I’m surprised the BBC haven’t picked up on the ‘National Service Bill’ which proposes conscription and active service for long term unemployed youths. The Bill gets it’s second reading 6th September, so perhaps they’ll begin to report it then.
Mr Bowen, that trusted BBC reporter working for that trusted media broadcasting corporation, the BBC, tells us that the protests by the M.B. are peaceful. Well, in a recent uploaded video to the *Live Leak* web site, it shows the exact opposite where there are many folk running away from the police/army forces and at the same time shooting at those police and army forces. They are also holding machetes. One of these protesters gets shot in the stomach by one of his own supporters. What are the chances that Mr Bowen reports this as a peaceful Muslim protester being shot by the armed forces?
“We’re winning..’
It’s probably helping to have one of the most pervasive and effective propaganda tools in history onside.
Sets an interesting precedent to others, mind.
There was/is a good quote on Bishop Hill: ‘PA music without a licence, insurance, latrine pits infracting Groundwater Regs and Environmental Permitting, food hygiene – or not. Do this on your own land to raise money for public good – Air Ambulances for example – and you will get shut down.’
One is sure the organisers are pretty organised and not creating an epidemic is a lesson learned from #Occupy, but assuming they have basic hygiene sorted, as numbers surge thanks to the BBC’s rallying efforts, on top of failure to obey sensible license requirements this may yet become an issue. Glasto it ain’t.
As for the authorities, if obeying the rules is so ‘another time’, they may have created a greater rod for their backs in the (near) future across a few other topics of public concern.
With the BBC more than complicit. An odd function for a national broadcaster.
Interesting article on Today on the number of Black men converting to Islam. Plenty of criticism of the Christian churches, even for not knowing enough about their own faith! And then an very telling interview with a Nigerian black guy who came to the UK not too long ago, he said that young black guys were being threatened by aggressive Muslims with knives and a statement that they would not stab them if they converted to Islam. This of course is the three questions, before the Muslim is allowed to kill the Khuffar .
Needless to say the interviewer let it go by and probably is so blinkered by pink tinted leftie loveliness that he didn’t even realise the significance of what was being said.
Child Poverty Action Group spreading their left wing lies again!
How on earth can it possibly cost over £16 000 a year to bring up two kids? Only the very wealthy would ever be able to afford to have a family if their lies were true! And then you hear the caveat that this is – ‘to an acceptable standard of living’ which I expect means to an acceptable standard in Hampstead !
This is the group which claims that nearly half the children in Manchester are growing up in poverty, it makes you wonder why the BBC gives them any credence, but then any lefty sensationalism no matter how loopy can always be found some space.
You remember how friends of the BBC hereabouts castigated anyone who suggest ‘Gay Marriage’ (TM BBC) might simply be a step toward further mix-and-match do-as-you-please anything-goes all-in catch-weight tag-team hanky-panky….
How does a polyamorous relationship between four people work?
The BBC is here to tell us….
“Compersion,” explains Tom, “is the little warm glow that you get when you see somebody you really care about loving somebody else and being loved.”
Aw… bless…
“It’s not like there’s only so much love I have to give and I have to give all of it to one person. I can love as many people as I can fit in my heart and it turns out that’s quite a few.”
I love my kids and my garden but it sounds as though this guy is actually talking about shagging…
The relationships sound like an excuse for in-door dogging to me – but that’s just me being old fashioned.
‘Polyamory is the practice of having simultaneous intimate relationships with more than one person at a time, with the knowledge and consent of all partners. The term entered the Oxford English Dictionary only in 2006’
‘Why editors are ‘literally’ changing the dictionary’
What is wrong with this quote from football pundit Jamie Redknapp?
“In his youth, Michael Owen was literally a greyhound.”
The answer is: nothing. That is because the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary have changed the definition of “literally” – so it can now be used in a similar way to “metaphorically.”
Senior OED editor Fiona MacPherson told BBC Radio 5 live’s Breakfast: “If enough people use a word in a particular way… it will find its way into the dictionary.”
(oh by the way albaman after four pages of original search gave up looking for BBC article so added ‘BBC’ to search still nothing. So it didn’t even make it to p24 of other parish news))
Grrrrrrrr of course they’re never going to give the figures or the methodology they’ve used to calculate these lies, but they do give a major one.
The assume that everyone in the UK with a child is renting, in the private sector They then assume that all childless couples are living in one bedroom accommodation – odd that because when it comes to the bedroom tax they tell us that there are no one bedroom flats available !
So the cost is derived by an increase in rent moving from a one bedroom rental to a two bed, and there’s also an assumed increase in council tax too.
Childcare costs are included, and for those people having to pay them they can undoubtedly be cripplingly high, but not everyone does have to pay them!
A deeply flawed report, which I believe set out with a point to prove and then went about proving it. The assumptions made and the cover up of what costs have been included mean that this report simply isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, and can only be regarded as totally biased. No wonder the BBC picked up on it!
Thew whole conclusion of the report was stupid – if each child costs over £10,000, a family 2 children on an average income of some £26,000 after tax simply could not survive, they’d be dying like flies all around us.
The usual rubbish of the BBC acting as a megaphone for any old “charity” or NGO.
‘No wonder the BBC picked up on it’
More likely gratefully accepted when hand delivered on a red velvet cushion.
As Balcome has shown, shows & is showing, what the BBC is told often seems subject to little confirmation let alone challenge.
£4Bpa for a cut and paste service seems excessive.
Good news for snorers! You can, apparently, improve things with a simple course of singing exercises, according to “Today” (though Evan didn’t really take part).
One exercise seemed to consist of singing “Ung – arrr” in various pitches – ideal for protesters at fracking camps, no doubt – makes a change from the usual chanting.
Anyway, I thought it more appropriate for Essex dwellers, ‘cos not only can you can sing “On-gar”, but you can vary it with “Epp-ing”, “Lough-ton” and “They-don Bois”, as well to add variety…
Good old Labour party promotion on 5L this morning couched in the question ‘Is Millipede the man to lead the Labour party?’ With a £3.5 billion organisation behind them, I’m surprised that the bloody Labour party isn’t in power permanently.
No 1 story news: Man questioned for 9 hours by police and released. Is it because it was published by the printed arm of the triumvirate, Liebore, bBC , Gruniad.
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume…. https://twitter.com/truckdriverpleb/status/1899844358599311702
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699 [img]https://i.ibb.co/XxHFRP5W/chrome-lvnbs-Ino-Da.png[/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtS14ZO8Q-E&ab_channel=CBNNews
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
tomoMar 13, 20:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/patcondell/status/1900096045696122976
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 13, 20:16 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Handover” rather than “takeover”?
tomoMar 13, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/bitcloud/status/1899839906123522127
“Monogamy is outdated, according to controversial BBC investigation”
I’m surprised the BBC haven’t picked up on the ‘National Service Bill’ which proposes conscription and active service for long term unemployed youths. The Bill gets it’s second reading 6th September, so perhaps they’ll begin to report it then.
Mr Bowen, that trusted BBC reporter working for that trusted media broadcasting corporation, the BBC, tells us that the protests by the M.B. are peaceful. Well, in a recent uploaded video to the *Live Leak* web site, it shows the exact opposite where there are many folk running away from the police/army forces and at the same time shooting at those police and army forces. They are also holding machetes. One of these protesters gets shot in the stomach by one of his own supporters. What are the chances that Mr Bowen reports this as a peaceful Muslim protester being shot by the armed forces?
‘tells us that the protests by the M.B. are peaceful’
The ‘reporting’ by the entire MSM has so far been risible, with the death of the SKY reporter predictably ramping up the febrility, with any half-cocked punt being sold as news so long as it is stuck in a ‘quote’.
Possibly. And possibly by design. By a ‘sniper’ acting for whom?
‘With all his broadcasting gear Deane would have been clearly identifiable as a journalist’
‘Would’ he? ‘Clearly’? And who would the death of a Western reporter most benefit, beyond any fog of war mistakes?
More Beeboid propaganda for ‘protesters’ preparing to (illegally) occupy Balcombe site, by an embedded Ms Upton.
“Balcombe anti-fracking camp: Activists train for direct action”
(Note Beeboid use of phrase ‘direct action’ not ‘illegal occupation’.)
“We’re winning, gloat anti-fracking activists:
All drill sites at risk after police cave in to mob rule.”
By Ryan Kisiel.
“We’re winning..’
It’s probably helping to have one of the most pervasive and effective propaganda tools in history onside.
Sets an interesting precedent to others, mind.
There was/is a good quote on Bishop Hill:
‘PA music without a licence, insurance, latrine pits infracting Groundwater Regs and Environmental Permitting, food hygiene – or not. Do this on your own land to raise money for public good – Air Ambulances for example – and you will get shut down.’
One is sure the organisers are pretty organised and not creating an epidemic is a lesson learned from #Occupy, but assuming they have basic hygiene sorted, as numbers surge thanks to the BBC’s rallying efforts, on top of failure to obey sensible license requirements this may yet become an issue. Glasto it ain’t.
As for the authorities, if obeying the rules is so ‘another time’, they may have created a greater rod for their backs in the (near) future across a few other topics of public concern.
With the BBC more than complicit. An odd function for a national broadcaster.
Or “violence”.
Promotion of the minority interest sport of athletics is a top priority for the BBC.
BBC 5 Live is trumpeting the non-news event of Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games tickets having just gone on sale.
The BBC are more than happy to give full details – how you go about applying for tickets, how credit card payment works etc….
BBC On Line hammers home the message (on BBC Scotland not just Sports pages) where this is the top headline.
(Number 3 in their UK wide headlines)
An interesting question comes from a 5 Live presenter to a games PR rep….
‘…will you be wearing your England vest with the same pride as you did for Team GB?’
Only the BBC could ask that question.
Only on the BBC do English presenters make me doubt that they would.
Interesting article on Today on the number of Black men converting to Islam. Plenty of criticism of the Christian churches, even for not knowing enough about their own faith! And then an very telling interview with a Nigerian black guy who came to the UK not too long ago, he said that young black guys were being threatened by aggressive Muslims with knives and a statement that they would not stab them if they converted to Islam. This of course is the three questions, before the Muslim is allowed to kill the Khuffar .
Needless to say the interviewer let it go by and probably is so blinkered by pink tinted leftie loveliness that he didn’t even realise the significance of what was being said.
Child Poverty Action Group spreading their left wing lies again!
How on earth can it possibly cost over £16 000 a year to bring up two kids? Only the very wealthy would ever be able to afford to have a family if their lies were true! And then you hear the caveat that this is – ‘to an acceptable standard of living’ which I expect means to an acceptable standard in Hampstead !
This is the group which claims that nearly half the children in Manchester are growing up in poverty, it makes you wonder why the BBC gives them any credence, but then any lefty sensationalism no matter how loopy can always be found some space.
You remember how friends of the BBC hereabouts castigated anyone who suggest ‘Gay Marriage’ (TM BBC) might simply be a step toward further mix-and-match do-as-you-please anything-goes all-in catch-weight tag-team hanky-panky….
Seems the BBC are moving in that direction…
How does a polyamorous relationship between four people work?
The BBC is here to tell us….
“Compersion,” explains Tom, “is the little warm glow that you get when you see somebody you really care about loving somebody else and being loved.”
Aw… bless…
“It’s not like there’s only so much love I have to give and I have to give all of it to one person. I can love as many people as I can fit in my heart and it turns out that’s quite a few.”
I love my kids and my garden but it sounds as though this guy is actually talking about shagging…
The relationships sound like an excuse for in-door dogging to me – but that’s just me being old fashioned.
‘Polyamory is the practice of having simultaneous intimate relationships with more than one person at a time, with the knowledge and consent of all partners. The term entered the Oxford English Dictionary only in 2006’
It must be cool if it’s in the Dictionary
‘Why editors are ‘literally’ changing the dictionary’
What is wrong with this quote from football pundit Jamie Redknapp?
“In his youth, Michael Owen was literally a greyhound.”
The answer is: nothing. That is because the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary have changed the definition of “literally” – so it can now be used in a similar way to “metaphorically.”
Senior OED editor Fiona MacPherson told BBC Radio 5 live’s Breakfast: “If enough people use a word in a particular way… it will find its way into the dictionary.”
“If enough people use a word in a particular way… it will find its way into the dictionary.”
An apposite complement to this maybe?:
Of course it now only needs enough people with control of the edit suite and a £4Bpa broadcast transmitter.
The new mockracy?
Also castigated where those they suggested that the legislation would result in churches being forced to conduct said ceremonies
All in the name of equality of course
(oh by the way albaman after four pages of original search gave up looking for BBC article so added ‘BBC’ to search still nothing. So it didn’t even make it to p24 of other parish news))
Click to access CPAG-cost-child-2013-0813.pdf
Grrrrrrrr of course they’re never going to give the figures or the methodology they’ve used to calculate these lies, but they do give a major one.
The assume that everyone in the UK with a child is renting, in the private sector They then assume that all childless couples are living in one bedroom accommodation – odd that because when it comes to the bedroom tax they tell us that there are no one bedroom flats available !
So the cost is derived by an increase in rent moving from a one bedroom rental to a two bed, and there’s also an assumed increase in council tax too.
Childcare costs are included, and for those people having to pay them they can undoubtedly be cripplingly high, but not everyone does have to pay them!
A deeply flawed report, which I believe set out with a point to prove and then went about proving it. The assumptions made and the cover up of what costs have been included mean that this report simply isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, and can only be regarded as totally biased. No wonder the BBC picked up on it!
Thew whole conclusion of the report was stupid – if each child costs over £10,000, a family 2 children on an average income of some £26,000 after tax simply could not survive, they’d be dying like flies all around us.
The usual rubbish of the BBC acting as a megaphone for any old “charity” or NGO.
‘whole conclusion of the report was stupid’
Maybe if they invested in the £4,000,000,001.99 ‘analysis’?
It will be a different time.
‘No wonder the BBC picked up on it’
More likely gratefully accepted when hand delivered on a red velvet cushion.
As Balcome has shown, shows & is showing, what the BBC is told often seems subject to little confirmation let alone challenge.
£4Bpa for a cut and paste service seems excessive.
Good news for snorers! You can, apparently, improve things with a simple course of singing exercises, according to “Today” (though Evan didn’t really take part).
One exercise seemed to consist of singing “Ung – arrr” in various pitches – ideal for protesters at fracking camps, no doubt – makes a change from the usual chanting.
Anyway, I thought it more appropriate for Essex dwellers, ‘cos not only can you can sing “On-gar”, but you can vary it with “Epp-ing”, “Lough-ton” and “They-don Bois”, as well to add variety…
Good old Labour party promotion on 5L this morning couched in the question ‘Is Millipede the man to lead the Labour party?’ With a £3.5 billion organisation behind them, I’m surprised that the bloody Labour party isn’t in power permanently.
No 1 story news: Man questioned for 9 hours by police and released. Is it because it was published by the printed arm of the triumvirate, Liebore, bBC , Gruniad.
Time will tell.