I was reading on the BBC “that former BBC broadcaster Stuart Hall’s 15-month sentence for a series of indecent assaults has been doubled by the Court of Appeal.” Oh, how MODEST of the BBC. But please, they must have forgotten JUST how much they praised Hall..
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Fiona and her reporter-monkey on NA10 forgot to mention who employed Stuart Hall.
Still, I expect it’s somewhere on the website so that’s alright then.
On News 24 and R4 on Thursday it was definitely ‘The broadcaster’.
A bit like those ‘men’ who crop up from time to time.
And unlike ‘The former head of Sky News’ who led the Savile enquiry.
Or ‘The murdered black teenager’.
Adjectives are just so discretionary when it suits.
“they must have forgotten JUST how much they praised Hall..”
indeed they have
Stuart Hall’s last BBC interview – how creepy do you think this is on a scale of 1 to 10?
What language is Stuart Hall speaking ? it’s across between Chaucer and that little green muppet Yoda in Star Wars.
Victoria Derbyshire this morning – on Radio 5Dead during the sitting of the Court of Appeal – was in full feminist rant-mode. She kept referring to Hall’s sentence as ‘punishment’. Presumably this re-definition of the criminal justice system must have been approved/ dictated by bBBC editorial guidelines.
Still, there`s something quite creepy about bringing back an old frightened bloke, in order to double a sentence as handed down by a judge in the previous trial.
Bit of a witch-hunt going on.
Like the Trayvon Martin stuff-as soon as politicos, media and grandstanding agenda hounds begin to set the judicial criteria, so easily…we get a series of Frieslers, and Levesons where justice once used to stand.
Still-the sentence was increased because of his “power as a celebrity”…let`s hope a few other BBC types of old in management sleep a little less easily tonight.
I’m deeply suspicious about all these elderly white celebrities being fingered for 30-40 year old
compensationabuse cases, and think Hall probably pleaded guilty merely to avoid a stiffer sentence.As usual the evidence and witnesses were ridiculously poor in quality.
Still, when Auntie gives these names to the police the ensuing outrage does take our minds off moslem grooming gangs, which must please broadcasters, coppers and feminazis enormously.
There is definitely something fishy going on but would you admit to assaulting a 9 year old in order to get a lighter sentence?
I was always under the impression that paedophiles were not impressed by women, even young ones so I am always a bit suspicious when someone is had up for fiddling with girls across the puberty line.
Even so, he said he did it so I have no sympathy for him. 30 months is too lenient IME.
You see Hall wasn’t part of the nationalised Bbc comedy soviet. a good Chablis prevents me from recalling that chap from The thick of it, Hugh or something when he had served his time (not long) all stops were
Pulled out to rehabilitate him doublespeak was employed he has done his time ect.
Chris Langham
Just perused my entended critique of the over verbose Hall and come to a thundering crescendoing evaluation that he was a charlatan who would shame the good Rasputin of mad monk notoriety
I listened to PM last night and Eddie ‘nasty piece of work’ Mair had a go at Dominic Grieve for referring Hall’s sentence for review because some of his victims didn’t want him to. I wonder if Mair would be so supportive of victim’s opinions if they were advocating Hall’s execution.
There’s not much hiding going on if all the BBC links are still online.
Like all footie fans I used to look forward to his barmy match reports on the radio and he was very highly regarded by everyone in the sport. Managers looked forward to being interviewed by him
If the disappointment over Rolf Harris has been the real thunderbolt, I was nearly as shocked over Hall. There is a tremendous sense of betrayal involved.
Agree 100%.
I was brought up on his stuff with Look North in the 70s, and enjoyed his Radio 5 summaries in recent years.
I therefore feel sad that he was guilty-I hoped he`d not be , but…unlike Trayvon Martin…I`m not going to go against the jury that Hall was tried by.
consistency and predictability of outcome are the chief articles of faith of all bent lawyers so it will be interesting to see how the use of consecutive sentencing pans out in other cases.
sorry for swearing,but i am sick and fucking tired of hearing about this old buck idiot stuart hall full stop .. stuart hall is getting his justice,but i ask the bbc and left wing cretins including the the police this one question,what about all these pakistani muslim men in there 100s maybe 1000s who the police and cps have not arrested and been charged by the gutless cps in historical cases involving these recent street grooming child peadophilia.these lot should be sharing the same cell with stuart hall and not waking around are streets in england thinking they have got away with sexual tourture and child rape of these innocent children,thats makes me mad.real fucking mad.