The BBC’s Rottweiller turns out to be a bit of a lapdog.
John Humphrys fresh from his carpeting by the BBC Trust for being too right wing is proving his loyalty to the Corporation by pulling the wool over listener’s ears.
The BBC had steadfastly ignored recent reports of the hacking of phones by private investigators for hundreds of companies, as well as law firms and other organisations…..might that include the BBC? They also use PIs as Mark Thompson admitted.
But yesterday on the Today programme (08:50) Humphrys ‘investigated’ the BBC’s lack of interest….or not…he said:
‘Some people draw a distinction between the way this story has been covered and the way that newspapers using private investigators were covered…there is a huge disparity, massive coverage of the newspapers and relatively little for this bunch.’
Tom Symonds, BBC home affairs correspondent, plays it all down and blames News International for ramping up the coverage….
‘The coverage was due to the News of The World and News International who admitted phone hacking themselves and when they closed down the News of The World this ramped up the story to a great degree.’
Really? No coverage before that? No massive witch hunt against Murdoch? No massive coverage in the media before that? It wasn’t that massive coverage, by the Guardian in particular, which lied about the hacking of Milly Dowler’s phone, that caused the closure of the News of The World?
Good old BBC…never let the facts get in the way of a good story especially when trying to cover up your own cover up.
Good that the BBC is reporting on the ‘reporting’ of a story…..obviously feeling a little like they were caught out and are trying to cover up their decision not to report this until forced to.
Interesting that they feel the need to comment on the lack of reporting….the complete lack of interest in these big companies and law firms…..with no connections to Murdoch.
I was quite surprised but just looked and see there is nothing online…maybe in the morning though, after this:
Blue-chip hackers may be named and shamed after Soca chief resigns
“The BBC had steadfastly ignored recent reports of the hacking of phones by private investigators for hundreds of companies, as well as law firms and other organisations…..might that include the BBC? ”
Did you miss these articles Alan?
But it’s certainly very low key compared with the reporting over NI newspapers. I’ve barely seen any follow-up of the reports that HMRC hacked phones, for instance.
So you’re saying Humphrys is wrong…there wasn’t a ‘huge disparity ‘ in the coverage?
Two of your examples are from the past couple of days…in other words well after the story broke in the newspapers….and the first from 2nd july is an updated rehash of one from the 12th feb 2012….concerned mainly with the ‘rogue PI’s’ and not much concerned with the identity of the big businesses or law firms employing the PIs….as the title indicates:
‘Rogue private eyes: The next hacking scandal?’
For over a year the BBC has shown absolutely no interest in the identity of those clients.
Apparently MP and part time champion of morality Kieth Vaz is already calling for an investigation of who is implicated in this scandal and at the same time make sure that the dishonesty wasn`t racially motivated or linked to himself….. It will end up in yet another enquiry costing us millions and achieving fuck all yet again….. It`s obvious that private investigators use tactics that are not legal when they have to, how else can they do thier job…. A conman who is being traced by a PI does not play by the rules so the PI has to plat by his rules…. Otherwise they couldn`t complete thier tasks…. Are they supposed to act like the fucking Hardy Boys?? This so called scandal is a load of guff!!! Whereas the BBC peadophile cover up is a genuine scandal but the BBC is too arrogant and morally corrupt to accept that they are responsible for enabling sexual predators to gain access to thier victims… Also how about an unredacted report with the thirty blacked pages of data removed??? Ask Kieth Vaz to hold an enquiry into what happened to the Balen Report…. Ask him about the financial irregularities in his Tax returns…. The Private Investigation industry is guilty of breaking laws to track down people who have broken Civil Law… OMFG!! It`s a major scandal!! Who Knew??? Not us at the BBC, we were too busy looking the other way whilst our employees were thieving laptops, raping children and persecuting Jews to have noticed what was going on outside thier moral vacuum…. The BBC are not fit for purpose and its charter should be torn up and a new charter should be written after the whole workforce has been sacked and new people brought in…. As a public funded company all the Heads of the BBC and BBC trust should have thier statuses reviewed annually by the people who fund thier corporation…. The public should be able to vote on who should be in charge at the BBC, which would be simply done by sending all uk households an annual report along with the financial reports explaining exactly how and where our cash was spent.. (They could staple it to the foreheads of those TV license investigators who break the law when they say they have legal authority and have the same powers as the Police, when in fact they are salespeople who work on a commission basis for a private company hired by the BBC to bully people into paying for services they dont use dont need and do not want…… I havent bought a tv license for over ten years now…. when they come round I ask who they are and refuse to identify myself and shut the door on them… I have yet to have them attempt to use a warrant to enter my home, and if they do my Bi-Polar disorder will allow me to make sure that it will hurt them more than it hurts me and that no criminal charges will be brought against me due to my illness…. The BBC can go fuck themselves as they will not see a penny from me…… Ive lived in the same house in the ten years and for eight years they send the letters to “The Householder” … Wankers!!! BTW Albumen how is that during the month of Ramadan you still manage to be a massive cocksucker 24/7 even though it is Haram to ingest cocks during the daylight hours….??? Also just becouse your mouth is surrounded by hair it doesnt mean you gave to talk like a cunt all the time!!!
LOL. yes Keith Vaz, just how is it that this guy is not only NOT in gaol but constantly on our screens?
“BTW Albumen how is that during the month of Ramadan you still manage to be a massive cocksucker 24/7 even though it is Haram to ingest cocks during the daylight hours….??? Also just becouse your mouth is surrounded by hair it doesnt mean you gave to talk like a cunt all the time!!! ”
It says a lot about this site that personal attacks of this nature are tolerated whilst pointing out factual inaccuracies in comments gets you banned.
David and Alan must be so proud to have support like this.
I fully agree with Alby for once. Justin’s post was on the whole good until those last four lines. If Alby, himself, had decended to that level of abuse he would be banned. Justin’s post should be removed or at least the offensive bit removed.
You have a low opinion of this site but you keep on coming back.
I agree with you Joshaw but there is still no excuse for sinking to their level of abuse. We hold the high moral ground, and we can’t give lefties like Alby any excuse to duck the issues which personal abuse gives them.
I’m not disagreeing with you.
I’m just wondering why he hangs around here. Like many Lefties, I don’t think he likes contrary views being expressed anywhere.
“I don’t think he likes contrary views being expressed anywhere”
And that ,for me at least, is the root problem with the BBC. But that cannot be opposed by adopting the same attitude .I welcome the interjections of the ‘faithful, as it exposes the irrational nature of their belief system .In fact their views should be more widely disseminated
That said ‘albaman’ is the least feverish of the fauxcialists that regular post on here (except when it comes to the Socialist Nationalist [and Scottish workers] Party) and Justin’s attack on him was unpleasant and unnecessary.
As for censorship that’s a slippery slope. I would hope that, on reconsideration, Justin would remove the last four lines himself, as I hope I would
“I would hope that, on reconsideration, Justin would remove the last four lines himself”
Not possible, is it? (Probably why you used second conditional.) Being prone to typos, I’ve often wished for an ‘edit’ option.
The second conditional is an admission, that while I aspire to be a better person ,I too often fail
But you are probably right about the post publishing edit. Is it not possible to delete and then re-post?
I only ask because I may well need that facility my self at some point as I often get as angry as justin
I suspect that edits may cause problems when people have responded to the part which has been edited.
However, I can proof read something three times and still get it rwong.
You’ve got to love it when the BBC reports on what the ‘media’ is doing.
They might have more people in their news division than there are journalists employed by every other outlet in the country, but don’t go thinking that they have any influence on the news agenda.
Good old Vance
Good old Woody… never let the facts get in the way of an obsession.
Well we have to remember Woody’s second name is ‘pecker’ says it all really !
We are where we are.
Time now to draw a line under it all and move on.
Going forward, I suggest a time of reflection for us all.
All in the past-somewhat negative and in need of closure now surely.
The BBC goldfish bubbles this up when the parrots on the Perch of Plenty tell it to.
And that ought to be good enough for us all!
News of the World closing after a massive outcry and huge public attention is what ramped up the story to a great degree? Good one, BBC.
Albaman has a point. Personal abuse is out of place here. Debate and argument is welcome but let’s be civil to each other. I know how easy and tempting it is to be caustic.
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