Some links that provide an interesting perspective on the BBC:
Thanks to George R for this link:
This from the Telegraph illustrates the lack of knowledge about student loans….something that the BBC has done little to dispel…..its journalists often encouraging the idea that the loans are a massive weight around the necks of any potential student…putting them off from applying to university ….disproven by recent record applications.
Here is Paul Mason’s take on student loans:
A whole generation of young people has seen economic promises cancelled:
they will work probably until their late sixties, come out of university with
lifetime-crippling debts.
Martin Lewis thinks different…as do students now as they realise they have been lied to by the likes of Paul Mason:
Martin Lewis: Time to stop calling student loans a loan
Another year, another batch of A-level results, another host of fresh face young things cornered by concerned sympathetic TV and radio reporters asked “doesn’t the £50,000 student debt scare you?”
Yet again the fear factor is hyped by people ignorant of the system unnecessarily scaring many already disenfranchised youngsters away from higher education.
There is this from Janet Daley in the Telegraph:
The BBC says anyone who accuses it of bias – is biased
Well that’s is one way of countering the criticism that your news presentation is biased against arguments from Right-of-centre think tanks. You just smear the Right-of-centre think tank that points it out as being politically motivated and biased against you.
Of course Daley is right the BBC fixes the game in its favour.
It carries out numerous internal reviews of its own journalism….
They frequently state that yes, we have been biased, in the past, but that has been sorted…we are now as impartial and balanced in our reporting as it is possible to be….impartiality is in our DNA.
The Balen Report, which seems destined never to see the light of day as it probably reveals that BBC journalists have sided with the Palestinians and helped foster an atmosphere of anti-Semitism around the world.
Of course they did publish a report which remarkably found them to be biased in favour of Israel:
One important feature of this is the failure to convey adequately the disparity in the Israeli and Palestinian experience, reflecting the fact that one side is in control and the other lives under occupation. Although this asymmetry does not necessarily bear on the relative merits of the two sides, it is so marked and important that coverage should succeed in this if in nothing else.
Then there is its review of its science coverage…carried out by Professor Steve Jones who is practically an employee of the BBC and who admitted his career was saved by the BBC.
Strangely he thought the BBC wasn’t biased…or rather wasn’t biased enough against climate change sceptics.
Then there was the shelved investigation into Saville…something it seems that Mark Thompson is still somewhat sensitive about and reluctant to chat about.
And then there is the BBC’s use of accountancy firm KPMG to investigate BBC severance pay offs to senior executives….a firm with which the BBC has a close working relationship….being the BBC’s own auditors but also a company that provides consultancy for the BBC, and has even presented the business news on the BBC.
So possibly not all that independent and critical when it comes to reviewing BBC performance.
I’m sure many of you can think of many more examples of the BBC covering its own tracks and doing what it can to hide evidence of bias or wrong doing.
Greg Dyke admitted in an interview with Garry Richardson that the BBC ‘had all the money and if you have all the money you’ve got a lot of power.’
Shame there seems to be a lack of responsibiltiy and accountability that usually goes with power.
If Paul Mason says something, you can almost guarantee the opposite is true.
If the f*cking BBC says anything you can guarantee the opposite is true!
Germany seems to be benefiting from a Global upturn, this seems to be making a temporary positive blip in the statistics in the relative decline of the Eurozone. The Eurozone is still in a long-term decline towards bankruptcy during the next global downturn, unless pro-EU masochism wins the battle with democracy in Germany.
The BBC has immense power by virtue of its control of the news agenda of the country. Such a degree of control is unhealthy in a democracy as demonstrated by the fact that the BBC is determined to limit the degree of influence that commercial rivals have.
How come that the same argument doesn’t apply to them? Well of course they are impartial, can only do good and would never advance a cause that was beneficial to themselves or harmful to the country as a whole.
By arguing for greater competition in the media but exempting themselves, they are showing all the signs of an organisation that has become so powerful and arrogant that they believe that they can ignore the views of others.
This arrogance is demonstrated on a daily basis by the cavalier way in which they distort the news to favour their own corporate view. Of course if we could chose whether to buy the BBC daily news then this bias/distortion would be acceptable, if you didn’t like their output you would buy another product. But of course we have to pay the BBC whether we agree with them or not.
I am increasingly hopeful that their hubris will be their downfall. If the Tories win the next election they should make it priority to get rid of the BBC or at least its news and current affairs output. They would have more support for this policy than they might think. So come on Tories don’t be scared of the BBC, ignore the frenzy they would whip up , and just close them down within a year of forming the next government.
Oh and for good measure make sure that the BBC can never rise again by enacting legislation that makes it illegal for one organisation to have more than a 20% share of the news and CA market. Where have we heard that one before?
So come on Tories don’t be scared of the BBC, ignore the frenzy they would whip up , and just close them down within a year of forming the next government.
Well I’ll say one thing for Wavy Davy he’s very good at promising to do things in the next parliament – Heathrow third runway/ Euro-referendum- so yeah we might get lucky.
Though somehow I doubt it.
Maybe if he gets back to power then he’ll promise to sort out the Droids in the *next* parliament.
What a way to run a country. 🙁
The BBC is no more than a £3 billion a year social agitator and militancy support Quango. It supports anti-government fiscal responsibility, it supports an anti-business agenda on the use of hydrocarbon fuels and therefore of course anti fracking. Its blatant publicity and sympathetic interviewing of the rabble apposing fracking, our only hope of real independent energy supply in the near future, is no more than subversion of the British state.
The BBC supports Middle Eastern Islamic terrorism by carefully constructed commentary. It will just not ever condemn the Islamist violence but finds excuses for barbaric behaviour at every turn. The BBC will not mention the Muslim Brotherhood by name regarding Egypt and yet they are one of the nastiest organisations on the planet and in league with Al Qaida. The BBC speaks of only “Morsi supporters” who wish to get their democratically President back, when millions of Egyptian people took to the streets to oppose the undemocratic measures that Morsi was taking.
If the BBC is so in favour of democracy at any cost where is my democratic right not to pay for this evil empire.
Nice to see Cuadrilla caving in to ‘police advice’ and slowing operations for the short term.
Also nice to see Shell (a large oil and gas company I believe) saying they did not want to get involved in hydraulic fracturing in the UK because quote – they didn’t want to be in the papers every day.
Cuadrillo and Shell quite clearly talk to Wavy Davy and don’t really like what they hear.
What a way to run a country 🙁
Oh and yoohoo everybody the protest at Balcombe is set to increase in size as activists yadda yadda.
I heard that on DroidNews™.
Call to arms? No. Just reporting the facts is all. And don’t forget we are the world’s most trusted news organisation. It must be true because we said it and we are the world’s most trusted news organisation.
Reminds me of that hack on Drop the Deak Donkey, who went around starting wars in order to scoop them…….
Damian Day, I think. The BBC “reporters” seem to be very like his character. But they did base characters on genuine newsrooms.
Actually, Old Timer, you do not have to pay for the BBC. Just don’t buy a TV licence. If enough of us do it the BBC will die. It means you have to stop watching in real time, but the internet is there for you to choose from. A very small sacrifice for a worthy cause.
Martin Lewis has appeared several times on Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine programme and patiently explained the workings of the student loan system.
And each time Vine has gone straight back to his ‘controversy’ script agenda as to what a burden on students these loans would be.
Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good anti-coalition meme.
It certainly seems that the BBC has taken sides on the issues of Egypt, Syria, Fracking, the EU and multiculturalism (amongst other things).
Their position is very much in line with The Guardian, Lib Dems and the Labour party.
Sadly as Lord Patten is the chairman of the BBC trust there is no hope that they will be hauled over the coals for their complete lack of editorial balance.
It has got to the point where I simply ignore the majority of their news output as they seem to have forgotten that they work for a national broadcasting organisation – not some lefty student rag.
What really worries me most though is that this bias also infects their dramatic and comedy output.
I haven’t seen children’s television for years – but I fear that it is very likely that they will be trying to brainwash our children whilst they are at an impressionable age.
I seriously hope that in the next parliament we have some UKIP representatives as they are the only party who seem to have a clear understanding of the corrosive nature of the BBC’s drip feeding of liberal entitlement – no wonder they hate them so much.
You only have to listen to the News Quiz to hear their visceral hatred of them.
Unfortunately the BBC’s hate campaign is starting to turn UKIP into the nice-not-nasty party already, as was done to the Tories.
i think they should close all the uniiversitys down or revamp them.all they seem to produce is career professionail politicians or layabout middle class professional protesters the like we are seing down at balcombe making total arses of themselves in there so called protest against fracking.
Of course, many Beeboids who support the illegal ‘protesters’ will be pleased that Cuadrilla has suspended drilling exploration at Balcombe.
And these same Beeboids will criticise the Government for high energy bills, and for slow rate of economic development in U.K.
‘Daily Mail-
“Police cave in to mob rule over fracking: Outrage as energy firm forced to halt drilling for safety reasons as an extra 1,000 hardcore activists descend on site.
“Activists celebrated as energy bosses announced ‘scale back’ of operation.
“Police had warned drilling company they could not guarantee safety of site.
“Almost £750,000 has been sent by police since demonstrations started.
“Move has provoked outrage with some claiming it set dangerous precedent.”
How illegal ‘protesters’ (and their Beeboid supporters) in U.K assist the Islamic regime of Saudi Arabia:-
“Saudi Prince:
-Fracking Is Threat To Kingdom.”
Yes the geo-political ramifications of fracking
are immense and difficult to predict, that change will really start to accelerate when and if china starts exploiting its reserves (where there coal there’s gas apparently )
Change can and has come suddenly from mechanisms undreamt of.
it has cost £1 million so far to police these fracking dossers and anarchists down at balcombe.can we please send them the bill to pay for this policing
‘they don’t tend to communicate in a logical manner’
More smoke… and mirrors?
‘Various layers of glass now set the “inner” team apart from the “outer team” – an emotional and symbolic setting that McKinsey might recommend for “complexity reduction”.’
Seems it also makes ’em all darned forgetful a lot of the time, even when not in the corridors.
GTRman. Your point is?
Earls Court get back in the padded cell!
Oddly Earl’s Court was my second thought too, except this idiot is a better speller than Earl. My first thought was that he is a false flag, hence my second thought, but if he is genuine his views belong more on a BNP website and his clear anti-semitism belongs with the Guardian’s Comment Macht Frei.
To have the time and resources to research all that BBC stuff to the detail he has points to the fact that he has a desk at Broadcasting House or else BBC Media City. Clearly a Beeboid and a false flag.
Your comment might equally apply to Alan.
There is a short, Austrian “man” who sports the same ideas as you do. I mean, Jews and homosexuals… nasty stuff.
To get into his staff however, will require some skull metrics to determine your Aryan purity. I’m sure you’ll qualify, though.
You sit in the same bank of desks, at Media City, as Albaman. I claim my £10.
Afraid not – never been inside Media City nor any other BBC office.
As someone once said: ‘If you say so’.
But then, it was a different time.
Actually, about the same time, but a few days ago.
It may seem a strange concept but I do know where I work and where I have previously worked and at no time have I had any employment connected to the BBC.
If you and others wish to keep making foolish assumptions that is up to you.
I can’t believe that anyone would go to so much trouble trying to defend the indefensible, despite proof coming out of the ying-yang about their bias, unless they were being paid to do so.
“Torchwood was praised for its inclusion of LGB characters”
what about transsexuals? coronation street has one, is there one on the bbc? what sexist scumbags they are
Quite right, otherwise people might think there was a link between homosexual priests and pederasty
I wonder though if the likes of Peter Tatchell
and PIE (no need to go to north America) had their wish would all those paedophile priests then become persecuted homosexuals?
Perhaps we could ask ‘Hatty Dromey’ for a legal opinion
With apologies to Tom Robinson:
“SING if you’re glad to be Goy,
Sing if you’re happy that Woy [is England’s football manager?]”
“2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00
never too late,
For a bit of biased news”.
Putting aside your guardianista guide (for dummies) to middle east politics
The secular liberal Jews that you and kommarad gtrman site hate there own culture and heritage as much as ,well, Rowan Williams hates his
I will thanks as long as they keep blowing up buses ,decapitating people in broad daylight , perpetuate the systematic ,war-crime scale sexual abuse of white working class girls ,telling me that Me and mine are sub-humans and acting on that belief ,trust me I will
And you? you can carry on worrying about an invisible society of people who may or may not be Jews but plan to do something or other for reasons no one is quite sure of
Oh but I did it was very entertaining
I sure she hates white men as much the other Jewish intellectual ,Susan Sontag (now sadly deceased) but what informs them both is bourgeois liberalism not the Talmud
Meaningless, their deconstructing their own faith as much as ‘Christian’ liberals deconstruct theirs. For every fauxcialist moral relativist Cohen you can find I can find a reactionary conservative one
No kaffir
No, but better that than a Bore
“Take a look at Afghanistan , Iraq and the rest , or Cambodia , Vietnam, Korea et al. “We” are pretty much the fuckin best at that shit! “we” have killed MILLIONS! ”
I wonder which we you are referring to?
Russia, china -pol pot?
Pretty much give your self away as a self hating, bourgeois, moral relativist there
Is that it nothing else in the last 60 years -Unless you think the Joos were behind the twin towers attack (both of them) -do you?
Bingo! full house
Gone -gone and never called me mother!
What happened while I was at work ,
what did they say they hadn’t said already?
And I was just getting warmed up
You left out this bit about “Most of the suspects”:
– said to be white and Asian –
Why would you do that? Are you one of the BBC apparatchiks who censor key bits out of speeches and statements (like they did to Mervyn King recently, for example) in order to push an agenda?
I am against the inheritors of the Frankfurt school – But their ideology has nothing to do with Marx and even less to do with the Talmud
I know what it is ,that’s why I say it had nothing to do with classical Marxist economic theory. they viewed Marxist-Leninism as a failure
The Frankfurt School’s brand of Marxism is most successful. It has won were every other form of Marxism failed.
If Marcusse, Adorno, Gramsci etc came back to life in 2013 they wouldn’t be ashamed of how the world turned but very proud of creating hell on earth.
Yes but Marxism was only ever a mechanism for them, through which the proletariat would deconstruct society
Their true guide was Freud not Marx
Tag-team false flag operatives. There’s a new strategy from the “Auntie Disinformation Department”. Like Earl’s Court, they are so bad at it they give themselves away imediately..
Another day, another episode of same old, same old bbc employed trolls.
Trolls ought not to be fed !
Their ramblings, whether false flag or not should not be replied to. Mod them out yes, but ignore the wankers guys.
Albeeba must have upped their number of employed shit stirrers.