And so the new week starts and I see the BBC are on the attack using “zero hours” as a means to try and undermine growth in the employment figures. Another whole week for them to suggest that Ed Balls calls it right!! Anyway, here you go, a new open thread to help balance their bias!
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‘Press Freedom and the Labour Party.’
Here is an article which BBC-NUJ can refer to on the above theme-
“Joe Dromey and the entitlement culture of the political class”
The bBC is currently explaining to the plebs all about the issues regards Gibraltar Q&A: Gibraltar row
The most recent spat erupted in July after Gibraltar – without prior warning – dropped concrete blocks into the bay to start creating, it said, an artificial reef to encourage sea life to flourish in what it sees as its marine reserve. Spain said the blocks had been laid “without the necessary authorisation” in what it sees as Spanish waters, and both contravened its own environmental laws and damaged its fishing industry, because Spanish fishing nets were in danger of catching on the concrete reef blocks.
5 mins on the net brings up the following:
Report to H.M. Government of Gibraltar on
“The Management of Marine Living Resources
in the Waters around Gibraltar
Artificial Reef Project – A First in Europe
Now the above explain everything about what is currently transpiring regards the artificial reef and yet the bBC promotes this view that all this spansih ansgt could have been avoided if Gibraltar had simply talked to the Spanish.
In a Nutshell, the Spanish are a fishing Superpower and they have wiped out huge tracks of the sea with their fishing fleets. The Med has been virtually sucked dry and the Gibraltens are simply trying to readdress the sitation, you’d think the so called eco-bBC would have mentioned that. But alas, The bBC will never take the side of right they will always take the side of the so called oppressed, in this case the Spanish.
The bBC, the traitors within our Midst
Can’t wait for Dateline London’s ‘take’ on this one.
I wonder who Gavin Esler can drag up as his objective panel of commentators to find Gibraltar & the UK guilty parties this time?
I thought I heard this briefly mentioned in a BBC news bulletin, but ….. like all good things, it quickly disappeared
…. and the trope is that Gibraltar is lying when it says it is trying to preserve fishing stocks…..unfortunately conveniently forgetting that Spain has done precisely the same around its own coastline….. and done it within a few miles of Gibraltar as well…… at the request of local fishermen. Stuff you can’t make up, but sadly lacking in real exposure.
Coukldn’t possibly expose that to too much daylight now, could we….. just like the admission from the captain of the Belgrano that, given what he was up to, Mrs Thatcher was absolutely 100% right in ordering an attack on his ship….that little factoid always seems to disappear into the BBC mental black hole when anyone feels like mentioning Mrs Thatcher’s ‘dreadful’ behaviour regarding the Falklands.
News on Seif al-Islam Gadhafi (ex-LSE), if INBBC cares to report it:-
“Feud for custody of Gadhafi’s son underscores Libya’s turmoi”
‘Arab Spring’/ Islamic Winter Libya.
OT, but this one could prove fun as media naval-gazing seldom disappoints…
“The New York Times is certainly aware of this problem,” Briggs told “I would love to see the beginning of some institutional change.”
As ‘scraping’ in many forms is now about how most media could be described, one can only await the outrage from industries representing those not in turn adequately represented adequately by such a loose definition as ‘man’ vs. ‘woman’.
Eddie Izzard & Grayson Perry are reported to be consulting their PR’s with a view to dominating the breakfast sofas on this all week.
Sam Cameron was unavailable for comment on how guest editing MumsNet may get her, them and the entire sisterhood in a real pickle.
Islamising TURKEY-
which U.K political class (inc INBBC) wants as member of European Union-
Two reports:-
‘Front Page Magazine’-
“The Mass Jailing of Turkish Secularists”
2.) INBBC-
“Turkey Ergenekon case: Ex-army chief Basbug gets life”
Worrayaknow – the two year anniversary of the start of the riots.
Blah blah the BBC has learned blah blah many victims fear new riots blah blah stop ‘n’ search blah blah david lammy, doreen lawrence, dianne abbott, nelson mandela, huey lewis, malcolm x, emmet till blah blah.
Translated out of droid-speak and into English the above paragraph becomes
“Go on riot again, ya know ya wanna, go on, whitey hates ya, we at the BBC not having any businesses that can be burnt down, we loved the last riots”
This ‘it is now x years since…’ is of course a very tired trope the droids use when they want to get one of their ‘News Gold’ stories back in yer face. Stories that make the droidesses a little moist ‘down there’ and the droids unable to stand up at their desks. Pathetic.
Very selective they are of course. Seems that, for example, the coming to power of Margaret Thatcher has never had an anniversary. Unfortunately it happened on a particular day in 1979 that seems to have been somehow lost in the space-time continuum.
They truly are utter tossers.
Huey Lewis is not black.
The anniversary of Margaret Thatcher becoming Prime Minister did get a brief mention on John Craven’s Newsround in 1996, sandwiched between an interview with Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris blowing a didgeridoo.
Are you sure he was blowing a dideridoo . I heard he was blowing out…”Two Little Boys.”
Ok, I’ll get my coat.
Many of the rioters looked white to me. And those arrested like the public school girl driving from shop to shop. It was a multiracial riot.
It was multiracial, but your comment alone shows the display bias from the media. Unless you were onsite when the riots were happening, you’re reliant on the tv pictures you’re shown to get an impression of what happened. The official statistics showed massive overrepresentation from minorities, blacks in particular (compared to % in the population overall).
If the pictures you saw portrayed mainly whites, and the major arrests that were reported were stories like that spoiled white girl, then you have to ask yourself how much of what you’re seeing is manipulated.
I recall one classic incident from the riots – a reporteress (I think from Sky perhaps) was talking to a victim of the riots, who told her it was a bunch of black kids that had destroyed his shop. She was aghast, and said you can’t say that, there must have been some whites at the scene. The shopkeeper thought about it for a few seconds and then said yes, I guess there was. She beamed, but the smile faded when he said ‘if you include me’.
‘but the smile faded’
Kay Burley showing why she and the rest of our PC media estate are so worth it.
A YouTube well worth repeating…
And there you have have it.
“I’m sure they weren’t all black, were they?”
“Yes, well there were probably other white guys there as well”
That is how things that don’t fit the agenda aren’t reported. They simply can’t comprehend a world that doesn’t fit their preconceptions.
” I saw a mob of blacks coming down the street, rioting and looting.”
Uh oh, he’s mentioned the 500 pound gorilla in the room !!( no pun intended )
Having the words “Black” and “Gorilla” in the same post will have Scottie steaming in with his “Wayyciist” allegations. I kid you not.
I can’t see anything ‘waaycist’ in that statement, it’s just a benign turn of phrase. Sometimes you just gotta tell it like it is !
‘no pun intended’
There is no possible pun in that sentence unless you are the sort of person who thinks that gorilla/black man might be used synonymously for comic purposes. If you’re not, why the ‘no pun intended’? Care to explain?
i think what he meant by no pun intended was that gorillas are well known for rioting
” Care to explain.”
No further questions, m’lud.
‘Many of the rioters looked white to me’
Me too.
Maybe they were honorary members of Mark Duggan’s Tunbridge posse?
Then again, I may have been watching a news report that had passed through certain filters first, so it’s possible what we were presented was not the most accurate representation of what actually happened.
Plus ‘analysis’.
This is often the case.
Interesting top comments.
There was also the sentencing, which did indeed, at least in reporting, show almost no race other than white was involved.
I cannot immediately speak for the accuracy of this.
The top rated comment here may have offered a view:
19. MassMediocrity
6TH AUGUST 2012 – 9:17
This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
I would simply love an explanation of how an Editor’s Pick gets modded mind.
Must be one of those professional, mature rules the BBC has that this site lacks.
Are, there we go.
The featured chap one presumes being representative?
Well, possibly not of London, with an interesting % of the 2,000+ convicted vs. the West Mids Manchester, etc which, as we know, are the BBC’s main visual interest areas now.
Those picture editors and their professional choices, eh?
Lucky they are not commissioning any docos on the events, as Stagecoach agency won’t have a white kid to spare.
Be funny if a minority group kicked up on failure in representation mind.
To add to this, and to provide a bit of context:
Obviously London has a higher proportion of non-whites than the overall census, but the proportions are still striking when you look at how relatively small populations were disproportionately part of the riots.
To see just how disproportionate the statistics are, if every single black person in the UK (pop: circa 1m) lived in London (pop: circa 8m), the 39% of arrests being blacks in London is still a threefold overrepresentation compared to population size.
Also, the choice of labels is a secondary means to obscure the truth; its almost a certainty that there were virtually no Indian or Chinese ‘asians’ among the rioters, and those groups together comprise half of all ‘asians’ in the country. Guess what the religion of the other half of ‘asians’ in this country is.
The core stats are the arrest stats. As I run a business in Croydon I was helping the police even last July, a year on, in identifying some people. Cases may still be ongoing.
However last August the Govt did a survey of who had been charged and put the info up here:–2
The majority of rioters were white and there were Chinese rioters!
By and large the ethnic breakdown reflected the area the riots took place in and the fact that these were generally poor people. So in some poorer areas I’d expect a larger black prescence. I believe in Liverpool it was mostly white for the same reason.
We should all stick to quantifiable facts, not bizarre interpretations that the news was filtered. It wasn’t.
Cor… stats!
Next up, gosh darned ones.
After that; BBC authorised sources-say ones via the BIJ?
‘We should all stick to quantifiable facts, not bizarre interpretations that the news was filtered. It wasn’t.’
Oh, well, as Croydon man, if ‘you’ say so, it must be true.
I know how facts matter to all of ‘you’ in Croydon.
I wonder if Nicked Emus lives there too? Maybe he never did fix that robot.
Me, suitably re-educated I’m off now to make sure my missus isn’t marauding the local JB Sports with her fellow Chin… ‘Asians’.
You are dissembling, proven by your own link.
Firstly, my point was not that the majority of rioters were not white, but that blacks were massively overrepresented vs. their proportion of the overall UK population. This is corroborated by the document linked, which shows 39% of defendants were black (page 12).
Secondly, look at the table on page 13. Out of 457 people where hearings have not been concluded yet, 0 are chinese and 3 are Indian. Of 2646 people where all hearings are concluded, there were a total of 4 chinese, of whom 2 were acquited and 2 sentenced. For Indians, there were a total of 27, of whom 24 were sentenced.
So no, the evidence doesn’t bear out the idea that Chinese were rioting in any significant way, whilst Indians were underrepresented vs. their total population density.
Whites too are very underrepresented vs. their proportion of the population.
The groups that are overrepresented, and this is looking purely at the document you linked to, are blacks and non-Indian asians.
Whats interesting in the paper too is the note on page 12 about the numbers of whites and blacks remanded in custody (in total) during 2010 – 33% white, 45% black. This is a very understated confirmation of the degree to which different ethnicities commit crimes in general.
Being charitable, I guess the one piece of good news for liberals is that black involvement in the riots may have been overrepresented vs. their % of the total population, but it was about par with their representation in non-riot crimes in general.
Intel reports form the Met fed to bordering forces included reams of CCTV images of those not yet identified. Out of the 100+ images I saw I would guess that 90 were black. This doesn’t mean 90% of rioters were black just the ones the met were trying to identify at that time were black. Arseholes and ‘ganstas’ of all hues took the opportunity to break the law, in some areas the predominate gangs are white, in others the predominate gangs are black.
“the public school girl driving from shop to shop”
If you’re talking about the girl from Orpington, as I recall, she was being driven from shop to shop.
Correction – she was driving but she was not alone. She was with a man called Sylar, a drug dealer who had recently been released from prison.
Doesn’t let her off the hook, obviously, but there does seem to be a recurring theme of “previous”.
Assuming you are like me and believe BBC news ought to report news and not search for and prioritise snippets simply because they fit a BBC agenda…..
BBC 5 Live this morning and Nicky Campbell’s 5th bollock – his sports reporter – lets slip a BBC opinion:
Football…’s not as good as the Olympics!
So watch out Premiership football – you’re going to get a BBC bashing whenever and wherever possible. It’s already approved office policy to blow up any anti stories.
notice that any sport the bbbc doesnt cover usually gets ignored or just a token mention-ie the fa cup. if you buy into their propoganda womens football and athletics are the sports us “brits” love the most,not to mention tennis and golf. in my real world its premier league football and horse racing.
Don’t mention sport today. It’s not been a good 24 hours sport wise for the BBC. Their favourite team (which is any team playing England) lost the Ashes yesterday. They’re washing down the sour grapes with a glass of bitter!
Don’t agree. I’ve tickets for the Oval and I was hoping the Aussies could have pulled it back so I could enjoy their thrashing even more!.
Winning the Ashes due to the rain is a damp squib.
After years of being thrashed by them, years of listening to TMS in the night and hearing us getting tanked I for one am delighted we can beat them in any way at all. 2005+ doesn’t make up for 1986-2003. Umm, not BBC related just a bit of a rant 🙂
To be picky, England have retained The Ashes, and haven’t retained them “due to the rain”, but through winning the first two tests.
And I’m surprised anyone not Australian would have wanted the Skippies to pull one back: much better to knock ’em over, stamp on ’em a bit, then do it again just to be sure. Let’s talk about wanting a contest when they’ve been on the floor for sixteen years, and not a day before. 🙂
Hope you have a good time at The Oval you lucky so-and-so. 🙂
The Al-Qaeda threat:
1.) ‘Fox News’
“Al Qaeda ‘is on the rise and the facts are indisputable'”
(video clip).
2.) BBC-NUJ-
“US embassy closures: How big is the al-Qaeda threat?”
(video clip).
Nicky Campbell to BBC reporter in Yemen:
‘How serious is the al Qaeda threat ?’
‘There’s only a minority of a few thousand supporters in a country of 25m’
Roughly the same level of support for AQ as in Britain.
Whatever way you take the BBC’s remarks it looks pretty bad to me.
Did Campbell not drone on about UAV strikes in Yemen?
Y’all saw what I did there, right?
There’s a few turds in there but it’s a big swimming pool – it’s fine!
FORT HOOD, HASAN, and Islamic Jihad.
INBBC extends its lexicon of euphemisms in its pro-Islamic political agenda.
In its first mention of the Fort Hood trial in 2 months, we get this about Hasan:
“He then climbed on to a desk, shouted an Islamic benediction and opened fire with two handguns, pausing only to reload, witnesses said.”
There we have it: “an Islamic benediction”- INBBC’s obfuscating, devious method of censoring out the actual phrase : “Allahu akbar.”
Note, the ‘Daily Mail’ does not adopt the INBBC censorship:-
“Hasan walked inside with two handguns, climbed onto a desk and shouted ‘Allahu Akbar!’ – an Arabic phrase meaning ‘God is great!’ – then he fired, pausing only to reload.”
-from ‘JihadWatch’-
“Survivors of Fort Hood jihad massacre suing U.S. government for allowing jihad murderer Hasan to rise through ranks because of political correctness”
The Fort Hood trial starts today.
“Nidal Hasan and Fort Hood”
by Raymond Ibrahim,
(November, 2009).
“Allahu Akbar”
By Daniel Greenfield,
“Allahu Akbar is an assertion of individual superiority through collective superiority.
“I am better than you because Muslims are better than you, and Muslims are better than you, because Allah is better than you.”
It’s a long-winded way of getting to the point in English, but it’s concisely implicit in the Arabic.”
ie, our god is greater, greater than who?
greater than your guy
someone bulging eyed, fuzzy faced throwback shrieking that? … the absolute pinnacle of brainwashed, retrograde, herd mentality
Of course, the BBC will surely cite Right-wing literature as his prime motive.
Compare and contrast:
“[W]e Mujahideen are imperfect soldiers trying to form a perfect religion.”
“We are imperfect Muslims trying to establish the perfect religion.”
As pounce comments further up the thread, the BBC’s coverage of the Gibraltar spat is generally couched in terms of a solution of “all people of goodwill” getting round a table and solving the problem. The perfect example of such an approach was highlighted by the interview this morning with Hain on Today. Hain, when in government in 2002, had put together (with, to be fair, the apparent agreement of Conservatives and LibDems) a classic bien pensant stitch-up of the Gibraltarians: the usual “shared” sovereignty with Spanish granted rights over both the territory and the inhabitants. The Spanish for reasons not explained by Hain decided not to proceed with the agreement. I suspect that slow motion surrender of Gibraltar was, not enough and not rapid enough for the Spanish. I also suspect that, as a long-term policy, the Spanish would rather maintain the running sore of Gibraltar which can be resorted to whenever domestic troubles threaten to overwhelm a Spanish administration.
Hain (unchallenged) stated that an agreement to surrender Gibraltar was analogous to the stitch-up of the loyalists in N Ireland. He forget to mention (and was not reminded) that, in that case, there was a substantial proportion of Northern Irish who wished to dump British sovereignty and, anyway, the representatives of the loyalists – the DUP – were happy to do anything (and give away anything) for access to the perks of power. As usual, where “troublesome” pro-British communities are concerned, Hain and the rest of the political class (enabled by friendly coverage from the BBC) are claiming that a compromise between right and wrong is the way ahead.
God forbid that Hain or the FCO should go on the offensive rather than wringing their hands in public, deploring Spanish manners and whining that the Spanish are being unreasonable. Maybe the Spanish should be reminded that if pushed we could make real trouble for them. For instance, London is more or less the centre of world banking: a refusal (or, better and just as effective, a muttered threat of a refusal) to allow banks in London to deal in Spanish sovereign debt or anything connected with Spanish paper could bring Spain to its financial knees within days – probably hours. Such an assertion of power – or, indeed, any assertion of power – in the British interest is, of course, anathema at dinner parties in Islington and would be met by stiff resistance at Broadcasting House and Whitehall (and, by the way, 10 Downing Street).
BBC Panorama has learnt”. The giveaway phrase here is “…has learnt”; this is general BBC-speak for “we would like you to think” or “we have made this up”…………………this sums up their reporting full stop.
BBC Panorama has read on Twitter.
More of those men.
I was trying think about this lost Golden Age when the BBC played Hamlet instead of Strictly Come Dancing. Damned if I recall it.
What I do remember in the 60s on a Saturday Night was something like this:
The Results
Mister Pastry, possibly the most boring entertainer in TV history. Lucky if you haven’t suffered
Juke Box Jury. This program played the new releases and you watched the audience nodding their beehives
Dixon Of Dock Green: Dixon was about 80 and could hardly walk but he slide around Dock Green with lots of cor blimeys and fair cop guvs. Z Cars showed how awful it was
Billy Cotton Bandshow. Cotton was an old Music Hall/Big Band act who seemed stuck in the 30s. My skin still crawls from his screech of Wakey Wakey.
Then the BIg Film, usually a western or action film. Romantic films went out on a Sunday.
Not much high quality entertainment there I’m afraid. The Only Hamlet I remember seeing was late on a Saturday or Sunday on BBC2.
Sunday was even worse. The Dickens serial put me off Dickens for life.
As for the BBC shouldn’t be competing with ITV, it isn’t. It’s up against 100+ Channels, the Web, DVDs and going out.
Balcombe: not a Harrabin ‘report’:-
“Where do these fracking protesters think energy is going to come from?
“If oil and gas are there in the South, then let the country benefit.”
By Dominic Lawson.
Well, at 12:35, wind was producing just 0.7664% of our generated electricity just 288MW of the 37,577MW.
Blow me down! We were also having to import electricity from Holland and France.
Fifty wells being drilled in Sussex.
The other 49? Meh … boring… no cameras there… no demo’s… no chance of getting my picture in the paper or interviewed by the Droids.
TWATO (The World At One on Al JaBeeBa) currently pushing ZaNuLieBor’s agenda on nurse staffing numbers despite Berwick clearly saying that it is for each hospital to assess required staffing and implement it.
The Beeb, the twin gaping orifices (mouth and the other one common to both sexes) of ZaNuLieBor!
“BBC . . . keen to end what has been a male preserve. [My emphasis]
So, not on merit per se, then.
At least it’s not Clare Bloody Balding . . .
Never mind the feminism/ affirmative action, Charlotte Green is an inspired choice, with perhaps the best voice on radio, perfect pronunciation, diction, cadence and intonation. In fact, all that the bBBC normally despises in its dumbing-down get-wiv-da-rasta-kidz agenda.
Today is the anniversary of the detonation of the first atomic bomb in anger. The bBC ensures that it promotes its left wing agenda as only it can by re-writing the facts:
Out of sight, out of mind: a nuclear legacy
Fifty years after a significant Cold War ban on nuclear tests was agreed, historian Dr Holger Nehring investigates the treaty that tried to stop nuclear war. It was a key moment in the Cold War: 50 years ago, on 5 August 5 1963, the US and the Soviet Union signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty banning nuclear tests in the atmosphere, underwater and in outer space (but not underground).….In the UK, young mothers began to worry about the quality of their milk, as higher than normal doses of the radioactive element Strontium-90 were found in the atmosphere as a result of British tests in the Pacific.
Ah the bad old British. Here is what the bBC don’t tell you:
From 1945 to 1963, the United States tested 206 nuclear weapons in the atmosphere — 100 in Nevada and 106 in the South Pacific — while the Soviet Union conducted 216 such tests. Fallout was swept away by prevailing winds and returned through precipitation, some of it falling on farms and dairies. The UK carried out 24. (Then another 24 combined with the US in underground tests in America) Also not mentioned by the bBC is that France carried out Nuclear tests in Algeria, 17 in total and the last I looked Algeria is a lot closer than the other side of the world. But if you only received your news from the bBC, only the British can be evil. (That is only White British, if you have a postcard from London and you have a passport from another country (Has to be third world) then you are a good British citizen, who can only be a victim ie, Shaker Ahmed, Abu Hamas, Bin Yan Mohamemd etc..)
But then why should the bBC report the facts in the multi coloured la la land they inhabit they love everybody who isn’t white.
The bBC, the traitors within our Midst
I wonder if the BBC will report this story concerning Muslim racism?
nah, the bbc agree with the muslims. white women are slags and walking a dog thru a muslim area is a crime punishable by stoning
Lol, Muslims racist against British whites? Of course they are, it’s just the BBC turn a blind eye to it:
I, for one, don’t give a damn about ramadana-ding-dong but I do give a damn about Muslims demanding that we bow down to their ways of living.
Check out US Beeboid John Mervin trying to convince a senior Wired editor that there’s an economically sound case to be made for supporting every union strike. click through to read the whole conversation.
They’re all at it.
Mervin: increased wages for all = more spending = economic recovery.
Let’s just give everyone, say, a million pounds salary then. Economy sorted.
This is the kind of fantasy thinking so popular at the BBC. Once again we see this same hard-Left economic viewpoint spread across different departments. It’s not just Flanders and Mason and the radio talking heads, it’s in the US as well. No conspiracy necessary, it happens naturally due to BBC hiring practices and standards.
Sorry, there are issues here I can’t go into for good reasons.
I appreciate it’s frustrating but I’m not prepared to say anything more.
—–Original Message—–
From: James Gowland xxxxx
Sent: 06 August 2013 15:21
To: Laura Ellis
Subject: Re: Complaint – Coverage
But surely its good customer service to do so? I’m only asking why you didn’t cover the story, it’s a bit of a joke if you can’t answer!
Sent from my BlackBerry(r) wireless device
—–Original Message—–
From: Laura Ellis
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 14:17:49
To: xxxxx
Subject: RE: Complaint – Coverage
I can’t I’m afraid. We are not required to discuss the details of our journalism under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act.
—–Original Message—–
From: James Gowland xxxxx
Sent: 06 August 2013 15:12
To: Laura Ellis
Subject: Re: Complaint – Coverage
Can I ask why you are not prepared to disclose this? Why did the BBC not want to report the story?
Sent from my BlackBerry(r) wireless device
—–Original Message—–
From: Laura Ellis
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 10:15:46
To: xxxxx
Subject: Complaint – Coverage
Dear Mr Gowland,
Many thanks for your email.
We were aware of the incident but elected not to run it for reasons I’m not prepared to disclose, I’m afraid.
Best wishes,
Laura Ellis, Head of New Media, BBC English Regions
—–Original Message—–
From: []
Sent: 03 August 2013 16:34
To: NewsOnline Complaints
Subject: Complaint Reply Required
{Title:} Mr
{First Name:} James
{Last Name:} Gowland
{Under 13:} No
{Email:} xxxxx
{Postcode:} NE12
{Location:} England
{Feedback Type:} I would like to… Make a complaint
{Complaint type:} BBC News (TV Radio Online)
{Complaint about:} BBC News Online
{Complaint category:} Not enough coverage
{Contacted before:} No
{Contacted again reason:}
{Reference case number:}
Apart from a football match taking place as I type this is the main news
story on the website of Exeter’s local paper, yet I can’t find it anywhere
on the BBC Devon page. Why have you not covered it?
{Reply:} Yes
“We were aware of the incident but elected not to run it for reasons I’m not prepared to disclose, I’m afraid.”
Thanks for this, James. Looks like MiniTruth decided you didn’t need to know about it.
we’d never hear the end of it from al beebi if whitey attacked muslims and shouted this is for lee rigby
she wont say because its them dreadful 2 words, community cohesion
‘orrible left wing scumbags
Interesting. I looked around Google for more info but in fact NO national media has run the story.
So why would that be?
An attack during the day by a gang would be picked up at some point before or after the gang entered the subway. We’ll assume the subway has no CCTV, but 6 large masked men would surely be easy to track?
The police are investigating and the unnamed victim is showing his wounds. That’s presumably to jog memories.
Why haven’t they shown any CCTV footage? They do for trivial robberies?
Could I suggest a bit of caution on this. Having been mugged I can assure you you cannot escape 6 determined bastards who are steamed up, especially trapped in an underpass.
There has been at one racist assault by whites in Exeter over Woolwich which I didn’t hear about either but is on the news site.
One may have a volatile situation. Or maybe a complete fantasy?
I wonder if this young man will shortly be arrested for wasting police time…
or its ignored by the press in the interests of community cohesion. It wouldnt have been published if the editor thought the victim of this disgusting crime was a liar
‘…for reasons I’m not prepared to disclose, I’m afraid.’
Seems £4Bpa doesn’t buy much spine, either.
Possibly understandable, but really not easy to justify charging £145.50 on the back of.
Tone’s ‘transparency’ gig looking a bit iffy already.
Here’s my response:
Why can’t you answer my questions, what have you got to hide? Can the BBC not be open and transparent. Surely after all the recent scandals at the BBC (employees in tax avoidance schemes, Jimmy Saville etc), it’s only fair for the BBC to open and transparent and not try to hide the truth from us. Surely it’s the least we deserve considering how much we give the BBC in licence fees…
Is it worth moving to an FoI via whatdotheyknow?
It seems to flummox the dissembling squads more than the comfort zone of the complaints system, which they control.
One beauty (of many) is it is all out in the open, and others can chip in if the weasels get silly, as here.
Yes, they can pull a unique exemption out of the hat as easily, but the naked double standards are there for all to see.
And, of course, for those the BBC seeks to hold to account to cite in precedent.
nice to see the bBC advocating more control on social networking sites.
Under the obscure as-you-can-find headline “Fort Hood suspect: ‘I am the gunman'” the BBC has a story with this at least: “The Pentagon has treated the case as an act of workplace violence, rather than an act of terrorism, a legal distinction that has angered victims and family members, says the BBC’s Nick Bryant at Fort Hood.”
The alleged culprit is not a ‘man’ but a ‘US army psychiatrist’.
Oddly BBC Panorama last night did not describe Tam as an ‘alleged’ killer but I suppose he is dead.
There’s a very interesting write up on the polling site concerning the cuts & austerity.
It would seem that the BBC propaganda isn’t working and people are thinking for themselves. Some of the trend are quite startling:
It’s a dead heat over people believing whether the cuts are good / bad for the economy, and the vast majority believe that the cuts have been necessary.
However the vast majority do not believe that have been implemented fairly, but the two positions are coming closer together.
The Labour lead is being slowly hauled in and it looks like unless Millipede can actually perform like a credible leader they will potentially lose the next election.
Fort Hood-Hasan: INBBC still censoring jihad murder case.
After Beeboid Nick Bryant censors Hasan shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he killed, now INBBC censors out Hasan describing himself as ‘Mujahideen’.
Two reports:-
1.) ‘Fox News’-
“Fort Hood shooter calls himself ‘Mujahideen’ who ‘switched sides'”
[inc video].
2.) INBBC:-
“Fort Hood shooting: Nidal Hasan says he was the gunman”
So Beeboids extends its CENSORSHIP relating to Islam.
Not only do Beeboids censor words such as ‘jihad’ but also the word ‘mujahideen’ and also, now it seems, in the context of jihad murder, the cry ‘Allahu akbar’.
It seems that more honest reporting on the Ford Hood jihad murder case can be found elsewhere than INBBC.
BBC in raptures about North Korean holiday camp for children.
They no longer even feel it necessary to hide their communist sympathies.
Interesting piece.
Not least, best I can judge, bar one shot of Valentina’s group shot and a few archives in the slide show, a complete absence of kids. Fair number of old Korean grandees though.
Same photo eds as were on the UK riots selection team?
newsnight have got VD on it. not a pretty sight. out of all the news channels on the telly, the BBC’s female presenters are the least attractive. Alice Baxter being the exception.
Woman to read classified football results.
oh no its another one of them taxi drivers.
Rapist described as “mixed race and aged 30 to 40… about 5ft 10in (1.8m) of medium build, with short dark hair and spoke with a foreign accent..”
Newsnight have the holy trinity of lefties on tonight.
VD, Mason (who I thought had left) and their favourite commentator Jonathan Portes.
Now Portes says some of the economic figures are shocking. The savings ratios are a cause for concern. We are all not saving enough and this economy requires us all to save more.
Well f*** me, last year we were told that we were not growing because we were all saving and paying down our debts…and not spending.
Pigthickshire goes from reading out the autocue to reading questions from a cheat-sheet on her lap to reading out the autocue.
Nodded sagely when the economist talked about ‘pushing up the yield curve’. Yeah, right luv, like you have the faintest idea what she’s talking about.
Dead-heat in the ugly competition with Kirsty Squawk although VD just about shades it with her legs that wouldn’t look out of place on a centre-half.
BBC you could always have given the job to someone with a personality, who knows the various briefs, and above all someone who is actually, yer know, interested.
The ability to ‘wing it’ is all the BBC ever requires of its presenters.
‘That’s all from tonight – I’ll be here tomorrow’.
I mean what is the fucking point.
As we all know the BBC likes to push the multkulti propaganda at every possible opportunity. Tonight on two at nine o’clock a fairly light hearted documentary called Make me a German where an English family spent a few weeks in Germany trying to live like Germans, eat sleep and work.
While there was much admiration for their hard work and money saving, the little digs were there too. The wife was pretty virulent about the ‘pressure’ on German women to stay home during the early child rearing years. The spectre of the holocaust was raised yet again witha visit to the scene of the Nuremberg rallies, and finally an interview with a Turkish/German who was encouraged to complain about Turkish ‘exclusion’ and ‘underrepresentation’ at the top.
That might just be linked to the (much admired) pride in German manufacturing, and community spirit, did they not consider, the fact that Germans still know who they are and are proud of it?