Paul Weston in the comments on a previous post claims that ‘The idea that Britain could erupt into tribal/religious bloodshed and carnage is simply not accepted by these ignorant children within the BBC who know nothing of history.’
Some readers might be thinking that is over the top, there is absolutely no danger of that happening here.
Very recent history says different…just think of the Balkans….or Northern Ireland…if it hadn’t been for 30,000 security personnel keeping a lid on things just how bad would that have got?
But the BBC itself has broadcast a ‘warning from history’…..
In this programme Kilcullen describes what happened to Somalia…why it collapsed into a war torn ‘Mad Max’ country.
Immigration happened to Somalia…massive, uncontrolled immigration from the rural areas into Mogadishu which led to infrastructure and system collapse…warlords and power brokers built competing fiefdoms that tore the city apart and ultimately brought down the whole State.
The city went feral..and this is happening now to cities across the world…and what happened in one place in our interconnected world affects us here….as we know when ”foreign’ battles are imported and erupt on the streets of Britain.
Urban overstretch as he called it leads to frightening consequences.
In this programme he limits himself to coastal cities in the developing world but there is absolutely no reason why such a scenario isn’t credible for any city in the World.
London must be a prime example with that potential as it turns into a foreign land with a population that owes its loyalty more often to the countries they have fled from, perhaps ironically…bringing with them the same religions, the same cultural baggage and the same social problems that they were apparently trying to escape.
Crazy? Mad and improbable?
In 2009 Labour MP David Lammy didn’t think so:
LARGE parts of London are controlled by armed gangsters and not the police, a Government minister said yesterday.
Education minister David Lammy claimed a drug war had led to Turkish and Kurdish thugs grabbing control in some areas.
He said: “The system of justice that governs the rest of our city has been replaced by one overseen by gang bosses, enforced by the gun and knife.”
The Tottenham MP warned the situation would get worse without urgent police action.
He added: “If we turn away now, abandoning communities to be torn apart by a lawless minority, we will all come to regret it.”
His controversial remarks were last night backed by one of the capital’s top cops who described violence in parts of North London as shocking.
Kilcullen tells us that Somalia is now stable….but that stability was achieved by a newly formed Somalian Army (with the help of Ethiopia and the African Union troops) which pushed out the Islamists and warlords.
But in his summing up he claims that the only way to solve things is not helicopter gunships blazing away but civilian negotiators…..the usual wilful blindness of commentators when it comes to the necessity for military action to deal with a situation…..the BBC et al will always tell us that war never achieves anything and ‘insurgencies’ cannot be beaten by force of arms….it’s good to talk.
History unfortunately for them, proves again and again different….as indeed does this programme about Somalia…despite the strange conclusion.
The BBC supports mass immigration and repeatedly tells us that it is beneficial for the country.
It refuses to acknowledge the serious and possibly fatal consequences of this uncontrolled immigration and the subsequent harsh measures that would be needed to bring the situation back under control should things eventually go ‘feral’.
The multi cultural hotch potch of competing ethnic/religious groups that the BBC and fellow travellers believe is the best way forward is merely setting the scene for large scale conflict and a break down in central control and the ending of a national identity.
Either that is sorted now…by limiting immigration and integrating those here already or the effort later will be of a different and deeply unpleasant nature.
There are consequences to the BBC’s failure to cover events impartially where they seek to prevent certain truths from becoming well known….and by seeking to hide the problem they of course allow politicians to duck the issue and avoid setting in motion solutions that they don’t wish to be associated with on ‘their watch’ when history calls to account….but that is a very short term strategy….history will eventually catch up with them and point out their ‘appeasement’.
Those consequences may well include Paul Weston’s very uncivil civil war with all its ‘bloodshed and carnage’.
I think this country has already gone feral. I travel around the country a lot so i use my own eyes and ears to come to that conclusion. If people choose to beleive the bbbcs fluffed up version of events then more fool them because it is not going to be pretty in the next decade. It really does puzzle me why it is being allowed to happen though, i mean why the left seem to want it so badly,do they not realise they will be first in line for attack ,or will they just clear off and abandon ship?
following the collapse of communism, the left have made a pact with the devil (islam) in order to continue the war against capitalism. the following is well worth reading
full report
Click to access SidingWithOpressor_Web.pdf
Anyone that makes a deal with the devil loses even the devil.
France that has gone Feral for over 3 years.
I see France in a pre-revolutionary state at the moment. The fifth republic is now dead, and a new one is coming. The only question is, will it be a sharia republic, or one where we can still visit Chartres.
Now here is something very interesting
The “Blonde” censored
“i mean why the left seem to want it so badly”
Surely because they believe that it will ultimately produce the sort of borderless, universal, coffee coloured utopia that appeals to their ideology.
Yes Joshaw. An article in the BBC website a few weeks ago was “Do we need countries anymore,’ or words to that effect. I did not read it though.
Just a pity the coffee coloured utopians dont dance to the same peace loving beat eh!
In practice, ideologies tend to result in people dying in large numbers. This will be no different.
Thanks for that link beebinator,very interesting. Maybee albaman et al should cock a snuk
London is a multicultural-enriched city, who has hosted the last public beheading in 2013.
Scary, isn’t it?
The Frankfurt School has be a great success.
Quoting Paul Weston is bit like quoting Gordon Brown on the economy. The guy completely messed up as the EDL political leader and is now pedaling the same nonsense to an audience of about 5.
I’m a bit surprised this site gives him any publicity as he really does deserve a long period of silence. The fact the BBC totally ignores him is surely to their credit.
Thanks for your contribution ,I’ll take your opinion under advisement
This is about feral cities. By any measurement you want to use London is way more violent than it was in the 1950s and 60s.
The elite pretends different but enough people remember.
What happened to Lee Rigby is going to be seen as key moment.
We have to decide whether to live with such barbarism or assert the values of our civilisation. Current politicians ,unless they come to terms with this, are going to be part of the problem and will play no part in the solution.
Sorry but as far as the BBC is concerned Lee Rigby is yesterday’s news and will no longer be mentioned. The “key moment” will continue to be the killing of Stephen Lawrence to the exclusion of all else, and you can bet your last penny that his mum will be provided with countless opportunities to remind us of it for decades to come.
Ah Baroness Lawrence of Well Hall Road. Labour’s new spokesperson on “Institutional Racism.”
I expect the progressives of the BBC/Guardian will soon have her replace Churchill as the greatest Briton.
Is it true that Baroness Lawrence is the new candidate for appearing on the £50 note?
A nine bob note might be more fitting.
The fact the BBC totally ignores him (Paul Weston) is surely to their credit.
One of the disturbing signs of the pro-Islamic, multicultural left, is their refusal to argue or debate: just make a few denigrating comments and deny a platform to one’s opponent. It is a standard Trotskiest tactic, used in the SWP, UAF, and BBC, which needs to be exposed.
I believe the Socialists in the late 80’s and early 90’s soon came to realise that you can have all the goody-goody ideas in the world. But they matter little unless you have the POWER to implement them.
In order to get their hands on power they had to change, well superficially at least.
Once in power they reverted to type but this time they wanted to stay in power. So they set about their task of gerrymandering via immigration and creating a larger state.
Getting into bed with those who would happily destroy us in order to maintain their place is no great sacrifice, well for them it isn’t.
The BBC will support anything that the Establishment want. I ask you, since when have we the people been involved in the appointment and the election of BBC Governors and Senior Officials. Just Like the House of Lords, another gerrymandering/political stitch-up, we do not get a say.
If we are expected to be taxed to fund the BBC then just like our politicians should we not also have a say as to who runs it ?
The BBC just like the Lords and the Civil Service is a fully paid up member of the Establishment. When we come to realise this, we will be better able to deal with many of the problems that we face. And there is going to be quite a few.
Yes the BBC is a corner stone of the establishment. For that reason you can bet that the licence fee will never be abolished.
As for having a say in who runs the BBC, well I always have to laugh when the Charter comes up for renewal (next due 2016) and we get all those adverts on BBC 1 telling us:
“It’s Your BBC”.
Is it hell!
Well said Mark B. A Friend of mine recently said to me , “When exactly were we asked whether we wanted an invasion of people with an alien culture and who are far more racist than we are?” “When was I asked for my permission as a voter for this,” he said.
We wern’t were we.
Do you live in London Alan? I do. Doesn’t feel like a foreign land to me, other than in the tourist areas. And it’s a lot less violent than the white Midlands industrial town I grew up in.
It must be nice in kensington
I often travel to North London. It is not the area it was 20 years ago. Drivers often driving to a standard I expect more in the third world – crossing the street is now dangerous as cars weave around each other, more often than not English is not the language I hear as I walk down the street. I drove through Willesden three years ago and not a white face to be seen. Shops looked as though they were trading in Africa. Well away from the tourist areas and yes Doris it does feel like a foreign land to me.
The Indian driving test is, drive a car in a straight line for 100 yards. I’m not joking.
South east London. South Kensington does feel rather foreign as it happens.
Do you live in London Alan?
You see Doris I was raised in Plumstead (SE18) and spent most of my adult life in the afore mentioned Thamesmead (SE2) so your claim that is not like a foreign country I find less than credible (I invite any reader interested enough to visit plumstead high street or Woolwich market and make their own assessment)
As for violence well perhaps you could indicate on the attached map what part of SEL you currently reside -Old Bexley perhaps?
Peckham. And I love it. Proud of my country, proud of my adopted city.
I am pleased to know that in common with the overwhelming majority on here you are proud of our country. This however should not blind you to the obvious issues which are increasingly effecting it (and continually being under-stated or mis-represented by the good old BBC which is of course the whole point of this site). To this effect maybe you should follow the above link in case the events of 2011 had somehow slipped your mind.
The riots took place 5mins walk from my front door. They were perpetrated by British people in the main. Not foreigners. Or are you suggesting you are foreign if non-white?
Anyway, Peckham has recovered well. It’s in the nature of London to arise stronger from these things.
I sense most if you commenting on London don’t actually live here. I’m middle aged middle class and white. And it doesn’t feel remotely foreign to me.
Be more confident in your country. We are lucky to live here.
I am glad you so enjoy living where you do.
I too enjoy living where I and my family do. Alongside a river in one of the shires of old England.
The thing is I want my grandchildren to live and thrive here and hand on their way of life down the generations as it has been handed on to me. Past present and future that is what a people and a country really are.
Perhaps London was once like this but no more.
So I want nothing to do with it and like many of the English have turned my back on my capital city. Now you might think this no problem and so what any way. We don’t need these English sentimentalists any more.
The liberal viewpoint this encompasses is going to make the biggest mistake of their lives. Wait and see.
London has always been an international city. And yet enduringly British. It won’t change. And it will continue to subsidise rural England. Do not be afraid.
I notice you use the word British. I use the word English.
A telling difference. It highlights how little we have in common. As to subsidy that is and always has been a moot point. How much food stock is there in a supermarket? 2-3 days.
I am not in the slightest afraid. I simply no longer care what happens to London. My valley is another matter.
One fact in my favour and not in the favour of the city is the Internet. We no longer need to huddle together. This will only accelerate .
Incidentally the English have never liked cities and never really liked London. The Great Wen Cobbett called it and atttributed many of the ills of his England to it.
The British can love London as much as they want and good luck to them .I will take my chance under the old flag of my people when it is time to fly it once more. . And it is neither the Union flag nor the Cross of St George.
The white flag?
Stiffen your spine man. The British have always been stronger when they’ve looked out to the world and not cowered timidly from it.
Liberal drivel. And insulting. No white flag but the flag of old England. Not that you would have a clue what that was.
Like so many of us I am tired of this British nonsense..It is a dead giveaway. The liberals cannot bring themselves to use the word English.
Stay happy in your British London. It means nothing to me. But leave us alone.
Liberals cannot really grasp the notion of the homeland and the people. Yet the liberal freely bestows this notion upon other peoples giving them the right to their history and their homeland. Consider the liberal cause celebre- the Palastinians. A curious lack of logic. As I said we have nothing in common. Except a meaningless EU passport.
Doris ”The riots were perpetrated by British people in the main.”
Nope, they weren’t ethnic British.
even the bbbc reports that white british are a minority in london, i admire your ability to ignore the obvious, but its clearly nonsense what you are claiming doris. as for whether labours experiment is working, well its looks like at least one person has been brainwashed
Well yes, White British are now a minority there (i.e. < 50% of the total) if you add all the disparate others together … but they are still the largest minority.
To underline what an utter twit Weston takes only a second.
CRIME IS FALLING! and every web reference you look up. Anyone stating the opposite has a hate agenda. Weston, of course. He thinks he is waiting the call from albion to rescue us. Some wait.
Well done the BBC for ignoring the haters.
“Anyone stating the opposite has a hate agenda.”
So that neatly covers all bases then?
Crime may or may not be falling within the recent timescale used. However, I was born into a country which had one of the lowest violent crime rates in the world. We lost that distinction a long time ago.
Victor Bailey (History Today): “A rate of 249 crimes per 100,000 population in 1901 rose to 2,374 crimes in 1965 and 6,674 crimes per 100,000 in 1984.”
The Huffington Post: “The number of homicides rose from around 300 per year in the 1960s to just under 1,000 a decade ago, the figures showed.”
“It hath been found by experience that no matter how decent, intelligent or thoughtful the reasoning of a conservative may be, as an argument with a liberal is advanced, the probability of being accused of ‘bigotry’, ‘hatred’ or ‘intolerance’ approaches 1 (100%).”
(Taken from the excellent Archbishop Cranmer blog)
Which is exactly why it is long past time on debating with the liberal fantasists. There is more reason in my cat.
You lack elementary logic. “Anyone stating the opposite has a hate agenda'”
A nonsensical statement. Try and do better. There can be no connection between challenging a Wikipedia entry and an expression of hatred.
Once again it proves the futility of arguing with the liberal left.
“Britain’s ‘Islamic Emirates Project'”
by Soeren Kern
(July, 2011).
Nobody has of course refuted my claim that crime has fallen. Producing out of date historic data underlines how inept Weston is and why he has no support by making such inane statements.
Here’s the Telegraph on the same subject:
This blog article has no place here other than to stoke up hatred and fear. Shame on Vance for publishing it.
Oh and I drove down Peckham Rye tonight at 5.00pm. Full of life and vitality as it always has been!
And I was sat on it when you passed. Felt quintessentially English. Lots of white people. Black people too (the horror). Ice creams being consumed, dogs (mine among them) raiding picnics, people talking about the Ashes.
Foreign land my arse.
Were Del boy and Rodney there to?
i dare you to walk through peckham rye now, 1030pm. doubt we’ll hear about the results on your beloved bbbc though “DORIS”
“Doris” is a name that Comrade Nick Lowles uses when he’s attempting to manipulate lies for his “Hope Not Hate” union conglomerate……
Funny that the Comrade now also lives in Peckham, and the point that Paul Weston has been mentioned of late in a blog posting here, could well be the final straw…
Doris ”Foreign land my arse.”
Hmm, would a lady say such foul language or is ‘Doris’ perhaps a UAF troll ?
let us be realistic over the figures. When the ordinary person talks of crime they usually mean serious crime- murder, rape, GBH, knife and gun crime, people trafficking , drugs and organised prostitution- that sort of thing.
Now it might be instructive to compare the figures for these type of crimes in one year at random in the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s,1980s and so on up to the present day.
I suggest you do this and so will I. As I work 7 days a week I might take a few days. So might you but these figures for these types of crime should be interesting either way.
It is just an exercise. No expressions of hatred etc involved.
Let me try this
Crime is going down in the same way that educational standards are going up ,by cooking the books
Only ‘haters’ (Do you type that word with teeth clenched and whitened knuckles I wonder) think so, you think?
And as the swarm of locusts had been consuming everything in its path, even taking every last “green shoot of growth”– as everything that could be plundered, was– as every indicator of a civilised society had been headed for a reading of “nil” for several years– as the population dwindled as people voted with their feet– the politicians in the large cities consoled themselves with the thought that, “Well, hey, we’re not Detroit!”
“Not yet,” you mean– and even at that, you’ll hear different, from some quarters.
Sorry had to post in two half’s second is still awaiting moderation (why)
Here are some controversial and possibly prophetic words from well over a quarter of a century ago. They might apply today, mutatis mutandis, replacing “Black” with another word for instance. Guess the identity of the writer.
“The battle will be a bloody one. Black and white will have no choice. The liberals … will be caught in the middle. In the end they too will have no choice – they will have to side with black or white …
Blacks will fight with pressure, leaflets, campaigns, demonstrations, fists and scorching resentment, which, when peaceful means fail, will explode into street-fighting, urban guerilla warfare, looting, burning and rioting. Critics will argue smugly that this cannot possibly happen here. Most of them will be white, blind to what is already happening, wrapped in cocoons of isolation and utopian dreams of multi-racialism, confident that white is might.
To these I say “Watch out Whitey, n*gg*r goin’ to get you!”
That’s already happening to whites in Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Apartheid South Africa 1950 to 1994, 7000 murders each year
South Africa 1994 to 2013, 24,000 murders each year
White Liberals in Britain wanted Zimbabwe and South Africa to be more African, and therein lies the problem.
A State of Fear’
By Joseph Clyde.
‘Look Inside’-
“Writers in a state of fear”
By Nick Cohen.