The BBC have come up with a new and ingenious angle to tackle the government’s claims of signs of economic growth.
The BBC will grudgingly admit that, yes, there may well be green shoots appearing but only in certain industries…and it’s the sunny weather, the wrong sort of consumer buying…bangers, BBQs and bikinis…it’s not sustainable.
But look….the growth, what there is of it, is all in a tiny little well heeled harbour of the sunny South…the North is desolate…the North has disease, deprivation and desperation stalking the land.
The North South divide has become a chasm as the South plunges ahead reaping all the rewards leaving its Northern stable mate to its whippets and pigeons.
Julian Worricker asks if there really is a recovery…how do you feel about it?
The overall tone from the ‘adults’ is negative…the recovery is built on dodgy foundations…needless to say the BBC have the Marxist Resolution Foundation in as a witness….remember them…who wanted us to work 20 hours a week…how would you survive on the wages?…no problem….double the rate of pay.
A caller from North Yorkshire claims there’s ‘Looking on line there’s no jobs…they’re all in the South….nothing up here, they’ve forgotten all about us.’
Worricker agreed…it only confirms what we’ve said about the North South divide he claims.
Except that’s rubbish.
Look on-line and there are loads of jobs oop North…of all levels from basic labouring to high flying execs….and the economy isn’t exactly stagnating there either:
Figures released today by the Office for National Statistics have shown a 0.2% decrease in unemployment in Yorkshire in the last three months.
Not only does this indicate a short-term change in the economic climate of the region, but the 0.6% decrease over the past year could represent the long-term recovery of both Yorkshire and the rest of the UK after the prolonged financial struggles the country has faced.
Continued Improvement
Responding to the figures, Yorkshire’s Regional Manager of, Gary Reilly, said that the fall in unemployment would continue over the next year.
“With the UK economy stabilising, employers in the region are more willing to invest in improving skills in the labour market with apprenticeships and work-based learning.
When a caller said he was doing well and finding success Worricker suggested that perhaps that was just his personal experience…he’d found a way through the gaps in the system…it wasn’t like that for everyone….it’s just your personal circumstances from which you can’t infer and apply any general conclusions to the whole.
Funny how anyone saying things were terrible didn’t get the same sort of treatment.
It’s a recovery but it’s not.
The far-left has always taken it upon itself to promote itself as somehow being the ‘protector’ of people who often don’t need protecting and in many instances don’t deserve sympathy either. Whether it’s condescending men like Paul Mason talking about poor, powerless women getting abused on Twitter (while ignoring all the men abused online and the female abusers), middle-class white champagne socialists singing the praises of open door immigration or Islamification knowing they won’t ever have to deal with the negative consequences, people saying ‘disabled’ should be a politically incorrect term while smugly calling disabled people “brave,” or Southerners wanting to throw those impotent, useless Northerners a bone every once in a while, the reason is always the same. It’s not just self-loathing guilt, although that’s a large part of it – it’s the pathological necessity of these people to see themselves as a revolutionary, and their unintentional but blatantly obvious condescension towards the same people they think they’re defending to assume that they’re so weak and powerless that they need defending in the first place.
These ‘victims,’ by the by, do not want some snivelling white male tosser from Islington talking about how bad they’ve got it and how we all owe it to them to give them a leg up. They don’t want to be put on a pedestal, and those that do are usually sexist/racist/in other way prejudiced themselves. Most of them just want equal respect and for this to not even be a discussion. Cunts like Paul Mason are a liability to journalism, women, and liberalism.
the North is desolate…the North has disease, deprivation and desperation stalking the land.
The North South divide has become a chasm as the South plunges ahead reaping all the rewards leaving its Northern stable mate to its whippets and pigeons.
LOL, wonderful hyperbole.
BBC doom and gloom. They ask ‘is there really a recovery?’ but fail to ask is/was there really a recession?!
Luxury! When I were a lad we were so poor that we had to eat all t’ whippets and pigeons.
But of course it is a recession!
I had to spend my weekend on the same yacht I bought 2 years ago!
There are jobs available up North, but in order to obtain that information it would require getting out of bed, walking to the Newsagents and buying the relevant Newspaper all of which constitutes huge hardship and breaches a person’s human right to do f**k all to help themselves.
Aye, but thas fergettin, it’s cowd owtside up’ere. It ne’er gits abuv feezin even in’t summer and tere’s allus’t snow ont’ grownd. Tha’s got stay in’t bed to keep warm so tha can’t expect us goo out to work, we’s cud git th’frostbitten.
On second thowts, that meet not bi aw that bad, tha’ gits moor on’t sick than on’t dole.
If anybody needs a translation I’ll do my best to give one.
Very good !!!
Miliband was on the BBC a few days ago, triangulating with the BBC their doom and gloom message when he said, ‘the government have claimed to have fixed the economy’
When did the government say that exactly? Where is the evidence? The Government have talked about signs that the economy is healing, but fixed?
Did the BBC interviewer challenge Miliband? Did they (as they would IDS or any other Tory) belittle or ridicule his assertion or call him out as a liar. Of course not. This is Labour’s BBC, their personal property.
BBC TV news at lunchtime made much of the Government over borrowing figures that showed a slight increase but made no mention of manufacturing orders which had increased, this item was buried on their website under Business about six items down. I wonder why?
Did they give a health warning about the Revolution Foundation, or was Rule #1 in effect?