The BBC’s ‘News Quiz’ is hardly worth posting on…it’s so evidently designed purely as a vehicle for leftie comedians, so called, to vent their spleens against the evil Tories that not much needs to be said about it.
Last Saturday’s effort toed the Party line and the first attack was on Lynton Crosby…then there was a completely joke free rant about the welfare cap and a claim that IDS had invented some ‘bogus figures’…the rest of the programme seemed to be made up of reading out allegedly humorous newspaper clippings which listeners had sent in.
All great fun.
It couldn’t be that they have a list of things they want to rant about and if they possibly can they will try and fit in a joke, but if they can’t, well, never mind?
Toksvig and crew couldn’t resist mentioning the Daily Mail of course, and not forgetting Nigel Farage…subtly linking him to the Nazis as is the usual BBC practice.
Toksvig states, for the benefit of Daily Mail readers, small minded and insular beings that they are, that immigrants actually pay more tax than native Brits….so there!!!
Really? There’s a special immigrant tax rate is there? or maybe they’re just more upstanding and moral than the rest of us…they pay what they think they ought to pay in a fair and just society….as set out by the sainted Margaret Hodge?!
The Long View on Radio 4 (Tuesday 9 am) placed the sainted Margaret Hodge in the role of a modern day Venerable Bede – I would imagine that even with her over-inflated self image she must have though that was going a bit far – but apparently not.
Let’s have a look at Toksvig’s tax returns, shall we? I wouldn’t mind betting that Mizz C*nt is registered as self-employed, like so many high bBC earners.
The Beeb just can’t help themselves. In Tuesday’s The Infinite Monkey Cage, a reasonably light-hearted science discussion programme about Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace and the origin of Theory of Evolution where you would think they couldn’t include modern political leftist propaganda they still managed.
There were comments to the effect that Darwin was beyond criticism, just like the Conservative Party. The biased political comment had no connection to the content of the programme and was simply thrown in for no other reason than to comply with the BBC’s fanatical bias against the Conservatives.
This show pony of a programme is merely a vehicle for atheists to sound clever…and plenty ska music of course, which is the soundtrack of the multiculti rebels.
Ince is merely Gervais shaving strop, and that Brian Cox isn`t fit to polish Patrick Moores monocle.
Yet he`s a soft lefty who was a minor rock star-and makes science “cool”…so what`s not to like as far as the BBC are concerned!
Wasn’t Brian Cox the keyboard player of D-Ream, of “Things can only get better” infamy….No wonder the BBC love him, as it was New Labours theme tune in hoodwinking the people the first time around..
I gave up on any so called BBC “comedy” ages ago as it is all political propaganda dressed down as entertainment. Even the cricket coverage on Test Match Special had Miliband pop up like a weed at Lords and indulged him while he waffled on about politics with Boycott.
I visualised Labour HQ after the Prime Minister appeared on the lunchtime TMS spot with Aggers. “Ring one of the brethren at the BBC, Ed needs to be on the programme because Cameron was you know, balance etc.” BBC “Labour’s wish is our command. Bring Ed over whenever you like.” It’s all so obvious.
Indeedy. The odd time I do by misfortune catch an R4 “comedy”, I think it is a re-run from the 60s.
At least in the 60s we had the wonderfully un-PC ‘Round the Horne’!
Just a Minute
I’m sorry I haven’t a Clue
Olden but golden
Thank God for Barry Cryer….the last of the Independents!
I’m sorry I haven’t a clue is sheer radio magic but is now often ruined by that left-wing irritant Jeremy Hardy. Having heard Miles Jupp over the last few weeks, in the Willie Rushtin seat, I feel sure that he has surely cemented his place in the I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue team. This Monday’s I.T. workers songbook suggestion of ‘She’s lost Control Alt Delete’ was simply inspired. He’s got lovely diction too…
I don’t mind that most of R4 comedy shows are full of lefties but it would be nice if they were even slightly funny. The News Quiz hasn’t been funny for years.
Yes, I remember it being labelled “Alternative Comedy” when it was actually an Alternative TO Comedy!
By “Alternative Comedy” they meant mainstream Leftism. As usual with the Left they use language to deceive. The word alternative implies choice, but in reality “Alternative Comedy” is intolerant of every other form of comedy – especially working class comedians who vote Tory and try to improve their living standards by making people laugh instead of lecturing them about what to think.
Left wing humor is essentially bitter and narcissistic, whereas “right-wing” humour is about accepting the brevity and absurdity of life and making the best of it.
Right wing and Left wing humour.
Extremely well observed Wild. You are correct. The radio 4 panel “comedies,’ are nothing but this and the rest of us just get on with life instead of complaining.
Wonder if there`s a scale that we could use…in the old days(before Alternative Comedy), I`d have had Dickie Henderson, Arthur Askey and Ted Rodgers, Tarby and Lynchy as my baseline of unfunniness.
These days though?…these alternatives to comedy?…well, who else but(in no particular order)..Sayle, Henry, Thomas, Steel, Brand(Jo and Russell) Howard, Hardy and Khashoggi or whatever her name is!
% Unfunniness scale…with Doddy or Cryer at the top who showed how it could be done
I guess Marcus doesn’t even qualify – fair does
Really? There’s a special immigrant tax rate is there? or maybe they’re just more upstanding and moral than the rest of us…they pay what they think they ought to pay in a fair and just society….as set out by the sainted Margaret Hodge?!
That could possibly true of immigrants but of course I expect it escaped them that they are among the same left wingers who developed a worldview that mainstreamed low expectation and low achievement and other assorted victimology thereby rendering much of their client group incapable of progressing through the jobs market to a point where they could earn the sums of money that would increase the net tax take whilst at the same time lowering welfare dependency. But of course we know they don’t want to lower welfare dependency because to promote their worldview they need the proles to not actually escape the poverty trap.
Ewww – never verb nouns. 🙁
There’s no noun that can’t be verbed.
“Verbing weirds language.” (I read that somewhere.)
Calvin & Hobbes, I believe.
Absolutely fantastic piece by Brendan O’Neill on that subject here:
Toxic states, for the benefit of Daily Mail readers, small minded and insular beings that they are, that immigrants actually pay more tax than native Brits.
I think what she is trying to say is that immigrants contribute more in taxes than they ‘cost’ in public services. A bit of left-wing doggerel that may or may not be true.
The argument against immigration is that if you have (as the UK has) 10 million people ‘economically inactive’ don’t ship in 3 million immigrants to ‘do the jobs the British won’t do’.
Make the British effin do them.
And don’t invite all their relatives over either, especially the elderly dependants, as Blair made law circa 2004.
“I’m sorry I haven’t a Clue”
……Should surely be the new motto for the BBC?
… except that they are NOT sorry – and that is the problem!
and BBC bias is not is not all over the place it is absolutely predictable self-serving pro-public sector Leftist crap.
Don’t forget the long march though the institutions.
To be a ‘comedian’ on the BBC you have to subscribe to certain acceptable criteria: namely, you must be a socialist or support socialist values; you must subscribe to the multicultural agenda; you must subscribe to slagging off everyone apart from those from an ethnic minority; you must be anti-capitalist.
Because of political correctness we now have ‘comedy’ programs that have pre-programmed people on who only laugh at what they think they should laugh at, as opposed what they naturally find funny.
The reaction of the cinema audience when I first saw ‘Borat’ was a prime example. It was almost as if they instinctively wanted to laugh, but their pre-programmed consciences – aka PC brainwashing – wouldn’t let them. It was almost as funny as watching the film.
Well observed Alex
“Toksvig and crew couldn’t resist mentioning the Daily Mail of course, and not forgetting Nigel Farage…subtly linking him to the Nazis as is the usual BBC practice.”
Evidence (chrisuemada) of just how dislocated from consensus reality the liberal inquisition ,and their loyal foot-soldiers, are if ever it was needed
The BBC doesn’t do reality.
if i had £1 for everytime i heard a bbc or 5 live presenter make snidey or sneering remarks about the daily mail,sun,daily telegraph etc i would surely be a rich man,the worst offender in my book is stephen nolan when he has his paper review from friday to sunday at have never heard so much bile and hatred towards the so called right wing press from his left wing and liberal mates who he invites on his show to review the papers.
The Lefty’s have peter pan syndrome.
They have never grown up.
They are still rebelling against their parents, teachers etc.
I wish they were rebelling against teachers who by and large are lefty and brainwashed by BBC propaganda.
Newsquiz follows a certain pattern – editorially/compliance inspired? – always includes 2 mild jibes at Ed Moribund to provide ‘balance’, the rest is open season on anything mildly Tory. I used to love the programme when free spirits like Alan Coren and other genuinely witty iconoclasts prevailed which is what it should be about no agenda just rip all of ‘our ruling class’ to pieces; expose their innate hypocrisy and vanity; no one off limits -sadly I can no longer bear to listen to it. Too formulaic, too cosy/lazy/predictable/cliched (Must include 1 + Sandi lesbian parent ref.)/lacking in wit. Basically no longer funny – a theme that the historic 1830 – 1900 slot on R4 was famous for – Goodness Gracious Me, Chambers, Alan Partridge. Most Andy Hamilton vehicles, Dead Ringers, Claire in the community – yes lots of other experimental stuff has crashed and burned but other long running stuff: ISIHAC, JAM, have generally maintained standards without becoming dated; understand that news quiz by it’s nature will be more political but by charter a genuine balance should ensue if only to maintain the edge/credibility/intellectual aspect (Yeah Thatcher what a bitch has been a standard goto line for any struggling ‘alternative (to a) comedian since the 80’s (Thanks Ben – how’s capatalism worked for you – rocking?)
Please iconoclasm uber alles – dig up Gerry Sadowitz/Bernard Manning and any comedian that would genuinely challenge the zeitgeit (Apologies Gerry still alive but resting more than you would like – Bernard gives the non thinking knee jerk (Ben Elton clones) an excuse to avoid discourse/thought about the purpose of comedy – the most powerful tool in the downfall of the USSR – whoops, possible insight into why the BBC seem to want to avoid genuine comedy that might appeal to the great unwashed over the self reinforcing community – evidenced by any commission/our money the chuckle brother that is Marcus Brigstocke is given, Value for money? Allegedly they are having to add laughter tracks to his hysterical diatribes – Marcus, all of the advantages (Master’s car? Are you sure it wasn’t the working class Groundsman’s car you trashed – Bullingdon Lite (not the fabricated narrative eh?). It was always a good pulling tactic to be really anti/sensitive/right on as a young man to get a shag from ‘idealistic’ middle class attractive girls but most parties move on …
Marcus, Sandi, Jeremy the BBC in a nutshell – would starve without their tax efficient companies being recommissioned by completely impartial, results led , free thinking editors – he who asks the questions can also command the answers
rtd colonel. Brilliant. That should be proof enough for the dismantling of the corporation. Well written piece
The bit I love is how the BBC in house lot cannot fall over themselves fast enough to get on the evil commercial channels just look at Sky’s ‘play house ‘ or ITV’s ‘Marple’ packed full of them ! and as for comedy ?lol well ‘Hunderby’ and ‘Psycho bitches ‘ show the BBC up for what it is lazy boring dull repetitive and misogynistic as women are like furniture in BBC comedy they are their to dress the set for the male lead but those two written by women who are at the centre of the story’s but still they do have the appalling ‘Miranda ‘ to showcase womens comedy well if you ignore the terrible waste of Nina Conti in ‘family tree’
Even Fry and Toxic are playing up to the money men of the commercial sector to get their stuff made !
To the BBC mind the definition of the word ‘hypocrisy’ is when the hippos take over !
I actually forced myself to listen to a little bit of the News Quiz on iPlayer. I was shocked and appalled, er no only joking. It was exactly what I was expecting. Virtually a labour party broadcast, even the teeny criticisms of Milliband I heard (biased? us?) were due to him being insufficiently left-wing.
They might as well rename it : ‘Gosh how horrid Daily Mail readers are’