“After almost six weeks of deafening silence, the Guardian and the BBC finally make passing references to the revelations that law firms, blue-chip companies and others routinely hired private investigators guilty of hacking, blagging and stealing private information.
“What a contrast to the hullabaloo they raised two years ago, when they devoted oceans of ink and hours of airtime to the narrower scandal of voicemail hacking by rogue elements of the red-top Press.”
Amazing, no, how the pretrendy left can dress up naked attacks on NewsCorp by pretending they are grief-stricken about minor breaches of the Telecommunictions Act.
Oh yeah and Millie Dowler.
Like the swine gave a flying unowhat abour Millie Dowler.
Well I never thought I’d say this but well done the Guardian for exposing the level of ‘hacking’ and surveillance that we law-abiding subjects of the Crown endure every day.
It make a bit of voicemail hacking seem rather in comparison. All this hoo-haa over nothing when our privacy is relentlessly destroyed by rouge governments.
Just bear in mind that every post you make here, or on any other website, any site you have visited in the last 5 years will be logged and and attributable to you personally (Oh hi NSA/GCHQ how are you today).
Don’t tell me about HTTPS or proxies. I know about all those things and the do NOTHING. The NSA have all the keys.
‘The same creative rights the BBC would pawn its granny to defend, are at the same time being eroded ‘
It does of course mean seeking access to the law, and having financial resources few possess to do so.
Luckily for the BBC, they have the will, and the way, when it suits.
But it is interesting to ponder how the BBC’s finest might react if those whose activities they seek to bring to public attention simply fell back on vast corporate funds to ensure matters of possible interest were, wherever possible, routinely redacted.
As ever, the BBC is keen to report the latest ‘news’ from the climate lobby. This time they’ve found that so-called climate change causes violence and conflict in the world. Apparently heat makes people more aggressive, and ‘scientists’ have estimated that “…a 2C rise in global temperature could see personal crimes increase by about 15%, and group conflicts rise by more than 50% in some regions.” (we have previously been told that crime in Britain has fallen dramatically – that must be down to global cooling, presumably). Fortunately, this problem does not affect the warmest continent; civil strife in Africa is apparently down to other causes altogether.
If an increase in temperature causes a rise in violence, is it too much to hope that there could be less grinning like lobotomised eight year olds by assorted weather forecasters when the mercury jumps into the eighties ?
“Ooh ! It’s hotter than Madrid !” *Grin, gurn* Bugger off.
As I recall from historical evidence, pestilence, plague, famine, civil unrest and strife, desertification, and the like tended to increase in times of cooler climatological conditions, often following significant volcanic activity. Explosions of hot-headed violence on hot, humid days is not unusual, and hardly linked to a changing climate. After all, the climate has ALWAYS changed, and anyway, it’s not getting any hotter.
I have not noticed any particular increase in my feelings of animosity towards the leftie greenie eco-dimwits purely because today is, say, ten degrees warmer than yesterday. I hate them ALL the time.
Present day journalists have no notion of history.
Should I mention the Vikings who decimated Western Europe around the ninth century? Was this due to a sudden heat wave in Norway?
I saw some TV pictures of the police removing a couple of people from this fire engine. I was left with the feeling that plod was happy with the situation, they had built a tower scaffold to get someone off the thing and were treating him/her, not sure which with the greatest of care; as if he were made of glass and might break into pieces. Similarly with another who was in the cab. It was pathetic; I don’t believe they care about the rights of the company to go about its lawful business, nor the extra costs to them or us. They just wish to remain friends with those in the protest ‘community’, and of course make sure they bump up their own overtime receipts. They are all laughing at the rest of us.
The protesters spin by insisting on calling this an ant-fracking protest despite the fact that Cuadrilla is drilling for oil. The BBC is happy to provide the protesters with a helpful headline.
im sure the eco warrior arrived here in a hot air ballon. Flying by plane would obviously make her a hypocrite, and if there’s one thing i know about environmentalists, theres not one hypocrite amongst them
Then, I assume she walked the rest of the way…or, possibly attached rows of pigeons to her arms…oh, hang on…that would be exploiting poor animals…deffo never used air, rail or roads though.
Tiny minorities of eco-nutters also seem to be able to dictate our energy policy (well, they did under Labour, anyway). Hope they are still around to be sued when the lights go out and ‘vulnerable’ people are dying because they have no heating.
Ps – judging by your interjection…..bit of an eco-warrior are we, Albaman? Bit of a……..’renewables’ fan?
Funny thing is they’ve been drilling for oil in Sussex, and every other county in the UK, for as many decades as I remember. Strange it’s an issue now.
“Three brothers, Gulfraz Banaris, 20, and Ifaraz Banaris, 25, both of Deedmore Road, Wood End, and Izthkhab Banaris, 24, of Eld Road, all Coventry, are charged with conspiracy to traffic girls across the city.
. . .
“Two other brothers, Isa Iqbal, 21, and Ismail Iqbal, 20, both of no fixed address, also face trafficking charges and will appear in court in November.
. . .
“Ricardo Hinkson, 23, from Telfer Road, Radford; Amir Mahmood, 27, of Blackwell Road, both Coventry and Tasveer Hussain, 30, of Canal Road, Foleshill, have been charged with conspiracy to traffic within the UK for the purposes of sexual exploitation.
“Saleem Hussain, 30, of Beake Avenue, Coventry, faces a charge of sexual assault, and 25-year-old Khezer Hussain, from Bordesley Green East, Stechford, Birmingham, has been charged with an offence of rape.”
You see – they are listening to criticism – no longer using the misleading “Asian men” description – just “men” now (I suppose that includes me as well).
Why don`t Paddy Power take bets on any accused paedo gangs NOT being Muslim?
That is surely Sharia compliant is it not?…what does Papa Cisse up on Tyneside say?…or are you only allowed to bet in a casino with halal dice?
Send for Choudury!
Pity the BBC wil not show what the Palestinian Arabs .are currently watching on their TV.
On the eve of the “peace” talks this is what was being shown .
A song calls to attack Israel,
the “snake’s head,” with the rifle
“With the rifle we will impose our new life…
Oh Palestinians, I want to go…
and with you attack the snake’s head” http://www.palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=157&doc_id=9413
I posted this on a bBBC thread yesterday, which is way down the rankings and possibly was not seen by many. So I hope you do not mind if I re-post here.
The periodic BBC licence review comes up, (December 2016).
We all have our BBC bias beef, whether it be about interviewers or correspondents ‘lefty’ bias, climate change, the denial of social cohesion muslim problems, immigration or whatever.
If one wants to more than just vent ones spleen on this site and actually achieve results, the most assured way of getting action is to lobby your MP, (copy to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport), about each and every specific perceived bias article you come across.
I have just complained to my MP about the recent blatant BBC dabbling in the Lynton Crosby bias.
If one believes like I do, that the BBC has become so blatantly out of control and it is now ripe for questioning of the hefty annual tax of £145.50 a year we each pay, when:
So much gross waste, (recent £100m on IT project cancelled and hundreds of staff cover Glastonbury for example).
Bloated, exorbitantly paid management executives and lavish employees perks and excessive pay offs.
Scandals and skeletons leaking from every cupboard opened, from facilitating Saville, Stuart Hall etc.
I feel the time has come to ask why we need such a bloated public broadcaster on a rapidly changing world media stage and to seriously question the involuntary enormous tax per household for this unreformed service.
This tax collector even practices tax avoidance with self employed arrangements for some of their grossly paid stars and others whose main income is the BBC .
They already have some Privatisation:
According to the BBC’s 2011/12 Annual Report[60] its income can be broken down, as follows:
£3,606.3 million in licence fees collected from householders;
£222 million from BBC Commercial Businesses;
£279.4 million from government grants;
£271.9 million from other income, such as providing content to overseas broadcasters and concert ticket sales.
Further privatisation of some of the good bits would be good and closing down of the bad bits is well overdue to bring this out of control organisation to more accountability and bring our taxes down.
If we all work together in letting our MPs and the Secretary for Culture, Media and Sport know about the great concerns we have, as shown by this website, on the way our taxes are being spent, I feel we can have great influence on the forthcoming licence review.
Nothing to do with bias but why does the BBC, in broadcasting its advertisements for Desert Island Discs, insist on using one of the choices as background music to the commercial? One of the major attractive features of DID is that the listener has little idea about what music the subject will choose. It appears to be a feature of BBC production to introduce unnecessary background music (cf the BBC2 programme on the Hebrides last night) on every possible occasion.
How how outre Beeb!
Last week it was Russell Brand on Desert Island Discs.
This week it was Mary Robinson.
Oh what a contrast!
Both break the mould of BBC interpretation of grandad whitey voting Tory and locking wifey in the cellar.
Both are liberal lefty luvvies who rather like the sound of their own voices, and both given the “why are you so great-how does it feel to be a GamesMaker” type of fawning that the BBC do so well.
No chance of Monica Lewinsky getting asked on, seeing as we`re seeking internationally known ” motorcade stoppers” is there Beeb?
Yes, I know Russell is known only to Mexicali/Columbian freeview, but you get my point!
P.S Is Andrew Sachs due a Desert Island Discs?…or will that only happen once Gerry Adams has appeared?
Who actually was better-qualified for her free pass into Troughers Heaven?
Was it Robbie here or was it Ashton…both doing rather well out of this Europe thing aren`t they?
But what a rebel-the first trougher NOT to have Imagine as one of her songs.
Guessing that`ll be the EU Anthem when Yoko pops it…she wrote all his stuff you know!
Hope you all heard the AGW classic this morning (about 6.40am) on five live.
Seems “the scientists” have made a correlation between “global warming” and a rise in crimes such as rape in India. What!!?? you scream. Yep, that’s correct.
Ellie Oldroyd and reporter were shocked. Ellie: “and this is only going to get worse right?” You’d better believe it.
I sat waiting for the guest/reporter to give the opposing view, you know, for balance.
After this week, it really is disgusting that we are forced to pay for this crap. Sadly, no one who can seems remotely interested in doing anything about it. Consequently, I believe it’s getting worse.
It’s certainly got worse since Lord “Tony” Hall became Director General. Staff seem to know they can get away with any sort of bias and propaganda while Hall is guarding their backs.
apparently tax fiddling, gang master
openly deceitful muslims … what a surprise
by the way …
this child has NO pressing medical need, and is NOT allergic, you couldn t make it up.
the world turned upside down shakes head
Suppose there`s no dismissal for the numpties at the Portsmouth school that prevented a kid from getting a drink of water because it might upset Muslim kids during Ramadan…even though he wasn`t even Muslim.
Nah, course not…one way traffic only to Mecca!
Yet another game of ‘multi-ethnic trumps’ where Islam is the ace which beats all others.
What of the non-Muslim child’s HUMAN RIGHTS? What if the child had become ILL from dehydration? What if the child had a medical condition or SPECIAL NEEDS? A glass of WATER (not even orange squash or a fizzy fruit / cola drink) is a pretty basic thing! If Muslims want to fast, it is their choice, but it should NOT be imposed on anyone else. I’ve even taught them during Ramadan and they can’t concentrate and so learn less.
A bit like communities living in fear post acronym-spraying, this again is showing a dubious trend in media reporting vs. facts (the two being darn near mutually incompatible), and one might wonder if we’ll ever know the truth enough to judge what went on and whether reactions were warranted or not.
This rather sets the scene, surely?:
‘The company continued: “Obviously we cannot provide all of the details surrounding the dismissal. ‘
I must say I’d have some sympathy with any dinner lady tasked with second guessing which kids eats what, especially when it seems having the mites who might not follow the path of the bacon sarny (gammon is a step up from my day) carry wristbands was deemed a threat to their self-esteem or on par with yellow stars. Especially as they can’t be trusted to answer a question about their own preferences.
Rather intrigued what the actual tracking system the management did expect their front liners to follow. Having pictures, like cheque bouncers on the back of the till at the local corner shop, is an option, but seems like another open goal to a whole new offence crew.
Also the ‘claims’ and degree of covert exchange between school head and her employers seems downright creepy on a guilty ’til shafted properly standpoint.
On a purely speculative basis, I am impressed at this:
‘In Khadija’s case, it is understood the error was spotted by headteacher Caroline Peet who swept the plate away from the youngster before she had a chance to eat it.’
I never saw my head teacher in the dining room ever, much less stationed to ‘sweep’ plates away from what one presumes arm’s length.
Ms. Peet seems to be defining the whole narrative, and the word of senior management is being taken over that of service personnel.
Some may feel that to be a ‘ism right there, and any media not asking further questions may in turn deserve a few themselves.
Did she have to guess the religion and beliefs of the child from the colour of their skin? That’s racial profiling isn’t it? Thought racial profiling wasn’t allowed these days.
The papers weren’t on the Beeb’s desk, they were in a video by some beat combo called Barbershopera’s video that the Beeb showed a clip of but ‘carelessly’ didn’t edit out anything potentially offensive.
Well, the BBC may have believed that the penis being depicted may have been a circumcised one and so to edit it out would be somehow perceived as anti-Muslim, and anyway, who are the BBC to interfere with artistic vision in the first place?
What`s the betting that all those browns and ochres will be getting taken off the court room artists before too long…or else the artists will have run out of the same shades?
It just looks-well so- judgemental doesn`t it?…so make the most of this art form before it gets banned by the BBC.
Now hold on sir!
One of these appears not to have the “Muslim monickers” that we`ve all come to know and to associate with the Religion of Paeds.
Is he a convert?…or was he just in a mosque when the police crept in with curled slippers and kapok-stuffed doggies?
I can vent my spleen here, G20 Tomlinson was a career alcoholic, lived in a hostel, no job just hang out with his buddy the news paper seller drinking, had not seen his family for 10-15 years. So went they got all affectionate, I thought ‘compo claim’. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23534663
The article gives no indication of the real situation. But then once you have reached ‘Sainthood’, the truth is inconsequential.
There’s clearly an issue with male Muslim gangs raping white girls. That’s a fact not a supposition or prejudice given the number of cases. The logical conclusion would be newspaper articles, TV documentaries and the like… if it was any other group or institution. From some reason we still get the “some men” appellation as though these incidents aren’t mixed or don’t indicate some sort of profound cultural malaise.
You must know by now that Muslims are a favoured demographic and must not be criticised or seen in a bad light. Mass rapes of young girls or even beheadings in the street, nothing to see here. I am just surprised that they manage to pull this off without mass unrest amongst the indigenous population. Baffles me!
Structural unemployment is a huge lie that economists like Flanders can’t really handle, because they believe that government knows best when it comes to the economy, and that fixes happen top down.
In reality, unemployment is a sign that labour has priced itself out of the market – demand for employees at the cost the company incurs is lower than would allow all people to work. The cause of this isn’t usually what the worker himself wants, but laws and regulations from government that raise the costs to business – the classic example being minimum wages, which price out of the market completely those workers whose skills are not worth more than the minimum set.
Whats amusing about Flanders’ article is that the truth is plainly evident, but rather than accept it, she has to look around for other explanations. Unemployment has gone down as real wages have gone down, because labour is now more realistically priced vs. demand for labour.
The best thing that governments can do is to abolish central banks and then get the hell out of the money printing business – sadly this won’t happen any time soon, and instead we’ll get ‘treated’ to Stephanie’s ongoing bewilderment as to why what her keynesian professors told her about how the world works is rudely belied by how the world actually works.
“In reality, unemployment is a sign that labour has priced itself out of the market – ” – really, so consumer demand for products has no effect on employment levels?
“the classic example being minimum wages, which price out of the market completely those workers whose skills are not worth more than the minimum set.” – so no minimum wage would lead to a decrease in employment would it? Would the goods and services being produced also fall in cost so that those earning less could create a demand for them?
“The best thing that governments can do is to abolish central banks………..” – and replace them with what? What benefits would the economy gain from the BoE being abolished?
Stop the world! “10” protesters have traveled down from Lanashire to Balcome. WOOOAH big reaction they got into double figures. That’s it I’ll just sit in the corner and see if either the lights go out first or I just can’t afford to turn the lights on. North West strikes again.
I’m amazed commie Len even show his face after what happened in Foulkirk. And, alas, England forever more, will have to be reminded by Lady Lawrence that we are all racist thugs who should repent daily for our bigotry.
Oh! England is finished, I genuinely fear, as it seems the Left, aided by the BBC, have finally turned the once warrior nation into a bunch of big jessies who are terrified of Islam, militant feminists and the Black power movement.
What on Earth would my great-great Grandfather, who was a Colour Sergeant in the Boer War, make of our country today?
I live in a Labour stronghold in the North of England, and I’ve often pondered whether I could join the local party and try to work my way up to see what it’s like on the inside, just out of curiosity.
Trouble is that it would take far too much commitment on my part, and I would not be able to play the part of ruthless, tribal bully long enough to keep up the ruse.
When Trayvon was out getting sweets, I thought this was a bit strange for 17 year old. I have picked up a summer bug and went for the Robitussin. Then I found this – http://therealrevo.com/blog/?p=75112 so that is why he was out shopping.
How many of those non-jobs in Councils have been removed? I see a problem where many former public sector workers can’t find a job in the real world because of inadequate experience.
Two US politicians are the subject “Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer and the death of shame” By Nick Bryant of BBC News, New York on the BBC website. Sadly Mr Bryant does not inform us which party these two sleezeballs represent. Shall I assume that because the party is NOT identified they are democrats?
A new age of American politics? Yes: Democrats can be as corrupt and vile as they please, and the media will work overtime to rehabilitate them and help out when needed.
I noticed that Bryant, one of the battalion of Beeboids working the US beat (seriously, how many are there now? Is Newsnight still short-staffed due to budget cuts?) got around to mentioning political parties when it was time to tell his readers that Clinton came back and was very popular even though the evil Republicans tried to force him out of office.
Oh dear. Didn’t take long for the Beeb to reveal who their new go to gal is going to be for anything racial/black/immigrant.
Following yesterday/today’s illegal immigrant crackdown they are reporting that; “recently appointed to the House of Lords, Doreen Lawrence claimed the raids may have been based on racial profiling.
Who is she getting her briefings from… Newsnight?
Sound likes she’s going to be a rich new ‘source’ of circular quote feeding a la the Graun/BBC ‘these guys are saying..’ where no one is responsible for what 3rd parties say and it’s just a coincidence they agree with each other.
I am willing to bet the general public will soon get absolutely sick of the sight and sound of race-baiter Lawrence before she even warms her seat in the House of Lords.
Actually the vast majority of them won’t.
They are too lazy to get out of their Eastenders watching mode, accepting the spoonfed bullshit from the media, and probably believe only deserving cases could possibly be ennobled.
So, cue future episodes of Question time, as soon as a juicy case of whitey violence on black hits the news.
Maybe. Now that she is officially a politician, her self righteous immunity has been weakened and people will feel more inclined to have a go. The problem, of course, is that this is unlikely to be allowed on TV unless it happens spontaneously.
‘“The bad side is, you know, the bunker mentality that gets round leaders..”
Lucky the BBC is funded just that little bit more uniquely than Labour, so Lords Hall Hall and Patten, plus all along the whispering corridors of astounding uncuriosity, may yet prevail.
Knowing how much the BBC image control guys like to play behind the scenes, pretend they don’t, and get snitty if any activities less easily accounted for make it into the public domain, when it does it makes for interesting reading, even the bits the public still don’t have a right to know… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/mechanics.html
I like the line ‘BBC version of events’, which possibly is not the same as the truth or accuracy.
It’s how you build trust.
Anyhoo, in the unlikely event of the spotlight shining in ways that do mean partings of the way, the pain can get eased… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/the-severance-six.html
Again some interesting lines, given the source is a friend.
Lord Patten gets a new call-out, and the executive suite’s powers of recall are again called into question.
The BBC reports that all US embassies in Mohammedan countries will close – unusually – on Sunday, Aug. 4. In a main report about travel and trouble warnings for most of the month, due to apparent threats we’ve heard about, they offer the suggestion from an anonymous US official that this could be related to Ramadan. The BBC says this:
An unnamed senior US official told NBC the threat may be related to the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which ends next week.
In the Muslim world, Sunday is a work day. In other parts of the world US diplomatic offices are shut on Sunday.
“It is possible we may have additional days of closing as well,” a senior state department official told the BBC on Thursday.
One assumes that our defenders of the indefensible will condemn this Islamophobic remark. In any case, while that may have some bearing on an uptick of violence after the end of Ramadan, what does this Sunday have to do with it? The BBC is slightly coy here, as Ramadan ends next Wednesday, Aug. 7, and won’t have ended yet by Sunday. Any act of violence on Sunday would be a violation of the holy month. The BBC doesn’t dare point that out, and instead leaves it as vaguely having to do with the end of Ramadan.
This is all slightly weird, since the BBC also has a video clip of a State Dept. mouthpiece openly stating that the Sunday closure is in direct response to a threat. There may be further closures after that, but we don’t know more than that. But Sunday is definitely a lockdown day. What’s on Sunday, BBC? No curiosity?
Sunday, Aug. 4, happens to be the President’s birthday. What an unfortunate coincidence.
must be all that spiritual ambience
from the”religion of paeds”
you know being ramadan and all that.
oh latest Ramadan Bombathon Scorecard
courtesy of … http://www.thereligionofpeace.com
This would be a good time for that middle-aged man who calls himself Nicky, and the agenda-setting Today, to bring in a couple of those trendy imams and prominent thoroughly modern Muslims they have on speed dial to tell us all that this violence during Ramadan is un-Islamic. No excusing it by blaming US/UK foreign policy, either. Either condemn the violence or don’t get any respect.
I noticed the BBC has taken my advice and brought Douglas Murray on a lot more to debate these people (such as Mehdi Hasan), but much more needs to be done.
Here’s one of those ‘shock horror’ headlines that won’t make the BBC – for obvious reasons.
Yes, folks, the co-chair of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) working group III has a slip-of-the-tongue moment of candour/arrogance when he tells us the real point behind global warming is to “redistribute the world’s wealth.”
Now when Two Jags enagaged his mouth whilst his brain was elsewhere and told us climate change was all about ‘social justice’ we all knew he was, well, ‘just being John’.
But a co-chair of an IPCC working group? Welly well well-well.
Read about it here and, for a real laugh, scroll down to the video which shows an IPCC delegate explaining why the spring snow in Germany is due to global warming:
Thanks for flagging this one, Johnny – CFACT continue to work very hard against the all-pervasive CAGW propaganda, despite the smears against them and the repeated (and entirely untrue) accusations that they are ‘bankrolled by Big Oil’. This latest billboard is merely stating the truth – not as as CFACT sees it, but as the IPCC itself sees it.
Of course, I won’t hold my breath waiting for the wretched BBC to unravel the cesspit of lies and misdirection behind the IPCC’s blatantly political (as in ‘socialist global wealth redistribution project’) any time soon. After all, this publicly-funded Corporation are the UN IPCC’s no.1 cheerleader in the UK.
Nice to know our license fees are being used so ‘impartially’, isn’t it?
To be honest, Phil, it would be easy to cover the whole of this website with stuff like this and still have lots to spare – there is so much of it on the web it is a miracle that the BBC manages to miss it. Perhaps Dez or Albaman can explain……
How about a romp with Jolly John ap Llewellyn Gareth Edwards Ray Gravell Owain Glyndwr Shirley Bassey Milford Haven Cardigan Bay Mumbles Eisteddfod Prescott then ?
Though I don’t speak Welsh, I can still see that you’re being unconscionably rude. I’m guessing “ffyc” is one of those little borrow a word and fiddle it about jobs like “ambiwlans”, yes ?
FYI, I’m merely emphasising JJ ap etc P’s proud heritage for the benefit of our new friend Islingtoned here, who might not be aware that ‘Dai’ Prescott is not just a warm and snuggly (and terrifically randy) companion dans le sac, but could perhaps serenade him afterwards into the bargain with melodious renditions of “All Through The Night”, “Cwn Rhondda”, “She’ll Be Comin’ Round The Mountain When She Comes” etc etc. in his lovely baritone.
And for this kindly service I am abused in the tongue of the Taffia. For shame, sir. FOR SHAME!
I’m off to find my sjambok, and then there’ll be a reckoning, oh yes.
Here’s something which the BBC aren’t reporting at all, yet they must certainly be aware of it. Perhaps it’s the reason for promoting some tired Liebour back bencher to criticise Millipede for being clueless.
This is major story stuff – great importance ! No BBC report !
Ah well see what you think !
The monthly ComRes poll for the Independent is out tonight. Topline figures are CON 34%(+4), LAB 37%(+1), LDEM 10%(nc), UKIP 12%(-2). The three point Labour lead is the lowest ComRes have shown since last September, and the 34% for the Conservatives the highest since last November.
The drop in the Labour lead and the fading of UKIP support is very much in line with the pattern we’ve seen in the daily YouGov polls, in ICM’s poll this month and in line with the sort of figures Populus are now showing… though it’s worth noting that MORI and some of the new online companies aren’t yet picking up the same pattern.
As to why the polls are narrowing, the harsh truth is that we really can’t tell. There is always a temptation that I see people falling into to reach for the issue you personally care about and ascribing changes in the polls to that (or “why the change in the polls shows that politicians should do the thing I like”) the reality is we can’t tell*, all we can do is look for rough correlations in timing. Personally my best guess is that’s its the result of the ongoing improvement in economic optimism we have seen over the past few months, a rather more controlled Conservative message and the decreased level of publicity UKIP have been receiving.
CNN and The Atlantic are reporting that an unknown number of CIA operatives were on the ground in the area on the night the Benghazi compound was attacked.
What was it that Hillary Clinton so exasperatedly yelled at the hearings on the subject…ah, yes I recall now,“What difference, at this point, does it make?”
….or….. nothing to see here, move on, folks….
It has the familiar ring of the BBC attitude to bad news (unless it’s about anything that can be laid at the feet of the current government, of course)….
I was listening to the Today prog’ this morning and Humphreys was casting aspersions regarding some of the latest additions to the House of Lords. Just one of these recent recruits is beyond criticism. Of course I’m referring to Doreen Lawrence, “The mother of the murdered black teenager…” It’s as well they keep reminding us who this woman is just in case the ghastly events had slipped our minds. I mean you may have spent the last two decades in a coma or a cave in Afghanistan and known nothing of this saintly lady.
It got me musing on some of the changes we have witnessed over those years. Back then I was so misinformed as to think that Gerry Adams and Martin McGuiness were terrorists and not main stream politicians wedded to the democratic process; stupid eh?
And I had never heard of those talented chaps, Marcus Brigstocke, Jeremy Hardy and the plethora of right on, pc “comedians” that infest the BBC. Ridiculous!
And I wondered what alterations will have occurred to poor old Blighty in another couple of decades. Perhaps Abu Hamza will be prime minister and Abu Qatada will be doing stand up on Radio 4.
Well, I bet he’d be funnier than Marcus…
A Liberal donor also got a peerage – no mention of that by Humphrys when he was interviewing Liberal Lord Oakshott who was against it all.
Oh how and why how did he get a peerage?
Yes – he wasn’t asked and we weren’t told.
Why has a railway station suddenly become a train station?
Not content with denigrating the English language by refusing to pronounce the last consonant R4 PM now calls railway stations by this wierd name. Contempt
for the English language I suppose.
This was R4 tonight in a segment attempting to whip up a storm over suspected illegal immigrants being stopped at transport hubs.
Get real Beeboids. Do you think aanyone in the shires cares?
They might care in Islington and in the Guardian offices and sundry other liberal hangouts but nowhere else.
Illegal means illegal. And if it means profiling to obtain the best result the why not do it?
It is called getting realistic.This is anathema to the beeboid liberal mind. Fantasy and faux outrage over imagined trifles rules.
Once again I am certain that in hundreds of towns and villages across this land nobody cares. Well not quite right we want illegal immigration stopped and traffikers imprisoned.
The BBC has this strange attitude to reality. Sad really but I suppose every society has the delusional.
BBC has and is giving this (and the van with the ads) vastly more coverage than it did to the report from the Public Administration Committee about immigration statistics.
This is a story with legs that appeals to every beeboid and all metropolitans they believe.
Too true. Isn’t it strange that the BBC tries to point out, and have punished, any illegality whatsoever which might involve….oh, say a Conservative politician uttering the word ‘pleb’, or a newspaper which actually reports something approaching the truth about some of the BBC bedfellows….. but THIS sort of illegality is just being pilloried and prejudicially treated by thease awful people who aren’t in our club….
Beeboid Ms Ghattas has a curious, and inaccurate side-bar on all this.
It’s early August, but she’s pushing ‘9/11’ connection.
And she has not updated her information on Benghazi Islamic jihad murder of American Ambassador in past year, pushing false link to an ‘anti-Muslim video.’
“Interpol Global Security Alert After Jailbreaks.
“The international police warning comes after the US put out a travel alert and will close many embassies in the Muslim world.”
Why should BBC-Democrat report the following, when it’s off its political message?:-
“Prosecutors: Fort Hood mass murderer was on jihad”
[Opening Excerpt]:-
“Why is motive not an element in this trial? What kind of murder trial doesn’t discuss motive? Is it not an element in the trial because it shows how much the Obama administration has been lying to the American people about this jihad attack?”
WHAT? darling of the drearybyshire 5live show? bigged up for cageprisoners.com and all that …
and beebot vicky sighing and tut tutting all over gitmo …
but but but! …… mozzam begg is a ahem “reformed”? pseudo academic these days! … erm well
what went wrong 😀
Strange thing about Liberals, they all love multiculturalism, diversity, etc etc.
But ask them to move 150 miles up the road to Salford, they have a prissy fit, as if you were asking them to go to Burma and build the bridge on the River Kwai.
Maybe they did a day visit to suss it out and were taken aback when the locals didn’t doff their caps in thanks for the BBC’s unwavering class war and support for the ‘workers’.
It’s not as if there was any clue in the recipient organisation’s name….’Busoga’ Association…..can anyone spot the anagram of the real name……….’A Bogus Associa……’
The BBC showing an obscene picture of the future King of England is much like the issue discussed by Robin Aitkin in his absorbing and thoroughly detailed analysis of how left wing bias pervades BBC news. In his highly credible testimony Aitkin mentions the picture of Bush depicted as Hitler in the BBC newsroom. As he noted at first, on one level it’s trivial and so what? Of course he went on to make the point that the reason it is disturbing is that the vast majority in the BBC newsroom wouldn’t think there was anything wrong in it. In the same way very few of the left wing, champagne socialist, middle class ‘journalists’ at the BBC would not have seen the picture of The Duke of Cambridge as offensive – Royalty to the BBC are like all other things thoroughly British, to be derided, to be ridiculed, to be shown wherever possible in the worst possible light. They have of course apologized with the kind of limp-wristed, sneering apology I recall when one of their highly independent, thoroughly impartial presenters on Today called an elected minister of state by a four letter word. We are really sorry, ha ha ha, for calling Jeremy Cxnt a Hunt…..a ha ha ha….
Actually he was joined, for a uniquely coordinated period, by another, hence the hapless then CultMin getting called a bit of a ‘NaughtieMarr’.
Oh, how they laughed.
In other news, it’s always interesting when the BBC takes folk they hold to account to task for template apologies.
‘A BBC spokesperson has eventually been motivated enough to shrug, hit ‘cookie cutter’ before retreating to the bunker’.
Those unique standards at play again, no doubt.
Rehana Begum, 43, a British national from Stepney, died in Sunamganj on Friday, the Foreign Office has confirmed.
On Friday morning a man who said he was a family member phoned the BBC to say she had been killed for her valuables.
But local police have since told a BBC journalist the murder investigation is focusing on her family and whether there was a rejected marriage proposal.
Nazrul Hossen, Police Super of Sunamganj district, said when the victim disagreed in principle with that proposal, she may have been attacked with knives and hit on the head.
Police said she “died on the spot due to excessive bleeding”.
‘Hacked to death’
Nobody has been arrested, but Mr Hossen said police were trying to find the culprits as soon as possible and said a murder case had been filed.
Earlier in the day, a man claiming to be a family member said Mrs Begum had been on holiday in the country with her husband and 12-year-old son since 17 July.
The man, who was calling from the south Asian country, said: “She came to Bangladesh to visit her family.
“She has been hacked to death by four people for jewellery and money.”
A Foreign & Commonwealth Office spokeswoman said: “We are aware of the death of a British national Rehana Begum in Sunamganj, Bangladesh on 2 August.
“We are providing consular assistance to her family at this difficult time.”
Hey, BBC there’s a new East Enders storyline for you…..
festival of eid, “religion of paeds”
Friday prayer, riot everywhere
kill the infidel wherever you find them?
even the trees will cry theres a jew behind me come and kill him?
anyone leave the religion, kill him?
anyone see a pattern emerging
In this case, rather than defer to some Islamic apologist, or to White House hand-outs, BBC goes to an independent analyst, Robin Simcox, who knows a thing or two about Islamic jihad threats.
Perhaps we will hear more from Mr Simcox on BBC in future, and less of Mr Mehdi Hasan. Here is a sample of the things Mr Simcox writes:-
BBC news still keeping the pot boiling on the abusive postings and threats made on Twitter against certain women. Now nobody denies that it needs stamping out and the scum who are doing it brought to justice. BUT, I’m afraid it’s the usual story of the BBC being selective in which ‘hate campaigns’ it chooses to report.
So, why did we never see or hear anything about this, let alone on a daily basis:
‘People have been coming into the cafe shouting that nothing happened at Stafford, that I am lying and there were no unnecessary deaths,’ she said last night.
‘I have been run out of town by small minded people, leaving my home, my livelihood and my friends because a few misinformed local political activists have fuelled a hate campaign based on lies.’
NHS…..political activists……it is all becoming clear to me now, Dave….
women who express a critical view of ‘that religion’ on twitter are regularly threaten with rape and murder, in the most graphic ways, by ‘those men’ .The police ,informed, do nothing. Perhaps the BBC might take up their case
“‘We aren’t targeting people based on race’: Immigration Minister defends spot checks at railway stations… but won’t tell us ethnicity of those they stopped”
never mind the illegal … wait till the legal start their stampede next year, preparations are apparently
well organised, not bad for a backward”gypsy” society
my … how a “goldrush” can focus the mind.
don t forget … it will only be highly trained IT worker Romagarians who will come.
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
‘Daily Mail Comment’:-
“Hacking: Why the silence of the Left?”
[Opening extract]-
“After almost six weeks of deafening silence, the Guardian and the BBC finally make passing references to the revelations that law firms, blue-chip companies and others routinely hired private investigators guilty of hacking, blagging and stealing private information.
“What a contrast to the hullabaloo they raised two years ago, when they devoted oceans of ink and hours of airtime to the narrower scandal of voicemail hacking by rogue elements of the red-top Press.”
Amazing, no, how the pretrendy left can dress up naked attacks on NewsCorp by pretending they are grief-stricken about minor breaches of the Telecommunictions Act.
Oh yeah and Millie Dowler.
Like the swine gave a flying unowhat abour Millie Dowler.
Well I never thought I’d say this but well done the Guardian for exposing the level of ‘hacking’ and surveillance that we law-abiding subjects of the Crown endure every day.
It make a bit of voicemail hacking seem rather in comparison. All this hoo-haa over nothing when our privacy is relentlessly destroyed by rouge governments.
Just bear in mind that every post you make here, or on any other website, any site you have visited in the last 5 years will be logged and and attributable to you personally (Oh hi NSA/GCHQ how are you today).
Don’t tell me about HTTPS or proxies. I know about all those things and the do NOTHING. The NSA have all the keys.
Phone hacking – my arse!
‘The same creative rights the BBC would pawn its granny to defend, are at the same time being eroded ‘
It does of course mean seeking access to the law, and having financial resources few possess to do so.
Luckily for the BBC, they have the will, and the way, when it suits.
But it is interesting to ponder how the BBC’s finest might react if those whose activities they seek to bring to public attention simply fell back on vast corporate funds to ensure matters of possible interest were, wherever possible, routinely redacted.
As ever, the BBC is keen to report the latest ‘news’ from the climate lobby. This time they’ve found that so-called climate change causes violence and conflict in the world. Apparently heat makes people more aggressive, and ‘scientists’ have estimated that “…a 2C rise in global temperature could see personal crimes increase by about 15%, and group conflicts rise by more than 50% in some regions.” (we have previously been told that crime in Britain has fallen dramatically – that must be down to global cooling, presumably). Fortunately, this problem does not affect the warmest continent; civil strife in Africa is apparently down to other causes altogether.
Link for the above article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-23538771
They really have made scraping the bottom of a barrel an art form.
Have the BBC enquired & determined that these finding relate only to “climate change” & not just “weather”?
If an increase in temperature causes a rise in violence, is it too much to hope that there could be less grinning like lobotomised eight year olds by assorted weather forecasters when the mercury jumps into the eighties ?
“Ooh ! It’s hotter than Madrid !” *Grin, gurn* Bugger off.
Funny so where does the BBC get it’s murder feasts from Icy Iraq ? nope super hot Scandinavia ?
As I recall from historical evidence, pestilence, plague, famine, civil unrest and strife, desertification, and the like tended to increase in times of cooler climatological conditions, often following significant volcanic activity. Explosions of hot-headed violence on hot, humid days is not unusual, and hardly linked to a changing climate. After all, the climate has ALWAYS changed, and anyway, it’s not getting any hotter.
I have not noticed any particular increase in my feelings of animosity towards the leftie greenie eco-dimwits purely because today is, say, ten degrees warmer than yesterday. I hate them ALL the time.
Present day journalists have no notion of history.
Should I mention the Vikings who decimated Western Europe around the ninth century? Was this due to a sudden heat wave in Norway?
BBC-NUJ, reflecting NUJ policy, gives anti-shale gas illegal protesters a better press than EDL, anti-Islamic jihad protesters.
“Fracking protest divides Balcombe village”
Will BBC-NUJ emphasise the COST of police provision at Balcombe?
ITV reports on Balcombe:-
(inc video clips).
I saw some TV pictures of the police removing a couple of people from this fire engine. I was left with the feeling that plod was happy with the situation, they had built a tower scaffold to get someone off the thing and were treating him/her, not sure which with the greatest of care; as if he were made of glass and might break into pieces. Similarly with another who was in the cab. It was pathetic; I don’t believe they care about the rights of the company to go about its lawful business, nor the extra costs to them or us. They just wish to remain friends with those in the protest ‘community’, and of course make sure they bump up their own overtime receipts. They are all laughing at the rest of us.
Only if they hold a memorial service for Mrs T, in which case they’ll report the figure x 10.
The protesters spin by insisting on calling this an ant-fracking protest despite the fact that Cuadrilla is drilling for oil. The BBC is happy to provide the protesters with a helpful headline.
One of the protesters on the fire engine was American or Canadian.
How did she get here?
Probably flew on a scheduled airline. People are allowed to do that you know.
I think you’ve missed the point.
im sure the eco warrior arrived here in a hot air ballon. Flying by plane would obviously make her a hypocrite, and if there’s one thing i know about environmentalists, theres not one hypocrite amongst them
Still involves setting fire to something, she obviously used a coracle, and paddled over, under her own steam.
Then, I assume she walked the rest of the way…or, possibly attached rows of pigeons to her arms…oh, hang on…that would be exploiting poor animals…deffo never used air, rail or roads though.
People are allowed to do that you know!
What a knob alba is.
Totally missed the logic.
‘People are allowed to do that you know.’
Tiny minorities of eco-nutters also seem to be able to dictate our energy policy (well, they did under Labour, anyway). Hope they are still around to be sued when the lights go out and ‘vulnerable’ people are dying because they have no heating.
Ps – judging by your interjection…..bit of an eco-warrior are we, Albaman? Bit of a……..’renewables’ fan?
BBC headline; “Balcombe oil drilling starts after fracking protests”
Do you even check the facts before posting here?
Er. sorry that invalidates any of the above comments how?
Just in case anyone missed it – the anti fracking protest has entered its tenth day. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-23558267#
Funny thing is they’ve been drilling for oil in Sussex, and every other county in the UK, for as many decades as I remember. Strange it’s an issue now.
Here we go again…
more ‘Men’ to be charged in Coventry with the usual crimes…. bet i can’t guess there names when they come out…..
And the BBC/Labour say its racist to target non-whites over immigration…….doh!
Names published here:
“Three brothers, Gulfraz Banaris, 20, and Ifaraz Banaris, 25, both of Deedmore Road, Wood End, and Izthkhab Banaris, 24, of Eld Road, all Coventry, are charged with conspiracy to traffic girls across the city.
. . .
“Two other brothers, Isa Iqbal, 21, and Ismail Iqbal, 20, both of no fixed address, also face trafficking charges and will appear in court in November.
. . .
“Ricardo Hinkson, 23, from Telfer Road, Radford; Amir Mahmood, 27, of Blackwell Road, both Coventry and Tasveer Hussain, 30, of Canal Road, Foleshill, have been charged with conspiracy to traffic within the UK for the purposes of sexual exploitation.
“Saleem Hussain, 30, of Beake Avenue, Coventry, faces a charge of sexual assault, and 25-year-old Khezer Hussain, from Bordesley Green East, Stechford, Birmingham, has been charged with an offence of rape.”
That’s it– all those Irish Catholics have to be sent back home to the Republic after serving their sentences!
Is Ricardo Hinkson a convert to the RoP ? Probably.
You see – they are listening to criticism – no longer using the misleading “Asian men” description – just “men” now (I suppose that includes me as well).
Why don`t Paddy Power take bets on any accused paedo gangs NOT being Muslim?
That is surely Sharia compliant is it not?…what does Papa Cisse up on Tyneside say?…or are you only allowed to bet in a casino with halal dice?
Send for Choudury!
Well they can’t be Ukrainian.
Ukrainians aren’t ‘men’.
Pity the BBC wil not show what the Palestinian Arabs .are currently watching on their TV.
On the eve of the “peace” talks this is what was being shown .
A song calls to attack Israel,
the “snake’s head,” with the rifle
“With the rifle we will impose our new life…
Oh Palestinians, I want to go…
and with you attack the snake’s head”
INBBC puts Muslim Brotherhood in HD for Arabs:-
“Middle East viewers to receive BBC World News in HD”
So do these people in the middle east and the other viewers in tin pot countries pay the licence fee ( TV TAX ) or is it just us mugs in the UK.
I posted this on a bBBC thread yesterday, which is way down the rankings and possibly was not seen by many. So I hope you do not mind if I re-post here.
The periodic BBC licence review comes up, (December 2016).
We all have our BBC bias beef, whether it be about interviewers or correspondents ‘lefty’ bias, climate change, the denial of social cohesion muslim problems, immigration or whatever.
If one wants to more than just vent ones spleen on this site and actually achieve results, the most assured way of getting action is to lobby your MP, (copy to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport), about each and every specific perceived bias article you come across.
I have just complained to my MP about the recent blatant BBC dabbling in the Lynton Crosby bias.
If one believes like I do, that the BBC has become so blatantly out of control and it is now ripe for questioning of the hefty annual tax of £145.50 a year we each pay, when:
So much gross waste, (recent £100m on IT project cancelled and hundreds of staff cover Glastonbury for example).
Bloated, exorbitantly paid management executives and lavish employees perks and excessive pay offs.
Scandals and skeletons leaking from every cupboard opened, from facilitating Saville, Stuart Hall etc.
I feel the time has come to ask why we need such a bloated public broadcaster on a rapidly changing world media stage and to seriously question the involuntary enormous tax per household for this unreformed service.
This tax collector even practices tax avoidance with self employed arrangements for some of their grossly paid stars and others whose main income is the BBC .
They already have some Privatisation:
According to the BBC’s 2011/12 Annual Report[60] its income can be broken down, as follows:
£3,606.3 million in licence fees collected from householders;
£222 million from BBC Commercial Businesses;
£279.4 million from government grants;
£271.9 million from other income, such as providing content to overseas broadcasters and concert ticket sales.
Further privatisation of some of the good bits would be good and closing down of the bad bits is well overdue to bring this out of control organisation to more accountability and bring our taxes down.
If we all work together in letting our MPs and the Secretary for Culture, Media and Sport know about the great concerns we have, as shown by this website, on the way our taxes are being spent, I feel we can have great influence on the forthcoming licence review.
Nothing to do with bias but why does the BBC, in broadcasting its advertisements for Desert Island Discs, insist on using one of the choices as background music to the commercial? One of the major attractive features of DID is that the listener has little idea about what music the subject will choose. It appears to be a feature of BBC production to introduce unnecessary background music (cf the BBC2 programme on the Hebrides last night) on every possible occasion.
How how outre Beeb!
Last week it was Russell Brand on Desert Island Discs.
This week it was Mary Robinson.
Oh what a contrast!
Both break the mould of BBC interpretation of grandad whitey voting Tory and locking wifey in the cellar.
Both are liberal lefty luvvies who rather like the sound of their own voices, and both given the “why are you so great-how does it feel to be a GamesMaker” type of fawning that the BBC do so well.
No chance of Monica Lewinsky getting asked on, seeing as we`re seeking internationally known ” motorcade stoppers” is there Beeb?
Yes, I know Russell is known only to Mexicali/Columbian freeview, but you get my point!
P.S Is Andrew Sachs due a Desert Island Discs?…or will that only happen once Gerry Adams has appeared?
Yes, Ms Young appears to choose guests of her political preference.
The music choice of ‘We will overcome’ and ‘times they are a changing’; said it all. Where were the cnd badges, sandals, kaftans, etc.
Who actually was better-qualified for her free pass into Troughers Heaven?
Was it Robbie here or was it Ashton…both doing rather well out of this Europe thing aren`t they?
But what a rebel-the first trougher NOT to have Imagine as one of her songs.
Guessing that`ll be the EU Anthem when Yoko pops it…she wrote all his stuff you know!
Hope you all heard the AGW classic this morning (about 6.40am) on five live.
Seems “the scientists” have made a correlation between “global warming” and a rise in crimes such as rape in India. What!!?? you scream. Yep, that’s correct.
Ellie Oldroyd and reporter were shocked. Ellie: “and this is only going to get worse right?” You’d better believe it.
I sat waiting for the guest/reporter to give the opposing view, you know, for balance.
Still waiting
After this week, it really is disgusting that we are forced to pay for this crap. Sadly, no one who can seems remotely interested in doing anything about it. Consequently, I believe it’s getting worse.
It’s certainly got worse since Lord “Tony” Hall became Director General. Staff seem to know they can get away with any sort of bias and propaganda while Hall is guarding their backs.
Update for INBBC, on news story it censors out:
“Family who got dinner lady fired after she accidentally served their child gammon are emigrating to Muslim country”
Hope they set a trend . . .
apparently tax fiddling, gang master
openly deceitful muslims … what a surprise
by the way …
this child has NO pressing medical need, and is NOT allergic, you couldn t make it up.
the world turned upside down shakes head
Suppose there`s no dismissal for the numpties at the Portsmouth school that prevented a kid from getting a drink of water because it might upset Muslim kids during Ramadan…even though he wasn`t even Muslim.
Nah, course not…one way traffic only to Mecca!
Yet another game of ‘multi-ethnic trumps’ where Islam is the ace which beats all others.
What of the non-Muslim child’s HUMAN RIGHTS? What if the child had become ILL from dehydration? What if the child had a medical condition or SPECIAL NEEDS? A glass of WATER (not even orange squash or a fizzy fruit / cola drink) is a pretty basic thing! If Muslims want to fast, it is their choice, but it should NOT be imposed on anyone else. I’ve even taught them during Ramadan and they can’t concentrate and so learn less.
I have a feeling that under Common law it is an offence to refuse water to anyone. In that case the school was breaking the law.
Whilst I agree totally with your sentiments, I feel you win this purely on the strength of your user name. I actually Lol’d.
Oh, and further on the original story: It seems there’s rather more to it than has been made public.
Why the Beeb haven’t noticed it yet I couldn’t tell you.
A bit like communities living in fear post acronym-spraying, this again is showing a dubious trend in media reporting vs. facts (the two being darn near mutually incompatible), and one might wonder if we’ll ever know the truth enough to judge what went on and whether reactions were warranted or not.
This rather sets the scene, surely?:
‘The company continued: “Obviously we cannot provide all of the details surrounding the dismissal. ‘
I must say I’d have some sympathy with any dinner lady tasked with second guessing which kids eats what, especially when it seems having the mites who might not follow the path of the bacon sarny (gammon is a step up from my day) carry wristbands was deemed a threat to their self-esteem or on par with yellow stars. Especially as they can’t be trusted to answer a question about their own preferences.
Rather intrigued what the actual tracking system the management did expect their front liners to follow. Having pictures, like cheque bouncers on the back of the till at the local corner shop, is an option, but seems like another open goal to a whole new offence crew.
Also the ‘claims’ and degree of covert exchange between school head and her employers seems downright creepy on a guilty ’til shafted properly standpoint.
On a purely speculative basis, I am impressed at this:
‘In Khadija’s case, it is understood the error was spotted by headteacher Caroline Peet who swept the plate away from the youngster before she had a chance to eat it.’
I never saw my head teacher in the dining room ever, much less stationed to ‘sweep’ plates away from what one presumes arm’s length.
Ms. Peet seems to be defining the whole narrative, and the word of senior management is being taken over that of service personnel.
Some may feel that to be a ‘ism right there, and any media not asking further questions may in turn deserve a few themselves.
1 down, 5,999,999 to go.
Did she have to guess the religion and beliefs of the child from the colour of their skin? That’s racial profiling isn’t it? Thought racial profiling wasn’t allowed these days.
Apologies if this has been posted already but I was a bit flummoxed by this on Guido.
How does a paper that has been drawn on get onto the newsreaders desk? Never mind one that is so damaging to the BBC reputation.
The papers weren’t on the Beeb’s desk, they were in a video by some beat combo called Barbershopera’s video that the Beeb showed a clip of but ‘carelessly’ didn’t edit out anything potentially offensive.
Surely, that’s even worse?
You might think that, I couldn’t possibly comment.
Well, the BBC may have believed that the penis being depicted may have been a circumcised one and so to edit it out would be somehow perceived as anti-Muslim, and anyway, who are the BBC to interfere with artistic vision in the first place?
There are enough dickheads running around Al Beeb mosque so maybe an image like that seemed normal.
Oh my God YET AGAIN!!!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-23544913
Mass epidemic but BBC refuse to highlight the obvious!
and to add to the pile…
What`s the betting that all those browns and ochres will be getting taken off the court room artists before too long…or else the artists will have run out of the same shades?
It just looks-well so- judgemental doesn`t it?…so make the most of this art form before it gets banned by the BBC.
Now hold on sir!
One of these appears not to have the “Muslim monickers” that we`ve all come to know and to associate with the Religion of Paeds.
Is he a convert?…or was he just in a mosque when the police crept in with curled slippers and kapok-stuffed doggies?
A Ukrainian agent provocateur?
I can vent my spleen here, G20 Tomlinson was a career alcoholic, lived in a hostel, no job just hang out with his buddy the news paper seller drinking, had not seen his family for 10-15 years. So went they got all affectionate, I thought ‘compo claim’. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23534663
The article gives no indication of the real situation. But then once you have reached ‘Sainthood’, the truth is inconsequential.
There’s clearly an issue with male Muslim gangs raping white girls. That’s a fact not a supposition or prejudice given the number of cases. The logical conclusion would be newspaper articles, TV documentaries and the like… if it was any other group or institution. From some reason we still get the “some men” appellation as though these incidents aren’t mixed or don’t indicate some sort of profound cultural malaise.
You must know by now that Muslims are a favoured demographic and must not be criticised or seen in a bad light. Mass rapes of young girls or even beheadings in the street, nothing to see here. I am just surprised that they manage to pull this off without mass unrest amongst the indigenous population. Baffles me!
people are beginning to wake up
I live more in hope than expectation of that
Its going badly Clarke has almost got his 200 and…oh I see.
made me chuckle 🙂
he he made me chortle, ah so it did.
It seems as though BBC Economics Editor Stephanie Flanders is now writing her online blogs for herself if this paragraph heading is any guide!
“Idiot’s guide”
Does she still think that the Greece “rescue” was a success?
Structural unemployment is a huge lie that economists like Flanders can’t really handle, because they believe that government knows best when it comes to the economy, and that fixes happen top down.
In reality, unemployment is a sign that labour has priced itself out of the market – demand for employees at the cost the company incurs is lower than would allow all people to work. The cause of this isn’t usually what the worker himself wants, but laws and regulations from government that raise the costs to business – the classic example being minimum wages, which price out of the market completely those workers whose skills are not worth more than the minimum set.
Whats amusing about Flanders’ article is that the truth is plainly evident, but rather than accept it, she has to look around for other explanations. Unemployment has gone down as real wages have gone down, because labour is now more realistically priced vs. demand for labour.
The best thing that governments can do is to abolish central banks and then get the hell out of the money printing business – sadly this won’t happen any time soon, and instead we’ll get ‘treated’ to Stephanie’s ongoing bewilderment as to why what her keynesian professors told her about how the world works is rudely belied by how the world actually works.
“In reality, unemployment is a sign that labour has priced itself out of the market – ” – really, so consumer demand for products has no effect on employment levels?
“the classic example being minimum wages, which price out of the market completely those workers whose skills are not worth more than the minimum set.” – so no minimum wage would lead to a decrease in employment would it? Would the goods and services being produced also fall in cost so that those earning less could create a demand for them?
“The best thing that governments can do is to abolish central banks………..” – and replace them with what? What benefits would the economy gain from the BoE being abolished?
Stop the world! “10” protesters have traveled down from Lanashire to Balcome. WOOOAH big reaction they got into double figures. That’s it I’ll just sit in the corner and see if either the lights go out first or I just can’t afford to turn the lights on. North West strikes again.
A wonderful example of pure BBC cultural Marxist propaganda:
I’m amazed commie Len even show his face after what happened in Foulkirk. And, alas, England forever more, will have to be reminded by Lady Lawrence that we are all racist thugs who should repent daily for our bigotry.
Oh! England is finished, I genuinely fear, as it seems the Left, aided by the BBC, have finally turned the once warrior nation into a bunch of big jessies who are terrified of Islam, militant feminists and the Black power movement.
What on Earth would my great-great Grandfather, who was a Colour Sergeant in the Boer War, make of our country today?
Sums it all up nicely.
Yup – succinct and addresses the point precisely !
I live in a Labour stronghold in the North of England, and I’ve often pondered whether I could join the local party and try to work my way up to see what it’s like on the inside, just out of curiosity.
Trouble is that it would take far too much commitment on my part, and I would not be able to play the part of ruthless, tribal bully long enough to keep up the ruse.
When Trayvon was out getting sweets, I thought this was a bit strange for 17 year old. I have picked up a summer bug and went for the Robitussin. Then I found this – http://therealrevo.com/blog/?p=75112 so that is why he was out shopping.
yep, there was the Afterburner link posted here last month, the ‘Lean’ story and a lot more.
sorry, was trying to embed video, not sure why it didn’t work
nuff said
Story has been pulled. Why?
How many of those non-jobs in Councils have been removed? I see a problem where many former public sector workers can’t find a job in the real world because of inadequate experience.
Two US politicians are the subject “Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer and the death of shame” By Nick Bryant of BBC News, New York on the BBC website. Sadly Mr Bryant does not inform us which party these two sleezeballs represent. Shall I assume that because the party is NOT identified they are democrats?
A new age of American politics? Yes: Democrats can be as corrupt and vile as they please, and the media will work overtime to rehabilitate them and help out when needed.
I noticed that Bryant, one of the battalion of Beeboids working the US beat (seriously, how many are there now? Is Newsnight still short-staffed due to budget cuts?) got around to mentioning political parties when it was time to tell his readers that Clinton came back and was very popular even though the evil Republicans tried to force him out of office.
Oh dear. Didn’t take long for the Beeb to reveal who their new go to gal is going to be for anything racial/black/immigrant.
Following yesterday/today’s illegal immigrant crackdown they are reporting that; “recently appointed to the House of Lords, Doreen Lawrence claimed the raids may have been based on racial profiling.
Awww for fuck’s sake……..
Who is she getting her briefings from… Newsnight?
Sound likes she’s going to be a rich new ‘source’ of circular quote feeding a la the Graun/BBC ‘these guys are saying..’ where no one is responsible for what 3rd parties say and it’s just a coincidence they agree with each other.
I am willing to bet the general public will soon get absolutely sick of the sight and sound of race-baiter Lawrence before she even warms her seat in the House of Lords.
General public will get sick……..
Actually the vast majority of them won’t.
They are too lazy to get out of their Eastenders watching mode, accepting the spoonfed bullshit from the media, and probably believe only deserving cases could possibly be ennobled.
So, cue future episodes of Question time, as soon as a juicy case of whitey violence on black hits the news.
Maybe. Now that she is officially a politician, her self righteous immunity has been weakened and people will feel more inclined to have a go. The problem, of course, is that this is unlikely to be allowed on TV unless it happens spontaneously.
I’d like to see David Starkey take her on.
Was going to add a comment about this utter absurdity but your final line sums up all I could say.
‘“The bad side is, you know, the bunker mentality that gets round leaders..”
Lucky the BBC is funded just that little bit more uniquely than Labour, so Lords Hall Hall and Patten, plus all along the whispering corridors of astounding uncuriosity, may yet prevail.
Knowing how much the BBC image control guys like to play behind the scenes, pretend they don’t, and get snitty if any activities less easily accounted for make it into the public domain, when it does it makes for interesting reading, even the bits the public still don’t have a right to know…
I like the line ‘BBC version of events’, which possibly is not the same as the truth or accuracy.
It’s how you build trust.
Anyhoo, in the unlikely event of the spotlight shining in ways that do mean partings of the way, the pain can get eased…
Again some interesting lines, given the source is a friend.
Lord Patten gets a new call-out, and the executive suite’s powers of recall are again called into question.
And finally, I am merely intrigued by what this can mean:
‘No-one’s supposed to get free private health anymore.’
Bit of nudge-nudge, wink-wink?
The BBC reports that all US embassies in Mohammedan countries will close – unusually – on Sunday, Aug. 4. In a main report about travel and trouble warnings for most of the month, due to apparent threats we’ve heard about, they offer the suggestion from an anonymous US official that this could be related to Ramadan. The BBC says this:
An unnamed senior US official told NBC the threat may be related to the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which ends next week.
In the Muslim world, Sunday is a work day. In other parts of the world US diplomatic offices are shut on Sunday.
“It is possible we may have additional days of closing as well,” a senior state department official told the BBC on Thursday.
One assumes that our defenders of the indefensible will condemn this Islamophobic remark. In any case, while that may have some bearing on an uptick of violence after the end of Ramadan, what does this Sunday have to do with it? The BBC is slightly coy here, as Ramadan ends next Wednesday, Aug. 7, and won’t have ended yet by Sunday. Any act of violence on Sunday would be a violation of the holy month. The BBC doesn’t dare point that out, and instead leaves it as vaguely having to do with the end of Ramadan.
This is all slightly weird, since the BBC also has a video clip of a State Dept. mouthpiece openly stating that the Sunday closure is in direct response to a threat. There may be further closures after that, but we don’t know more than that. But Sunday is definitely a lockdown day. What’s on Sunday, BBC? No curiosity?
Sunday, Aug. 4, happens to be the President’s birthday. What an unfortunate coincidence.
Fox have reported that the State Department has further advised US citizens not to travel to or in Muslim countries on Sunday. BBC updated that yet?
It appears they are. Mea Culpa
must be all that spiritual ambience
from the”religion of paeds”
you know being ramadan and all that.
oh latest Ramadan Bombathon Scorecard
courtesy of …
This would be a good time for that middle-aged man who calls himself Nicky, and the agenda-setting Today, to bring in a couple of those trendy imams and prominent thoroughly modern Muslims they have on speed dial to tell us all that this violence during Ramadan is un-Islamic. No excusing it by blaming US/UK foreign policy, either. Either condemn the violence or don’t get any respect.
I noticed the BBC has taken my advice and brought Douglas Murray on a lot more to debate these people (such as Mehdi Hasan), but much more needs to be done.
Here’s one of those ‘shock horror’ headlines that won’t make the BBC – for obvious reasons.
Yes, folks, the co-chair of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) working group III has a slip-of-the-tongue moment of candour/arrogance when he tells us the real point behind global warming is to “redistribute the world’s wealth.”
Now when Two Jags enagaged his mouth whilst his brain was elsewhere and told us climate change was all about ‘social justice’ we all knew he was, well, ‘just being John’.
But a co-chair of an IPCC working group? Welly well well-well.
Read about it here and, for a real laugh, scroll down to the video which shows an IPCC delegate explaining why the spring snow in Germany is due to global warming:
Thanks for flagging this one, Johnny – CFACT continue to work very hard against the all-pervasive CAGW propaganda, despite the smears against them and the repeated (and entirely untrue) accusations that they are ‘bankrolled by Big Oil’. This latest billboard is merely stating the truth – not as as CFACT sees it, but as the IPCC itself sees it.
Of course, I won’t hold my breath waiting for the wretched BBC to unravel the cesspit of lies and misdirection behind the IPCC’s blatantly political (as in ‘socialist global wealth redistribution project’) any time soon. After all, this publicly-funded Corporation are the UN IPCC’s no.1 cheerleader in the UK.
Nice to know our license fees are being used so ‘impartially’, isn’t it?
To be honest, Phil, it would be easy to cover the whole of this website with stuff like this and still have lots to spare – there is so much of it on the web it is a miracle that the BBC manages to miss it. Perhaps Dez or Albaman can explain……
I have trouble sleeping at night with my white guilt.
Try a woman instead?
I am a homosexual, what would I do with a woman?
How about a romp with Jolly John ap Llewellyn Gareth Edwards Ray Gravell Owain Glyndwr Shirley Bassey Milford Haven Cardigan Bay Mumbles Eisteddfod Prescott then ?
He’s Welsh, you know. There’s lovely.
Sut mae buggy, ffyc off huh?
Though I don’t speak Welsh, I can still see that you’re being unconscionably rude. I’m guessing “ffyc” is one of those little borrow a word and fiddle it about jobs like “ambiwlans”, yes ?
FYI, I’m merely emphasising JJ ap etc P’s proud heritage for the benefit of our new friend Islingtoned here, who might not be aware that ‘Dai’ Prescott is not just a warm and snuggly (and terrifically randy) companion dans le sac, but could perhaps serenade him afterwards into the bargain with melodious renditions of “All Through The Night”, “Cwn Rhondda”, “She’ll Be Comin’ Round The Mountain When She Comes” etc etc. in his lovely baritone.
And for this kindly service I am abused in the tongue of the Taffia. For shame, sir. FOR SHAME!
I’m off to find my sjambok, and then there’ll be a reckoning, oh yes.
Everyone that reminds me that lardarse twat is Welsh gets right under my skin!
Didn’t his knock-off Tracey Temple liken sex with him to ‘like a wardrobe with the key in it falling on me’?
All talk of Prescott exceeds the boundaries of good taste and decency.
You could try talking to her you sexist prick. Are women just for sex then?
Tut, tut! Such abuse! I thought you lefties were against such un-PC behaviour.
”I have trouble sleeping at night with my white guilt. ”
Try listening to Dotun Adebayo, you’ll be asleep in 10 seconds.
TRy listening to LBC instead, & you won`t !
Here’s something which the BBC aren’t reporting at all, yet they must certainly be aware of it. Perhaps it’s the reason for promoting some tired Liebour back bencher to criticise Millipede for being clueless.
This is major story stuff – great importance ! No BBC report !
Ah well see what you think !
The monthly ComRes poll for the Independent is out tonight. Topline figures are CON 34%(+4), LAB 37%(+1), LDEM 10%(nc), UKIP 12%(-2). The three point Labour lead is the lowest ComRes have shown since last September, and the 34% for the Conservatives the highest since last November.
The drop in the Labour lead and the fading of UKIP support is very much in line with the pattern we’ve seen in the daily YouGov polls, in ICM’s poll this month and in line with the sort of figures Populus are now showing… though it’s worth noting that MORI and some of the new online companies aren’t yet picking up the same pattern.
As to why the polls are narrowing, the harsh truth is that we really can’t tell. There is always a temptation that I see people falling into to reach for the issue you personally care about and ascribing changes in the polls to that (or “why the change in the polls shows that politicians should do the thing I like”) the reality is we can’t tell*, all we can do is look for rough correlations in timing. Personally my best guess is that’s its the result of the ongoing improvement in economic optimism we have seen over the past few months, a rather more controlled Conservative message and the decreased level of publicity UKIP have been receiving.
CNN and The Atlantic are reporting that an unknown number of CIA operatives were on the ground in the area on the night the Benghazi compound was attacked.
The Attack in Benghazi: Worth Investigating After All
CNN reports that dozens of CIA agents were on the ground there — and that they’re being pressured to keep quiet. Why?
BBC: ZZzzzzzz
What was it that Hillary Clinton so exasperatedly yelled at the hearings on the subject…ah, yes I recall now,“What difference, at this point, does it make?”
….or….. nothing to see here, move on, folks….
It has the familiar ring of the BBC attitude to bad news (unless it’s about anything that can be laid at the feet of the current government, of course)….
I was listening to the Today prog’ this morning and Humphreys was casting aspersions regarding some of the latest additions to the House of Lords. Just one of these recent recruits is beyond criticism. Of course I’m referring to Doreen Lawrence, “The mother of the murdered black teenager…” It’s as well they keep reminding us who this woman is just in case the ghastly events had slipped our minds. I mean you may have spent the last two decades in a coma or a cave in Afghanistan and known nothing of this saintly lady.
It got me musing on some of the changes we have witnessed over those years. Back then I was so misinformed as to think that Gerry Adams and Martin McGuiness were terrorists and not main stream politicians wedded to the democratic process; stupid eh?
And I had never heard of those talented chaps, Marcus Brigstocke, Jeremy Hardy and the plethora of right on, pc “comedians” that infest the BBC. Ridiculous!
And I wondered what alterations will have occurred to poor old Blighty in another couple of decades. Perhaps Abu Hamza will be prime minister and Abu Qatada will be doing stand up on Radio 4.
Well, I bet he’d be funnier than Marcus…
A Liberal donor also got a peerage – no mention of that by Humphrys when he was interviewing Liberal Lord Oakshott who was against it all.
Oh how and why how did he get a peerage?
Yes – he wasn’t asked and we weren’t told.
Why has a railway station suddenly become a train station?
Not content with denigrating the English language by refusing to pronounce the last consonant R4 PM now calls railway stations by this wierd name. Contempt
for the English language I suppose.
This was R4 tonight in a segment attempting to whip up a storm over suspected illegal immigrants being stopped at transport hubs.
Get real Beeboids. Do you think aanyone in the shires cares?
They might care in Islington and in the Guardian offices and sundry other liberal hangouts but nowhere else.
Illegal means illegal. And if it means profiling to obtain the best result the why not do it?
It is called getting realistic.This is anathema to the beeboid liberal mind. Fantasy and faux outrage over imagined trifles rules.
Once again I am certain that in hundreds of towns and villages across this land nobody cares. Well not quite right we want illegal immigration stopped and traffikers imprisoned.
The BBC has this strange attitude to reality. Sad really but I suppose every society has the delusional.
BBC has and is giving this (and the van with the ads) vastly more coverage than it did to the report from the Public Administration Committee about immigration statistics.
This is a story with legs that appeals to every beeboid and all metropolitans they believe.
Too true. Isn’t it strange that the BBC tries to point out, and have punished, any illegality whatsoever which might involve….oh, say a Conservative politician uttering the word ‘pleb’, or a newspaper which actually reports something approaching the truth about some of the BBC bedfellows….. but THIS sort of illegality is just being pilloried and prejudicially treated by thease awful people who aren’t in our club….
Is this the new global political ‘normality?:-
World’s people held to ransom by Islamic jihadists’ death threat.
“US in worldwide travel alert after ‘al-Qaeda threat'”
Beeboid Ms Ghattas has a curious, and inaccurate side-bar on all this.
It’s early August, but she’s pushing ‘9/11’ connection.
And she has not updated her information on Benghazi Islamic jihad murder of American Ambassador in past year, pushing false link to an ‘anti-Muslim video.’
For Beeboid Ms Ghattas:-
“US closes diplomatic facilities in response to al Qaeda threat”
‘Sky News’:-
“Interpol Global Security Alert After Jailbreaks.
“The international police warning comes after the US put out a travel alert and will close many embassies in the Muslim world.”
[-inc video clip].
Ramadan Observance?
how that “spiritual journey” screws you up eh!
the ramadon bombathon official scorecard
Will there ever be justice for Trayvon Martin?
go ahead knock yourself out
”Will there ever be justice for Trayvon Martin? ”
The death of Trayvon Martin was at best a tragic accident or at worst self inflicted.
These things happen – it is only politicians who stir up ‘blame’ for every unfortunate incident.
“BBC Persian Service promotes antisemitic Holocaust denier Atzmon”
Don’t envy this publication’s moderation team if the rebuttal squad get wind of this little summary…
Oops, sorry guys.
BBC-Democrat’s Fort Hood jihad censorship.
Why should BBC-Democrat report the following, when it’s off its political message?:-
“Prosecutors: Fort Hood mass murderer was on jihad”
[Opening Excerpt]:-
“Why is motive not an element in this trial? What kind of murder trial doesn’t discuss motive? Is it not an element in the trial because it shows how much the Obama administration has been lying to the American people about this jihad attack?”
BBC-Democrat finds space to report the following, which is more on its political message:-
“Ellen DeGeneres to host the 2014 Oscars”
WHAT? darling of the drearybyshire 5live show? bigged up for cageprisoners.com and all that …
and beebot vicky sighing and tut tutting all over gitmo …
but but but! …… mozzam begg is a ahem “reformed”? pseudo academic these days! … erm well
what went wrong 😀
Saw Victoria ”I’m not moving to Salford” Derbyshire and Mehdi Hasan reviewing the newspapers on ITV’s breakfast show.
A match made in Hell.
Strange thing about Liberals, they all love multiculturalism, diversity, etc etc.
But ask them to move 150 miles up the road to Salford, they have a prissy fit, as if you were asking them to go to Burma and build the bridge on the River Kwai.
Maybe they did a day visit to suss it out and were taken aback when the locals didn’t doff their caps in thanks for the BBC’s unwavering class war and support for the ‘workers’.
It’s not as if there was any clue in the recipient organisation’s name….’Busoga’ Association…..can anyone spot the anagram of the real name……….’A Bogus Associa……’
Ah, forget it, I’ll get my coat…
The BBC broadcasts to the Nation of what its “world class” staff think of Prince William…
The BBC showing an obscene picture of the future King of England is much like the issue discussed by Robin Aitkin in his absorbing and thoroughly detailed analysis of how left wing bias pervades BBC news. In his highly credible testimony Aitkin mentions the picture of Bush depicted as Hitler in the BBC newsroom. As he noted at first, on one level it’s trivial and so what? Of course he went on to make the point that the reason it is disturbing is that the vast majority in the BBC newsroom wouldn’t think there was anything wrong in it. In the same way very few of the left wing, champagne socialist, middle class ‘journalists’ at the BBC would not have seen the picture of The Duke of Cambridge as offensive – Royalty to the BBC are like all other things thoroughly British, to be derided, to be ridiculed, to be shown wherever possible in the worst possible light. They have of course apologized with the kind of limp-wristed, sneering apology I recall when one of their highly independent, thoroughly impartial presenters on Today called an elected minister of state by a four letter word. We are really sorry, ha ha ha, for calling Jeremy Cxnt a Hunt…..a ha ha ha….
Actually he was joined, for a uniquely coordinated period, by another, hence the hapless then CultMin getting called a bit of a ‘NaughtieMarr’.
Oh, how they laughed.
In other news, it’s always interesting when the BBC takes folk they hold to account to task for template apologies.
‘A BBC spokesperson has eventually been motivated enough to shrug, hit ‘cookie cutter’ before retreating to the bunker’.
Those unique standards at play again, no doubt.
Gord Blimey! Luv-a-duck… Would you Adam an’ Eve it?
‘London woman murdered in Bangladesh’
‘A mother from east London has been murdered in Bangladesh.’
Rehana Begum, 43, a British national from Stepney, died in Sunamganj on Friday, the Foreign Office has confirmed.
On Friday morning a man who said he was a family member phoned the BBC to say she had been killed for her valuables.
But local police have since told a BBC journalist the murder investigation is focusing on her family and whether there was a rejected marriage proposal.
Nazrul Hossen, Police Super of Sunamganj district, said when the victim disagreed in principle with that proposal, she may have been attacked with knives and hit on the head.
Police said she “died on the spot due to excessive bleeding”.
‘Hacked to death’
Nobody has been arrested, but Mr Hossen said police were trying to find the culprits as soon as possible and said a murder case had been filed.
Earlier in the day, a man claiming to be a family member said Mrs Begum had been on holiday in the country with her husband and 12-year-old son since 17 July.
The man, who was calling from the south Asian country, said: “She came to Bangladesh to visit her family.
“She has been hacked to death by four people for jewellery and money.”
A Foreign & Commonwealth Office spokeswoman said: “We are aware of the death of a British national Rehana Begum in Sunamganj, Bangladesh on 2 August.
“We are providing consular assistance to her family at this difficult time.”
Hey, BBC there’s a new East Enders storyline for you…..
festival of eid, “religion of paeds”
Friday prayer, riot everywhere
kill the infidel wherever you find them?
even the trees will cry theres a jew behind me come and kill him?
anyone leave the religion, kill him?
anyone see a pattern emerging
anybody not see the epidemic pattern emerging
US closes embassies, we close embassies, 9/11, 7/7, Bali, Madrid, Mumbai etc etc etc
have to ask the question? …
is this a religion … or a mental illness
All religions are the same – you pander to your subjects hopes and fears – and then abuse them.
Wow! – a seriously better report from BBC-NUJ on global Islamic jihad threat (despite headline):-
“UK embassy in Yemen to close amid global US terror threats”
In this case, rather than defer to some Islamic apologist, or to White House hand-outs, BBC goes to an independent analyst, Robin Simcox, who knows a thing or two about Islamic jihad threats.
Perhaps we will hear more from Mr Simcox on BBC in future, and less of Mr Mehdi Hasan. Here is a sample of the things Mr Simcox writes:-
don t speak too soon …
anyone catch VD 😀 and Hasan, all chitty chatty reviewing the papers on ITV news this morning
BBC-NUJ has now even edited headline.
Simcox was being interviewed by a droid who is the spit of ‘Champagne’ Charlie Kennedy.
Droid: Do drone attacks tend to annoy, frustrate, and build up anger against the west?
Now this question was clearly shoe-horned in at the end of the interview, I presume as the producer was shouting in the newsdroid’s ear-piece,
‘drone attacks… Drone Attacks… DRONE ATTACKS FOR FUCK’S SAKE !!!!!’
And as ever with the droids what purports to be a question is nothing more than an advert for the BBC’s ‘position’ on the issue.
Sorry, did I say ‘Champagne Charlie Kennedy’.
I of course meant ‘Hauf An A Hauf, Wee Splash O’ Wine, An A Drop O Yon Green Stuff’ Charlie Kennedy.
My bad 🙁
BBC news still keeping the pot boiling on the abusive postings and threats made on Twitter against certain women. Now nobody denies that it needs stamping out and the scum who are doing it brought to justice. BUT, I’m afraid it’s the usual story of the BBC being selective in which ‘hate campaigns’ it chooses to report.
So, why did we never see or hear anything about this, let alone on a daily basis:
‘People have been coming into the cafe shouting that nothing happened at Stafford, that I am lying and there were no unnecessary deaths,’ she said last night.
‘I have been run out of town by small minded people, leaving my home, my livelihood and my friends because a few misinformed local political activists have fuelled a hate campaign based on lies.’
NHS…..political activists……it is all becoming clear to me now, Dave….
women who express a critical view of ‘that religion’ on twitter are regularly threaten with rape and murder, in the most graphic ways, by ‘those men’ .The police ,informed, do nothing. Perhaps the BBC might take up their case
Reporting Illegal Immigrants in U.K.
1.) ‘Daily Mail’:-
“‘We aren’t targeting people based on race’: Immigration Minister defends spot checks at railway stations… but won’t tell us ethnicity of those they stopped”
2.) BBC-NUJ:-
[which includes the views of trade unionist McCluskey ‘Unite’]
“Immigrant spot checks: Equality watchdog investigates”
never mind the illegal … wait till the legal start their stampede next year, preparations are apparently
well organised, not bad for a backward”gypsy” society
my … how a “goldrush” can focus the mind.
don t forget … it will only be highly trained IT worker Romagarians who will come.
france has had enough of them. wont be long before they send them all to merry ole england
oh dear, pouring fuel onto the fire
For BBC-NUJ to catch up on?:-
“Bogus ID gang let 250 Bangladeshi immigrants exploit UK benefits ‘gold mine'”