Start light. ‘Journalists can use the platform – which is called Full Fact Finder – to find out where to locate accurate facts and figures on a range of subjects’
Rather presumptuous maybe? Also suggesting that ‘journalists’ may have been a bit shy in this regard before?
Newsnight/BIJ will be thrilled, if they ever know about it.
G’day. Thanks to the BBC website’s civilising influence, the sheep shearers of Australia now vote Labour, and we all chundered our Fosters at Opposition leader Tony Abbott’s gross insult to sheilas.
And although he is probably a poofta John Donnison’s was right to point out that Abbott can’t even speak the Queen’s f*cking English –
I think the results do matter, by the lack of questions asked by the bBC. During 20 years of continuos increase, especially under Liebore, what a great job our teachers and exam system are doing.
Now we have had a small decrease for the last two years, and that coincides with a threat that if they increase the authorities will have to demonstrate that there has been a REAL inprovement. To me that is the question the bBC eduction reporters should be asking.
its part of the “all shall have prizes” culture, in other words completely useless as a test, coursework and multiple resits have made it a big joke, look where media studies have got us in the last 40 years *looks @ bBC
Totally agree, I am of an age that I have meet some of these new graduates. They boast they have a degree from some ex polyy and their intellectual abilities are highly questionable.
Yep, much like McDoom’s borrowed money boom, the school system reported increased tractor production every year without fail and the BBC reported it uncritically, all the time patting itself on the back about how independently independent it was.
Is it just coincidence that BBC find many articulate media savvy Morsi supporters to fill their reports but when they find supporters of the coup (which seems to be about half country) they only find shouty people who struggle with English
Maybe the filtering system? Assuming MB press releasers need to go via this. Are you in Egypt? Have you been affected by the clashes? Send us your comments using the form below. We like pictures too (hints on best format to use, no questions asked, can be downloaded from Gaza coverage)
I’m guessing a lot of Morsi supporters don’t actually live in Egypt. The ones the BBC find might be UK nationals and even work, say, for UK-based news organisations.
I assume that many are actors, probably recruited by the BBC, like Ahmed the activist who always appeared in interviews where he described atrocities committed by the Syrian Government.
Pallywood productions seem to have a Cairo branch. Yesterday Sky News broadcast some footage of a Morsi supporter running in a panicky manner from the “front line” carrying a young man over his shoulders. The voice-over was telling us about the casualties sustained by the protesters. Sky’s editing wasn’t up to much because as the reporter finished telling us about the casualties, this running protester stopped and gently put down the “wounded” youth. This youth then stood about looking around with a blank look on his face, obviously wondering what to do next. Yep! These TV news reporters are gullible, indeed.
I enjoyed the video clip on the BBC’s coverage of Cairo where the reporter suggests that a Morsi supporter is apparently loading a rifle. The man had the weapon on his knee and what he was doing was unmistakable
Also saw some footage of a so-called rooftop sniper firing at the crowd of “innocent” civilians. The only thing was, if he was a sniper, he was rubbish one because the gun he was using was a repeating shotgun. Most likely he was using plastic rounds or scatter-shot, neither very deadly at the distance he was aiming.
Has anyone noticed it’s not just the BBC but most of the news media who seem to be shilling for the Muslim Brotherhood? It seems they keep repeating the falsehood that the protesters were peaceful who were “massacred” by the Army, when the majority of government forces were the Egyptian Police. They also keep harping on that there was a great number of women and children, showing footage of both sexes carrying toddlers in the front line – never once asking why the children had been brought into a location where it was obvious there was going to be violence. Only Sam Kiley of Sky News asked the question of a former Morsi minister why bring children to this area. The ex-minister, with a completely straight face, said that the children had willingly come to the protesters camp with their parents to show solidarity.
There was also obvious distaste coming from a studio bound interviewer who was questioning the Egyptian Ambassador. The shock of the interviewer was tangible when he made the truthful comment that the Morsi supporters “got what they wanted” , i.e. many dead people for propaganda purposes.
All this talk about 500 Morsi supporters killed yet silence at the equal number of Coptic Christians murdered by those same “peaceful” demonstrators during the same period.
Why the hell is no one, especially the BBC asking the obvious questions?
“The point is, we do not like bloodshed, neither our soldiers’ nor our officers’. But when I see that you are firing at me, trying to kill me—well, I have to defend myself. Then the international news agencies go to these [Islamist] groups for information, and they tell them, ‘They are killing us, they are killing us!’ Well, don’t you [news agencies] see them killing the police?! I “
The interview with the Egyptian Ambassador was a text book lesson in the BBC naive view of Islam.
Naughtie just didn’t seem to be able to separate a party of Islamists from the Wests legitimate political parties. He couldn’t understand why the people had risen up against their policies, and why having had a revolution removing the government, that the Islamists weren’t still the governing party – after all they won the election.
I believe that this reflects a lot of left wing people – they live in a make believe bubble, knowing nothing what so ever about Islam yet believing that they do. Many times you’ll hear them say ‘I have Muslim friends and they’re nice people’ They can’t comprehend the verses telling them not to take the people of the book as friends.
It’s a little like George Orwells 1984 Ignorance is Strength.
Anyone noticed how greatly the BBC value ‘democracy’ in other countries but not in their own?
Some features of a democratic society are:
Free speech
A pluralistic press and media which express a wide range of views across the political spectrum.
Wide ranging debate across society of key issues which may affect that society for decades
The BBC is supposed to politically impartial and to fairly reflect the views of the whole nation and to promote the wide ranging debates mentioned above. But we all know that it doesn’t do so across many key issues, but actually supports only one side of the political debate. If it was an independent commercial organisation that would be perfectly acceptable. People could choose whether or not to buy the BBC news, just like they can choose to buy the Morning Star, or the Guardian. But the BBC is in a privileged position due to its unique funding arrangements and with that privilege goes responsibilities which it refuses to accept. It should be closed down.
Strange how the economics editor is getting such ample time to air his provably prejudiced and blinkered views to the nation. But then that’s only because he happens to be promoting the pro-censorship/anti-male agendas the BBC has been facilitating for the past several years.
Fortunately the top rated comments ALL reject him on this, including many, many women.
When you know the BBC has to slant most of its news to fit into its agenda, it’s understandable that they can’t be more natural and free thinking about the way they broadcast it.
Daniel Hannan’s article in the Telegraph Blogs this morning is a joy – not for the article but the comments are a real slap in the face and show just what a bunch of deluded out of touch shysters the boys in the bubble are… recommend catching it before they close the ‘debate’ down
I was listening to “Inside the Ethics Committee – End of Life and Islam” with Joan Bakewell –
As Mr Khan’s life hangs in the balance, should the team keep treating him, so prolonging his suffering, or limit his treatment and enable him to have a comfortable and dignified death?
The upshot was that he spent 10 months in hospital, nine of which were in intensive care.
When we hear about 14,000 unnecessary deaths in Stafford and “the Liverpool care pathway” – I am amazed that this individual got so much care and attention for fear of upsetting his family due to their “deeply held beliefs”.
This is not an anti-Islamic rant – I just don’t understand why the NHS found themselves able to fund this level of care for one individual when they clearly wouldn’t for the majority of their patients.
Because the liberal lefts ‘stamp out racism’ campaign has been so successful that every company and institution in the country is scared to death of being labeled a racist by the media, led of course by the BBC. Any none white immigrant to the UK is in a privileged position and no one dare deny them anything. Meanwhile the rest of us can go hang.
When my sister in law was in her final hours, dying of cancer in large Birmingham hospital, five of us were in a family side room. An elderly Asian was also dying close by, constantly his family barged in the room trying to intimidate us but we stayed put, only for a hospital orderly to ask us in no uncertain terms to vacate the room and go to the canteen as there were more of his family…..
Completely and utterly true, the death of a family member is not a subject one would jest with.
Sorry I’m no expert on religions and don’t give a stuff what religion they were even less care.
Being a lefty apologist you would have had no problem in believing my story if it were the other way around and I were Asian and had been ousted by Mr White and his family.
As far as the BBC go I was qualifying the original post by Mark II re the Joan Bakewell program…
‘didn’t complain, contact the Daily Mail or the Management or anybody’
That’s the path you’ve decided?
Geoff has offered testimony and put his, or at least a name to it.
This troubles you.
Have you ever tasked the BBC when they run reports based on source testimony that is totally unattributed, or proven suspect? If so, share.
If not, you should hold counsel and try.
BBC ‘management’ doesn’t take kindly to it.
That’s an aspect of BBC Bias, and your failure to go there, I’d like you to account for rather than taunting others and trying to provoke.
Will.Duncan’s latest post shows just what a callous twat he really is – and it shows what a twisted mind he has in judging Geoff by his own dishonest standards.
I think it’s one of the nastiest comments made by any Beeboid on here, and that’s saying something. I should have expected to see an apology from will.duncan to Geoff, but leftists don’t do apologies so I will not hold my breath.
“BBC’s handling of news is ‘committee-driven’, says former Sky news chief.
“Nick Pollard claims top shows are ‘one-paced’ and ‘predictable’, and corporation is too often swayed by pressure groups.”
Will BBC-NUJ prominently report the cost of policing the anti-shale oil/gas ‘protesters’ at Balcombe and elswhere, as it does for the English Defence League (but not the UAF)?
The “fracktivists” seem determined the ensure that even if they can’t stop fracking they will at least manage to make it less economically beneficial for the rest of us – in the past they would have been labelled saboteurs.
I see the RSPB – another charity taken over by green activists – has sided against fracking. What a suprise – all on speed-diall to the BBC. RSPB thinks “saving the planet” trumps protecting birds, so its OK with bird-chomping windturbines. I guess the poor will just have to freeze while the eco-elite wash away guilt for their priviliged upbringing.
“The BBC says anyone who accuses it of bias – is biased.”
It does a bit more than that.
At senior level Lord Patten tells Ministers to back off or they’ll set Newsnight/BIJ on them.
Mere public can expect to find themselves expedited.
Propaganda backed by draconian, unaccountable, Star Chamber censure.
Like that has always worked out well.
“sooo obvious, all the hallmarks of “pallywood par excellence”
… it is clear,
islamist instigated protests (read violence),
vastly inflated casualty list, absurd propaganda claims, protests organised through the mosques (islamist)
cairo university (islamist).
from Your Call, to f-ckwit Bacon, to 5live Drive
on one occasion … one, an Egyptian Ab Dal Hadi … outlined the atrocious persecution of the Copts
inflamed many fold by the islamist Brotherhood, t
he islamist agenda to prevent normal running in Cairo, their wish to create martyrs now … before Friday hate hour
well? … he was just roundly ignored ”
from Tuesdays thread
well? brotherhood news?
still … vastly inflated casualty list
still … pushing for protests today
still … pushing for more erm “martyrs” today
still … all before Friday hate hour
one has to remember, if people die, in their 1000s
no concern whatsover, those islamists wouldn t even bat an eyelid …. unless
😀 for useful idiot media purposes (of course) … cough! enter john kerry
just so long as they claw back power,
the clock goes tick tock, and we will see
had the misfortune catch a “knobama” special on my way back today re – Egypt.
could I stop all the bbc presses, by spending 10 mins
stating the patently obvious?
instantly forgettable, bar from his blinkered view of the brotherhood “encourage protests”? …
come on Baz – islamists don t do” kum by ya” protests
where have you been?
The gist of it seems to be that car drivers are a nasty bunch who terrorise cyclists and then fall back on ‘well you don’t pay road tax, so you can’t complain’ when the cyclists berate them for their behaviour.
Harrabin’s complaint is that the motorists are wrong as its not a ‘road tax’ but either a car tax or an emissions tax, so doesn’t entitle car drivers to claim that they’re paying for the right to use the road.
I actually have no idea what the point he’s trying to make is. Iguess maybe, somehow if we could make people call it ‘car tax’ or whatever, the motorists wouldn’t feel so superior to cyclists.
This is a leftist view of the world, so perfectly captured by Lewis Carrol: “[a word] means just what I choose it to mean – neither more or less”. By redefining words and labels, the leftist sincerely thinks he can changed the world to conform to his belief.
But it did make me think; perhaps if we changed the ‘TV license fee’ to ‘BBC tax’ it would work in reverse, and the BBC would have to follow the dictates of what the people paying for it actually want. But perhaps thats just too much fantasy for the real world.
aah cyclists to whom the highway code is a thing never read. I love the way they ride through red lights. Almost hit pedestrians. Undertake me on the nearside when I am clearly indicating I am turning left. We have a large stretch of Cycle path where i used to live which was hardly ever used by cyclists. Where I live now is a long stretch of cycle lane but the cyclists like to use the busy road instead. Still with our success at cycling in the olympics it’s obvious we should all get on our bike.
Oh please let’s not descent into a ‘cyclists vs motorists’ row — I get enough of that on the Cambridge News website.
There are good cyclists and bad cyclists; good motorists and bad motorists. The bad versions of both catch the eye. Many cyclists are also motorists (and pedestrians) etc.
The point of the article is that it is wrong to think that the roads are paid for specifically out of ‘road tax’ and that therefore only motorists have a right (or a greater right) to use them — an ‘argument’ often heard when car and cycle come into conflict.
VED gives the right to put a motor vehicle on the road, a road that is paid for by everybody and free to use by everybody using many other forms of transport. Whether that’s ‘fair’ or not is another matter.
“a road that is paid for by everybody and free to use by everybody ”
This is the heart of the lie. Lets assume that Harrabin is correct in that VED is not hypothecated to spending on roads, in other words roads are paid for from general expenditure. The reality is that only around 50% of people are really ‘paying in’ on a net taxation basis.
But the liberals aren’t able to admit that, as it would highlight that we have a significant proportion of people who are the recipients of government wealth transfers from the people who actually pay net tax (after taking out the value of government ‘services’ they benefit from).
My argument here isn’t really with cyclists vs. motorists (though, as I drive in London, I’ve often seen some atrocious cycling from riders who act as if they have a death wish), but rather the way that Harrabin is at pains to suggest exactly what you said – that everyone pays for roads – when the reality is that roads, just like all government spending, is in reality a disguised wealth transfer.
This is a microcosm of the way that leftists believe that ultimately all activity is ‘owned’ by the state, who parcels it out to citizens based on how they judge best in their infinite centrally planned wisdom.
personally, i dont ride a bike but i think cyclists should be supplied with tracks that are completely off the highways. Nothing worse than some lycra clad tit, with a toddler trailer on the back, cycling on busy main roads, – should be done with child abuse, imo.
OK then, paid for by all tax payers, some more than others. But not specifically and exclusively by motorists — the highway is not their private playground. I am a taxpayer, a pedestrian, but neither a motorist (not much need in Cambridge) nor (since the accident)* a cyclist. The road is just as much mine as anyone’s.
I don’t think it makes me Owen Jones to think that maintenance of infrastructure, like law and order and defence, are legitimate areas of activity for government, and that even those who are not able to contribute should still enjoy the benefit that these things bring.
*No, not a cycling one. I was walking down the pavement when a hit and run driver ploughed through me. I’m lucky to still have both legs, however smashed.
Hadda says: ‘VED gives the right to put a motor vehicle on the road, a road that is paid for by everybody and free to use by everybody using many other forms of transport. Whether that’s ‘fair’ or not is another matter.
Motorists contribute £50 billion p.a. in taxes to the Exchequer and only £10 billion of that is invested in roads, including billions wated in pointless ‘safety’ schemes.
So, tax contribution-wise, motorists are well in the black and and in fact are subsidising other government spending to some fine tune.
No, the point of Harrabin’s article was to give succor to cyclists and damn car drivers by making an unsubstantiated claim – based on a trawl through Youtube, FFS – that a belief in the existence of a road tax paid for only by car owners is a direct cause of behavior dangerous to cyclists. Why, if only these naughty people were properly informed, there wouldn’t be a problem, right?
Another example of how the BBC tries to educate the public in a desired direction.
The knives are out for UKIP again. Radio 2’s lunchtime news has a go at Stuart Wheeler, UKIP’s treasurer, for suggesting that women aren’t as competitive as men so shouldn’t be forced onto companies management boards. All the usual squeals.
Interestingly BBC 4 ran a programme Make Me A German where a husband and wife live and work in Germany for a while. All through the programme we are told how successful German business is. However the wife thinks the Germans have something to learn from us, namely that we have a lot more women in management roles than they do.
As this article from the IEA points out, independent studies have found that the only link between “improved gender diversity” and corporate performance is a negative one. Don’t expect to hear that on the lunchtime news…
The writer of the aforementioned article – Mike Buchanan – was (surprisingly) invited onto an episode of ‘Woman’s Hour’ to debate these issues, but (unsurprisingly) failed to talk any sense into a sneering John O’Farrell.
The BBC’s bias on ‘gender’ issues could probably fill an entire blog on its own — and I’m sure we’re going to see plenty of it as Mr Wheeler is attacked over the next few days…
More lightweight codswallop from the buffoons at BBc breakfast. There is they tell us a debate about…wait for it…beards. So this morning they drag in some bint who bangs on about people with crumbs and bits of food in their beard??? Been reading too many comics love. You guessed I have a beard well most of the time I’ve never come across bits of my breakfast in it. I though the BBc favored blokes with beards. Moving on to what appeared to be the spokesman for the muslim brotherhood sat on the settee doing a top class BBc one sided rant.
The BBC will not doubt be publicising the Frack Off loonies at Balcombe this weekend. And the BBC will go along with the lies about risks caused by fracking.
The Times today has an article by Matt Ridley pointing out that the anti-frackers do not have any real case at all. They are Luddites, but without the understandable fears of social change that prompted Luddism.
The key to understanding these ‘environmentalists’ is that they’re a bit like the christian monks in the middle ages that went around whipping themselves to atone for their ‘sins’.
The modern movement is really about self-denial, and whatever basis it had in justifiable concerns about the environment are becoming more and more remote as they look for any way they can to punish modern civilisation for its illusory transgressions against the planet.
Its a shame that we can’t segregate them into their own enclaves that are set up at stone-age technology levels. I suspect that they’d soon start to see the light about modern technology once they were deprived of it.
There was an item on the One Show earlier in the week about old railway lines that have been turned into cycleways, in essence how wonderful and green they were. Omitting to tell us that if you dare walk them you run the risk of abuse or worse by being knocked over by lycra, hi-viz and helmet wearing ‘greenies’
Nothing was mentioned of the fact that they would be more green if they were still being used as railway lines or of the fantastic engineering feats achieved by our ancestors, or the fact that they had just cycled through the longest tunnel in the UK without ventilation.
To rub salt into the wounds the item was presented by a chap who’s name I couldn’t pronounce, telling me about the history of my country….
Whilst walking the Thames Pathway – (South Bank) Teddington to Putney; last Sunday I was hit and knocked over just outside Richmond by a lady cyclist despite the total lack of apology, I, of course just laughed the whole thing off – it’s a mixed usage path – I was looking at the guidebook when it happened, so partly to blame- however when I look at the ‘Dutch’ laws should they be devolved downwards so that I could sue the cyclist – A sort of top trumps for transport in reverse?
Top trumps transport will also have to incorporate standard UK top trumps also though – and as heterosexual white indigenous tax payer you are the lowest of the low.
‘Fourth, the ever-so-neutral BBC — in a background briefing — has described fracking as releasing “hundreds of chemicals” into the rock. Out by an order of magnitude, Auntie.’
If true, hardly encouraging for a trusted bastion of information & education.
One also imagines if one punts over £1.45 as the annual telly tax on the same basis, using BBC maths as a justification may not yet serve?
“UK: Muslim police officer leaked plans to arrest jihad leader Anjem Choudary”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Foxes are guarding the henhouse in Britain, where opponents of jihad are kept out of the country to avoid offending Islamic supremacists who might riot at their presence: in other words, Britain is kowtowing to violent intimidation. And anyone who suggested that the detective inspector might have a conflict of interest or divided loyalties would have been mercilessly attacked as ‘Islamophobic.'”
I suppose one slight difference between the ‘Daily Mail’ report and the INBBC report is that the INBBC excludes all reference to ANJEM CHOUDARY.
‘Daily Mail’ headlines:-
“Policeman charged with leaking plans to arrest Anjem Choudary to his wife who worked for George Galloway.
“Det Insp Mohammed Afiz Khan headed up Met’s Muslim Contact Unit.
“Wife Aisha Ali-Khan worked as parliamentary secretary to Respect MP.
“Khan accused of passing details of plans to arrest cleric to his wife.
“Charged with misconduct in public office and breaching data protection.
“Ali-Khan accused of encouraging the commission of offences.”
Is this even the same story? The BBC talks about something done to Galloway, while alluding to “misconduct” and “obtaining personal data”. But the Mail (source for JihadWatch) talks about tipping off Choudary. Something’s missing somewhere, or I’m missing something.
Okay, I see the BBC gave a hint about Choudary after all: “One data protection charge….”
Only the political/ideological hot-button bits got left out, so what’s the big deal, right? I guess reporting these details would lead to an outbreak of Islamophobia and violent backlash against the Mohammedan community….
An amazingly rare example of the BBC actually allowing people from both the left and the right (and most importantly with actual authority on the subject) to put across their views in a reasonably balanced and fair way. Sure, the pro-immigrationists come across as incredibly naive and spouting the same tripe we’ve been hearing for years, but at least they’re not flat-out attacking the ‘lazy Brits’ or calling people xenophobes for daring to disagree with them as some nutters have done. This will more than likely be the ONLY time the BBC shows any impartiality on immigration so that they can constantly use it in their defence when people complain about how biased they are.
What a deceitful twerp that Jonathan “never off the BBC” Portes is. His institute has no lean it appears so must be accepted without question.
Basically immigrants are young and never grow old.
Oh noooo!….it’s not in the Mail….it’s in the Guardian….what ya gonna do Alby, Will, Dez, Scott and all the rest of the trolls who really should never have left the safety of their bridges?
Quick, boycott it!….go and complain!…(oh, you can’t, can you?)
Hmmmm……’cash culture’. Where does that fit in with paying tax, I wonder?
I had a mate who had to wait three years for his shopkeeper dad’s estate to be settled because the Revenue went through his records with a fine toothcomb looking for evidence of cash takings not being declared. Wonder if that is always their approach, regardless of which ‘community’ they are dealing with?
Sorry, I am clean out of sympathy for the Muslim Brotherhood casualties. I start from the MB being Islamist, fundamentally against a normal free democracy – and the original source of most of the Islamist terrorist movements including Al Qaeda and Hamas.
When the FIRST upsurge for democracy started in the “Arab Spring”, people were protesting against military dictatorship. This involved a broad spread of opinion and was certainly not led by the MB. But as was clear and predictable at the time, the MB had an in-place tight organisation that was electorally effective. There was no truly free election for the Presidency – after the initial assembly was voted in the MB eliminated all the moderate Presidential candidates to ensure Morsi would win. Morsi played sweet reasonableness – but he lied, he set out to manipulate the judiciary and all political activity to advance solely the interests of the MB. And this included all manner of imprisonments, torture, killings – and unrestrained attacks on the Coptic Christians. Meanwhile Morsi’s crass and brutal behaviour drove the economy further on to the rocks.
The SECOND upsurge for democracy – this time for real democracy – involved unprecedented protest crowds in the big cities. Far larger than the original Tahrir Square crowds. It was quite right for the Army to intervene to restore civil order and prevent further damage to the economy – but it gave Morsi a chance to agree to change his ways. And the Army wants to plan a path to fresh elections.
Then the MB started its whining and civil insurrection – refusing any offers to negotiate, damaging the neighbourhoods where it organised its sit-ins. After many weeks, the Army gave due warning that the sit-ins would be broken up.
Any Egyptian with an ounce of sense would realise that this posed grave risks of violence – on both sides. But the MB are extremists, they welcome violence. Just look at the photos of some of their nutters in the streets, including those with guns. They were LOOKING for a fight.
Yes, the Army and police have been extremely heavy-handed. Quelle surprise, in Egypt.! But the MB deliberately fomented confrontation, and avoided any form of compromise.
Any MB member out on the streets after the warnings had been given was an extremist fool.
So all the BBC sympathy for the MB is rubbish. It might be more acceptable if the BBC had shown any proper coverage and sympathy for the Coptic Christians – but instead it has a fixation on MB-style Islamofascists.
……’And now, as the Egyptian military disperses the Brotherhood’s terrorist camps, right on cue, the Western press is doing what it does best—skewing reality to the benefit of the Brotherhood.
Still, there is one positive side to all this. Because so many Muslim Brotherhood members and their Islamist allies had congregated in Rab‘a and elsewhere, turning them into mini Islamist states where Brotherhood rule is enforced—torturing, chopping fingers off, sexually abusing women, and murdering dissenters—we have gotten a glimpse of exactly what sort of state they wish to see Egypt become.
But just as it took several months before even Fox News told of the Muslim Brotherhood torture chambers—despite the fact that any number of Egyptian media had for months been disseminating pictures and videos of those tortured—no doubt it will take a while before news of the Brotherhood torture camps is ever disseminated in the West.
Update: Now that Egypt’s military has cleared out and is investigating Rab’a, buried bodies are indeed being found. So far, 28 bodies, most bearing marks of severe torture, including charring from electrocution, have been discovered…..
Don’t forget to mention that the alleged victims were really all just scruffy groupies and well up for it. And the BBC newsreader who claimed he groped her should be blaming not Travis but the Patriarchy for creating the environment where this sort of thing was tolerated and kept her from reporting it at the time.
Interestingly Campbell did the early weekend show from 1988, when DLT was doing the late morning weekend show, so their paths would certainly have crossed.
Funny how the Catholics priesthood is (rightly) never allowed to get away with the excuse that their abuses happened at ‘a different time’. Not least by the BBC who love to expose the paedaphilia in the priesthood.
Yet another elderly white celeb nicked for alleged offences committed several decades ago. Evidence as usual will come from compo seeking trash saying “he touched my thigh”.
But at least it stops us thinking about moslem grooming gangs, which must please Yewtree apartheid police and their BBC leakers enormously.
Buried in this Politico article about how Corey Booker’s run for Senate is being coached and backed by the President, is this shocking admission:
Obama aides like his political strategist David Axelrod and Gaspard have for years been sensitive to the irony that in the age of Obama, Republicans have done a better job than Democrats of bringing diversity through their ranks.
This is from the Left-leaning, JournoList-infested Politico, folks. Not Fox News, not Breitbart, not any non-Left outlet. It’s time to stop believing what the BBC tells you about what’s going on in the US.
The Politico piece also reveals some rather interesting points about the President and His minions, analysis you’ll never hear from Beeboids:
Booker’s the rare example of Obama advancing the larger cause of African-American political success beyond himself. He’s also the rare example of the Obama campaign apparatus activating for anyone other than the president himself. Many politicians helped get Obama elected and reelected, but Booker was the first one to have the team truly reach back down to help one of those people in return.
This is completely unsurprising to people here, but would come as a shock to those who trust the BBC for their information on US issues. It would probably come as a shock to most BBC employees as well.
That would be Cory Booker, the American analogue to Chuka Umunna? I.E., the slick, polished business-friendly post-racial New Rising Young Black Man (stop me before I call him a “credit to his race,” please!) who didn’t “forget where his people came from,” and is now “trying to provide a role model other than sports and hip-hop to disadvantaged urban black youth”– THAT Cory Booker?
No, Booker is far superior to that slick Labour mouthpiece. Booker actually has real administrative and political accomplishments under his belt. He’s demonstrated competency and pragmatism way beyond anything Umunna has. And even though I’ve been openly waiting for the other shoe to drop on him (he’s a NJ Democrat, so the odds are stacked against his being anything but corrupt), as far as I’m aware, the only real mark against him is that he apparently got some payment over a couple years from his former law firm. Supposedly it was just them paying out what he was due for leaving the firm after entering politics, but the firm got some city sugar allegedly in return, so he’s probably not pure.
But you’ll never see the likes of Umunna personally helping ordinary people, even if there were no cameras present, the way Booker has.
Even so, Booker was brave enough to stray off the plantation last year when he spoke out against the President’s constant public demonizing of the financial sector (even while He raked in their campaign donations like a blue whale grazing on plankton). Naturally, the BBC censored all news of it, because it didn’t help the agenda. There was a backlash, and a personal rebuke from the President Himself, so Booker had to make the groveling apology. It apparently worked well enough for the President to lend support.
But from what I can tell, he’s been a pretty decent mayor of a large craphole, and not anywhere near as corrupt as most NJ Dems.
Of course, just how strong the ‘left-Islam’ political alliance’s support would be for George GALLOWAY, if he were to stand for Mayor of London, is not known at this stage.
But it seems that, despite ructions in Respect Party, there are many in the ‘left-Islam’ political alliance who would support a Muslim Brotherhood ticket, to depose BORIS JOHNSON.
This morning on Radio 5 live there was someone on the phone from Egypt. They were talking about sharm el sheikh and how tourism had been affected. The guy on the phone then started to talk about the many Churches that had been attacked and burned by the Muslim botherhood, the BBC host talked over him to drown him out and immediately returned the conversion back to tourism.
had to laugh at sky press review on tuesday,zoe williams the pouting posh guardian columnist was ambushed by lbcs iain dale when she was waffling on in her ignorant manner about how mass immigration is great and has not affected the job market in areas like where she lived in the posh middle class leafy surburbs,well thats obvious zoe you out of touch fool,but the best was to come,iain dale had a go at here about the lefie guardian she works for,he said is it true alot of you guardian lefties all went to private schoosl and was educated at oxford,she admiited she did it and squimed with embarrasment when he pointed that out,iain dales point was the hypocrisy and double standards of the left when they have a go at cemeron and osbournes privlleged past,see steveb,not a mention of the bbc in my comment.
Zoe confuses ‘quirky’ (which is what she thinks she is) with pig-thick (which is what she actually is).
Dale suggested rightly that it is pointless aspiring for 50% of school-leavers to go to uni given that some colleges have 25% drop-out rates in year 1.
Dopey Zoe attributed this drop-out rate to impoverished students concerned about the fees.
Zoe Williams is IMO one of the worst columnists the Guardian has ever had, and unlike most here I take it and have read it for many years. She isnt thick, just not that bright, not funny like Lucy Mangan or Julie Birchall, but worst of all too lazy to do any proper research, and thinks she can get away with simply spouting her opinions, ramblings, off the top of her head, and with no evidence to back her comments up (I do not include the chats with mums at her toddler group as research).
A ‘proper’ journalist like Toynbee, whatever you think of her views, musters her facts, educates and informs while delivering her judgments. Her writing may be biased, but it is a properly researched essay.
Zoe Williams simply must be related to, or sleeping with, someone in a high place, or perhaps holds something over them they would rather remained undiscovered?
When she was on maternity leave, she was even given a little column to write about her baby, and since such slice of life columns do have to be funny, which always Zoe utterly fails to be, you can imagine the space filling exercise it was.
im just watching whats happening in egypt on bbc news24 and i have to say im absolutely horrified by what im seeing on my tv screen.
There’s this huge block of flats and each flat has its own air conditioning unit outside on the wall. havnt these people heard about the dangers of catastrophic climate change? havnt they thought about their childrens future? theyre killing the planet which is their only home. they disgust me. climate change deniers the lot of them.
It begins with: The corporation’s official auditor KPMG was asked by director general Tony Hall to look into historic golden goodbye deals following last month’s report by the National Audit Office, which found the BBC handed staff £369million over eight years.
Now most moral beings would believe that the reason Hall was asking for this review was to see if there had been any wrong deals – which we know there were.
What we see instead is the BBC is going to try their best to justify all these payments – £369 MILLION over 8 years. The company they are using to do this review would have been the same one that has been advising top earners at the BBC to become an independent company thus avoiding taxes.
One could think that Hall has only come into this sphere for a short time, but judging from the following story they are all an ‘old boys’ (and girls) network.
The firm investigating the BBC severance deal scandal has spent thousands of pounds wining and dining some of the executives responsible for the most controversial payoffs, it has emerged.
If that wasn’t bad enough – my attention was drawn particularly to this snippet: In 2011, Miss Patel attended a Coldplay concert at London’s O2 Arena as a guest of KPMG associate partner Karen Wightman. The same year, she was their guest at the Royal Opera House. The BBC’s group finance director Beverley Tew has also enjoyed concerts at the firm’s expense. She saw blind Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli in concert…
And guess who was running the Royal Opera House at the time – yes our very own Tony Hall, which Wikipedia tells us: His salary increased from £165,000 to £205,000 between 2010 and 2011, making him the highest paid Chief Executive of any charity in the UK.[13] His emoluments for management of the Royal Opera House exceeded £390,000 per annum during the years ending 29 August 2010 and 2011 respectively
Recent news tells us that charity executives taking vast salaries has become quite commonplace, but we can see who led this.
Any surprise Patten didn’t need to advertise for the post of the new Director General?
come on give ‘ed a break, he’s having a bad week with him being egged and what not. but you have to give the man credit, he’s put his head in places i certainly wouldnt, like inbetween stephanie flanders legs. now that takes balls
This political opposition from minority group, Berbers/Amazigh in Libya interesting.
Note how INBBC brushes over history:
“Though they make up just 5-10% of Libya’s six million population, the Amazigh [Berbers] predate the Arab settlers who brought Islam with them from the east.”
-There is no indication of the way in which Islam was brought to Libya, no mention that in the year 647, an army of 40,000 Arabs invaded Libya on behalf of the Caliph of Baghdad. (After the Arab-Islamic invasion and conquest of Egypt.)
Since Thursday afternoon the headline on the BBC’s ‘News’ website has told us that the President of the United States ‘condemns Egypt bloodshed’.
Politely ignoring the illiteracy of the headline, can someone explain to me A/ why we should give a damn what he says? B/ Why this is considered the most important aspect of the current situation and C/ Whether we are meant to respond with a sharp intake of breath and bless our good fortune that the world is graced with this man’s intellectual genius?
Oh, might it have a little something to do with British history in the immediate neighbourhood circa 1956 and in the region ca. 1991 and 2003, and the unspoken assumption many might jump to, that the Special Relationship will be invoked when, as, and if the US decide to get involved somehow?
The same question is often asked with respect to economics questions– why should people in the UK care what the US President says? Well, if you are going to get pulled somehow (maybe even kicking and screaming) into your idiot brother-in-law’s business dealings or his conflicts with third parties, it would be nice to have a general idea where he’s been going and what he’s been doing. Or, as in this case, not going and not doing.
Twaddle. The BBC is the unofficial Obama fan club and you’d have to be as besotted as its clueless reporters not to realise that.
Reporting Obama’s banal response to events in Egypt as if it was some great act of statesmanship has nothing to do with any prospect of US involvement in the area. It’s just an act of ritual worship on the part of the BBC.
You never noticed the BBC, like all media outlets, refer to all national leaders by whatever their elected title is? Prime Minister, President, etc.? Or is there a different reason for your outrage?
What Obama thinks is relevant because the US gives $1.3bn of assistance per year to the Egyptian military. If the actions of the army last month are deemed a coup then the aid has to stop under the terms of an existing law.
The US is sitting in the fence because anyone with common sense realizes that having a secular Egypt is in the West’s interests. Stopping the aid would hand the Morsi supporters an advantage.
If the President and His minions had handled this properly in the first place – allowing the Egyptian generals to stretch out the transition from Mubarak into a new scene, instead of hauling him off and rushing to elections with only the MB capable of doing anything, and especially while a natural reflexive tendency of the public to turn towards the loudest opposition to Mubarak’s regime was still strong – none of this would be happening now. The President called for Mubarak’s removal, and then had Amb. Patterson try to run interference for Morsi when the Army wanted to remove him. I thought we were going to stop with the imperialist influence and all that? The BBC sure got this one wrong.
Aside from that, I’m thoroughly enjoying all the people – including Beeboids – who used to tell me that the US will fund the Egyptian generals in perpetuity because the Jews control foreign policy, and want to keep them from attacking Israel, now forgetting all about that logic and telling me that the US just might stop funding the Egyptian generals because they’ve killed a couple hundred Egyptians. If that happens, it would contradict 40 years of anti-Jewish sentiment – which has been expressed on this blog in the past by a former BBC producer, by the way – which would amuse me no end.
Of course, that’s not going to happen. The President is keeping the cash flowing now as a means of “leverage”. We’re going to stop the cash flow if you keep on killing people, so here’s some money to remind you that we’re going to stop the money. Let’s all take some time off to consider our next step……It’s such genius, no? No. What it really means is that the US doesn’t really care all that much about anything the Egyptian generals do besides maintain stability. Keep the trouble from spreading outside the country (the ripple effect would hit lots of other countries besides Israel) and you can do what you like.
It’s the law which says we can’t fund the Egyptians since they did a coup? So what? This President has been acting above and outside the law for quite some time now: military action against Libya without Congressional authorization, ObamaCare wavers, EPA dictats, deciding not to deport some illegal immigrants, delaying the ObamaCare mandate, commenting on and prejudicing military legal cases about sexual assault, having the IRS go after political opponents, running weapons to Syria, the list goes on and on. I’m sure He’ll find a way to keep the money flowing regardless of the law.
I’m sure Mark Mardell will describe this as the President using His usual deliberate, thoughtful approach, and any criticism is due to racism or partisan venom. Although even the BBC’s US President editor doesn’t buy the whole Humpty-Dumpty game about not calling it a “coup”.
The BBC needs to start broadcasting what the Egyptian people really think about His opinion these days. Every time the BBC mentions Egypt and the President, they should include something about how what they think of Him.
“The US refrained from calling Mr Morsi’s removal a coup for fear of upsetting the country’s generals and the millions who demanded Mr Morsi’s departure.”
This is not an accidental omission, but either a lie or astonishingly poor journalism.
He’s gets the Humpty Dumpty scene wrong, not quite grasping what it means, but that’s typical. But it’s refreshing to see Mardell actually wondering if his beloved Obamessiah is doing something wrong.
I’m sure he’ll snap back into line soon enough, after some time spent in prayer and contemplation.
Does anybody know why the BBC thinks reporting the violence in Cairo requires three journalists? We have Jim..sorry..Jeremy Bowen. We have that Irish bloke whose name escapes me, and tonight we’ve had Michal Hussein. Michal was interviewing Jeremy Bowen about the on going violence. Why? What could we possibly have learned from this interview that we could not have learned from Michal sitting in the studio, using a satellite link to talk to Jim … errr …Jeremy? It’s ridiculous.
It seems to be all part of the ‘left-Islam’ political alliance on a global scale.
Many Beeboids have been ‘useful idiots’ regarding the Muslim Brotherhood for some time.
I expect the presence of Muslim Ms Husain at INBBC ‘Today’ to give more voice to Muslim Brotherhood’s Cairo-London axis.
On all this, it seems that INBBC is merely echoing the political propaganda of Qatar’s Islamic Al-JAZEERA broadcaster, where many ex-Beeboids work*. (* Now with a HQ in The Shard, London.)
“Secret Documents in Egypt Reveal Payments from Qatar to Muslim Brotherhood Officials”
They may as well get somebody over there who speaks the lingo for a change, rather than having the usual suspects opine about what their driver and translator think.
“I saw a cameraman and a reporter speaking to Thompson outside his apartment before rush hour,” says the source. “He was tense and angry and was talking very loudly. They followed him around the corner and he lost his temper and shouted at them. It really caused a scene.” The source added, “Someone needs to tell him that we can do without this kind of scene happening in the neighborhood.”
According to BBC radio and website the lead sport story is how the athletic competition in Russia has been ‘overshadowed’ by a Russian athlete defending Russian law against promoting homosexuality to under 18s. Do many sport fans really care? Or is the BBC more interested in promoting its own agenda?
Am I the only person on here that actually thinks the promotion of homosexuality to under 18’s is downright wrong? I have four sons between 12 and 20 and hate the thought of the lefty thought police forcing them to study homosexuals. I sort of admire the Russians for putting the rights of the majority ahead of the minority shouters. Also the description of homosexuality as ‘normal’ – since when does under 2% of the populace constitute ‘normal’ and 98% ‘abnormal’ ??????
No you are not I agree with you. There is a militant Gay Lobby in this country that seems to get it’s way with legislation even though they are a small minority, a bit like Islam does. I admire the way the Russians stand up and stick their middle finger up the the Western worlds stupid social policies.
Today, this morning – according to a young lady interviewed about wine strength “the wine sugar levels, everyone knows, are increasing because of global warming”. Not for the last 17 years or so, they’re not.
Not exactly a vintner, but once made a cracking strawberry leaf white in the bath.
But I’d have thought that even if sugar levels had increased (already addressed – but there will be places hotter, cooler, wetter, drier, in mixes that can help or hinder the perfect drop), those prizing their vintages and reputations would be on top of alcohol concentration, as surely extreme changes in this would have major consequences to the ‘brand’?
Hence I had a quick google:
It may be that sociological/marketing pressures are pushing this trend as a choice.
It’s a circular argument:
We know that global warming is happening because wine is getting stronger and we know that wine is getting stronger because global warming is happening.
In reality the alcoholic strength of wine is increasing because people like wine with more alcohol in it. Producers want to sell their wine so they make it stronger.
In order to make more alcoholic wine you need more sugar in the grape juice. You achieve this by leaving the grapes to ripen for longer or by pruning the vines in such a way as to maximize ripening.
Global warming has nothing to do with it.
Talk to me about global warming when they start making wine in Lapland.
Except that in BBC world ‘it woz global warming wot dun it’ is a statement that needs no evidence or proofs.
I make wine and you are spot on Random. Utter bullsh*t about global warming affecting the sugar content, I can make the wine as strong or a sweet as I like!
A BBC Panorama employee sent a colleague a package which when Xrayed appeared just like a bomb. The motives for this are as yet unlear, but the subsequent operation resulted in an evacuation and a Police / counter terror operation costing £14K.
‘A BBC spokesman declined to comment.’
As Mr. Thompson is doing over in NYC. as he prepares to not answer any questions back here.
Now, I wonder how the BBC tends to react, or what it infers, in face of such stonewalling?
‘Anthony Joseph Lloyd (born 25 February 1950) is a British Labour Party politician and the inaugural Police and Crime Commissioner for Greater Manchester’
Yep, thought so…..
‘In a directory of MPs produced by The Guardian, Andrew Roth described Lloyd as “well informed, thoughtful and realistic regionalist and internationalist”.’
‘BBC: The interests of the Licence Payer : Ignored’
The public sector does seem to have concocted some terrific wheezes to maintain the money-go-round.
1) Public sector employee/s stuff up.
2) Various groups, often public funded or subsidised for just this, demand restitution from them, and hence the public purse.
3) Opportunistic banwagon pols, funded by the public, whip up a poo-storm.
4) Lawyers, on all sides, all public-funded, move in.
5) Compo eventually hammered out, plus costs, all on public tab.
6) Inquiry called for. All manner of public sector employees secure a nice number asking questions, not answering, or being funded for lawyers on public tab to claim and be granted exemptions and redactions.
7) Lessons are claimed to be learned. People come off public-funded side step and continue as before.
8) Nothing changes, but a whole wadge of public money is now in the bank accounts of a bunch of people who have every incentive to repeat this process over and over.
In some cases to a unique, seemingly never-ending extent.
Ken McQuarrie
Nick Pollard
Dame Janet Smith
Dinah Rose QC
NAO Committee
That’s a fair old wage bill in, what, 2 years?
Glad to see the Trust is there to ensure best use is made of the licence fee.
Deserter General Mark Thompson was not keen to talk about the past when he was doorstepped in the States recently.
Previously the footsoldier still down in the trenches Nicky Campbell was more than happy to circle the wagons for the BBC after naughty ITV broke the Savile scandal
‘we thought he was a sex-less eccentric’
But our Nicky wasn’t going to take too much flak for the team
‘he left as I joined’
And he fled for the low hills of the PC agenda when things got a little close to home
‘I thought he might have been gay’
(turns out Jimmy did indeed swing it both ways – but too often in the wrong direction) – does that sound like a 1970s disco hit to you? Coming up to the hour of…. in with a bullet! Yes indeedy!
Methinks Campbell is observing strict radio silence on DLT (for purely legal reasons you understand)
Still I’m glad he can keep his sense of humour through this…. what a trouper
Darren @theheadlessdj 7h
@NickyAACampbell would you ever consider going back into music radio?
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 14 Aug
@BertSwattermain I’m on prescribed medication
Not sure if this has already been posted, but anyway…
BBC executives may have deliberately misled the official inquiry into the Jimmy Savile scandal, its author has claimed.
Speaking publicly for the first time since his £2.4million report was published, Nick Pollard admitted he failed to get to the bottom of the affair because those involved repeatedly claimed they were unable to remember key events.
The former Sky News chief told Radio 4’s Media Show he thought the excuses were ‘not completely [credible]’.
‘In all, the document contained 45 references to BBC executives claiming they were unable to recall important episodes.’
Feel the trust.They’d better check the drinking water.
‘A BBC spokesman said the report’s findings had been accepted and there was nothing further to add.’
As Mr. Thompson is now finding, just because the BBC draws a line, doesn’t mean … well anything any more.
‘Why wasn’t Pollard shouting this from the rooftops when he first published the report?’
Cheque clearing precaution?
Or simply a bit of vestigial ‘uniqueness’ that remained from his days within the fold?
Questions are being asked.
Will Mo Farah become the greatest British athlete if he wins 5,000m gold at World Athletics Championships?
All those commentators are ignoring the most important word in that sentence.
But if there were a category for Somalis living in the USA who visit Britain occasionally, Mohammed Farah would win.
Farah’s a decent enough chap and its not his fault he’s being over hyped. He also probably spends more time here than say Sean Connery does in Scotland.
Really, Stewart? I am surprised that a guy who can write properly could be free and loose with pendantry. Let me be very clear :Set your sights on the racists on here and I will discuss BBC bias. Deal? I am not a ‘lefty’
To David P: Yes. In hindsight that sounded a bit precious but please bare in mind I found this site by googling BBC bias. I genuinely find overt racism to be the sites main ‘thing’ I will always be against it. Always.
No deal, the thought crime of racism is not a priority concern for me ,obviously we differ on that.
As for you it seems to out way any and all real crimes ,not matter how horrendous.
I think I’d go for the double Olympic gold decathlon winner, double European games gold decathlon winner, 3 times Commonwealth games gold decathlon winner 1 time world championships gold decathlon winner, and former professional footballer Daley Thompson over Little Mo’ any day of the week.
Mind you, he was born in England, and is incredibly patriotic, so that eliminates him in the Beebs eyes.
(Awaits the lefty squeals about USA based Mo’s patriotism)
If you’ve lived in Britain since before you turned 1, then I would say that makes you very British. But I say that without knowing the full facts about your life.
Are you arguing that Farah is only pretending to be proud to be British? I think he’s genuinely grateful to Britain for giving him the chance to become a world champion, and incredibly proud to represent Britain. Unless you know better.
Farah has lived most of his life in Britain and is legally British. To judge from the reaction to his gold medals at the olympics (and indeed tonight), I think most of the British people have accepted him as one of ours.
A: I never said Farrah was NOT patriotic, did I?…No, I said Thompson WAS.
B: Born 23 March 1983 (age 30)
Mogadishu, Somalia (Farrah) “The fourteen British Overseas Territories are territories under the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the United Kingdom. They do not, however, form part of it”…Mind you, Somalia is not a British territory, is it?…Somalia became independent in 1960, 23 years prior to Farrah’s birth.
C: 30 July 1958 (age 55)
Notting Hill, London, United Kingdom (Thompson)
I put together ALL of Thompson’s profile, that is what eliminates him in Beeb world, y’know, that “Born in England” bit.
This is about the BBC defining someone who was not born in Britain as the best British athlete in the world, ever…that, is simply my point of view, if you don’t like it, tough.
What they gonna go for next?….”Best British Priest in the world, EVER” Abu Hamza?…
“But he was born in Egypt”
“Ahhhh, but Britain once ruled there, so by default….BRITISH!”
(Under these rules, can Britain adopt Michelle Jenneke from Australia?…I love her warm up dance.)
“that is what eliminates him in Beeb world, y’know, that “Born in England” bit.”
Unless I’ve misunderstood, you say the BBC are ruling out Thompson from consideration as Britain’s greatest athlete simply because he was born in Britain, which I think is a ridiculous claim. Do you have any evidence for it?
I’m not arguing that Farah is British because part of Somalia once belonged to Britain. I’m arguing that he’s British because of the length of time he’s lived here and because of his patriotism. I don’t know enough about athletics really to judge who is the greatest British athlete of all time; I am merely saying that Farah should not be excluded as a candidate simply because he is of Somalian origin.
You don’t have to be born in Britain to be British. Look at Prince Phillip, George Orwell, JRR Tolkien, Andrew Strauss, amongst others.
George Orwell (Or Eric Arthur Blair if you prefer) was born in BRITISH INDIA, when Britain ruled India, not the same thing as Independent Somalia, and you know it, Phil is a Greek, I do not regard him as British, any more than I regard Wilfred Zaha or Owen Hargreaves to be English.
The evidence of BBC top trumps coming into play is the fact that a genuine Brit, Thompson, is being overlooked by them for the award of greatest BRITISH athlete ever, for a Somalian. (Muslim being the big bright BBC key to gaining the award, if he were born in Huddersfield, was Christian called Mark, and accomplished the same things, do you really think the Beeb would be going ape shit over him?…No, me neither.)…That is a fact, no amount of flag waiving or “But…but…but he’s been in Britain since he was 8” can disguise that, he’s a Somalian, representing Britain.
“I am merely saying that Farah should not be excluded as a candidate simply because he is of Somalian origin.”
By your own words, he’s not British, I feel for him, I do, he has represented this country very well…but he is not British, he cannot be eligible for the award, simple as that…he’s being used as a political tool for the BBC to push the “Greatest British athlete was a Muslim” meme, there is always an endgame with the BBC, and that is what I believe this is.
You, are of course, entitled to disagree, but bear this in mind:
Kasper Schmeichel…do you regard him as British?
He’s been in Britain since he was 5 years old, he was raised and educated here, he has plied his professional football trade here.
I did not say he is not British. I said he is of Somali origin. He has become British (I would probably say the same about Kaspar Schmeichel). Farah’s British citizenship, and the fact that he has competed for Britain, make him elegible for the award IMO. We will have to agree to disagree here.
Particularly this quote:
“For now, all that can wait. By landing the distance ‘double double’ he has already matched, if not bettered, other British greats such as Coe, Daley Thompson and Jonathan Edwards.
But they broke world records as well as won titles. If Farah can do that, then the debate about whether he is the greatest British athlete of all time will be well and truly over.”
As for this:
“(Muslim being the big bright BBC key to gaining the award, if he were born in Huddersfield, was Christian called Mark, and accomplished the same things, do you really think the Beeb would be going ape shit over him?)”
Chop said the BBC has overlooked Thompson for Farah. My first link proved they haven’t.
He then said the BBC would not have made such a fuss if Farah were a white Christian from Huddersfield, WITH NO EVIDENCE. I provided another link showing how the BBC will discuss another sportsman’s Christian faith.
We disagree over whether Mo Farah is British. The law, the BBC and many many people in this country regard Farah as British; even if you don’t agree, that means the BBC are not praising a Somalian (because they see him as a Brit) over Thompson. Farah has in any case won more global titles than Thompson, as CTC shows below.
“he’s being used as a political tool for the BBC to push the “Greatest British athlete was a Muslim” meme”
Chop has provided no evidence for this claim either.
Foster can claim what he likes. “British” has been rendered meaningless by years of liberal indoctrination.
Which is why so many of us refuse to use it.
Geoff try to come to terms with the fact that not all British people are white. His father was born in England – since the age of 8 he has lived in UK (albeit for tax and training reasons not currently – bit like the other non Brits like that European/US rock band The Rolling Stones etc, etc)/ Tellingly he identifies 100% as British to the obvious annoyance of a Beeboid interviewer who tried to push the Somali line after he won his second Olympic gold only to crash and burn when he completely and utterly came out as British and rejected the crude attempt to dilute his nationality.
I guess you would place Nigel Havers (Chariots of Fire) ahead of Dame Kelly Holmes, Denise Lewis, Linford Christie, Colin Jackson
In my grandmas old Atlas, page 22, it says, British Somaliland in the north, and Italian Somaliland in the east. So according to the BBC, Mo Farah must be from the British bit, otherwise they could call him the greatest Italian athlete of all time.
Somalilanders are amongst the most pro-British people on earth and are fiercely proud of their historic and contemporary links the UK. They are the best of the bunch from the Greater Somalia region proving yet again the advantages bestowed upon those who were colonised by the Brits rather than other Europeans.
Presumably you will also be condemning Tory grandee and Olympic champion Seb Coe, who also believes that Mr Farah is the greatest British athlete of all time. The difference between you, of course, apart from the Olympic medals, is that he does not share your distaste for people with black skin.
Come on be fair now, we should stop caricaturing BBC presenters. They can’t all be brainless Guardian approved drones and overgrown right-on adolescents constantly desperate to still look trendy…
There’s serious public broadcaster Rachel Burden for instance
‘Presenter BBC Radio 5Live Breakfast, mother of 3, wife of 1
Salford and beyond ·’
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 14 Aug
Muslim Brotherhood claim over 100 dead, others say women and children being used as human shields. We’ll update you with latest @bbc5live
You see, sensible informed news. Our Rachel is not just another lefty trendy playing at news
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 14 Aug
Trying to watch/listen to football and pack for Beautiful Days festival. What the hell do I need? Glastonbury 94 was last time I did this.
‘Beautiful Days was chosen as one of the ‘Best Family Festivals’ in 2013 by the Guardian’s Guide’
‘Beautiful Days has no corporate sponsorship, no branding & does not advertise’
I’m just reading last week’s Private Eye, where Pseuds Corner has a quote from Evan Davis on Today: All the people I know are watching them [American TV series such as The Sopranos etc] – but then I do mix in a slightly rarefied cosmopolitan elite.
“well? brotherhood news?
still … vastly inflated casualty list
still … pushing for protests today
still … pushing for more erm “martyrs” today
still … all before Friday hate hour
one has to remember, if people die, in their 1000s
no concern whatsover, those islamists wouldn t even bat an eyelid …. unless
😀 for useful idiot media purposes (of course) …
cough! enter john Kerry – just so long as they claw back power …. the clock goes tick tock, and we will see ”
from yesterday.
anyone catch Obama, yesterday and his all OK -“kum bye ya ” style protests for Egypt?
hmmm muslim brotherhood 😀 protests of rage? 😀 called for today , after Friday incitement … I mean prayers?
mosques instigating marches? …
even the al bbc reports anger marches/anger protests planned for today, after Friday hate hour! …
what could be the connection?
between instigating mosques?
red faced – vein popping imams?
protestors inciting army action,
then forcing women and children to their frontline?
the islamist muslim brotherhood?
anybody at the bbc, join any dots?
anybody at the bbc, want to ask that rep they keep
airing from muslim brotherhood UK this simple question?
“BBC journalist posts spy camera that looks like a BOMB to Salford HQ – and sparks £14,000 terror alert over suspicious package.
“Package sent by Belfast-based Panorama journalist to MediaCity colleague.
“A tiny recording device was placed inside a plastic bottle and looked exactly like a bomb when X-rayed.
“Specialist bomb squad officers called and hospitals placed on standby.
“BBC employee told police it was part of a ‘security test’ for Panorama.
“But later claimed it was just a bug that should have been sent internally.
“Police Commissioner ‘furious’ and vows to send policing bill to the BBC.”
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville “The…
Start light.
‘Journalists can use the platform – which is called Full Fact Finder – to find out where to locate accurate facts and figures on a range of subjects’
Rather presumptuous maybe? Also suggesting that ‘journalists’ may have been a bit shy in this regard before?
Newsnight/BIJ will be thrilled, if they ever know about it.
The problem is that a truth told with biased intent beats all the lies the BBC can invent.
This disappeared off the end of the last OT so I’ll indulge myself by re-posting.
Behold a narrative in the making:
It’s an offence now to say someone has sex appeal? Can’t see the Aussies buying that one.
G’day. Thanks to the BBC website’s civilising influence, the sheep shearers of Australia now vote Labour, and we all chundered our Fosters at Opposition leader Tony Abbott’s gross insult to sheilas.
And although he is probably a poofta John Donnison’s was right to point out that Abbott can’t even speak the Queen’s f*cking English –
“Why does the BBC sneer about Britain’s recovery but go crazy if Euroland’s corpse so much as twitches?”
“Radio 4 swaps politics for porn in explicit talk show: BBC attacked for replacing Today in Parliament with sex scenes during recess.”
Today is Plookfest day when over 300,000 teenagers get their a-level results and……………. ZZZzzzzzzz
I think the results do matter, by the lack of questions asked by the bBC. During 20 years of continuos increase, especially under Liebore, what a great job our teachers and exam system are doing.
Now we have had a small decrease for the last two years, and that coincides with a threat that if they increase the authorities will have to demonstrate that there has been a REAL inprovement. To me that is the question the bBC eduction reporters should be asking.
its part of the “all shall have prizes” culture, in other words completely useless as a test, coursework and multiple resits have made it a big joke, look where media studies have got us in the last 40 years *looks @ bBC
Totally agree, I am of an age that I have meet some of these new graduates. They boast they have a degree from some ex polyy and their intellectual abilities are highly questionable.
Yep, much like McDoom’s borrowed money boom, the school system reported increased tractor production every year without fail and the BBC reported it uncritically, all the time patting itself on the back about how independently independent it was.
I assume you failed yours. Sorry.
Lol Willy that one was worthy of a Markarse prickstroke award for lowest form of humour
and stop liking your own posts !
That’s you that is nah,nah,nah-Bless
Tedious, Will, is that your best shot? Nearly everyone has a keyboard but few know what is worth typing.
Scott, why bother using different names. Your sneering style and lack of any debating ability gives you away every time.
Is it just coincidence that BBC find many articulate media savvy Morsi supporters to fill their reports but when they find supporters of the coup (which seems to be about half country) they only find shouty people who struggle with English
Maybe the filtering system? Assuming MB press releasers need to go via this.
Are you in Egypt? Have you been affected by the clashes? Send us your comments using the form below. We like pictures too (hints on best format to use, no questions asked, can be downloaded from Gaza coverage)
I’m guessing a lot of Morsi supporters don’t actually live in Egypt. The ones the BBC find might be UK nationals and even work, say, for UK-based news organisations.
I assume that many are actors, probably recruited by the BBC, like Ahmed the activist who always appeared in interviews where he described atrocities committed by the Syrian Government.
Pallywood productions seem to have a Cairo branch. Yesterday Sky News broadcast some footage of a Morsi supporter running in a panicky manner from the “front line” carrying a young man over his shoulders. The voice-over was telling us about the casualties sustained by the protesters. Sky’s editing wasn’t up to much because as the reporter finished telling us about the casualties, this running protester stopped and gently put down the “wounded” youth. This youth then stood about looking around with a blank look on his face, obviously wondering what to do next. Yep! These TV news reporters are gullible, indeed.
I enjoyed the video clip on the BBC’s coverage of Cairo where the reporter suggests that a Morsi supporter is apparently loading a rifle. The man had the weapon on his knee and what he was doing was unmistakable
Also saw some footage of a so-called rooftop sniper firing at the crowd of “innocent” civilians. The only thing was, if he was a sniper, he was rubbish one because the gun he was using was a repeating shotgun. Most likely he was using plastic rounds or scatter-shot, neither very deadly at the distance he was aiming.
Has anyone noticed it’s not just the BBC but most of the news media who seem to be shilling for the Muslim Brotherhood? It seems they keep repeating the falsehood that the protesters were peaceful who were “massacred” by the Army, when the majority of government forces were the Egyptian Police. They also keep harping on that there was a great number of women and children, showing footage of both sexes carrying toddlers in the front line – never once asking why the children had been brought into a location where it was obvious there was going to be violence. Only Sam Kiley of Sky News asked the question of a former Morsi minister why bring children to this area. The ex-minister, with a completely straight face, said that the children had willingly come to the protesters camp with their parents to show solidarity.
There was also obvious distaste coming from a studio bound interviewer who was questioning the Egyptian Ambassador. The shock of the interviewer was tangible when he made the truthful comment that the Morsi supporters “got what they wanted” , i.e. many dead people for propaganda purposes.
All this talk about 500 Morsi supporters killed yet silence at the equal number of Coptic Christians murdered by those same “peaceful” demonstrators during the same period.
Why the hell is no one, especially the BBC asking the obvious questions?
Some prophetic comments from Mubarak:
“The point is, we do not like bloodshed, neither our soldiers’ nor our officers’. But when I see that you are firing at me, trying to kill me—well, I have to defend myself. Then the international news agencies go to these [Islamist] groups for information, and they tell them, ‘They are killing us, they are killing us!’ Well, don’t you [news agencies] see them killing the police?! I “
The interview with the Egyptian Ambassador was a text book lesson in the BBC naive view of Islam.
Naughtie just didn’t seem to be able to separate a party of Islamists from the Wests legitimate political parties. He couldn’t understand why the people had risen up against their policies, and why having had a revolution removing the government, that the Islamists weren’t still the governing party – after all they won the election.
I believe that this reflects a lot of left wing people – they live in a make believe bubble, knowing nothing what so ever about Islam yet believing that they do. Many times you’ll hear them say ‘I have Muslim friends and they’re nice people’ They can’t comprehend the verses telling them not to take the people of the book as friends.
It’s a little like George Orwells 1984 Ignorance is Strength.
Anyone noticed how greatly the BBC value ‘democracy’ in other countries but not in their own?
Some features of a democratic society are:
Free speech
A pluralistic press and media which express a wide range of views across the political spectrum.
Wide ranging debate across society of key issues which may affect that society for decades
The BBC is supposed to politically impartial and to fairly reflect the views of the whole nation and to promote the wide ranging debates mentioned above. But we all know that it doesn’t do so across many key issues, but actually supports only one side of the political debate. If it was an independent commercial organisation that would be perfectly acceptable. People could choose whether or not to buy the BBC news, just like they can choose to buy the Morning Star, or the Guardian. But the BBC is in a privileged position due to its unique funding arrangements and with that privilege goes responsibilities which it refuses to accept. It should be closed down.
Paul Mason making himself look like a puritanical twit yet again –
Strange how the economics editor is getting such ample time to air his provably prejudiced and blinkered views to the nation. But then that’s only because he happens to be promoting the pro-censorship/anti-male agendas the BBC has been facilitating for the past several years.
Fortunately the top rated comments ALL reject him on this, including many, many women.
He has a broad remit.
Not necessarily a good thing in a specialist editor.
Like he, or the BBC, care.
How is the “Arab Spring” in Egypt which Paul Mason praised going? His one size fits all political philosophy seems to have come a bit of a cropper…
Still never mind he will soon be on the BBC telling us it is all kicking off!
BBC News “one-paced bland and naive” says Nick Pollard..
Reading between the lines, I think he was being quite diplomatic- loads of use of the word “slight” for instance.
I would have used slightly stronger words, but then I guess that’s why he’s where he is.
Somewhat hypocritical, Sky are no different they follow the same agenda as the BBC as this clip posted earlier in the week demonstrates….
When you know the BBC has to slant most of its news to fit into its agenda, it’s understandable that they can’t be more natural and free thinking about the way they broadcast it.
Daniel Hannan’s article in the Telegraph Blogs this morning is a joy – not for the article but the comments are a real slap in the face and show just what a bunch of deluded out of touch shysters the boys in the bubble are… recommend catching it before they close the ‘debate’ down
Here is the link
Thanks Geoff – I’m too much of old buffer to do that flash stuff!
I was listening to “Inside the Ethics Committee – End of Life and Islam” with Joan Bakewell –
The upshot was that he spent 10 months in hospital, nine of which were in intensive care.
When we hear about 14,000 unnecessary deaths in Stafford and “the Liverpool care pathway” – I am amazed that this individual got so much care and attention for fear of upsetting his family due to their “deeply held beliefs”.
This is not an anti-Islamic rant – I just don’t understand why the NHS found themselves able to fund this level of care for one individual when they clearly wouldn’t for the majority of their patients.
Because the liberal lefts ‘stamp out racism’ campaign has been so successful that every company and institution in the country is scared to death of being labeled a racist by the media, led of course by the BBC. Any none white immigrant to the UK is in a privileged position and no one dare deny them anything. Meanwhile the rest of us can go hang.
When my sister in law was in her final hours, dying of cancer in large Birmingham hospital, five of us were in a family side room. An elderly Asian was also dying close by, constantly his family barged in the room trying to intimidate us but we stayed put, only for a hospital orderly to ask us in no uncertain terms to vacate the room and go to the canteen as there were more of his family…..
This is a metaphor for what is to come….
So let me see…you didn’t complain, contact the Daily Mail or the Management or anybody but put a meek post here.
Don’t believe a word. I suspect this is some urban myth you’ve dressed up, only changing the family from Black (or was it Irish) to Asian.
Oh and were the Asian family Hindus, Sikhs, Christians Muslims or Buddhists?
And WTF has this to do with BBC?
Completely and utterly true, the death of a family member is not a subject one would jest with.
Sorry I’m no expert on religions and don’t give a stuff what religion they were even less care.
Being a lefty apologist you would have had no problem in believing my story if it were the other way around and I were Asian and had been ousted by Mr White and his family.
As far as the BBC go I was qualifying the original post by Mark II re the Joan Bakewell program…
‘WTF has this to do with BBC?’
You could ask Gomez.
Or is hall monitor duty also selective?
‘didn’t complain, contact the Daily Mail or the Management or anybody’
That’s the path you’ve decided?
Geoff has offered testimony and put his, or at least a name to it.
This troubles you.
Have you ever tasked the BBC when they run reports based on source testimony that is totally unattributed, or proven suspect? If so, share.
If not, you should hold counsel and try.
BBC ‘management’ doesn’t take kindly to it.
That’s an aspect of BBC Bias, and your failure to go there, I’d like you to account for rather than taunting others and trying to provoke.
Will.Duncan’s latest post shows just what a callous twat he really is – and it shows what a twisted mind he has in judging Geoff by his own dishonest standards.
I think it’s one of the nastiest comments made by any Beeboid on here, and that’s saying something. I should have expected to see an apology from will.duncan to Geoff, but leftists don’t do apologies so I will not hold my breath.
+10 for both Andy S & Demon.
Will.Duncan is indeed, a twat, with all the morals of a sewer rat…he should hang his head in shame for what he posted in reply to Geoff.
Lefties will go to any lengths to ‘play the man’ when they haven’t got a chance of getting anywhere near the ball.
And you went?
another story was the removal of bars on hiv+ staff. no one asked why? guess why?
i suspect that the nhs has lots of hiv+ staff [possibly `lincolnshire men`] and it needs to get them doing more work to make financial ends meet.
“BBC’s handling of news is ‘committee-driven’, says former Sky news chief.
“Nick Pollard claims top shows are ‘one-paced’ and ‘predictable’, and corporation is too often swayed by pressure groups.”
By Mark Sweney.
Two contrasting reports on BALCOMBE.
“‘No victory flags’ for Balcombe anti-fracking protest”
Will BBC-NUJ prominently report the cost of policing the anti-shale oil/gas ‘protesters’ at Balcombe and elswhere, as it does for the English Defence League (but not the UAF)?
The “fracktivists” seem determined the ensure that even if they can’t stop fracking they will at least manage to make it less economically beneficial for the rest of us – in the past they would have been labelled saboteurs.
Luddites more like.
They will be the 1st to complain when there is no power to charge their iPad.
I see the RSPB – another charity taken over by green activists – has sided against fracking. What a suprise – all on speed-diall to the BBC. RSPB thinks “saving the planet” trumps protecting birds, so its OK with bird-chomping windturbines. I guess the poor will just have to freeze while the eco-elite wash away guilt for their priviliged upbringing.
“The BBC says anyone who accuses it of bias – is biased.”
By Janet Daley.
“The BBC says anyone who accuses it of bias – is biased.”
It does a bit more than that.
At senior level Lord Patten tells Ministers to back off or they’ll set Newsnight/BIJ on them.
Mere public can expect to find themselves expedited.
Propaganda backed by draconian, unaccountable, Star Chamber censure.
Like that has always worked out well.
Did she get that graphic from this blog?
It’s actually one of my early logos.
Thanks, I knew I saw it somewhere.
Janet Daley one of the last remaining right-wingers (ie sensible rational people) on the publicly funded (sic) Telegraph.
I’m told that on the way out of the Telegraph building last Sunday she ‘accidentally’ kicked over Geoffrey Lean’s bike
I hope he was on it at the time.
“sooo obvious, all the hallmarks of “pallywood par excellence”
… it is clear,
islamist instigated protests (read violence),
vastly inflated casualty list, absurd propaganda claims, protests organised through the mosques (islamist)
cairo university (islamist).
from Your Call, to f-ckwit Bacon, to 5live Drive
on one occasion … one, an Egyptian Ab Dal Hadi … outlined the atrocious persecution of the Copts
inflamed many fold by the islamist Brotherhood, t
he islamist agenda to prevent normal running in Cairo, their wish to create martyrs now … before Friday hate hour
well? … he was just roundly ignored ”
from Tuesdays thread
well? brotherhood news?
still … vastly inflated casualty list
still … pushing for protests today
still … pushing for more erm “martyrs” today
still … all before Friday hate hour
one has to remember, if people die, in their 1000s
no concern whatsover, those islamists wouldn t even bat an eyelid …. unless
😀 for useful idiot media purposes (of course) … cough! enter john kerry
just so long as they claw back power,
the clock goes tick tock, and we will see
had the misfortune catch a “knobama” special on my way back today re – Egypt.
could I stop all the bbc presses, by spending 10 mins
stating the patently obvious?
instantly forgettable, bar from his blinkered view of the brotherhood “encourage protests”? …
come on Baz – islamists don t do” kum by ya” protests
where have you been?
it’s easy top stop the bias-just cancel the licence fee
A rather bizarre article from Harrabin:
The gist of it seems to be that car drivers are a nasty bunch who terrorise cyclists and then fall back on ‘well you don’t pay road tax, so you can’t complain’ when the cyclists berate them for their behaviour.
Harrabin’s complaint is that the motorists are wrong as its not a ‘road tax’ but either a car tax or an emissions tax, so doesn’t entitle car drivers to claim that they’re paying for the right to use the road.
I actually have no idea what the point he’s trying to make is. Iguess maybe, somehow if we could make people call it ‘car tax’ or whatever, the motorists wouldn’t feel so superior to cyclists.
This is a leftist view of the world, so perfectly captured by Lewis Carrol: “[a word] means just what I choose it to mean – neither more or less”. By redefining words and labels, the leftist sincerely thinks he can changed the world to conform to his belief.
But it did make me think; perhaps if we changed the ‘TV license fee’ to ‘BBC tax’ it would work in reverse, and the BBC would have to follow the dictates of what the people paying for it actually want. But perhaps thats just too much fantasy for the real world.
aah cyclists to whom the highway code is a thing never read. I love the way they ride through red lights. Almost hit pedestrians. Undertake me on the nearside when I am clearly indicating I am turning left. We have a large stretch of Cycle path where i used to live which was hardly ever used by cyclists. Where I live now is a long stretch of cycle lane but the cyclists like to use the busy road instead. Still with our success at cycling in the olympics it’s obvious we should all get on our bike.
Oh please let’s not descent into a ‘cyclists vs motorists’ row — I get enough of that on the Cambridge News website.
There are good cyclists and bad cyclists; good motorists and bad motorists. The bad versions of both catch the eye. Many cyclists are also motorists (and pedestrians) etc.
The point of the article is that it is wrong to think that the roads are paid for specifically out of ‘road tax’ and that therefore only motorists have a right (or a greater right) to use them — an ‘argument’ often heard when car and cycle come into conflict.
VED gives the right to put a motor vehicle on the road, a road that is paid for by everybody and free to use by everybody using many other forms of transport. Whether that’s ‘fair’ or not is another matter.
“a road that is paid for by everybody and free to use by everybody ”
This is the heart of the lie. Lets assume that Harrabin is correct in that VED is not hypothecated to spending on roads, in other words roads are paid for from general expenditure. The reality is that only around 50% of people are really ‘paying in’ on a net taxation basis.
But the liberals aren’t able to admit that, as it would highlight that we have a significant proportion of people who are the recipients of government wealth transfers from the people who actually pay net tax (after taking out the value of government ‘services’ they benefit from).
My argument here isn’t really with cyclists vs. motorists (though, as I drive in London, I’ve often seen some atrocious cycling from riders who act as if they have a death wish), but rather the way that Harrabin is at pains to suggest exactly what you said – that everyone pays for roads – when the reality is that roads, just like all government spending, is in reality a disguised wealth transfer.
This is a microcosm of the way that leftists believe that ultimately all activity is ‘owned’ by the state, who parcels it out to citizens based on how they judge best in their infinite centrally planned wisdom.
personally, i dont ride a bike but i think cyclists should be supplied with tracks that are completely off the highways. Nothing worse than some lycra clad tit, with a toddler trailer on the back, cycling on busy main roads, – should be done with child abuse, imo.
OK then, paid for by all tax payers, some more than others. But not specifically and exclusively by motorists — the highway is not their private playground. I am a taxpayer, a pedestrian, but neither a motorist (not much need in Cambridge) nor (since the accident)* a cyclist. The road is just as much mine as anyone’s.
I don’t think it makes me Owen Jones to think that maintenance of infrastructure, like law and order and defence, are legitimate areas of activity for government, and that even those who are not able to contribute should still enjoy the benefit that these things bring.
*No, not a cycling one. I was walking down the pavement when a hit and run driver ploughed through me. I’m lucky to still have both legs, however smashed.
Hadda says: ‘VED gives the right to put a motor vehicle on the road, a road that is paid for by everybody and free to use by everybody using many other forms of transport. Whether that’s ‘fair’ or not is another matter.
Motorists contribute £50 billion p.a. in taxes to the Exchequer and only £10 billion of that is invested in roads, including billions wated in pointless ‘safety’ schemes.
So, tax contribution-wise, motorists are well in the black and and in fact are subsidising other government spending to some fine tune.
Is that fair?
No, the point of Harrabin’s article was to give succor to cyclists and damn car drivers by making an unsubstantiated claim – based on a trawl through Youtube, FFS – that a belief in the existence of a road tax paid for only by car owners is a direct cause of behavior dangerous to cyclists. Why, if only these naughty people were properly informed, there wouldn’t be a problem, right?
Another example of how the BBC tries to educate the public in a desired direction.
The knives are out for UKIP again. Radio 2’s lunchtime news has a go at Stuart Wheeler, UKIP’s treasurer, for suggesting that women aren’t as competitive as men so shouldn’t be forced onto companies management boards. All the usual squeals.
Interestingly BBC 4 ran a programme Make Me A German where a husband and wife live and work in Germany for a while. All through the programme we are told how successful German business is. However the wife thinks the Germans have something to learn from us, namely that we have a lot more women in management roles than they do.
Correlation is not causation etc.
Bee Rowlatt, featured in the program is a BBC World Service producer, Guardian luvvie, her husband Justin is also a Metrosexual BBC employee.
Her feminist views became obvious as the program progressed.
These people are all about The Diversity!
I wonder where the views on feminism go to when she’s ducussing the ROP?
Read discussing instead.
Bloody i pad.
As this article from the IEA points out, independent studies have found that the only link between “improved gender diversity” and corporate performance is a negative one. Don’t expect to hear that on the lunchtime news…
The writer of the aforementioned article – Mike Buchanan – was (surprisingly) invited onto an episode of ‘Woman’s Hour’ to debate these issues, but (unsurprisingly) failed to talk any sense into a sneering John O’Farrell.
The BBC’s bias on ‘gender’ issues could probably fill an entire blog on its own — and I’m sure we’re going to see plenty of it as Mr Wheeler is attacked over the next few days…
Thanks for the links, Rick
More lightweight codswallop from the buffoons at BBc breakfast. There is they tell us a debate about…wait for it…beards. So this morning they drag in some bint who bangs on about people with crumbs and bits of food in their beard??? Been reading too many comics love. You guessed I have a beard well most of the time I’ve never come across bits of my breakfast in it. I though the BBc favored blokes with beards. Moving on to what appeared to be the spokesman for the muslim brotherhood sat on the settee doing a top class BBc one sided rant.
The BBC will not doubt be publicising the Frack Off loonies at Balcombe this weekend. And the BBC will go along with the lies about risks caused by fracking.
The Times today has an article by Matt Ridley pointing out that the anti-frackers do not have any real case at all. They are Luddites, but without the understandable fears of social change that prompted Luddism.
Now that is an article and set of arguments the lying BBC will avoid like crazy.
And is the BBC telling us that the Parish Council of Balcombe is telling the leftie loonies to stop disrupting life in the village and to Frack Off ?
The key to understanding these ‘environmentalists’ is that they’re a bit like the christian monks in the middle ages that went around whipping themselves to atone for their ‘sins’.
The modern movement is really about self-denial, and whatever basis it had in justifiable concerns about the environment are becoming more and more remote as they look for any way they can to punish modern civilisation for its illusory transgressions against the planet.
Its a shame that we can’t segregate them into their own enclaves that are set up at stone-age technology levels. I suspect that they’d soon start to see the light about modern technology once they were deprived of it.
There was an item on the One Show earlier in the week about old railway lines that have been turned into cycleways, in essence how wonderful and green they were. Omitting to tell us that if you dare walk them you run the risk of abuse or worse by being knocked over by lycra, hi-viz and helmet wearing ‘greenies’
Nothing was mentioned of the fact that they would be more green if they were still being used as railway lines or of the fantastic engineering feats achieved by our ancestors, or the fact that they had just cycled through the longest tunnel in the UK without ventilation.
To rub salt into the wounds the item was presented by a chap who’s name I couldn’t pronounce, telling me about the history of my country….
Whilst walking the Thames Pathway – (South Bank) Teddington to Putney; last Sunday I was hit and knocked over just outside Richmond by a lady cyclist despite the total lack of apology, I, of course just laughed the whole thing off – it’s a mixed usage path – I was looking at the guidebook when it happened, so partly to blame- however when I look at the ‘Dutch’ laws should they be devolved downwards so that I could sue the cyclist – A sort of top trumps for transport in reverse?
Top trumps transport will also have to incorporate standard UK top trumps also though – and as heterosexual white indigenous tax payer you are the lowest of the low.
grazed my knee though could I play a disability (temp) card?
I like the idea of cyslist cycling on the railway tracks. But hwy restreict them to old ones.
Good idea, they could always sue the driver.
‘Fourth, the ever-so-neutral BBC — in a background briefing — has described fracking as releasing “hundreds of chemicals” into the rock. Out by an order of magnitude, Auntie.’
If true, hardly encouraging for a trusted bastion of information & education.
One also imagines if one punts over £1.45 as the annual telly tax on the same basis, using BBC maths as a justification may not yet serve?
Has INBBC reported this?:-
“UK: Muslim police officer leaked plans to arrest jihad leader Anjem Choudary”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Foxes are guarding the henhouse in Britain, where opponents of jihad are kept out of the country to avoid offending Islamic supremacists who might riot at their presence: in other words, Britain is kowtowing to violent intimidation. And anyone who suggested that the detective inspector might have a conflict of interest or divided loyalties would have been mercilessly attacked as ‘Islamophobic.'”
“Has INBBC reported this?:-”
Yes!! BBC article was actually published on 14 August 2013 whilst the one you cite was published a day later.
Where is the reference to Anjem Choudry in the BBC report?
You mean NO Albaman, you are refering to an entirely different case.
INBBC version:-
“George Galloway’s ex-aide and policeman face court”
Stunning GeorgeR.
In one post you ask “Has INBBC reported this?” and in the next you cite an article answering your own question.
I suppose one slight difference between the ‘Daily Mail’ report and the INBBC report is that the INBBC excludes all reference to ANJEM CHOUDARY.
‘Daily Mail’ headlines:-
“Policeman charged with leaking plans to arrest Anjem Choudary to his wife who worked for George Galloway.
“Det Insp Mohammed Afiz Khan headed up Met’s Muslim Contact Unit.
“Wife Aisha Ali-Khan worked as parliamentary secretary to Respect MP.
“Khan accused of passing details of plans to arrest cleric to his wife.
“Charged with misconduct in public office and breaching data protection.
“Ali-Khan accused of encouraging the commission of offences.”
Is this even the same story? The BBC talks about something done to Galloway, while alluding to “misconduct” and “obtaining personal data”. But the Mail (source for JihadWatch) talks about tipping off Choudary. Something’s missing somewhere, or I’m missing something.
Okay, I see the BBC gave a hint about Choudary after all: “One data protection charge….”
Only the political/ideological hot-button bits got left out, so what’s the big deal, right? I guess reporting these details would lead to an outbreak of Islamophobia and violent backlash against the Mohammedan community….
An amazingly rare example of the BBC actually allowing people from both the left and the right (and most importantly with actual authority on the subject) to put across their views in a reasonably balanced and fair way. Sure, the pro-immigrationists come across as incredibly naive and spouting the same tripe we’ve been hearing for years, but at least they’re not flat-out attacking the ‘lazy Brits’ or calling people xenophobes for daring to disagree with them as some nutters have done. This will more than likely be the ONLY time the BBC shows any impartiality on immigration so that they can constantly use it in their defence when people complain about how biased they are.
What a deceitful twerp that Jonathan “never off the BBC” Portes is. His institute has no lean it appears so must be accepted without question.
Basically immigrants are young and never grow old.
And, I suppose that another slight difference between the two reports is that INBBC did NOT think it worth mentioning that:
“Det Insp Mohammed Afiz Khan headed up Met’s Muslim Contact Unit.”
(‘Daily Mail’.)
Albaman’s post is utterly shameless.
Well, blow me darn wiv’ a fevva!
Stunned, I tell you… stunned.
ps: Hope you get an answer.
From 2006:
“Secret report brands Muslim police corrupt”
Oh noooo!….it’s not in the Mail….it’s in the Guardian….what ya gonna do Alby, Will, Dez, Scott and all the rest of the trolls who really should never have left the safety of their bridges?
Quick, boycott it!….go and complain!…(oh, you can’t, can you?)
‘British Pakistanis live in a cash culture’
Ah, so THAT’S what they mean by cultural enrichment!
Hmmmm……’cash culture’. Where does that fit in with paying tax, I wonder?
I had a mate who had to wait three years for his shopkeeper dad’s estate to be settled because the Revenue went through his records with a fine toothcomb looking for evidence of cash takings not being declared. Wonder if that is always their approach, regardless of which ‘community’ they are dealing with?
Sorry, I am clean out of sympathy for the Muslim Brotherhood casualties. I start from the MB being Islamist, fundamentally against a normal free democracy – and the original source of most of the Islamist terrorist movements including Al Qaeda and Hamas.
When the FIRST upsurge for democracy started in the “Arab Spring”, people were protesting against military dictatorship. This involved a broad spread of opinion and was certainly not led by the MB. But as was clear and predictable at the time, the MB had an in-place tight organisation that was electorally effective. There was no truly free election for the Presidency – after the initial assembly was voted in the MB eliminated all the moderate Presidential candidates to ensure Morsi would win. Morsi played sweet reasonableness – but he lied, he set out to manipulate the judiciary and all political activity to advance solely the interests of the MB. And this included all manner of imprisonments, torture, killings – and unrestrained attacks on the Coptic Christians. Meanwhile Morsi’s crass and brutal behaviour drove the economy further on to the rocks.
The SECOND upsurge for democracy – this time for real democracy – involved unprecedented protest crowds in the big cities. Far larger than the original Tahrir Square crowds. It was quite right for the Army to intervene to restore civil order and prevent further damage to the economy – but it gave Morsi a chance to agree to change his ways. And the Army wants to plan a path to fresh elections.
Then the MB started its whining and civil insurrection – refusing any offers to negotiate, damaging the neighbourhoods where it organised its sit-ins. After many weeks, the Army gave due warning that the sit-ins would be broken up.
Any Egyptian with an ounce of sense would realise that this posed grave risks of violence – on both sides. But the MB are extremists, they welcome violence. Just look at the photos of some of their nutters in the streets, including those with guns. They were LOOKING for a fight.
Yes, the Army and police have been extremely heavy-handed. Quelle surprise, in Egypt.! But the MB deliberately fomented confrontation, and avoided any form of compromise.
Any MB member out on the streets after the warnings had been given was an extremist fool.
So all the BBC sympathy for the MB is rubbish. It might be more acceptable if the BBC had shown any proper coverage and sympathy for the Coptic Christians – but instead it has a fixation on MB-style Islamofascists.
I had written the note above before seeing this article by Ralph Peters :
As far as I can see, Peters’ article is based on FACTS. So is my note. But the BBC blurs or hides the facts.
……’And now, as the Egyptian military disperses the Brotherhood’s terrorist camps, right on cue, the Western press is doing what it does best—skewing reality to the benefit of the Brotherhood.
Still, there is one positive side to all this. Because so many Muslim Brotherhood members and their Islamist allies had congregated in Rab‘a and elsewhere, turning them into mini Islamist states where Brotherhood rule is enforced—torturing, chopping fingers off, sexually abusing women, and murdering dissenters—we have gotten a glimpse of exactly what sort of state they wish to see Egypt become.
But just as it took several months before even Fox News told of the Muslim Brotherhood torture chambers—despite the fact that any number of Egyptian media had for months been disseminating pictures and videos of those tortured—no doubt it will take a while before news of the Brotherhood torture camps is ever disseminated in the West.
Update: Now that Egypt’s military has cleared out and is investigating Rab’a, buried bodies are indeed being found. So far, 28 bodies, most bearing marks of severe torture, including charring from electrocution, have been discovered…..
Maspero Society, Egypt
BBC? What are you waiting for!
Ohhhhh dear, another former BBC DJ charged with fondling folk without their permission.
DJ Dave Lee Travis has been charged with 11 counts of indecent assault and one of sexual assault.
The charges relate to nine alleged victims aged between 15 and 29.
The 68-year-old, whose real name is David Patrick Griffin, is accused of committing the offences between 1977 and 2007.
Wonder if little Nicky knew him?, or was he “just leaving” as he joined…
Perhaps he thought he was a sexless creature, or possibly even, GAY!
The BBC, a hotbed for depravity…still, it was all “A different time” eh kids?
Don’t forget to mention that the alleged victims were really all just scruffy groupies and well up for it. And the BBC newsreader who claimed he groped her should be blaming not Travis but the Patriarchy for creating the environment where this sort of thing was tolerated and kept her from reporting it at the time.
Maybe the police should cast him a nice new “Gotcha!” award, so he can put it alongside the one he got on “Noel’s house party”
They would look lovely on the shelf in his adjoining cell to Stuart Hall.
“Was a different time.” (c) BBC Enterprises.
DLT left Radio 1 in 1993, ‘Nicky’ joined in 1987.
Interestingly Campbell did the early weekend show from 1988, when DLT was doing the late morning weekend show, so their paths would certainly have crossed.
Eh, Nick-ol-arse?
Funny how the Catholics priesthood is (rightly) never allowed to get away with the excuse that their abuses happened at ‘a different time’. Not least by the BBC who love to expose the paedaphilia in the priesthood.
Yet another elderly white celeb nicked for alleged offences committed several decades ago. Evidence as usual will come from compo seeking trash saying “he touched my thigh”.
But at least it stops us thinking about moslem grooming gangs, which must please Yewtree apartheid police and their BBC leakers enormously.
Buried in this Politico article about how Corey Booker’s run for Senate is being coached and backed by the President, is this shocking admission:
Obama aides like his political strategist David Axelrod and Gaspard have for years been sensitive to the irony that in the age of Obama, Republicans have done a better job than Democrats of bringing diversity through their ranks.
Quick, somebody tell Jonny Dymond and Mark Mardell, and the rest of the BBC.
This is from the Left-leaning, JournoList-infested Politico, folks. Not Fox News, not Breitbart, not any non-Left outlet. It’s time to stop believing what the BBC tells you about what’s going on in the US.
The Politico piece also reveals some rather interesting points about the President and His minions, analysis you’ll never hear from Beeboids:
Booker’s the rare example of Obama advancing the larger cause of African-American political success beyond himself. He’s also the rare example of the Obama campaign apparatus activating for anyone other than the president himself. Many politicians helped get Obama elected and reelected, but Booker was the first one to have the team truly reach back down to help one of those people in return.
This is completely unsurprising to people here, but would come as a shock to those who trust the BBC for their information on US issues. It would probably come as a shock to most BBC employees as well.
That would be Cory Booker, the American analogue to Chuka Umunna? I.E., the slick, polished business-friendly post-racial New Rising Young Black Man (stop me before I call him a “credit to his race,” please!) who didn’t “forget where his people came from,” and is now “trying to provide a role model other than sports and hip-hop to disadvantaged urban black youth”– THAT Cory Booker?
No, Booker is far superior to that slick Labour mouthpiece. Booker actually has real administrative and political accomplishments under his belt. He’s demonstrated competency and pragmatism way beyond anything Umunna has. And even though I’ve been openly waiting for the other shoe to drop on him (he’s a NJ Democrat, so the odds are stacked against his being anything but corrupt), as far as I’m aware, the only real mark against him is that he apparently got some payment over a couple years from his former law firm. Supposedly it was just them paying out what he was due for leaving the firm after entering politics, but the firm got some city sugar allegedly in return, so he’s probably not pure.
But you’ll never see the likes of Umunna personally helping ordinary people, even if there were no cameras present, the way Booker has.
Even so, Booker was brave enough to stray off the plantation last year when he spoke out against the President’s constant public demonizing of the financial sector (even while He raked in their campaign donations like a blue whale grazing on plankton). Naturally, the BBC censored all news of it, because it didn’t help the agenda. There was a backlash, and a personal rebuke from the President Himself, so Booker had to make the groveling apology. It apparently worked well enough for the President to lend support.
But from what I can tell, he’s been a pretty decent mayor of a large craphole, and not anywhere near as corrupt as most NJ Dems.
Of course, just how strong the ‘left-Islam’ political alliance’s support would be for George GALLOWAY, if he were to stand for Mayor of London, is not known at this stage.
But it seems that, despite ructions in Respect Party, there are many in the ‘left-Islam’ political alliance who would support a Muslim Brotherhood ticket, to depose BORIS JOHNSON.
“Bradford councillors resign from Respect party”
“Galloway’s former secretary in court”
This morning on Radio 5 live there was someone on the phone from Egypt. They were talking about sharm el sheikh and how tourism had been affected. The guy on the phone then started to talk about the many Churches that had been attacked and burned by the Muslim botherhood, the BBC host talked over him to drown him out and immediately returned the conversion back to tourism.
The BBC can not be trusted.
had to laugh at sky press review on tuesday,zoe williams the pouting posh guardian columnist was ambushed by lbcs iain dale when she was waffling on in her ignorant manner about how mass immigration is great and has not affected the job market in areas like where she lived in the posh middle class leafy surburbs,well thats obvious zoe you out of touch fool,but the best was to come,iain dale had a go at here about the lefie guardian she works for,he said is it true alot of you guardian lefties all went to private schoosl and was educated at oxford,she admiited she did it and squimed with embarrasment when he pointed that out,iain dales point was the hypocrisy and double standards of the left when they have a go at cemeron and osbournes privlleged past,see steveb,not a mention of the bbc in my comment.
Zoe confuses ‘quirky’ (which is what she thinks she is) with pig-thick (which is what she actually is).
Dale suggested rightly that it is pointless aspiring for 50% of school-leavers to go to uni given that some colleges have 25% drop-out rates in year 1.
Dopey Zoe attributed this drop-out rate to impoverished students concerned about the fees.
Actually I feel bad about calling Zoe pig-thick.
My apologies to any pigs that are reading.
Zoe Williams is IMO one of the worst columnists the Guardian has ever had, and unlike most here I take it and have read it for many years. She isnt thick, just not that bright, not funny like Lucy Mangan or Julie Birchall, but worst of all too lazy to do any proper research, and thinks she can get away with simply spouting her opinions, ramblings, off the top of her head, and with no evidence to back her comments up (I do not include the chats with mums at her toddler group as research).
A ‘proper’ journalist like Toynbee, whatever you think of her views, musters her facts, educates and informs while delivering her judgments. Her writing may be biased, but it is a properly researched essay.
Zoe Williams simply must be related to, or sleeping with, someone in a high place, or perhaps holds something over them they would rather remained undiscovered?
and she gets rewarded by presenting her own “investigations” on BBC, as well as reviewing the press – all part of the BBC/Guardian relationship.
When she was on maternity leave, she was even given a little column to write about her baby, and since such slice of life columns do have to be funny, which always Zoe utterly fails to be, you can imagine the space filling exercise it was.
Could set a precedent.
Still, be interesting how this one gets ‘reported’.
One dodgy MB acronym spay job on Tunbridge Wells and a sparkler on the bowling green, and whole new communities could be living in mild concern as the full MSM reporting crew pop… next door.
im just watching whats happening in egypt on bbc news24 and i have to say im absolutely horrified by what im seeing on my tv screen.
There’s this huge block of flats and each flat has its own air conditioning unit outside on the wall. havnt these people heard about the dangers of catastrophic climate change? havnt they thought about their childrens future? theyre killing the planet which is their only home. they disgust me. climate change deniers the lot of them.
Love it!
The plot thickens!
It begins with: The corporation’s official auditor KPMG was asked by director general Tony Hall to look into historic golden goodbye deals following last month’s report by the National Audit Office, which found the BBC handed staff £369million over eight years.
Now most moral beings would believe that the reason Hall was asking for this review was to see if there had been any wrong deals – which we know there were.
What we see instead is the BBC is going to try their best to justify all these payments – £369 MILLION over 8 years. The company they are using to do this review would have been the same one that has been advising top earners at the BBC to become an independent company thus avoiding taxes.
One could think that Hall has only come into this sphere for a short time, but judging from the following story they are all an ‘old boys’ (and girls) network.
The firm investigating the BBC severance deal scandal has spent thousands of pounds wining and dining some of the executives responsible for the most controversial payoffs, it has emerged.
If that wasn’t bad enough – my attention was drawn particularly to this snippet: In 2011, Miss Patel attended a Coldplay concert at London’s O2 Arena as a guest of KPMG associate partner Karen Wightman. The same year, she was their guest at the Royal Opera House. The BBC’s group finance director Beverley Tew has also enjoyed concerts at the firm’s expense. She saw blind Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli in concert…
And guess who was running the Royal Opera House at the time – yes our very own Tony Hall, which Wikipedia tells us: His salary increased from £165,000 to £205,000 between 2010 and 2011, making him the highest paid Chief Executive of any charity in the UK.[13] His emoluments for management of the Royal Opera House exceeded £390,000 per annum during the years ending 29 August 2010 and 2011 respectively
Recent news tells us that charity executives taking vast salaries has become quite commonplace, but we can see who led this.
Any surprise Patten didn’t need to advertise for the post of the new Director General?
BBC bosses responsible for controversial payoffs are wined and dined by firm probing severance pay deals
Aha, now I know what the BBC’s head of HR meant when she referred to these payments as “customer practice at that time”.
not being reported by the BBC website, i wonder why?
come on give ‘ed a break, he’s having a bad week with him being egged and what not. but you have to give the man credit, he’s put his head in places i certainly wouldnt, like inbetween stephanie flanders legs. now that takes balls
(I see what ya did there!)
Yeah, it deffo takes balls…
Ed Balls.
INBBC reporting LIBYA.
Of course, INBBC seems to have dropped the phrase ‘Arab Spring’ in describing the chaos and violence which is present-day Libya.
“Libyan Berbers demanding recognition storm parliament”
This political opposition from minority group, Berbers/Amazigh in Libya interesting.
Note how INBBC brushes over history:
“Though they make up just 5-10% of Libya’s six million population, the Amazigh [Berbers] predate the Arab settlers who brought Islam with them from the east.”
-There is no indication of the way in which Islam was brought to Libya, no mention that in the year 647, an army of 40,000 Arabs invaded Libya on behalf of the Caliph of Baghdad. (After the Arab-Islamic invasion and conquest of Egypt.)
Since Thursday afternoon the headline on the BBC’s ‘News’ website has told us that the President of the United States ‘condemns Egypt bloodshed’.
Politely ignoring the illiteracy of the headline, can someone explain to me A/ why we should give a damn what he says? B/ Why this is considered the most important aspect of the current situation and C/ Whether we are meant to respond with a sharp intake of breath and bless our good fortune that the world is graced with this man’s intellectual genius?
Oh, might it have a little something to do with British history in the immediate neighbourhood circa 1956 and in the region ca. 1991 and 2003, and the unspoken assumption many might jump to, that the Special Relationship will be invoked when, as, and if the US decide to get involved somehow?
The same question is often asked with respect to economics questions– why should people in the UK care what the US President says? Well, if you are going to get pulled somehow (maybe even kicking and screaming) into your idiot brother-in-law’s business dealings or his conflicts with third parties, it would be nice to have a general idea where he’s been going and what he’s been doing. Or, as in this case, not going and not doing.
Twaddle. The BBC is the unofficial Obama fan club and you’d have to be as besotted as its clueless reporters not to realise that.
Reporting Obama’s banal response to events in Egypt as if it was some great act of statesmanship has nothing to do with any prospect of US involvement in the area. It’s just an act of ritual worship on the part of the BBC.
You never noticed the BBC, like all media outlets, refer to all national leaders by whatever their elected title is? Prime Minister, President, etc.? Or is there a different reason for your outrage?
What Obama thinks is relevant because the US gives $1.3bn of assistance per year to the Egyptian military. If the actions of the army last month are deemed a coup then the aid has to stop under the terms of an existing law.
The US is sitting in the fence because anyone with common sense realizes that having a secular Egypt is in the West’s interests. Stopping the aid would hand the Morsi supporters an advantage.
If the President and His minions had handled this properly in the first place – allowing the Egyptian generals to stretch out the transition from Mubarak into a new scene, instead of hauling him off and rushing to elections with only the MB capable of doing anything, and especially while a natural reflexive tendency of the public to turn towards the loudest opposition to Mubarak’s regime was still strong – none of this would be happening now. The President called for Mubarak’s removal, and then had Amb. Patterson try to run interference for Morsi when the Army wanted to remove him. I thought we were going to stop with the imperialist influence and all that? The BBC sure got this one wrong.
Aside from that, I’m thoroughly enjoying all the people – including Beeboids – who used to tell me that the US will fund the Egyptian generals in perpetuity because the Jews control foreign policy, and want to keep them from attacking Israel, now forgetting all about that logic and telling me that the US just might stop funding the Egyptian generals because they’ve killed a couple hundred Egyptians. If that happens, it would contradict 40 years of anti-Jewish sentiment – which has been expressed on this blog in the past by a former BBC producer, by the way – which would amuse me no end.
Of course, that’s not going to happen. The President is keeping the cash flowing now as a means of “leverage”. We’re going to stop the cash flow if you keep on killing people, so here’s some money to remind you that we’re going to stop the money. Let’s all take some time off to consider our next step……It’s such genius, no? No. What it really means is that the US doesn’t really care all that much about anything the Egyptian generals do besides maintain stability. Keep the trouble from spreading outside the country (the ripple effect would hit lots of other countries besides Israel) and you can do what you like.
It’s the law which says we can’t fund the Egyptians since they did a coup? So what? This President has been acting above and outside the law for quite some time now: military action against Libya without Congressional authorization, ObamaCare wavers, EPA dictats, deciding not to deport some illegal immigrants, delaying the ObamaCare mandate, commenting on and prejudicing military legal cases about sexual assault, having the IRS go after political opponents, running weapons to Syria, the list goes on and on. I’m sure He’ll find a way to keep the money flowing regardless of the law.
I’m sure Mark Mardell will describe this as the President using His usual deliberate, thoughtful approach, and any criticism is due to racism or partisan venom. Although even the BBC’s US President editor doesn’t buy the whole Humpty-Dumpty game about not calling it a “coup”.
The BBC needs to start broadcasting what the Egyptian people really think about His opinion these days. Every time the BBC mentions Egypt and the President, they should include something about how what they think of Him.
I see that the BBC are lying here when they say:
“The US refrained from calling Mr Morsi’s removal a coup for fear of upsetting the country’s generals and the millions who demanded Mr Morsi’s departure.”
This is not an accidental omission, but either a lie or astonishingly poor journalism.
Initially, the US did try to avoid it. The BBC’s US President editor had a moment of wavering faith and questioned the approach.
When is a coup not a coup? With $1.5bn on the line
He’s gets the Humpty Dumpty scene wrong, not quite grasping what it means, but that’s typical. But it’s refreshing to see Mardell actually wondering if his beloved Obamessiah is doing something wrong.
I’m sure he’ll snap back into line soon enough, after some time spent in prayer and contemplation.
They did, didn’t they?
Does anybody know why the BBC thinks reporting the violence in Cairo requires three journalists? We have Jim..sorry..Jeremy Bowen. We have that Irish bloke whose name escapes me, and tonight we’ve had Michal Hussein. Michal was interviewing Jeremy Bowen about the on going violence. Why? What could we possibly have learned from this interview that we could not have learned from Michal sitting in the studio, using a satellite link to talk to Jim … errr …Jeremy? It’s ridiculous.
It seems to be all part of the ‘left-Islam’ political alliance on a global scale.
Many Beeboids have been ‘useful idiots’ regarding the Muslim Brotherhood for some time.
I expect the presence of Muslim Ms Husain at INBBC ‘Today’ to give more voice to Muslim Brotherhood’s Cairo-London axis.
On all this, it seems that INBBC is merely echoing the political propaganda of Qatar’s Islamic Al-JAZEERA broadcaster, where many ex-Beeboids work*. (* Now with a HQ in The Shard, London.)
“Secret Documents in Egypt Reveal Payments from Qatar to Muslim Brotherhood Officials”
“How Qatar bought London.
The Shard, Harrods, Barclays, the Olympics Village – Qatar owns them all.”
By George Eaton.
(July, 2012.)
Is Michal seeing relatives in the ME and just thought she’d pop over to help Jeremy out, you know, maybe expenses paid?
They may as well get somebody over there who speaks the lingo for a change, rather than having the usual suspects opine about what their driver and translator think.
The lead story on the BBC sports website….Do they ever give this a rest?
Will there be the same outcry when the World Cup is hosted in Qatar nine years from now ? Somehow, I doubt it.…sexy zoe lol
“I saw a cameraman and a reporter speaking to Thompson outside his apartment before rush hour,” says the source. “He was tense and angry and was talking very loudly. They followed him around the corner and he lost his temper and shouted at them. It really caused a scene.” The source added, “Someone needs to tell him that we can do without this kind of scene happening in the neighborhood.”
BBC employees – lowering the tone wherever they go.
According to BBC radio and website the lead sport story is how the athletic competition in Russia has been ‘overshadowed’ by a Russian athlete defending Russian law against promoting homosexuality to under 18s. Do many sport fans really care? Or is the BBC more interested in promoting its own agenda?
It’s overshadowing the competition only because the media is making it do so. A self-fulfilling story.
Am I the only person on here that actually thinks the promotion of homosexuality to under 18’s is downright wrong? I have four sons between 12 and 20 and hate the thought of the lefty thought police forcing them to study homosexuals. I sort of admire the Russians for putting the rights of the majority ahead of the minority shouters. Also the description of homosexuality as ‘normal’ – since when does under 2% of the populace constitute ‘normal’ and 98% ‘abnormal’ ??????
No you are not I agree with you. There is a militant Gay Lobby in this country that seems to get it’s way with legislation even though they are a small minority, a bit like Islam does. I admire the way the Russians stand up and stick their middle finger up the the Western worlds stupid social policies.
Today, this morning – according to a young lady interviewed about wine strength “the wine sugar levels, everyone knows, are increasing because of global warming”. Not for the last 17 years or so, they’re not.
The BBC. promoting the Age of Stupid.
Not exactly a vintner, but once made a cracking strawberry leaf white in the bath.
But I’d have thought that even if sugar levels had increased (already addressed – but there will be places hotter, cooler, wetter, drier, in mixes that can help or hinder the perfect drop), those prizing their vintages and reputations would be on top of alcohol concentration, as surely extreme changes in this would have major consequences to the ‘brand’?
Hence I had a quick google:
It may be that sociological/marketing pressures are pushing this trend as a choice.
Letting the grapes ripen a bit more leads to more sugar? Who could have imagined? Not the BBC.
It’s bull that it’s down to global warming.
It’s a circular argument:
We know that global warming is happening because wine is getting stronger and we know that wine is getting stronger because global warming is happening.
In reality the alcoholic strength of wine is increasing because people like wine with more alcohol in it. Producers want to sell their wine so they make it stronger.
In order to make more alcoholic wine you need more sugar in the grape juice. You achieve this by leaving the grapes to ripen for longer or by pruning the vines in such a way as to maximize ripening.
Global warming has nothing to do with it.
Talk to me about global warming when they start making wine in Lapland.
Except that in BBC world ‘it woz global warming wot dun it’ is a statement that needs no evidence or proofs.
I make wine and you are spot on Random. Utter bullsh*t about global warming affecting the sugar content, I can make the wine as strong or a sweet as I like!
You could always blame global warming for the hangovers 😉
Oh Dear Oh Dear Oh Dear !
Worse than the url appears.
A BBC Panorama employee sent a colleague a package which when Xrayed appeared just like a bomb. The motives for this are as yet unlear, but the subsequent operation resulted in an evacuation and a Police / counter terror operation costing £14K.
The stupidity is jaw dropping !
‘A BBC spokesman declined to comment.’
As Mr. Thompson is doing over in NYC. as he prepares to not answer any questions back here.
Now, I wonder how the BBC tends to react, or what it infers, in face of such stonewalling?
‘Furious police commissioner Tony Lloyd has now vowed to send the force’s £5,000 policing bill to the BBC Director General’
‘“It’s not right that the people of Greater Manchester should have to pick up the tab for Panorama’s stupidity.’
Ah so Tony Hall feels that if the bill is sent to Tony Hall at the BBC the cost to the public will have disappeared!
Dare I make some guesses as to the politics of Tony Lloyd….?
‘Anthony Joseph Lloyd (born 25 February 1950) is a British Labour Party politician and the inaugural Police and Crime Commissioner for Greater Manchester’
Yep, thought so…..
‘In a directory of MPs produced by The Guardian, Andrew Roth described Lloyd as “well informed, thoughtful and realistic regionalist and internationalist”.’
You could have knocked me down with a feather.
BBC: The interests of the Licence Payer : Ignored
‘BBC: The interests of the Licence Payer : Ignored’
The public sector does seem to have concocted some terrific wheezes to maintain the money-go-round.
1) Public sector employee/s stuff up.
2) Various groups, often public funded or subsidised for just this, demand restitution from them, and hence the public purse.
3) Opportunistic banwagon pols, funded by the public, whip up a poo-storm.
4) Lawyers, on all sides, all public-funded, move in.
5) Compo eventually hammered out, plus costs, all on public tab.
6) Inquiry called for. All manner of public sector employees secure a nice number asking questions, not answering, or being funded for lawyers on public tab to claim and be granted exemptions and redactions.
7) Lessons are claimed to be learned. People come off public-funded side step and continue as before.
8) Nothing changes, but a whole wadge of public money is now in the bank accounts of a bunch of people who have every incentive to repeat this process over and over.
In some cases to a unique, seemingly never-ending extent.
Ken McQuarrie
Nick Pollard
Dame Janet Smith
Dinah Rose QC
NAO Committee
That’s a fair old wage bill in, what, 2 years?
Glad to see the Trust is there to ensure best use is made of the licence fee.
Deserter General Mark Thompson was not keen to talk about the past when he was doorstepped in the States recently.
Previously the footsoldier still down in the trenches Nicky Campbell was more than happy to circle the wagons for the BBC after naughty ITV broke the Savile scandal
‘we thought he was a sex-less eccentric’
But our Nicky wasn’t going to take too much flak for the team
‘he left as I joined’
And he fled for the low hills of the PC agenda when things got a little close to home
‘I thought he might have been gay’
(turns out Jimmy did indeed swing it both ways – but too often in the wrong direction) – does that sound like a 1970s disco hit to you? Coming up to the hour of…. in with a bullet! Yes indeedy!
Methinks Campbell is observing strict radio silence on DLT (for purely legal reasons you understand)
Still I’m glad he can keep his sense of humour through this…. what a trouper
Darren @theheadlessdj 7h
@NickyAACampbell would you ever consider going back into music radio?
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 14 Aug
@BertSwattermain I’m on prescribed medication
Campbell was certainly around at the same time as DLT, one show followed the other on weekend mornings circa 1988.
Not sure if this has already been posted, but anyway…
BBC executives may have deliberately misled the official inquiry into the Jimmy Savile scandal, its author has claimed.
Speaking publicly for the first time since his £2.4million report was published, Nick Pollard admitted he failed to get to the bottom of the affair because those involved repeatedly claimed they were unable to remember key events.
The former Sky News chief told Radio 4’s Media Show he thought the excuses were ‘not completely [credible]’.
‘In all, the document contained 45 references to BBC executives claiming they were unable to recall important episodes.’
Feel the trust.They’d better check the drinking water.
‘A BBC spokesman said the report’s findings had been accepted and there was nothing further to add.’
As Mr. Thompson is now finding, just because the BBC draws a line, doesn’t mean … well anything any more.
It’s a bit late for him to bring this up now, isn’t it? Why wasn’t Pollard shouting this from the rooftops when he first published the report?
‘Why wasn’t Pollard shouting this from the rooftops when he first published the report?’
Cheque clearing precaution?
Or simply a bit of vestigial ‘uniqueness’ that remained from his days within the fold?
Questions are being asked.
BBC employee Brendon Foster claims Mo Farrah is the greatest British athlete off all time in a shamefull article in the Telegraph…
Will Mo Farah become the greatest British athlete if he wins 5,000m gold at World Athletics Championships?
All those commentators are ignoring the most important word in that sentence.
But if there were a category for Somalis living in the USA who visit Britain occasionally, Mohammed Farah would win.
Farah’s a decent enough chap and its not his fault he’s being over hyped. He also probably spends more time here than say Sean Connery does in Scotland.
But is he any more British than say Zola Budd?
Probably. Zola Budd was a lot older than 8 when she came to live here.
Neither of them can be classed as British, although at least Miss Budd did have a British Grandfather, does that make her more British?
There is absolutely no parallel re: Budd and Farah. She raced under a flag of convenience in an apartheid era. Mr Farah, does not.
Yes I remember well the lefts love for Ms. Budd Still oozing it I see Gomez
Really, Stewart? I am surprised that a guy who can write properly could be free and loose with pendantry. Let me be very clear :Set your sights on the racists on here and I will discuss BBC bias. Deal? I am not a ‘lefty’
Be corageous.
So you won’t discuss BBC bias until people here disavow any unapproved thoughts?
To David P: Yes. In hindsight that sounded a bit precious but please bare in mind I found this site by googling BBC bias. I genuinely find overt racism to be the sites main ‘thing’ I will always be against it. Always.
No deal, the thought crime of racism is not a priority concern for me ,obviously we differ on that.
As for you it seems to out way any and all real crimes ,not matter how horrendous.
Another classic QED post from a lefty.
I think I’d go for the double Olympic gold decathlon winner, double European games gold decathlon winner, 3 times Commonwealth games gold decathlon winner 1 time world championships gold decathlon winner, and former professional footballer Daley Thompson over Little Mo’ any day of the week.
Mind you, he was born in England, and is incredibly patriotic, so that eliminates him in the Beebs eyes.
(Awaits the lefty squeals about USA based Mo’s patriotism)
“Mind you, he was born in England, and is incredibly patriotic, so that eliminates him in the Beebs eyes.”
Any evidence for that? The BBC are not arguing that Farah is more British than Thompson, merely that Farah IS British.
Andy Murray’s training base is in Miami. Holly Bleasdale and Greg Rutherford have also spent lengthy training periods in the USA ( ). If you’re going to question Farah’s patriotism on the basis that he trains in the USA, surely you must question theirs too?
And read this if you don’t think Farah is patriotic
Yea as British as the BMW Mini, that too wears a faux Union Jack
Mo Farah isn’t a car, he’s a person. Cars are incapable of feeling pride, yet Farah clearly is proud to be British. What’s your point?
I was born in Recife, Brasil. My parents moved back to Belfast before I reached the age of 1. I have 3 passports. How British am I?
If you’ve lived in Britain since before you turned 1, then I would say that makes you very British. But I say that without knowing the full facts about your life.
Cheers, chop, but do you see my point?Lines are blurrred at times.
Oops. Chris not chop. Bloody ipad
Is the Brazilian passport still valid?
My point?
Some things are British and some pretend to be British.
Your point? Have you been drinking, Geoff? I was not addressing you.
Are you arguing that Farah is only pretending to be proud to be British? I think he’s genuinely grateful to Britain for giving him the chance to become a world champion, and incredibly proud to represent Britain. Unless you know better.
Farah has lived most of his life in Britain and is legally British. To judge from the reaction to his gold medals at the olympics (and indeed tonight), I think most of the British people have accepted him as one of ours.
Was that to me? Farah is British full stop.
It was to Geoff. We are in agreement on Farah 🙂
You made the classic mistake of not reading:
A: I never said Farrah was NOT patriotic, did I?…No, I said Thompson WAS.
B: Born 23 March 1983 (age 30)
Mogadishu, Somalia (Farrah) “The fourteen British Overseas Territories are territories under the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the United Kingdom. They do not, however, form part of it”…Mind you, Somalia is not a British territory, is it?…Somalia became independent in 1960, 23 years prior to Farrah’s birth.
C: 30 July 1958 (age 55)
Notting Hill, London, United Kingdom (Thompson)
I put together ALL of Thompson’s profile, that is what eliminates him in Beeb world, y’know, that “Born in England” bit.
This is about the BBC defining someone who was not born in Britain as the best British athlete in the world, ever…that, is simply my point of view, if you don’t like it, tough.
What they gonna go for next?….”Best British Priest in the world, EVER” Abu Hamza?…
“But he was born in Egypt”
“Ahhhh, but Britain once ruled there, so by default….BRITISH!”
(Under these rules, can Britain adopt Michelle Jenneke from Australia?…I love her warm up dance.)
“that is what eliminates him in Beeb world, y’know, that “Born in England” bit.”
Unless I’ve misunderstood, you say the BBC are ruling out Thompson from consideration as Britain’s greatest athlete simply because he was born in Britain, which I think is a ridiculous claim. Do you have any evidence for it?
I’m not arguing that Farah is British because part of Somalia once belonged to Britain. I’m arguing that he’s British because of the length of time he’s lived here and because of his patriotism. I don’t know enough about athletics really to judge who is the greatest British athlete of all time; I am merely saying that Farah should not be excluded as a candidate simply because he is of Somalian origin.
You don’t have to be born in Britain to be British. Look at Prince Phillip, George Orwell, JRR Tolkien, Andrew Strauss, amongst others.
George Orwell (Or Eric Arthur Blair if you prefer) was born in BRITISH INDIA, when Britain ruled India, not the same thing as Independent Somalia, and you know it, Phil is a Greek, I do not regard him as British, any more than I regard Wilfred Zaha or Owen Hargreaves to be English.
The evidence of BBC top trumps coming into play is the fact that a genuine Brit, Thompson, is being overlooked by them for the award of greatest BRITISH athlete ever, for a Somalian. (Muslim being the big bright BBC key to gaining the award, if he were born in Huddersfield, was Christian called Mark, and accomplished the same things, do you really think the Beeb would be going ape shit over him?…No, me neither.)…That is a fact, no amount of flag waiving or “But…but…but he’s been in Britain since he was 8” can disguise that, he’s a Somalian, representing Britain.
“I am merely saying that Farah should not be excluded as a candidate simply because he is of Somalian origin.”
By your own words, he’s not British, I feel for him, I do, he has represented this country very well…but he is not British, he cannot be eligible for the award, simple as that…he’s being used as a political tool for the BBC to push the “Greatest British athlete was a Muslim” meme, there is always an endgame with the BBC, and that is what I believe this is.
You, are of course, entitled to disagree, but bear this in mind:
Kasper Schmeichel…do you regard him as British?
He’s been in Britain since he was 5 years old, he was raised and educated here, he has plied his professional football trade here.
He was born in Copenhagen,
He’s Danish.
I did not say he is not British. I said he is of Somali origin. He has become British (I would probably say the same about Kaspar Schmeichel). Farah’s British citizenship, and the fact that he has competed for Britain, make him elegible for the award IMO. We will have to agree to disagree here.
Read this article and tell me if you think the BBC has already decided that Farah is the greatest British athlete of all time.
Particularly this quote:
“For now, all that can wait. By landing the distance ‘double double’ he has already matched, if not bettered, other British greats such as Coe, Daley Thompson and Jonathan Edwards.
But they broke world records as well as won titles. If Farah can do that, then the debate about whether he is the greatest British athlete of all time will be well and truly over.”
As for this:
“(Muslim being the big bright BBC key to gaining the award, if he were born in Huddersfield, was Christian called Mark, and accomplished the same things, do you really think the Beeb would be going ape shit over him?)”
Neither of us knows. I think the BBC’s coverage would be the same. For example, here’s a story about Jermain Defoe’s Christian faith.
Excellent post, Chop, summarising the BBC agenda very clearly.
Weak and muddled response, Chris – you’ve not addressed Chop’s main points which make a well-founded case of BBC bias.
johnny, did you actually read my last post?
Chop said the BBC has overlooked Thompson for Farah. My first link proved they haven’t.
He then said the BBC would not have made such a fuss if Farah were a white Christian from Huddersfield, WITH NO EVIDENCE. I provided another link showing how the BBC will discuss another sportsman’s Christian faith.
We disagree over whether Mo Farah is British. The law, the BBC and many many people in this country regard Farah as British; even if you don’t agree, that means the BBC are not praising a Somalian (because they see him as a Brit) over Thompson. Farah has in any case won more global titles than Thompson, as CTC shows below.
“he’s being used as a political tool for the BBC to push the “Greatest British athlete was a Muslim” meme”
Chop has provided no evidence for this claim either.
Thompson: 3 global (world/Olympic) titles
Farah: 5 global titles.
Thompson was a great champion, but Farah has done things that previous British athletes never dreamt of.
Foster can claim what he likes. “British” has been rendered meaningless by years of liberal indoctrination.
Which is why so many of us refuse to use it.
Geoff try to come to terms with the fact that not all British people are white. His father was born in England – since the age of 8 he has lived in UK (albeit for tax and training reasons not currently – bit like the other non Brits like that European/US rock band The Rolling Stones etc, etc)/ Tellingly he identifies 100% as British to the obvious annoyance of a Beeboid interviewer who tried to push the Somali line after he won his second Olympic gold only to crash and burn when he completely and utterly came out as British and rejected the crude attempt to dilute his nationality.
I guess you would place Nigel Havers (Chariots of Fire) ahead of Dame Kelly Holmes, Denise Lewis, Linford Christie, Colin Jackson
In my grandmas old Atlas, page 22, it says, British Somaliland in the north, and Italian Somaliland in the east. So according to the BBC, Mo Farah must be from the British bit, otherwise they could call him the greatest Italian athlete of all time.
Somalilanders are amongst the most pro-British people on earth and are fiercely proud of their historic and contemporary links the UK. They are the best of the bunch from the Greater Somalia region proving yet again the advantages bestowed upon those who were colonised by the Brits rather than other Europeans.
yes, at the risk of being called a racist they are so pro British they want to share our welfare and give us their diseases.
Presumably you will also be condemning Tory grandee and Olympic champion Seb Coe, who also believes that Mr Farah is the greatest British athlete of all time. The difference between you, of course, apart from the Olympic medals, is that he does not share your distaste for people with black skin.
Yes, why not
Come on be fair now, we should stop caricaturing BBC presenters. They can’t all be brainless Guardian approved drones and overgrown right-on adolescents constantly desperate to still look trendy…
There’s serious public broadcaster Rachel Burden for instance
‘Presenter BBC Radio 5Live Breakfast, mother of 3, wife of 1
Salford and beyond ·’
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 14 Aug
Muslim Brotherhood claim over 100 dead, others say women and children being used as human shields. We’ll update you with latest @bbc5live
You see, sensible informed news. Our Rachel is not just another lefty trendy playing at news
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 14 Aug
Trying to watch/listen to football and pack for Beautiful Days festival. What the hell do I need? Glastonbury 94 was last time I did this.
‘Beautiful Days was chosen as one of the ‘Best Family Festivals’ in 2013 by the Guardian’s Guide’
‘Beautiful Days has no corporate sponsorship, no branding & does not advertise’
Right on!
I’m just reading last week’s Private Eye, where Pseuds Corner has a quote from Evan Davis on Today:
All the people I know are watching them [American TV series such as The Sopranos etc] – but then I do mix in a slightly rarefied cosmopolitan elite.
“well? brotherhood news?
still … vastly inflated casualty list
still … pushing for protests today
still … pushing for more erm “martyrs” today
still … all before Friday hate hour
one has to remember, if people die, in their 1000s
no concern whatsover, those islamists wouldn t even bat an eyelid …. unless
😀 for useful idiot media purposes (of course) …
cough! enter john Kerry – just so long as they claw back power …. the clock goes tick tock, and we will see ”
from yesterday.
anyone catch Obama, yesterday and his all OK -“kum bye ya ” style protests for Egypt?
hmmm muslim brotherhood 😀 protests of rage? 😀 called for today , after Friday incitement … I mean prayers?
mosques instigating marches? …
even the al bbc reports anger marches/anger protests planned for today, after Friday hate hour! …
what could be the connection?
between instigating mosques?
red faced – vein popping imams?
protestors inciting army action,
then forcing women and children to their frontline?
the islamist muslim brotherhood?
anybody at the bbc, join any dots?
anybody at the bbc, want to ask that rep they keep
airing from muslim brotherhood UK this simple question?
hello … anyone there?
‘Panorama’ exclusive:-
“BBC slammed after ‘bomb’ blunder at MediaCity sparks terror alert.
“Bomb squad officers were called and hospitals put on standby after a suspicious package was sent to MediaCity earlier this week.”
“BBC journalist posts spy camera that looks like a BOMB to Salford HQ – and sparks £14,000 terror alert over suspicious package.
“Package sent by Belfast-based Panorama journalist to MediaCity colleague.
“A tiny recording device was placed inside a plastic bottle and looked exactly like a bomb when X-rayed.
“Specialist bomb squad officers called and hospitals placed on standby.
“BBC employee told police it was part of a ‘security test’ for Panorama.
“But later claimed it was just a bug that should have been sent internally.
“Police Commissioner ‘furious’ and vows to send policing bill to the BBC.”–sparks-14-000-terror-alert-suspicious-package.html
And who pays for dangerous, Beeboid stupidity?
Repeat of earlier post
Bias at the Beeb: addressing some questions –
An excellent response to those who say that claims of bias are unscientific…
And he validates our Rule #1. Nice.
Nah poofs?