When I began reading this article i thought the author was being somewhat naive, but then I saw he was right on. I especially liked his tongue in cheek impersonation of BBC presenter and interviewee.
(This week’s column is brought to you courtesy of the BBC Trust)
Welcome to Saturday in The Daily Telegraph. My name is Graeme, and today I’ll be interviewing two parts of myself about welfare reform. What do you think about it, Graeme?
Well, it’s my opinion that the Coalition’s reforms are among the most important since the post-war settlement.
Let me just interrupt you there, and put that point to myself. Do you agree?
No, of course I don’t. These malicious reforms are designed to help the Tories’ banker friends. No public spending need ever be cut again if Osborne’s millionaire mates pay their tax.
Thank you both. Now over to our political correspondent, Graeme, for a commentary on Graeme’s interview with himselves. That was an interesting exchange, Graeme, wasn’t it?
Oh absolutely, Graeme. What we heard there is that, on the one hand, some people might argue that these reforms are necessary. Increasingly, however, opposition to the Government describes the policy as “abhorrent” and “uncivilised”.
Thank you Graeme, I’ll need to stop that, er, balanced review there; we’ve run out of time, I’m afraid! Coming up after the news: we’ll be interviewing the Prime Minister, by shouting at him halfway through each of his sentences. He won’t get a word in edgeways! Can’t wait.
Because I tired of exchanges like this – only a slight exaggeration – I gave up listening to Radio 4’s Today programme years ago. It treats politics as football: who’s winning the league? Who won PMQs? Will a new manager make a difference? (Clue: no.) You learn a lot about which slogans are current, but not much else.
It leaves me cold – no, that’s inaccurate. It infuriates me, not least for that studied pretence of political neutrality, contradicted by every nuanced phrase, tone of voice or, indeed, official BBC investigation. (The BBC didn’t realise immigration was a political issue until some time around 2010, for example.)
“BBC spends £24,000 on hospitality and appearance fees for just TEN MPs.
“Labour MPs, including former Cabinet ministers, received the most cash.
“Spending includes VIP tickets, all-expenses paid trips and appearance fees.”
Colin Greenway. I only got to know about this murder today because I was chatting to a friend in Coventry. Cutting a long story short, Colin Greenway was wheelchair bound and was murdered by having his throat cut. He had moved out of London for a quitter life. Police have arrested and charged Daha Mohammed with murder.
I’m sorry if this has been posted on here before but when you consider all the news broadcasts by the BBC on Zimmerman self defence case, why have I only just heard about this awful murder, which happen on the 17th June?
Did it get to BBC mainstream? If it did then I surely missed it, unlike the Zimmerman case.
ive heard about it from other sites, dont think ive heard about it on al beeb, just searched his name at bbc.co.uk, nothing there. Alberman, can you provide us with a link?
however, thats not to say it didnt go unnoticed by al beeb. the standard operating procedure for beeboids when muslims kill whitey is to not report it and increase the level of pro islamic propaganda and hope none notices
@ “To London to observe the annual Al Quds day demonstration, billed as The largest Muslim led demonstration in the calendar. The route was the same as last year, Portland Place to the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square. We got to Grosvenor Square not long after the parade had arrived. A friend who saw them mustering outside the BBC building is of the opinion that the BBC must approve as they were spilling onto the boundary of BBC property”.
The bBBC never stop using our money to push their anti-British multi-culti agenda.
I discovered this evening a ‘celebrity’ quiz programme called I Love My Country, whilst channel-hopping after the excellent Channel 5 cricket coverage. When I switched over, despite the backdrop of Stonehenge and Big Ben, the question was about who could best imitate a gang of Jamaican samba-dancers!
Just watched Casualty. Classic BBC stuff at the end when we had ‘next time…’ One of patients is a failed asylum seeker ‘look what will happen if he goes back this own country’ says the nurse as he looks at webpage which seems to show someone being hanged.
well he’s young and gay. some dirty old man thats also a beeboid producer probably saw him and thought phwarrrr if i can get him on telly how grateful will he be
Owen Jones must be earning around 200k a year from being the village idiot of the left in this country.
He should spend some of his money and buy so new clothes.
You know something?
When I heard of the dreadful, evil and barbaric death of that little Polish 4 year old. my first thought was to seek an informed opinion on its significance from a gay, metropolitan, union-sponsored fuckwit who has rediscovered a Stockport accent for occasions such as these…when the BBC seeks him out, sends the limo and a cheeky Chablis.
So we can check our privileges at HIS door, before learning about how -if we killed Tories, opened the floodgates to more E.European druggies, crims and psychos…and let Islam wipe its dirty desert boots into our faces…then the likes of poor little Daniel Pelka would-well grow up into an Owen Jones!
No-don`t see how this pink-cheeked publicly owned and rewarded nomark gets prime time Beebspace to show his fey, unconcerned and irrelevant ignorance of how his like(and those who pat the little scamp on his Redskins Tshirt) create the likes of his evil…yes Owen EVIL…murderers.
Something happening …and otherwise-gender-identifying-Jones doesn`t know what it is ,do you?
‘Yoof’ does seem to play a major part.
Interestingly, ‘young’ (at least looking and acting it) Mr Jones and his Schtick seems to play less well with more traditional working-representative Labour MPs too.
Like Miliband. E.
Seems shoe-horning in what suits a vocal minority who are in charge of knobs is quite the rage.
Owen “Chav” Jones seems to have replaced Toynbee on the BBC speed dial when they need some middle class progressive lefty to trot out platitudes about “the Tories” and their oppression of the working classes.
He is an Oxbridge student and thick as a Dockers sandwich.
His wretched performance on the Daily Politics about a year ago when he confused income and wealth during a rant about “Tory Ministers” and income tax cuts had the Labour MP on show looking at the floor with embarrassment.
Sadly I cannot find it on youtube but it got quite a bit of coverage on this site.
Had the misfortune to switch on Radio 4 just as the ‘Sunday’ programme was reporting on the ‘anti-capitalist Muslims’ movement in Istanbul, celebrating the end of Ramadan with a socialist gathering ‘made up mainly of young women’ in Taksim Square. How many boxes have we ticked already there? Apparently, according to our intrepid reporter, Islam and socialism are not such strange bedfellows….there’s been a long tradition…blah blah….blah According to one bloke interviewed (very good English, spoke like a junior Labour minister) they are against the elitist form of Islam as practised by the government – BMWs, Ramadan feasting in 5-star hotels – no, they want to share what they have with others. Not a single challenging question from our interviewer, it was all too lovely, you see – what is there to disagree with here?
Stuff me, you couldn’t have satirised a BBC report better than this if you tried – well, only if you managed to find a gay climate change campaigner in the crowd.
Then, coming up later in the programme, ‘Is the Home Office descending into racism with its ‘go home’ campaign?’
Go to the Radio 4 website and look up ‘Sunday’ for today and this is what you’ll find: ‘Immigration campaign. Caste delay. New approach to homosexuality’.
BBC agenda setting at its shameless, relentless worst. Somebody get a grip of these left-wing tossers.
Rather surprised there are no comments on Tory fool Lord Howell, the energy minister who said that they should conduct fracking in the ‘desolate North East’ and then when howls of indignation were raised, changed it to the ‘desolate North West’
Michael Fallon the energy minister has also joined in. The man is clearly a complete idiot who should not be in charge of anything sharp let alone a government ministry. His outbursts have been :
” he suggested drilling could disrupt the home lives of media commentators in southern England.
Mr Fallon told a private meeting it would test “how thick their rectory walls are” and “whether they like the flaring at the end of the drive”.”
Fracking is a controversial operation with the ‘eco warriors’ already gearing up to protest at anyone daring to drill for anything let alone to frack.
Of course the BBC are completely right to expose this pair of fools and their ignorant & uncaring attitudes to the rest of the UK away from their own constituencies, but they are not right to start ‘doing a tour of the desolate North East’ as Broadcasting house have done this morning. I can’t imagine the BBC bothering to cover such stupidity in the same way were it a Labour minister who had come out with such stupidity.
I fully expect ‘desolate’ to become an election slogan for the Left.
I do hope Ed Miliband has sent a lovely thank you card to the BBC. You know, something nice they can pin up in the newsroom. He couldn’t do without them.
Yes, it will be picture postcard depicting a northern landscape of desolation, with the remains of demolished steel works, ship yards, and other “disappeared” industry, and bearing the legend “Wish you were here?”.
Never mind, it won’t be long before Salford is razed to the ground, and becomes just as desolate. Fat chance.
BBC s flagship sunday religious programmes continue to plummet the depths of inconsequence, along with its sister propaganda arm “The Big (islamic) Questions” …
The Sunday Muslim Live, airs with an excrutiating drone on why we should take in all Syrian muslim refugees, with open arms …Why? … easy spouts BBC Asian network Beebot because its all …. our fault.
the Biased Broadcasting Cresent, and its multi-faith outreach in recent times
Do we demonise muslims?
Is islam a better guide for live?
Why convert to islam?
Should we have sharia courts?
Are we islamophobic,(dinnertable test Warsi)
Are muslims under attack?
what is islam?
Religions should have equal status?
Do we misunderstand islam?
Do we over criticise islam?
Does Britain have a problem with muslims?
Are we partly to blame? (islamic terrorism)
are muslims too easily offended?
should we ban …. kosher 😀 meat? 😀
Should free speech be allowed to offend?
is? … islam intolerant?
did the Vatican create islam? !?!?**!?
(don t believe me just check youtube).
And on and on it goes, how much programming about jian, or hindu, or buddhism eh!
the only religion that matters, unrelenting apologist pandering propaganda
the host of the show? …
the head of religious programming?
arch islamophile Campbell?
As a Christian living in a Christian country, the above stated Islam love in is seriously getting on my tits. Do I fall in to the moan but do nothing majority? I’m afraid I do today, the cricket is on and for a few glorious hours as the Aussies batter us one is reminded of better times. And I intend to wallow in pleasant memory while the left thinks up another way to shaft us all up the bugle.
surprise surprise – bbc despite its propaganda gets another severe arse slapping in the viewers vote.
87% against! immigration of Syrian muslims!
obviously the viewing public wishes (who pay for the bbc) should be fully acknowledged.
along with last weeks 89% .. muslims are not demonised … seed change at the bbc?
I ll let you guess 😀
I turned the TV on..don’t worry it wasn’t to watch the BBc I’m watching Touring cars on ITV 4. However the TV started on BBc1 some malarkey about “Lads Mags”. I must admit I turned straight over. It seems to be one of the BBcs latest feeding frenzies. Reminds me of one year I was at the Union conference and the Marxist feminist Leninists kicked off about a male delegate reading a “Porn magazine” (turns out it was actually Max power. Now I have never actually bought a lads mag. As the last time I was “laddish” was several decades ago. But I can’t say I’ve noticed them in the Newsagents as being sexually explicit. Strikes me more as what you would see at the beach. If these people are so outraged what do they want to do? Get them to wear a sack that covers them from head to toe? Oh! Hang on a second that’s already been done hasn’t it?
Why is the global threat from the ‘Muslim World’ particularly strong today, INBBC?
INBBC informs us how geographically extensive the threat from Islamic interests against the West is today, but what is significant in Islamic ideology which highlights today?
Here’s what, INBBC:-
“Why Won’t They Tell Us Why Tomorrow Is The Day Attacks Are Feared?”
The current global Islamic threat includes Britain:-
‘Daily Mail’:-
“Worldwide Al Qaeda terror alert linked to mass jail breakouts freeing 1,500 prisoners.
“Inmates escaped from Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, the al-Kwyfah facility in Libya and a number of other jails.
“Detectives fear they intend to hit British and other Western targets around the festival of Eid – which takes place this week.
UK closes embassy in Yemen after receiving tip-off that Al Qaeda was planning to attack a Western embassy.”
I see that Lady/Baroness Martha Lane Fox is stamping her little feet about the abuse of Twitter, and especially when aimed at women.
Would this be the same Martha Lane Fox who was well-paid by Blair/Brown to force everybody into surfing the Internet…and especially those that had(until she came along) been outside the tent as far as access to computers, and their older demographic?
Thank you Martha-well done-there`s a bible line or two about harvests, whirlwinds and all that…but don`t you bother yourself about that!
Still-paid well at the time didn`t it?…maybe those outside the broadband community ought not to have been let onto Twitter etc, thanks to your efforts.
Two examples of agenda bias on the radio this weekend.
Saturday morning, R4 Today, Evan is quizzing someone about Pickles’ declaration that renting out your drive for parking does not need planning permission. The interviewee replies to a question and says that very few LAs require planning permission. Evan can’t suppress an involuntary ‘a-ha’, thinking he now has a hook to bash the government – probably about scapegoating and how the government attacks LAs. He has to retreat from this line of attack, as the interviewee makes it clear how helpful the intervention of a politician of Pickles’ ‘stature’ (sic) is in clarifying the situation. The interview fizzles out, and is merely informative and useful instead of agit-prop.
Then, Sunday morning news R4, the headlines include how most people think the economy will improve. The journo presenting on that item then starts by speculating that the cause of this could be a) the heatwave, b) the Royal baby and/or c) someone who won some tennis tournament (listen on the iplayer if you don’t believe me. I swtiched off the radio at that point). Of course, it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the real improvement in the real economy which others have noted. No, it’s much more likely that the stupid British think a baby means the economy will improve. The BBC still not ready to abandon it’s narrative that government ‘cutz innit’ are putting the economy in a tailspin.
The BBC is good at keeping up the myths that illegal immigration is under control. They can use excuses as they did in British Mandate Palestine like “…owing to the natural growth of the Arab population… etc It is seen in the history of illegal Arab immigration into Palestine eg some 30 thousand “Arabs” from the Hauran in a three month period of 1934 went unrecorded and unreported. (See Joan Peters From Time Immemorial) This is a cover up story that has many parallels with today’s BBC coverage
While BBC-NUJ shows its political sympathy to illegal protesters against shale gas development at Balcombe, will BBC-NUJ report this on wind farm fiasco?:-
“We could soon be paying billions for this wind back-up”
Liberal Democrat Mohammed Bashir defeated Labour candidate Mohammad Ali by 16 votes in Woking’s Maybury and Sheerwater ward in May 2012.
On Monday, High Court judge Richard Mawrey ruled corrupt and illegal practices had been committed by Bashir and through his agents.
A by-election will be held in the ward, with Bashir banned from proceedings.
A spokeswoman for the force said: “Surrey Police is currently investigating an allegation of electoral fraud around the local government election in May 2012 in the Maybury and Sheerwater area.
“Sadly, therefore, this is yet another case where the United Kingdom’s shambolic electoral system has led to an election being challenged on the ground of widespread fraud”.
I know, as a British person I am rightly ashamed of the tinpot rubbish so-called democratic system we have. Gosh I wonder what on earth could have gone wrong? There must be something sick at the heart of British people.,the way we carry on, eh?
Be interesting to see what other mechanisms can be imposed to get BBC editors to stick a cork in their opining, maybe for a more protracted period?
Not sure this little protest has quite served in the way perhaps intended, as the only ones observing it are the ones most addicted, and it may just be the poor loves are about fit to burst from cold twurky already.
The compensating deluge of offence taking and high dudgeon come tomorrow will be a joy to behold.
TBH, could we please have a list of those things that Islam doesn’t find insulting, just for our own safety if nothing else. I’m pretty sure that’d be a smaller tome than “What Makes Muslims Mad” Vols One To Infinity.
Most people reading this and aware themselves of BBC output would have had the thought:
‘BBC chiefs wouldn’t know a good show if it hit them in the face’.
Now it’s official.
The new director general Tony Hall asked his friend, an award winning film maker, to advise him about why he thought the existing BBC process in selecting new programmes yielded less than desired results.
His friend, Tony Palmer, didn’t hold back and pronounced a damning verdict on the BBC bureaucrats who controlled what was accepted. ‘The rudeness and arrogance of many of your commissioning editors beggars belief’, and warns that creativity is being stifled by a culture of ‘arrogance’ among commissioners of arts programmes, who prefer form-filling to film-making.
He also observed – ‘An invitation to pitch [ideas] is just box-ticking,’ he said. ‘Some idiot – probably paid £200,000 a year – has devised this, and some idiot – also paid £200,000 – is checking it.’
So far Tony Hall has not commented on this scathing feedback but his spokesman said: ‘The BBC has a rigorous commissioning process and all producers are asked to pitch in the same way so that everyone has an equal opportunity to put forward ideas. This is an extremely successful system.’
Clearly not!
But if the BBC knew what success really was they wouldn’t have needed the opinion of Tony Palmer.
I wondered too.
Their usual par is that this type of criticism they don’t pay for – usually they pay to suppress it.
But being a ‘friend’ I wouldn’t be surprised if Tony has made sure the licence fee payer rewards this criticism.
I have my doubts that anything will be done as a result of this review but it makes it appear as if Hall is doing something.
This scandal is dismissed by the BBC as being out of bounds, since “the BBC does not discuss individual contracts”.
Presumably this rule doesn`t apply to bankers or MPs etc then…which should make for an interesting Today/Newsnight should that rule be used by the Tories, NHS or Lloyds etc.
Christopher Booker has produced 2 related articles in the Telegraph this weekend. While this one about solar panels specifically targets BBC bias on the subject, the other about the ridiculous cost of backing up wind turbines, and the BBC continual avoidance to focus on this, could also apply.
It’s what BBC considers ‘balance’ as Christopher observes.
“Jenna Coleman, who stars as current Doctor Who companion Clara, said: “I’m so excited Peter Capaldi is the man taking on the challenge of becoming the 12th Doctor.
“With Steven’s writing and his talent I know we’ll be making an amazing show with an incredible incarnation of number 12. I can’t wait to start this new adventure.”
Sounds more like a translation from, say, German than an actual quote from Ms Coleman.
I think he writes for the Telegraph (not that that means anything: Riddell, Chivers, Bakewell, whoever’s doing the “American News” column…….)
Just turned it off anyway: far too much Beetle-fellating and nothing at all about what a steaming pile of ordure the Bug was, is, and forever shall be.
Mr Sandbrook has been described as “quite brilliant” by Miranda Sawyer from the Guardian, and has been accused of plagiarism which I suppose is the perfect CV for the left-wing to claim him as one of their own!
Seriously, I think that Mr Sandbrook is slightly right of centre and is quite a good broadcaster.
Oh, -according to INBBC- “due to a possible militant threat.”
Al Qaeda gets a mention (as though it is unconnected to Islamic doctrine), but not as part of the global Islamic jihad threat to the people of the West.
And INBBC refers to ‘Ramadan’, implying that in that Islamic month we in the West should expect more violence from Islamic quarters against us. I wonder why that is? Is there something intrinsic to Islamic doctrine (jihad?) which makes Muslims want to act violently against non-believers?
And I wonder when the West will be at long last justified in opposing such Islamic threats to us, and curtailing immigration from Islamic countries?
A bomb threat that the BBC has chosen not to report. Why? ;
a) It relates to an industry that the BBC is agitating against, have no sympathy with or understanding of?
b) He’s not one of their own?
c) Because it’s been sent to a man?
d) Because they’re hypocrites?
Nice post. I was checking constantly this blog and I’m impressed! Extremely helpful info particularly the last part 🙂 I care for such information much. I was looking for this particular information for a very long time. Thank you and best of luck.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Interesting bit of information & education.
See if it makes the cut elsewhere.
When I began reading this article i thought the author was being somewhat naive, but then I saw he was right on. I especially liked his tongue in cheek impersonation of BBC presenter and interviewee.
Of course people at the BBC are biased: why not make a virtue of it?
We need the BBC to be more like the newspapers – open about the unavoidably political beliefs of its staff
By Graeme Archer
(This week’s column is brought to you courtesy of the BBC Trust)
Welcome to Saturday in The Daily Telegraph. My name is Graeme, and today I’ll be interviewing two parts of myself about welfare reform. What do you think about it, Graeme?
Well, it’s my opinion that the Coalition’s reforms are among the most important since the post-war settlement.
Let me just interrupt you there, and put that point to myself. Do you agree?
No, of course I don’t. These malicious reforms are designed to help the Tories’ banker friends. No public spending need ever be cut again if Osborne’s millionaire mates pay their tax.
Thank you both. Now over to our political correspondent, Graeme, for a commentary on Graeme’s interview with himselves. That was an interesting exchange, Graeme, wasn’t it?
Oh absolutely, Graeme. What we heard there is that, on the one hand, some people might argue that these reforms are necessary. Increasingly, however, opposition to the Government describes the policy as “abhorrent” and “uncivilised”.
Thank you Graeme, I’ll need to stop that, er, balanced review there; we’ve run out of time, I’m afraid! Coming up after the news: we’ll be interviewing the Prime Minister, by shouting at him halfway through each of his sentences. He won’t get a word in edgeways! Can’t wait.
Because I tired of exchanges like this – only a slight exaggeration – I gave up listening to Radio 4’s Today programme years ago. It treats politics as football: who’s winning the league? Who won PMQs? Will a new manager make a difference? (Clue: no.) You learn a lot about which slogans are current, but not much else.
It leaves me cold – no, that’s inaccurate. It infuriates me, not least for that studied pretence of political neutrality, contradicted by every nuanced phrase, tone of voice or, indeed, official BBC investigation. (The BBC didn’t realise immigration was a political issue until some time around 2010, for example.)
“BBC spends £24,000 on hospitality and appearance fees for just TEN MPs.
“Labour MPs, including former Cabinet ministers, received the most cash.
“Spending includes VIP tickets, all-expenses paid trips and appearance fees.”
Colin Greenway. I only got to know about this murder today because I was chatting to a friend in Coventry. Cutting a long story short, Colin Greenway was wheelchair bound and was murdered by having his throat cut. He had moved out of London for a quitter life. Police have arrested and charged Daha Mohammed with murder.
I’m sorry if this has been posted on here before but when you consider all the news broadcasts by the BBC on Zimmerman self defence case, why have I only just heard about this awful murder, which happen on the 17th June?
Did it get to BBC mainstream? If it did then I surely missed it, unlike the Zimmerman case.
ive heard about it from other sites, dont think ive heard about it on al beeb, just searched his name at bbc.co.uk, nothing there. Alberman, can you provide us with a link?
however, thats not to say it didnt go unnoticed by al beeb. the standard operating procedure for beeboids when muslims kill whitey is to not report it and increase the level of pro islamic propaganda and hope none notices
From the link below…Who would have thought?……
@ “To London to observe the annual Al Quds day demonstration, billed as The largest Muslim led demonstration in the calendar. The route was the same as last year, Portland Place to the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square. We got to Grosvenor Square not long after the parade had arrived. A friend who saw them mustering outside the BBC building is of the opinion that the BBC must approve as they were spilling onto the boundary of BBC property”.
The bBBC never stop using our money to push their anti-British multi-culti agenda.
I discovered this evening a ‘celebrity’ quiz programme called I Love My Country, whilst channel-hopping after the excellent Channel 5 cricket coverage. When I switched over, despite the backdrop of Stonehenge and Big Ben, the question was about who could best imitate a gang of Jamaican samba-dancers!
Bought from the same outfit that the BBC bought The Voice from for forty-odd million (?).
Twenty-two thousand ‘creatives’ and f*** all ‘creation’.
Just watched Casualty. Classic BBC stuff at the end when we had ‘next time…’ One of patients is a failed asylum seeker ‘look what will happen if he goes back this own country’ says the nurse as he looks at webpage which seems to show someone being hanged.
Any Questions this weekend – Owen Jones – is he the only non Labour, Labour representative that the BBC know? Who is he that he gets so much BBC time?
well he’s young and gay. some dirty old man thats also a beeboid producer probably saw him and thought phwarrrr if i can get him on telly how grateful will he be
Owen Jones must be earning around 200k a year from being the village idiot of the left in this country.
He should spend some of his money and buy so new clothes.
You know something?
When I heard of the dreadful, evil and barbaric death of that little Polish 4 year old. my first thought was to seek an informed opinion on its significance from a gay, metropolitan, union-sponsored fuckwit who has rediscovered a Stockport accent for occasions such as these…when the BBC seeks him out, sends the limo and a cheeky Chablis.
So we can check our privileges at HIS door, before learning about how -if we killed Tories, opened the floodgates to more E.European druggies, crims and psychos…and let Islam wipe its dirty desert boots into our faces…then the likes of poor little Daniel Pelka would-well grow up into an Owen Jones!
No-don`t see how this pink-cheeked publicly owned and rewarded nomark gets prime time Beebspace to show his fey, unconcerned and irrelevant ignorance of how his like(and those who pat the little scamp on his Redskins Tshirt) create the likes of his evil…yes Owen EVIL…murderers.
Something happening …and otherwise-gender-identifying-Jones doesn`t know what it is ,do you?
‘Yoof’ does seem to play a major part.
Interestingly, ‘young’ (at least looking and acting it) Mr Jones and his Schtick seems to play less well with more traditional working-representative Labour MPs too.
Like Miliband. E.
Seems shoe-horning in what suits a vocal minority who are in charge of knobs is quite the rage.
Owen “Chav” Jones seems to have replaced Toynbee on the BBC speed dial when they need some middle class progressive lefty to trot out platitudes about “the Tories” and their oppression of the working classes.
He is an Oxbridge student and thick as a Dockers sandwich.
His wretched performance on the Daily Politics about a year ago when he confused income and wealth during a rant about “Tory Ministers” and income tax cuts had the Labour MP on show looking at the floor with embarrassment.
Sadly I cannot find it on youtube but it got quite a bit of coverage on this site.
You don’t need to go back a year to find Owen Shoutie making an absolute arse of himself.
Last Friday’s Any Questions would do the job.
That’s reassuring to know. These days I reach for the off switch when the little twat comes on.
Just a bit more on the Zimmermanprosecution.
Appearing soon on the BBC.
Had the misfortune to switch on Radio 4 just as the ‘Sunday’ programme was reporting on the ‘anti-capitalist Muslims’ movement in Istanbul, celebrating the end of Ramadan with a socialist gathering ‘made up mainly of young women’ in Taksim Square. How many boxes have we ticked already there? Apparently, according to our intrepid reporter, Islam and socialism are not such strange bedfellows….there’s been a long tradition…blah blah….blah According to one bloke interviewed (very good English, spoke like a junior Labour minister) they are against the elitist form of Islam as practised by the government – BMWs, Ramadan feasting in 5-star hotels – no, they want to share what they have with others. Not a single challenging question from our interviewer, it was all too lovely, you see – what is there to disagree with here?
Stuff me, you couldn’t have satirised a BBC report better than this if you tried – well, only if you managed to find a gay climate change campaigner in the crowd.
Then, coming up later in the programme, ‘Is the Home Office descending into racism with its ‘go home’ campaign?’
Go to the Radio 4 website and look up ‘Sunday’ for today and this is what you’ll find:
‘Immigration campaign. Caste delay. New approach to homosexuality’.
BBC agenda setting at its shameless, relentless worst. Somebody get a grip of these left-wing tossers.
Rather surprised there are no comments on Tory fool Lord Howell, the energy minister who said that they should conduct fracking in the ‘desolate North East’ and then when howls of indignation were raised, changed it to the ‘desolate North West’
Michael Fallon the energy minister has also joined in. The man is clearly a complete idiot who should not be in charge of anything sharp let alone a government ministry. His outbursts have been :
” he suggested drilling could disrupt the home lives of media commentators in southern England.
Mr Fallon told a private meeting it would test “how thick their rectory walls are” and “whether they like the flaring at the end of the drive”.”
Fracking is a controversial operation with the ‘eco warriors’ already gearing up to protest at anyone daring to drill for anything let alone to frack.
Of course the BBC are completely right to expose this pair of fools and their ignorant & uncaring attitudes to the rest of the UK away from their own constituencies, but they are not right to start ‘doing a tour of the desolate North East’ as Broadcasting house have done this morning. I can’t imagine the BBC bothering to cover such stupidity in the same way were it a Labour minister who had come out with such stupidity.
I fully expect ‘desolate’ to become an election slogan for the Left.
I do hope Ed Miliband has sent a lovely thank you card to the BBC. You know, something nice they can pin up in the newsroom. He couldn’t do without them.
Yes, it will be picture postcard depicting a northern landscape of desolation, with the remains of demolished steel works, ship yards, and other “disappeared” industry, and bearing the legend “Wish you were here?”.
Never mind, it won’t be long before Salford is razed to the ground, and becomes just as desolate. Fat chance.
BBC s flagship sunday religious programmes continue to plummet the depths of inconsequence, along with its sister propaganda arm “The Big (islamic) Questions” …
The Sunday Muslim Live, airs with an excrutiating drone on why we should take in all Syrian muslim refugees, with open arms …Why? … easy spouts BBC Asian network Beebot because its all …. our fault.
the Biased Broadcasting Cresent, and its multi-faith outreach in recent times
Do we demonise muslims?
Is islam a better guide for live?
Why convert to islam?
Should we have sharia courts?
Are we islamophobic,(dinnertable test Warsi)
Are muslims under attack?
what is islam?
Religions should have equal status?
Do we misunderstand islam?
Do we over criticise islam?
Does Britain have a problem with muslims?
Are we partly to blame? (islamic terrorism)
are muslims too easily offended?
should we ban …. kosher 😀 meat? 😀
Should free speech be allowed to offend?
is? … islam intolerant?
did the Vatican create islam? !?!?**!?
(don t believe me just check youtube).
And on and on it goes, how much programming about jian, or hindu, or buddhism eh!
the only religion that matters, unrelenting apologist pandering propaganda
the host of the show? …
the head of religious programming?
arch islamophile Campbell?
As a Christian living in a Christian country, the above stated Islam love in is seriously getting on my tits. Do I fall in to the moan but do nothing majority? I’m afraid I do today, the cricket is on and for a few glorious hours as the Aussies batter us one is reminded of better times. And I intend to wallow in pleasant memory while the left thinks up another way to shaft us all up the bugle.
surprise surprise – bbc despite its propaganda gets another severe arse slapping in the viewers vote.
87% against! immigration of Syrian muslims!
obviously the viewing public wishes (who pay for the bbc) should be fully acknowledged.
along with last weeks 89% .. muslims are not demonised … seed change at the bbc?
I ll let you guess 😀
And in ‘moderate,’ Islamic Malaysia during Ramadan (not reported by INBBC):-
“82 Muslims caught disrespecting Ramadan”
I turned the TV on..don’t worry it wasn’t to watch the BBc I’m watching Touring cars on ITV 4. However the TV started on BBc1 some malarkey about “Lads Mags”. I must admit I turned straight over. It seems to be one of the BBcs latest feeding frenzies. Reminds me of one year I was at the Union conference and the Marxist feminist Leninists kicked off about a male delegate reading a “Porn magazine” (turns out it was actually Max power. Now I have never actually bought a lads mag. As the last time I was “laddish” was several decades ago. But I can’t say I’ve noticed them in the Newsagents as being sexually explicit. Strikes me more as what you would see at the beach. If these people are so outraged what do they want to do? Get them to wear a sack that covers them from head to toe? Oh! Hang on a second that’s already been done hasn’t it?
Why is the global threat from the ‘Muslim World’ particularly strong today, INBBC?
INBBC informs us how geographically extensive the threat from Islamic interests against the West is today, but what is significant in Islamic ideology which highlights today?
Here’s what, INBBC:-
“Why Won’t They Tell Us Why Tomorrow Is The Day Attacks Are Feared?”
The current global Islamic threat includes Britain:-
‘Daily Mail’:-
“Worldwide Al Qaeda terror alert linked to mass jail breakouts freeing 1,500 prisoners.
“Inmates escaped from Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, the al-Kwyfah facility in Libya and a number of other jails.
“Detectives fear they intend to hit British and other Western targets around the festival of Eid – which takes place this week.
UK closes embassy in Yemen after receiving tip-off that Al Qaeda was planning to attack a Western embassy.”
I see that Lady/Baroness Martha Lane Fox is stamping her little feet about the abuse of Twitter, and especially when aimed at women.
Would this be the same Martha Lane Fox who was well-paid by Blair/Brown to force everybody into surfing the Internet…and especially those that had(until she came along) been outside the tent as far as access to computers, and their older demographic?
Thank you Martha-well done-there`s a bible line or two about harvests, whirlwinds and all that…but don`t you bother yourself about that!
Still-paid well at the time didn`t it?…maybe those outside the broadband community ought not to have been let onto Twitter etc, thanks to your efforts.
Two examples of agenda bias on the radio this weekend.
Saturday morning, R4 Today, Evan is quizzing someone about Pickles’ declaration that renting out your drive for parking does not need planning permission. The interviewee replies to a question and says that very few LAs require planning permission. Evan can’t suppress an involuntary ‘a-ha’, thinking he now has a hook to bash the government – probably about scapegoating and how the government attacks LAs. He has to retreat from this line of attack, as the interviewee makes it clear how helpful the intervention of a politician of Pickles’ ‘stature’ (sic) is in clarifying the situation. The interview fizzles out, and is merely informative and useful instead of agit-prop.
Then, Sunday morning news R4, the headlines include how most people think the economy will improve. The journo presenting on that item then starts by speculating that the cause of this could be a) the heatwave, b) the Royal baby and/or c) someone who won some tennis tournament (listen on the iplayer if you don’t believe me. I swtiched off the radio at that point). Of course, it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the real improvement in the real economy which others have noted. No, it’s much more likely that the stupid British think a baby means the economy will improve. The BBC still not ready to abandon it’s narrative that government ‘cutz innit’ are putting the economy in a tailspin.
The BBC is good at keeping up the myths that illegal immigration is under control. They can use excuses as they did in British Mandate Palestine like “…owing to the natural growth of the Arab population… etc It is seen in the history of illegal Arab immigration into Palestine eg some 30 thousand “Arabs” from the Hauran in a three month period of 1934 went unrecorded and unreported. (See Joan Peters From Time Immemorial) This is a cover up story that has many parallels with today’s BBC coverage
While BBC-NUJ shows its political sympathy to illegal protesters against shale gas development at Balcombe, will BBC-NUJ report this on wind farm fiasco?:-
“We could soon be paying billions for this wind back-up”
By Christopher Booker.
BBC not exactly shouting about this one…..
‘Police investigate Woking poll illegal practices’
British Zimbabweans?
No, just the usual suspects….
Liberal Democrat Mohammed Bashir defeated Labour candidate Mohammad Ali by 16 votes in Woking’s Maybury and Sheerwater ward in May 2012.
On Monday, High Court judge Richard Mawrey ruled corrupt and illegal practices had been committed by Bashir and through his agents.
A by-election will be held in the ward, with Bashir banned from proceedings.
A spokeswoman for the force said: “Surrey Police is currently investigating an allegation of electoral fraud around the local government election in May 2012 in the Maybury and Sheerwater area.
Nice concluding quote to this story
“Sadly, therefore, this is yet another case where the United Kingdom’s shambolic electoral system has led to an election being challenged on the ground of widespread fraud”.
I know, as a British person I am rightly ashamed of the tinpot rubbish so-called democratic system we have. Gosh I wonder what on earth could have gone wrong? There must be something sick at the heart of British people.,the way we carry on, eh?
Agree – we’re truly appalling.
We should all book flights to Islamabad and back as, clearly, this route is responsible for some sort of damascene conversion in attitude to fraud.
Who’s a good boy then? Extra biscuit for you.
Be interesting to see what other mechanisms can be imposed to get BBC editors to stick a cork in their opining, maybe for a more protracted period?
Not sure this little protest has quite served in the way perhaps intended, as the only ones observing it are the ones most addicted, and it may just be the poor loves are about fit to burst from cold twurky already.
The compensating deluge of offence taking and high dudgeon come tomorrow will be a joy to behold.
how pathetic
Dispute over ‘anti-Islam’ dog video
TBH, could we please have a list of those things that Islam doesn’t find insulting, just for our own safety if nothing else. I’m pretty sure that’d be a smaller tome than “What Makes Muslims Mad” Vols One To Infinity.
Everything you believe in.
Most people reading this and aware themselves of BBC output would have had the thought:
‘BBC chiefs wouldn’t know a good show if it hit them in the face’.
Now it’s official.
The new director general Tony Hall asked his friend, an award winning film maker, to advise him about why he thought the existing BBC process in selecting new programmes yielded less than desired results.
His friend, Tony Palmer, didn’t hold back and pronounced a damning verdict on the BBC bureaucrats who controlled what was accepted.
‘The rudeness and arrogance of many of your commissioning editors beggars belief’, and warns that creativity is being stifled by a culture of ‘arrogance’ among commissioners of arts programmes, who prefer form-filling to film-making.
He also observed – ‘An invitation to pitch [ideas] is just box-ticking,’ he said. ‘Some idiot – probably paid £200,000 a year – has devised this, and some idiot – also paid £200,000 – is checking it.’
So far Tony Hall has not commented on this scathing feedback but his spokesman said: ‘The BBC has a rigorous commissioning process and all producers are asked to pitch in the same way so that everyone has an equal opportunity to put forward ideas. This is an extremely successful system.’
Clearly not!
But if the BBC knew what success really was they wouldn’t have needed the opinion of Tony Palmer.
‘BBC chiefs wouldn’t know a good show if it hit them in the face’: Film-maker’s damning verdict after new director general asks him for tips on rescuing arts coverage
Did Call Me Tony ‘ask’ his friend or ‘hire’ his friend.
I wondered too.
Their usual par is that this type of criticism they don’t pay for – usually they pay to suppress it.
But being a ‘friend’ I wouldn’t be surprised if Tony has made sure the licence fee payer rewards this criticism.
I have my doubts that anything will be done as a result of this review but it makes it appear as if Hall is doing something.
It’s emerged that the BBC boss who was forced to resign over the ‘Sachsgate’ scandal was given a secret six-figure payoff,
The BBC rewards crass sub-mediocrity, which most of us here are all too aware of.
This scandal is dismissed by the BBC as being out of bounds, since “the BBC does not discuss individual contracts”.
Presumably this rule doesn`t apply to bankers or MPs etc then…which should make for an interesting Today/Newsnight should that rule be used by the Tories, NHS or Lloyds etc.
Christopher Booker has produced 2 related articles in the Telegraph this weekend. While this one about solar panels specifically targets BBC bias on the subject, the other about the ridiculous cost of backing up wind turbines, and the BBC continual avoidance to focus on this, could also apply.
It’s what BBC considers ‘balance’ as Christopher observes.
The BBC’s solar eclipse
One of the main stories on the world class BBC website http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-23570354
I see it attracted 180 comments.
Like flies on a lump of s**t.
Funny – when Vance et al talk about the number of comments on Biased BBC, it’s taken as a sign of success.
When comments are attracted elsewhere, it’s somehow reason to denigrate a story.
“Biased BBC: No opportunity for hypocrisy left untapped”
Yes, they’ve been pretending it’s ‘News’ all weekend.
“Jenna Coleman, who stars as current Doctor Who companion Clara, said: “I’m so excited Peter Capaldi is the man taking on the challenge of becoming the 12th Doctor.
“With Steven’s writing and his talent I know we’ll be making an amazing show with an incredible incarnation of number 12. I can’t wait to start this new adventure.”
Sounds more like a translation from, say, German than an actual quote from Ms Coleman.
just watching the BBC2 doc about the German car industry, is Dominic Sandbrook a lefty?
I think he writes for the Telegraph (not that that means anything: Riddell, Chivers, Bakewell, whoever’s doing the “American News” column…….)
Just turned it off anyway: far too much Beetle-fellating and nothing at all about what a steaming pile of ordure the Bug was, is, and forever shall be.
Mr Sandbrook has been described as “quite brilliant” by Miranda Sawyer from the Guardian, and has been accused of plagiarism which I suppose is the perfect CV for the left-wing to claim him as one of their own!
Seriously, I think that Mr Sandbrook is slightly right of centre and is quite a good broadcaster.
INBBC censors source of the global threat in Middle East and North Africa.
INBBC now reports that U.S. is keeping its embassies in Middle East and North Africa closed for up to a week:-
“US to extend some embassy closures for up to a week”
But WHY is U.S closing these embassies?
Oh, -according to INBBC- “due to a possible militant threat.”
Al Qaeda gets a mention (as though it is unconnected to Islamic doctrine), but not as part of the global Islamic jihad threat to the people of the West.
And INBBC refers to ‘Ramadan’, implying that in that Islamic month we in the West should expect more violence from Islamic quarters against us. I wonder why that is? Is there something intrinsic to Islamic doctrine (jihad?) which makes Muslims want to act violently against non-believers?
And I wonder when the West will be at long last justified in opposing such Islamic threats to us, and curtailing immigration from Islamic countries?
“Senator says terror intelligence ‘chatter is like what we saw before 9/11′ as 21 embassies close across the Muslim world”
A bomb threat that the BBC has chosen not to report. Why? ;
a) It relates to an industry that the BBC is agitating against, have no sympathy with or understanding of?
b) He’s not one of their own?
c) Because it’s been sent to a man?
d) Because they’re hypocrites?
BBC-Democrats censors FORT HOOD-MAJOR HASAN mass murder case.
(This case doesn’t get the BBC-Democrat ‘Zimmerman’ treatment.)
There is some significant information here in reports over the past week or so:-
Beeboid priorities:-
“BBC makes more radio programmes in Nepal”
Nice post. I was checking constantly this blog and I’m impressed! Extremely helpful info particularly the last part 🙂 I care for such information much. I was looking for this particular information for a very long time. Thank you and best of luck.