The Today programme (07:45) updated us on the progress of the BBC’s latest wheeze:
The Today programme is asking listeners to come up with questions to put to tens of thousands of people in more than 60 countries around the world.
The programme will submit two questions suggested by listeners to feature in the Gallup International poll.
A panel including the BBC’s Head of Political Research David Cowling and the Today programme’s Sarah Montague will then decide which questions will be put forward.
There is a short list of three questions now:
1. Which country do you believe to be the greatest threat to world peace today?
2. Does religion generally play a positive role in your country?
3. If politician’s were predominantly women would the world be a better place?
The BBC’s Head of Political Research David Cowling tells us that the questions need to be topical and able to engage a wide range of countries…that is be relevant everywhere.
John Humphry’s asked Cowling which question was his favourite….any guesses?
No need to guess….it was of course which country is the greatest threat to world peace?…..and which country did he immediately reference, if obliquely?
Again no need to guess…..Israel.
Not for example Pakistan which was created in exactly the same way that Israel was….by creating a separate state for one religion…in this case Muslims, a State which created the Taliban and provides a safe haven for its leaders, which wants to annex Afghanistan, which wants to occupy and Islamise all of Kashmir, which has 300 terrorist training camps within its borders, which constantly sends terrorists into India to launch attacks, which sent a nuclear scientist to rogue states such as Libya, North Korea and Iran to help them develop nuclear weapons.
Pakistan, the islamic Zionist state.
Whereas Israel…what has Israel done? It has been under attack for 65 years with constant attempts to wipe it off the map along with the Jews living there. If no one attacked Israel there would be peace in the Middle East…at least for Israelis.
The reality is that it is Muslims who have been attacking…they are the aggressors.
If Pakistan is a legitimate state then Israel must also be one….and what about what must now be 10’s of millions of Sikh and Hindu ‘refugees’ who are denied a place in their ancestral lands? Do they have a right of return?
Shame that the BBC is still pushing the anti-semitic line that Israel is a ‘danger’ just by existing……bit like blaming the girl in the skimpy dress for being raped…it’s her fault of course.
The fact that they never consider Pakistan in the same light as Israel is very telling.
Of course the BBC could save the judges a choice by merging the first two questions and ask which group of people or which ideology poses the greatest threat to world peace rather than limit it to within certain borders.
Now that would be an interesting question. Of course the BBC woud not like the answer I suspect.
What typical BBC type questions!
And is there anybody among us who could not have guessed which country would get the “threat to world peace” badge, as doled out by the BBC Leftards?
Good analogy with Pakistan too, that I`d not thought of before.
Maybe if we could rent a few Jewish paedos-or get a few Muslims to enact the same-maybe if the Stern gang could be reformed to terrorise Lefties in Media City-THEN Judaism could finally get that “Religion of Peace” rosette…and the BBC could get back to attacking Christians as of old.
Gutless swine the BBC…and I don`t expect the trolls to get out to defend their BBC for this one.
Albumen (plural) working the nightshift I wonder?
But what if dear old ‘Dubya’ had still been POTUS rather than the Messiah?!?!
I think the answer the BBC was looking for might have been the United States of America rather than Israel.
I listened to the broadcast and the USA was mentioned. Guess that bursts your bubble as well as Alan’s.
What, even with Barack Husain Obama to appease the Muslims and keep all those nasty White war-mongering Pentagon folk in check? I admit that the BBC is not so much anti-American as anti-Republican American.
No further questions then Albie.
I`m knocked into a cocked hat.
No further questions…Israel is the Great Satans Little Helper after all!
USA-Israel…axis of evil!
But of course.
The question of far greater concern to me is, which community in the UK is the greatest threat to peace and social cohesion within the UK?
I know what Youall were thinking. Wrong.
The right answer is – its da Joos.
Especially the Zionist shape-shifting ones.
You had to tempt fate didn’t you.
But I see he once again can’t debate the central argument but attacks a small comment he thinks he can score a point on.
Your just getting tedious now Albaman.
Why not “Can you name the chairman of the Elders of Zion?”
“ohn Humphry’s asked Cowling which question was his favourite….any guesses?
No need to guess….it was of course which country is the greatest threat to world peace?…..and which country did he immediately reference, if obliquely?
Again no need to guess…..Israel.”
Go on Alan, give us the full quote or would that blow your argument out of the water?
Look just because if you listen you’ll hear the USA, China and North Korea actually mentioned and never Israel doesn’t mean Alan isn’t right. It’s the TONE of the question. Alan can tell what they mean to say even when they don’t actually say it. That’s what makes this site so valuable.
I know, it is amazing that Alan thinks he is the only person to listen to these broadcasts.
Even more amazing is the number of bBBC “regulars” who agree, without question, to everything he says.
Even more amazing is the number of bBBC “regulars” who agree, without question, to everything he says.
A bit like those Today activists who refuse to take seriously any news that’s not in the Guardian.
Albaman’s had a good run diverting and disrupting threads . I think it may be time just to ignore him in future. He wins if you reply to his inane and partisan comments. I know I’ve replied to the fool many times previously, but enough’s enough!
I appeal to all regulars to this site just to ignore his posts in future. They add nothing to the debate.
Let him waste his time (and the BBC’s) posting inane comments. Just don’t reply to him.
After you’ve had a bit of bream perhaps you could pop over to the Zimmerman thread and give your valuable opinions there?
No? Why not?
I thank God that he does Albaman!
I don`t listen to the BBC at all, apart from the rare exception-sadly for you we all KNOW that it`s going to be correct more often than not.
When there`s a dispute?…I listen for myself-but 90% of the BBCs slurry is guilty as charged.
Hence the value of this site-some saints and avenging angels sacrifice quite a lot to sift the slurry for the rest of us…veritable Dynarodders of the sewerage system that we now need to handle the 24/7 crap that the BBC throws up and out.
“John Humphry’s asked Cowling which question was his favourite….any guesses?
No need to guess….it was of course which country is the greatest threat to world peace?…..and which country did he immediately reference, if obliquely?
Again no need to guess…..Israel.”
Go on Alan, give us the full quote or would that blow your argument out of the water?
Of course, this a poor military question, given that Islamic jihad global forces do not represent any one nation.
“The Today programme (07:45) updated us on the progress of the BBC’s latest wheeze:
The Today programme is asking listeners to come up with questions to put to tens of thousands of people in more than 60 countries around the world.”
As your own post confirms it is not a “BBC Wheeze”. It is a “Gallup International poll” .
“The Today programme is asking listeners to come up with questions to put to tens of thousands of people in more than 60 countries around the world.”
That’s the today program not Gallup
“The programme will submit two questions suggested by listeners to feature in the Gallup International poll.”
So there is no poll yet but when there is the BBC will have selected two of the questions
“A panel including the BBC’s Head of Political Research David Cowling and the Today programme’s Sarah Montague will then decide which questions will be put forward.”
My question is why -why would Gallup approach the BBC, if they did, and why would the BBC think it appropriate to comply?
After all the must 1000s of polls conducted every day
why this one and not any of the others?
That certainly looks like a BBC wheeze to me .you of course are entirely free to think otherwise but might at least wonder how it came about
So, 2 questions in a poll by Gallup, will have been chosen by BBC listeners. Please explain why this makes it a “BBC wheeze”?
Do you really think that the Gallup Poll will consist of only the 2 questions chosen by BBC listeners?
As Alan obviously (well maybe not), listened to the broadcast perhaps he can tell us which questions he would ask.
dont feed the troll. They are full of flea’s and diseases
Are you suggesting that Stewart is a troll? Heaven forbid!!
I don’t mind
The wheeze is the selection off the questions ,clearly.
And you still have not ventured an opinion on how this interesting symbiosis came about
I look forward to you response on my return from making myself free
It is an annual survey conducted by Gallup and on this occasion 2 questions will be chosen from those provided by BBC listeners. The Poll was first undertaken in 1977 and individuals in more than 60 countries will be polled. Why look for a conspiracy when there is none.
‘2 questions will be provided by BBC’
Yes I got that from Alan’s post, My questions are. why. who’s idea is it and is it appropriate for the British Broadcasting Company too involve its self in something internationally contentious?
The ‘wheeze, by the way is in the loaded questions and ,as you point out, that is entirely the BBC’s own construct .
Oh and just because I’m paranoid it doesn’t mean- The BBC doesn’t use every opportunity to promote their bourgeois liberal agenda
Who`s paying for this then Albie boy?
Wouldn`t be us would it?
lmao @ u what an idiot.
that was for albatroll
your reply to the albatroll was an excellent post Stewart. But you are still a naughty boy for feeding the trolls. Leftists never get washed. God knows what diseases you could catch from them. Go to A&E right away and get a tetanus booster.
A ‘BBC wheeze’ to use a Gallup poll to ask a question that covers one of the broadcaster’s obsessions.
“……bit like blaming the girl in the skimpy dress [or any dress] for being raped…it’s her fault of course”
” ……bit like blaming the girl in the skimpy dress [or any dress] for being raped…it’s her fault of course.”
Or as Alan put it in a previous post;
“…white, working class drug addled girls whose knickers are kept up purely by the power of their elastic….”
My, oh my, Dez, what a memory you have.
Or you spend a lot of time archiving and cross-referencing stuff from this site. Not healthy for a man of your liberal sensibilities.
Or you have a hard-working team of researchers.
Whicheve it is, b-BBC has you fatally attracted.
Alan, as we know, INBBC, with its international global media empire, is fond of commissioning/ propagandising ‘polls’ of e.g. Middle East population, which is overwhelmingly Arab and Muslim, to ask what they think of e.g. Israel.
And, in 2008:
“BBC ‘spends £50,000’ on ‘meaningless’ poll asking the world if Obama or McCain should be president ”
How about a BBC-NUJ sponsored/approved international poll on:
“Do you think the United Kingdom should end all restriction on immigration?”
I wonder what the ‘result’ would be? And I wonder what conclusions Beeboids would stupidly draw?
Would that be all immigrants George or just those whose colour and/or religious beliefs you object to?
dont feed the troll. They are full of flea’s and diseases
Or how about…………
“Do you believe that a state broadcaster, funded by the entire population, regardless of their views, via a compulsory tax, should be permitted to disseminate one-sided propaganda favouring one of the political parties in that country to the detriment of the others and to manipulate, censor and alter their news and current affairs coverage to suit their own agenda.”
Well put !!
What a sad life Al – Bum Man must lead, crouched and squelching in his own mess 24/7, eyes glued open, waiting for the word ‘Israel’ to appear on the blog so he can prove to the world what an ignorant tosser he is.
A sad, sad man with no comprehension of what reality is. The laughing stock of the web who actually believes that he’s clever and some kind of latter day philosopher when in fact he has the same intellect and charisma as a dung beetle.
Why not address the issue as opposed to resorting to a personal attack?
Is it because Alan has been shown to be wrong yet again?
The reality is that when you and others resort to this kind of comment it only serves to prove that you cannot justify the content of the original post.
‘resorting to personal attack’?
Thats what makes you people sick. It’s OK for you and your fellow travellers to attack, not personal, but an entire race of people with lies and moral inversions and of course nobody is allowed to question you or answer back.
You and your type are complete and utter @rseholes.
Maybe we should have our own Gallup poll – who is the biggest moron on this site.
What evidence do you have that I have attacked ” an entire race of people with lies and moral inversions”?
“Maybe we should have our own Gallup poll – who is the biggest moron on this site. ” – Is that a rhetorical question or do you want a Top 20?
And what of Great Trolls we have known?….or obtuse gadflies that pop up like pebbles on our flip-flops?
I`ve only been coming to this site since 2009….have our greybeards got tales of real trolls and nit-pickers that actually DID change a few opinions around here?
Or did it all peak with Dez?
Maybe a retrospective, Christmas Special here…a Savile type tribute(oops!)
Like I said, you can dish it out, Albaman, but can’t take when thrown back at you. Most of the comments about you aren’t truly insults. It’s ridicule!
“…and which country did he immediately reference, if obliquely? Again no need to guess…..Israel.”
Wow. Spot the enormous Straw Man erected for Alan’s sole purpose of having something to dance around whilst chanting his favourite Anti-Muslim slogans.
“if obliquely” or in other words; not referenced at all.
Of course U.S.A., China & North Korea were referenced. But because David Cowling suggested that opinions from Lebanon and Gaza may be different from the rest of the world [-shock-]; apparently, “the BBC is still pushing the anti-semitic line that Israel is a ‘danger’ just by existing…”?
i note you signed off using the name pathetic. you certainly are pathetic and you know it you idiot lol
The BBC report frequently with the headline ” Israeli troops fire on Palestinian positions” followed by the details of any damage or casualties suffered by the Palestinians and then might or might not add almost as an after thought ” Palestinians had earlier fired rockets into Israel”.
If the BBC was not anti Israel and not trying to distort the facts, it would report it as :-
” Palestinian fighters again fired rockets into civilian areas of Israel. In retaliation Israeli troops opened fire upon Palestinian positions from where the rockets were launched”.
So Dez and Albaman what excuse can you give for the BBC twisting the facts and claiming the victim to be the assessor and vice verse if it is truly impartial and factual ?
Meant ‘aggressor’ not ‘assessor’ (don’t know how that happened)
Another tumbleweed moment in another day of trying to keep Dez’s and Albaman’s attention.
Fickle f*****s aren’t they?
The al-beebzeera has a Pavlovian reaction to everything Israel-related.
Just finished typing ‘who is the biggest moron on this site’ and up pops Dez.
Funny that.
Of course the BBC doesn’t really want to tell us what the Arabs really think of Israel. Instead of ‘what country is the biggest danger to world peace?’, why not ask them ‘to which country do you object with a visceral hatred?’ Now that won’t happen will it. What the BBC wants to do with this poll is to recycle the obvious results in a heap of agit prop.
Lol the BBC chorus girls are in full high kicking mode I bet the corridors of broadcasting house will be strewn with empty baby oil bottles !
“The BBC poll – Israel as Satan’s bastard child”
The one thing a liberal clings on to in their meaningless world is a belief that the liberal needs a cause. Israel is that cause. Look at the dreadful universities in this country . Pro Israel ?
Hardly. Even handed. You are joking.
All it is that old European disease of anti- Semitism disguised as concern for the usual suspects.
What did you really expect from such a survey?
It must have come as a real surprise to those caring civilised professionals of the BBC.
Who pays for these polls? Is this a cost to the BBC? I imagine that Gallup need to be commissioned by someone as they have costs and wouldn’t do it for free.
If this is a BBC cost, then questions arise as to value and what the results of the poll will actually be used for.
Actually thinking about it, this could apply to most BBC research of this kind. They forever refer to reports commissioned by the BBC, to create news into some matter or other?
If you think it’s bad now just wait till the new recruit starts in Sept’.
they want to watch this before they go
why do lefties hate jews?
As the old joke goes, The definition of antisemitsm is “Hating the Jews more than is neccesary”. Before anybody reacts I’m being ironic.
With the extreme left and the extreme right your 3 pints away from an antisemite with the bbc 2 bottles of plonk.
Interesting clip by Pat Condell about how antisemitism came about in Europe.
Politics of Envy.
Alot of the main people from the left are self-loathing Jews or come from Jew families who converted to Christianity.
They hate themselves and their culture Marx, Frankfurt School etc.
found this interesting, when applied to islam
“Kenneth Levin, a Harvard psychiatrist, says that Jewish self-hatred has two causes: Stockholm syndrome, where “population segments under chronic siege commonly embrace the indictments of their besiegers however bigoted and outrageous”, as well as “the psychodynamics of abused children, who almost invariably blame themselves for their predicament, ascribe it to their being “bad,” and nurture fantasies that by becoming “good” they can mollify their abusers and end their torment.”
Add Noam Chomsky and Saul Alinsky to the mix !
And George Soros!
Lefties should scoot off and be refused access to the works of Dylan, Cohen or Simon…you know, stand by all those Arab titans of popular music in solidarity with the intifada, the umma.
Not listen to Jewish writers.
God Bless-and thank God-for Israel and its people!
heres an alternative question.
which middle eastern country is the safest for someone of your ‘lifestyle’
Why do we hold up the israelis to higher standards than their neighbours?
There is a leftwing attitude which seems to be oh dont worry the muslims are always going to be sexist bigotted wifebeaters who use rape and bombing to further their aims , we cant change them they are beyond reform but arent they colourful ah but those joos well the should know better.
Add to that the fact that Israel is an intellectual powerhouse and compared with the Arab world is a successful first world country. Pure envy .
Lets get one thing right, the state of Pakistan did not send A Q Khan the father of the Pakistan atomic bomb anywhere. It did however allow him to travel freely to some of the most dangerous states in the world to not only sell the technology, but machine parts as well.
When they were made aware what he was doing they failed to act, and it was only after considerable pressure was applied that they confined him to house arrest in his luxury compound.
Khan death dealing came to light after Ghaddafi had a funny turn and disclosed it to the West, and it’s also the reason we know for certain that Iran is trying to acquire a nuclear device.
Pakistan certainly is the most dangerous country in the world today, as a US General famously said ‘We invaded the wrong country’ ! when asked about Afghanistan, and implying they should have invaded Pakistan
Which religion is the greatest threat to world peace?
Arguably liberalism is the greatest threat to world peace, for putting up with islamic outrages and saying it’s all our fault, thus encouraging further and deeper atrocities. A fifth column of leftist Jews perform the same function in Israel.
An ideology of intolerance, by taking merciless revenge on the perpetrators of evil, would quickly bring islamicism to its knees. Of course innocents may suffer in the process, but they can blame their own kind for that – and themselves too, for going along with it.
Imagine Justin Welby saying this! Al’beeb would soon wheel out dubious sufi pacifists to denounce him, accompanied by the liberals – just as soon as they can stop playing with themselves as they troll away on this blog.
If liberalism is the Devil’s creed, toleration is his filth-infested communion cup.
Liberals/Leftists don’t do reality.
Ask the 100000 dead Syrians ! Who was the the greatest threat to world peace ! Jesus what’s going on one black kid dies wall to wall coverage hundreds of thousand of people slaughted journeyman and camcorder!
Funny but as soon as you click on the link to send an Email on the BBC there’s a 404 error. Obviously they have the answers and the questions they want to ask and now don’t want it spoiling by others adding something different.
I’d like to ask the Saudi Ambassador what his country is doing to prevent the spread of militant Whabbist Islam to the West, and how much Saudi money is being sent to promote Islamic values & laws in the UK
I didn’t hear this piece but have deduced from the posts on here that neither of the puppeteers of war and strife in the Middle East, sitting at opposite ends of the Islamic spectrum, got a mention? Talking about Iran and Saudi of course.
good point
An other contender for INBBC: – EGYPT.
(- inc many pictures and video clips)-
“More than 100 people killed and 1,000 injured in clashes in Egypt as deposed president Morsi is formally accused of murder and conspiracy with Hamas”