Gotta love the BBC for their relentless pursuit of Lynton Crosby. Ed Miliband must so appreciate Beeb attempts to smear and blacken the reputation of this man, who whether one likes it or not, has helped turn around Conservative fortunes in recent times. I don’t expect Crosby is lily white, but I don’t expect any in his position in previous times were any less discoloured – say from 1997 to 2010?
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Yet Tory media monitoring is either blissfully unaware of the Labour/BBC/Guardian planned attacks or are totally incompetent or are horribly naive, especially on the damage the BBC is doing to them (and has done for decades).
Yes and if you try to point that out to them as I did the response is ” David Cameron is happy with the coverage and impartiality of the reporting by the BBC”. The result is Conservative MPs and Ministers walk headlong into what most of us see as predictable ambushes and smile benignly as they are bombarded with left wing inspired lies. Why can’t they just challenge the Interviewers on their obvious bias. It is the only way to counter it.
I have a suspicion that the Tories want the story to keep going as it makes Labour and their media pets look pathetic.
Funny you should mention that, I’ve come hot foot from the BBC’s (fake) news website where the Corporation is valiantly still flogging Labour’s patently dead horse for all its worth.
I suppose the positive aspect is that you’d have to be as dementedly pro-Labour as they are not to see it as a pathetic attempt to claw something back from a recent surge of good news for the Tories. You’d also have to be as stupid as the average Beeb hack not to realise how partisan they look for running this fabricated rubbish. No genuine news editor would touch a story like this with a bargepole.
Maybe it is time to revive the Cameron is jinxed story?
If only the BBC had been so keen to investigate when Bernie Ecclestone donated £1 million to labour and got them to change their plans for a ban on tobacco advertising – something which Blair was later proved to have lied about, No endless news reports, no Panorama investigations, no Radio four investigative programs.
If only the BBC had investigated Mandelsons mysteriously acquired wealth, his connections with Russian aluminium oligarchs, and his role in changing EU policy on aluminium imports.
On both these matters the BBC was silent.
An investigation into the fate of the ALCOA works in Swansea might throw some light on the connection of Russian oligarchs and a certain Liebor government minister.
The bBBC is continuing in their role as Labour’s lying attack dogs. Radio 4 The World Tonight 10.05p.m. this evening. The so-called ‘news’ baldly stated “For weeks David Cameron has refused to say whether he discussed cigarette packaging with Lynton Crosby”.
Let’s wait to see how long it takes them to correct their ‘mis-statement’.
In the real world outside the bubble no-one is interested in Crosby.
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