Passing without comment. The manager of the hospital is speaking not English, not Hebrew but Arabic (~1:18). Dr. Masaad Bahoum, who studied at the Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel is an Israeli Arab.
The nasty Israelis treat enemy wounded and even have an Arab running one of their own hospitals? I guess the stupid Jews can’t even do aggressive war and Apartheid right.
Before my morning coffee review of the overnights, here’s one the BBC just rushed to me by email: ‘Subject: ‘Chemical attacks’ near Damascus’
Oh…. wow… ‘quotes’ in an MSM headline. Let’s read on: ‘Chemical weapons attacks have killed dozens of people east of Damascus, Syrian opposition activists claim’
Ah, so was this the result of in-situ investigation and interview with a trusted source of credibility, or a #prasnews cut ‘n paste off the wire? For answers: For more details, see the BBC News website
That would be here (I almost didn’t bother as it looked generic, but it does link to a story):
A few key words to put that headline in context:
‘opposition activists claim… they say… Footage uploaded to YouTube by activists shows…’
And that’s about all they wrote, literally (sorry OED).
Now, given the history of activist claims and what sources say, and especially ‘footage’ these days, might it not be wise for the world’s most professional, trusted news provider to check and confirm before rushing to broadcast headlines that may not in time pass watertight oversight tests?
As the BBc evolves its output, pace must be kept: BBC World News
Syrian state television has robustly denied claims that chemical weapons have been used on civilians in areas outside the capital, Damascus.
Graphic video, which has not been independently verified, shows images of dead bodies many of them children. Activists claim poisonous gas has been used. The conflicting reports come as UN Chemical Weapons Inspectors are in #Syria to investigate 3 other sites where chemical weapons attacks allegedly occurred.
*** ‘that appears to corroborate allegations’
Enough for some, it seems.
All for seeking information at every opportunity, but often one might wonder if the manner of seeking may pre-determine what is provided: BBC_HaveYourSay @BBC_HaveYourSay 3s
@ RevolutionSyria Hi, can you put us in touch with anyone whose family has been affected by the Gouta attacks please? Pls follow & DM
It is just a slim possibility that who is put in touch with the BBC may have been run through a filter.
Other than the Guardian – NO UK newspaper has David Miranda on its front page today. Just like yesterday. (Check out the Sky news site, it has photos every night/morning of the front pages)
But what have the BBC been running as top headline yet again – bloddy David Miranda. And now in the prime news slot at 8.10am – we have bloody Miranda whining about his treatment by the police. Followed by more whining by the Labour shadow about use of terrorism powers, attacking the Government.
What a bloody bore.
I had been expecting that the BBC would run with the Times main headline “Fracking will cut energy bills, says poverty chief” . Yeah, sure.
5 points to note about Beeboid Bryant’s PR piece for Islamic Al Jazeera, and what he doesn’t mention-
1.) INBBC has technical agreement with Islamic Al Jazeera;
2.) many ex-Beeboids work for Islamic Al Jazeera English from Qatar-owned Shard skyscraper;
3.) INBBC is politically sympathetic to Qatar’s pro-Muslim Brotherhood, pro-Hamas, anti-Israel political line;
4.) Bryant’s reference to Islamic Al Jazeera’s ‘impartiality’ is as risible as is INBBC’s own straight face about its own political bias;
5.) Bryant has the inevitable Beeboid political side-swipe at its bête noire,’Fox News’of News International, wrongly implying that Bill O’Reilly is more biased than Beeboid Obama supplicant Mark Mardell.
Evan Davies interviews well-known female MP Jack Dromney about Labour’s plans for not quite rent control and not only manages to keep talking about a housing crisis without once mentioning open borders, but also – as a former economic editor – doesn’t once raise the point that Labour wants to raise the supply by forcibly lowering the price. Say what?
Is there no one at the Toady program who can point out that this plan makes no economic sense?
It’s less than the payouts given to senior execs ‘let go’ in the wake of the scandal (who’ll presumably be taken on again as consultants at twice the price).
The following is not Miranda, so Beeboids uninterested –
“Union’s plan to ‘brainwash’ schoolchildren:
“Unite produces videos for lessons in ‘strategies for public protest.’
“Pupils would learn how to make placards and fight plans for privatisation.
“Videos encourage children to defy school rules.
“Unite has joined forces with teaching unions to get material into schools.
“Children are asked how to push the protest further.”
Front page of bbc news website this morning is worse then I’ve seen for some time.
1) No 10 contacted paper over secrets: headline presented as if a government trying to certify what classified information has been leaked is a negative thing.
2) Millions ‘worse off’ in new pension: TUC the main source
3) Heads warn of ‘missed GCSE grades’: again, how dare the nasty Tories straighten out grade inflation?
4) DWP ‘chaos’ to cost £1.4bn – Labour: Enough said.
Simon Jack on the R4 Today Programme today (21/08) was warning about “interest rates on Government bonds have shot up”. He was interviewing Nick Beecroft (chairman of Saxo Capital Markets UK Ltd.). This will of course increase the cost of servicing this country’s ever growing sovereign debt.
Was it only this Monday (19/08) on the same programme that BBC’s ex-economics guru was trivialising the impacts of debt? Evan Davis (ED) was interviewing Dr D’Maris Coffman (D’MC) from Newnham College Cambridge:
(ED) : “But basically, the history of national debt is it goes [laughs] up when you have a war and then tends to drift down over the decades in-between.”
(D’MC) : “Well at least until the advent of the modern welfare state.”
(ED) : “Yeaaah – and then of course the financial crash sort of looked a little bit-little bit like a light war in terms of the growth of the debt. Er-what about attitudes then to paying it off. Because at the moment I would say most people who think about it, don’t think there is any need or imperative to pay it off. It’s not a burden, it’s just a financial flow.”
TV LICENSING offences now account for more than a tenth of all criminal prosecutions in the UK, City A.M. can reveal.
Women are disproportionately affected by the fee – which funds the BBC – with two thirds of cases brought against females. Last night the TV Licensing authority said the gender imbalance was because women are more likely to be at home when their inspectors call.
So the Beeb turns a blind eye to gender imbalance when it comes to their protection racket. Hypocrites.
BBC rife with Islamic convert stories but thin on Islamic persecution stories…….such stories as this remain conspicuously absent:
“Nearly 40 churches across Egypt were looted and set ablaze, while 23 others were severely damaged in attacks over the last several days.”
The problem is that marxists (like the BBC) don’t really understand how technological progress happens. They think its an inevitability, a magic conjured by the passage of time. In its quest to legitimise the liberal agenda (implicit in which is the destruction of the family, and the removal of incentives for men to build legacies for their children), the west and its enablers like the BBC are killing the goose.
If you really want to see what a city in 2050 would look like if the BBC agenda was fully played out, I suggest googling ‘sub-saharan mud-hut’.
Nothing to do with political bias but I read this article on City AM
More than 180,000 people – almost 3,500 a week – appeared in front of magistrates during 2012 after being accused of watching TV without paying the £145.50 fee.
Magistrates handled a total of 1.48m cases last year, meaning a record 12 per cent of court cases now involve TV licensing.
Women are disproportionately affected by the fee – which funds the BBC – with two thirds of cases brought against females
You would think that the Guardian would be all over a story about anti-female bias… Original here
Forgot my own advice, and while bookmarking an interesting BBC thread forgot to also page capture too.
A closing at 6 is no great surprise, though given this is a senior editor saying the BBC shouldn’t be subject to the same accountability in media review as other UK broadcasters it possibly should be. The thing has yet to start and the BBC has shut down debate after saying their piece.
However in popping back I do note that half the posts have now been obliterated. Any here who may have clicked when I linked recall what they may have said?
Such professional maturity in modding may also be worth of comment by those who feel the BBC is the standard (albeit double) bearer in such things.
Wow, that is some serious Stalinist moderation going on. The posts hadn’t just been deleted, but all the authors posts across the entire BBC website has been deleted. As have their names . Presumably they have been totally banned .
I can’t remember what the posts said, but I do know that all six replies were critical of the BBC, but none in an extreme or threatening or rude manner.
Bodo – Rather draconian, yes.
Maybe not banned, simply… expedited?
It sounds less sinister.
I am kicking myself for not also page capturing, but my recollection like yours was nothing untoward.
One presumes the author asking why would be met by an FOI-exempted invitation to take a hike?
And Labour/Graun/BBC are claiming concern over secret, unaccountable public sector state powers.
I’m sure it’s totally by accident, but the removal of those comments leaves just the two: one calling the BBC a mouthpiece of the government, and the other calling it a luvvie-fest.
Perfect. Complaints from both sides, so the BBC is clearly getting it about right.
BBC News definitely has an agenda today to undermine the Section 7 of the anti-terrorism law. Lord something-or-other said on the News Channel just now that the law was fine as is, but he was worried that it was used wrong on Miranda. Er..that logic escapes me, but that was not enough for the Beeboid newsreader, even though he explained very clearly and calmly that this wasn’t the right law for the authorities to use in Miranda’s case. It’s pretty much what A(nother) Journalist was arguing here yesterday.
Instead of seizing that opportunity and moving forward to discussing what happens next, she kept asking if the law could be abused, over and over, as if re-enacting Catherine Tate’s “Laura” character. “No,” Lord whatsit kept replying, it’s fine, it was just not the right power to use in this case. “But can it abused”? No, it’s- “But can it be abused, though?”
Having exhausted that line of questioning, she tried a different tack: “But is it right” that there’s a law which allows the authorities to detain someone like this. Yes, it’s fine, she was told, the law itself is sound.
“What about oversight of this law?”
And so on. It was almost as if she didn’t even hear her guest telling her that in his opinion the law had been misused and was instead just pushing the agenda that the law itself was wrong. A golden opportunity missed simply because the BBC had an agenda to push and wasn’t paying attention.
‘“What about oversight of this law?”
Brave, given the oversight systems currently in place on her own employer that could well be looking at an overhaul, and in ways and by people she may not be so thrilled about.
What is the bloody point of The Jeremy Vine show on Radio 2? (this week with the insufferable Vanessa Phelps).
The show consists of four 30min topics, the same topics that were covered earlier in the day on 5Live, 10 minutes of ‘experts’ with a lefty slant, 3 records which then leaves 7-8 minutes for the public to have their say with carefully selected callers and texters who are often the same individuals giving their view on various subjects.
A pointless 2 hours of radio.
Vine ex Newsnight, a champagne socialist who loves Morrissey and enjoys taking the rise out of Judith Keppel on EggHeads because she’s well bred….
BBC News Channel still pushing the Narrative that temporarily releasing Mubarak while some legal proceedings about a corruption charge are still going is a clear sign that the Arab Spring has been “rolled back”. They’re not putting him back in charge, are they?
This isn’t about mass murder or anything like other Mohammedan dictators had against them, and apparently Egyptian law allows for him to be released while the proceedings continue to the next stage. Yet the BBC is acting as if Hitler has been set free and allowed to retire to live in a nice mansion on the French Riviera. How is following the rule of law (legal stuff still going on, nobody says he’s free and clear) “turning the clock back”?
Right in the middle of the new BBC business correspondent’s explanation of why the UK Government has a deficit of £62 million and will have to borrow again was an admission that spending increased by £885 million. The deficit is embarrassing for the Government, we’re told, and they reran part of a segment where a Treasury mouthpiece explained that some of the spending was a holdover and wasn’t part of the regular spending during this period (or something along those lines – outside noise made it difficult to hear the whole thing).
Falling 7% short on tax revenue for the quarter is embarrassing, but ramping up spending when they’re supposed to be saving isn’t? What happened to austerity and all of Osborne’s awful cutz? Are the Beeboids really that biased that they don’t think it’s a problem and instead think the problem is the shortfall in tax receipts? Yes, it seems so.
The funny thing is that there haven’t really been any cuts. Britain would have been razed to the ground by now by our caring public sector workers if so.
At last, an impartial Beeboid on the News Channel challenging some female MB mouthpiece whining about how Mubarak’s release means it’s a return of the dictatorship. It’s a gentle challenge, but it’s refreshing to hear after all the rest of the BBC noise about how it’s a sign that the Arab Spring is dead.
The fact that the MB mouthpiece is stating exactly the perspective from which the BBC has been approaching the issue tells me all I need to know about their bias.
Not too long ago I remember a radio 4 program about corruption amongst Pakistani Police officers, and giving the distinct impression that the Police were unfairly picking on these officers and singling them out on the basis of their race.
Of course this was the BBC at its lying best, nothing could be further from the truth, and the reality is that Pakistani Muslim Police officers are in fact 10 times more likely to be criminally corrupt than their white counterparts.
Cue the shock horror and cries of Waycism !
Well that’s exactly what happened when a report into this was delivered by the Met. The problem is that the report was written by an ‘Asian’ Chief Inspector making the chances of a claim of ‘Waycism’ much more difficult to substantiate.
It didn’t stop the cries of horror however, Waycism is a meaningless word, whose only realistic definition is a word which means what ever the user want it to mean at the time they use it!
This was reported in the Grauniad – so it must be right! I’ll give a link to it, but there are plenty of other sources if you want to do your own further research.
More Islamic propaganda… the BBC is pleased to report Hispanics in the states are turning to Islam… Huzzah… no actual numbers of course. And it looks like the sort of story that you have to seek to find, in other words you start with what you want to say.
I don’t think the BBC has given a fair voice to the anti-fracking protestors at Balcombe. Too much emphasis on nobs like Caroline Lucas, not enough is being heard from the poor-bloody- infantry level :
One could deconstruct the, ahem, arguments, put forward by the protestors but that would be dignifying their insane dribble with something approaching dignity.
Suffice to say they are a bunch of filthy, work shy, sheep botherers who use petrol, drink Coca-Cola and talk so much shite they could use it to fuel the country!
“Islamic TV channel fined £85,000 for inciting violence.”
Is this Islamic answer given on the Islamic TV channel, and the source of the fine, incorrect?:-
“Presenter Allama Muhammad Farooq Nizami answered questions from viewers around the world about a wide range of issues relating to Islam.
“One caller asked what the punishment was for anyone showing disrespect for Prophet Muhammad.
“Nizami answered that ‘there is no disagreement about this. There is absolutely no doubt about it that the punishment for the person who shows disrespect for the Prophet is death.’
“He also justified the actions of Mumtaz Qadri – the bodyguard who assassinated the Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer in 2011, on the grounds that he objected to Mr Taseer’s calls to amend the country’s controversial blasphemy law.
“But it stopped short of revoking the channel’s licence.”
What exactly would an Islamic TV/radio channel
(Remember ‘Sister Ruby on Fever FM?-
have to do to get its licence revoked? Pay a bounty perhaps
Reluctantly, BBC-Democrat returns to reporting the case of Muslim Major Hasan and Fort Hood massacre.
(BBC-Democrat euphemistically decribed Hasan as ‘gunman’.)
Two reports:-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Fort Hood jihad mass murderer offers no defense”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“He has admitted his guilt all along, so the whole trial is an extended farce and waste of taxpayer money. It is good that we are at least spared more jihadi rants, although they would have been further illuminating of his motive for a government and media establishment that appears determined to ignore and deny that motive.”
“Fort Hood jihad murderer warned long before murders that if Army deployed him overseas, ‘They will pay.'”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“No one dared report him, however. To have done so would have been ‘Islamophobic.’ He told them what would happen, and Hamas-linked CAIR and others like it made sure they would refuse to listen.”
Here’s an interesting little site. It has a list of Common Purpose graduates. If you search for ‘bbc’ there’s nearly 200 graduates of CP working for the BBC:
“Common Purpose at the heart of the Conservative party.”
“Common Purpose infects all mainstream political parties including the Conservatives. The diagram below shows the influence of Common Purpose to the top of the Conservative party with key figures such as David Cameron, Francis Maude and Chris Patten. The diagram also shows the incestuous CP links to Sir Bob Kerslake, Head of the Civil Service and the BBC.”
Thanks, Alby. You’ll be discovering gravity next. By the way, have you ever noticed that the Islamic for Allah looks like the Loch Ness monster?
Beyond further reinforcing a non-democratically-elected force pervading the corridors of power, this is what to do with BBC Bias? The notional party affiliations are surely secondary to deeper ideological beliefs that transcend these? ‘The diagram also shows the incestuous CP links to Sir Bob Kerslake, Head of the Civil Service and the BBC.’
Actually, looking at it, given the degree of CP representation and most Conservative member’s default dismissal of any BBC criticism beyond vague whinges, such a relationship does bear sharing too. Thank you.
I wonder if the BBC will mention the taxi driver’s name in their coverage of this story (Faysal Kabir Himon) or they will instead stick to past form and label him a ‘man’.
Turns out he also sent a cyclist flying, was not authorised to drive taxi, and has 7 driving fines and penalties since April 2010.
Its a shame he won’t get sharia justice for what he did – a leg for a leg and all that.
INBBC, yet another article on behalf of its Gitmo chums, whom it wants out to joint the ‘left-Islam’ political alliance, or to be jihad recidivists?
INBBC tone of voice on the following story:-
‘nah, this couldn’t be true of our iconic men in Gitmo’-
“Guantanamo Fifty Shades of Grey claim denied by lawyer”
By Tara McKelvey*
INBBC News, Guantanamo Bay
(* So, let me get this picture right:
INBBC has sent Ms McKelvey to Gitmo, Cuba to read/re-read ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ and to ask the Gitmo detainees’ lawyer whether they have been reading the book too?
While she’s there, here’s another story she could be asking about too, on behalf of the Gitmo detainees:-
“9/11 jihad plotter rants about withheld olives, honey in Guantanamo meals”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“It’s a form of psychological torture! Deploy the human rights lawyers! Clive Stafford-Smith, call your office! And send out for some olives and honey for Ramzi.”
* Did Beeboid Ms McKelvey write the above article on behalf of Manning during at her stay at Guantanamo Bay, where she wrote another article today on behalf of Gitmo detainees? -Well done, Beeboid Ms McKelvey- you may be mentioned in dispatches; articles sympathetic to Gitmo detainees, and to and Manning in one day-I can see you zooming up the career ladder at BBC or Al Jazeera.
* Ms McKelvey’s ’50 Shades of Grey and Gitmo’-see my 9:03 Comment above.
moggiemooMar 13, 13:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Job cuts will save millions of pounds, Streeting says” … which we can then spend anywhere in the world but…
AlthepalerpMar 13, 12:40 Midweek 12th March 2025 Duterte’s first night in a jail cell is a pivotal moment for the ICC Going after someone who fought against…
MarkyMarkMar 13, 12:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Job cuts will save millions of pounds, Streeting says” Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Project Officer NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and…
AlthepalerpMar 13, 12:24 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile.. . . Government borrowing costs continue to rise today. Higher than under Liz Truss, BBC don’t tell us…
Rob in CheshireMar 13, 12:16 Midweek 12th March 2025 I’d vote for Princess Charlotte. She seems sensible.
Fedup2Mar 13, 11:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Vlad – I’ve just watched him talking about it to Rita at sky Australia – he is back in Israel…
vladMar 13, 11:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 The Guardian Group just lost a libel case brought by Douglas Murray over a defamatory article written by a leftist…
vladMar 13, 11:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 While King Charles surrounds himself with Muslims, King Trump invites the largest ever Catholic Prayer Event at Mar-a-Lago!
NiborMar 13, 10:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 A bit late but ; Tuesdays Guardian lead editorial —which we know will be the thinking of the BBC .…
I suppose it is too much for Sam Farrah to learn to pronounce Hebrew names correctly? Israeli hospital treats Syrian war-wounded
Passing without comment. The manager of the hospital is speaking not English, not Hebrew but Arabic (~1:18). Dr. Masaad Bahoum, who studied at the Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel is an Israeli Arab.
The nasty Israelis treat enemy wounded and even have an Arab running one of their own hospitals? I guess the stupid Jews can’t even do aggressive war and Apartheid right.
Bastards. And create all those life-saving drugs too. How could we have let such evil fester?
Before my morning coffee review of the overnights, here’s one the BBC just rushed to me by email:
‘Subject: ‘Chemical attacks’ near Damascus’
Oh…. wow… ‘quotes’ in an MSM headline. Let’s read on:
‘Chemical weapons attacks have killed dozens of people east of Damascus, Syrian opposition activists claim’
Ah, so was this the result of in-situ investigation and interview with a trusted source of credibility, or a #prasnews cut ‘n paste off the wire? For answers:
For more details, see the BBC News website
That would be here (I almost didn’t bother as it looked generic, but it does link to a story):
A few key words to put that headline in context:
‘opposition activists claim… they say… Footage uploaded to YouTube by activists shows…’
And that’s about all they wrote, literally (sorry OED).
Now, given the history of activist claims and what sources say, and especially ‘footage’ these days, might it not be wise for the world’s most professional, trusted news provider to check and confirm before rushing to broadcast headlines that may not in time pass watertight oversight tests?
As the BBc evolves its output, pace must be kept:
BBC World News
Syrian state television has robustly denied claims that chemical weapons have been used on civilians in areas outside the capital, Damascus.
Graphic video, which has not been independently verified, shows images of dead bodies many of them children. Activists claim poisonous gas has been used. The conflicting reports come as UN Chemical Weapons Inspectors are in #Syria to investigate 3 other sites where chemical weapons attacks allegedly occurred.
‘that appears to corroborate allegations’
Enough for some, it seems.
All for seeking information at every opportunity, but often one might wonder if the manner of seeking may pre-determine what is provided:
BBC_HaveYourSay @BBC_HaveYourSay 3s
@ RevolutionSyria Hi, can you put us in touch with anyone whose family has been affected by the Gouta attacks please? Pls follow & DM
It is just a slim possibility that who is put in touch with the BBC may have been run through a filter.
I expect the BBC will be giving this chapter and verse before long. Coal not Dole FFS!!!!
keep commies out of schools – period.
Same again today.
Other than the Guardian – NO UK newspaper has David Miranda on its front page today. Just like yesterday. (Check out the Sky news site, it has photos every night/morning of the front pages)
But what have the BBC been running as top headline yet again – bloddy David Miranda. And now in the prime news slot at 8.10am – we have bloody Miranda whining about his treatment by the police. Followed by more whining by the Labour shadow about use of terrorism powers, attacking the Government.
What a bloody bore.
I had been expecting that the BBC would run with the Times main headline “Fracking will cut energy bills, says poverty chief” . Yeah, sure.
Evan Davies has been spouting the usual Guardian rubbish for 15 minutes from 8.10 to 8.25, the prime political slot of the day.
BBC – led by the nose by the Guardian for 4 days running.
BBC-NUJ: supporting Islamic Al-JAZEERA’s global broadcasting empire:-
“Al Jazeera launches US television news service”
(Or: ‘Qatar’s Islamic Al Jazeera launches U.S propaganda TV channel for Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas’)
5 points to note about Beeboid Bryant’s PR piece for Islamic Al Jazeera, and what he doesn’t mention-
1.) INBBC has technical agreement with Islamic Al Jazeera;
2.) many ex-Beeboids work for Islamic Al Jazeera English from Qatar-owned Shard skyscraper;
3.) INBBC is politically sympathetic to Qatar’s pro-Muslim Brotherhood, pro-Hamas, anti-Israel political line;
4.) Bryant’s reference to Islamic Al Jazeera’s ‘impartiality’ is as risible as is INBBC’s own straight face about its own political bias;
5.) Bryant has the inevitable Beeboid political side-swipe at its bête noire,’Fox News’of News International, wrongly implying that Bill O’Reilly is more biased than Beeboid Obama supplicant Mark Mardell.
……or as Pounce might say – BBC, the traitors in our midst.
There is an existential conflict between Western civilisation and Islamism. Sane people recognise this. But not the BBC.
For ” Islamism” read Islam.
“Al Gore TV Becomes Al Jazeera TV”
By Daniel Greenfield.
(Jan 2013.)
“The Two Faces of Al Jazeera”
by Oren Kessler.
Middle East Quarterly,
Winter 2012.
In my experience AJ has been far clearer and less biased than BBC.
Egypt could ban AJ?
Evan Davies interviews well-known female MP Jack Dromney about Labour’s plans for not quite rent control and not only manages to keep talking about a housing crisis without once mentioning open borders, but also – as a former economic editor – doesn’t once raise the point that Labour wants to raise the supply by forcibly lowering the price. Say what?
Is there no one at the Toady program who can point out that this plan makes no economic sense?
“The BBC to ‘pay out £4 million to 120 victims of disgraced TV presenter Jimmy Savile'”
That’s it? It’s a couple of water molecules in a bucket to the BBC.
It’s less than the payouts given to senior execs ‘let go’ in the wake of the scandal (who’ll presumably be taken on again as consultants at twice the price).
The following is not Miranda, so Beeboids uninterested –
“Union’s plan to ‘brainwash’ schoolchildren:
“Unite produces videos for lessons in ‘strategies for public protest.’
“Pupils would learn how to make placards and fight plans for privatisation.
“Videos encourage children to defy school rules.
“Unite has joined forces with teaching unions to get material into schools.
“Children are asked how to push the protest further.”
It sounds like the sort of propaganda which Hamas inculcates children with to vilify Israel. So Beeboids unlikely to demur.
Will Beeboids adopt ‘UNITE’s trade union’s programme of political agitprop for young people at its College of Journalism?
The BBC: like the welfare state, but for millionaires:
Front page of bbc news website this morning is worse then I’ve seen for some time.
1) No 10 contacted paper over secrets: headline presented as if a government trying to certify what classified information has been leaked is a negative thing.
2) Millions ‘worse off’ in new pension: TUC the main source
3) Heads warn of ‘missed GCSE grades’: again, how dare the nasty Tories straighten out grade inflation?
4) DWP ‘chaos’ to cost £1.4bn – Labour: Enough said.
Simon Jack on the R4 Today Programme today (21/08) was warning about “interest rates on Government bonds have shot up”. He was interviewing Nick Beecroft (chairman of Saxo Capital Markets UK Ltd.). This will of course increase the cost of servicing this country’s ever growing sovereign debt.
Was it only this Monday (19/08) on the same programme that BBC’s ex-economics guru was trivialising the impacts of debt? Evan Davis (ED) was interviewing Dr D’Maris Coffman (D’MC) from Newnham College Cambridge:
(ED) : “But basically, the history of national debt is it goes [laughs] up when you have a war and then tends to drift down over the decades in-between.”
(D’MC) : “Well at least until the advent of the modern welfare state.”
(ED) : “Yeaaah – and then of course the financial crash sort of looked a little bit-little bit like a light war in terms of the growth of the debt. Er-what about attitudes then to paying it off. Because at the moment I would say most people who think about it, don’t think there is any need or imperative to pay it off. It’s not a burden, it’s just a financial flow.”
Great deniability: “It’s just a financial flow”. Or was it flaw?
Here is a story the Beeb will not be covering
Exclusive: TV licence offences responsible for a tenth of all UK court cases
TV LICENSING offences now account for more than a tenth of all criminal prosecutions in the UK, City A.M. can reveal.
Women are disproportionately affected by the fee – which funds the BBC – with two thirds of cases brought against females. Last night the TV Licensing authority said the gender imbalance was because women are more likely to be at home when their inspectors call.
So the Beeb turns a blind eye to gender imbalance when it comes to their protection racket. Hypocrites.
Interesting what makes a “feature” piece on BBC:
Saw these on front page:
“Changing faiths: Hispanics leaving Church for Islam”
Previously entitled
“What makes white French men fight for Islam”
Now Entitled:
“French brothers seek jihad in Syria”
BBC rife with Islamic convert stories but thin on Islamic persecution stories…….such stories as this remain conspicuously absent:
“Nearly 40 churches across Egypt were looted and set ablaze, while 23 others were severely damaged in attacks over the last several days.”
“Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims”
For 24+ hours now, Labour, guardian and BBC in what looks like a co-ordinated attack on the govt over Miranda affair.
Radio 4 ‘World at One’ confirms that the political prerogatives of BBC and ‘Guardian’ trump the national security interests of British people.
A typical Beeboid Kearney interruption quotient of:
a) Labour Lord Falconer: 0
b) Tory Home Secretary Ms May: 6.
Oh now, there’s reprise of criticism of Churchill’s war speeches (with no one on to defend them).
The BBC’s vision of the future
The problem is that marxists (like the BBC) don’t really understand how technological progress happens. They think its an inevitability, a magic conjured by the passage of time. In its quest to legitimise the liberal agenda (implicit in which is the destruction of the family, and the removal of incentives for men to build legacies for their children), the west and its enablers like the BBC are killing the goose.
If you really want to see what a city in 2050 would look like if the BBC agenda was fully played out, I suggest googling ‘sub-saharan mud-hut’.
Looks a bit like what the Democrats in 1998 thought they were going to do with Detroit. Money to pay for this grows on trees, you know.
Nothing to do with political bias but I read this article on City AM
You would think that the Guardian would be all over a story about anti-female bias…
Original here
Forgot my own advice, and while bookmarking an interesting BBC thread forgot to also page capture too.
A closing at 6 is no great surprise, though given this is a senior editor saying the BBC shouldn’t be subject to the same accountability in media review as other UK broadcasters it possibly should be. The thing has yet to start and the BBC has shut down debate after saying their piece.
However in popping back I do note that half the posts have now been obliterated. Any here who may have clicked when I linked recall what they may have said?
Such professional maturity in modding may also be worth of comment by those who feel the BBC is the standard (albeit double) bearer in such things.
Wow, that is some serious Stalinist moderation going on. The posts hadn’t just been deleted, but all the authors posts across the entire BBC website has been deleted. As have their names . Presumably they have been totally banned .
I can’t remember what the posts said, but I do know that all six replies were critical of the BBC, but none in an extreme or threatening or rude manner.
Bodo – Rather draconian, yes.
Maybe not banned, simply… expedited?
It sounds less sinister.
I am kicking myself for not also page capturing, but my recollection like yours was nothing untoward.
One presumes the author asking why would be met by an FOI-exempted invitation to take a hike?
And Labour/Graun/BBC are claiming concern over secret, unaccountable public sector state powers.
I believe the term in Soviet Russia was ‘disappeared’ as a transitive verb; ie ‘the poster criticised the BBC so he was disappeared’.
I’m sure it’s totally by accident, but the removal of those comments leaves just the two: one calling the BBC a mouthpiece of the government, and the other calling it a luvvie-fest.
Perfect. Complaints from both sides, so the BBC is clearly getting it about right.
BBC News definitely has an agenda today to undermine the Section 7 of the anti-terrorism law. Lord something-or-other said on the News Channel just now that the law was fine as is, but he was worried that it was used wrong on Miranda. Er..that logic escapes me, but that was not enough for the Beeboid newsreader, even though he explained very clearly and calmly that this wasn’t the right law for the authorities to use in Miranda’s case. It’s pretty much what A(nother) Journalist was arguing here yesterday.
Instead of seizing that opportunity and moving forward to discussing what happens next, she kept asking if the law could be abused, over and over, as if re-enacting Catherine Tate’s “Laura” character. “No,” Lord whatsit kept replying, it’s fine, it was just not the right power to use in this case. “But can it abused”? No, it’s- “But can it be abused, though?”
Having exhausted that line of questioning, she tried a different tack: “But is it right” that there’s a law which allows the authorities to detain someone like this. Yes, it’s fine, she was told, the law itself is sound.
“What about oversight of this law?”
And so on. It was almost as if she didn’t even hear her guest telling her that in his opinion the law had been misused and was instead just pushing the agenda that the law itself was wrong. A golden opportunity missed simply because the BBC had an agenda to push and wasn’t paying attention.
‘“What about oversight of this law?”
Brave, given the oversight systems currently in place on her own employer that could well be looking at an overhaul, and in ways and by people she may not be so thrilled about.
The BBC can swat away an op-ed by a rival’s correspondent with ease, but the top comments (esp. regarding the obligatory ‘envy of the world’ weasel) must by now be biting.
What is the bloody point of The Jeremy Vine show on Radio 2? (this week with the insufferable Vanessa Phelps).
The show consists of four 30min topics, the same topics that were covered earlier in the day on 5Live, 10 minutes of ‘experts’ with a lefty slant, 3 records which then leaves 7-8 minutes for the public to have their say with carefully selected callers and texters who are often the same individuals giving their view on various subjects.
A pointless 2 hours of radio.
Vine ex Newsnight, a champagne socialist who loves Morrissey and enjoys taking the rise out of Judith Keppel on EggHeads because she’s well bred….
Goeff, I think you’ll find you’ve answered your own question.
BBC News Channel still pushing the Narrative that temporarily releasing Mubarak while some legal proceedings about a corruption charge are still going is a clear sign that the Arab Spring has been “rolled back”. They’re not putting him back in charge, are they?
This isn’t about mass murder or anything like other Mohammedan dictators had against them, and apparently Egyptian law allows for him to be released while the proceedings continue to the next stage. Yet the BBC is acting as if Hitler has been set free and allowed to retire to live in a nice mansion on the French Riviera. How is following the rule of law (legal stuff still going on, nobody says he’s free and clear) “turning the clock back”?
Right in the middle of the new BBC business correspondent’s explanation of why the UK Government has a deficit of £62 million and will have to borrow again was an admission that spending increased by £885 million. The deficit is embarrassing for the Government, we’re told, and they reran part of a segment where a Treasury mouthpiece explained that some of the spending was a holdover and wasn’t part of the regular spending during this period (or something along those lines – outside noise made it difficult to hear the whole thing).
Falling 7% short on tax revenue for the quarter is embarrassing, but ramping up spending when they’re supposed to be saving isn’t? What happened to austerity and all of Osborne’s awful cutz? Are the Beeboids really that biased that they don’t think it’s a problem and instead think the problem is the shortfall in tax receipts? Yes, it seems so.
The funny thing is that there haven’t really been any cuts. Britain would have been razed to the ground by now by our caring public sector workers if so.
At last, an impartial Beeboid on the News Channel challenging some female MB mouthpiece whining about how Mubarak’s release means it’s a return of the dictatorship. It’s a gentle challenge, but it’s refreshing to hear after all the rest of the BBC noise about how it’s a sign that the Arab Spring is dead.
The fact that the MB mouthpiece is stating exactly the perspective from which the BBC has been approaching the issue tells me all I need to know about their bias.
Not too long ago I remember a radio 4 program about corruption amongst Pakistani Police officers, and giving the distinct impression that the Police were unfairly picking on these officers and singling them out on the basis of their race.
Of course this was the BBC at its lying best, nothing could be further from the truth, and the reality is that Pakistani Muslim Police officers are in fact 10 times more likely to be criminally corrupt than their white counterparts.
Cue the shock horror and cries of Waycism !
Well that’s exactly what happened when a report into this was delivered by the Met. The problem is that the report was written by an ‘Asian’ Chief Inspector making the chances of a claim of ‘Waycism’ much more difficult to substantiate.
It didn’t stop the cries of horror however, Waycism is a meaningless word, whose only realistic definition is a word which means what ever the user want it to mean at the time they use it!
This was reported in the Grauniad – so it must be right! I’ll give a link to it, but there are plenty of other sources if you want to do your own further research.
More Islamic propaganda… the BBC is pleased to report Hispanics in the states are turning to Islam… Huzzah… no actual numbers of course. And it looks like the sort of story that you have to seek to find, in other words you start with what you want to say.
I don’t think the BBC has given a fair voice to the anti-fracking protestors at Balcombe. Too much emphasis on nobs like Caroline Lucas, not enough is being heard from the poor-bloody- infantry level :
I can’t imagine why the BBC does not run these sorts of inteviews, to let us see the intellectual force of the ant-frackers’ arguments.
One could deconstruct the, ahem, arguments, put forward by the protestors but that would be dignifying their insane dribble with something approaching dignity.
Suffice to say they are a bunch of filthy, work shy, sheep botherers who use petrol, drink Coca-Cola and talk so much shite they could use it to fuel the country!
What a bunch of colossal arseholes!!!
Hey, leave my sheep out of it mate!
INBBC’s ‘Entertainment and Arts’ page (sic):-
“Islamic TV channel fined £85,000 for inciting violence.”
Is this Islamic answer given on the Islamic TV channel, and the source of the fine, incorrect?:-
“Presenter Allama Muhammad Farooq Nizami answered questions from viewers around the world about a wide range of issues relating to Islam.
“One caller asked what the punishment was for anyone showing disrespect for Prophet Muhammad.
“Nizami answered that ‘there is no disagreement about this. There is absolutely no doubt about it that the punishment for the person who shows disrespect for the Prophet is death.’
“He also justified the actions of Mumtaz Qadri – the bodyguard who assassinated the Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer in 2011, on the grounds that he objected to Mr Taseer’s calls to amend the country’s controversial blasphemy law.
So what overall message can be drawn from all this:-
The U.K must have all these Islamic satellite TV channels, but the version of Islam they put out must not be accurate about the tenets of Islam?
“But it stopped short of revoking the channel’s licence.”
What exactly would an Islamic TV/radio channel
(Remember ‘Sister Ruby on Fever FM?-
have to do to get its licence revoked? Pay a bounty perhaps
I’ll try that link again for those who have forgotten already
Here’s a news story that most people will welcome, entitled ‘Fraud crackdown ”saved £6.5bn this year”.’
I wonder if the BBC will cover it?
“The BBC’s groupthink on immigration stinks.
“The corporation has for too long ignored public opinion on multiculturalism, sticking instead to liberal orthodoxies.”
By Peter Whittle.
The BBC tells us that Churchill’s wartime speeches didn’t always inspire:
I wonder when or if we’ll ever get an article from them about Obama’s ‘gift’ for oration being a similarly mythological construct.
Reluctantly, BBC-Democrat returns to reporting the case of Muslim Major Hasan and Fort Hood massacre.
(BBC-Democrat euphemistically decribed Hasan as ‘gunman’.)
Two reports:-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Fort Hood jihad mass murderer offers no defense”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“He has admitted his guilt all along, so the whole trial is an extended farce and waste of taxpayer money. It is good that we are at least spared more jihadi rants, although they would have been further illuminating of his motive for a government and media establishment that appears determined to ignore and deny that motive.”
2.) BBC-Democrat:-
“Fort Hood gunman Maj Hasan rests case without witnesses”
“Fort Hood jihad murderer warned long before murders that if Army deployed him overseas, ‘They will pay.'”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“No one dared report him, however. To have done so would have been ‘Islamophobic.’ He told them what would happen, and Hamas-linked CAIR and others like it made sure they would refuse to listen.”
Here’s an interesting little site. It has a list of Common Purpose graduates. If you search for ‘bbc’ there’s nearly 200 graduates of CP working for the BBC:
And presumably they’re the ones who make this information public.
“Common Purpose at the heart of the Conservative party.”
“Common Purpose infects all mainstream political parties including the Conservatives. The diagram below shows the influence of Common Purpose to the top of the Conservative party with key figures such as David Cameron, Francis Maude and Chris Patten. The diagram also shows the incestuous CP links to Sir Bob Kerslake, Head of the Civil Service and the BBC.”
Thanks, Alby. You’ll be discovering gravity next. By the way, have you ever noticed that the Islamic for Allah looks like the Loch Ness monster?
Beyond further reinforcing a non-democratically-elected force pervading the corridors of power, this is what to do with BBC Bias? The notional party affiliations are surely secondary to deeper ideological beliefs that transcend these?
‘The diagram also shows the incestuous CP links to Sir Bob Kerslake, Head of the Civil Service and the BBC.’
Actually, looking at it, given the degree of CP representation and most Conservative member’s default dismissal of any BBC criticism beyond vague whinges, such a relationship does bear sharing too. Thank you.
Spot the difference in coverage: [limited views to the Telegraph, then paywalled]
I wonder if the BBC will mention the taxi driver’s name in their coverage of this story (Faysal Kabir Himon) or they will instead stick to past form and label him a ‘man’.
Turns out he also sent a cyclist flying, was not authorised to drive taxi, and has 7 driving fines and penalties since April 2010.
Its a shame he won’t get sharia justice for what he did – a leg for a leg and all that.
INBBC has more GITMO.
INBBC, yet another article on behalf of its Gitmo chums, whom it wants out to joint the ‘left-Islam’ political alliance, or to be jihad recidivists?
INBBC tone of voice on the following story:-
‘nah, this couldn’t be true of our iconic men in Gitmo’-
“Guantanamo Fifty Shades of Grey claim denied by lawyer”
By Tara McKelvey*
INBBC News, Guantanamo Bay
(* So, let me get this picture right:
INBBC has sent Ms McKelvey to Gitmo, Cuba to read/re-read ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ and to ask the Gitmo detainees’ lawyer whether they have been reading the book too?
While she’s there, here’s another story she could be asking about too, on behalf of the Gitmo detainees:-
“9/11 jihad plotter rants about withheld olives, honey in Guantanamo meals”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“It’s a form of psychological torture! Deploy the human rights lawyers! Clive Stafford-Smith, call your office! And send out for some olives and honey for Ramzi.”
What, the Radio Times reporting an anti-American protest by a BBC actor?
Shurely not…
You are obviously not aware that the Radio Times is not published by the BBC.
“Private equity firm Exponent to take over 34 titles including Top Gear, Radio Times and Gardeners’ World”
Here’s Beeboid Ms McKelvey* again, writing on behalf of the convicted Bradley Manning:
“Bradley Manning’s disrupted family life”
By Tara McKelvey
BBC News Magazine.
* Did Beeboid Ms McKelvey write the above article on behalf of Manning during at her stay at Guantanamo Bay, where she wrote another article today on behalf of Gitmo detainees? -Well done, Beeboid Ms McKelvey- you may be mentioned in dispatches; articles sympathetic to Gitmo detainees, and to and Manning in one day-I can see you zooming up the career ladder at BBC or Al Jazeera.
* Ms McKelvey’s ’50 Shades of Grey and Gitmo’-see my 9:03 Comment above.