It’s almost as IF the BBC wants us to feel a little sorry for Michael Abebolajo. The Mail reports;
Prison officers have reacted with fury to claims from Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo that he was ‘assaulted’ while in prison. The man accused of hacking to death Fusilier Lee Rigby in the street was involved in a violent incident in Belmarsh high security jail last week in which he lost two teeth. In an interview with BBC News over the weekend, Adebolajo’s brother Jeremiah claimed warders in the prison ‘took offence’ when the remand prisoner refused to obey an instruction and then ‘smashed his head against a window’. The BBC also reported the claim – denied by Prison Service officials – that the murder suspect had been denied medical treatment.
I think it was Pounce (but stand to be corrected) that said that it is part of the jihadi training to claim that they have been assaulted/tortured/coerced. Adebolaja’s claim of assault seems to fit this pattern.
And al-Beeb’s slavish reporting of the tactic follows the pattern too. It’s almost as if they’re in cahoots with each other.
Typical tactics described in AlQ training manuals.
Of course, the al-beeb is on da’ task.
Techniques how to claim torture/coerced/assaulted etc were in the al Qaeda manual found in London.
This all based on how to use the the weakness of the enemy ( respect for human rights), as weapon. Jihadis regard our respect for human rights as a weakness, as they view it that Allah has deliberately made us weak, so Islam can be victorious.
And is not just Jihadis. You will find that all Muslims in the West, are vehement supporters of Human Rights. But only in non-Muslim lands. In Muslim lands, sharia trumps Human Rights every time.
al Qaeda manual was found in Manchester
Actions after capture[edit]
One controversial passage states that “At the beginning of the trial … the brothers must insist on proving that torture was inflicted on them by state security before the judge. Complain of mistreatment while in prison.”[4] This passage is frequently cited by commentators to cast doubt on the claims by detainees in the “war on terror” that they were subjected to torture, or abuse. However, the same section of the manual also counsels its readers to do everything they possibly can to have a full medical examination prior to their interrogation. It explains to readers that the medical examination establishes a baseline that will enable them to prove that wounds inflicted on them during interrogation were not inflicted prior to their capture.[4]
The handbook instructs commanders to make sure operatives, or “brothers,” understand what to say if captured. “Prior to executing an operation, the commander should instruct his soldiers on what to say if they are captured,” the document says. “He should explain that more than once in order to ensure that they have assimilated it. They should, in turn, explain it back to the commander.”[4]
You hate Michael Abebolajo more than everyone else. Ok, we get it.
Is there any other point to this? I have noticed the news repeatedly reporting the news before but there you go.
Er what ?
bBC intern assigned to watching truth-telling websites revealing anti-mummy sorry anti-facist animus.. “What a load of B*lls” tells you all you need to know, the tricky name is a dead giveaway. Polytechnic.
Stay out of the sun old chap have you not been listening to the BBC’s public service broadcasts? Nasty business sunstroke…makes you all confused.
At least the troll gave himself one “like”.
I could give him another because I feel sorry for him………
‘You hate Michael Abebolajo more than everyone else. Ok, we get it.
Is there any other point to this?’
Erm, the point is the BBC giving airtime to this tosser so he can make uncorroborated and spurious accusations about his brother’s treatment by prison officers (who incidentally don’t have a similar platform to give their side of the story), thus displaying their customary bias towards yet another poor victimised Muslim, even when it’s one who is on a charge of murdering and butchering a British soldier on a London street in broad daylight.
Got that?
“You hate Michael Abebolajo more than everyone else.”
So you obviously don’t have a problem with what he did. Clearly you are employed by the BBC.
What a load of B*lls no “We,” dont get it at all. The vast majority of the population despise this murdering terrorist and we dont share your views.
Well how disproportionate of the prison officers to knock out two of his teeth. All the poor chap did was to hack off the head of a young soldier.
Well, it is not like the al-beeb wants you to “feel” and “understand” what drove an otherwise peaceful Syrian to cut open the heart of his opponent and eat it.
Not only the al-beeb is promoting paedophilia but they took a nice turn with cannibalism as well. In lockstep with those “standards”, Abebolajo is an inspiring angel and a victim of society.
Adi. Excellent
And then there was INBBC ‘Newsnight’s Mr Watson giving a soft interview to Muslim convert, or as Watson says, early in interview, Muslim “revert”, Nusaybah, a friend of Muslim convert, Adelolajo, to be tried for the murder of Lee Rigby.
Ah yes….The UAF/HNHs friend Abu Nusaybah, seen in the link below at the militant lefts Walthamstow march carrying the banner exclaiming “Islam will dominate”…
Comrade Nick Lowles said nothing about this, but hey ho, Abu Nusaybah was a “supporter” at a “Anti Fascist” rally…
I would like to see someone from the BBC interview this Koran quoting supporter of the UAF in his cell. Hopefully, those nasty Prison Officers could be kept out of the way so that this man could express himself without any restraint.
Nice little headline from the bBC
Man charged with terrorist murder
A 25-year-old Ukrainian man has been charged with the “terrorist-related” murder of Birmingham grandfather Mohammed Saleem,
I wonder why the bBC didn’t refer to him as a:
Misguided criminal
Kebab shop owner
or even Militant
I’ll put money on the table, that the bBC are just dying to try and link this nutter with the White British population.
They certainly tried to link the crimes with the ‘far right’ when news of them first broke.
I suspect in their own eyes they still believe they got it ‘just about right’.
The BBC has put forward ideas of the victim that have been dangerously twisted for well over a decade now. Jeremy Bowan would get sympathy for a mass murderer by showing him with his baby son in his arms.
One of the worst cases of it’s soft interview technique which promoted a rap artist’s anarchist agenda can be seen at The BBC Head of complaints said he “sounded reasonable” Of course he did and thats the whole point. The BBC is responsible for convincing others that these evil people who want to destroy are the true victims.
BBC was very coy over the beheading of Lee Rigby but they’ve gone ballistic over Adebolajo being “pushed”
Who’s fucking side is the BBC on, because it certainly isnt on the side of the people who pay for it or on the side of the British people.
Quislings all.
“It’s fine to be a ‘new’ atheist, so long as you don’t object to Islam.”
By James Bloodworth.
if your violent in prison what do you expect jihadi boy.these liberals like a cause dont they,these 5 live presenters like vicky derbyshire and stephen(hold on a minute,hold on a minute) nolan love to interview the familys members of these jihadis in there almost stockholm syndrome sympathy for the plight,whats wrong with this fella,he did not get hacked to death and beheaded by these prison officers,he is still walking about living the life of riley in prison,stop moaning jihadi boy.your safe in your prison cell.
Mueen Uddin.
Will INBBC report this, or is it too ‘Islam-sensitive’?
Robert Spencer, ‘JihadWatch’:-
“Bangladesh seeks extradition of Muslim leader in UK so he can stand trial for war crimes.
[Opening excerpt]-
“‘The prosecution lawyers said they had gathered specific evidence that Mueen Uddin played a crucial role in the massacre of intellectuals opposed to the Islamists on December 14, 1971 just before the war ended while archival media documents revealed that he had acted like a secret killer.’ But he got in to the UK with no problem. Accused jihad mass murderers from Bangladesh? Fine, come right in. Opponents of jihad terror from the U.S.? Forget it. Stay home.
“Please contribute to our legal fund to overturn the unjust ban on Pamela Geller and me entering the UK here.
“And sign the petition asking that the ban be overturned here.”
“Mueen Uddin: The Mass Murderer at the Heart of Britain’s Islamist Establishment”
INBBC-Muslim Brotherhood-Egypt-Gaza-Hamas.
Given INBBC’s profound political empathy for the Muslim Brotherhood (and Hamas) has INBBC reported this?:-
‘Atlas Shrugs’-
The SHTF the better.
Al Beeb, along with all traitors in government, councils, the media, politicians and all the hangers on, think they’ll get away with what they’ve done to this country and its native people. However, the natives have other ideas and are getting restless…