The economy may be picking up…not just a mere point here and there but some serious uplift maybe in the offing.
GDP figures will be released on Thursday….even the Guardian recognises this could be significant:
Something big happens this Thursday. As events go, the publication of a thin booklet of provisional numbers may sound about as dramatic as the shipping forecast. But the release of the GDP initial estimate for the second quarter of this year will have a huge impact.
The newspapers reported the stirring of strong growth of ‘green shoots’.
The Times did, the Telegraph did….twice:
UK economy showing “green shoots” as growth thought to double
British economy has turned a corner, senior Tories claim
Even the Guardian commented on it ….twice also..though only to throw cold water on the idea of course:
Economy: politics of the recovery
Ignore the hype: Britain’s ‘recovery’ is a fantasy that hides our weakness
Only the BBC has chosen to ignore this ‘good news story’….the Guardian’s ‘huge impact’ dismissed as unimportant.
Remember when the BBC thought GDP figures would show a ‘triple dip’….they were talking about it non stop days befoe the announcement…only to be disappointed…..though why the BBC continued to push the idea of a ‘triple dip’ recession is beyond me…as they already knew that there had been no ‘double dip’ recession….so how could you have a third?
It is all too obvious that the BBC has yet again decided to fix the narrative…hiding the good news whilst highlighting potential bad news……even if it might turn out to be good news in the end…a long run of negative stories even if eventually proven false can lay some useful groundwork in casting doubt and confusion into people’s minds.
“The economy may be picking up…………..”
“…………. some serious uplift maybe in the offing.”
“It is all too obvious that the BBC has yet again decided to fix the narrative…hiding the good news …….”
What good news Alan. You yourself admit at the start of this piece that it is a “may be” and perhaps another “maybe”.
“………… as they already knew that there had been no ‘double dip’ recession”
I see, now the BBC are expected to see into the future. It was only June 27 2013 that “Updating its historical data, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said growth was flat in the first quarter of 2012, revised from an earlier estimate of a 0.1% contraction.”
The BBC thought it could see into the future when it was musing about a triple dip. No, not musing – salivating.