Going on a seven day hunger strike in support of Gitmo resident Shaker Aamer is perhaps accidental comedy genius from alleged comedian Frankie Boyle. I was reading this BBC report on Frankie’s “Bobby Sands” moment. All this classic elements are in it; It says he is a UK resident but minimises the fact he is a Saudi national. You have to wade through paragraphs of dirge to get to the bit where we are told WHY he is detained in Gitmo. The US says he led a unit of Taliban fighters against Nato troops and had met Osama Bin Laden. BBC are then quick to insert that “But Mr Aamer has always said he was in Afghanistan with his family doing charity work.” As you do. Aamer is the new Binyam Mohammed and I am sure you will recall how the BBC lionised him. If you recall, Binyam was another unfortunate Muslim who was captured by US forces having travelled to Taliban controlled Afghanistan, around the same time as Shaker Aamer and just prior to the invasion, in order to … clear his drug addled head and experience a Muslim country first hand. I guess these unlucky Muslims must be thankful the BBC are so keen to believe what they allege and give Frankie the publicity he graves. Let’s hope Boyle can make the 7th day.
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Is ‘doing charity work’ the new ‘I was looking at pictures of children being abused only for research purposes’ or ‘we fired on British troops but it was only a wedding’?
I hope Boyle-on-the-backside sees this through, that way we might finally be rid of this four-eyed, arrogant, talentless, egotistical, smug left-wing vacuous waste of space.
On Boyle. as ussual brilliantly well put Alex
BBC are then quick to insert that “But Mr Aamer has always said he was in Afghanistan with his family doing charity work.”
jihad is classed as charity work, and muslims are all brothers and sisters after all.
Come to that, “Taliban” is Farsi for student.
“But Mr Aamer has always said he was in Afghanistan with his family doing charity work.”
Awwww….have the poor old BBC not come across the term “taqiyya” yet, even with their multi-billion pound research budget?
They have, but they hope the rest of us haven’t.
The Saudi chap looks happy enough!
What`s the problem?
he’s just been told that when he gets out he’ll get a half million quid house in london, a couple of grand a month in benefits plus a couple of million quid in compensation from the British government
In none of the reports does it state which charity Mr Aamer was working for in Kabul. Something strange there.
A reminder, for INBBC to publicise.
“Britain seeks release of the Guantanamo ‘professor'”
“Begg Ratted on Shaker Aamer”
didn’t Frankie boyle call jordans kid a spastic or something, nice chap then!
“Frankie Boyle Gives Damages To CagePrisoners Linked Campaign Group, Reprieve.”
oh I see, he says it but he doesn’t mean it so its ok.
He has plenty of form on that kind of thing, along with the equally pleasant Doug Stanhope. It’s the type of comment that would normally get one black-listed from the BBC…
…but not if you profess the correct political sensibilities…
They would only have to dig as far as Holyrood then.
They should send Boyle to Gitmo for ten or so years so he can do an in depth study.
Oh, and I am a Greek resident, a French resident, a Spanish Resident, a South African Resident and a resident of various other places I’ve visited from time to time. Well, if people who came within 50 miles of Britain can be called British Residents then why not because the BEEB seems happy to accept that definition of “a resident”.
I find it irritating that are expected to accept everything people like Shaker Aamer say is true. Conversely, everything a compliant Gitmo detainee says is not to be trusted and his motivation questioned. There is something interesting in George R’s link to Moazzem Begg’s fingering of Aamer above.
“UK558″ described Mr. Aamer as a “recruiter” for al Qaeda. He outlined how Mr. Aamer and he traveled to meet members of a European al Qaeda cell in 2000, and how Mr. Aamer fought in Bosnia under the leadership of Abu Zubayr al-Haili, a senior al-Qaeda figure. “UK558″ talked of the training in AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades Mr. Aamer received.
“UK558” is Begg and the interesting thing is Abu Zubayr al- Haili. According to page 9 of Aamer’s leaked Gunatanamo file, the Irish police searched a house in Dublin in 1998 where among those present were Abu Zubayr al -Haili and Shaker Aamer. Al Haili, who is ranked in the top 25 of the Al Quaeda leadership, would go on to be arrested with others in 2002 in Morocco for a plot to attack US and British naval shipping in the Straits of Gibraltar. Thus Begg’s information of a link between Aamer and Abu Zubayr al- Haili is corroborated. Not by a Gitmo detainee but by the Irish police.
Boyle has just found a convenient excuse for growing facial hair.
All ginger people do this, even the girls.
It’s a medical condition: Ginger fasciitis, caused by mental insecurity and a natural aversion to sunlight.
Normally I’d feel bad being rude but since he himself does it for a living I guess it’s OK.
So ginger, Scottish, lefty activist and “alternative”…….be warned, if our Francis comes out as gay in the next few months he’ll have the full set of acceptable criteria for the BBC to immediately commission “It’s the Frankie Boyle Show ” , (Every Saturday, 10pm on BBC1).
well this stockholm sydrome towards radical islam certainly seems to be catching just lately,frankie boyle hey,who would of thought he would be the latest convert to this epidemic.here is frankies problem now.will he be scared to take the piss out of islam the way he does towards the catholic church and disabled people.i think frankie boyle is a busted flush now and will be forgotten as a serious comedian who likes to challenge the boundarys of free speech.
Frankie Boyle epitomises everything about the ultra left that I despise. His comments about Mrs Thatcher were spiteful and vicious. His “act” is hectoring, bullying and bloody embarrassing. He appears to be without any discernible talent but blessed with an ego the size of Saturn.
I’ve had a thought. Perhaps we can arrange a swap. Frankie goes to Gitmo and Shaker does the Edinburgh fringe.
Let’s face it, he couldn’t be any less funny…
Frankie Boyle is left wing but is one of my favourite comedians. He’s hilarious!
What he looks like now?:-
“BBC sorry over Frankie Boyle IDF joke”
Boyle’s blatant political allegiances get a regular platform at INBBC.
Ditto Jeremy Hardy, Marcus Brigstocke, Mark Steele, Arthur Smith, Sandi Toksvig, Hugh Dennis, Steve Punt, Bridget Christie, … … and that’s just on Radio 4.
Any health update on wee Frankie?
And is that happy Arabic chap any closer to getting out of nasty Baraks Barn?
BBC seem not to care…maybe I just care too much!
Fried pizza to St Johns Wood please!
Will Mr Boyle be doing a gig at the London Muslim Centre this Saturday?:-
“East London Mosque to host imam who supports jihad terror, Spencer and Geller banned from UK”
For Mr Boyle and INBBC:-
“More Hatred and Extremism at the East London Mosque”