Bit of a struggle to find this on the BBC world class website….? Brought to my attention earlier so maybe they gave finally covered it?
Gang chanted ‘Lee Rigby’ as they kicked soldier in Exeter underpass
Bit of a struggle to find this on the BBC world class website….? Brought to my attention earlier so maybe they gave finally covered it?
Gang chanted ‘Lee Rigby’ as they kicked soldier in Exeter underpass
Exeter is not particularly known for being multicultural, but with a university and an Islamic centre in the city, it’s probably those men again.
Found this site while trying to get more info on this story.
I live in Exeter and the opinion (in my local at least – which is not far from where this alleged incident supposedly took place) is that this a made up story. It never happened.
The Western Morning News doesn’t employ any proper journalists and will print any old rubbish. Especially if the made-up rubbish raised their profile.
I’m as critical of the ‘religion of peace’ as the next guy and if I had my way the killers of Lee Rigby would swing but this story, in my humble opinion, is a bit of made up sh1t stirring. For what motive I can only guess at.
Thanks ,Is it entirely made i.e. was their no attack at all?
As commented else where, the story has been pulled so I think it is important to establish the truth
I’m ex-forces and it’s a tight little world around here, but nobody knows this ‘Alexander’ or his parents or anything about him.
The story hasn’t been pulled – it’s still on the WMN website but not linked on the front page.
The ‘Big Story’ is “Bear Grylls and David Walliams drop in on Cornish scouts”
Go figure!
The story is here,updated today by the look of it?
It does have a fake feel about it.
It’s a bit of a struggle to find this story anywhere! It was on the Daily Mail but has been pulled. It could be a hoax. If not, why’s it being suppressed?
It’s a hoax for sure. If World War Three broke out the WMN would still be leading with “Pensioner 89 Grows Giant Marrow”
Pmsl !!
Is someone trying to start a race war?
In your dreams.
Yes of course I want a race war, its because I read the Daily Mail.
Your posting of that video clip of a white woman debasing herself in front of that Black Israelite was a bit of a giveaway.
And you want a class war, because you read Socialist W**ker.
Yes I am bien peasant who thinks its may 1968.
While the rest of us feel it is heading rapidly towards 1984
He don’t know me very well, do he?
Trolls should be starved, not fed.
Your right
You seem to know – why not tell us?
Aggravating factor to be applied when sentence is being judged – please. please Attorney General make sure this is applied to the maximum and not seen as a mitigating factor. Please, please or we have gone insane!
And last week in France: not a story for BBC-NUJ
“Soldiers arrested”
why have the bbc not reported this story,it would make a good phone in for stephen nolans show tonight,will tell mama put it up on there website,will hope not hate put it up on there website,not a chance,this was a racially aggravated hate crime on that soldier simple as that,another thing,any questions tonight on radio 4 from of all places bbc broadcasting house with that weakling stand in host nick robinson was an absolute left wing biased disrace,1 ex tory minister micheal howard shouted down and called racist by hand picked 3 lefties including that far left nutcase posh boy owen jones and a audience that sounded it was all owen jones mates from the socalist workers party,any questions was just awful tonight,the worst i have neard in years.
Yes, Stuart, I agree it was very poor. In particular the emotional discussion of the minor issue of the vans with the “racist” adverts about illegal immigrants but, of course, nothing of any substance about the real issue of mass immigration and all the problems it has brought. Boateng is biased, by virtue of his race, and that’s ok by me; but Owen Jones is the worst sort of White anti-British utopian socialist internationalist dreamer.
Is Owen Jones really a homosexual?
Do you have a problem with homosexuality?
No1.the police should be treating this attack on that soldier as terrorist related,no.2.the home secretary theresa may must condemm this attack tonight and make it clear attacks on are armed forces communitys will not be tolerated
Multiculturalism seems to be working ! yeah…
The Community Cohesion Committee(tm) said this didn’t happened.
Oceania has always been at war with EastAsia, or was it EurAsia? Those ‘Asian’ ‘men’ got me confused, btw.
No doubt the Ministry of Truth will straighten me up.
I’m a local and a gossip and I rub shoulders with lots of shady characters who would know exactly what happened and have a fair idea of who was responsible.
Funny thing is, nobody knows anything about it and the consensus of the congregation of ne’re do wells and reprobates in my local (not 300 yds from ‘crime scene’) is that the story is a load of cobblers.
As so often with stories apparently ‘ignored’ by the MSM but reported by fearless bloggers or similar, the reason nobody in the national press paid any attention was that the original incident was completely fabricated or wildly exaggerated. Don’t trust everything you read online.
Does that include you?
Your call. I’m merely pointing out that this site called for the MSM to report a story which turned out to be completely fictitious. If you can point out where I’m wrong and David Vance is correct I’ll concede the point gracefully.
We don’t know one way or the other yet
( unless you have some arcane knowledge you wish to share )
Nor shall we if left to the BBC
Or ignored and then widely exaggerated (and lied about) like the MSM over the Martin/Zimmerman case.
Still on the Plymouth Herald site – News, page 4