A Biased-BBC reader points out that the BBC seems to have missed this story about one of Morsi’s Ministers being filmed beating an 11 year old boy. Considering all the coverage which the BBC gave to a story (used to demonise Israel) about a young Palestinian boy detained for throwing rocks at Jews, one would at least expect this story of authentic child abuse to be reported by the BBC’s vigilant journalists.
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If al-beeb will make a story about it, they will claim he was inspired by Torah or something or portray the child as a Mossad agent.
Good point about the BBC’s anti-Israel bias, but in this case the video is pretty week: The kid just got a clip round the ear and seems to have walked away relatively unscathed. Not bad relative to what happened to numerous female news reporters since the ‘Arab spring’ started. (But we never hear much about that on the beeb either).
I’m sure it is allowed under Sharia law and consequently OK by the Bbcdophyles.
Something else the the BBC “missed”.
Lack of evidence hasn’t stopped the BBC before publicising some dubious material that fits their agenda. Still my gut feeling is the BBC made the right call not to run this, if they even knew about the video. It might discredit the MB so their Cairo fixers probably didn’t bring it to their attention.
The boy doesn’t look or act like an eleven year old after a severs beating. His answers look rehearsed. The interviewer is so softballing the questions he might be on HardTalk questioning a Labour shadow minister on green energy.
Can we assume there won’t be a special featuring Frankie Boyle getting beaten out of sympathy, to highlight the injustices meted out by the Muslim Brotherhood?