The BBC has been hailing the efforts of John Kerry in the past few days as he cobbles together another doomed set of “peace talks” in the middle east between Israel and Palestinians. The BBC have been pontificating about the tough choices that BOTH sides have had to make to even get this far. On examination (mine!) this reduces down to Israel releasing 100 Palestinian criminals (bad call, btw) and Abbas agreeing to talk!! Hardly a concession from the Palestinians and yet portrayed as momentous. Throughout this new charade, the BBC will do everything possible to posture for the Palestinians “Judenfrei” solution and if Netanyahu thinks he will win media approval in the likes of the BBC by releasing Palestinian thugs he is in for a nasty surprise in my view.
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Barry Rubin on PJM has calling this BS for quite some time.
Check out his articles or Spengler/Goldman who predicted the collapse of Egypt some 5 years ago.
My grammar fails me. On multiple levels. 😀
Israel will go along with this charade. It has to do so for around 12 months before the next US election cycle hots up.
In the meantime, there has to be talks of where., when and how the talks will take place. Before that, there have to be conditions about the pre-talk talks etc.
when one party is striving for peace … one determined to prevent it
as it is striving for extermination ?
when one is determined to keep to agreements … one determined not to?
as it is striving for extermination ?
when one wants to talk
when one demands concessions … demands pre-conditions
to hamper them?
as it is striving for extermination ?
when one has a coherent strategy
when one has hamas
that is striving for extermination ?
Houston, we have a problem
anyone see a pattern emerging?
The BBC is not alone in refusing to believe that the Palestinians could work against what the BBC sees as the people’s best interests. Abbas is working in what he sees as his best interests i.e. concede as little as possible, remembering talking to Israel is seen by a large percentage of Muslims/Arabs/Palestinians as an unacceptable concession, so as to protect himself from being deposed and/or assassinated while doing enough to keep the money flowing. Demand preconditions before talking on things that should be negotiated to allow him to declare victory when the talks fail and give him a plausible out to avoid talks at all.
Look at the illustration before the video clip plays. Photogenic old woman and ‘evil’ police. I’m guessing Egypt because the uniforms don’t match Israel. How many BBC readers will assume it is Israel from the context?
For those unaware of David Vance’s complete lack of understanding it is instructive to look at his constant hatred of the conciliation process in N.Ireland. For some bizarre reason Vance would want the two communities in Ulster to continue to be at war. Maybe it never touched his elite lifestyle but the VAST majority of people had enough and wanted peace. His constant electoral humiliation proved how out of touch Vance remains.
His views on Israel are equally abhorrent. There should be no peace just constant war of attrition on both sides. Of course it doesn’t affect him and pain and loss and fear isn’t what he has to endure.
The rest of the world does want peace. It doesn’t want the destruction of Israel or the constant suppression of the Palestinians. It wants both sides to reach an agreement for all their futures. A shared future that could remove the constant fear. Palestinians (and I include all the religions) are amongst the most able and intelligent human groups. They are a powerhouse the world needs united.
BTW Vance was a coward in N.Ireland. He never joined any of the part time security services to defend Ulster against the IRA. But he wants others to constantly do what he was to yellow to do.
Funny that.
“The rest of the world does want peace” well so does Israel … I think … even you tommy? might find one party missing from the equation.
hey .. lose the loonwatch hysterics over mr vance, you re obviously obsessed with petty vendetta … email him
at least then he can put you in the junk pile/
Tommy…our Irish Catholic IRA wannabee…but you didn’t join the IRA did you Tommy? Are you a coward?
Instead you stalk David Vance for years and write rude things on his blog…..
Brave brave little man.
Póg mo thóin
Gotta love stalkers. For starters, I oppose appeasing terrorism and whether that be Northern Ireland, Israel or any other place my stance is the same. Secondly, given that I lost members of my family to the IRA, and that my family served in the uniform of the forces of law and order, I am nauseated by the comments left by “Tommy”. This is a blog on BBC bias but when gutless trolls like this appear, they will be wiped out. Just as terrorists should be wiped it. Got it, “Tommy”?
You patronising clown tommy!
Those lines of yours at the end of paragraph 3 remind me of hideous patronising guff that used to be sent from India about those charming mahoots and their wishing to buy bow ties for tiffin.
I imagine you`ve never been to “Palestine”…and doubt if you`ve ever tried to buy a bagel in Brick Lane.
To give such kudos to a whole group(that even the Syrians etc won`t describe as a nation off camera) shows you to be a real twerp.
Find out something about Leila Khalid, Arafat, Hamas and Hizbollah, Black September, Munich,…then tell me that this “people” are any more dynamic than any other-especially their Jewish neighbours that they want thrown into the sea or back into the gas ovens.
And where are you trolling from Tommy ? are you in the heart of the power house defending your pallys and their right to impose their religion and export their hate on to others or are you like all the moral wet bleating liberal cowards and hiding in England going to massive attack concerts [big pally fanciers!] and slapping your self on the back for how you have advanced the cause by doing nothing and saying less ?
‘This is the voice of what remains of the BBC, coming to you from a hidden bunker somewhere in the UK…’
@tommy …… I have to take exception at your comments regarding N.Ireland…. You state that Mr.Vance wishes the two communities were still at war…. Evidence??? The current conciliation process in N.Ireland is flawed, and until the involvement of all terrorist affiliates are removed from Storemont it will remain flawed…. The majority of the political representatives of both Catholic and Protestant communities currently involved in the peace process do not in any way, shape or form promote the actual viewpoints of the people of the six counties. They use political power to ensure the deep seated mistrust between the two sides remains intact and is just as likely to lead to violence as it was during the seventies…. To also accuse somebody of cowardice for not joining the `part-time security services defending Ulster against the IRA` shows how full of shit you are and just how resentful of the peace process you acrually are…. Which of the part time forces defending Ulster were you referring to?? The UDA?? UFF? UVF? All three are paramilitary organisations and were responsible for as many murders as the IRA, and in fact were responsible for the murders of my own family members… Ironically my Grandfather volunteered in 1914 and survived both Somme offensives fighting for the British Army.. also my mother served in the WRENs for four years and although Catholic had no interest in Sectarianism and held the viewpoint that religion had no place in a secular state…. But it didn`t stop members of our family being killed by repulsive twisted murderers representing the Unionist communities… Right now I have three cousins serving in the PNSI and everytime theres yet another flareup caused by the idiots and malcontents using Religion and faux Nationalistic sentiments as an excuse to further no other cause but their own very narrow minded viewpoints… TBH ALL convicted terrorists should be put back into prison, all political parties affiliated with terrorist groups on both sides should be banned from involvement in the political future of the province.. Also all organised `Marches` involving bunches of twats playing drums, pipes and representing hardline political groups ( Nationalist and Orange Order ) Should be banned full stop!! It`s about time that the protestant and catholic communities grew up and realised that after 400 years the protestants are f*ckin N.Irish and the Catholics are too!! The misconception that the majority of Catholics wish for a united Ireland needs to be put to bed.. N.Irish Catholics do not have any wish to be ruled by Dublin, who are in fact ruled by the EU and are on the verge of financial ruin due to being part of the Eurozone… They also, believe it or not have no wish for Government policies partially being decided by the Church of Ireland, especially given the recent revelations of peadophiles crimes being covered up by the Church and also the involvement of Priests in terrorist activities… The UDA, UDF, UFF, and the UVF were as much of a danger to the people of Ulster as the IRA, INLA etc…. The part time `defenders` you speak of were no different to the rest of the c*nts who used sectarianism as a cover for protection rackets, vice, and various other criminal enterprises during the troubles… You need to accept that the IRA were not the only ones responsible for murder and misery mate, and also realise that the `part time` defenders were no better than any other paramilitary groups…. As for Israel suppressing the palestinians…. Isreali territory accounts for about 0.5% of the Arab dominated region… They are surrounded by 1.3 billion Islamic regimes all of who are hostile thier existence… The Palestinians are in fact Arabs and descendants of tribal peoples of the Arabian peninsula… The Arab claim to the region is false, archealogical evidence proves that the Jews have been living in Israel for thousands of years…. also I have yet to see Mr.Vance promote violent conflict in either N.Ireland or the Middle East, I have seen you though criticize him for not taking up arms and joining a paramilitary group during the Sectarian conflict in N.Ireland…. Idiot…
The Arabs were offered 98%+ but refused, this is where Clinton understood the meaning of the word “taqiyya”. Arafart agreed everything to Clintons face but when he got off the plane back home he stuck the proverbial two fingers up. If the muslims want a world caliphate then little old Israel wont stand in their way. And the black and white jihadist flag will fly over broadcasting house.
“Palastinians ( arabs in reality) are amongst the most able and intelligent human groups. they are a powerhouse the world needs united “.
What the f**K are you on. If you are a Jew a Homosexual a Lesbian a prepubescent girl a christian and I include catholics ( check out Bethlehem, now Christian frie ) you wont last long. Just like Hitler Hamas was democraticaly elected then no more elections, kill all the opposition jobs a good un’.
I didn’t read that far in Tommy’s rant.
As a Jew and an Israeli I actually don’t have a problem with the statement. I guess 7,000,000 Israel didn’t really deserve 10 Nobel Prizes compared with 5 from the entire 370,000,000 Arab world. It’s not a recognised measure of intelligence.
I’m just curious how Tommy can back up that statement with some measure that is recognised?
Similarly I have no problem with the statement that Palestinians are Arabs. Some may have a problem that they are Palestinians but that is another issue. It is the powerhouse that puzzles me. What have they achieved to justify the compliment?
Maybe he means those who were called ‘Palestinians’ from 1917 to 1948, that is, the Jews.
Well said Cosmo.
I suppose that the especial intelligence of the ‘Palestinians’ has nothing to do with the fact that for the last hundred years they have been living among Jews. No, can’t be the reason.
Is there any safer country in the Middle East to be a Jew, Muslim, Christian, Atheist or homosexual than Israel? Israel will make concessions for peace. I think the Arab oil states and front line states should do much more to ease the economic plight of the Palestinians, even if it is self inflicted. I think the UK and other foreign powers should be less involved.
If I was Israel, I would expel all the bleeding heart liberals of the BBC,and make them do their reporting from Baghdad and Damascus-and stop hiding under that plastic palm tree at the Haifa Hyatt.
Israel has got enough bleeding heart liberals of its own(Ha`aretz etc), and their debating inside that oasis of democracy and rights is part of the price we pay to be free.
To compound their quisling peacenik tendency with the likes of the BBC only makes things worse for all concerned-especially(ironically enough) the likes of Ha`aretz and its readers.
Clearly the USA will continue to issue visas to the quisling traitors at the BBC(Balls, Brown etc) as long as Obama finds them useful to snap the back of his great country…but what excuse does Israel have?
I give you Frank Gardner and Alan Johnson…the BBC needs to feel the fear of sucking up to Islams black flag.
Let them deal with Hamas, Hizbollah, Muslim Brotherhood types themsleves Israel…and stop hiding them, protecting them from the consequences of shafting the Jewish people at every turn.
God Bless Israel-God Damn the BBC…and we can see the results each and every day!
Proof of God if ever you needed it!
Well said Chris.
When you get arch terrorist exporting nations like Saudi Arabia who are sitting on trillions of dollars in wealth using Palestinian ‘poverty’ as an excuse to justify the call for the genocide of an entire race of people you know there is something evil afoot.
The west needs to stop dealing with these terrorist states even if it means the short term loss of arms deals etc.
Moral ethics should come before corporate greed in any civilised country. Civilised country?…remember there used to some of them around.
Right. Arab money used wisely could have transformed the Gaza strip into a prosperous and very wealthy small nation. The Israelis would have been more that content to see this. You have to ask why this has not happened.
At the root of a deal of hostility to Israel is good old fashioned jealousy. They heve proved to have what it takes to build a first world nation.
Compare and contrast the rest of the ME and I do mean Dubai and the rest of the statelets.
What a charming, symbolic picture the BBC chose to accompany this report. I’d like to ask the BBC why Kerry was able to do the shuttle diplomacy and – allegedly – restart the talks, yet The Amazing Hillary accomplished nothing. I realize she had to go into hiding a few times, but still, she had plenty of opportunities to head out there. I mean, it’s not like she was real busy fixing our relations with Russia or China or certain Latin American countries or anything.
The BBC’s Katy Watson in Washington says that in the five months that Mr Kerry has been secretary of state he has visited the region six times in an effort to restart talks, so today’s statement is seen as a big step forward.
(Another Beeboid in the US? Just how many are there now? Can’t the BBC spare a few so Newsnight doesn’t make any more grievous errors due to budget cuts making them run short-handed?)
Wait: a statement from Kerry is a big step forward? Anybody can make a statement. When will the talks start, and why won’t it be the same kabuki dance we get every couple of years where Israel says no to the pre-1967 borders and the Palestinians say no to everything else?
There will be no peace, I can tell you that now. Yes there will be weasel words so the Pally’s can get their hands on another few billion infidel dollars but these words mean nothing.
The Islamic world needs Philistinia to carry on as before otherwise their main aim of destroying Israel and the genocide of the Jewish people will come to nought.
When you have a people who were indoctrinated with hatred with their mothers milk any talk of peace is a sham. A farce.
One way for a semblance of peace is for the free world to admit that all the killing and hatred stems from the greatest weapon of mass destruction of all…..the Koran.
Yes, there will be no peace. If the Palestinians wanted peace they would come to the table willingly – not by pushing John Kerry to coerce the Israelis into releasing a whole load of murderers and terrorists.
The evil mix of Obama, Kerry and Samantha Power are determined to strong-arm Israel, threatening adverse consequences at the UN and doing nothing on Iran. Realpolitik forces the Israelis to give a little, such as prisoner releases, but they know the Palestinians will blow any real prospect of peace at the first opportunity.
Folks, not to worry. While Mr Kerry is busy doing nothing in particular, the Egyptians deal with the Sinai lifeline of the Gaza terrorists.
In my view, Mr. Kerry does not even realize that he is creating a diversion to allow it, but Mr. Netanyahu does.
I do wish the Western Left would get its head around the simple fact that offers to negotiate and offers of concessions are taken as signs of weakness by Arabs. Why do you think there is still no Palestinian State more than a decade after President Clinton made the offer? You want peace in the Middle East CRUSH the Arabs.