Journalists working under the sway of thuggish dictators are usually thought of as the puppet voices of oppression and repression.….the news they produce mere propaganda…the legend being that there’s no news in the truth and no truth in the news….
…..but compared to BBC journalists they are in fact paragons of virtue…they at least are forced to compromise their journalistic ethics and ideals such as they might be…the BBC journalists make that choice for themselves….they make a conscious decision to promote one political party with the sole aim of denying a platform for any opponents of their chosen ideology.
Many BBC journalists are morally and professionally corrupt distorting and exploiting the democratic process to rig elections…or so they hope usng the BBC and its privileged position, authority and credibility as their personal soapbox.
For a long time the BBC ignored the Unite scandal where the Union was identified as having attempted to fix who became many of Labour’s parliamentary candidates. The BBC pushed Labour’s own narrative that this was a few rogue officials in one location whereas we know from documents and Labour’s own websites that this was Union policy, that it was adopted widely and that the Labour Party knew and approved of it….Miliband himself is implicated in this…..he is now lying when he claimed to be ‘cleaning up’ the mess….one that he already knew of…but did nothing about….until challenged….the BBC have never questioned Miliband’s stance or credibility over this.
Whilst the BBC ignored the Unite story they instantly moved on the story about Lynton Crosby, the Tory’s election advisor….of course this was a story generated by Labour….so once again the BBC do news by ‘press release’.
The story is clearly just counter fire run out to take the wind out of the sails of the Unite story….not that the BBC were ever interested in that anyway….note that the latest about Unite’s new political director, Jennie Formby, who was yet another of McCluskey’s in house girlfriends and who has a child by him, has been totally ignored by the BBC….despite her being on Labour’s NEC as well.
Whilst the Public has absolutely no interest in Crosby the BBC keep up the narrative and keep the story alive hoping it will catch fire and see the sacking of Crosby whom they see as far too successful and a threat to Labour.
The last story on the Today programme this morning (0855) was a classic example of that, a manufactured point of interest….designed purely as an excuse to enable the BBC to keep the Crosby/Cameron lobbying narrative simmering and in the public eye….
‘The prime minister has deflected questions about whether he has discussed the issue of tobacco packaging with the Tory strategist Lynton Crosby. The BBC’s Michael Cockerell, and Sheila Gunn, political press secretary to former prime minister John Major, examine whether politicians should answer questions more openly.’
They couldn’t get him to say ‘Yes it’s all true…Crosby runs Tory policy in the interests of his commercial clients.’ so they make up a spurious talking point to suggest that Cameron is hiding this ‘fact’….the BBC knows it is true…therefore when the PM denies it he must be lying!
The BBC stoop even lower with this latest concoction by the Guardian (Now re-edited by the BBC to reflect a new truth as found by Guido…see later post…BBC Smears and Lies)…reporting what Crosby did in his own business when not employed by any political party…..reporting it as if there was some connection to Tory health policy…..despite as said Crosby not being in their employ at the time….
David Cameron faces fresh questions about his election strategist Lynton Crosby after it emerged his lobbying firm advised private health companies at the time of NHS reforms.
As to those ‘fresh questions’…once again a Labour Party press release.
It must be great when a political party has its own multi billion pound media empire disseminating its propaganda for it.
I wonder just how the BBC’s support for the Labour Party will be taken into account when considerations of Party funding are raised….it must be worth a ‘pretty penny’.
Went to Tolpuddle yesterday.
Very Walter Wolfgang and threatening should you hold any kind of contrary view.
No Israeli flags or Jewish Socialist stalls any more.
But a Troops Out banner(with two plastic paddies underneath it) seemed to get a place there…even though the BBC tell me that Clinton and Blair sorted it all out for us!
The TUC leader was either still drunk or hungover as she spoke so much crap…and the Green Party leader was a disgrace…and being Australian she ought to be deported,
Well . Sadiq Khan said that THAT ought to happen to Lynton Crosby, so surely it applies to mad Nat too!
Khan told us all that we ought all be Wolfie Smiffys( don`t think he got the notion that it was a comedy spoof)…but the red sheeple all chanted “Power To the People” for his benefit.
A bunch of kids-oldest 13 or so-marched under a “Born in the NHS” banner and got lots of applause…yet the speakers spoke of Gove and his “indoctrination”…without irony.
Bragg sang about Fascism being fought, but this rally and aspects of what I saw certainly put me in mind of Horst Wessel at times.
Still- Tony Benn managed a few words in the heat…and all that “Thatch is dead” evil that made up much of the rally and its activists got me thinking of doing a cover of “Crash Benn Wallop”(What an areshole) to “celebrate” his death…which may not be THAT far away,based on his appearance and struggle to say much.
Now all these thoughts are NOT BBC…the BBC weren`t there, of course…but this is the umbilical cord of Milibands labour-speaking at their Grace Brothers Rally-and they`re a truly creepy, thick and evil lot to a large extent.
Their continual trashing of Thatcher has got me thinking how to hit them and their f***in BBC with a tasteless mockery of their heros demise.
So-nothing about McClusky and his bastards…plenty about Crosby…loads of teachers walking for the first time since OFSTED visited-and loads of public sector leeches getting sunburned.
All I`m saying?…don`t fear them…pity them and get ready to fight them shaft them and point out that we too can be vicious what we`re pushed. About time the BBC and Owen. Polly etc squeaked at how nasty the Right(and we are!) can be after years of compulsory groupthink.
Thankfully they don` think at all, so no problems there.
P.S I`ve no problem with Benn…but their lionising of him whilst trashing Mrs Thatcher deserves a blowback I think.
The Labour/ Guardian concoction parroted by the BBC was penned by Nicholas Watt. I presume this is the same person who pops up on 5 Live and Radio 4 billed as ‘Nick Watt of the Guardian’. If so, I assume he will not be popping up any more as he has no credibility left.
It’s the same “Nick Watt”. Also the same “Nick Watt” who received on Radio 4, a year or two back, half an hour of the kind of wholly uncritical praise that Iraqi TV used to reserve for Saddam Hussein. Unfortunately, Nick Watt will certainly be popping up again (and again), because his stories (le mot juste) are the kind of thing that the beebyanka delights in repeating ad nauseam.
I presume the Beeb/Guardian are assuming that as they had the scalp of Andy Coulson that Lynton Crosby could be another one – the modus operandi seems very similar. If you get enough reporters breathily suggesting that there are ‘more questions to answer’ it can even make saying one plus one equals two sound like an indefensible wrong.
“Many BBC journalists are morally and professionally corrupt distorting and exploiting the democratic process to rig elections…or so they hope usng the BBC and its privileged position, authority and credibility as their personal soapbox.”
Go on Alan, name those who are “morally and professionally corrupt” and have used their positions to “rig elections”.
If not please explain why.
Alan elsewhere on this site: “This is an update to the previous post on the BBC’s smear campaign against the Tories’ political advisor, Lynton Crosby.”
Alan above: “Whilst the Public has absolutely no interest in Crosby the BBC keep up the narrative and keep the story alive hoping it will catch fire and see the sacking of Crosby whom they see as far too successful and a threat to Labour.”
Can you explain why a story of no interest to the public can be be used by “Labour working with 2 newspapers and the BBC” to weaken Cameron?
“Can you explain why a story of no interest to the public can be be used by “Labour working with 2 newspapers and the BBC” to weaken Cameron?”
That’s so illiterate that it doesn’t really deserve a response, but I’d point you to Deborah’s comment above.
Phew…..what a 48 hours for Al Beeb.
We’ve had a cuddly Muslim youth brutalised by prison officers, another Catholic sex scandal and an eldery Muslim slain by a white man. It’s as if all their Eids have come at once.
I can hear the groans of communal orgasims wafting from the minarets at Al Beeb mosque.
Noted this morning that the BBC were far from certain whether the reduction in the number of ambulance chasing lawyers and claim farm professionals was to be celebrated, or condemned.
Clearly these people are leeches that make the rest of our lives miserable, and put up premiums….but are they not also an open access to justice, and only adding to the dole figures if they are being made redundant at the selfsame time?
The BBC seemed in a bind-and because they are equivocal and confused about how to play this….I suggest we get out the test card and tumbleweed, until they have given us the approved line.
In the meantime…here is some music….
The Today programme was self serving and smug enough to play us the vacuous News Channel bloke admitting that there was no news on Kates baby…they were just making it up as they were going along, and this was clear to all.
What a laff eh?…how foolish these Royal spittle lickers are, how vapid the 24 hour news coverage of …well nothing?
Yet we pay for them to waste our time every bit as much as we pay for Sarah Montague to sneer…and the Today show is every bit as pointless, news-lite and contemptuous of the licence fee mug as our New Channel gloopie!
Irony-free zone the BBC isn`t it?…one big barn to muck out before too long I hope?
They take the piss every day, leaving us with the shit to endure…