC we prefer facts)
3. If you do not follow our/Labour/BBC line you are racists
4. responsibility is not important, just rights
5. Rights are assigned according to our/Labour/BBC list of the most deserving
6 these must be assigned in the correct order Sunni(50 points), Shia (30 points), other Muslim (25 Points),Black (used to be 40 now 15 points), Gay (used to be 40 now 10), Lesbian (used to be 30 now 5), Trans (used to be 20 now 0),
Female (used to be 50 now 0 in accordance with Sunni/Shia dictates), Male (used to be 0 now -10, unless ‘Asian’ then +10), White (used to be -10, now -40), English (-10), Welsh (+5), Scottish (+10), Immigrant (+30) … keep up the weekly merry go round changes each week for the BBC
You need help.
Huge article on how vulnerable Muslims feel. No comment about how unfounded those alleged worries are, just more about the poor victimised Muslims.
Maybe if they’d behave themselves they wouldn’t have so much to worry about? Even if the very tolerant white people have done nothing what so ever to give any grounds to those fears.
The BBC mindset regarding their self indulgent use of the licence fee:
“We can make excuses for the lack of quality in our programming, especially as we don’t actually have to earn our keep, so let’s use the money to enrich ourselves”
The BBC mindset regarding their self indulgent bias in their broadcasting:
“We can make excuses and dismiss complaints to justify the way we portray issues of the day, especially as we are our own arbiters, so let’s distort reality to further our own agenda and increase our own power”
A cancer on our society!
Fury as BBC pensions bill soars to £2bn: Licence fee payers foot bill as boss gets £200,000 deal – and a £750,000 new job
Neil Turner is the man who set up a petition to require a referendum over the BBC licence fee. Unfortunately it expired in June without receiving nearly enough votes.
Back in April he wrote an excellent piece in the Commentator about his reasons for it, and his family connection to the BBC
The BBC: My family’s business
He now writes another excellent piece at ‘Harry’s Place’, about his experiences submitting complaints to the BBC over their anti-Israel propaganda, and their typical responses.
Diary of a BBC complainant
The sheeple in this country can’t see the BBC for what it is, a propaganda machine.
All part of the bread and circuses or ready meals and crappy TV as it should be called.
So long as the public has something to eat and some extra tripe on the box then they are fairly passive. When the shelves become too expensive or empty then the hunger pangs will wake them up from their stupor.
David Starkey’s new show was a little unusual. A celebration of English history and culture.
But there was something missing that normally marks out the BBC history documentary. You know, the BBC history money shot. It was that moment where the presenter holds up some minor artifact originating from the far end of the Mediterranean and lovingly declares ‘This shows how fabulously DIVERSE society was!’
Not to worry, Prof Starkey will not be contributing to Horrible Histories. Normal service will be resummed.
Is that a sketch by John Cleese and Connie Booth?
Am I hearing Rik Mayall chatting with Dawn French?
Or perhaps the spirit of the late Mel Smith is in conversation with Pamela Stephenson?
Nope, it’s Nicky Campbell and Rachel Burden taking the piss out of the Royal baby news on BBC 5 Live.
Look, BBC presenters, you are not 1980s alternative comedians. I do so wish the BBC could remind their presenters of this basic fact.
When I want to hear anti-Royal jokes I can always tune into BBC Radio 4
If you don’t like the Royals then simply don’t mention the Royal birth!
Please don’t sit there lapping up all the news and yet keep smirking and kidding around so as to maintain your Lefty cred!
The Secret Life of Uri Geller???
What, that he is a fraud?
Oh no. Christian bad, supernatural (and Islam where it can be shoe-horned in) good.