We know that the BBC has issues with Islam and that is a prime source for Islamophilia. However when the world’s most prominent Islamic scholar calls for jihad to be waged in Egypt, one would have thought all those world class journalists that we pay for MIGHT have found the story. It seems they missed it. How convenient. I suppose they are too busy hunting down Islamphobes?
“Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi—one of the most influential Islamic clerics in the world, author of over 100 books on Muslim doctrine, head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood—has just posted a new video where he calls on all the Muslims of the world to come and wage jihad with their lives in Egypt on behalf of “what’s right”—that is, the return to power of the Muslim Brotherhood.
He called on everyone and anyone—the “sons of Al Azhar,” businessmen, journalists—and from all around the world, specifically mentioning Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Senegal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan.
Qaradawi called on them to be shuhada, “martyrs” who sacrifice their lives in the course of the jihad.”
Qaradawi will one day call for Jihad in Britain. Leftists think such a thing could never happen but demographics, the nature of Islam, and the power a fanatical minority holds over a moderate majority make it a logical inevitability.
We are already in the early stages of a religious civil war in Britain, and the BBC is on the wrong side. The idea that Britain could erupt into tribal/religious bloodshed and carnage is simply not accepted by these ignorant children within the BBC who know nothing of history, the nature of man and the nature of Islam.
But ignorance is no excuse. The facts are there in history books and the facts are there on the BBC news every day regarding Muslim supremacism, murder and mayhem all around the world.
This is simply not something they can claim to be unaware of when they are held to account in the not too distant future.
paul it is not ignorance, we are way beyond that it is complicity, the unrelenting drip drip effect, the bbc more programming, more presenters, yep! heads of programming! … on religions!
Unrepresentative of our population and of the audience wishes, indicated time and again … on the rare occasions they get the opportunity to express it.
deliberate – wilful bias.
islam, (crosses fingers), and the bbc …
like that they are
“The idea that Britain could erupt into tribal/religious bloodshed and carnage is simply not accepted by these ignorant children within the BBC ”
It is worse than that, hard core Leftists are actively seeking it, superficially because they want to build on ground zero, but in reality because they love destruction and hate everything which England stands for – I am talking about the intelligent ones of course not the useful idiots who thought that CND was a peace movement or who parroted the line (and still do) about National Socialism being the opposite of Leftism rather than one of its varieties.
It was fascinating to watch the Left (on Newsnight for example) go into morning when the Islamic Brotherhood were ousted from power in Egypt.
they are too busy blocking up their pages with pap like this ..
from upt north bbc from … still there from June yep! thats June 10th !??!
upt north editor – len tingle …
EDL policing – the cost of democracy
Two existential threats face the UK, and Europe at large. One is the EU (dismembering the nation state), and the other is the demographic conquest of Europe by Islam. Islam will destroy the cultural heritage of Britain and Europe.
Both these threats – the EU and Islam, there is willful blindness, ably fostered by the BBC, with the naïve hope, that they can be reformed. In the case of the EU, thirty years plus, trying to reform the EU or CAP has failed dismally. In the case of Islam, no “Reformation” in the acceptable meaning of the word, is possible.
Failure to recognize existential threats, external or internal, are the prime cause of downfall of even powerful civilizations.
He’s already done it…though not by ‘the sword’ but by calling for preaching and demographics to conquer and colonise….Europe will be Islamised by these methods.
Billions of Saudi petro dollars, ironically, no doubt fund the missionary work.
My apologies for being off David’s message but couldn’t let the following go – disgusting.
Following the awful, awful case of Daniel Pelka we had Campbell speaking to a senior social worker this morning.
The whole thrust of her rant was that such cases will increase in future due to the Tory cuts. Shocking and odious political point scoring at its worst.
Campbell put up a timid suggestion that cases such as Victoria Climbie’s occured under the last administration but this was swiftly brushed aside as an irrelevance.
In effect the blame for such cases as little Daniels will lay at the Tories feet.
I thought it was telling when Campbell asked her if the parent’s were evil she said, “oh I don’t like to use the word evil.”
And therein, I would venture, lies the problem
“I don’t like to use the word evil.”
Except when talking about the “Tories”.
Here’s an article on BBC/Guardian distortion and misrepresentation practices;
Muslim Brotherhood takes over London Finsbury Park Mosque.
-News not brought to British people by INBBC:-
“A Saudi newspaper has published an article detailing how a prominent North London mosque was taken over by the U.K Muslim Brotherhood.”
“Retailing lurid fictions in order to incite violence against Egypt’s Christians ”
“Leading Sunni Scholar Al-Qaradhawi Urges Egyptians to Defy Al-Sisi, Says Christians Participated in the Killing of (defenceless) Muslims,”
MEMRI, July 27.
Here’s a quote from Grant Shapps, at The Policy Exchange.
“There was a weekend last year where the welfare cap was coming in and watching the BBC you would have been forgiven for imagining this was Armageddon. The broadcasting was so fundamentally over the top, I think that is irresponsible. On occasion the BBC mistakes itself for a newspaper. It lets its own opinions come through.”
We are making great progress. No-one is afraid of the BBC any more; Ian Duncan-Smith has made valid criticisms on more than one occasion too.
Keep on Keepin’ on, we will prevail.
As Clare Lopez says-the message is simple.
Let me make it clear for the quislings that may visit this site.
Islam seeks Islamic Caliphate…and the implementation of Sharia Law…get that?
Islamic Government and execution(that`s the right word) of Sharia Law..that is ALL that Islam requires…non-negotiable!
Simple eh?…not for the BBC and lefty stools though.
Don`t feed the trolls re what Islam is doing-it has a fast track to Caliphate/Sharia( Al Queda, Hams, Hezbollah)-and it has the slower one( Muslim Brotherhood, Human rights, grievances, white kids, attacks on Jews, E.U/U.N stoolies etc).
The destination is the same-just an express or a pendolino!
Let the Guardian and the BBC squabble over minors(like Savile, Hall and Muslim gangs like to do)…we know they`re pawned pop tarts now-all that is amatter of opinion is how cheap and how dirty they`re prepared to be for Mohammad and his djinn palace helpers.
FYI, Hamas IS the military arm of the MB in Palestine.
No, the MB doesn’t like Hamas, even though they share a common enemy. If Hamas had the direct connection to the MB you claim, the Egypt border situation would be vastly different. Hamas is funded by different maniacal Mohammedans, plus happy touchy-feely international aid.
Excellent – and alarming – article on the MB here at Standpoint mag
I’ve previously posted this report from the Gateston Institute in the States on how the MB has been infiltrating the USA for decades. Now of course, this is being made far worse by the moron Obama, who seems to love the MB.
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Jihad called for in Egypt because the democratically elected administration has been removed by military coup? I blame The Obamessiah’s foreign policy. No, really, this time. The BBC won’t, because nothing is His fault. But He screwed this up royally.
Actually, The Obamessiah who gave that love letter to Mohammedan countries in the Middle East in 2009 probably had very little to do with it. Foreign policy isn’t His thing. He’s demonstrated very little interest or competence in that area during His reign. His primary and only concern has been and always will be domestic transformation. This stuff just gets in the way of the righteous fight, so He let His team of geniuses get on with it instead.
I would say Obama played a significant role when he deserted loyal ally Mubarek. It was a message that every potential ally took to heart: America doesn’t have your back.
Had he given the message that Mubarek was a great friend and great Egyptian but had reached the age of retirement and mustn’t stand in the upcoming elections things could have been much more peaceful. Evolution rather than revolution.
Instead he said, “Mubarak must go”, a signal to the Brotherhood and its supporters (however mistakenly) that he had their back.
“‘Radicalizing’ the Muslim Brotherhood”
sikhs,hindus,buddhists in the uk. never no aggression,never no terror plots against us,never no sex rings grooming chilldren,never no talk of holy war against the state and the people.nice people who work hard and intergrate into soceity.why cant islam and there followers behave in the same manner in the uk,can somebody please answer me this question.i struggle to find the answer.
But, INBBC, does this have anything to do with Islam?:-
“US embassies to shut on Sunday” [ in Muslim world] “over ‘security threat'”
“U.S. closing embassies throughout Muslim world on Sunday after threat.”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Some may remain closed for longer than a day. Remember when we kept hearing that Obama was going to repair our relationships with Muslim countries?”